Tcl Image formats (Img) (Version 1.0b1 / March 12, 1997) Jan Nijtmans ( This file contains a collection of format handlers for Tk. It can be used in combination with Tk4.1 or later. Also supported are Itcl 2.1 (or later) and the Tcl/Tk netscape plugin (version 1.1 or later). Included in this distribution are the most recent versions (as of March 26 '97) of the libz, libpng, libjpeg and libtiff libraries. These are not required for compilation of libimg, only if you need support for the PNG, JPEG or TIFF format. If your system already has shared libraries for these formats, probably it will already work with this package. Otherwise the tools are here to build it any time later. CONFIGURE Configure has the following possibilities: configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib --with-tk=/usr/local/lib The options --with-tcl and --with-tk are optional. The most recent version of Tcl/Tk will be found automatically, either in a sibling directory of the img1.0 top directory or in /lib. Optional is the option "--enable-shared": it is already the default. If you don't want shared libraries, use "--disable-shared". Configuration of libtiff and libjpeg will be done automatically. PATCH In the patches subdirectory, a patch file "tk.patch" and a source file "tkImgPhoto.c: is present. Either copy "tk.patch" to the Tk distribution and type "patch for many feedback and all the makefiles for Windows (MS Visual C++ 4.2). Jan Nijtmans NICI (Nijmegen Institute of Cognition and Information email: url: