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This dictionary was derived from the
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Version published 1913
by the C. & G. Merriam Co.
Springfield, Mass.
Under the direction of
Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D.
and from
WordNet, a semantic network created by
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Prof. George Miller
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Last edit January 17, 2002.
<-- p. 808 -->
K. 1913 Webster]
K, (k, the eleventh letter of the English alphabet, is nonvocal consonant. The form and sound of the letter K are from the Latin, which used the letter but little except in the early period of the language. It came into the Latin from the Greek, which received it from a Ph\'d2nician source, the ultimate origin probably being Egyptian. Etymologically K is most nearly related to c, g, h (which see).
In many words of one syllable k is used after c, as in crack, check, deck, being necessary to exhibit a correct pronunciation in the derivatives, cracked, checked, decked, cracking; since without it, c, before the vowels e and i, would be sounded like s. Formerly, k was added to c in certain words of Latin origin, as in musick, publick, republick; but now it is omitted. 1913 Webster]
See Guide to Pronunciation , 1913 Webster]
K2n.A mountain in Northern Kashmir; it is one of the highest in the world, 28,250 feet high. Syn. -- Godwin Austen, Dapsang. WordNet 1.5]
Kaprop. n.(Hinduism)An unknown god; an epithet of Prajapati and Brahma. WordNet 1.5]
kan.(Ancient Egyptian Religion)A spiritual aspect of the individual, living within the body during life, and surviving the body after death. It was believed to be one of two spirits inhabiting the body, the other being the ba, which deserts teh body at death. PJC]
Ka*a"ba(k, prop. n.[Ar. ka'bah, lit., a square building, fr. ka'b cube.]The small and nearly cubical stone building, in the court of the Great Mosque at Mecca, toward which all Mohammedans must pray. It contains a sacred black stone, believed by Mohammedans to be one of the precious stones of paradise, and to have been brought to Abraham when he was contructing the Kaaba, by the Angel Gabriel. The Kaaba itself predates Mohammed, having been a pantheon which contained Arab idols, which were destroyed by Mohammed.[Written also caaba, kaabeh and kaabah.] 1913 Webster +PJC]
Ka*bob"(?), n. & v. t.See Cabob, n. & v. t. 1913 Webster]
Ka*book"(?), n.(min.)A clay ironstone found in Ceylon. 1913 Webster]
Ka*byle"(?), n.[Ar. qab\'c6la.](Ethnol.)A Berber, as in Algiers or Tunis. See Berber. 1913 Webster]
Kad"der(?), n.[Cf. Caddow.](Zo\'94l.)The jackdaw.
{ Ka"di(?), Ka`di*as"ter(?), }n.A Turkish judge. See Cadi. 1913 Webster]
Ka*fal"(?), n.(Bot.)The Arabian name of two trees of the genus Balsamodendron, which yield a gum resin and a red aromatic wood.
{ Kaf"fir(k, Ka"fir(k, }n.[Ar. k infidel, pagan, fr. kafara to be skeptical in religious matters; -- a name given to certain infidel races by the Mohammedans. Cf. Giaour.]1.(Ethnol.)(a)One of a race which, with the Hottentots and Bushmen, inhabit South Africa. They inhabit the country north of Cape Colony, the name being now specifically applied to the tribes living between Cape Colony and Natal, including the Ponda, Xosa, and Tembu; but the Zulus of Natal are true Kaffirs.(b)One of a race inhabiting Kafiristan in Central Asia.[Spelt also Caffre.] 1913 Webster]
2.Any Black African; -- a disparaging and offensive term used by white South Africans. [South Africa] Syn. -- kaffir, caffer, caffre. WordNet 1.5]
Kaffir corn(Bot.), a Cape Colony name for Indian millet. 1913 Webster]
Kafkaprop. n.Franz Kafka, a writer, b. 1883, d. 1924. Syn. -- Franz Kafka. WordNet 1.5]
Kafkaesqueprop. a.[fr. Franz Kafka, novelist; especially from his novels such as "The Trial".]Frightening, threating, and bewildering in a vague and unexplicable way; -- of situations or regulations. Often used to describe illogical bureaucratic entanglements with no reasonable solution. WordNet 1.5]
Kaf"tan(?), n. & v.See Caftan. 1913 Webster]
Kage(?), n.A chantry chapel inclosed with lattice or screen work. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka"gu(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A singular, crested, grallatorial bird (Rhinochetos jubatus), native of New Caledonia. It is gray above, paler beneath, and the feathers of the wings and tail are handsomely barred with brown, black, and gray. It is allied to the sun bittern. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka"ha"ni(?), n.A kind of notary public, or attorney, in the Levant. 1913 Webster]
Ka*hau"(?), n.[Native name, from its cry.](Zo\'94l.)A long-nosed monkey (Nasalis larvatus, formerly Semnopithecus nasalis), native of Borneo. The general color of the body is bright chestnut, with the under parts, shoulders, and sides of the head, golden yellow, and the top of the head and upper part of the back brown. Called also proboscis monkey. It is now an endangered species.[Written also kaha.] 1913 Webster +PJC]
Kail(?), n.1.(Bot.)A kind of headless cabbage. Same as Kale, 1. 1913 Webster]
2.Any cabbage, greens, or vegetables. [OE. or Scot.] 1913 Webster]
3.A broth made with kail or other vegetables; hence, any broth; also, a dinner. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kail yard, a kitchen garden. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kai`ma*cam"(?), n.Same as Caimacam. 1913 Webster]
Kain(?), n.(Scots Law)Poultry, etc., required by the lease to be paid in kind by a tenant to his landlord.Wharton (Law Dict.). 1913 Webster]
Kai"nit(?), n.[Trade name, fr. kainite.]Salts of potassium used in the manufacture of fertilizers. 1913 Webster]
Kai"nite(?), n.[Gr. / recent.](Min.)A compound salt consisting chiefly of potassium chloride and magnesium sulphate, occurring at the Stassfurt salt mines in Prussian Saxony. 1913 Webster]
Kai`no*zo"ic(?), a.See Cenozoic. 1913 Webster]
Ka*ique"(?), n.(Naut.)See Caique. 1913 Webster]
Kai"rine(?), n.(Chem.)A pale buff or white crystalline alkaloid derived from quinoline, and used as an antipyretic in medicine. 1913 Webster]
Kai`ro*line(?), n.(Chem.)An organic base obtained from quinoline. It is used as a febrifuge, and resembles kairine. 1913 Webster]
Kai"ser(?), n.[Gr., fr. L. Caesar. Cf. Kesar, and Czar.]The ancient title of emperors of Germany assumed by King William of Prussia when crowned sovereign of the new German empire in 1871. 1913 Webster]
Ka"ka(?), n.[Maori kaka a parrot; -- so named from its note.](Zo\'94l.)A New Zealand parrot of the genus Nestor, especially the brown parrot (Nestor meridionalis). 1913 Webster]
mountain kaka, or kea (Nestor notabilis), is remarkable for having recently acquired carnivorous habits. It attacks and kills lambs and pigs, sometimes doing great damage. 1913 Webster]
Night kaka. (Zo\'94l.)The kakapo. 1913 Webster]
Ka`ka*po"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A singular nocturnal parrot (Strigops habroptilus), native of New Zealand. It lives in holes during the day, but is active at night. It resembles an owl in its colors and general appearance. It has large wings, but can fly only a short distance. Called also owl parrot, night parrot, and night kaka. 1913 Webster]
Kak`a*ral"li(?), n.A kind of wood common in Demerara, durable in salt water, because not subject to the depredations of the sea worm and barnacle. 1913 Webster]
Kak`is*toc"ra*cy(k, n.[Gr. ka`kistos worst + kratei^n to rule.]Government by the worst men. 1913 Webster]
Ka*kox"ene(?), n.See Cacoxene. 1913 Webster]
Kalahariprop. n.A desert in Southwestern Africa, most of which is located in the country of Botswana. Syn. -- Kalahari Desert. WordNet 1.5]
kalantasn.A Philippine timber tree (Toona calantas or Cedrela calantas) having hard red fragrant wood. Syn. -- Philippine mahogany, Philippine cedar, Toona calantas, Cedrela calantas. WordNet 1.5]
Ka`la*sie"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A long-tailed monkey of Borneo (Semnopithecus rubicundus). It has a tuft of long hair on the head. 1913 Webster]
Kale(?), n.[Scot. kale, kail, cale, colewort, Gael. cael; akin to Ir. cal, W. cawl, Armor. kaol. See Cole.] 1913 Webster]
1.(Bot.)A variety of cabbage in which the leaves do not form a head, being nearly the original or wild form of the species.[Written also kail, and cale.] 1913 Webster]
2.See Kail, 2. 1913 Webster]
Sea kale(Bot.), a European cruciferous herb (Crambe maritima), often used as a pot herb; sea cabbage. 1913 Webster]
Ka*leege"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)One of several species of large, crested, Asiatic pheasants, belonging to the genus Euplocamus, and allied to the firebacks.
{ Ka*lei"do*phon(?), Ka*lei"do*phone(?), }[Gr. / beautiful + / appearance, form + / sound.](Physics.)An instrument invented by Professor Wheatstone, consisting of a reflecting knob at the end of a vibrating rod or thin plate, for making visible, in the motion of a point of light reflected from the knob, the paths or curves corresponding with the musical notes produced by the vibrations. 1913 Webster]
Ka*lei"do*scope(?), n.[Gr. / beautiful + e'i^dos form + -scope.]An instrument invented by Sir David Brewster, which contains loose fragments of colored glass, etc., and reflecting surfaces so arranged that changes of position exhibit its contents in an endless variety of beautiful colors and symmetrical forms. It has been much employed in arts of design. 1913 Webster]
Shifting like the fragments of colored glass in the kaleidoscope.G. W. Cable.
{ Ka*lei`do*scop"ic(?), Ka*lei`do*scop"ic*al(?), }a.Of, pertaining to, or formed by, a kaleidoscope; variegated. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka"li(?), n.[Skr. kali.](Hind. Cosmog.)The last and worst of the four ages of the world; -- considered to have begun B. C. 3102, and to last 432,000 years. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka"li, prop. n.[Skr. k\'bel\'c6.](Hind. Myth.)The black, destroying goddess; -- called also Doorga, Anna Purna. 1913 Webster]
Ka"li(?), n.[Ar. qali. See Alkali.](Bot.)The glasswort (Salsola Kali). 1913 Webster]
kaliann.A pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water. See also hookah. Syn. -- hookah, hubble-bubble, narghile, water pipe. WordNet 1.5]
Ka"lif(?), n.See Caliph. 1913 Webster]
Ka"li*form(?), a.[Kali + -form.]Formed like kali, or glasswort. 1913 Webster]
Ka*lig"e*nous(?), a.[Kali + -genous. See Alkali.]Forming alkalies with oxygen, as some metals. 1913 Webster]
Ka"li*um(?), n.[NL. See Kali.](Chem.)Potassium; -- so called by the German chemists. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kal"ki(?), n.[Skr.]The name of Vishnu in his tenth and last avatar.Whitworth. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kal"mi*a(?), n.[NL. Named in honor of Peter Kalm, a Swedish botanist.](Bot.)A genus of North American shrubs with poisonous evergreen foliage and corymbs of showy flowers. Called also mountain laurel, ivy bush, lamb kill, calico bush, etc. 1913 Webster]
2.A kind of shaggy cloth, resembling bearskin. 1913 Webster]
3.A coarse, dyed, cotton cloth, made in Prussia. 1913 Webster]
Ka*long"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A fruit bat, esp. the Indian edible fruit bat (Pteropus edulis). 1913 Webster]
Ka*loy"er(?), n.See Caloyer. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kal"pa(?), n.[Skr.](Hind. Myth.)One of the Brahmanic eons, a period of 4,320,000,000 years. At the end of each Kalpa the world is annihilated. 1913 Webster]
Kal"so*mine(?), n. & v. t.Same as Calcimine. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka"ma(k, n.[Skr. k\'bema love, the god of love.]1.The Hindu Cupid. He is represented as a beautiful youth, with a bow of sugar cane or flowers. 1913 Webster]
2.Desire; animal passion; -- supposed to create the
ka"ma ru"pa(r[Skr. r shape, image], a kind of simulacrum or astral likeness of a man which exists after his death in an invisible plane of being, called
ka"ma lo"ca(l[Skr. l\'d3ka space, world], until the impulses which created it are exhausted and it finally fades away.<-- not the same as karma --> Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ka*ma"la(?), n.(Bot.)The red dusty hairs of the capsules of an East Indian tree (Mallotus Philippinensis) used for dyeing silk. It is violently emetic, and is used in the treatment of tapeworm.[Written also kameela.] 1913 Webster]
Kame(?), n.A low ridge. [Scot.] See Eschar. 1913 Webster]
Kametprop. n.A mountain in India and Tibet, 25,447 feet high. [proper name] WordNet 1.5]
\'d8Ka"mi(?), n. pl.[Japanese,
.]A title given to the celestial gods of the first mythical dynasty of Japan and extended to the demigods of the second dynasty, and then to the long line of spiritual princes still represented by the mikado. 1913 Webster]
Ka"mi*chi(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A curious South American bird (Anhima orPalamedea cornuta), often domesticated by the natives and kept with poultry, which it defends against birds of prey. It has a long, slender, hornlike ornament on its head, and two sharp spurs on each wing. Although its beak, feet, and legs resemble those of gallinaceous birds, it is related in anatomical characters to the ducks and geese (Anseres). Called also horned screamer. The name is sometimes applied also to the chaja. See Chaja, and Screamer. 1913 Webster]
Kamp*tu"li*con(?), n.[Gr. / to bend + / material, fr. / wood, matter.]A kind of elastic floor cloth, made of India rubber, gutta-percha, linseed oil, and powdered cork. 1913 Webster]
Kam"py*lite(?), n.[Gr. / bent, curved, fr. / to bend.](Min.)A variety of mimetite or arseniate of lead in hexagonal prisms of a fine orange yellow.[Written also campylite.]
{ Kam*sin", Kham*sin" }(?), n.[Ar. khams\'c6n, fr. khams\'d4n, oblique case khams\'c6n, fifty; -- so called because it blows for about fifty days, from April till June.]A hot southwesterly wind in Egypt, coming from the Sahara.[Written also Khamseen.] 1913 Webster]
Kam"tscha*dales(?), n. pl.[from the older spelling Kamtschatka for Kamchatka.](Ethnol.)An aboriginal tribe inhabiting the southern part of the Kamchatka peninsula; called also Kamchadals and Itelmen. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Kan(?), v. t.To know; to ken. [Obs.] See Ken. 1913 Webster]
Kan(?), n.See Khan.
{ Ka*nack"a(?), Ka*na"ka(?), }n.[Native name, prop., a man.]A native of the Sandwich Islands. 1913 Webster]
Kanawhaprop. n.The Kanawha River, a tributary of the Ohio River. Syn. -- Kanawha River. WordNet 1.5]
kan"chil(?), n.[Malay canch\'c6l.](Zo\'94l.)A small chevrotain of the genus Tragulus, esp. Tragulus pygm\'91us, or Tragulus kanchil, inhabiting Java, Sumatra, and adjacent islands; a deerlet. It is noted for its agility and cunning. 1913 Webster]
Kanchanjangaprop. n.same as Kanchenjunga. Syn. -- Kanchenjunga, Kinchinjunga. WordNet 1.5]
Kanchenjungaprop. n.A mountain in India and Nepal, 28,146 feet high. [proper name] Syn. -- Kanchanjanga, Kinchinjunga. WordNet 1.5]
kand(?), n.(Mining)Fluor spar; -- so called by Cornish miners. 1913 Webster]
kan"ga*roo"(?), n.[Said to be the native name.](Zo\'94l.)Any one of numerous species of jumping marsupials of the family Macropodid\'91. They inhabit Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent islands, They have long and strong hind legs and a large tail, while the fore legs are comparatively short and feeble. The giant kangaroo (Macropus major) is the largest species, sometimes becoming twelve or fourteen feet in total length. The tree kangaroos, belonging to the genus Dendrolagus, live in trees; the rock kangaroos, of the genus Petrogale, inhabit rocky situations; and the brush kangaroos, of the genus Halmaturus, inhabit wooded districts. See Wallaby. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 809 -->
Kangaroo apple(Bot.), the edible fruit of the Tasmanian plant Solanum aviculare. --
Kangaroo grass(Bot.), a perennial Australian forage grass (Anthistiria australis). --
Kangaroo hare(Zo\'94l.), the jerboa kangaroo. See under Jerboa. --
Kangaroo mouse. (Zo\'94l.)See Jumping mouse, under Jumping. 1913 Webster]
kangaroo ratn.(Zool.)A jumping rodent of the genus Dipodomys of the family Heteromyidae, which lives in arid regions of Mexico and the western U. S. PJC]
2.(Zool.)An Australian mammal of the genus Notomys. PJC]
3.(Zool.)a small ratlike Australian kangaroo of the genus Potorous, also called the potoroo. PJC]
kangaroo's-footn.A sedgelike spring-flowering herb (Anigozanthus manglesii) of Australia, having clustered flowers covered with woolly hairs. Syn. -- kangaroo paw, kangaroo-foot plant, Australian sword lily, Anigozanthus manglesii. WordNet 1.5]
Kansanprop. a.of or pertaining to Kansas. PJC]
Kansanprop. n.a resident of Kansas. WordNet 1.5]
Kan"sas(?), prop. n.A state of the central United States, bordering the Mississippi River to the west. PJC]
Kan"sas(?), prop. n. pl.(Ethnol.)A tribe of Indians allied to the Winnebagoes and Osages. They formerly inhabited the region which is now the State of Kansas, but were removed to the Indian Territory. 1913 Webster]
Kantprop. n.Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher (1724-1804). Syn. -- Immanuel Kant. WordNet 1.5]
Kant"i*an(?), a.Of or pertaining to Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher; conformed or relating to any or all of the philosophical doctrines of Immanuel Kant. 1913 Webster]
Kant"i*an, n.A follower of Kant; a Kantist.
{ Kant"i*an*ism, Kant"ism }(?), n.The doctrine or theory of Kant; the Kantian philosophy. 1913 Webster]
Kant"istn.A disciple or follower of Kant. 1913 Webster]
Kant"try(?), n.Same as Cantred.
{ Ka"o*lin, Ka"o*line }(?), n.[Chin. kao-ling.](Min.)A very pure white clay, ordinarily in the form of an impalpable powder, and used to form the paste of porcelain; China clay; porcelain clay. It is chiefly derived from the decomposition of common feldspar. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
Ka`o*lin`i*za"tion(?), n.The process by which feldspar is changed into kaolin. 1913 Webster]
Ka"o*lin*ize(?), v. t.To convert into kaolin. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka*pel"le(?), n.[G.](Mus.)A chapel; hence, the choir or orchestra of a prince's chapel; now, a musical establishment, usually orchestral.Grove. 1913 Webster]
Ka*pok"(?), n.[Prob. fr. the native name.](Bot.)A silky wool derived from the seeds of Ceiba pentandra (syn. Eriodendron anfractuosum), a bombaceous tree of the East and West Indies. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kar"a*gane(?), n.[Russ. karagan'](Zo\'94l.)A species of gray fox found in Russia. 1913 Webster]
Ka"ra*ism(?), n.Doctrines of the Karaites. 1913 Webster]
Ka"ra*ite(?), n.[Heb. q\'ber\'be to read.](Eccl. Hist.)A sect of Jews who adhere closely to the letter of the Scriptures, rejecting the oral law, and allowing the Talmud no binding authority; -- opposed to the Rabbinists. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka`ra*kul"(?), prop. n.[Russ. karakul' curly fleece of Bokhara and Khiva sheep.]1.A type of Astrakhan, esp. in fine grades, obtained from the Karakul sheep. See sense 2 and cf. Caracul. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.A hardy coarse-haired sheep of central Asia, bearing a soft curly fleece that is black in the young lambs, but which grows brown or gray when adult; the lambs are valued for their soft curly black fur.[wns=1] Syn. -- broadtail, caracul. WordNet 1.5]
3.A large lake in the Pamirs of Central Asia, lying 13,200 feet above sea level. PJC]
Karatn.the unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 18-karat gold is 75 2.122e-314old; 24-karat gold is pure gold. Syn. -- carat. WordNet 1.5]
Ka*ra"tas(?), n.(Bot.)A West Indian plant of the Pineapple family (Nidularium Karatas). 1913 Webster]
empty hand
.]a traditional Japanese system of unarmed combat; sharp blows and kicks are given to pressure-sensitive points on the body of the opponent. WordNet 1.5]
Karen, Karenicn.A language spoken in the Thai-Burmese borderlands. WordNet 1.5]
Kar"ma(?), n.[Skr.]1.(Buddhism, Hinduism)One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence. 1913 Webster]
2.(Theos.)The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect, especially the principle by which a person is rewarded or punished in a subsequent incarnation for deeds in the previous incarnation; the theory of inevitable consequence. 1913 Webster]
3.One's destiny; fate. PJC]
4.(Mysticism)The supposed non-physical emanations that a person gives off, which may affect other people; vibrations. PJC]
Kar*ma"thi*an(?), n.One of a Mohammedan sect founded in the ninth century by Karmat. 1913 Webster]
Karn(?), n.[Cornish. Cf. Cairn.](Mining)A pile of rocks; sometimes, the solid rock. See Cairn. 1913 Webster]
Ka"rob(?), n.[Cf. Carat.]The twenty-fourth part of a grain; -- a weight used by goldsmiths.Crabb. 1913 Webster]
Ka*ross"(?), n.[Native name.]A native garment or rug of skin sewed together in the form of a square. [South Africa]
The wants of a native . . . are confined to a kaross (skin cloak) or some pieces of cotton cloth.James Bryce. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kar"pho*lite(?), n.[Gr. / rice straw + -lite: cf. F. carpholithe.](Min.)A fibrous mineral occurring in tufts of a straw-yellow color. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and manganese. 1913 Webster]
Kar*roo"(k, n.; pl.Karroos(k.One of the dry table-lands of South Africa, which often rise terracelike to considerable elevations.[Also karoo.] 1913 Webster]
The Great Karroo, or
The Karroo, a vast plateau, in Cape Colony, stretching through five degrees of longitude, at an elevation of about 3,000 feet. 1913 Webster]
Kar"sten*ite(?), n.Same as Anhydrite. 1913 Webster]
Kar"vel(?), n. [Obs.] See Carvel, and Caravel. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kar"y*o*ki*ne`sis(k, n.[NL., fr. Gr. ka`ryon a nut, kernel + kinei^n to move.]1.(Biol.)The indirect division of cells in which, prior to division of the cell protoplasm, complicated changes take place in the nucleus, attended with movement of the nuclear fibrils; -- opposed to karyostenosis. The nucleus becomes enlarged and convoluted, and finally the threads are separated into two groups which ultimately become disconnected and constitute the daughter nuclei. Called also mitosis. See Cell development, under Cell. 1913 Webster]
2.The changes that occur in the nucleus of a cell, especially movements of the chromosomes, in the process of cell division. PJC]
Kar`y*o*ki*net"ic(k, a.(Biol.)Of or pertaining to karyokinesis; as, karyokinetic changes of cell division. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kar`y*om"i*ton(k, n.[NL., Gr. ka`ryon a nut + mi`tos a thread.](Biol.)The reticular network of fine fibers, of which the nucleus of a cell is in part composed; -- in opposition to kytomiton, or the network in the body of the cell.W. Flemming. 1913 Webster]
kar`y*o*plas"m(k, kar`y*o*plas"ma(k, n.[NL., fr. Gr. ka`ryon a nut + pla`sma a thing molded.](Biol.)The protoplasmic substance of the nucleus of a cell; nucleoplasm; -- in opposition to cytoplasm, the protoplasm of the cell. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kar`y*o*ste*no"sis(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. ka`ryon a nut, kernel + / a being straitened.](Biol.)Direct cell division (in which there is first a simple division of the nucleus, without any changes in its structure, followed by division of the protoplasm of the cell); -- in opposition to karyokinesis. 1913 Webster]
Kar`y*o*ste*not"ic(?), a.(Biol.)Pertaining to, or connected with, karyostenosis; as, the karyostenotic mode of nuclear division. 1913 Webster]
Ka*sack"(k, n.(Ethnol.)Same as Cossack. 1913 Webster]
Kat(k, n.(Bot.)An Arabian shrub (Catha edulis) the leaves of which are used as tea by the Arabs. 1913 Webster]
kat`a*bol"ic(?), a.(Physiol.)Of or pertaining to catabolism; same as catabolic. 1913 Webster + PJC]
Ka*tab"o*lism(?), n.[Gr. / down + / to throw.](Physiol.)Destructive or downward metabolism; regressive metamorphism; same as catabolism (now the more common spelling); -- opposed to anabolism. See Disassimilation. 1913 Webster]
Kat"a*state(?), n.[Gr. (/) down + (/) to cause to stand.](Physiol.)A substance formed by a catabolic process; -- opposed to anastate. See catabolic. 1913 Webster]
katharsisn.purging of emotional tensions; -- usually spelled catharsis. Syn. -- catharsis, abreaction. WordNet 1.5]
Kath"e*tal(?), a.[Gr. / a perpendicular line. See Cathetus.](Math.)Making a right angle; perpendicular, as two lines or two sides of a triangle, which include a right angle. 1913 Webster]
Kath`e*tom"e*ter(?), n.Same as Cathetometer. 1913 Webster]
Katsuwonidaeprop. n.A natural family of fish which in some classifications is considered a separate family comprising the oceanic bonitos. Syn. -- family Kasuwonidae. WordNet 1.5]
Katsuwonusprop. n.A genus of oceanic bonitos; in some classifications it is placed in its own family Katsuwonidae. Syn. -- genus Katsuwonus. WordNet 1.5]
Kat`ti*mun"doo(?), n.A caoutchouc-like substance obtained from the milky juice of the East Indian Euphorbia Kattimundoo. It is used as a cement. 1913 Webster]
Ka"ty*did`(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A large, green, arboreal, orthopterous insect (Cyrtophyllus concavus) of the family Locustid\'91, common in the United States. The males have stridulating organs at the bases of the front wings. During the summer and autumn, in the evening, the males make a peculiar, loud, shrill sound, resembling the combination Katy-did, whence the name. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ka"u*ri(?), n.[Native name.](Bot.)A tall coniferous tree of New Zealand Agathis australis, orDammara australis), having white straight-grained wood furnishing valuable timber and also yielding one kind of dammar resin.[Written also kaudi, kaury, cowdie, and cowrie.] 1913 Webster]
Kau"ri(?), n.(a)Kauri resin.(b)By extension,any of various species of Dammara; as, the red kauri (Dammara lanceolata). Webster 1913 Suppl.]
{ Kauri resin, Kauri gum, orKauri copal }. A resinous product of the kauri, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where the trees have grown. It is used for making varnish, and as a substitute for amber. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kauryn.Same as kauri. Syn. -- kauri, Agathis australis. WordNet 1.5]
Ka"va(?), n.[Polynesian.](Bot.)A species of Macropiper (Macropiper methysticum), the long pepper, from the root of which an intoxicating beverage is made by the Polynesians, by a process of mastication; also, the beverage itself.[Written also kawa, kava, and ava.] 1913 Webster]
Ka*vass"(?), n.; pl.Kavasses(#)[Turk. k\'bevv\'bes]An armed constable; also, a government servant or courier. [Turkey] 1913 Webster]
Kaw(?), v. i. & n.See Caw. 1913 Webster]
Ka*wa"ka(?), n.(Bot.)a New Zealand tree, the Cypress cedar (Libocedrus Doniana), having a valuable, fine-grained, reddish wood. 1913 Webster]
Kawn(?), n.An inn. [Turkey] See Khan. 1913 Webster]
Kay"ak(?), n.(Naut.)A light canoe, made of skins stretched over a frame, and usually capable of carrying but one person, who sits amidships and uses a double-bladed paddle. It is peculiar to the Eskimos and other Arctic tribes. 1913 Webster]
Kay"ak*er(?), n.One who uses a kayak. 1913 Webster]
Kay"ko(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The dog salmon. 1913 Webster]
Kayles(?), n. pl.[Akin to Dan. kegle, Sw. kegla, D. & G. kegel, OHG. kegil, whence F. quille.]A game; ninepins. [Prov Eng.] Carew. 1913 Webster]
Kay"nard(?), n.[F. cagnard.]A lazy or cowardly person; a rascal. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
ka*zoo"(?), n.[Etymol. uncertain.]A kind of toy or rude musical instrument, as a tube inside of which is a stretched string or membrane made to vibrate by singing or humming into the tube. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ke"a(kcolloq. k, n.[Maori.](Zo\'94l.)A large New Zealand parrot (Nestor notabilis), notorious for having acquired the habit of killing sheep; -- called also mountain parrot. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kebab, kebob(?), n.See kabab and kabob. PJC]
Keck(k, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kecked(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kecking.][Cf. dial. G. k\'94cken, k\'94ken.]To heave or to retch, as in an effort to vomit. [R.] Swift. 1913 Webster]
Keck, n.An effort to vomit; queasiness. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Kec"kle(?), v. i. & n.See Keck, v. i. & n. 1913 Webster]
Kec"kle, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Keckled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Keckling(?).](Naut.)To wind old rope around, as a cable, to preserve its surface from being fretted, or to wind iron chains around, to defend from the friction of a rocky bottom, or from the ice.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Kec"kling(?), n.Old rope or iron chains wound around a cable. See Keckle, v. t. 1913 Webster]
Keck"sy(?), n.; pl.Kecksies(-s.[Properly pl. of kex. See Kex.](Bot.)The hollow stalk of an umbelliferous plant, such as the cow parsnip or the hemlock.[Written also kex, and in pl., kecks, kaxes.] 1913 Webster]
Nothing teems kecksies, burs.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Keck"y(?), a.Resembling a kecksy.Grew. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ked"dah(?), n.[Malay kedah, fr. Ar. qadah hole.]An inclosure constructed to entrap wild elephants; an elephant trap. [India] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kedge(k, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kedged(k; p. pr. & vb. n.Kedging.][Cf. dial. Sw. keka to tug, to drag one's self slowly forward; or perh. fr. ked, and kedge, n., for keg anchor, named from the keg or cask fastened to the anchor to show where it lies.](Naut.)To move (a vessel) by carrying out a kedge in a boat, dropping it overboard, and hauling the vessel up to it. 1913 Webster]
Kedge, n.[See Kedge, v. t.](Naut.)A small anchor used whenever a large one can be dispensed with. See Kedge, v. t., and Anchor, n. 1913 Webster]
Kedg"er(?)n.(Naut.)A small anchor; a kedge. 1913 Webster]
Ked"lock(k, n.[Cf. dial. G. k\'94ddik, k\'81dik, kettich, keek, Dan. kidike, E. charlock, and AS. cedelc the herb mercury.](Bot.)See Charlock. 1913 Webster]
Kee(k, n. pl. of Cow. [AS. c, pl. of c cow. See Kine.]See Kie, Ky, and Kine. [Prov. Eng.] Gay. 1913 Webster]
Keech(?), n.[Cf. Prov. E. keech a cake.]A mass or lump of fat rolled up by the butcher. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Keel(k, v. t. & i.[AS. c to cool, fr. c cool. See Cool.]To cool; to skim or stir. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Keel, n.A brewer's cooling vat; a keelfat. 1913 Webster]
Keel, n.[Cf. AS. ce\'a2l ship; akin to D. & G. kiel keel, OHG. chiol ship, Icel. kj, and perh. to Gr. gay^los a round-built Phgaylo`s bucket; cf. Skr. g ball, round water vessel. But the meaning of the English word seems to come from Icel. kj\'94lr keel, akin to Sw. k\'94l, Dan. kj\'94l.]1.(Shipbuilding)A longitudinal timber, or series of timbers scarfed together, extending from stem to stern along the bottom of a vessel. It is the principal timber of the vessel, and, by means of the ribs attached on each side, supports the vessel's frame. In an iron vessel, a combination of plates supplies the place of the keel of a wooden ship. See Illust. of Keelson. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: The whole ship. 1913 Webster]
3.A barge or lighter, used on the Tyne for carrying coal from Newcastle; also, a barge load of coal, twenty-one tons, four cwt. [Eng.] 1913 Webster]
4.(Bot.)The two lowest petals of the corolla of a papilionaceous flower, united and inclosing the stamens and pistil; a carina. See Carina. 1913 Webster]
5.(Nat. Hist.)A projecting ridge along the middle of a flat or curved surface. 1913 Webster]
6.(Aeronautics)In a dirigible, a construction similar in form and use to a ship's keel; in an a\'89roplane, a fin or fixed surface employed to increase stability and to hold the machine to its course. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Bilge keel(Naut.), a keel peculiar to ironclad vessels, extending only a portion of the length of the vessel under the bilges.Ham. Nav. Encyc. --
False keel. See under False. --
Keel boat. (a)A covered freight boat, with a keel, but no sails, used on Western rivers. [U. S.] (b)A low, flat-bottomed freight boat. See Keel, n., 3. --
Keel piece, one of the timbers or sections of which a keel is composed. --
On even keel, in a level or horizontal position, so that the draught of water at the stern and the bow is the same.Ham. Nav. Encyc. --
On an even keela. & adv., steady; balanced; steadily. 1913 Webster]
Keel, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Keeled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Keeling.]1.To traverse with a keel; to navigate. 1913 Webster]
2.To turn up the keel; to show the bottom. 1913 Webster]
To keel over, to upset; to capsize. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Keel"age(?), n.[Cf. F. guillage, fr. guille keel; of German or Scand origin. See 3d Keel.]The right of demanding a duty or toll for a ship entering a port; also, the duty or toll.Bouvier. Wharton. 1913 Webster]
Keeled(?), a.1.(Bot.)Keel-shaped; having a longitudinal prominence on the back; as, a keeled leaf. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Having a median ridge; carinate; as, a keeled scale. 1913 Webster]
Keel"er(?), n.[See 3d Keel.]1.One employed in managing a Newcastle keel; -- called also keelman. 1913 Webster]
2.A small or shallow tub; esp., one used for holding materials for calking ships, or one used for washing dishes, etc. 1913 Webster]
Keel"fat`(?), n.[Keel to cool + fat a large tub, a vat.](Brewing)A cooler; a vat for cooling wort, etc.[Written also keelvat.]Johnson. 1913 Webster]
Keel"haul`(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Keelhauled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Keelhauling.][3d keel + haul: cf. LG. & D. kielhalen, G. kielholen. ][Written also keelhale.](Naut.)To haul under the keel of a ship, by ropes attached to the yardarms on each side. It was formerly practiced as a punishment in the Dutch and English navies.Totten. 1913 Webster]
Kee"li*vine(?), n.[Cf. Gael. cil ruddle.]A pencil of black or red lead; -- called also keelyvine pen. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Keel"man(?), n.; pl. -men(/).See Keeler, 1. 1913 Webster]
keel` o"ver(?), v. i.To drop down in a faint, or as if dead; to die. [Colloq.] PJC]
Keel"rake`(?), v. t.(Naut.)Same as Keelhaul. 1913 Webster]
Keels(?), n. pl.Ninepins. See Kayles. 1913 Webster]
Keel"son(?), n.[Akin to Sw. k\'94lsvin, Dan. kj\'94lsviin, G. kielschwein; apparently compounded of the words keel and swine; but cf. Norweg. kj\'94lsvill, where svill is akin to E. sill, n. ](Shipbuilding)A piece of timber in a ship laid on the middle of the floor timbers over the keel, and binding the floor timbers to the keel; in iron vessels, a structure of plates, situated like the keelson of a timber ship. 1913 Webster]
Cross keelson, a similar structure lying athwart the main keelson, to support the engines and boilers. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 810 -->
Keel"vat`(k, n.See Keelfat. 1913 Webster]
Keen(k, a.[Compar.Keener(k; superl.Keenest.][OE. kene sharp, bold, AS. c bold; akin to D. koen, OHG. kuoni, G. k\'81hn, OSw. kyn, k\'94n, Icel. k\'91nn, for k\'d2nn wise; perh. akin to E. ken, can to be able. 1.Sharp; having a fine edge or point; as, a keen razor, or a razor with a keen edge. 1913 Webster]
A bow he bare and arwes [arrows] bright and kene.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
That my keen knife see not the wound it makes.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Acute of mind; sharp; penetrating; having or expressing mental acuteness; as, a man of keen understanding; a keen look; keen features. 1913 Webster]
To make our wits more keen.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Before the keen inquiry of her thought.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
Keen, v. t.To sharpen; to make cold. [R.] 1913 Webster]
Cold winter keens the brightening flood.Thomson. 1913 Webster]
Keen, n.[Ir. caoine.]A prolonged wail for a deceased person. Cf. Coranach. [Ireland] Froude. 1913 Webster]
Keen, v. i.To wail as a keener does. [Ireland] 1913 Webster]
Keen"er(?), n.A professional mourner who wails at a funeral. [Ireland] 1913 Webster]
Keen"ly, adv.In a keen manner. 1913 Webster]
Keen"ness, n.The quality or state of being keen. 1913 Webster]
Keep(k, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kept(k; p. pr. & vb. n.Keeping.][OE. k, AS. c to keep, regard, desire, await, take, betake; cf. AS. copenere lover, OE. copnien to desire.]1.To care; to desire. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I kepe not of armes for to yelp [boast].Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
2.To hold; to restrain from departure or removal; not to let go of; to retain in one's power or possession; not to lose; to retain; to detain. 1913 Webster]
If we lose the field, keep the town.Shak. 1913 Webster]
That I may know what keeps me here with you.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
If we would weigh and keep in our minds what we are considering, that would instruct us.Locke. 1913 Webster]
3.To cause to remain in a given situation or condition; to maintain unchanged; to hold or preserve in any state or tenor. 1913 Webster]
His loyalty he kept, his love, his zeal.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Keep a stiff rein, and move but gently on.Addison. 1913 Webster]
keep away, to keep down, to keep from, to keep in, out, or off, etc. \'bdTo keep off impertinence and solicitation from his superior.\'b8Addison. 1913 Webster]
4.To have in custody; to have in some place for preservation; to take charge of. 1913 Webster]
The crown of Stephanus, first king of Hungary, was always kept in the castle of Vicegrade.Knolles. 1913 Webster]
5.To preserve from danger, harm, or loss; to guard. 1913 Webster]
Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee.Gen. xxviii. 15. 1913 Webster]
6.To preserve from discovery or publicity; not to communicate, reveal, or betray, as a secret. 1913 Webster]
Great are thy virtues . . . though kept from man.Milton. 1913 Webster]
7.To attend upon; to have the care of; to tend. 1913 Webster]
And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it.Gen. ii. 15. 1913 Webster]
In her girlish age, she kept sheep on the moor.Carew. 1913 Webster]
8.To record transactions, accounts, or events in; as, to keep books, a journal, etc.; also, to enter (as accounts, records, etc. ) in a book. 1913 Webster]
9.To maintain, as an establishment, institution, or the like; to conduct; to manage; as, to keep store. 1913 Webster]
Like a pedant that keeps a school.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Every one of them kept house by himself.Hayward. 1913 Webster]
10.To supply with necessaries of life; to entertain; as, to keep boarders. 1913 Webster]
11.To have in one's service; to have and maintain, as an assistant, a servant, a mistress, a horse, etc. 1913 Webster]
I keep but three men and a boy.Shak. 1913 Webster]
12.To have habitually in stock for sale. 1913 Webster]
13.To continue in, as a course or mode of action; not to intermit or fall from; to hold to; to maintain; as, to keep silence; to keep one's word; to keep possession. 1913 Webster]
Both day and night did we keep company.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Within this portal as I kept my watch.Smollett. 1913 Webster]
14.To observe; to adhere to; to fulfill; not to swerve from or violate; to practice or perform, as duty; not to neglect; to be faithful to. 1913 Webster]
I have kept the faith.2 Tim. iv. 7. 1913 Webster]
Him whom to love is to obey, and keep Milton. 1913 Webster]
15.To confine one's self to; not to quit; to remain in; as, to keep one's house, room, bed, etc.; hence, to haunt; to frequent.Shak. 1913 Webster]
16.To observe duly, as a festival, etc.; to celebrate; to solemnize; as, to keep a feast. 1913 Webster]
I went with them to the house of God . . . with a multitude that kept holyday.Ps. xlii. 4. 1913 Webster]
To keep at arm's length. See under Arm, n. --
To keep back. (a)To reserve; to withhold. \'bdI will keep nothing back from you.\'b8 Jer. xlii. 4.(b)To restrain; to hold back. \'bdKeep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins.\'b8 Ps. xix. 13. --
To keep company with. (a)To frequent the society of; to associate with; as, let youth keep company with the wise and good.(b)To accompany; to go with; as, to keep company with one on a voyage; also, to pay court to, or accept attentions from, with a view to marriage. [Colloq.] --
To keep counsel. See under Counsel, n. --
To keep down. (a)To hold in subjection; to restrain; to hinder.(b)(Fine Arts)To subdue in tint or tone, as a portion of a picture, so that the spectator's attention may not be diverted from the more important parts of the work. --
To keep good hoursor
To keep bad hours, to be customarily early (or late) in returning home or in retiring to rest. --
To keep house. (a)To occupy a separate house or establishment, as with one's family, as distinguished from boarding; to manage domestic affairs.(b)(Eng. Bankrupt Law)To seclude one's self in one's house in order to evade the demands of creditors. --
To keep one's hand in, to keep in practice. --
To keep open house, to be hospitable. --
To keep the peace(Law), to avoid or to prevent a breach of the peace. --
To keep school, to govern, manage and instruct or teach a school, as a preceptor. --
To keep a stiff upper lip, to keep up one's courage. [Slang] --
To keep term. (a)(Eng. Universities)To reside during a term.(b)(Inns of Court)To eat a sufficient number of dinners in hall to make the term count for the purpose of being called to the bar. [Eng.] Mozley & W. --
To keep touch. See under Touch, n. --
To keep under, to hold in subjection; hence, to oppress. --
To keep up. (a)To maintain; to prevent from falling or diminution; as, to keep up the price of goods; to keep up one's credit.(b)To maintain; to continue; to prevent from ceasing. \'bdIn joy, that which keeps up the action is the desire to continue it.\'b8 Locke.
Syn. -- To retain; detain; reserve; preserve; hold; restrain; maintain; sustain; support; withhold. -- To Keep. Retain, Preserve. Keep is the generic term, and is often used where retain or preserve would too much restrict the meaning; as, to keep silence, etc. Retain denotes that we keep or hold things, as against influences which might deprive us of them, or reasons which might lead us to give them up; as, to retain vivacity in old age; to retain counsel in a lawsuit; to retain one's servant after a reverse of fortune. Preserve denotes that we keep a thing against agencies which might lead to its being destroyed or broken in upon; as, to preserve one's health; to preserve appearances. 1913 Webster]
Keep(?), v. i.1.To remain in any position or state; to continue; to abide; to stay; as, to keep at a distance; to keep aloft; to keep near; to keep in the house; to keep before or behind; to keep in favor; to keep out of company, or out reach. 1913 Webster]
2.To last; to endure; to remain unimpaired. 1913 Webster]
If the malt be not thoroughly dried, the ale it makes will not keep.Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
3.To reside for a time; to lodge; to dwell. [Now disused except locally or colloquially.] 1913 Webster]
Knock at his study, where, they say, he keeps.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.To take care; to be solicitous; to watch. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Keep that the lusts choke not the word of God that is in us.Tyndale. 1913 Webster]
5.To be in session; as, school keeps to-day. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
To keep from, to abstain or refrain from. --
To keep in with, to keep on good terms with; as, to keep in with an opponent. --
To keep on, to go forward; to proceed; to continue to advance. --
To keep to, to adhere strictly to; not to neglect or deviate from; as, to keep to old customs; to keep to a rule; to keep to one's word or promise. --
To keep up, to remain unsubdued; also, not to be confined to one's bed. 1913 Webster]
Keep, n.1.The act or office of keeping; custody; guard; care; heed; charge.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Pan, thou god of shepherds all, keep.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
2.The state of being kept; hence, the resulting condition; case; as, to be in good keep. 1913 Webster]
3.The means or provisions by which one is kept; maintenance; support; as, the keep of a horse. 1913 Webster]
Grass equal to the keep of seven cows.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
I performed some services to the college in return for my keep.T. Hughes. 1913 Webster]
4.That which keeps or protects; a stronghold; a fortress; a castle; specifically, the strongest and securest part of a castle, often used as a place of residence by the lord of the castle, especially during a siege; the dungeon. See Illust. of Castle. 1913 Webster]
The prison strong, keep the captive knights were laid.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
The lower chambers of those gloomy keeps.Hallam. 1913 Webster]
I think . . . the keep, or principal part of a castle, was so called because the lord and his domestic circle kept, abode, or lived there.M. A. Lower. 1913 Webster]
5.That which is kept in charge; a charge. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Often he used of his keep Spenser. 1913 Webster]
6.(Mach.)A cap for retaining anything, as a journal box, in place. 1913 Webster]
To take keep, to take care; to heed. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Keep"er(?), n.1.One who, or that which, keeps; one who, or that which, holds or has possession of anything. 1913 Webster]
2.One who retains in custody; one who has the care of a prison and the charge of prisoners. 1913 Webster]
3.One who has the care, custody, or superintendence of anything; as, the keeper of a park, a pound, of sheep, of a gate, etc.; the keeper of attached property;hence,one who saves from harm; a defender; a preserver. 1913 Webster]
The Lord is thy keeper.Ps. cxxi. 6. 1913 Webster]
4.One who remains or keeps in a place or position. 1913 Webster]
Discreet; chaste; keepers at home.Titus ii. 5. 1913 Webster]
5.A ring, strap, clamp, or any device for holding an object in place;as:(a)The box on a door jamb into which the bolt of a lock protrudes, when shot.(b)A ring serving to keep another ring on the finger.(c)A loop near the buckle of a strap to receive the end of the strap. 1913 Webster]
6.A fruit that keeps well; as, the Roxbury Russet is a good keeper.Hence:Anything perishable that remains in good condition longer than usual. Downing. 1913 Webster +PJC]
7.An iron bar that is placed on the poles of a horseshoe magnet, and held in place there by the magnetic force, to preserve the strength of the magnet when not in use. PJC]
Keeper of the forest(O. Eng. Law), an officer who had the principal government of all things relating to the forest. --
Keeper of the great seal, a high officer of state, who has custody of the great seal. The office is now united with that of lord chancellor. [Eng.] --
Keeper of the King's conscience, the lord chancellor; -- a name given when the chancellor was an ecclesiastic. [Eng.] --
Keeper of the privy seal (styled also lord privy seal), a high officer of state, through whose hands pass all charters, pardons, etc., before they come to the great seal. He is a privy councillor, and was formerly called clerk of the privy seal. [Eng.] --
Keeper of a magnet, a piece of iron which connects the two poles, for the purpose of keeping the magnetic power undiminished; an armature; called also keeper. 1913 Webster]
Keep"er*ship(?), n.The office or position of a keeper.Carew. 1913 Webster]
His happiness is in his own keeping.South. 1913 Webster]
2.Maintenance; support; provision; feed; as, the cattle have good keeping. 1913 Webster]
The work of many hands, which earns my keeping.Milton. 1913 Webster]
3.Conformity; congruity; harmony; consistency; as, these subjects are in keeping with each other; his levity is not in keeping with the seriousness of the occasion. 1913 Webster +PJC]
4.(Paint.)Harmony or correspondence between the different parts of a work of art; as, the foreground of this painting is not in keeping. 1913 Webster]
Keeping room, a family sitting room. [New Eng. & Prov. Eng.]
Keep"sake`(?), n.Anything kept, or given to be kept, for the sake of the giver; a token of friendship. 1913 Webster]
Keesh(?), n.See Kish. 1913 Webster]
Keeve(?), n.[AS. c/f, fr. L. cupa a tub, cask; also, F. cuve. Cf. Kive, Coop.]1.(Brewing)A vat or tub in which the mash is made; a mash tub.Ure. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bleaching)A bleaching vat; a kier. 1913 Webster]
3.(Mining)A large vat used in dressing ores. 1913 Webster]
Keeve, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Keeved(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Keeving.]1.To set in a keeve, or tub, for fermentation. 1913 Webster]
2.To heave; to tilt, as a cart. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Kef"ir(k, n.1.An effervescent liquor like kumiss, made from fermented milk, used as a food and as a medicine in the northern Caucasus. -- Ke*fir"ic(k, a. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.A sour fermented milk drink, used in various regions of Asia, made by addition of Streptococcus or Lactobacillus cultures to cow's or goat's milk; it is considered by some as a form of yoghurt. PJC]
Kefir grains. Small hard yellowish aggregations found in the Caucasus region, and containing various yeasts and bacteria. They are used as a ferment in preparing kefir. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Keg(k, n.[Earlier cag, Icel. kaggi; akin to Sw. kagge.]A small cask or barrel. 1913 Webster]
Keil"hau*ite(k, n.(Min.)A mineral of a brownish black color, related to titanite in form. It consists chiefly of silica, titanium dioxide, lime, and yttria. 1913 Webster]
Keir(?), n.See Kier. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Keit*lo"a(?), n.[Native name.](Zo\'94l.)A black, two-horned, African rhinoceros (Atelodus keitloa). It has the posterior horn about as long as the anterior one, or even longer. 1913 Webster]
Keld(?), a.[Cf. Cavl.]Having a kell or covering; webbed. [Obs.] Drayton. 1913 Webster]
Kele(?), v. t.[See Keel to cool.]To cool. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kell(?), n.A kiln. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Kell, n.[A modification of kale.]A sort of pottage; kale. See Kale, 2.Ainsworth. 1913 Webster]
Kell, n.[Cf. Caul.]1.The caul; that which covers or envelops as a caul; a net; a fold; a film. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I'll have him cut to the kell.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
2.The cocoon or chrysalis of an insect. B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Ke"loid(?), a.[Also spelled cheloid.][F. k\'82lo, from Gr. chhlh` crab's claw + -oid: cf. F. k\'82lo\'8bde, ch\'82lo\'8bde.](Med.)Applied to a variety of tumor forming hard, flat, irregular excrescences upon the skin, or to keloid scar tissue. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kelp(k, n.[Formerly kilpe; of unknown origin.]1.The calcined ashes of seaweed, -- formerly much used in the manufacture of glass, now used in the manufacture of iodine. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Any large blackish seaweed. 1913 Webster]
Laminaria is the common kelp of Great Britain; Macrocystis pyrifera and Nereocystis Lutkeana are the great kelps of the Pacific Ocean. 1913 Webster]
Kelp crab(Zo\'94l.), a California spider crab (Epialtus productus), found among seaweeds, which it resembles in color. --
Kelp salmon(Zo\'94l.), a serranoid food fish (Serranus clathratus) of California. See Cabrilla. 1913 Webster]
Kelp"fish`(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A small California food fish (Heterostichus rostratus), living among kelp. The name is also applied to species of the genus Platyglossus.
