In response to a couple of inquiries about problems building the integrated release sources, here are a few late breaking notes to help you: PROBLEM: Expect-5.20 tries to run autoconf, and I don't have it. SOLUTION: It shouldn't be trying to. This is due to my checking in changes to after configure. You should touch configure, to make its datestamp later. (A new tar file has been put out that has had this done.) PROBLEM: On linux, it needs getcfspeed. SOLUTION: Add -lbsd (if you have it) to the load libraries. PROBLEM: On linux, the clock test fails, AM vs. PM. SOLUTION: This is a bug in your strftime C library routine. Get a newer C library without the bug (sorry, this might not be much help, but at least you know why you've got the problem). PROBLEM: On linux, I attempt to configure and build and get lots of problems. Configure devines a target of i686-unknown-none. SOLUTION: use --target=i586-unknown-linux in your configure command. --target=i686-unknown-linux should work as well.