;;; ;;; Begin Active Hyper Stuff For .emacs file ;;; (defun active-hyper:update-big-list () (interactive) (find-file "active-hyper.menu.update.big.list") (delete-other-windows) (split-window-vertically) (let ((MSG "Site not added to Frequent List. ") (aha (concat "* " (read-from-minibuffer "Topic of New Site (return if none) "))) (ahb (concat "** " (read-from-minibuffer "Files at New Site (return if none) "))) (ahc (concat "*** " (read-from-minibuffer "Describe the Site/Files (return if none) "))) (ahd (concat "**** " (read-from-minibuffer "Complete the ange-ftp pathname " "\"/anonymous@")))) (if (y-or-n-p "Add this site to your frequent list? ") (progn (setq MSG "Added to Frequent List. ") (find-file "active-hyper.list.frq.otl") (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n") (insert (concat "\n" aha "\n" ahb "\n" ahc "\n" ahd "\n\n")) (save-buffer))) (mail) (delete-other-windows) (mail-to) (insert "brannon@jove.cs.caltech.edu") (mail-subject) (insert (concat "New ftp Site ")) (goto-char (point-max)) (insert " Hi Terrence, add this ftp site to the big ftp site list. Note: this site will be added to the file active-hyper.list.new and will be accessible by clicking on the new sites button near the top of the file active-hyper.list.big.otl. When a new release of HyperActiveFTP comes out it will be transferred to the file named active-hyper.list.big.otl. (I, Terrence thank you in advance for your contribution) ") (insert (concat "\n" aha "\n" ahb "\n" ahc "\n" ahd "\n")) (message (concat MSG "C-c C-c to send message to the moderator")) (kill-buffer "active-hyper.menu.update.big.list"))) (defun active-hyper:get-hyper() (interactive) (if (one-window-p) (progn (find-file (concat ah-install-directory "active-hyper.menu.main")) (goto-char (point-min))) (progn (find-file-other-window (concat ah-install-directory "active-hyper.menu.main")) (goto-char (point-min)))) (recenter '(0))) (defun active-hyper:display-topics () (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^\*[^*].*$" (point-max) "x") (hide-subtree)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "[\n]$" (point-max) t) (progn (backward-char 3) (replace-regexp "[\n]$" "" nil))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "[<]+[(]+.*[)]+[>]+" (point-max) t) (progn (backward-char 8) (replace-regexp "[<]+[(]+.*[)]+[>]+" "" nil)))) (defun active-hyper:prevent-save () (progn (define-key outline-mode-map"\C-x\C-s" 'active-hyper:nosave) (define-key outline-mode-map "\C-xs" 'active-hyper:nosave))) (defun active-hyper:nosave() (interactive) (message "Do not attempt to save this buffer. Ever")) (defun active-hyper:view-compressed-file (filename) (let ((E (make-temp-name "/tmp/"))) (setq aha (concat E ".Z")) (setq max-lisp-eval-depth 1000) (copy-file filename aha t) (shell-command (concat "uncompress " aha)) (kill-buffer "*Shell Command Output*") (delete-other-windows) (view-file E)) (makunbound 'aha)) (defun active-hyper:sort-buffer () (untabify (point-min) (point-max)) (sort-lines nil (point-min) (point-max))) (defun active-hyper:outline-quickdoc () (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "C-c C-s to show the full entry <(Top Level)> <(Show All Fields of Entries)> <(Frequent FTP Sites)>") (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "C-c C-s to show the full entry <(Top Level)> <(Show All Fields of Entries)> <(Frequent FTP Sites)>") (insert (concat "\n" "<(Top of File)>"))) (defun active-hyper:credits () (delete-other-windows) (view-file "active-hyper.credits") (goto-char (point-min))) ;;; ;;; End Active Hyper Stuff ;;;