{ Kel"pie, Kel"py }, n.; pl.Kelpies(#).[Cf. Gael. cailpeach, calpach, colpach, a heifer, steer, colt, colpa a cow or horse.](Scotch Myth.)An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by preternatural noises and lights, those who are to be drowned.Jamieson. 1913 Webster]
Kelp"ware`(?), n.Same as Kelp, 2. 1913 Webster]
Kel"son(?), n.See Keelson.Sir W. Raleigh. 1913 Webster]
Kelt(?), n.See Kilt, n.Jamieson. 1913 Webster]
Kelt, n.[Cf. Icel. kult quilt.]Cloth with the nap, generally of native black wool. [Scot.] Jamieson. 1913 Webster]
Kelt, n.A salmon after spawning. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kelt, n.Same as Celt, one of Celtic race. 1913 Webster]
Kel"ter(?), n.[Cf. Gael. & Ir. cealt clothes, Gael. cealltair spear, castle, cause, Prov. E. kilter tool, instrument. Cf. Kilt.]Regular order or proper condition.[Usually written kilter in th U. S.] [Colloq., chiefly British spelling] 1913 Webster]
If the organs of prayer be out of kelter or out of tune, how can we pray?Barrow. 1913 Webster]
Kelt"ic(k, a. & n.Same as Celtic, a. & n. 1913 Webster]
Kel"vin(k, n.[from Lord Kelvin, English physicist.]The SI unit of temperature, defined as being 1/273.16 of the triple point of water; abbreviated K. The melting point of water at 760 mm pressure is 273.15 Kelvins, and the boiling point 373.15 Kelvins. One degree Kelvin is equal to one degree Centigrade, and PJC]
<-- p. 811 -->
Kemb(k, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kembed(k or Kempt (kp. pr. & vb. n. Kembing.][OE. kemben, AS. cemban, fr. camb comb.]To comb. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
His longe hair was kembed behind his back.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kem"e*lin(?), n.[Cf. Prov. E. kemlin, kimlin, kimmel, a salting tub, any tub, kembing a brewing tub, G. kumme bowl, basin, W. cwmman a tub, brewing tub.]A tub; a brewer's vessel. [Obs.] Chaucer.
{ Kemp(k, Kemp"ty(?), }n.Coarse, rough hair in wool or fur, injuring its quality. 1913 Webster]
Kemps(k, n. pl.[Etymol. uncertain.](Bot.)The long flower stems of the ribwort plantain (Plantago Lanceolata).Dr. Prior. 1913 Webster]
Kempt(k, 1.p. p. of Kemb; combed.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
2.Neatly kept; tidy. Opposite of unkempt. PJC]
Ken(k, n.[Perh. from kennel.]A house; esp., one which is a resort for thieves. [Slang, Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Ken, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kenned(k; p. pr. & vb. n.Kenning.][OE. kennen to teach, make known, know, AS. cennan to make known, proclaim, or rather from the related Icel. kenna to know; akin to D. & G. kennen to know, Goth. kannjan to make known; orig., a causative corresponding to AS. cunnan to know, Goth. kunnan. Can to be able, Know.]1.To know; to understand; to take cognizance of. [Archaic or Scot.] 1913 Webster]
2.To recognize; to descry; to discern. [Archaic or Scot.] \'bdWe ken them from afar.\'b8 Addison 1913 Webster]
'T is he. I ken the manner of his gait.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Ken, v. i.To look around. [Obs.] Burton. 1913 Webster]
Ken, n.Cognizance; view; especially, reach of sight or knowledge. \'bdBeyond his ken.\'b8 Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Above the reach and ken of a mortal apprehension.South. 1913 Webster]
It was relief to quit the ken Trench.
{ Ken"dal green`(?), orKen"dal. }A cloth colored green by dye obtained from the woad-waxen, formerly used by Flemish weavers at Kendal, in Westmoreland, England.J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants). 1913 Webster]
How couldst thou know these men in Kendal green ?Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kennedia, Kennedyan.A genus of Australian woody vines having showy red or purplish flowers. Syn. -- Kennedia, genus Kennedia, genus Kennedya. WordNet 1.5]
Ken"nel(?), n.[See Channel, Canal.]The water course of a street; a little canal or channel; a gutter; also, a puddle.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Ken"nel, n.[OE. kenel, (assumed) OF. kenil, F. chenil, LL. canile, fr. L. canis a dog. Cf. Canine.]1.A house for a dog or for dogs, or for a pack of hounds. 1913 Webster]
A dog sure, if he could speak, had wit enough to describe his kennel.Sir P. Sidney. 1913 Webster]
2.A pack of hounds, or a collection of dogs.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.The hole of a fox or other beast; a haunt. 1913 Webster]
Ken"nel, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kenneled(?) or Kennelled; p. pr. & vb. n.Kennelling.]To lie or lodge; to dwell, as a dog or a fox. 1913 Webster]
The dog kenneled in a hollow tree.L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
Ken"nel, v. t.To put or keep in a kennel.Thomson. 1913 Webster]
Ken"nel coal`(?)n.See Cannel coal. 1913 Webster]
Ken"ning(?), n.[See Ken, v. t.]1.Range of sight. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
2.The limit of vision at sea, being a distance of about twenty miles. 1913 Webster]
Ke"no(?), n.[F. quine five winning numbers, fr. L. quini five each, quinque five. See Five.]A gambling game, a variety of the game of lotto, played with balls or knobs, numbered, and cards also numbered. [U. S.] 1913 Webster]
Ken`o*gen"e*sis(?), n.[Gr. / new + E. genesis.](Biol.)Modified evolution, in which nonprimitive characters make their appearance in consequence of a secondary adaptation of the embryo to the peculiar conditions of its environment; -- distinguished from palingenesis.[Written also cenogenesis and c\'91nogenesis.] 1913 Webster]
Ken`o*ge*net"ic(?), a.(Biol.)Of or pertaining to kenogenesis; as, kenogenetic processes. -- Ken`o*ge*net"ic*al*ly(#), adv. 1913 Webster]
Ken"spec`kle(?), a.Having so marked an appearance as easily to be recognized. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kent" bu"gle(?)prop. n.[Probably named after a Duke of Kent.](Mus.)A curved bugle, having six finger keys or stops, by means of which the performer can play upon every key in the musical scale; -- called also keyed bugle, and key bugle.Moore. 1913 Webster]
Ken"tle(?), n.[From Quintal.](Com.)A hundred weight; a quintal. 1913 Webster]
Kent"ledge(?), n.[OF. cant edge, corner, D. kant. See Cant edge, angle.](Naut.)Pigs of iron used for ballast.[Written also kintlidge.] 1913 Webster]
Ken*tuck"y(?), prop. n.One of the United States. 1913 Webster]
Kentucky blue grass(Bot.), a valuable pasture and meadow grass (Poa pratensis), found in both Europe and America. See under Blue grass. --
Kentucky coffee tree(Bot.), a tall North American tree (Gymnocladus Canadensis) with bipinnate leaves. It produces large woody pods containing a few seeds which have been used as a substitute for coffee. The timber is very valuable. 1913 Webster]
Kenyaprop. n.A country in East Africa, formerly a British colony. WordNet 1.5]
Kenyanprop. n.A native or inhabitant of Kenya. WordNet 1.5]
Kenyanprop. a.Of or pertaining to Kenya; as, Kenyan mountains; Kenyan coffee. WordNet 1.5]
2.Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Kenya; as, Kenyan soldiers. WordNet 1.5]
Kenyapithecusprop. n.A genus of extinct primates having powerful chewing muscles along with large molars and small incisors; its fossils were found in Maboko in Kenya. Syn. -- genus Kenyapithecus. WordNet 1.5]
keph"a*lin(k, n.[Gr. kefalh` the head; it was supposed by Thudichum to exist in brain tissue.](Physiol. Chem.)One of a group of phospholipids (nitrogenous phosphorized fatty substances), present in all living cells and particularly noticeable in nervous tissue. Same as cephalin, which see. 1913 Webster]
kep"i(?), n.[F. k\'82pi, of G. origin.]A military cap having a close-fitting band, a round flat top sloping toward the front, and a visor. As originally worn by the French in Algeria about 1830 it was tall and stiff with a straight visor. It is now lower, has a curved visor, and is frequently soft. Syn. -- peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kept(k, imp. & p. p. of Keep. 1913 Webster]
Kept woman,
Kept mistress, a concubine; a woman supported by a man as his paramour. 1913 Webster]
Ker`a*mo*graph"ic(?), a.[Gr. ke`ramos tile + graph + ic.]Suitable to be written upon; capable of being written upon, as a slate; -- said especially of a certain kind of globe.Scudamore. 1913 Webster]
Ke*ra"na(?), n.(Mus.)A kind of long trumpet, used among the Persians.Moore (Encyc. of Music). 1913 Webster]
Ker"a*sin(?), n.(Physiol. Chem.)A nitrogenous substance free from phosphorus, supposed to be present in the brain; a body closely related to cerebrin. 1913 Webster]
ker"a*tin(?), n.[Gr. ke`ras, -atos, horn.](Physiol. Chem.)A sulfur-containing fibrous protein constituting the main structural protein of hard epidermal tissues, such as horn, hair, feathers, nails, claws, hoofs, and the like. It is an insoluble substance, and, unlike elastin, is not dissolved even by gastric or pancreatic juice. By decomposition with sulphuric acid it yields leucine and tyrosine plus various other acid-stable amino acids. The amino acid composition varies, but it usually has a high percentage of cystine, which stabilizes and insolubilizes the protein by forming intrachain linkages. A softer form of keratin is present in the epidermis and whalebone. Called also epidermose. 1913 Webster +PJC]
\'d8Ker`a*ti"tis(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. ke`ras, -atos, horn + -itis.](Med.)Inflammation of the cornea. 1913 Webster]
Ker"a*tode(?), n.See Keratose. 1913 Webster]
Ker`a*tog"e*nous(?), a.[Gr. ke`ras, -atos, horn + -genous.]Producing horn; as, the keratogenous membrane within the horny hoof of the horse. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ker`a*toi"de*a(?), n. pl.[NL., from Gr. ke`ras, -atos, horn + -oid.](Zo\'94l.)Same as Keratosa. 1913 Webster]
Ker"a*tome(?), n.[Gr. ke`ras, horn + / to cut.](Surg.)An instrument for dividing the cornea in operations for cataract. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ker`a*to*nyx"is(?), n.[Gr. ke`ras, -atos, horn + / puncture.](Med.)The operation of removing a cataract by thrusting a needle through the cornea of the eye, and breaking up the opaque mass. 1913 Webster]
Ker"a*to*phyte(?), n.[Gr. ke`ras, -atos, a horn + / a plant.](Zo\'94l.)A gorgonian coral having a horny axis. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ker`a*to"sa(?), n. pl.[NL., fr. Gr. ke`ras, -atos, a horn.](Zo\'94l.)An order of sponges having a skeleton composed of hornlike fibers. It includes the commercial sponges. 1913 Webster]
Ker"a*tose`(?), n.[Gr. ke`ras, -atos, horn.](Physiol. Chem.)A tough, horny animal substance entering into the composition of the skeleton of sponges, and other invertebrates; -- called also keratode. 1913 Webster]
Ker"a*tose`, a.(Zo\'94l.)Containing hornlike fibers or fibers of keratose; belonging to the Keratosa. 1913 Webster]
Ke*rau"no*graph(?), n.[Gr. / thunderbolt + graph.]A figure or picture impressed by lightning upon the human body or elsewhere. -- Ker`au*nog"ra*phy(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Kerb(?), n.See Curb. 1913 Webster]
Kerb"stone`(?), n.See Curbstone. 1913 Webster]
Ker"cher(?), n.A kerchief. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
He became . . . white as a kercher.Sir T. North. 1913 Webster]
Ker"chered(?), a.Covered, or bound round, with a kercher. [Obs.] G. Fletcher. 1913 Webster]
Ker"chief(?), n.; pl.Kerchiefs(#).[OE. coverchef, OF. cuevrechief, couvrechef, F. couvrechef, a head covering, fr. couvrir to cover + OF. chief head, F. chef. See Cover, Chief, and cf. Curfew.]1.A square of fine linen worn by women as a covering for the head; hence, anything similar in form or material, worn for ornament on other parts of the person; -- mostly used in compounds; as, neckerchief; breastkerchief; and later, handkerchief. 1913 Webster]
He might put on a hat, a muffler, and a kerchief, and so escape.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Her black hair strained away kerchief caught beneath her chin.Mrs. Browning. 1913 Webster]
Kerf(?), n.[AS. cyrf a cutting off, fr. ceorfan to cut, carve. See Carve.]A notch, channel, or slit made in any material by cutting or sawing. 1913 Webster]
Ke"rite(?), n.[Gr. ke`ras, horn.]A compound in which tar or asphaltum combined with animal or vegetable oils is vulcanized by sulphur, the product closely resembling rubber; -- used principally as an insulating material in telegraphy.Knight. 1913 Webster]
Kerl(?), n.See Carl. 1913 Webster]
Ker"mes(?), n.[Ar. & Per. girmiz. See Crimson, and cf. Alkermes.]1.(Zo\'94l.)The dried bodies of the females of a scale insect (Kermes ilices formerly Coccus ilicis), allied to the cochineal insect, and found on several species of oak near the Mediterranean; also, the dye obtained from them. They are round, about the size of a pea, contain coloring matter analogous to carmine, and are used in dyeing. They were anciently thought to be of a vegetable nature, and were used in medicine.[Written also chermes.] 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)A small European evergreen oak (Quercus coccifera) on which the kermes insect (Kermes ilices, formerly Coccus ilicis) feeds.J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants). 1913 Webster]
3.(Zo\'94l.)[NL.]A genus of scale insects including many species that feed on oaks. The adult female resembles a small gall. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kermes mineral. (a)(Old Chem.)An artificial amorphous trisulphide of antimony; -- so called on account of its red color.(b)(Med. Chem.)A compound of the trioxide and trisulphide of antimony, used in medicine. This substance occurs in nature as the mineral kermesite. 1913 Webster]
Ker"messe(?), n.[F.]See Kirmess. 1913 Webster]
Kern(k, n.[Ir. ceatharnach.Cf. Cateran. ]1.A light-armed foot soldier of the ancient militia of Ireland and Scotland; -- distinguished from gallowglass, and often used as a term of contempt.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
Now for our Irish wars; kerns.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Any kind of boor or low-lived person. [Obs.] Blount. 1913 Webster]
3.(O. Eng. Law)An idler; a vagabond.Wharton. 1913 Webster]
Kern, n.(Type Founding)A part of the face of a type which projects beyond the body, or shank, such as in certain italic letters. 1913 Webster]
Kern, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kerned(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kerning. ](Type Founding)To form with a kern. See 2d Kern. 1913 Webster]
Kern, n.[AS. cweorn, cwyrn. See Quern. ]A hand mill. See Quern.Johnson. 1913 Webster]
Kern, v. i.[Cf. G. kern kernel, grain; akin to E. corn. See Corn, Kernel. ]1.To harden, as corn in ripening. [Obs.] Carew. 1913 Webster]
2.To take the form of kernels; to granulate. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
It is observed that rain makes the salt kern.Dampier. 1913 Webster]
Kern(?), n.[Written also kirn.][Cf. D. & G. kern kernal, E. kern to harden, kernel.] [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.] 1.Kernel; corn; grain. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.The last handful or sheaf reaped at the harvest. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.The harvest-home. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kern baby. A doll or image decorated with corn (grain) flowers, etc., carried in the festivals of a kern, or harvest-home. Called also harvest queen. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kerned(k, a.(Print.)Having part of the face projecting beyond the body or shank; -- said of type. \'bdIn Roman, f and j are the only kerned letters.\'b8 MacKellar. 1913 Webster]
Ker"nel(?), n.[OE. kernel, kirnel, curnel, AS. cyrnel, fr. corn grain. See Corn, and cf. Kern to harden.]1.The essential part of a seed; all that is within the seed walls; the edible substance contained in the shell of a nut; hence, anything included in a shell, husk, or integument; as, the kernel of a nut. See Illust. of Endocarp. 1913 Webster]
'A were as good crack a fusty nut with no kernelShak. 1913 Webster]
2.A single seed or grain; as, a kernel of corn. 1913 Webster]
3.A small mass around which other matter is concreted; a nucleus; a concretion or hard lump in the flesh. 1913 Webster]
4.The central, substantial or essential part of anything; the gist; the core; as, the kernel of an argument. 1913 Webster]
Ker"nel, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kerneled(?)orKernelled; p. pr. & vb. n.KernelingorKernelling.]To harden or ripen into kernels; to produce kernels.
{ Ker"neled, Ker"nelled(?) }, a.Having a kernel. 1913 Webster]
Ker"nel*ly(?), a.Full of kernels; resembling kernels; of the nature of kernels.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Ker"o*lite(?), n.(Min.)Same as Cerolite. 1913 Webster]
Ker"o*sene`(?), n.[Gr. / wax.]An oil used for illuminating purposes, formerly obtained from the distillation of mineral wax, bituminous shale, etc., and hence called also coal oil. It is now produced in immense quantities, chiefly by the distillation and purification of petroleum. It consists chiefly of several hydrocarbons of the methane series, having from 10 to 16 carbon atoms in each molecule, and having a higher boiling point (175 - 325 1913 Webster +PJC]
Ker"sey(?), n.; pl.Kerseys(#).[Prob. from the town of Kersey in Suffolk, Eng.]A kind of coarse, woolen cloth, usually ribbed, woven from wool of long staple. 1913 Webster]
Ker"sey*mere(?), n.[For cassimere, confounded with kersey.]See Cassimere. 1913 Webster]
Kes"lop(k, n.[AS. c, or c, milk curdled; cf. G. k\'84selab, k\'84selippe. See Cheese, and cf.Cheeselep.]The stomach of a calf, prepared for rennet.Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Kess(?), v. t.To kiss. [Obs.] Chaucer 1913 Webster]
Kest(?), imp.of Cast. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Kes"trel(k, n.[See Castrel.](Zo\'94l.)A small, slender European hawk (Falco alaudarius), allied to the sparrow hawk. Its color is reddish fawn, streaked and spotted with white and black. Also called windhover and stannel. The name is also applied to other allied species. 1913 Webster]
kestrels have a resemblance with hawks.\'b8Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Ket(k, n.[Icel. kj\'94t flesh; akin to Sw. k\'94tt, Dan. kj\'94d.]Carrion; any filth. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Ke"ta(?), n.[Perh. of Amer. Indian origin.](Zo\'94l.)A small salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) of inferior value, which in the autumn runs up all the larger rivers between San Francisco and Kamchatka. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ketch(k, n.[Prob. corrupted fr. Turk. q\'be : cf. F. caiche. Cf. Ca\'8bque.](Naut.)1.An almost obsolete form of sailing vessel, with a mainmast and a mizzenmast, -- usually from one hundred to two hundred and fifty tons burden. 1913 Webster]
2.(Naut.)In modern usage, a sailing vessel having two masts, with the main mast taller than the aftermost, or mizzen, mast. RH]
Bomb ketch. See under Bomb. 1913 Webster]
Ketch, n.A hangman. See Jack Ketch. 1913 Webster]
Ketch, v. t.[See Catch.]To catch. [Now obs. in spelling, and colloq. in pronunciation.] 1913 Webster]
To ketch him at a vantage in his snares.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
ketch"up(?)(?), n.[Probably of East Indian origin, because it was originally a kind of East Indian pickles. Cf. also Malay k fish sauce. MW10.]A pureed table sauce made predominantly from tomatoes, flavored with onions, sugar, salt and spices; called also tomato ketchup. The term is also applied to pureed sauces containing mushrooms, walnuts, etc., being called in such cases mushroom ketchup, walnut ketchup, etc.[Written also catsup and catchup.] PJC]
Ke"tine(?), n.[See Ketone.](Chem.)One of a series of organic bases obtained by the reduction of certain isonitroso compounds of the ketones. In general they are unstable oily substances having a pungent aromatic odor. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ket`mie"(?), n.(Bot.)The name of certain African species of Hibiscus, cultivated for the acid of their mucilage.[Written also ketmia.] 1913 Webster]
Ke"tol(k, n.[Ketone + indol.](Chem.)One of a series of series of complex nitrogenous substances, represented by methyl ketol and related to indol. 1913 Webster]
Methyl ketol, a weak organic base, obtained as a white crystalline substance having the odor of f\'91ces. 1913 Webster]
Ke"tone(k, n.[Cf. Acetone.](Chem.)One of a large class of organic substances resembling the aldehydes, obtained by the distillation of certain salts of organic acids and consisting of carbonyl (CO) united with two hydrocarbon radicals. In general the ketones are colorless volatile liquids having a pungent ethereal odor. 1913 Webster]
one to the stems of the organic acids from which they are respectively derived; thus, acetic acid gives acetone; butyric acid, butyrone, etc. 1913 Webster]
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Ke*ton"ic(k, a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or derived from, a ketone; as, a ketonic acid. 1913 Webster]
Ket"tle(k, n.[OE. ketel; cf. AS. cetel, cetil, cytel; akin to D. kjedel, G. kessel, OHG. chezzil, Icel. ketill, SW. kittel, Dan. kjedel, Goth. katils; all perh. fr. L. catillus, dim. of catinus a deep vessel, bowl; but cf. also OHG. chezz\'c6 kettle, Icel. kati small ship.]A metallic vessel, with a wide mouth, often without a cover, used for heating and boiling water or other liguids. 1913 Webster]
Kettle stitch(Bookbinding), the stitch made in sewing at the head and tail of a book.Knight. 1913 Webster]
Ket"tle*drum`(-dr, n.1.(Mus.)A drum made of thin copper in the form of a hemispherical kettle, with parchment stretched over the mouth of it. 1913 Webster]
Kettledrums, in pairs, were formerly used in martial music for cavalry, but are now chiefly confined to orchestras, where they are called tympani.
<-- illustr. of kettledrum here. --> 1913 Webster]
2.An informal social party at which a light collation is offered, held in the afternoon or early evening. Cf. Drum, n., 4 and 5. 1913 Webster]
Ket"tle*drum`mer(?), n.One who plays on a kettledrum. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Keu"per(koi"p, n.[G.](Geol.)The upper division of the European Triassic. See Chart of Geology. 1913 Webster]
Kev"el(?), n.[Prov. E. kevil, cavel, rod, pole, a large hammer, horse's bit; cf. Icel. kefli cylinder, a stick, mangle, and Dan. kievle a roller.]1.(Naut.)A strong cleat to which large ropes are belayed. 1913 Webster]
2.A stone mason's hammer.[Written also cavil.] 1913 Webster]
Kevel head(Naut.), a projecting end of a timber, used as a kevel.
