------------------------- R E A D M E --------------------- INTRODUCTION This package allows for the building of a wish binary called "dlwish", which contains one additional command, load. The load command can be used to incorporate a Tcl/Tk library which has been dynamically linked, and follows a certain format. See the load manual page for more details. Dlwish is a spinoff of the original shells program written by Alessandro Bollini (bollini@ipvvis.unipv.it). The bulk of the credit for this software package is his, I just organized things a bit and added support for more platforms. INSTALLING Dlwish has been tested with tcl7.3 and tk3.6. It may work with earlier versions, but I haven't tried it so I cannot make any guarantees. To install dlwish for your OS, copy the corrosponding makefile into ./Makefile, then customize it to suit your particular environment. Hopefully customizing the makefile will only require changing the defines indicating where to find the Tcl/Tk library and include files, but I cannot promise this will be the case. The following operating systems are now supported by this package : SunOS 4.1.X Solaris 2.X HP/UX 9.X OSF 1.X Once you have modified the Makefile to suit your site, just type make. Two things should be compiled, the first being the dlwish binary, and the second being testlib. Testlib is a very small shared library module used to test dlwish's load command. To test dlwish, simply run the following command : dlwish -f ./testscript.tcl You should see a window come up with two buttons on it. One for testing a Tcl-only function and another for testing a Tk procedure. If the test is successfull, these two procedures will have been loaded in dynamically from the "testlib" shared library, and the buttons will perform their respective tasks. The Tcl button should print out a more or less random number, but it will be the same everytime you run it because I didn't bother to seed the random number generator. The Tk button should change the cursor to a watch for about 2 seconds, and then return control to the user. If both of these buttons perform as described, then dlwish is working properly. If you have problems getting this to work for your OS, please let me know and I'll try and help. And of course if you get things to work for a different platform, I'd be interested in hearing about it. -Michael Moore (mdm@cis.ohio-state.edu)