DOC "README" { ------------- -- obTcl -- ------------- v0.56 18/2/96 Description ----------- `obTcl' is a pure-Tcl object- and Megawidget-extension. No binary extensions are needed. The system supports multiple inheritance and three new storage classes. Efficiency is obtained through method- resolution caching. The distribution comes with a demo which demonstrates some useful mega-widgets; among others a Tab widget (a.k.a Notebook widget), and a paned-window widget. The demo also contains a system for reading the obTcl documentation. The mega-widget support allows creation of mega-widgets which handle like ordinary Tk-widgets; i.e can be "packed", "deleted", "placed" etc, intermixed with ordinary Tk-widgets. obTcl provides instance variables and class variables. Two types of class class variables are provided: definition- class scoped, and instance-class scoped. Pronunciation: `obTcl' sounds like "optical". !! NEWS !! ---------- * The entire obTcl package may now be fully auto-loaded. Simply append the installation directory to `auto_path' (see the Tcl manpages for how to auto-load packages). * A dynamically loadable performance booster is now included. After it has been loaded, performance is radically increased for certain common obTcl operations, such as declaring variables and invoking methods. It works with Tcl7.5/Tk4.1. The booster will eventually be automatically loadable, with version control and all, once I get time to fix it. * The PanedWindow widget has been improved to allow for non auto-resizing sections. To try it out ------------- First unzip and untar the distribution file. Then cd to "obTcl-*", and try one of: ./demo wish ./demo Installation ------------ The obTcl directory may be placed anywhere, and appending its location to the `auto_path' variable gives access to all obTcl's features. If you want to use the binary booster library, you may need to edit the Makefile (LD_SHARED and TCL_INCL). The current Makefile was made for Linux. After editing Makefile use "make lib" to create the booster library. This library needs wish4.1 to load. Once has been created, try: > wish4.1 % load ./ obtcl % source demo Load the library _before_ sourcing the rest of the tcl-code (you don't have to, but all objects created before the module is loaded will be slower)! Please mail me any changes that were required to compile the library on different platforms! Autoloading of the binary booster library can be handled, but it isn't at the moment. obTcl can be run in separate interpreters in wish4.1. A separate load-command may be issued in each interpreter to enable the speed booster. Files ----- Demo: demo - Starts a demo. Requires wish4.0 or later. wrap - Part of the demo. docs - Part of the demo. tabs - Part of the demo. panedw - Part of the demo. Object system: obtcl.tcl - Main file for object system (it sources the three files listed below). inherit.tcl - Inheritance related code base.tcl - Definitions for the Base and Widget classes utils.tcl - Utilities. Debugger, simple help/doc system, etc. obtcl.c - Implements the performace booster library. - Created from obtcl.c ("make lib"). Load into wish4.1 for performace boost. Mega widgets: Tabs.tcl - Also known as a notebook widget. ScrText.tcl - Text with scrollbars and touched-up layout. PanedW.tcl - Paned window widget Layout.tcl - Experimental geometry manager. TkManText.tcl - Widget for reading tkman formatted text. Misc: Makefile - Makes crunched version of obTcl, etc. tcl_cruncher/* - A package for stripping tcl files. crunch_spec skip.awk - Used when creating a crunched obTcl. test.tst - Tests some aspects of obTcl. Documentation COPYRIGHT - Describes conditions for usage. README - This file. obTcl.* - Manual pages of various formatting. Plans ----- Proper manpages, or improved DOC system (which should combine in-code readability with pretty-rendering in the help system). Less sloppy Makefile. More classes: standard-look geometry managers, focus/keyboard-traversal manager, file selector, combo box, etc. Automated regression testing. General streamlining (of course). Why use a pure-Tcl OO-extension? -------------------------------- o It does not require any binary modules, so it runs on a vanilla `wish' or `tclsh'. One advantage of this is: no "warehouse" of extension modules for different systems is required (avoiding the usual re-porting of these after a change). Shortly: if wish/tclsh runs, `obTcl' runs. o It can run in safe-Tcl o Having a small core with very powerful basic capabilities (wish), allows extensions to be expressed in terms of the core functionality. This saves internet bandwidth, and allows safe execution of untrusted code, provided that the core is certified. In comparison, each binary extension must be certified as safe separately. o Moving in this direction helps identifying a small set of useful additions to the core Tcl -additions which facilitates building higher-level Tcl-extensions efficiently. Availability ------------ Primary location: Copyright --------- Copyright (C) 1995 DynaSoft AB. The copyrights are very similar to those of Tcl/Tk. See the file COPYRIGHT for copyright information. Author ------ Please direct comments, ideas, complaints, etc. to: Patrik Floding DynaSoft AB NON SQUASHED BUGS ----------------- Tabs may not look nice on monochrome displays. In general, the mega-widgets provided are mostly provided as examples (they should really be more complete). Also, as the version number indicates, some needed functionality may be lacking from obTcl. Below is a list of bugs that have been reported to me, but I am unable to fix since I cannot reproduce the behaviour. If you stumble on this bug and know your Tcl/Tk, feel free to fix the problem and mail me a patch :-) (please state for which version of obTcl the patch has been made). 001 The demo may generate random Kanji-text on wish'es which has support for Kanji. 002 The paned-window handle is not properly managed on some systems (under olwm?), thus generating error messages. 003 The demo failed to start the Tk "widget" demo. CHANGELOG --------- 0.56 18/2/96 Added obtcl.tcl to tclIndex for full auto-load. Added obtcl.c - A performance boosting loadable module. Added script `obtcl_mkindex' to allow packages that depend on obTcl to easily make their own index files. Changed demo script to load tabs on demand - gives quicker startup. Alpha-state additions to the PanedWindow widget - allows "static" panes (panes that don't resize automatically). 0.54 17/12/95 Moved some previously hard-coded methods into the Base class. Added the prefix "ot" to (almost) all internally used procs. Added a simple test script. Beautified the demo's front page. 0.53 16/12/95 Added auto-load support for classes, similar to suggestion from John Robert LoVerso . Auto load is performed lazily; when inheritance resolution requires it. This is mainly to preserve the ability for arbitrary class definition order (which can be useful in many situations). A non-lazy mode may be added later for better error catching. 0.52 5/12/95 The original public release. }