1.(Bot.)A weed; a kecksy.Bp. Gauden. 1913 Webster]
Though the rough kex break Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
2.A dry husk or covering. 1913 Webster]
When the kex, or husk, is broken, he proveth a fair flying butterfly.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Key(k, n.[OE. keye, key, kay, AS. c.]1.An instrument by means of which the bolt of a lock is shot or drawn; usually, a removable metal instrument fitted to the mechanism of a particular lock and operated by turning in its place. 1913 Webster]
2.A small device which is inserted into a mechanism and turned like a key to fasten, adjust, or wind it; as, a watch key; a bed key; the winding key for a clock, etc. 1913 Webster]
3.One of a set of small movable parts on an instrument or machine which, by being depressed, serves as the means of operating it; the complete set of keys is usually called the keyboard; as, the keys of a piano, an organ, an accordion, a computer keyboard, or of a typewriter. The keys may operate parts of the instrument by a mechanical action, as on a piano, or by closing an electrical circuit, as on a computer keyboard. See also senses 12 and 13. 1913 Webster +PJC]
4.A position or condition which affords entrance, control, pr possession, etc.; as, the key of a line of defense; the key of a country; the key of a political situation.Hence,that which serves to unlock, open, discover, or solve something unknown or difficult; as, the key to a riddle; the key to a problem. Similarly, see also senses 14 and 15. 1913 Webster]
Those who are accustomed to reason have got the true key of books.Locke. 1913 Webster]
Who keeps the keys of all the creeds.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
5.That part of a mechanism which serves to lock up, make fast, or adjust to position. 1913 Webster]
6.(Arch.)(a)A piece of wood used as a wedge.(b)The last board of a floor when laid down. 1913 Webster]
7.(Masonry)(a)A keystone.(b)That part of the plastering which is forced through between the laths and holds the rest in place. 1913 Webster]
8.(Mach.)(a)A wedge to unite two or more pieces, or adjust their relative position; a cotter; a forelock. See Illusts. of Cotter, and Gib. (b)A bar, pin or wedge, to secure a crank, pulley, coupling, etc., upon a shaft, and prevent relative turning; sometimes holding by friction alone, but more frequently by its resistance to shearing, being usually embedded partly in the shaft and partly in the crank, pulley, etc. 1913 Webster]
9.(Bot.)An indehiscent, one-seeded fruit furnished with a wing, as the fruit of the ash and maple; a samara; -- called also key fruit. 1913 Webster]
10.(Mus.)(a)A family of tones whose regular members are called diatonic tones, and named key tone (or tonic) or one (or eight), mediant or three, dominant or five, subdominant or four, submediant or six, supertonic or two, and subtonic or seven. Chromatic tones are temporary members of a key, under such names as \'bd sharp four,\'b8 \'bdflat seven,\'b8 etc. Scales and tunes of every variety are made from the tones of a key.(b)The fundamental tone of a movement to which its modulations are referred, and with which it generally begins and ends; keynote. 1913 Webster]
Both warbling of one song, both in one key.Shak. 1913 Webster]
11.Fig: The general pitch or tone of a sentence or utterance. 1913 Webster]
You fall at once into a lower key.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
12.(Teleg.)A metallic lever by which the circuit of the sending or transmitting part of a station equipment may be easily and rapidly opened and closed; as, a telegraph key. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
13.any device for closing or opening an electric circuit, especially as part of a keyboard, as that used at a computer terminal or teletype terminal. PJC]
14.A simplified version or analysis which accompanies something as a clue to its explanation, a book or table containing the solutions to problems, ciphers, allegories, or the like;or(Biol.)a table or synopsis of conspicuous distinguishing characters of members of a taxonomic group. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
15.(Computers)A word or other combination of symbols which serves as an index identifying and pointing to a particular record, file, or location which can be retrieved and displayed by a computer program; as, a database using multi-word keys. When the key is a word, it is also called a keyword. PJC]
Key bed. Same as Key seat. --
Key bolt, a bolt which has a mortise near the end, and is secured by a cotter or wedge instead of a nut.
Key bugle. See Kent bugle. --
Key of a positionor
Key of a country.(Mil.)See Key, 4. --
Key seat(Mach.), a bed or groove to receive a key which prevents one part from turning on the other. --
Key way, a channel for a key, in the hole of a piece which is keyed to a shaft; an internal key seat; -- called also key seat. --
Key wrench(Mach.), an adjustable wrench in which the movable jaw is made fast by a key. --
Power of the keys(Eccl.), the authority claimed by the ministry in some Christian churches to administer the discipline of the church, and to grant or withhold its privileges; -- so called from the declaration of Christ, \'bdI will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.\'b8Matt. xvi. 19. 1913 Webster]
Key(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Keved(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Keying.]1.To fasten or secure firmly; to fasten or tighten with keys or wedges.Francis. 1913 Webster]
2.(Computers)To enter (text, data) using keys, especially those on a keyboard; to keyboard; as, to key the data in by hand. PJC]
3.To adjust so as to be maximally effective in a particular situation; -- of actions, plans, or speech; as, to key one's campaign speech to each local audience. PJC]
4.To furnish with a key or keys. PJC]
To key up. (a)(Arch.)To raise (the whole ring of an arch) off its centering, by driving in the keystone forcibly.(b)(Mus.)To raise the pitch of.(c)Hence, (fig.), to produce nervous tension in; as, the whole team was keyed up for the championship game. 1913 Webster]
key(?), a.Essential; most important; as, the key fact in the inquiry; the president was the key player inthe negotiations. PJC]
Key"age(?), n.[OF. caiage, F. guayage. See 1st Key, Quay.]Wharfage; quayage. 1913 Webster]
Key"board`(?), n.The whole arrangement, or one range, of the keys{3} of an organ, piano, typewriter, etc.; that part of a device containing the keys{3} used to operate it. 1913 Webster]
Key"-cold`(?), a.Cold as a metallic key; lifeless. [Formerly, a proverbial expression.] Shak.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Keyed(k, a.Furnished with keys; as, a keyed instrument; also, set to a key, as a tune. 1913 Webster]
Keyed bugle. See Kent bugle. 1913 Webster]
Key fruit. (Bot.)A samara. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Key"hole`(?), n.1.A hole or apertupe in a door or lock, for receiving a key. 1913 Webster]
2.(a)(Carp.)A hole or excavation in beams intended to be joined together, to receive the key which fastens them.(b)(Mach.)a mortise for a key or cotter. 1913 Webster]
Keyhole limpet(Zo\'94l.), a marine gastropod of the genus Fissurella and allied genera. See Fissurella. --
Keyhole saw, a narrow, slender saw, used in cutting keyholes, etc., as in doors; a kind of compass saw or fret saw. --
Keyhole urchin(Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous clypeastroid sea urchins, of the genera Melitta, Rotula, and Encope; -- so called because they have one or more perforations resembling keyholes. 1913 Webster]
keylessadj.lacking or not requiring a key; as, a keyless lock operated by a series of pushbuttons. Opposite of keyed. WordNet 1.5]
Keynesprop. n.John Maynard Keynes, the british economist (1883-1946) whose book \'bdThe General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money\'b8 (Macmillan, 1936) had a strong influence on views of the government's role in the economy through the 1970's. See Keynesian. Syn. -- John Maynard Keynes. WordNet 1.5]
Keynesianadj.1.Of or pertaining to John Maynard Keynes; conforming to the theories of Keynesianism; -- especially, the term is used to refer to the macroeconomic theories and politico-economic policies proposed by Keynes and his followers, especially in regards to their advocacy of governmental action to maintain low unemployment through government spending. Keynes's book \'bdThe General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money\'b8 (Macmillan, 1936) had a strong influence on views of the government's role in the economy through the 1970's.[wns=1] WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
2.A believer in the theories of Keynesianism. PJC]
Keynesianismadj.the macroeconomic theories and politico-economic policies of British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) and his followers; -- used especially in reference to their advocacy of governmental action to maintain low unemployment through government spending. See Keynes. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Key"note`(?), n.1.(Mus.)The tonic or first tone of the scale in which a piece or passage is written; the fundamental tone of the chord, to which all the modulations of the piece are referred; -- called also key tone. 1913 Webster]
2.The fundamental fact or idea; that which gives the key; as, the keynote of a policy or a sermon. 1913 Webster]
Key"seat`(?), v. t.To form a key seat, as by cutting. See Key seat, under Key. 1913 Webster]
Key"stone`(?), n.(Arch.)The central or topmost stone of an arch. This in some styles is made different in size from the other voussoirs, or projects, or is decorated with carving. See Illust. of Arch. 1913 Webster]
Key"stone` State. Pennsylvania; -- a nickname alluding to its having been the central one of the 13 original United States, at the time of formation of the Constitution. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Key" tone`(?)n.(Mus.)See Keynote. 1913 Webster]
Key"way`(?), n.See Key way, under Key. 1913 Webster]
key"word`(?), n.A word used as an entry point into an index which serves to identify files, records, texts, or other data containing the key or some related word, such as a synonym. It is a type of key{15}; as, a boolean combination of keywords is more effective for information retrieval than a single key{15}. PJC]
Kha"ki(k, a.[Hind. kh\'bek\'c6, lit., dusty, dust-colored, fr. Per. kh\'bek dust.]Of a dull brownish yellow, or drab color; -- applied to cloth, originally to a stout brownish cotton cloth, used in making uniforms in the Anglo-Indian army.In the United States service the summer uniform of cotton is officially designated khaki; the winter uniform of wool, olive drab. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kha"ki, n.Any kind of khaki cloth; hence, a uniform of khaki or, rarely, a soldier clad in khaki. In the United States and British armies khaki or cloth of a very similar color is almost exclusively used for service in the field. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kha"liff(?), n.See Caliph. 1913 Webster]
Khalka, Khalkhan.the dialect of Mongolian that is the official language of the Mongolian People's Republic. WordNet 1.5]
Kham*sin`(?), n.Same as Kamsin. 1913 Webster]
Khan(?), n.[Pers. & Tart. kh\'ben.][Also kan, kaun.]A king; a prince; a chief; a governor; -- so called among the Tartars, Turks, and Persians, and in countries now or formerly governed by them. 1913 Webster]
Khan, n.[Per. kh\'ben, kh\'benah, house, tent, inn.]An Eastern inn or caravansary.[Written also kawn.] 1913 Webster]
Khan*ate(/), n.Dominion or jurisdiction of a khan. 1913 Webster]
Kharkovprop. n.A city in Ukraine; -- its former capital. WordNet 1.5]
Kha"ya(?), n.(Bot.)A lofty West African tree (Khaya Senegalensis), related to the mahogany, which it resembles in the quality of the wood. The bark is used as a febrifuge. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Khe`dive"(?), n.[F. kh\'82dive, Pers. khediw a prince.]A governor or viceroy; -- a title granted in 1867 by the sultan of Turkey to the ruler of Egypt. 1913 Webster]
Khen"na(?), n.See Henna. 1913 Webster]
Kho"lah(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The Indian jackal. 1913 Webster]
Khol"sun(/), n.(Zo\'94l.)The dhole. 1913 Webster]
Khond(?), n.A Dravidian of a group of tribes of Orissa, India, a section of whom were formerly noted for their cruel human sacrifices to the earth goddess, murder of female infants, and marriage by capture. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Khut"bah(?), n.[Ar.]An address or public prayer read from the steps of the pulpit in Mohammedan mosques, offering glory to God, praising Mohammed and his descendants, and the ruling princes. 1913 Webster]
Kiprop. n.The Sumerian goddess personifying earth; the counterpart of Akkadian Aruru. WordNet 1.5]
kiaatn.a deciduous South African tree (Pterocarpus angolensis) having large odd-pinnate leaves and profuse fragrant orange-yellow flowers; it yields a red juice and heavy strong durable wood. Syn. -- bloodwood tree, Pterocarpus angolensis. WordNet 1.5]
Kib"ble(?), v. t.To bruise; to grind coarsely; as, kibbled oats. [Prov.Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Kib"ble, n.A large iron bucket used in Cornwall and Wales for raising ore out of mines. [Prov. Eng.] [Written also kibbal.] 1913 Webster]
Kib"blings(?), n. pl.Portions of small fish used for bait on the banks of Newfoundland. 1913 Webster]
kib*butz"(k, n.; pl.Kibbutzim.[Modern Hebrew kibbutz gathering.]an Israeli communal{2} form of agricultural settlement. Originally it was predominantly agricultural and practiced a very high level of sharing, including collective rearing of children. More recently (by 1998) industries have taken over a significant role in the Kibbutz economy, and the level of sharing has dropped significantly.Of several Modern Hebrew words designating unique Israeli forms of agricultural settlement, only the word Kibbutz found its way into English. This may reflect the fact that the Kibbutzim, and only they, have long practiced hosting foreign volunteers from all over the world: youngsters who work on the Kibbutz not for a salary but for boarding and food. Many volunteers come from English speaking countries, and probably via them the word Kibbutz entered modern English dictionaries. RP]
kib*butz"nik(k, n.[kibbutz + -nik.]a member of a kibbutz. WordNet 1.5]
Kibe(?), n.[W. cib + gwst pain, sickness.]A chap or crack in the flesh occasioned by cold; an ulcerated chilblain. \'bdHe galls his kibe.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kibed(?), a.Chapped; cracked with cold; affected with chilblains; as, kibed heels.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ki*bit"ka(?), n.; pl.Kibitkas(/).[Russ.]1.A tent used by the Kirghiz Tartars. 1913 Webster]
2.A rude kind of Russian vehicle, on wheels or on runners, sometimes covered with cloth or leather, and often used as a movable habitation. 1913 Webster]
2.Portland cement when thrown or blown into the recesses of carved stonework to intensify the shadows.
To put the kibosh on, to dispose of; to squelch; to terminate; put an end to; to do for. [Slang] Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Kib"y(?), a.Affected with kibes.Skelton. 1913 Webster]
Kich"il(?), n. [Obs.] See Kechil.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kick(k, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kicked(k; p. pr. & vb. n.Kicking.][W. cicio, fr. cic foot.]1.To strike, thrust, or hit violently with the foot; as, a horse kicks a groom; a man kicks a dog. 1913 Webster]
He [Frederick the Great] kicked the shins of his judges.Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
2.To evict or remove from a place or position, usually with out or off; as, they kicked him off the staff; he was kicked out of the restaurant; the landlord kicked them out of the apartment for making too much noise. PJC]
3.(Sport)To score (goals or points) by kicking; as, they kicked three field goals in the game. PJC]
4.To discontinue; -- usually used of habitual activities; as, to kick a habit; he kicked his drug habit. PJC]
To kick the beam, to fit up and strike the beam; -- said of the lighter arm of a loaded balance; hence, to be found wanting in weight.Milton. --
To kick the bucket, to lose one's life; to die. [Colloq. & Low] --
To kick oneself, to experience strong regret; as, he kicked himself for not investing in the stock market in 1995. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Kick, v. i.1.To thrust out the foot or feet with violence; to strike out with the foot or feet, as in defense or in bad temper; esp., to strike backward, as a horse does, or to have a habit of doing so.Hence, (figuratively): To show ugly resistance, opposition, or hostility; to spurn. 1913 Webster]
I should kick, being kicked.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To recoil; -- said of a musket, cannon, etc.; also called kick back. 1913 Webster]
3.(Football)To make a kick as an offensive play. PJC]
4.To complain strenuously; to object vigorously. PJC]
5.To resist. PJC]
Kick, n.1.A blow with the foot or feet; a striking or thrust with the foot. 1913 Webster]
A kick, that scarce would move a horse, Cowper. 1913 Webster]
2.The projection on the tang of the blade of a pocket knife, which prevents the edge of the blade from striking the spring. See Illust. of Pocketknife. 1913 Webster]
3.(Brickmaking)A projection in a mold, to form a depression in the surface of the brick. 1913 Webster]
4.The recoil of a musket or other firearm, when discharged. 1913 Webster]
5.A surge of pleasure; a thrill; -- usually used in the phrase get a kick out of; as, I always get a kick out of watching an ice skater do a quadruple jump. [informal] Syn. -- bang{3}. PJC]
Kick"a*ble(?), a.Capable or deserving of being kicked. \'bdA kickable boy.\'b8 G. Eliot. 1913 Webster]
Kick`a*poos"(?), n. pl.; sing. Kickapoo(/). (Ethnol.)A tribe of Indians which formerly occupied the region of Northern Illinois, allied in language to the Sacs and Foxes. 1913 Webster]
kick"back`(?), n.1.recoil, of a gun or machine, as in older automobile engines when started by turning a crank. PJC]
2.A secret, and usually illegal, payment, by a recipient of money paid for goods or services, to a facilitator of the transaction, of a portion of that money;specifically,any portion of a gain made by the seller in a commercial transaction which is returned surreptitiously and illegally to a person (such as a purchasing agent) who authorized or recommended the purchase. It is generally considered a form of bribe. PJC]
kick` back"(?), v. i.To recoil; -- of guns and machines. PJC]
kick` back"(?), v. t.To pay (a kickback); as, they kicked back five percent of the sales price. PJC]
Kick"er, n.1.One who, or that which, kicks. 1913 Webster]
2.A fact, condition, or circumstance, sometimes concealed or not obvious, which reduces or eliminates the benefit of an apparently advantageous situation; a joker{5}; as, under the Soviet system, bread was good and cheap, but the kicker was that you waited in line for hours to get any, if it was available. [informal] PJC]
3.Hence:An unforeseen added expense or additional cost; as, the printer was cheap, but the special paper it needed was an expensive kicker. PJC]
kickingn.The act of delivering a blow with the foot. Syn. -- kick, boot. WordNet 1.5]
alive and kickingalive and vigorously active. PJC]
kickoffn.(Football)1.A kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score. WordNet 1.5]
2.the time at which an event or activity begins. Syn. -- beginning, commencement, first, outset, start, starting time, offset. WordNet 1.5]
kick` off"v. i.(Football)To kick the football from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score; as, they kicked off at two o'clock. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
kick` off"v. t.to begin; to commence; as, they kicked off the rally with a playing of the national anthem. Syn. -- begin, commence, start. PJC]
Kick"shaw`(?), n.See Kickshaws, the correct singular. 1913 Webster]
Kick"shaws`(?), n.; pl.Kickshawses(#)[Corrupt. fr. F. quelque chose something, fr. L. qualis of what kind (akin to E. which) + suffix-guam + causa cause, in LL., a thing. See Which, and Cause.]1.Something fantastical; any trifling, trumpery thing; a toy. 1913 Webster]
Art thou good at these kickshawses!Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.A fancy dish; a tidbit; a delicacy. 1913 Webster]
Some pigeons, . . . a joint of mutton, and any pretty little tiny kickshaws.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Cressy was lost by kickshaws and soup-maigre.Fenton. 1913 Webster]
Kick"shoe`(?), n.A kickshaws.Milton.
{ Kick"sy-wick`sy(?), Kick"y-wisk`y(?) }, n.That which is restless and uneasy. 1913 Webster]
Kicky-wicky, or, in some editions, Kicksy-wicksy, is applied contemptuously to a wife by Shakespeare, in \'bdAll's Well that Ends Well,\'b8 ii. 3, 297. 1913 Webster]
Kid"nap`(k, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kidnaped(k or Kidnapped; p. pr. & vb. n.Kidnaping or Kidnapping.][Kid a child + Prov. E. nap to seize, to grasp. Cf. Knab, Knap, Nab.]To take (any one) by force or fear, and against one's will, with intent to carry to another place.Abbott. 1913 Webster]
You may reason or expostulate with the parents, but never attempt to kidnap their children, and to make proselytes of them.Whately. 1913 Webster]
{ Kid"nap`er(k, orKid"nap`per }, n.One who steals or forcibly carries away a human being; a manstealer. 1913 Webster]
kidnappingn.the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment. WordNet 1.5]
Kid"ney(k, n.; pl.Kidneys(k.[OE. kidnei, kidnere, from Icel. koi belly, womb (akin to Goth. gipus, AS. cwi womb) + OE. nere kidney; akin to D. nier, G. niere, OHG. nioro, Icel. n, Dan. nyre, Sw. njure, and probably to Gr. nefro`s Cf. Kite belly.] 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 813 -->
1.(Anat.)A glandular organ which excretes urea and other waste products from the animal body; a urinary gland. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
2.Habit; disposition; sort; kind; as, a man of a different kidney.Shak. 1913 Webster +PJC]
There are in later times other decrees, made by popes of another kidney.Barrow. 1913 Webster]
Millions in the world of this man's kidney.L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
Your poets, spendthrifts, and other fools of that kidney, pretend, forsooth, to crack their jokes on prudence.Burns. 1913 Webster]
kidneys and the fat about them are an easy test of the condition of an animal as to fatness. \'bdThink of that, -- a man of my kidney; -- . . . as subject to heat as butter.\'b8Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.A waiter. [Old Cant] Tatler. 1913 Webster]
Floating kidney. See Wandering kidney, under Wandering. --
Kidney bean(Bot.), a sort of bean; -- so named from its shape. It is of the genus Phaseolus (Phaseolus vulgaris). See under Bean. --
Kidney ore(Min.), a variety of hematite or iron sesquioxide, occurring in compact kidney-shaped masses. --
Kidney stone. (Min.)See Nephrite, and Jade. --
Kidney vetch(Bot.), a leguminous herb of Europe and Asia (Anthyllis vulneraria), with cloverlike heads of red or yellow flowers, once used as a remedy for renal disorders, and also to stop the flow of blood from wounds; lady's-fingers.
{ Kid"ney-form`(?), Kid"ney-shaped`(?), }a.Having the form or shape of a kidney; reniform; as, a kidney-shaped leaf; a kidney-shaped swimming pool.Gray. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Kid"ney*wort`(?), n.(Bot.)(a)A kind of saxifrage (Saxifrage stellaris).(b)The navelwort. 1913 Webster]
kidskinn.A soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat; kid{3}. Syn. -- kid. WordNet 1.5]
Kie(?), n. pl.[Cf. Kee.]Kine; cows. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Kie"fe*kil(?), n.[Per. keff foam, scum + gil clay, mud.](Min.)A species of clay; meerschaum.[Also written keffekil.] 1913 Webster]
Kier(?), n.[Icel. ker a tub.](Bleaching)A large tub or vat in which goods are subjected to the action of hot lye or bleaching liquor; -- also called keeve. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kie"sel*guhr`(?), n.[G., fr. kiesel flint + guhr an earthy deposit or sediment in water.]Siliceous earth; diatomaceous earth; specifically, porous infusorial earth, used as an absorbent of nitroglycerin in the manufacture of dynamite. 1913 Webster]
Kie"ser*ite(?), n.[Named after Prof. Kieser, of Jena.](Min.)Hydrous sulphate of magnesia found at the salt mines of Stassfurt, Prussian Saxony. 1913 Webster]
Kieve(?), n.See Keeve, n. 1913 Webster]
Kiggelarian.A small genus of South African shrubs or small trees. Syn. -- genus Kiggelaria. WordNet 1.5]
Kike(k, v. i.[Cf. D. kijken, Sw. kika.]To gaze; to stare. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kike(k, v. t. & i.To kick. [Obs.] Chaucer.
kike(k, n.A derogatory name for a jew, usually intended and taken as disparaging and offensive. PJC]
Kil"der*kin(?), n.[OD. kindeken, kinneken, a small barrel, orig., a little child, fr. kind child; akin to G. kind, and to E. kin.]A small barrel; an old liquid measure containing eighteen English beer gallons, or nearly twenty-two gallons, United States measure.[Written also kinderkin.] 1913 Webster]
Kil"erg`(?), n.[Kilo- + erg.](Physics)A unit of work equal to one thousand ergs. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kileyn.An Australian boomerang, having one side flat and the other convex. Syn. -- kylie. WordNet 1.5]
Kil*ken"ny cats(?)n.Two cats fabled, in an Irish story, to have fought till nothing was left but their tails. It is probably a parable of a local contest between Kilkenny and Irishtown, which impoverished both towns. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kill(k, n.A kiln. [Obs.] Fuller. 1913 Webster]
Kill, n.[D. kil.]A channel or arm of the sea; a river; a stream; as, the channel between Staten Island and Bergen Neck is the Kill van Kull, or the Kills; -- used also in composition; as, Schuylkill, Catskill, etc. 1913 Webster]
Kill, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Killed(k; p. pr. & vb. n.Killing.][OE. killen, kellen, cullen, to kill, strike; perh. the same word as cwellen, quellen, to kill (cf. Quell), or perh. rather akin to Icel. kolla to hit in the head, harm, kollr top, summit, head, Sw. kulle, D. kollen to kill with the ax.]1.To deprive of life, animal or vegetable, in any manner or by any means; to render inanimate; to put to death; to slay. 1913 Webster]
Ah, kill me with thy weapon, not with words !Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To destroy; to ruin; as, to kill one's chances; to kill the sale of a book. \'bdTo kill thine honor.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Her lively color kill'd with deadly cares.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To cause to cease; to quell; to calm; to still; as, in seamen's language, a shower of rain kills the wind; new sound insultation killed the loud noises from outside. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Be comforted, good madam; the great rage, killed in him.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.To destroy the effect of; to counteract; to neutralize; as, alkali kills acid. 1913 Webster]
5.To waste or spend unprofitably; -- usually used of time; as, he killed an hour waiting for the doctor to see him. PJC]
6.To cancel or forbid publication of (a report, article, etc.), after it has been written; as, they killed the article after getting threats of a lawsuit. PJC]
To kill time, to busy one's self with something which occupies the attention, or makes the time pass without tediousness.
Syn. -- To murder; assassinate; slay; butcher; destroy. -- To Kill, Murder, Assassinate. To kill does not necessarily mean any more than to deprive of life. A man may kill another by accident or in self-defense, without the imputation of guilt. To murder is to kill with malicious forethought and intention. To assassinate is to murder suddenly and by stealth. The sheriff may kill without murdering; the duelist murders, but does not assassinate his antagonist; the assassin kills and murders.
