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Adding Tests

You can test for file attributes that none of the find builtin tests check. To do this, use xargs to run a program that filters a list of files printed by find. If possible, use find builtin tests to pare down the list, so the program run by xargs has less work to do. The tests builtin to find will likely run faster than tests that other programs perform.

For example, here is a way to print the names of all of the unstripped binaries in the `/usr/local' directory tree. Builtin tests avoid running file on files that are not regular files or are not executable.

find /usr/local -type f -perm +a=x | xargs file | 
  grep 'not stripped' | cut -d: -f1

The cut program removes everything after the file name from the output of file.

If you want to place a special test somewhere in the middle of a find expression, you can use `-exec' to run a program that performs the test. Because `-exec' evaluates to the exit status of the executed program, you can write a program (which can be a shell script) that tests for a special attribute and make it exit with a true (zero) or false (non-zero) status. It is a good idea to place such a special test after the builtin tests, because it starts a new process which could be avoided if a builtin test evaluates to false. Use this method only when xargs is not flexible enough, because starting one or more new processes to test each file is slower than using xargs to start one process that tests many files.

Here is a shell script called unstripped that checks whether its argument is an unstripped binary file:

file $1 | grep 'not stripped' > /dev/null

This script relies on the fact that the shell exits with the status of the last program it executed, in this case grep. grep exits with a true status if it found any matches, false if not. Here is an example of using the script (assuming it is in your search path). It lists the stripped executables in the file `sbins' and the unstripped ones in `ubins'.

find /usr/local -type f -perm +a=x \
  \( -exec unstripped '{}' \; -fprint ubins -o -fprint sbins \)

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