Mpexpr README Multiple precision math for Tcl Copyright 1998 Tom Poindexter, all rights reserved Mpexpr is distributed under a "BSD" style license. See the file 'LICENSE.TERMS' for details. WHERE TO GET IT see for web info WHAT IS MPEXPR ? Mpexpr adds two new commands to Tcl, 'mpexpr' and 'mpformat'. Mpexpr works much like Tcl's native 'expr', but does all calculations using an arbitrary precision math package. Mpexpr numbers can be any number of digits, with any decimal precision. Final precision is controlled by a Tcl variable 'mp_precision', which can be any reasonable integer, limiting only the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Mpformat works much like Tcl's 'format', except it formats multiple precision numbers in a variety of formats. Mpexpr also includes most math functions provided by 'expr', as well as several new functions. Mpexpr also supports Tcl variables and nested evaluation, just like 'expr': % set mp_precision 50 50 % mpexpr 2.0/3.0 0.66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666667 % mpexpr atan(1.0)*4 ;# common pi approximation 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511 % mpexpr gcd(234521432954782625385493,725) ;# greatest common divisor 29.0 % mpexpr fact(34) ;# factorial 295232799039604140847618609643520000000 % mpexpr comb(2345,23) ;# combination 11318394336656126537744856410588463128324931424862853400 % set num 129 129 % mpexpr {fib($num)} ;# fibonnaci number 407305795904080553832073954 % set mp_precision 15 15 % set a [ mpexpr {root([set num],3)} ] ;# find the cube root 5.052774347208561 % mpformat %d $a ;# format as integer 5 % mpformat %r $a ;# as rational fraction 5052774347208561/1000000000000000 % mpformat %.7f $a ;# and as floating point 5.0527743 The trade-off for 'mpepxr' is in execution time. Since 'mpepxr' doesn't use native integer or floating point machine instructions, execution times can be much greater. Larger precision values (set with 'mp_precision') also require more execution time that of smaller values. (timings from a lightly loaded Linux/Intel 233mHz) % expr atan(1.0)*4 3.14159265359 % set mp_precision 11 11 % mpexpr atan(1.0)*4 3.14159265359 % time {expr atan(1.0)*4} 10 ;# native expr floating point 45 microseconds per iteration % time {mpexpr atan(1.0)*4} 10 ;# mpexpr at 11 digits precision 12047 microseconds per iteration % set mp_precision 50 50 % time {mpexpr atan(1.0)*4} 10 ;# mpexpr at 50 digits precision 123132 microseconds per iteration ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Mpexpr is a marraige between two other pieces of sofware, the code from the Tcl 7.6 'expr' command, and the math routines from David Bell's 'calc' program. I gratefully acknowledge the prior work of David Bell for his fine 'calc' program and math package, and all of the Tcl crew. Landon Curt Noll is now maintaining 'calc'. See his page at: Calc is being used to find some of the world's largest known prime numbers! Awesome! Here are the original copyright notices: Calc # Copyright (c) 1994 David I. Bell # Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source, # provided that this copyright notice remains intact. # # Arbitrary precision calculator. David Bell's original 'calc' source can be found at: Tcl 7.6 * tclExpr.c -- * * This file contains the code to evaluate expressions for * Tcl. * * This implementation of floating-point support was modelled * after an initial implementation by Bill Carpenter. * * Copyright (c) 1987-1994 The Regents of the University of California. * Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. REQUIREMENTS: Tcl 8.0 tcl8.0p2.tar.gz or newer Mpexpr should build with Tcl 7.6. As of version 1.0, I'm testing only with Tcl 8.0. Mpexpr builds as a shared library by default, or builds a static library and executables (--disable-shared). Mpexpr can also build executables with Extended Tcl (TclX). See the file INSTALL. When mpexpr is built as a shared library, you can load the extension with: package require Mpexpr WINDOWS & MACINTOSH A Windows DLL is included, compiled with Tcl 8.0. To install, unpack all the files in the ./win directory, and run: tclsh80 install.tcl Please note!! I'm not suppling a .zip file for Windows. The popular WinZip program can unpack .tar.gz files. Save the distribution file on your Windows machine, using .tgz instead of .tar.gz for best results. Macintosh - I'm afraid it's a Sad Mac. Mpexpr compiles and links, but dies in the tests. See the ./mac directory for more details. INSTALLATION See the file INSTALL. Really. Quickie version: ./configure --prefix=/same/as/tcl --exec-prefix=/same/as/tcl/exec/prefix make make install TEST SUITE A test suite exists in the ./tests directory. You can run the test suite from the Makefile by: make tests DOCUMENTATION See the man page for mpexpr. Html, text, and Postscript versions of the man page are in ./doc. mpexpr.n was largely adapted from Tcl's documentation. SAMPLE See the ./samples directory. As of version 1.0, the only sample available is 'mpksc', an adaptation of Ken St-Cyr's Scientific Calculator. I've modified the program some to add some Mpexpr functions (gcd, lcm, perm, etc.) and to do all calculations in Mpexpr. See the comments in the file for other changes. Thanks to Ken St-Cyr for writing and sharing his fine calculator. BUG REPORTS, FIXES, COMMENTS, & SUGGESTIONS Please mail to me at: