------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBB The Check Book Balancer Written by Curtis Olson (curt@sledge.mn.org) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest version of CBB is always available at: ftp://ftp.me.umn.edu/pub/finance/cbb-latest.tar.gz Note, this program requires specifically: perl5 or later and tk4.0 or later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBB is a personal check book balancing utility for Unix/X. CBB is intended to be an open, extensible program. It utilizes a simple (tab delimited) data file format and is written entirely in Tcl/Tk and Perl and contains no compiled code. It provides a simple interface for users to add their own reports, graphs, and external modules without having to modify any of the CBB source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE This notice is for users of any pre-0.60a versions who are upgrading!! As of version 0.60a, the data file formats have changed again. Data is now saved in an ascii format. The conversion procedure is fairly straightforward. Follow the directions in the manual for migrating your data. A script to do the migration is provided in the contrib directory. Specific directions for this procedure can be found in cbb-man.tex (a LaTeX2e manual) or online under the Help menu. Note, as of version 0.62a, dbm support has been dropped. NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE==WARNING==NOTICE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a summary of some of the more interesting features: - Ability to create, edit and delete transactions. Automatically calculates the running balance. - Many input accelerators will save data entry work. For instance, the + and - keys will increment and decrement the value in the date and check number fields. Transactions will be automatically completed by typing the first few characters of the description and pressing . The rest of the transaction will be filled in from a matching transaction. - Ability to split the value of a transaction across multiple categories. - Each transaction is assigned a category. - Able to undo the last transaction insert, edit, or delete. - Handles multiple accounts. - Handles transfers between accounts. - Balancing: Ability to enter a statement starting/ending balance, select uncleared transactions, verify start balance + transactions = end balance, then clear all selected transactions. - Contains a simple interface for external "user written" reports and graphs. - Ability to import from and export to the Quicken export file format. This feature has not been extensively tested, but should provide the ability to move back and forth freely between Quicken and CBB. - Extensive reference manual is available in LaTeX, dvi, postscript, or online locally in html format. The manual is also available via: http://www.menet.umn.edu/~clolson/cbb/ - Requires tk4.0 or higher. - Comes with a moderately intelligent installation script. - Able to fetch and install the latest version of itself. - Added a contrib directory with several useful scripts and tools. Please see the reference manual and browse this directory for details. - Ability to handle recurring transactions. One of the contributed scripts add this functionality Other more specific features include: - Transactions are drawn in red when the balance drops below zero. - Auto high lighting of an entry fields when tabbing into them. - Support for the international date format. i.e. 30/01/68 - An "auto save" function for ASCII format data files. (This can save your butt when your wife logs you out without asking. I should have never given her an account ... she has too many friends with e-mail access. :-) - The current X selection can now be pasted into any entry field. Likewise a selected piece of text in CBB can be pasted into other X apps. - Check #'s longer than 5 digits can now be handled. - A file named ~/.cbbrc.tcl is used to store user preferences. This file is source'd when CBB is invoked. - CBB now defaults to an ascii data file format. Please see the reference manual for a more detailed explanation. - pseudo-globbing (~ & ~user) is understood by install script when specifying paths. - Logging of edit sessions. Theoretically if the account file is corrupted, it could be reconstructed from the log. - Dates are represented by four digits instead of two. This means CBB will break in the year 10000, not in the year 2000. Areas for growth (known deficiencies): - Performance could be much better in many areas. - I'm still learning tk, so not everything is perfect. - There are tons of features that need to be added. (This covers just about everything else.) Planned features (future work) - Better interactive category editor ... the current facilities, while functional, are lacking. - Generate more reports & graphs. - Work on increasing performance. - A more sophisticated multilevel undo? Things that would be nice but are far in the future (probably) - Ability to manage budgets. - Ability to handle investment accounts - Double accounting ??? - ??? ... The possibilities are endless :) PREREQUISITES ============= Tcl7.4 & Tk4.0 are available via anonymous ftp from: ftp://ftp.smli.com/pub/tcl/ Note, the Tcl FAQ has a list of mirror sites. You can read the FAQ online at: http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/tcl-faq/top.html Perl is available via anonymous ftp from: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/perl-5.xxx.tar.gz ftp.cs.umn.edu:/pub/gnu/perl-5.xxx.tar.gz INSTALLATION ============ Type "make install" Answer the questions. Let me know what you think!!! Thanks, Curt. -- Curtis Olson E-mail: curt@sledge.mn.org Try Linux! WWW: http://www.menet.umn.edu/~clolson