Nov 02 1997: public release 0.7

Aug 22 1997: minor public release 0.6.2

- updated country database (some phonecodes have changed)
- finnish translation (thanks to Jarmo Karvonen )
- swedish translation (thanks to Peter Antman)
- italian translation (thanks to Andrea Borgia )

May 02 1996: minor public release 0.6.1

- mktable program contributed by Martin Paul for better
  printing (in the contrib directory)
- updated manual
- new searchmode caseinsensitive regexp
- bugfix selection in listbox
- fonts and color configurable
- start as icon with -iconic
- iconbitmap added
- texconvert: _ to \_ and ^ to \^
- option for not showing the ABC and action buttons

Mar 22 1996: public release 0.6

- bugfix in global preferences

Mar 17 1996: test release 0.5.8

- documentation now in HTML and in ASCII
- bugfixes in address.perl
- bugfixes with file locking

Mar 12 1996: test release 0.5.7

- file locking: only the first person gets write access
  (related options: lockbydefault, nolocking)
- added debuggingoutput (call with -debug 'level'; 1 <= level <= 4)
- printing with canvas works a little bit
- state field for US users (see sample/addresses_usa.dat)
- added a second command line program written in awk. This is not
  installed by default, but are welcome to try it.

Feb 02 1996: test release 0.5.6

Changes from 0.5.5 to 0.5.6

- export works
- included dutch translation (thanks to Andre Koster )
- beginning of printing with a canvas (doesn't work yet)

Jan 24 1996: internal release 0.5.5

Changes from 0.5.4 to 0.5.5

- little better printing (use of mpage instead of a2ps for postscript)
- latex user defined printing
  (to use it, define the variables userhead and usertail with the latex
  code which comes before and after the addresses in your configfile)  
- export addresses
- new countries added in countrydatabase 
- saving of global preferences

Dec 11 1995: test release 0.5.4

Changes from 0.5.3 to 0.5.4

- bugfixes

Nov 29 1995: internal release 0.5.3

Changes from 0.5 to 0.5.3:

- selection after a search remains there. You can select and unselect
  entries by doubleclick. Will be used for printing.
- confirmwindow on each operation is configurable
  (configoption: confirm, confirmdelete)
- undo button to undo the last add delete or update operation
- sorting is independant from the listboxentries
  (in the .fmt file: listboxentry1 / 2  and sort1 / 2)
  if the sort is omitted, the listboxentry becomes sortingcriteria
- added www button, if you use www field
- fast loading of up to 3 addressfiles. You have to define in your 
  configfile adrfile1 / 2 / 3 for the filename of the database and 
  adrfile1alias (and 2, 3) for a name that appears in the menu.
- many new predefined fieldnames (see samples/addresses_overload.dat)
- every predefined fieldname can be doubled (street -> street2)
- support for more languages (probably dutch, spanish 
  if the translators help me)
- reordered countrydatabasefile to support more languages and added
  a field for the ISO countrycode for future use.
- bugfix in fileselectionbox for loading
- completely bilingual for use with tk4.0 or tk3.6
- bindings conform to tk4.0
- cut & paste works for tk3.6 again
- contrib directory and a simple birthday reminder in it.
May 28 1995: public release of addressbook-0.5

Changes from 0.4 to 0.5:

- many bugfixes
- some support for printing lists
- support for tcl7.4/tk4.0
- deleting addresses is possible
- little test and installationscript
- user defined fields
- much more, I don't remember any more :-)

Apr 03 1995: public release of addressbook-0.4 (first public release)