# # $Id: README,v 1.6 2007/04/08 09:14:13 nick Exp $ # DESCRIPTION ----------- This is Rcs::Agent, version 1.04, an object oriented RCS perl library, used for creating and manipulating RCS archives within perl programs. Rcs::Agent is copyright (C) 2001 - 2007 Network Ability Ltd. All rights reserved. This software may be redistributed under the terms of the license included in this software distribution. Please see the file "LICENSE" for further details. PREREQUISITES ------------- A Unix or Unix-look-alike. Rcs::Agent will almost certainly not run under non-unixy systems. The following perl modules are also needed for Rcs::Agent to run properly: String::ShellQuote-1.00 File::Temp These (and many other) useful packages are available from your local CPAN archive, or http://www.perl.com/. File::Temp is included with the base distribution of perl 5.7 and above, so if you're running this version or anything more recent, there's no need to install this module. INSTALLATION ------------ tar -xvzf Rcs::Agent-1.XX.tar.gz cd Rcs::Agent-1.XX perl Makefile.PL make make install BUGS & SECURITY --------------- Rcs::Agent is coded carefully with security in mind. Like all code, however, there is a possibility that bugs or security problems have slipped through the net. If you find a problem with the code, please email us at rcs-agent /at/ netability.ie, detailing the problem, and providing a patch if possible. In particular, we recommend that all developers use the 'tmpdir' parameter when creating new objects to ensure that RCS does not use /tmp for its temporary files. Please see the man page for more details on this. CONTRIBUTORS ------------ Nick Hilliard - nick /at/ netability.ie CONTACT INFORMATION ------------------- Rcs::Agent is written by Network Ability Ltd, a Dublin, Ireland-based company specialising in ISP consultancy and contracting services. Among many other things, we write perl code to suit all occasions. Please contact us at <info /at/ netability.ie> with your requirements.