Kill(?), n.1.The act of killing.
\'bdThere is none like to me!\'b8 says the cub in the pride of his earliest kill.Kipling. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.An animal killed in the hunt, as by a beast of prey.
If ye plunder his kill from a weaker, devour not all in thy pride.Kipling. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
killableadj.fit to kill, especially for food. WordNet 1.5]
{ Kill"dee`(?), Kill"deer`(?), }n.[So named from its notes.](Zo\'94l.)A small American plover (Charadrius vociferus, formerly \'92gialitis vocifera) of inland waters and fields having a distinctive cry. The adult has two black bands around the neck and upper breast, but the young chick has only the breast band. It ranges from Canada to Mexico and the West Indies. Syn. -- kildeer, killdeer plover, Charadrius vociferus. 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
1913 Webster]
Kill"er(?), n.1.One who deprives of life; one who, or that which, kills. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)A voracious, toothed whale of the genus Orca, of which several species are known; called also killer whale. 1913 Webster]
killers have a high dorsal fin, and powerful jaws armed with large, sharp teeth. They capture, and swallow entire, large numbers of seals, porpoises, and dolphins, and are celebrated for their savage, combined attacks upon the right whales, which they are said to mutilate and kill. The common Atlantic species (Orca gladiator), is found both on the European and the American coast. Two species (Orca ater and Orca rectipinna) occur on the Pacific coast. 1913 Webster]
Kil"li*fish`(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of several small American cyprinodont fishes of the genus Fundulus and allied genera. They live equally well in fresh and brackish water, or even in the sea. They are usually striped or barred with black. Called also minnow, and brook fish. See Minnow. 1913 Webster]
Kil"li*grew(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The Cornish chough. See under Chough. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kill"ing(?), a.Literally, that kills; having power to kill; fatal; in a colloquial sense, conquering; captivating; irresistible. -- Kill"ing*ly, adv. 1913 Webster]
Those eyes are made so killing.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Nothing could be more killingly spoken.Milton. 1913 Webster]
kill"ing(?), n.1.The act or process of causing a living organism to die. PJC]
2.An unusually large gain in a financial or business transaction or enterprise; as, she made a killing trading cattle futures. PJC]
Kill"-joy`(?), n.One who causes gloom or grief; a dispiriting person; a spoilsport.W. Black. 1913 Webster]
Kil"lock(?), n.[Cf. Scot. killick \'bdthe flue [fluke] of an anchor.\'b8 Jamieson.]A small anchor; also, a kind of anchor formed by a stone inclosed by pieces of wood fastened together.[Written also killick.] 1913 Webster]
Kil"low(?), n.[Prov. E. kollow the smut or grime on the backs of chimneys.]An earth of a blackish or deep blue color.Woodward. 1913 Webster]
Kiln(kor k, n.[OE. kilne, kulne, AS. cyln, cylen; akin to Icel. kylna; prob. from the same source as coal. See Coal.]1.A large stove or oven; a furnace of brick or stone, or a heated chamber, for the purpose of hardening, burning, or drying anything; as, a kiln for baking or hardening earthen vessels; a kiln for drying grain, meal, lumber, etc.; a kiln for calcining limestone. 1913 Webster]
2.A furnace for burning bricks; a brickkiln. 1913 Webster]
Kiln"-dry`(?), v. t.To dry in a kiln; as, to kiln-dry meal or grain.Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
Kiln"hole`(?), n.The mouth or opening of an oven or kiln.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Ki"lo(?), n.; pl.Kilos(#).[F.]An abbreviation of Kilogram. 1913 Webster]
Kil"o-(?)pref.[F. kilo-. See Kilogram.]A combining form used to signify thousand in forming the names of units of measurement; as, kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt, etc. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
{ Kil"o*gram(?), Kil"o*gramme }, n.[F. kilogramme; pref. kilo- (fr. Gr. chi`lioi a thousand ) + gramme. See 3d Gram.]A measure of weight, being a thousand grams, equal to 2.2046226 pounds avoirdupois (15,432.34 grains). It is equal to the weight of a cubic decimeter of distilled water at the temperature of maximum density, or 39
{ Kil"o*gram*me`ter(?), Kil"o*gram*me`tre }, n.(Mech.)A measure of energy or work done, being the amount expended in raising one kilogram through the height of one meter, in the latitude of Paris.
{ Kil"o*li`ter(?), Kil"o*li`tre }, n.[F. kilolitre. See Kilogram, and Liter.]A measure of capacity equal to a cubic meter, or a thousand liters. It is equivalent to 35.315 cubic feet, and to 220.04 imperial gallons, or 264.18 American gallons of 321 cubic inches.
{ Kil"o*me`ter(?), Kil"o*me`tre }, n.[F. kilometre. See Kilogram, and Meter.]A measure of length, being a thousand meters. It is equal to 3,280.84 feet, or 0.62137119 of a mile. 1913 Webster]
Kil"o*stere`(?), n.[F. kilostere. See Kilogram, and Stere.]A cubic measure containing 1000 cubic meters, and equivalent to 35,315 cubic feet. 1913 Webster]
Kil"o*volt`(?), n.[Kilo- + volt.](Elec.)A unit of electromotive force equal to one thousand volts. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kil"o*watt(?), n.[See Kilogram and Watt.](Elec.)One thousand watts. 1913 Webster]
Kil"o*watt` hour. (Elec.)A unit of work or energy equal to that done by one kilowatt acting for one hour; -- approximately equal to 1.34 horse-power hour. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kilt(/), p. p. from Kill. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Kilt, n.[OGael. cealt clothes, or rather perh. fr. Dan. kilte op to truss, tie up, tuck up.]A kind of short petticoat, reaching from the waist to the knees, worn in the Highlands of Scotland by men, and in the Lowlands by young boys; a filibeg.[Written also kelt.] 1913 Webster]
Kilt, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kilted; p. pr. & vb. n.Kilting.]To tuck up; to truss up, as the clothes. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Kilt"ed, a.1.Having on a kilt. 1913 Webster]
2.Plaited after the manner of kilting. 1913 Webster]
3.Tucked or fastened up; -- said of petticoats, etc. 1913 Webster]
kil"ter(k, n.[Cf. Gael. & Ir. cealt clothes, Gael. cealltair spear, castle, cause, Prov. E. kilter tool, instrument. Cf. Kilt.]Regular order or proper condition. Same as kelter, but kilter is the more common spelling in the U. S. Used chiefly in the phrase out of kilter, meaning out of order or irregular in some manner.[Also spelled kelter.] 1913 Webster +PJC]
Kilt"ing(?), n.(Dressmaking)A perpendicular arrangement of flat, single plaits, each plait being folded so as to cover half the breadth of the preceding one. 1913 Webster]
Kim"bo(?), a.[Cf. Akimbo.]Crooked; arched; bent.[Written also kimbow.]Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Kim*me"ri*an(?), a.See Cimmerian. 1913 Webster]
Kim"nel(?), n.A tub. See Kemelin. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
She knew not what a kimnel wasBeau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
ki*mo"no(k, n.; pl. -nos(k. [Jap.,
article of clothing
, fr. ki to wear + mono thing.]1.A kind of loose robe or gown tied with a sash, worn as a traditional outer garment by Japanese women and men. Women may wear it with a broad sash called an obi, having a large bow in the back. At present (1998), most Japanese wear it only at home or on ceremonial occasions, western-style clothing being more common in the workplace. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
2.A similar gown worn as a dressing gown by women of Western nations. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kim"ry(?), n.See Cymry. 1913 Webster]
-kin(-ksuff.[Of Low German origin; cf. G. -chen, LG. -- ken.]A diminutive suffix; as, manikin; lambkin. 1913 Webster]
Kin(k, n.(Mus.)A primitive Chinese instrument of the cittern kind, with from five to twenty-five silken strings.Riemann. 1913 Webster]
Kin, n.[OE. kin, cun, AS. cynn kin, kind, race, people; akin to cennan to beget, D. kunne sex, OS. & OHG. kunni kin, race, Icel. kyn, Goth. kuni, G. & D. kind a child, L. genus kind, race, L. gignere to beget, Gr. gi`gnesqai to be born, Skr. jan to beget. Kind, King, Gender kind, Nation.]1.Relationship, consanguinity, or affinity; connection by birth or marriage; kindred; near connection or alliance, as of those having common descent. 1913 Webster]
2.Relatives; persons of the same family or race. 1913 Webster]
The father, mother, and the kin beside.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
You are of kin, and so a friend to their persons.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
{ Kin(k, n. Also Kine(k }. [Gr. kinei^n to move.](Physics)The unit velocity in the C. G. S. system -- a velocity of one centimeter per second. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kin, a.Of the same nature or kind; kinder. \'bdKin to the king.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
kin`aes*the"sia, kin`aes*the"sis(?), n.[NL., fr. Gr. kinei^n to move + / perception.](Physiol.)The perception attendant upon the movements of the muscles; the sensation accompanying movement of the muscles.[Also spelled kin`es*the"sia and kin`es*the"sis.]Bastian. 1913 Webster]
{ Kin`\'91s*thet"ic(?), Kin`es*thet"ic }, a.Of, pertaining to, or involving, kinaesthesia. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
ki"nase(k, n.(Biochemistry)One of a class of enzymes that catalyze transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to another molecule; it is a type of phosphorylase. PJC]
Ki"nate(?), n.[Cf. F. kinate. ](Chem.)See Quinate. [Obsolescent] 1913 Webster]
Kinchinjungaprop. n.same as Kanchenjunga. Syn. -- Kanchenjunga, Kanchanjanga. WordNet 1.5]
Kin"cob(?), n.India silk brocaded with flowers in silver or gold. -- a.Of the nature of kincob; brocaded.Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
Kind(k, a.[Compar.Kinder(k; superl.Kindest.][AS. cynde, gecynde, natural, innate, prop. an old p. p. from the root of E. kin. See Kin kindred.]1.Characteristic of the species; belonging to one's nature; natural; native. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
It becometh sweeter than it should be, and loseth the kind taste.Holland. 1913 Webster]
2.Having feelings befitting our common nature; congenial; sympathetic; as, a kind man; a kind heart. 1913 Webster]
Yet was he kind, or if severe in aught, Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
3.Showing tenderness or goodness; disposed to do good and confer happiness; averse to hurting or paining; benevolent; benignant; gracious. 1913 Webster]
He is kind unto the unthankful and to evil.Luke vi 35. 1913 Webster]
O cruel Death, to those you take more kind Waller. 1913 Webster]
A fellow feeling makes one wondrous kind.Garrick. 1913 Webster]
4.Proceeding from, or characterized by, goodness, gentleness, or benevolence; as, a kind act. \'bdManners so kind, yet stately.\'b8 Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
5.Gentle; tractable; easily governed; as, a horse kind in harness.
Kind, n.[OE. kinde, cunde, AS. cynd. See Kind, a.]1.Nature; natural instinct or disposition. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
He knew by kind and by no other lore.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Some of you, on pure instinct of nature, kind t'admire your fellow-creature.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.Race; genus; species; generic class; as, in mankind or humankind. \'bdCome of so low a kind.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Every kind of beasts, and of birds.James iii.7. 1913 Webster]
She follows the law of her kind.Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
Here to sow the seed of bread, kinds be fed.Emerson. 1913 Webster]
3.Sort; type; class; nature; style; character; fashion; manner; variety; description; as, there are several kinds of eloquence, of style, and of music; many kinds of government; various kinds of soil, etc. 1913 Webster]
How diversely Love doth his pageants play, kinds !Spenser. 1913 Webster]
There is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.I Cor. xv. 39. 1913 Webster]
Diogenes was asked in a kind of scorn: What was the matter that philosophers haunted rich men, and not rich men philosophers?Bacon. 1913 Webster]
A kind of, something belonging to the class of; something like to; -- said loosely or slightingly.
In kind, in the produce or designated commodity itself, as distinguished from its value in money. 1913 Webster]
Tax on tillage was often levied in kind upon corn.Arbuthnot.
Kind, v. t.[See Kin.]To beget. [Obs.] Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Kin"der*gar`ten(?), n.[G., lit., children's garden; kinder (pl. of kind child, akin to E. kin kindred) + garten garden.]1.A class within a primary school or a separate school for young children, usually between the ages of four and six years, designed to adapt children to the classroom environment before beginning academic training, on the theory that education should be begun by gratifying and cultivating the normal aptitude for exercise, play, observation, imitation, and construction; -- a name given by Friedrich Froebel, a German educator, who introduced this method of training, in rooms opening on a garden. 1913 Webster]
Kin"der*gart`ner(?), n.One who teaches in a kindergarten. 1913 Webster]
Kind"-heart`ed(?), a.Having kindness of nature; sympathetic; characterized by a humane disposition; as, a kind-hearted landlord. 1913 Webster]
To thy self at least kind-hearted prove.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kind"-heart`ed*ness, n.The state or quality of being kind-hearted; benevolence. 1913 Webster]
Kin"dle(?), v. t. & i.[OE. kindlen, cundlen. See Kind.]To bring forth young. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
The poor beast had but lately kindled.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Kin`dle, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kindled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kindling(?).][Icel. kyndill candle, torch; prob. fr. L. candela; cf. also Icel. kynda to kindle. Cf. Candle.]1.To set on fire; to cause to burn with flame; to ignite; to cause to begin burning; to start; to light; as, to kindle a match, or shavings. 1913 Webster]
His breath kindleth coals.Job xii. 21. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: To inflame, as the passions; to rouse; to provoke; to excite to action; to heat; to fire; to animate; to incite; as, to kindle anger or wrath; to kindle the flame of love, or love into a flame. 1913 Webster]
So is a contentious man to kindle strife.Prov. xxvi. 21. 1913 Webster]
Nothing remains but that I kindle the boy thither.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kindling her undazzled eyes at the full midday beam.Milton. 1913 Webster]
Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire.Dryden.
2.The quality or state of being kindly; benignity; benevolence; gentleness; tenderness; as, kindliness of disposition, of treatment, or of words. 1913 Webster]
In kind a father, but not in kindliness.Sackville. 1913 Webster]
3.Softness; mildness; propitiousness; as, kindliness of weather, or of a season. 1913 Webster]
Fruits and corn are much advanced by temper of the air and kindliness of seasons.Whitlock. 1913 Webster]
Kin"dling(k, n.1.The act of causing to burn, or of exciting or inflaming the passions.
2.Materials, easily lighted, for starting a fire, such as small twigs or paper; -- also used in the pl.. 1913 Webster]
Kind"ly(k, a.[Compar.Kindlier(k; superl.Kindliest.][AS. cyndelic. See Kind, n. ] 1913 Webster]
1.According to the kind or nature; natural. [R.] 1913 Webster]
The kindly fruits of the earth.Book of Com. Prayer. 1913 Webster]
An herd of bulls whom kindly rage doth sting.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Whatsoever as the Son of God he may do, it is kindly for L. Andrews. 1913 Webster]
2.Humane; congenial; sympathetic; hence, disposed to do good to; benevolent; gracious; kind; helpful; as, kindly affections, words, acts, etc. 1913 Webster]
The shade by which my life was crossed, . . . kindly with my kind.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
In soft silence shed the kindly shower.Pope. 1913 Webster]
Should e'er a kindlier time ensue.Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
kindly once: it was simply the adjective of kind. But it is God's ordinance that kind should be kindly, in our modern sense of the word as well; and thus the word has attained this meaning.\'b8Trench. 1913 Webster]
Examine how kindly the Hebrew manners of speech mix and incorporate with the English languageAddison. 1913 Webster]
2.In a kind manner; congenially; with good will; with a disposition to make others happy, or to oblige. 1913 Webster]
Be kindly affectioned one to another, with brotherly love.Rom. xii. 10. 1913 Webster]
Kind"ness(?), n.[From Kind. a.]1.The state or quality of being kind, in any of its various senses; manifestation of kind feeling or disposition beneficence. 1913 Webster]
I do fear thy nature; kindness Shak. 1913 Webster]
Unremembered acts kindness and of love.Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
2.A kind act; an act of good will; as, to do a great kindness.
Kin"dred, a.Related; congenial; of the like nature or properties; as, kindred souls; kindred skies; kindred propositions. 1913 Webster]
True to the kindred points of heaven and home.Wordsworth. 1913 Webster]
Kine(k, n. pl.[For older kyen, formed like oxen, fr. AS. c, itself pl. of c cow. See Cow, and cf. Kee, Kie.]Cows. \'bdA herd of fifty or sixty kine.\'b8 Milton.
{ Kin`e*mat"ic(?), Kin`e*mat"ic*al(?), }a.Of or pertaining to kinematics. 1913 Webster]
Kinematic curves, curves produced by machinery, or a combination of motions, as distinguished from mathematical curves. 1913 Webster]
Kin`e*mat"ics(?), n.[Gr. (/),(/) motion, fr. kinei^n to move.](Physics)The science which treats of motions considered in themselves, or apart from their causes; the comparison and relation of motions. 1913 Webster]
Nichol. 1913 Webster]
Kine"pox`(?), n.(Med.)See Cowpox.
Kin"e*scope (/), n.See Kinetoscope. 1913 Webster]
Kin`e*si*at"rics(?), n.[Gr. (/) motion (fr. kinei^n to move) + (/) pertaining to medicine, fr. (/) a physician.](Med.)A mode of treating disease by appropriate muscular movements; -- also termed kinesitherapy, kinesipathy, lingism, and the movement cure. 1913 Webster]
Kin`e*sod"ic(?), a.[Gr. / motion + / way: cf. F. kin\'82sodigue.](Physiol.)Conveying motion; as, kinesodic substance; -- applied esp. to the spinal cord, because it is capable of conveying doth voluntary and reflex motor impulses, without itself being affected by motor impulses applied to it directly. 1913 Webster]
ki*net"ic(k, a.[Gr. kinhtiko`s, from kinei^n to move.](Physics)Moving or causing motion; motory; active, as opposed to latent. 1913 Webster]
Kinetic energy. See Energy, n. 4. 1913 Webster]
kin`es*the"sia, kin`es*the"siskin`es*thet"icSee kinaesthesia, kinaesthesis, and kinaesthetic. PJC]
kin`es*thet"ics(k, n.The ability to feel movements of the limbs and body. Syn. -- kinesthesis, kinaesthesis, kinesthesia, kinaesthesia, muscle sense, sense of movement. WordNet 1.5]
ki*ne`to*gen"e*sis(k, n.[Gr. kinhto`s movable + E. genesis.](Biol.)The doctrine or hypothesis that animal structures have been produced, directly or indirectly, by animal movements. 1913 Webster]
ki*ne"to*scope(k, n.[Gr. kinhto`s movable + -scope.]An instrument for producing curves by the combination of circular movements; -- called also kinescope.Cope. 1913 Webster]
ki*ne"to*graph(?), n.[Gr. / movable + -graph.](Physics)(a)A camera for making chronophotographs. [obsolescent] (b)A machine for the projection of chronophotographs upon a screen for the purpose of producing the effect of an animated picture. [obsolescent] (c)A combined animated-picture machine and phonograph in which sounds appropriate to the scene are automatically uttered by the latter instrument. It has been superseded by recording techniques allowing the sounds to be recorded directly on the motion-picture film. [obsolescent] Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
ki*ne"to*phone(?), n.[See Kinetic, Phone.]A machine combining a kinetoscope and a phonograph synchronized so as to reproduce a scene and its accompanying sounds. It has been superseded by recording techniques allowing the sounds to be recorded directly on the motion-picture film. [obsolescent] Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Ki*ne"to*scope(?), n.[Originally a tradename, 1894.]An obsolete form of moving picture viewer, in which a film carrying successive instantaneous views of a moving scene travels uniformly through the field of a magnifying glass. The observer sees each picture, momentarily, through a slit in a revolving disk, and these glimpses, blended by persistence of vision, give the impression of continuous motion. It has been superseded by more recent versions of movie projector and electronic video viewers. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kin"folk`(?), n.Relatives; kindred; kin; kinsfolk; persons of the same family or closely related families. 1913 Webster]
King(k, n.A Chinese musical instrument, consisting of resonant stones or metal plates, arranged according to their tones in a frame of wood, and struck with a hammer. 1913 Webster]
King, n.[AS. cyng, cyning; akin to OS. kuning, D. koning, OHG. kuning, G. k\'94nig, Icel. konungr, Sw. konung, Dan. konge; formed with a patronymic ending, and fr. the root of E. kin; cf. Icel. konr a man of noble birth. Kin.]1.A chief ruler; a sovereign; one invested with supreme authority over a nation, country, or tribe, usually by hereditary succession; a monarch; a prince. \'bdAy, every inch a king.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kings will be tyrants from policy, when subjects are rebels from principle.Burke. 1913 Webster]
There was a State without king or nobles.R. Choate. 1913 Webster]
But yonder comes the powerful King of Day, Thomson. 1913 Webster]
2.One who, or that which, holds a supreme position or rank; a chief among competitors; as, a railroad king; a money king; the king of the lobby; the king of beasts. 1913 Webster]
3.A playing card having the picture of a king{1}; as, the king of diamonds. 1913 Webster]
4.The chief piece in the game of chess. 1913 Webster]
5.A crowned man in the game of draughts. 1913 Webster]
6.pl.The title of two historical books in the Old Testament. 1913 Webster]
King is often used adjectively, or in combination, to denote pre\'89minence or superiority in some particular; as, kingbird; king crow; king vulture. 1913 Webster]
Apostolic king. See Apostolic. --
King-at-arms, or
King-of-arms, the chief heraldic officer of a country. In England the king-at-arms was formerly of great authority. His business is to direct the heralds, preside at their chapters, and have the jurisdiction of armory. There are three principal kings-at-arms, viz., Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy. The latter (literally north roy or north king) officiates north of the Trent. --
King auk(Zo\'94l.), the little auk or sea dove. --
King bird of paradise. (Zo\'94l.), See Bird of paradise. --
King card, in whist, the best unplayed card of each suit; thus, if the ace and king of a suit have been played, the queen is the king card of the suit. --
King Cole , a legendary king of Britain, who is said to have reigned in the third century. --
King conch(Zo\'94l.), a large and handsome univalve shell (Cassis cameo), found in the West Indies. It is used for making cameos. See Helmet shell, under Helmet. --
King Cotton, a popular personification of the great staple production of the southern United States. --
King crab. (Zo\'94l.)(a)The limulus or horseshoe crab. See Limulus.(b)The large European spider crab or thornback (Maia squinado).(c)A large crab of the northern Pacific (Paralithodes camtshatica), especially abundant on the coasts of Alaska and Japan, and popular as a food; called also Alaskan king crab. --
King crow. (Zo\'94l.)(a)A black drongo shrike (Buchanga atra) of India; -- so called because, while breeding, they attack and drive away hawks, crows, and other large birds.(b)The Dicrurus macrocercus of India, a crested bird with a long, forked tail. Its color is black, with green and blue reflections. Called also devil bird. --
King duck(Zo\'94l.), a large and handsome eider duck (Somateria spectabilis), inhabiting the arctic regions of both continents. --
King eagle(Zo\'94l.), an eagle (Aquila heliaca) found in Asia and Southeastern Europe. It is about as large as the golden eagle. Some writers believe it to be the imperial eagle of Rome. --
King hake(Zo\'94l.), an American hake (Phycis regius), found in deep water along the Atlantic coast. --
King monkey(Zo\'94l.), an African monkey (Colobus polycomus), inhabiting Sierra Leone. --
King mullet(Zo\'94l.), a West Indian red mullet (Upeneus maculatus); -- so called on account of its great beauty. Called also goldfish. --
King of terrors, death. --
King parrakeet(Zo\'94l.), a handsome Australian parrakeet (Platycercys scapulatus), often kept in a cage. Its prevailing color is bright red, with the back and wings bright green, the rump blue, and tail black. --
King penguin(Zo\'94l.), any large species of penguin of the genus Aptenodytes; esp., Aptenodytes longirostris, of the Falkland Islands and Kerguelen Land, and Aptenodytes Patagonica, of Patagonia. --
King rail(Zo\'94l.), a small American rail (Rallus elegans), living in fresh-water marshes. The upper parts are fulvous brown, striped with black; the breast is deep cinnamon color. --
King salmon(Zo\'94l.), the quinnat. See Quinnat. --
King's counsel, or
Queen's counsel(Eng. Law), barristers learned in the law, who have been called within the bar, and selected to be the king's or queen's counsel. They answer in some measure to the advocates of the revenue (advocati fisci) among the Romans. They can not be employed against the crown without special license.Wharton's Law Dict. --
King's cushion, a temporary seat made by two persons crossing their hands. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. --
The king's English, correct or current language of good speakers; pure English.Shak. --
King's evidenceor
Queen's evidence, testimony in favor of the Crown by a witness who confesses his guilt as an accomplice. See under Evidence. [Eng.] --
King's evil, scrofula; -- so called because formerly supposed to be healed by the touch of a king. --
King snake(Zo\'94l.), a large, nearly black, harmless snake (Ophiobolus getulus) of the Southern United States; -- so called because it kills and eats other kinds of snakes, including even the rattlesnake. --
King's spear(Bot.), the white asphodel (Asphodelus albus). --
King's yellow, a yellow pigment, consisting essentially of sulphide and oxide of arsenic; -- called also yellow orpiment. --
King tody(Zo\'94l.), a small fly-catching bird (Eurylaimus serilophus) of tropical America. The head is adorned with a large, spreading, fan-shaped crest, which is bright red, edged with black. --
King vulture(Zo\'94l.), a large species of vulture (Sarcorhamphus papa), ranging from Mexico to Paraguay, The general color is white. The wings and tail are black, and the naked carunculated head and the neck are briliantly colored with scarlet, yellow, orange, and blue. So called because it drives away other vultures while feeding. --
King wood, a wood from Brazil, called also violet wood, beautifully streaked in violet tints, used in turning and small cabinetwork. The tree is probably a species of Dalbergia. See Jacaranda. 1913 Webster]
King(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kinged(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kinging). ]To supply with a king; to make a king of; to raise to royalty. [R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Those traitorous captains of Israel who kinged themselves by slaying their masters and reigning in their stead.South. 1913 Webster]
King"bird(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)1.A small American bird (Tyrannus tyrannus, or Tyrannus Carolinensis), noted for its courage in attacking larger birds, even hawks and eagles, especially when they approach its nest in the breeding season. It is a typical tyrant flycatcher, taking various insects upon the wing. It is dark ash above, and blackish on the bead and tail. The quills and wing coverts are whitish at the edges. It is white beneath, with a white terminal band on the tail. The feathers on the head of the adults show a bright orange basal spot when erected. Called also bee bird, and bee martin. Several Southern and Western species of Tyrannus are also called king birds. 1913 Webster]
2.The king tody. See under King. 1913 Webster]
King"bolt`(?), n.A vertical iron bolt, by which the forward axle and wheels of a vehicle or the trucks of a railroad car are connected with the other parts. 1913 Webster]
King Charles span"iel(?)n.(Zo\'94l.)A variety of small pet dogs, having, drooping ears, a high, dome-shaped forehead, pug nose, large, prominent eyes, and long, wavy hair. The color is usually black and tan. 1913 Webster]
King"craft(?), n.The craft of kings; the art of governing as a sovereign; royal policy.Prescott. 1913 Webster]
King"cup`(?), n.(Bot.)The common buttercup. 1913 Webster]
King"dom(?), n.[AS. cyningd. See 2d King, and -dom.]1.The rank, quality, state, or attributes of a king; royal authority; sovereign power; rule; dominion; monarchy. 1913 Webster]
Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.Ps. cxiv. 13. 1913 Webster]
When Jehoram was risen up to the kingdom of his father, he strengthened himself.2 Chron. xxi. 4. 1913 Webster]
2.The territory or country subject to a king or queen; the dominion of a monarch; the sphere in which one is king or has control. 1913 Webster]
Unto the kingdom of perpetual night.Shak. 1913 Webster]
You're welcome, kingdom.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.An extensive scientific division distinguished by leading or ruling characteristics; a principal division; a department; as, the mineral kingdom. In modern biology, the division of life into five kingdoms is widely used for classification. \'bdThe animal and vegetable kingdoms.\'b8 Locke. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Animal kingdom. See under Animal. --
Kingdom of God. (a)The universe.(b)That spiritual realm of which God is the acknowledged sovereign.(c)The authority or dominion of God. --
King"domed(k, a.Having a kingdom or the dignity of a king; like a kingdom. [R.] 1913 Webster]
\'bdTwixt his mental and his active parts, Kingdom'd Achilles in commotion rages Shak. 1913 Webster]
King"fish`(k, n.(Zo\'94l.)(a)An American marine food fish of the genus Menticirrus, especially Menticirrus saxatilis, or Menticirrus nebulosos, of the Atlantic coast; -- called also whiting, surf whiting, and barb.(b)The opah.(c)The common cero; also, the spotted cero. See Cero.(d)The queenfish. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 815 -->
King"fish`er(k, n.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of numerous species of birds constituting the family Alcedinid\'91. Most of them feed upon fishes which they capture by diving and seizing them with the beak; others feed only upon reptiles, insects, etc. About one hundred and fifty species are known. They are found in nearly all parts of the world, but are particularly abundant in the East Indies. 1913 Webster]
Ceryle alcyon) feeds upon fishes. It is slate-blue above, with a white belly and breast, and a broad white ring around the neck. A dark band crosses the breast. The common European species (Alcedo ispida), which is much smaller and brighter colored, is also a fisher. See Alcedo. The wood kingfishers (Halcyones), which inhabit forests, especially in Africa, feed largely upon insects, but also eat reptiles, snails, and small Crustacea, as well as fishes. The giant kingfisher of Australia feeds largely upon lizards and insects. See Laughing jackass, under Laughing. 1913 Webster]
King"hood(?), n.The state of being a king; the attributes of a king; kingship.Gower. 1913 Webster]
King"less, a.Having no king.F. Lieber. 1913 Webster]
King"let(?), n.1.A little king; a weak or insignificant king.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of several species of small singing birds of the genus Regulus and family Sylviid\'91. 1913 Webster]
Regulus satrapa), and the rubycrowned kinglet (Regulus calendula), are the most common American species. The common English kinglet (Regulus cristatus) is also called golden-crested wren, moonie, and marigold finch. The kinglets are often popularly called wrens, both in America and England.
