Notes on text widget: The text widget is a hacked up entry widget. Much of the entry man page applies, with the following changes and additions: added the following options to configure: -height requested height of the widget (in lines) -xscrollcommand updates horizontal scrollbar -yscrollcommand updates vertical scrollbar -wrapmode one of none, char, word or fixed. fixed means wrap on characters based on the user supplied width even if the width of the window changes. added following widget commands: yview takes a lines number as argument. positions line at the top of the window. xview takes an integer which specifies a horizontal offset. Used for horizontal scrolling. Units are 1/8 of the width of a tab (there is a logical reason for this, I think). edit takes a variety of editing commands. (incomplete) other changes: the @ option for mapping the pointer to a text position takes both x and y coordinates as @x,y known problems: there is one case where word wrapping doesn't work exactly right. could reclaim some memory when lines are shortened. the cursor isn't always on the right line. selecting to the bottom of the window will pick up the next line. Additional notes for version 2.0: Horizontal scrolling now works. Scanning now works. Incorporated bug fixes from Sean Levy. The scroll command parameter names have changed to be consistent with tk 2.0. The viewline widget command option has been renamed yview, also for consistency.