tkMovie alpha version, March, 1995 (c) tkMovie-0.01A.tar.gz tkMovie is an extention to tk which provides a movie widget to display and manipulate mpeg video streams in tk by providing a new tk command movie. The movie widget has the following commands ;- play : The play command takes an optional argument to specify how many frames of the mpeg to play. If specified with no options this command will play one frame. If the number specifed is greater than the number of frames available and the loop option is not set the mpeg will play to the end leaving the last frame on display otherwise wrap round will occur. example .mymovie play # plays 1 frame .mymovie play 25 # plays 25 frames rewind : This will rewind the mpeg to the start and display the first frame. framenumber : This will return the current framenumber. The movie widget takes the following configure options ;- -file : This is used to specify the mpeg file to read. This is NEEDED when you use the movie command (at the mo) -dither : This can set the dither that will be used when displaying the mpeg. This defaults to ordered2. The dither can be specified at startup or at any other time. valid dithers are ordered ordered2 mbordered fs4 fs2 fs2fast hybrid hybrid2 2x2 gray color none mono threshold. (Note. threshold, color, none, mono. dont work properly yet. also if you change the dither while running you leak a bit of the memory. It is an alpha !) -loop : This takes any boolean value as as its parameter to specify what should happen when the movie gets to the last frame. It defaults to false so that the movie stops leaving the last available frame displayed. If set to true wrap round occurs. -relief, -bd etc and must standard tk configure options. Acknowledgements and copyrights =============================== see COPYRIGHT. tkMovie is based on the excellent mpeg_play produced at berkeley by Lawrence Rowe , Ketan Patel and Brain Smith. It also uses a much modified version of mpeg_lib by Greg Ward ( though not much is left of this. These code fragments have their own copyrights included with the source. Sorry to Greg and berkeley crew for making such a mess of their code. P.S === My home page is I may put some stuff on there soon. Please mail if you use tkMovie have comments, bug reports etc. P.P.S I'm a final year undergraduate and I'm currently looking for a job ;> ===========================================================================