King"li*ness, n.The state or quality of being kingly. 1913 Webster]
King"ling(?), n.Same as Kinglet, 1.Churchill. 1913 Webster]
King"ly(?), a.[Compar.Kinglier(?); superl.Kingliest.]Belonging to, suitable to, or becoming, a king; characteristic of, or resembling, a king; directed or administered by a king; monarchical; royal; sovereign; regal; august; noble; grand. \'bdKingly magnificence.\'b8 Sir P. Sidney. \'bdA kingly government.\'b8 Swift. \'bdThe kingly couch.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
The kingliest kings are crowned with thorn.G. Massey. 1913 Webster]
Leave kingly backs to cope with kingly cares.Cowper.
Syn. -- Regal; royal; monarchical; imperial; august; sovereign; noble; splendid. -- Kingly, Regal. Kingly is Anglo-Saxon, and refers especially to the character of a king; regal is Latin, and now relates more to his office. The former is chiefly used of dispositions, feelings, and purposes which are kinglike; as, kingly sentiments; kingly condescension; \'bd a kingly heart for enterprises.\'b8 Sir P. Sidney. The latter is oftener applied to external state, pomp, etc.; as, regal state, regal title, etc. This distinction is not observed by our early writers, but is gaining ground. 1913 Webster]
King"ly, adv.In a kingly or kinglike manner.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Low bowed the rest; he, kingly, did but nod.Pore. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
King"-post`(?), n.(Carp.)A member of a common form of truss, as a roof truss. It is strictly a tie, intended to prevent the sagging of the tiebeam in the middle. If there are struts, supporting the main rafters, they often bear upon the foot of the king-post. Called also crown-post. 1913 Webster]
King's Bench(?)n.(Law)Formerly, the highest court of common law in England; -- so called because the king used to sit there in person. It consisted of a chief justice and four puisne, or junior, justices. During the reign of a queen it was called the Queen's Bench. Its jurisdiction was transferred by the judicature acts of 1873 and 1875 to the high court of justice created by that legislation. 1913 Webster]
King"ship(?), n.The state, office, or dignity of a king; royalty.Landor.
king-sizeking-sizedadj.1.extra large; as, a king-size bed.[wns=1] WordNet 1.5]
queen-size, which in turn is larger than a full-size (or double) bed, and that in turn is larger than a twin-size (or single) bed. The mattress for a king-size bed is typically about 76 inches wide and 80 inches long. PJC]
2.Of or pertaining to a king-size bed; suitable for a king-size bed; as, a king-size bedcover. PJC]
{ King"ston(?), King"stone`(?), }n.(Zo\'94l.)The black angel fish. See Angel fish, under Angel. 1913 Webster]
King"ston met"al(?)n.An alloy of tin, copper, and mercury, sometimes used for the bearings and packings of machinery.McElrath. 1913 Webster]
King"ston valve(?)n.(Marine Steam Engin.)A conical valve, opening outward, to close the mouth of a pipe which passes through the side of a vessel below the water line. 1913 Webster]
King"truss`(?)n.(Carp.)A truss, framed with a king-post; -- used in roofs, bridges, etc. 1913 Webster]
Ki"nic(?), a.[Cf. F. kinique.](Chem.)See Quinic. 1913 Webster]
Kink(?), n.[D. kink a bend or turn, or Sw. kink.] 1913 Webster]
1.A twist or loop in a rope or thread, caused by a spontaneous doubling or winding upon itself; a close loop or curl; a doubling in a cord. 1913 Webster]
2.An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice. [Colloq.] Cozzens. 1913 Webster]
Kink(?), v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kinked(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kinking.]To wind into a kink; to knot or twist spontaneously upon itself, as a rope or thread. 1913 Webster]
Kink, n.[Cf. Chincough, Kink-haust.]A fit of coughing; also, a convulsive fit of laughter. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kin"ka*jou`(?), n.[F. kinkajou, quincajou, from the native American name.](Zo\'94l.)A nocturnal carnivorous mammal (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus) of South America, about as large as a full-grown cat. It has a prehensile tail and lives in trees. It is the only representative of a distinct family (Cercoleptid\'91) allied to the raccoons. Called also potto, and honey bear. 1913 Webster]
Kink"haust`(?), n.[Prov. E. kink to gasp (cf. Chin cough) + haust a cough (akin to E. wheeze).]Whooping cough. [Obs.or Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Kin"kle(?), n.Same as 3d Kink. 1913 Webster]
Kink"y(?), a.1.Full of kinks; liable to kink or curl; as, kinky hair. 1913 Webster]
Kin`ni*ki*nic"(?), n.[Indian, literally, a mixture.]Prepared leaves or bark of certain plants; -- used by the Indians of the Northwest for smoking, either mixed with tobacco or as a substitute for it. Also, a plant so used, as the osier cornel (Cornus stolonijra), and the bearberry (Arctostaphylus Uva-ursi).[Spelled also kinnickinnick and killikinick.] 1913 Webster]
Kin"it(?), n.[Gr. kinei^n to move.](Physics)A unit of force equal to the force which, acting for one second, will give a pound a velocity of one foot per second; -- proposed by J. D. Everett, an English physicist. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ki"no(?), n.The dark red dried juice of certain plants, used variously in tanning, in dyeing, and as an astringent in medicine. 1913 Webster]
Pterocarpus Marsupium. Other sources are the African Pterocarpus erinaceus, the tropical American sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera), and several Australian Eucalypti. See Botany bay kino, under Botany bay, Gum butea, under Gum, and Eucalyptus. 1913 Webster]
Ki*nol"o*gy(?), n.[Gr. kinei^n to move + -logy.]That branch of physics which treats of the laws of motion, or of moving bodies.
<-- kinetics? mechanics? --> 1913 Webster]
Ki"none(?), n.(Chem.)See Quinone. 1913 Webster]
Ki"noyl(?), n.(Chem.) [Obs.] See Quinoyl. 1913 Webster]
Ki*osk"(?), n.[Turk. kiushk, ki\'94shk, Per. k/shk.]A Turkish open summer house or pavilion, supported by pillars.
2.A light ornamental structure used as a news stand, band stand, etc. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.A small roofed structure, typically located on a sidewalk and sometimes in a parking lot, with one or more open sides, used to vend merchandise, such as newspapers or beverages, or services, such as key duplication or film developing.(MW10 s. 2) PJC]
Ki"o*ways`(?), n. pl.; sing. Kioway(/).(Ethnol.)A tribe of Indians distantly related to the Shoshones. They formerly inhabited the region about the head waters of the North Platte. 1913 Webster]
Kip(?), n.The hide of a young or small beef creature, or leather made from it; kipskin. 1913 Webster]
Kip leather.See Kipskin. 1913 Webster]
Kip(?), n.[Cf. G. kippe.]1.A sharp-pointed hill; a projecting point, as on a hill. [Scot.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.(Gymnastics)A method or feat of raising the body when hanging or swinging by the arms, as for the purpose of mounting upon the horizontal bar. The legs are swung forward and upward by bending the hips, then suddenly down again, which gives the upward impulse to the body. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kipe(?), n.[Cf. OE. kipen to catch, Icel. kippa to pull, snatch. Cf. Kipper.]An osier basket used for catching fish. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Kiplingprop. n.Rudyard Kipling, English author (1865-1936). He was born at Bombay, India in 1865, the son of John Lockwood Kipling, who was formerly head of the Lahore School of Industrial Art. He was educated in England and returned to India in 1880 as editor of the \'bdLahore Civil and Military Gazette.\'b8 He returned to England about 1889, and lived several years in the United States. While in India he published stories, sketches, and poems descriptive of India and Anglo-Indian military and civil life: \'bd Departmental Ditties, etc.\'b8, \'bdPlain Tales from the Hills\'b8, \'bdMine Own People\'b8, \'bdSoldiers Three\'b8, \'bdBarrack-room Ballads, etc.\'b8, and others. After leaving India he published \'bdThe Light That Failed,\'b8 \'bdNaulahka\'b8 (with Balestier), \'bdMany Inventions,\'b8 \'bdThe Jungle Book,\'b8 \'bdThe Second Jungle Book,\'b8 \'bdThe Seven Seas,\'b8 \'bdCaptains Courageous,\'b8 \'bdThe White Man's Burden,\'b8 \'bdKim,\'b8 \'bdThe Man Who Would Be King and Other Stories,\'b8 and others. Syn. -- Rudyard Kipling. WordNet 1.5 + Century Dict. 1906]
Kiplingesqueprop. a.Of, pertaining to, or in the style of Rudyard Kipling. WordNet 1.5]
Kip"per(?), n.[D. kippen to hatch, snatch, seize. Cf. Kipe.]1.(Zo\'94l.)A salmon after spawning. 1913 Webster]
2.A salmon split open, salted, and dried or smoked; -- so called because salmon after spawning were usually so cured, not being good when fresh. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kipper time, the season in which fishing for salmon is forbidden. [Eng. & Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kip"per, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kippered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kippering.]To cure, by splitting, salting, and smoking. \'bdKippered salmon.\'b8 Dickens. 1913 Webster]
Kip"per*nut`(?), n.(Bot.)A name given to earthnuts of several kinds. 1913 Webster]
Kip"skin`(?), n.[Kip + skin.]Leather prepared from the skin of young or small cattle, intermediate in grade between calfskin and cowhide. 1913 Webster]
Kirghizian.A country in Central Asia, formerly an Asian Soviet. It borders on Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China, and Tajikistan. Syn. -- Kirghiz, Kyrgyzstan, Kirghizstan. WordNet 1.5]
Kirk(k, n.[Scot.; cf. Icel. kirkja, of Greek origin. See Church.]A church or the church, in the various senses of the word; esp., the Church of Scotland as distinguished from other reformed churches, or from the Roman Catholic Church. [Scot.] Jamieson. 1913 Webster]
Kirked(?), a.[Etymol. uncertain.]Turned upward; bent. [Obs.] Rom. of R. 1913 Webster]
Kirk"man(?), n.; pl.Kirkmen(/). 1913 Webster]
1.A clergyman or officer in a kirk. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
2.A member of the Church of Scotland, as distinguished from a member of another communion. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kir"mess(?), n.[D. kermis; cf. G. kirmes; prop., church mass. See Church, and Mass a religious service.]In Europe, particularly in Belgium and Holland, and outdoor festival and fair; in the United States, generally an indoor entertainment and fair combined. 1913 Webster]
Kirsch"was`ser(?), n.[G., fr. kirsche cherry + wasser water.]An alcoholic liquor, obtained by distilling the fermented juice of the small black cherry. 1913 Webster]
Kir"some, a.[Corrupted from chrisom.]Christian; christened. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I am a true kirsome woman.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Kir"tle(?), n.[OE. kirtel, curtel, AS. cyrtel; skin to Icel. kyrtill, Sw. kjortel, Dan. kiortel, kiole.]A garment varying in form and use at different times, and worn both by men and women. 1913 Webster]
Wearing her Norman car, and her kirtle of blue.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Kir"tled(?), a.Wearing a kirtle.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Ki*rum"bo(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A bird of Madagascar (Leptosomus discolor), the only living type of a family allied to the rollers. It has a pair of loral plumes. The male is glossy green above, with metallic reflections; the female is spotted with brown and black. 1913 Webster]
Kish(?), n.[Cf. G. kies gravel, pyrites.](Min.)A workman's name for the graphite which forms incidentally in iron smelting. 1913 Webster]
Kislev(k, n.[Heb.]the third month of the Jewish civil year; the ninth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, occupying a part of November and a part of December.[Also spelled Chislev.] WordNet 1.5]
Kis"met(?), n.[Per. qismat.]Destiny; fate.[Written also kismat.] [Oriental] 1913 Webster]
Kiss(k, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kissed(k;p. pr. & vb. n.Kissing.][OE. kissen, cussen, AS. cyssan, fr. coss a kiss; of uncertain origin; akin to D. kus, G. kuss, Icel. koss.]1.To salute with the lips, as a mark of affection, reverence, submission, forgiveness, etc. 1913 Webster]
He . . . kissed her lips with such a clamorous smack, Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To touch gently, as if fondly or caressingly. 1913 Webster]
When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kiss, v. i.1.To make or give salutation with the lips in token of love, respect, etc.; as, kiss and make friends. 1913 Webster]
2.To meet; to come in contact; to touch fondly. 1913 Webster]
Like fire and powder, kiss consume.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Rose, rose and clematis, kiss.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Kissing comfit, a perfumed sugarplum to sweeten the breath. [Obs or Prov. End.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kiss, n.[OE. kiss, derived under the influence of the verb from the older form coss, AS. coss. See Kiss, v.] 1913 Webster]
1.A salutation with the lips, as a token of affection, respect, etc.; as, a parting kiss; a kiss of reconciliation. 1913 Webster]
Last with a kiss, she took a long farewell.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Dear as remembered kisses after death.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
2.A small piece of confectionery. 1913 Webster]
Kiss"er(?), n.1.One who kisses.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
2.the face or mouth. [slang] PJC]
Kiss"ing bug`. (Zo\'94l.)Any one of several species of blood-sucking, venomous Hemiptera that sometimes bite the lip or other parts of the human body, causing painful sores, as the cone-nose (Conorhinus sanguisuga). [U. S.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kiss"ing cous"in. A cousin sufficiently well acquainted to be greeted with a kiss; a type of kissing kin. PJC]
Kiss"ing*crust`(?), n.(Cookery)The portion of the upper crust of a loaf which has touched another loaf in baking.Lamb. 1913 Webster]
A massy fragment from the rich kissingcrust that hangs like a fretted cornice from the upper half of the loaf.W. Howitt. 1913 Webster]
kiss"ing dis*ease". Infectious mononucleosis; -- so called because often spread by kissing. PJC]
kiss"ing kin`. Any relative more distant than the immediate family, sufficiently well acquainted to be greeted with a kiss, such as a kissing cousin. PJC]
Kiss"ing strings`(?)n.Cap or bonnet strings made long to tie under the chin.
One of her ladyship's kissing strings, once pink and fluttering and now faded and soiled.Pall Mall Mag. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kiss-me-over-the-garden-gaten.An annual (Polygonum orientale) with broadly ovate leaves and slender drooping spikes of crimson flowers; it is native to Southeastern Asia and Australia, and naturalized in North America. Syn. -- prince's-feather, prince's feather, princess feather, prince's-plume, Polygonum orientale. WordNet 1.5]
Kist, n.[Ar. gist.]A stated payment, especially a payment of rent for land; hence, the time for such payment. [India] 1913 Webster]
Kist"vaen(k, n.[W. cist-faen.](Arch\'91ol.)A Celtic monument, commonly known as a dolmen. 1913 Webster]
Kit, (k, v. t.[imp.Kitte.]To cut. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kit, n.[See Kitten.]A kitten. 1913 Webster]
Kit fox(Zo\'94l.), a small burrowing fox (Vulpes velox), inhabiting the region of the Rocky Mountains. It is brownish gray, reddish on the breast and flanks, and white below. Called also swift fox. 1913 Webster]
Kit, n.[Gf. AS. cytere harp, L. cithara. Cf. Guitar.]A small violin. \'bdA dancing master's kit.\'b8 Grew. 1913 Webster]
Prince Turveydrop then tinkled the strings of his kit with his fingers, and the young ladies stood up to dance.Dickens. 1913 Webster]
Kit, n.[Cf. D. kit a large bottle, OD. kitte beaker, decanter.]1.A large bottle. 1913 Webster]
2.A wooden tub or pail, smaller at the top than at the bottom; as, a kit of butter, or of mackerel.Wright. 1913 Webster]
3.A straw or rush basket for fish; also, any kind of basket. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
4.A box for working implements. 1913 Webster]
5.Hence:A collection of tools or other objects to be used for a specific purpose, often contained in a box which may be carried conveniently; a working outfit, as of a workman, a soldier, and the like; as, a plumber's kit; a doctor's kit; a cosmetic kit; a first-aid kit. 1913 Webster +PJC]
6.A group of separate parts, things, or individuals; -- used with whole, and generally contemptuously; as, the whole kit of them; the whole kit and kaboodle. 1913 Webster +PJC]
kitambillan.1.A small shrubby spiny tree (Dovyalis hebecarpa) cultivated for its maroon-purple fruit with sweet purple pulp tasking like gooseberries; it is native to Sri Lanka and India. Syn. -- ketembilla, kitembilla, ketembilla tree, Ceylon gooseberry, Dovyalis hebecarpa. WordNet 1.5]
2.A maroon-purple gooseberrylike fruit of India having a tart-sweet purple pulp used especially for preserves. Syn. -- ketembilla, kitembilla. WordNet 1.5]
kitbagn.a knapsack (usually for a soldier). Syn. -- kit bag. WordNet 1.5]
Kit"cat`(?), a.1.Designating a club in London, to which Addison and Steele belonged; -- so called from Christopher Cat, a pastry cook, who served the club with mutton pies. 1913 Webster]
2.Designating a canvas used for portraits of a peculiar size, viz., twenty-eight or twenty-nine inches by thirty-six; -- so called because that size was adopted by Sir Godfrey Kneller for the portraits he painted of the members of the Kitcat Club.Fairholt. 1913 Webster]
Kit"cat`, n.A game played by striking with a stick small piece of wood, called a cat, shaped like two cones united at their bases; tipcat.Cotton. 1913 Webster]
Kitcat roll(Agric.), a roller somewhat in the form of two cones set base to base. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Kitch"en(k, n.[OE. kichen, kichene, kuchene, AS. cycene, L. coquina, equiv. to culina a kitchen, fr. coquinus pertaining to cooking, fr. coquere to cook. See Cook to prepare food, and cf. Cuisine.]1.A room equipped for cooking food; the room of a house, restaurant, or other building appropriated to cookery. 1913 Webster]
Cool was his kitchen, though his brains were hot.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
A fat kitchen makes a lean will.Franklin. 1913 Webster]
2.A utensil for roasting meat; as, a tin kitchen. 1913 Webster]
3.The staff that works in a kitchen. PJC]
Kitchen garden. See under Garden. --
Kitchen lee, dirty soapsuds. [Obs.] \'bdA brazen tub of kitchen lee.\'b8 Ford. --
Kitchen stuff, fat collected from pots and pans.Donne. 1913 Webster]
Kitch"en, v. t.To furnish food to; to entertain with the fare of the kitchen. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Kitch"en*er, n.A kitchen servant; a cook.Carlyle. 1913 Webster]
Kitch`en*ette"(?), n.[Kitchen + -ette.]A room combining a very small kitchen and a pantry, with the kitchen conveniences compactly arranged, sometimes so that they fold up out of sight and allow the kitchen to be made a part of the adjoining room by opening folding doors. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kitch"en*maid`(k, n.A woman employed in the kitchen.Shak. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 816 -->
Kitch"en mid`dens(kn. pl.[Dan. kj\'94k-kenm\'94ddings kitchen leavings; cf. Scot. midden a dunghill.]Relics of neolithic man found on the coast of Denmark, consisting of shell mounds, some of which are ten feet high, one thousand feet long, and two hundred feet wide. The name is applied also to similar mounds found on the American coast from Canada to Florida, made by the North American Indians. 1913 Webster]
Kitch"en*ry(k, n.The body of servants employed in the kitchen; the staff of a kitchen. [Obs.] Holland. 1913 Webster]
kitchenwaren.Implements for use in a kitchen, or for cooking, such as pots, pans, ladles, measuring cups, etc. WordNet 1.5]
1.(Zo\'94l.)Any raptorial bird of the subfamily Milvin\'91, of which many species are known. They have long wings, adapted for soaring, and usually a forked tail. 1913 Webster]
Milvus ictinus and Milvus migrans; the pariah kite of India is Milvus govinda; the sacred or Brahmany kite of India is Haliastur Indus; the American fork-tailed kite is the Nauclerus furcatus. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: One who is rapacious. 1913 Webster]
Detested kite, thou liest.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.A light frame of wood or other material covered with paper or cloth, for flying in the air at the end of a string. 1913 Webster]
4.(Naut.)A lofty sail, carried only when the wind is light. 1913 Webster]
5.(Geom.)A quadrilateral, one of whose diagonals is an axis of symmetry.Henrici. 1913 Webster]
6.Fictitious commercial paper used for raising money or to sustain credit, as a check which represents no deposit in bank, or a bill of exchange not sanctioned by sale of goods; an accommodation check or bill. [Cant] 1913 Webster]
7.(Zo\'94l.)The brill. [Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
8.(Naut.)A form of drag to be towed under water at any depth up to about forty fathoms, which on striking bottom is upset and rises to the surface; -- called also sentry. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Flying kites. (Naut.)See under Flying. --
Kite falcon(Zo\'94l.), an African falcon of the genus Avicida, having some resemblance to a kite. 1913 Webster]
Kite, v. i.To raise money by \'bdkites;\'b8 as, kiting transactions. See Kite, 6. [Cant] 1913 Webster]
Kite"fly`ing(?), n.A mode of raising money, or sustaining one's credit, by the use of paper which is merely nominal; -- called also kiting. -- Kite"fli`er, n.See Kite, n., 6. [Cant] McElrath.Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
Kith(k, n.[OE. kith, cu, AS. cc known. Uncouth, Can, and cf. Kythe.]Acquaintance; kindred. 1913 Webster]
And my near kith for that will sore me shend.W. Browne. 1913 Webster]
The sage of his kith and the hamlet.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Kith and kin, kindred more or less remote. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kith"a*ra(k, n.See Cithara. 1913 Webster]
Kithe(k, v. t. [Obs.] See Kythe.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kit"ish(?), a.(Zo\'94l.)Like or relating to a kite. 1913 Webster]
Kit"ling(?), n.[Kit a kitten + -ling: cf. Icel. ketlingr.]A young kitten; a whelp. [Obs. or Scot.] B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
Kit"te(k, imp. of Kit to cut. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kit"tel(k, v. t.See Kittle, v. t. 1913 Webster]
Kit"ten(k, n.[OE. kiton, a dim. of cat; cf. G. kitze a young cat, also a female cat, and F. chaton, dim. of chat cat, also E. kitling. See Cat.]A young cat. 1913 Webster]
Kit"ten, v. t. & i.[imp. & p. p.Kittened(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kittening.]To bring forth young, as a cat; to bring forth, as kittens.Shak.H. Spencer. 1913 Webster]
kit"ten*ish, a.Resembling a kitten; playful; as, a kittenish disposition.Richardson. 1913 Webster]
-- kit"ten*ish*ly, adv. -- kit"ten*ish*ness, n. PJC]
kitten-tailsn.a plant of the genus Besseya having fluffy spikes of flowers. WordNet 1.5]
Kit"ti*wake(k, n.(Zo\'94l.)A northern gull (Rissa tridactyla), inhabiting the coasts of Europe and America. It is white, with black tips to the wings, and has only three toes. 1913 Webster]
Kit"tle(k, v. i.[Cf. Kit a kitten.](Zo\'94l.)To bring forth young, as a cat; to kitten; to litter. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kit"tle, v. t.[Cf. AS. citelian; akin to D. kittelen, G. kitzeln, Icel. kitla, Sw. kittla, kittsla, Dan. kildre. Cf. Tickle.]To tickle. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] [Written also kittel.]Halliwell.Jamieson. 1913 Webster]
Kit"tle, a.Ticklish; not easily managed; troublesome; difficult; variable. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.] Halliwell.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Kit"tlish(?), a.Ticklish; kittle.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Kit"ty(?), n.1.A kitten; also, a pet name or calling name for the cat. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.[Etym. uncertain.](Gaming)The percentage taken out of a pool to pay for refreshments, or for the expenses of the table;by extension,any pool of money aggregated from small contributions.R. F. Foster. Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Kit*ty*sol"(?), n.[Sp. quitasol.]The Chinese paper parasol. 1913 Webster]
Ki"va(?), n.[Hopi name, sacred chamber.]A large chamber built under, or in, the houses of a Pueblo village, used as an assembly room in religious rites or as a men's dormitory. It is commonly lighted and entered from an opening in the roof. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kive(?), n.A mash vat. See Keeve. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Kiv"er(?), v. t.To cover. -- n.A cover. [Disused except in illiterate speech.]
