tclhtml tar archive - Last updated 08-Aug-98 This is a snapshot of the contents of (as at 08-Aug-98) - a number of useful references for TCL/Tk in a form publishable by a Web Server and readable by a Web Browser. The html pages have NOT been made "Netscape reliant". Changes since the last upload include Synchonisation to that of Web Pages on tclburn - the Tcl/Tk Consortium CD. Addition of History and Copying release docs. Updated FAQ pages Replacement of the Tcl7.4 and Tk4.0 Beta (B2) manual pages with the final release manual pages New Sections and data, some more rearrangement more URLS from various sources... Probably the most useful parts are a mirror of the TCL/TK FAQ and html versions of the TCL and Tk man pages. INSTALLATION 1) Get a hold of this tar archive - tclhtml.tar 2) tar it off somewhere cd mytclInfo; tar xvf tclhtml.tar 3) Make a link from your current html files to the top level html entry file Tcl.html (or access it directly) e.g. assuming installation in dir mytclInfo which is accessable from server the URL would be TCL WEB MAP Current (Aug-98) Dir Hierarchy of ./tcl +-----examples +-----HOWTO // dir of "HOWTO do something" in tcl files +-----README // 'Other' files | +-----tcl97 +-----man // tcl7.3-tk3.5 man pages +-----man2 // tcl7.4-tk4.0 man pages | +-----tclAPI_man | +-----tcl_man | +-----tkAPI_man | +-----tk_man +-----man3 // tcl7.5-tk4.1 man pages | +-----tclAPI_man | +-----tcl_man | +-----tkAPI_man | +-----tk_man +-----man-7.6-4.2 // tcl7.6-tk4.2 man pages | +-----src // build scripts for html generation | +-----tcl7.6 | +-----tk4.2 | +-----xref +-----man-8.0a2 // tcltk-8.0 alpha man pages | +-----Keywords | +-----TclCmd | +-----TclLib | +-----TkCmd | +-----TkLib | +-----UserCmd | +-----tclAPI_man | +-----tcl_man | +-----tkAPI_man | +-----tk_man +-----man-8.0 // tcltk-8.0 man pages | +-----tcl | | +-----Keywords | | +-----TclCmd | | +-----TclLib | | +-----UserCmd | +-----tk | | +-----Keywords | | +-----TkCmd | | | +-----TkCmd | | +-----TkLib | | +-----UserCmd +-----pix // gifs, jpgs, xpm files (pictures) +-----tcl-faq // local copies of tcl FAQ docs | +-----commercial-uses // commercial uses FAQ | +-----orig // empty work dir dor sownloading | +-----tkUsage // tkUsage FAQ Annotated file list with (short) descriptions ./tcl +-----.done +-----Tcl.html - Root Web Page (large) - links to the Web +-----WhatsNew.html - Change Doc to highlite mods to Tcl.html +-----index.html - symlink to Tcl.html for auto Webserver discovery +-----Mirrors.html - List of Mirror sites of these Web pages +-----People.html (incomplete) list of notable Tcl people +-----Fragments.html - useful/instructive/Frequently Asked "Howto " tcl script code fragments +-----tkFragments.html - useful/instructive/Frequently Asked "Howto " tk script code fragments +-----HttpExample.html - example of how to use Tcl Http Package +-----SocketExample.html - example of how to do Socket programming in tcl +-----examples - placeholder dir for example code etc | +-----lsort - example I've not expanded and HTMLised yet +-----HOWTO - files explaining HowTo do something in Tcl | +-----CmdWrite.html - Howto Write a Tcl(X) Cmd | +-----TclStaticExtns.HOWTO.html - Howto Write a Static Tcl Cmd/Xtn Below are the man page hierarchy roots - I've not listed or described all the files as that would be very pointless - Basically the directory contents have TOC equivalent html files and subdirs corresponding to a Tcl/Tk, ScriptCmd/API/ UserCommand partitioning. The contents of those subdirs are each file in the original distributions man pages automatically converted to html and crosslinked (with varying degress of success). [The first two used some homegrown scripts I did, man3 used a script set from Tom Davis and the last 2 ( 8.