clig -- Command Line Interface Generator (C) 1995 (Harald Kirsch) What is clig? --- An excerpt from the manual page: Clig uses the description in clifile to generate C-code for a function Cmdline *parseCmdline(int argc, char **argv) which parses the command-line of a typical C-program and returns the result in a structure of type Cmdline. [...] Besides parseCmdline(), the function void usage(void) is generated and will be called by the command-line parser, if the command line contains obvious errors. One of the main reasons to use clig are maybe the automatic generation of a usage()-function which is always up-to- date with respect to the options actually understood by the program. How to install: After unpacking the file clig..tar.gz there is a directory called `clig' containing this file. --> Edit the top of `makefile' to suit your preferences. In particular you want to edit the variables `prefix' and LROOT. --> Run 'make install'. Actually, there is nothing to `make', since clig does not contain C-code to be compiled. The `makefile' was however included to keep the similarities to other packages. --> Compile and run the trivial example program in the directory `example'. --> Read the manual page. Bug reports and questions to