In this update is added new graphics formats for reading and writing photo images, new options to the image command and two commands to use fonts with the images. -listfont: it reads a file with the index of fonts and shows all fonts that can be used in the image commad. -destroyfont font_name: clean the memory used for a font that is read when you use put_string. It can be usefull if you don't have much memory and don't use the font many times. The new format for images are these: GIF: now it's posible to write a image in gif format and read with form option, that it wasn't fine. PPM: This format, now reads p4 and p5 formats and p6, of course. JPEG: This format is only for reading. PNM: for writing and reading. The new options for photo image are: imageName circle ?option value(s) ... ? imageName dashedline ?option value(s) ...? imageName hget x y imageName quantize n imageName line ?option value(s) ...? imageName rectangle ?option value(s) ...? imageName point ?option value(s) ...? imageName put_string ?option value(s) ...? imageName undo All of this have a file like a man for more information in the tar file. This patch changes some files of the version 4.2b1 of the tk for doing new commands asociated to the images. To do this, you have to copy the file tk4.2b1img.patch.gz to the principal tk directory, unzip and untar it. gzip -d tk4.2b1img.patch.tar.gz tar -xf tk4.2b1img.patch.tar Now you have to execute the next command in the tk directory. patch -p