{ Ki`vi*ki"vi(?), Ki`wi*ki"wi(?), }n.; pl.Kivikivies (/), Kiwikiwies(/).(Zo\'94l.)Any species of Apteryx, esp. Apteryx australis; -- so called in imitation of its notes. More commonly called kiwi. See Apteryx. 1913 Webster]
Kla"maths(?), prop. n. pl.; sing. Klamath(Ethnol.)A collective name for the Indians of several tribes formerly living along the Klamath river, in California and Oregon, but now restricted to a reservation at Klamath Lake; -- called also Clamets and Hamati. 1913 Webster]
Klansmann.a member of the Ku Klux Klan. WordNet 1.5]
klatch, klatschn.An informal group that gathers more or less frequently, especially for conversation; as, a coffee klatsch; a sewing klatsch. PJC]
klavernn.A local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. PJC]
klaviern.a stringed instrument that has a keyboard, especially a piano, harpsichord, or clavichord; also, the keyboard of such an instrument. Same as clavier. Syn. -- clavier. WordNet 1.5]
klaxonn.a kind of loud horn formerly used on motor vehicles. Syn. -- claxon. WordNet 1.5]
kleaglen.An officer, especially an attorney, of the Ku Klux Klan. PJC]
Kleene"boc`(kl, n.[D. kleen little, small + bok buck.](Zo\'94l.)An antelope (Cerphalopus pygm\'91us), found in South Africa. It is of very small size, being but one foot high at the shoulder. It is remarkable for its activity, and for its mild and timid disposition. Called also guevi, and pygmy antelope. 1913 Webster]
Kleenexprop. n.[Trademark]A piece of soft absorbent tissue paper (usually two or more thin layers) used as a disposable handkerchief; -- still a current trademark, but often used generically. [Trademark] Syn. -- tissue. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Klep`to*ma"ni*a(?), n.[Gr. kle`pths thief + E. mania.]A propensity to steal, claimed to be irresistible. This does not constitute legal irresponsibility.Wharton. 1913 Webster]
Klep`to*ma"ni*ac(?), n.A person affected with kleptomania. 1913 Webster]
Klick(?), n. & v.See Click. 1913 Webster]
Klick"et(?), n.[Cf. Clicket.](Mil.)A small postern or gate in a palisade, for the passage of sallying parties.[Written also klinket.] 1913 Webster]
Klink"stone`(?), n.See Clinkstone. 1913 Webster]
Kli*nom"e*ter(?), n.See Clinometer.
{ Klip"das(?), Klip"dachs`(?) }, n.[D. klip cliff + das badger, akin to G. dachs.](Zo\'94l.)A small mammal (Hyrax Capensis), found in South Africa. It is of about the size of a rabbit, and closely resembles the daman. Called also rock rabbit. 1913 Webster]
Klip"fish`(?), n.Dried cod, exported from Norway.[Written also clipfish.] 1913 Webster]
Klip"spring`er(?), n.[D., lit., cliff springer.](Zo\'94l.)A small, graceful South African antelope (Nanotragus oreotragus), which, like the chamois, springs from one crag to another with great agility; -- called also kainsi.[Written also klippspringer.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kloof(?), n.[D. See Clove a cleft.]A glen; a ravine closed at its upper end. [South Africa] 1913 Webster]
Klo`pe*ma"ni*a(?), n.[Gr. kloph` theft + E. mania.]See Kleptomania. 1913 Webster]
Knab(n, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knabbed(n; p. pr. & vb. n.Knabbing.][See Nab, v. t., and cf. Knap, v. t.]1.To seize with the teeth; to gnaw. \'bdKnabbing crusts.\'b8 [Obs.] L'Estrange. 1913 Webster]
2.To nab. See Nab, v. t. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Knab"ble(n, v. i.[Freq. of knab.]To bite or nibble. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Horses will knabble at walls, and rats gnaw iron.Sir T. Browne. 1913 Webster]
Knack(n, v. i.[Prob. of imitative origin; cf. G. knacken to break, Dan. knage to crack, and E. knock.]1.To crack; to make a sharp, abrupt noise to chink. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
Knack, n.1.A petty contrivance; a toy; a plaything; a knickknack. 1913 Webster]
A knack, a toy, a trick, a baby's cap.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.A readiness in performance; aptness at doing a specific task; skill; aptitude; facility; dexterity; -- often used with for; as, a knack for playing the guitar. 1913 Webster +PJC]
The fellow . . . has not the knack with his shears.B. Jonson. 1913 Webster]
The dean was famous in his time, knack at rhyme.Swift. 1913 Webster]
3.Something performed, or to be done, requiring aptness and dexterity; a trick; a device. \'bdThe knacks of japers.\'b8 Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
For how should equal colors do the knack !Pope. 1913 Webster]
Knack"er(?), n.1.One who makes knickknacks, toys, etc.Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
2.One of two or more pieces of bone or wood held loosely between the fingers, and struck together by moving the hand; -- called also clapper.Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Knack"er, n.[Cf. Icel. hnakkr a saddle.]1.a harness maker. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
2.One who slaughters worn-out horses and sells their flesh for dog's meat. [Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Knack"ish, a.Trickish; artful. [Obs.] -- Knack"ish*ness, n. [Obs.] Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
Knag(n, n.[Cf. Prov. G. knagge a knot in wood, Sw. knagg, Dan. knag a hook to hand clothes on, a bracket; Gael. & Ir. cnag peg, knob.]1.A knot in wood; a protuberance.Wright. 1913 Webster]
2.A wooden peg for hanging things on.Wright. 1913 Webster]
3.The prong of an antler.Holland. 1913 Webster]
4.The rugged top of a hill. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Knag"ged(?), a.Full of knots; knaggy. 1913 Webster]
Knag"gy(?), a.Knotty; rough; figuratively, rough in temper.Fuller. -- Knag"gi*ness(#), n. 1913 Webster]
Knap(n, n.[AS. cn\'91p, cn\'91pp, top, knob, button; cf. Icel. knappr knob, Sw. knapp, Dan. knap button, W., Gael., & Ir. cnap knob, button, and E. knop.]A protuberance; a swelling; a knob; a button; hence, rising ground; a summit. See Knob, and Knop. 1913 Webster]
The highest part and knap of the same island.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Knap, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knapped(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Knapping.][D. knappen to chew, bite, crack, take hold of; prob. of imitative origin.]1.To bite; to bite off; to break short. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. ] 1913 Webster]
He will knap the spears apieces with his teeth.Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
He breaketh the bow, and knappeth the spear in sunder.Ps. xlvi. 9 (Book of Common Prayer.) 1913 Webster]
2.To strike smartly; to rap; to snap. [Chiefly Brit.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Knap, v. i.To make a sound of snapping.Wiseman. 1913 Webster]
Knap, n.A sharp blow or slap.Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Knap"pish(?), a.[See Knap to strike.]Snappish; peevish. [Obs.] Grafton. 1913 Webster]
Knap"ple(?), v. i.[Freq. of knap, v., cf. D. knabbelen to gnaw.]To break off with an abrupt, sharp noise; to bite; to nibble. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Knap"py(?), a.Having knaps; full of protuberances or humps; knobby. [Obs.] Huloet. 1913 Webster]
Knap"sack`(?), n.[D. knapzak; knappen to eat + zak a bag. See Knap, v. t., and Sack.]A case of canvas, leather, nylon, or other sturdy fabric, fitted with straps, for carrying on the back the food, clothing, or other supplies for a soldier or a traveler; as, to hike up the mountain with lunch in a knapsack. 1913 Webster +PJC]
And each one fills his knapsack or his scrip Drayton. 1913 Webster]
Knap"weed`(?), n.(Bot.)The black centaury (Centaurea nigra); -- so called from the knoblike heads of flowers. Called also bullweed. 1913 Webster]
Knar(n, n.See Gnar. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Knarl(n, n.A knot in wood. See Gnarl. 1913 Webster]
Knarled(n, a.Knotted. See Gnarled. 1913 Webster]
Knarred(n, a.Knotty; gnarled. 1913 Webster]
The knarred and crooked cedar knees.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Knav"ish, a.1.Like or characteristic of a knave{3}; given to knavery; trickish; fraudulent; dishonest; villainous; as, a knavish fellow, or a knavish trick. \'bdKnavish politicians.\'b8 Macaulay. 1913 Webster]
knav"ish*ness, n.The quality or state of being knavish; knavery; dishonesty. 1913 Webster]
Knaw(n, v. t.See Gnaw. [Obs.] Sir T. More. 1913 Webster]
Knaw"el(n, n.[Akin to G. knauelk, kn\'84uel, prop., a ball of thread, coil. Cf. Clew.](Bot.)A low, spreading weed (Scleranthus annuus), common in sandy soil. 1913 Webster]
Knead(n, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kneaded; p. pr. & vb. n.Kneading.][OE. kneden, As. cnedan; akin to D. kneden, G. kneten, Sw. kn, Icel. kno; cf. OSlav. gnesti.]1.To work and press into a mass, usually with the hands; esp., to work, as by repeated pressure with the knuckles, into a well mixed mass, as the materials of bread, cake, etc.; as, to knead dough. 1913 Webster]
The kneading, the making of the cake, the heating of the oven, and the baking.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.Fig.: To treat or form as by kneading; to beat. 1913 Webster]
I will knead him : I'll make him supple.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To press repeatedly with the hands or knuckles, sometimes with a twisting or squeezing motion; -- performed for example on the body of a person as a form of massage. PJC]
Kneading trough, a trough or tray in which dough is kneaded.Ex. viii. 3. 1913 Webster]
knead(?), v. i.To perform movements like kneading, with the paws; -- said of cats, which may knead{3} a master's body when stroked, presumably a sign of contentment; as, a cat kneading and purring in his master's lap. PJC]
Knead"a*ble(?), a.That may be kneaded; capable of being worked into a mass. 1913 Webster]
Knead"er(?), n.One who kneads. 1913 Webster]
Knead"ing*ly, adv.In the manner of one kneading. 1913 Webster]
Kne"bel*ite(?), n.[From Major von Knebel.](Min.)A mineral of a gray, red, brown, or green color, and glistening luster. It is a silicate of iron and manganese. 1913 Webster]
Kneck(n, n.[Etymol. uncertain.](Naut.)The twisting of a rope or cable, as it is running out. [Eng.] 1913 Webster]
Knee(n, n.[OE. kne, cneo, As. cne\'a2, cne\'a2w; akin to OS. knio, kneo, OFries. kn\'c6, G. & D. knie, OHG. chniu, chneo, Icel. kn, Sw. kn\'84, Dan. kn\'91, Goth. kniu, L. genu, Gr. go`ny, Skr. j\'benu, Genuflection.]1.In man, the joint in the middle part of the leg. 1913 Webster]
2.(Anat.)(a)The joint, or region of the joint, between the thigh and leg.(b)In the horse and allied animals, the carpal joint, corresponding to the wrist in man. 1913 Webster]
3.(Mech. & Shipbuilding)A piece of timber or metal formed with an angle somewhat in the shape of the human knee when bent. 1913 Webster]
4.A bending of the knee, as in respect or courtesy. 1913 Webster]
Give them title, knee, and approbation.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knee breeches. See under Breeches. --
Knee holly,
Knee holm(Bot.), butcher's broom. --
Knee joint. See in the Vocabulary. --
Knee timber, timber with knees or angles in it. --
Knee tribute, or
Knee worship, tribute paid by kneeling; worship by genuflection. [Obs.] \'bdKnee tribute yet unpaid.\'b8 Milton. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 817 -->
Knee(n, v. t.To supplicate by kneeling. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Fall down, and knee Shak 1913 Webster]
Knee"brush`(n, n.1.(Zo\'94l.)A tuft or brush of hair on the knees of some species of antelopes and other animals; -- chiefly used in the plural. 1913 Webster]
2.(Zo\'94l.)A thick mass or collection of hairs on the legs of bees, by aid of which they carry the collected pollen to the hive or nest; -- usually in the plural. 1913 Webster]
knee"cap`(?), n.1.(Anat.)A roundish, flattened, sesamoid bone in the tendon in front of the knee joint; the patella; the kneepan. 1913 Webster]
2.A cap or protection for the knee.
knee"capv. t.to break the knees of, especially by shooting in the kneecap; -- often done by criminal or terrorist groups as a warning or punishment. Syn. -- knee-cap. WordNet 1.5]
Kneed(?), a.1.Having knees;- used chiefly in composition; as, in-kneed; out-kneed; weak-kneed. 1913 Webster]
2.(Bot.)Geniculated; forming an obtuse angle at the joints, like the knee when a little bent; as, kneed grass. 1913 Webster]
Knee"-deep`(?), a.1.Rising to the knees; knee-high; as, water or snow knee-deep. 1913 Webster]
Grass knee-deep within a month.Milton. 1913 Webster]
2.Sunk to the knees; as, men knee-deep in water. 1913 Webster]
Where knee-deep the trees were standing.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Knee"-high`(?), a.Rising or reaching upward to the knees; as, the water is knee-high. 1913 Webster]
Knee jerk. (Physiol.)A jerk or forward kick of the lower part of the leg produced by a blow or sudden strain upon the patellar tendon of the knee, which causes a sudden contraction of the quadriceps muscle; the patellar reflex. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knee jerk, n.emotional and predictable; -- of certain people and their reactions to events. PJC]
Knee jerk liberal. a person of strong liberal convictions who reacts predictably and emotionally to certain events. PJC]
Knee jerk reaction. an immediate unthinking emotional reaction produced by an event or statement to which the reacting person is highly sensitive; -- in persons with strong feelings on a topic, it may be very predictable. PJC]
Knee"joint`(?), n.1.The joint of the knee. 1913 Webster]
2.(Mach.)A toggle joint; -- so called because consisting of two pieces jointed to each other end to end, making an angle like the knee when bent. 1913 Webster]
Knee"joint`ed, a.(Bot.)Geniculate; kneed. See Kneed, a., 2. 1913 Webster]
Kneel(n, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Knelt(n or Kneeled (np. pr. & vb. n. Kneeling.][OE. knelen, cneolien; akin to D. knielen, Dan. kn\'91le. See Knee.]To bend the knee; to fall or rest on the knees; -- sometimes with down. 1913 Webster]
And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.Acts vii. 60. 1913 Webster]
As soon as you are dressed, kneel and say the Lord's Prayer.Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Kneel"er(?), n.1.One who kneels or who worships by or while kneeling.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
2.A cushion or stool to kneel on, such as one attached to a pew in a church. 1913 Webster]
3.(Eccl. Hist.)A name given to certain catechumens and penitents who were permitted to join only in parts of church worship. 1913 Webster]
Kneel"ing*ly, adv.In a kneeling position. 1913 Webster]
Knee"pan`(?), n.(Anat.)A roundish, flattened, sesamoid bone in the tendon in front of the knee joint; the patella; the kneecap. 1913 Webster]
Knee"piece`(?), n.A piece shaped like a knee; as, the kneepieces or ears of a boat. 1913 Webster]
Kneipp"ism(?), n. Also Kneipp's cure, orKneipp cure(/), Treatment of disease by forms of hydrotherapy, as walking barefoot in the morning dew, baths, wet compresses, cold affusions, etc.; -- so called from its originator, Sebastian Kneipp (1821-97), a German priest. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knell(?), n.[OE. knel, cnul, AS. cnyll, fr. cnyllan to sound a bell; cf. D. & G. knallen to clap, crack, G. & Sw. knall a clap, crack, loud sound, Dan. knalde to clap, crack. Cf. Knoll, n. & v.]The stroke of a bell tolled at a funeral or at the death of a person; a death signal; a passing bell;hence, (figuratively), a warning or harbinger of, or a sound indicating, the passing away of anything; -- also called death knell. 1913 Webster +PJC]
The dead man's knell Shak. 1913 Webster]
The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.Gray. 1913 Webster]
Knell, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Knelled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Knelling.][OE. knellen, knillen, As. cnyllan. See Knell, n.]To sound as a knell; especially, to toll at a death or funeral; hence, to sound as a warning or evil omen. 1913 Webster]
Not worth a blessing nor a bell to knell for thee.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Yet all that poets sing, and grief hath known, knells in that word, \'bdalone\'b8.Ld. Lytton. 1913 Webster]
Knell, v. t.To summon, as by a knell. 1913 Webster]
Each matin bell, the baron saith, Knells us back to a world of death.Coleridge. 1913 Webster]
Knelt(?), imp. & p. p. of Kneel. 1913 Webster]
Knew(?), imp. of Know. 1913 Webster]
Knick"er(?), n.[D. knikker.]A small ball of clay, baked hard and oiled, used as a marble by boys in playing. [Prov. Eng. & U. S.] Halliwell.Bartlett. 1913 Webster]
Knick"er*bock`er, n.A linsey-woolsey fabric having a rough knotted surface on the right side; used for women's dresses. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knick"er*bock`er, [capitalized] prop. n.[From Diedrich KNickerbocker, the fictional author of The History of New York, in fact written by Washington Irving.]A descendent of the early Dutch colonists of the New York City area; -- used mostly as a nickname for an inhabitant of New York state or especially New York City. PJC]
Knick"er*bock`ers(?), n. pl.The name for a style of short breeches; smallclothes; called also knickers. 1913 Webster]
knick"ers(?), n. pl.1.The name for a style of loose-fitting short trousers, gathered in and ending at the knees; smallclothes; called also knickerbockers. Syn. -- breeches, knee breeches, knee pants, knickerbockers. 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
2.Underpants, especially of women; panties. [British] Syn. -- bloomers, pants, drawers. PJC + WordNet 1.5]
Knick"knack`(?), n.[See Knack.]A trifle or toy; a bawble; a gewgaw; a tchotchke. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Knick"knack`a*to*ry(?), n.A collection of knickknacks.Richardson. 1913 Webster]
Knick"knack`er*y(?), n.Knickknacks. 1913 Webster]
Knife(n, n.; pl.Knives(n.[OE. knif, AS. cn\'c6f; akin to D. knijf, Icel. kn\'c6fr, Sw. knif, Dan. kniv.]1.An instrument consisting of a thin blade, usually of steel and having a sharp edge for cutting, fastened to a handle, but of many different forms and names for different uses; as, table knife, drawing knife, putty knife, pallet knife, pocketknife, penknife, chopping knife, etc.. 1913 Webster]
2.A sword or dagger. 1913 Webster]
The coward conquest of a wretch's knife.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knife grass(Bot.)a tropical American sedge (Scleria latifolia), having leaves with a very sharp and hard edge, like a knife. --
War to the knife, mortal combat; a conflict carried to the last extremity. 1913 Webster]
Knife, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knifed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Knifing(?).]1.(Hort.)To prune with the knife. 1913 Webster]
2.To cut or stab with a knife. [Low] 1913 Webster]
3.Fig.: To stab in the back; to try to defeat by underhand means, esp. in politics; to vote or work secretly against (a candidate of one's own party). [Slang, U. S.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knife"board`(?), n.A board on which knives are cleaned or polished. 1913 Webster]
Knife"-edge`(?), n.(Mech.)A piece of steel sharpened to an acute edge or angle, and resting on a smooth surface, serving as the axis of motion of a pendulum, scale beam, or other piece required to oscillate with the least possible friction. 1913 Webster]
Knife-edge file. See Illust. of File. 1913 Webster]
Knife switch. (Elec.)A switch consisting of one or more knifelike pieces hinged at one end and making contact near the other with flat gripping springs. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knight(?), n.[OE. knight, cniht, knight, soldier, AS. cniht, cneoht, a boy, youth, attendant, military follower; akin to D. & G. knecht servant; perh. akin to E. kin.]1.A young servant or follower; a military attendant. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
2.(a)In feudal times, a man-at-arms serving on horseback and admitted to a certain military rank with special ceremonies, including an oath to protect the distressed, maintain the right, and live a stainless life.(b)One on whom knighthood, a dignity next below that of baronet, is conferred by the sovereign, entitling him to be addressed as Sir; as, Sir John. [Eng.] Hence:(c)A champion; a partisan; a lover. \'bdGive this ring to my true knight.\'b8 Shak \'bdIn all your quarrels will I be your knight.\'b8 Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Knights, by their oaths, should right poor ladies' harms.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Sir Knight. The rank of a knight is not hereditary. 1913 Webster]
3.A piece used in the game of chess, usually bearing a horse's head. 1913 Webster]
4.A playing card bearing the figure of a knight; the knave or jack. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Carpet knight. See under Carpet. --
Knight of industry. See Chevalier d'industrie, under Chevalier. --
Knight of Malta,
Knight of Rhodes,
Knight of St. John of Jerusalem. See Hospitaler. --
Knight of the post, one who gained his living by giving false evidence on trials, or false bail; hence, a sharper in general.Nares. \'bdA knight of the post, . . . quoth he, for so I am termed; a fellow that will swear you anything for twelve pence.\'b8 Nash. --
Knight of the shire, in England, one of the representatives of a county in Parliament, in distinction from the representatives of cities and boroughs. --
Knights commanders,
Knights grand cross, different classes of the Order of the Bath. See under Bath, and Companion.
