------------------------- HyperActive FTP Main Menu ------------------------- --- HyperActiveFTP System <(Description)> <(Install Locally)> <(Frequent FTP Sites)> <(Big FTP Site List)> Welcom to the HyperActiveFTP System. Use, abuse, confuse, <(Contribute a New Site)> and be obstruse. Suggest and conquest. Digest and request but please dont fess. But be be sure to come correct. And ------------- Other Stuff Thanks to Dave Brennan, I am in full effect. Word up home <(Dired)> <(Edit active-hyper.el)> <(Edit .emacs)> <(Edit first.pcn)> <(Edit emv.c)> <(Edit second.pcn)> <(cmushell:pcn)> <(cmushell:emv1.5)> <(Invoke Gnus)> <(Invoke VM)>