This is nothing more than a copy of [incr tcl] 2.2p2 for MacOS PPC systems with the check for System 7 removed. This allows it to run on MacOS 8.x. It won't work under system 6, though, this shouldn't be a big problem since 7.1.2 is the earliest system which will work on PPC systems. The .sit.hqx file only includes the PPC executables, though, it's possible for me to build the 68k ones as well. Please contact me if this is necessary. Note the following: 1. What ever bugs are in [incr tcl] 2.2p2 will probably be here as well. I know there aren't any bugs, but, just in case :-) 2. Tcl/Tk 8.0p2 works very well on MacOS. [incr tcl] 2.2 is based on Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2 which didn't work as well. When [incr tcl] 3.0 is released I'd recommend you use that for MacOS systems. Links which might be helpful: Tcl/Tk 8.0 - start with [incr tcl] - start with Please contact me with any questions: