This is apptalk v1.0b1 Copyright (c) 1996, Healthcare Communications, Inc All Rights Reserved See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. Send comments to You will find the following files in this directory: README - this file license.terms - licensing information apptalk.tcl - the apptalk code apptalk.pod - the apptalk man page in perlpod format apptalk.3 - apptalk.pod, formatted as a man page apptalk.html - apptalk.pod, formatted in html hello.tcl - the quintessential "hello, world!" program that has been made "apptalk-aware" Installation Instructions: apptalk is implemented in a single file. Simply arrange for it to be loaded into any application that uses it, either via auto-loading, the source command, or included directly in the application's file. What is apptalk? apptalk is tcl based front-end to tk's built-in send command (or any other communication mechanism that has a syntax that can be mapped to the syntax of the send command). The apptalk code is *not* an end-user program, but rather is intended to enable application developers to add simple cross-application communication to a program or suite of programs, (almost) hassle-free. Put another way, apptalk allows you, the application developer, to put a scriptable interface on your application. Without having to publish widget paths or global variables, you can still provide access to internal routines through a public API. When the code changes (for example, reorganizing the widgets) you only have to update the API, and any program that references it will continue to work. Why use it? apptalk removes some of the tedium associated with setting up communication between two or more tk based applications. Plus, it provides a layer of abstraction between the programs. One can provide a public interface to an application without having to publish widget paths, global variables on so on. A philosophical example: Imagine a fictitious application named "tkwebbrowser", a program which can fetch and display HTML. Some other application that has it's documentation in html format could request tkwebbrowser to display that documentation with the following short piece of code: apptalk connect tkwebbrowser @tkwebbrowser fetch $some_url @tkwebbrowser popup If tkwebbrowser is already running it will load the requested document and make sure it is deiconified. If it is not running it will be started automatically, then the requested document will be fetched. No muss, no fuss. Imagine now if tkmailreader, tktextedit and tknewsreader (all fictional apps...) were all apptalk enabled. They could all talk to each other, sharing information and requesting services of each other, all without each program having to know internal widget paths and functions of the others. New releases of the apps could come and go, but as long as the apptalk commands haven't changed (though their *implementation* could change dramatically), the other programs wouldn't have to be updated to continue to communicate. Features: * servers (ie: apptalk-enabled applications) are referenced by logical names instead of the internal tk application names, so clients (applications which makes requests to a server) don't have to be concerned with the fact a server's tk id is "foo" or "foo #2". * servers can automatically be started by a client on an as-needed basis, or an already running server can be detected and automatically "attached" to the client. Once "attached", the connection remains until one of the programs is halted. * if multiple servers with the same logical name are running, an apptalk client can present a dialog box to let the user pick which application to interact with. A "Show Me" button let's the user see which window belongs to each application listed in the dialog listbox. * server commands are self-documented. A client can request that a server send usage information on a given command, or send a list of all available commands. This feature could be useful, for example, if you get an apptalk enabled application off the net and want to use it as a server to your own client. You can simply ask the application what apptalk commands it responds to. * all apptalk enabled applications share a common base of commands: - commands returns a list of commands known by the server - exit runs the command "exit 0" (but may be redefined by the server) - info get information on a command - popdown causes the application to be iconified - popup causes the application to be deiconified How it works: Ok, let's look at an example. We have a program named "hello" which is the quintessential "Hello, world" application. We want to build apptalk in to this program so that other programs can request that it display the "hello, world." dialog. This will become our SERVER program. Here is the pre-apptalk version: button .b -text "Hello, world!" -command {puts stdout "Hello, world!"} pack .b Regardless of the name of the file that implements this program, we want it to be identified by the logical name "hello". To do so we must add code to our application to initialize apptalk: apptalk init hello wish hello.tcl button .b -text "Hello, world!" -command "puts stdout {Hello, world!}" pack .b Just doing that creates a new proc named "hello", whose sole purpose is to service apptalk requests. It simply takes as arguments command names that have been defined as apptalk commands. Since we haven't defined any commands yet, the only valid arguments are the built-in apptalk commands popup, popdown, info, commands and exit. Ok, we've now "apptalk-enabled" our hello, world program. Let's test it out. To test our application, the easiest thing to do for the moment is to start a wish in some other window. Be sure to load apptalk.tcl if it isn't autoloaded for you. $ wish wish> source apptalk.tcl wish> Once the prompt appears, the first thing we need to do is establish a link between our program and the apptalk server program we created earlier. To do that we use "apptalk connect", giving it the logical name of the program we want to run, and instructions on how to run it if it isn't already running wish> apptalk connect hello wish hello.tcl If you left your hello, world program running it would connect to it. If it wasn't running, you might see a message stating that apptalk is starting the program for you (this depends on how fast your machine is -- if the program can start in less than a second you won't see the dialog). When the connection is established, a new command will be available to us in the wish shell. In this case it will be named "@hello", and is responsible for sending commands to the program we connected to earlier. Let's see what commands have been defined: wish> @hello commands commands exit info popdown popup As you can see, the five pre-defined commands already exist. Now let's add a new apptalk command to our hello, world program. We'll name the command "press_button", and it's purpose will be to cause the button to be pressed. Back in the "hello, world" file enter the following code: apptalk proc press_button { usage: %N press_button causes the hello, world button to be pressed. } { .b invoke } Once we restart the program, we can access this new command from a wish interpreter like so: wish> @hello press_button which will do exactly the same thing as if we had pressed the button using the mouse.