*) used the ELF scripts from which are what I'd reccomend to anyone else] +-----man +-----man-7.6-4.2 ... +-----man-8.0 ... +-----man-8.0a2 ... +-----man2 ... +-----man3 ... +-----pix - pictures | +-----README | +-----logo100.gif ] | +-----logo64.gif ] Tcl Logo | +-----logoLarge.gif ] Gifs | +-----logoMed.gif ] | +-----pwrdLogo100.gif ] | +-----pwrdLogo150.gif ] Tcl Powered | +-----pwrdLogo175.gif ] Gifs | +-----pwrdLogo200.gif ] | +-----pwrdLogo75.gif ] | +-----tcl.gif | +-----tclLogo.gif ] | +-----tclLogo1.gif ] Various forms of Tcl and Tk | +-----tclxbg.gif ] logos from cover of John Ousterhouts | +-----tk.gif ] original book | +-----tk1.gif ] | +-----tkxbg.gif ] | +-----tclLogo.xpm ] My original xpm | +-----tk.xpm ] versions of above +-----README - This dir began as a repository for README's from things that seemed interesting that I converted to html. It accumulated announcements and Doc and tclets and writeups and is now just where I dump files I want to reference locally that I'm not imaginative enough to find a better place for .... | +-----8.1WhatsNew.html - html conversion of Tcl*.1 Whats New Doc | +-----Ctk - README fm Ctk -Curses port of Tk 4.0b2 | - Ousterhouts Tcl Engineering manual | +-----styleGuide.pdf - Tom Tromeys(?) Tcl styleguide | +-----gridLayout.html - Eric Johnsons "Working With the Grid Layout Manager" | +-----PieChartTclet.html - Jean-Luc Fontaine Pie Char Tclet | +-----pie.tcl - the pie tcl code | +-----Stoop.html - Simple OOP tcl implementation README | +-----StoopDoc.html - aboves Doc | +-----tclMotif.html - Summary description for tclMotif | +-----proc95.html - 1995 Tcl/Tk Workshop Proceedings Links | +-----tcl97.html - jhobbs writeup of JO Tcl97 presentation | +-----tcl97 - various docs fm around Usenix Tcl97 | | +-----SunScript.html - JO writeup of Scriptics situation | | +-----SWIGReport.html - Dave Beazleys writup of Usenix Tcl97 | +-----TclTkWkShop96.html - Writeup of 1996 TclTk Workshop | +-----UsenixTclBOF96.html - Writeup of Usenix96 Tcl Bof | +-----ScripticsAnnounce.html - JO Scriptics Announcement | +-----tcltk_announcement - tcl7.4b1 Tcl4.0b1 announcement | +-----tcltk4.1_announcement - tcl7.4/Tk4.1 release announcement | +-----TclChannels.html - Doc for Tcl 7.5 Channel IO system | +-----tclFilesSummary - Short summary of every C file in the Tk Distribution +-----tcl-faq - Various (base) Tcl Faqs | +-----bibliography.html - Tcl Bibliography | +-----GET - reminder/script of how to get/process these files | +-----orig - work subdir | +-----part1.html ] | +-----part2.html ] Larry Virdens Tcl FAQ | +-----part3.html ] Pages | +-----part4.html ] | +-----part5.html ] | +-----tclwin.htm - Tcl on MSWindows FAQ | +-----usage.html - tcl usage FAQ | +-----tkUsage | | +-----index.html - tk Usage FAQ | +-----commercial-uses | | +-----tclcom1.htm ] Commercial | | +-----tclcom2.htm ] Uses | | +-----tclcom3.htm ] FAQ | - perl script to fix links in single file | - perl script to fix links in files in orig I've been trying to head toward a layout for the Web Page by info category - this stuff has all grown agglutinatively so its a bit of a mess wrt a nice clear breakdown into subdirs - /HOWTO - How to Do various (specific) things - /Fragments - Tcl and Tcl script code fragments for useful or commonly requested things - /Examples - stand alone examples of how to use some aspect of Tcl capability - /Guides - Docs describing (generally) how some specific funstionality can be used and/or should be used - /htmlman - htmlised man pages - FAQ (tcl-faq) - /internals - Info about how/what various Tcl/Tk Internals work/do - more for extension writers amd core extendors than rest of this stuff - /xtnReadmes - htmlised READMES from various extensions with links to real extesion Web site - /proc - Conferences/Meetings/Bof/Workshop Writeups - /announce - Announcements ( more for Historical interest than anything el$ - /other - where my categorisation imagination fails FOLLOWUP If anyone has any other sites or references for useful Tk/Tcl info in html, ftp or any other form that they think should be advertised could they please mail either me ( ) and/or the TCL FAQ maintainer (Larry W Virden - Mike Hopkirk -