This is the alpha test version of my tk graphics widget package for the VOGLE graphics library is available for ftp from the tcl archive at gdocs.tar.Z - documents , postscript and latex src tclvogle.tar.Z - src for tclvogle and the vogle c library It's still kinda rough around the edges. No doubt you will have to tinker a tiny bit with the top level Makefiles if your system is not configured like mine. I've only used it on sparcstations with openwindows. Soon I will be using it on HP PA-RISC machines too. It should be fairly portable. Once you get the library libvogle.a and tclvogle src built just place in your application the global declaration : : Tk_Window MainWindow; : : Then in your application wherever you call Tk_CreateMainwindow() do something like.. : : extern Tk_Window MainWindow; : MainWindow = Tk_CreateMainWindow(interp, (char *) NULL, name); init_vogleCmds(interp); : : There are some other tcl extension packages too in the tclvogle package that you may find useful. To use them add into your applciation. : init_mathCmds(interp); init_stringCmds(interp); : Some of the demos use these extensions so to run all the demos you will want to include these extra extensions. Due to the fact that vogle and tclvogle/Tk are interdependent on one another when you link your application you may have to do something like. -lyourLibrarys -ltclvogle -lvogle -ltclvogle -lTk -ltcl -lX11 -lm As part of you applications linking command in order to resolve all symbols for your application. This is distasteful, but it allows the tclvogle src directory to stay simple and not have to divide it's object files between different libraries. Alternatively you could just alter the various makefiles to install the tk tclvogle and vogle module all into one library and avoid the the problem entirely. Once you've recompiled your application, you should then be able to try out the example scripts in the tclvogle/eg/ directory Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, comments, bug fixes, etcetera.. mike hoegeman ,