Knights of labor, a secret organization whose professed purpose is to secure and maintain the rights of workingmen as respects their relations to their employers. [U. S.] --
Knights of Pythias, a secret order, founded in Washington, D. C., in 1864, for social and charitable purposes. --
Knights of the Round Table, knights belonging to an order which, according to the legendary accounts, was instituted by the mythical King Arthur. They derived their common title from the table around which they sat on certain solemn days.Brande & C. 1913 Webster]
Knight, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knighted; p. pr. & vb. n.Knighting.]To dub or create (one) a knight; -- done in England by the sovereign only, who taps the kneeling candidate with a sword, saying: Rise, Sir ---. 1913 Webster]
A soldier, by the honor-giving hand knighted in the field.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knight"age(?), n.The body of knights, taken collectively. 1913 Webster]
Knight" bach"e*lor(?); pl.Knights bachelors(/).A knight of the most ancient, but lowest, order of English knights, and not a member of any order of chivalry. See Bachelor, 4. 1913 Webster]
Knight" ban"ner*et(?); pl.Knights bannerets.A knight who carried a banner, who possessed fiefs to a greater amount than the knight bachelor, and who was obliged to serve in war with a greater number of attendants. The dignity was sometimes conferred by the sovereign in person on the field of battle. 1913 Webster]
Knight" bar"o*net(?)n.See Baronet. 1913 Webster]
Knight"-er`rant(?), n.; pl.Knight-errants, or Knights-errant.A wandering knight; a knight who traveled in search of adventures, for the purpose of exhibiting military skill, prowess, and generosity. 1913 Webster]
Knight"-er`rant*ry(?), n.; pl.Knight-errantries(/).The character or actions of wandering knights; the practice of wandering in quest of adventures; chivalry; a quixotic or romantic adventure or scheme. 1913 Webster]
The rigid guardian [i. e., conscience] of a blameless heart knight-erratries o'errun.Young. 1913 Webster]
Knight"-er-rat"ic(?), a.Pertaining to a knight-errant or to knight-errantry. [R.] Quart. Rev. 1913 Webster]
Knight"head`(?), n.(Naut.)A bollard timber. See under Bollard. 1913 Webster]
Knight"hood(?), n.[Knight + hood: cf. AS. chihth\'bed youth.]1.The character, dignity, or condition of a knight, or of knights as a class; hence, chivalry. \'bdO shame to knighthood.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
If you needs must write, write C\'91sar's praise; knighthood, or the bays.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.The whole body of knights. 1913 Webster]
The knighthood nowadays are nothing like the knighthood of old time.Chapman. 1913 Webster]
knighthood was conferred with full solemnity in the leisure of a court or court or city, imposing preliminary ceremonies were required of the candidate. He prepared himself by prayer and fasting, watched his arms at night in a chapel, and was then admitted with the performance of religious rites. Knighthood was conferred by the accolade, which, from the derivation of the name, would appear to have been originally an embrace; but afterward consisted, as it still does, in a blow of the flat of a sword on the back of the kneeling candidate.\'b8Brande & C. 1913 Webster]
Knight"less, a.Unbecoming a knight. [Obs.] \'bdKnightless guile.\'b8 Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Knight"li*ness(?), n.The character or bearing suitable for a knight; chivalry.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
Knight`ly, a.[AS. cnihtlic boyish.]Of or pertaining to a knight; becoming a knight; chivalrous; as, a knightly combat; a knightly spirit. 1913 Webster]
For knightly jousts and fierce encounters fit.Spenser. 1913 Webster]
[Excuses] full knightly without scorn.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Knight"ly, adv.In a manner becoming a knight. 1913 Webster]
And why thou comest thus knightly clad in arms.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knight" mar"shal(?)n.(Eng. Law)An officer in the household of the British sovereign, who has cognizance of transgressions within the royal household and verge, and of contracts made there, a member of the household being one of the parties.Wharton. 1913 Webster]
Knight" serv"ice(?) Also Knight's service(/)n.1.(Feud. Law)The military service by rendering which a knight held his lands.
2.(Eng. Feud. Law)A tenure of lands held by knights on condition of performing military service. See Chivalry, n., 4. 1913 Webster]
By far the greater part of England [in the 13th century] is held of the king by knight's service. . . . In order to understand this tenure we must form the conception of a unit of military service. That unit seems to be the service of one knight or fully armed horseman (servitium unius militis) to be done to the king in his army for forty days in the year, if it be called for. . . . The limit of forty days seems to have existed rather in theory than practice.Pollock & Mait. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.Service such as a knight can or should render; hence, good or valuable service. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knight's fee. (Feudal Law)The fee of a knight; specif., the amount of land the holding of which imposed the obligation of knight service, being sometimes a hide{1}(b) or less, sometimes six or more hides. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knight" Tem"plar(?); pl.Knights Templars(/).See Commandery, n., 3, and also Templar, n., 1 and 3. 1913 Webster]
knish(k'n, n.(Russian and Jewish Cookery)A fried, or sometimes baked, turnover made from a round or square sheet of dough containing a filling, usually of meat or potatoes. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Knit(n, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knit or Knitted; p. pr. & vb. n.Knitting.][OE. knitten, knutten, As. cnyttan, fr. cnotta knot; akin to Icel. kn, Sw. knyta, Dan. knytte. See Knot.]1.To form into a knot, or into knots; to tie together, as cord; to fasten by tying. 1913 Webster]
A great sheet knit at the four corners.Acts x. 11. 1913 Webster]
When your head did but ache, knit my handkercher about your brows.Shak. 1913 Webster]
2.To form, as a textile fabric, by the interlacing of yarn or thread in a series of connected loops, by means of needles, either by hand or by machinery; as, to knit stockings. 1913 Webster]
3.To join; to cause to grow together. 1913 Webster]
Nature can not knit the bones while the parts are under a discharge.Wiseman. 1913 Webster]
4.To unite closely; to connect; to engage; as, hearts knit together in love. 1913 Webster]
Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Come, knit hands, and beat the ground, Milton (Comus). 1913 Webster]
A link among the days, toknit Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
5.To draw together; to contract into wrinkles. 1913 Webster]
He knits his brow and shows an angry eye.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knit, v. i.1.To form a fabric by interlacing yarn or thread; to weave by making knots or loops. 1913 Webster]
2.To be united closely; to grow together; as, broken bones will in time knit and become sound. 1913 Webster]
To knit up, to wind up; to conclude; to come to a close. \'bdIt remaineth to knit up briefly with the nature and compass of the seas.\'b8 [Obs.] Holland. 1913 Webster]
Knit"back`(?), n.(Bot.)The plant comfrey; -- so called from its use as a restorative.Dr. Prier.
{ Knitch(?), Knitch"et(?), }n.[Cf. Knit.]A number of things tied or knit together; a bundle; a fagot. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
When they [stems of asphodel] be dried, they ought to be made up into knitchets, or handfuls.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Knits(?), n. pl.[Prob. same word as nit a louse's egg.](Mining)Small particles of ore.Raymond. 1913 Webster]
Knit"ster(?), n.A woman who knits. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
Knit"ter(?), n.One who, or that which, knits, joins, or unites; a knitting machine.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knit"ting(?), n.1.The work of a knitter; the network formed by knitting; knitwork. 1913 Webster]
2.Union formed by knitting, as of bones. 1913 Webster]
Knitting machine, one of a number of contrivances for mechanically knitting stockings, jerseys, and the like. --
Knitting needle, a stiff rod, as of steel wire, with rounded ends for knitting yarn or threads into a fabric, as in stockings. --
Knitting sheath, a sheath to receive the end of a needle in knitting. 1913 Webster]
Knit"tle(?), n.[From Knit.]1.A string that draws together a purse or bag. [Prov. Eng.] Wright. 1913 Webster]
2.pl.(Naut.)See Nettles. 1913 Webster]
knitwearn.knitted clothing. WordNet 1.5]
knit"work`(n, n.A network of yarn created by interlacing threads of yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine; knitting. Syn. -- knit, knitting. WordNet 1.5]
Knives(?), n. pl. of Knife. See Knife. 1913 Webster]
Knob(?), n.[A modification of knop. Cf. Nob.]1.A hard protuberance; a hard swelling or rising; a bunch; a lump; as, a knob in the flesh, or on a bone. 1913 Webster]
2.A knoblike ornament or handle; as, the knob of a lock, door, or drawer.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
3.A rounded hill or mountain; as, the Pilot Knob. [U. S.] Bartlett. 1913 Webster]
4.(Arch.)See Knop. 1913 Webster]
Knob latch, a latch which can be operated by turning a knob, without using a key. 1913 Webster]
Knob, v. i.To grow into knobs or bunches; to become knobbed. [Obs.] Drant. 1913 Webster]
Knobbed(?), a.Containing knobs; full of knobs; ending in a nob. See Illust of Antenna. 1913 Webster]
The horns of a roe deer of Greenland are pointed at the top, and knobbed or tuberous at the bottom.Grew. 1913 Webster]
Knob"bing(?), n.(Stone Quarrying)Rough dressing by knocking off knobs or projections. 1913 Webster]
Knob"bler, n.(Zo\'94l.)The hart in its second year; a young deer.[Written also knobber.]Halliwell. 1913 Webster]
He has hallooed the hounds upon a velvet-headed knobbler.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Knob"bling fire(?)n.A bloomery fire. See Bloomery. 1913 Webster]
Knob"by, a.[From Knob.]1.Full of, or covered with, knobs or hard protuberances.Dr. H. More. 1913 Webster]
2.Irregular; stubborn in particulars. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
The informers continued in a knobby kind of obstinacy.Howell. 1913 Webster]
3.Abounding in rounded hills or mountains; hilly. [U.S.] Bartlett. 1913 Webster]
knob"ker`rie, knob"ker`ry(?), n.[Boer D. knopkirie, fr. D. knop-hout, knotty stick + Hottentot k\'8brri club.]A short wooden club with a knobbed end used as a missile weapon by Kafir and other native tribes of South Africa. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knob"stick`(?), n.1.One who refuses to join, or withdraws from, a trade union. [Cant, Eng.] 1913 Webster]
2.A stick, cane, or club terminating in a knob; esp., such a stick or club used as a weapon or missile; a knobkerrie. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knock(n, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Knocked(n; p. pr. & vb. n.Knocking.][OE. knoken, AS. cnocian, cnucian; prob. of imitative origin; cf. Sw. knacka. Cf. Knack.]1.To drive or be driven against something; to strike against something; to clash; as, one heavy body knocks against another.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
2.To strike or beat with something hard or heavy; to rap; as, to knock with a club; to knock on the door. 1913 Webster]
For harbor at a thousand doors they knocked.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.Matt. vii. 7. 1913 Webster]
3.To practice evil speaking or fault-finding; to criticize habitually or captiously. [Slang, U. S.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
To knock about, to go about, taking knocks or rough usage; to wander about; to saunter. [Colloq.] \'bdKnocking about town.\'b8 W. Irving. --
To knock up, to fail of strength; to become wearied or worn out, as with labor; to give out. \'bdThe horses were beginning to knock up under the fatigue of such severe service.\'b8 De Quincey.<-- (b) to make pregnant (vulgar) --> --
To knock off, to cease, as from work; to desist. --
To knock under, to yield; to submit; to acknowledge one's self conquered; -- an expression probably borrowed from the practice of knocking under the table with the knuckles, when conquered. \'bdColonel Esmond knocked under to his fate.\'b8 Thackeray. 1913 Webster]
<-- p. 818 -->
Knock(n, v. t.1.To strike with something hard or heavy; to move by striking; to drive (a thing) against something; as, to knock a ball with a bat; to knock the head against a post; to knock a lamp off the table. 1913 Webster]
When heroes knock their knotty heads together.Rowe. 1913 Webster]
2.To strike for admittance; to rap upon, as a door. 1913 Webster]
Master, knock the door hard.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.To impress strongly or forcibly; to astonish; to move to admiration or applause. [Slang, Eng.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
4.To criticise; to find fault with; to disparage. \'bdDon't knock it if you haven't tried it.\'b8 PJC]
To knock in the head, or
To knock on the head, to stun or kill by a blow upon the head; hence, to put am end to; to defeat, as a scheme or project; to frustrate; to quash. [Colloq.] --
To knock off. (a)To force off by a blow or by beating.(b)To assign to a bidder at an auction, by a blow on the counter.(c)To leave off (work, etc.). [Colloq.] --
To knock out, to force out by a blow or by blows; as, to knock out the brains. --
To knock up. (a)To arouse by knocking.(b)To beat or tire out; to fatigue till unable to do more; as, the men were entirely knocked up. [Colloq.] \'bdThe day being exceedingly hot, the want of food had knocked up my followers.\'b8 Petherick.(c)(Bookbinding)To make even at the edges, or to shape into book form, as printed sheets.(d)To make pregnant. Often used in passive, "she got knocked up". [vulgar]
Knock, n.1.A blow; a stroke with something hard or heavy; a jar. 1913 Webster]
2.A stroke, as on a door for admittance; a rap. \'bd A knock at the door.\'b8 Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
A loud cry or some great knock.Holland. 1913 Webster]
Knock off, See knock off in the vocabulary. PJC]
Knock"a*bout`(?), n.1.(Naut.)A small yacht, generally from fifteen to twenty-five feet in length, having a mainsail and a jib; a sloop with a simplified rig and no bowsprit. All knockabouts have ballast and either a keel or centerboard. The original type was twenty-one feet in length. The next larger type is called a raceabout. Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5]
2.A knockabout performer or performance. [Theat. Slang] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.A man hired on a sheep station to do odd jobs. [Colloq., Australia] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
knock"a*bout`(?), a.1.Marked by knocking about or roughness. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.Of noisy and violent character; marked by farce, pratfalls, and horseplay; as, knockabout comedy. [Theat. Slang] Syn. -- boisterous, slapstick. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.Characterized by, or suitable for, knocking about, or traveling or wandering hither and thither; suitable for use in rough activity; suited for everyday use; -- used especially of clothing. Syn. -- casual, everyday. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
4.That does odd jobs; -- said of a class of hands or laborers on a sheep station. [Collog., Australia] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knock" down`(?), n.1.To strike down; to fell; to prostrate by a blow or by blows; as, to knock down an assailant. 1913 Webster]
2.To assign to a bidder at an auction, by a blow or knock of the auctioneer's hammer; to sell at an auction; as, the vase was knocked down at two thousand dollars. 1913 Webster +PJC]
3.To take apart; to dissassemble; as, to knock down a rifle for cleaning. PJC]
4.To reduce or discount the price of; as, the dresses were knocked down to twenty dollars. PJC]
5.To earn (an income). \'bdplumbers who knock down over a hundred thousand a year.\'b8 PJC]
Knock"down`(?), n.1.That which knocks one down; something that overpowers or overwhelms, as strong liquor; specif., a kind of ale or beer that is very strong. [Slang.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.A knocking down; a felling by a knock, as of a combatant, or of an animal; a blow that overwhelms; also, a fist fight. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.Something that knocks down, or takes apart, for packing or removal, as a piece of furniture; also, state of being knocked down, or taken apart. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knock"down`(?), a.1.Of force sufficient to fell or completely overthrow; as, a knockdown blow; a knockdown argument.. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.Designating a rivet end to be formed into a head by upsetting in fastening. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.Of or pertaining to the act of knocking down at an auction; specif., designating the price below which an article will not be disposed by the auctioneer. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
4.Made or constructed so as to be capable of being knocked down or taken apart, as for transportation. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
knock-down-and-drag-out, knockdown-dragoutadj.marked by extreme violence; -- of fights; also used metaphorically of fierce contests; as, a knock-down-and-drag-out fight; a knockdown-dragout competition for the browser market. Syn. -- ferocious, fierce, knockdown-dragout, tearing. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
knocked-outadj.damaged; -- not used of persons; as, the gym has some of the most knocked-out equipment since Vic Tanny. Opposite of undamaged. [prenominal] Syn. -- knocked out. WordNet 1.5]
knock"er(?), n.1.One who, or that which, knocks; specifically, an instrument, or kind of hammer, fastened to a door, to be used in seeking for admittance. 1913 Webster]
Shut, shut the door, good John ! fatigued, I said; knocker; say I'm sick, I'm dead.Pope. 1913 Webster]
2.A person strikingly handsome, beautiful, or fine; one who wins admiration; a \'bdstunner.\'b8 [Slang.] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
3.A species of large cockroach, especially Blabera gigantea, of semitropical America, which is able to produce a loud knocking sound. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
4. [usually used in pl.] a woman's breast. [vulgar] PJC]
Knock"ing, n.A beating; a rap; a series of raps. 1913 Webster]
The . . . repeated knockings of the head upon the ground by the Chinese worshiper.H. Spencer. 1913 Webster]
Knock"ings(?), n. pl.(Mining)Large lumps picked out of the sieve, in dressing ore. 1913 Webster]
knock"-knee`(?), n.(Med.)A condition in which the knees are bent in so as to touch each other in walking; inknee. Syn. -- knock-knees, genu valgum. 1913 Webster]
knock"-kneed`(?), a.Having the legs bent inward so that the knees touch in walking.[Written also knack-kneed.]
knock off(?), n.a device in a knitting machine to remove loops from the needles. 1913 Webster]
knock off(?), v. i. & t.1.to quit (working). PJC]
2.to accomplish; -- frequently used when the task is accomplished rapidly. PJC]
3.to kill; to defeat (opponents). [Colloq.] PJC]
4.to discount, to deduct (a sum from a price). PJC]
5.to rob. Syn. -- knock over. PJC]
6.to make a knockoff of; to copy or imitate, usually without permission or admission of copying.[MW10] PJC]
knock"off(?), n.A cheap imitation of something popular, produced illegally without a license from the trademark owner, and of inferior materials.[Also spelled knock-off.] PJC]
Knock"-off`, n.1.Act or place of knocking off; that which knocks off;specif.(Mach.), a cam or the like for disconnecting something, as a device in a knitting machine to remove loops from the needles. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.A knockoff. PJC]
Knock"-off`, a.That knocks off; of or pertaining to knocking off. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Knock"-out`, a.That knocks out; characterized by knocking out; as, a knock-out blow; a knock-out key for knocking out a drill from a collet. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
knock"out`, knock"-out`(?), n.Act of knocking out, or state of being knocked out; the act of rendering a person unconscious by a blow.[wns=1] Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5]
2.a blow which causes a person to become unconscious. Syn. -- knockout blow, knockout punch. WordNet 1.5]
3.(Boxing)the winning of a boxing contest by rendering the opponent unable to stand for a specified period, usually a count of ten; -- in contrast to a win by a decision; as, Muhammed Ali won by a knockout in the first round. WordNet 1.5]
4.a strikingly beautiful woman. [Informal] PJC]
knockout drops, knock-out dropsn. pl.Drops of any drug, used to a person to fall asleep or become unconscious or stupefied for the purpose of robbery, etc.; they are usually mixed into a drink so that the person consuming it does so unknowingly. One compound used for this purpose is chloral hydrate. [Slang, U. S.] Webster 1913 Suppl. + PJC]
Knock"stone`(?), n.(Mining)A block upon which ore is broken up. 1913 Webster]
Knoll(n, n.[AS. cnoll; akin to G. knolle, knollen, clod, lump, knob, bunch, OD. knolle ball, bunch, Sw. kn\'94l, Dan. knold.]A little round hill; a mound; a small elevation of earth; the top or crown of a hill. 1913 Webster]
On knoll or hillock rears his crest, Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Knoll(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knolled(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Knolling.][OE. knollen, AS. cnyllan. See Knell.]To ring, as a bell; to strike a knell upon; to toll; to proclaim, or summon, by ringing. \'bdKnolled to church.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Heavy clocks knolling the drowsy hours.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
Knoll, v. i.To sound, as a bell; to knell.Shak. 1913 Webster]
For a departed being's soul knoll.Byron. 1913 Webster]
Knoll, n.The tolling of a bell; a knell. [R.] Byron. 1913 Webster]
Knoll"er, n.One who tolls a bell. [Obs.] Sherwood. 1913 Webster]
Knop(n, n.[OE. knop, knoppe; cf. D. knop, knoop, G. knopf, Dan. knap, knop, Sw. knapp, knopp, button, bud, Icel. knappr, and E. knap, n. Cf. Knap, Knob.]1.A knob; a bud; a bunch; a button. 1913 Webster]
Four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers.Ex. xxv. 21. 1913 Webster]
2.(Arch.)Any boldly projecting sculptured ornament; esp., the ornamental termination of a pinnacle, and then synonymous with finial; -- called also knob, and knosp. 1913 Webster]
Knop sedge(Bot.), the bur reed (Sparganium); -- so called from its globular clusters of seed vessels.Prior. 1913 Webster]
Knopped(?), a.Having knops or knobs; fastened as with buttons. [Obs.] Rom. of R. 1913 Webster]
Knop"pern(?), n.[Cf. G. knopper. See Knop.](Zo\'94l.)A kind of gall produced by a gallfly on the cup of an acorn, -- used in tanning and dyeing. 1913 Webster]
Knop"weed`(?), n.Same as Knapweed. 1913 Webster]
Knor(?), n.See Knur. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Knosp(?), n.[Cf. G. knospe bud, E. knop, knar.](Arch.)Same as Knop, 2.Milman. 1913 Webster]
Knot(n, n.[OE. knot, knotte, AS. cnotta; akin to D. knot, OHG. chnodo, chnoto, G. knoten, Icel. kn, Sw. knut, Dan. knude, and perh. to L. nodus. Cf. Knout, Knit.]1.(a)A fastening together of the parts or ends of one or more threads, cords, ropes, etc., by any one of various ways of tying or entangling.(b)A lump or loop formed in a thread, cord, rope. etc., as at the end, by tying or interweaving it upon itself.(c)An ornamental tie, as of a ribbon. 1913 Webster]
dowknot, reef knot, stopper knot, diamond knot, etc. 1913 Webster]
2.A bond of union; a connection; a tie. \'bdWith nuptial knot.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Ere we knit the knot that can never be loosed.Bp. Hall. 1913 Webster]
3.Something not easily solved; an intricacy; a difficulty; a perplexity; a problem. 1913 Webster]
Knots worthy of solution.Cowper. 1913 Webster]
A man shall be perplexed with knots, and problems of business, and contrary affairs.South. 1913 Webster]
4.A figure the lines of which are interlaced or intricately interwoven, as in embroidery, gardening, etc. \'bdGarden knots.\'b8 Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Flowers worthy of paradise, which, not nice art knots, but nature boon Milton. 1913 Webster]
5.A cluster of persons or things; a collection; a group; a hand; a clique; as, a knot of politicians. \'bdKnots of talk.\'b8 Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Palms in cluster, knots of Paradise.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
As they sat together in small, separate knots, they discussed doctrinal and metaphysical points of belief.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
6.A portion of a branch of a tree that forms a mass of woody fiber running at an angle with the grain of the main stock and making a hard place in the timber. A loose knot is generally the remains of a dead branch of a tree covered by later woody growth. 1913 Webster]
7.A knob, lump, swelling, or protuberance. 1913 Webster]
With lips serenely placid, felt the knot Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
8.A protuberant joint in a plant. 1913 Webster]
9.The point on which the action of a story depends; the gist of a matter. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
I shoulde to the knotte condescend, Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
10.(Mech.)See Node. 1913 Webster]
11.(Naut.)(a)A division of the log line, serving to measure the rate of the vessel's motion. Each knot on the line bears the same proportion to a mile that thirty seconds do to an hour. The number of knots which run off from the reel in half a minute, therefore, shows the number of miles the vessel sails in an hour. Hence: (b)A nautical mile, or 6080.27 feet; as, when a ship goes nautical eight miles an hour, her speed is said to be eight knots. 1913 Webster]
12.A kind of epaulet. See Shoulder knot. 1913 Webster]
13.(Zo\'94l.)A sandpiper (Tringa canutus), found in the northern parts of all the continents, in summer. It is grayish or ashy above, with the rump and upper tail coverts white, barred with dusky. The lower parts are pale brown, with the flanks and under tail coverts white. When fat it is prized by epicures. Called also dunne. 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
The knot that called was Canutus' bird of old, Drayton. 1913 Webster]
Knot, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Knotted; p. pr. & vb. n.Knotting.]1.To tie in or with, or form into, a knot or knots; to form a knot on, as a rope; to entangle. \'bdKnotted curls.\'b8 Drayton. 1913 Webster]
As tight as I could knot the noose.Tennyson. 1913 Webster]
2.To unite closely; to knit together.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
3.To entangle or perplex; to puzzle. [Obs. or R.] 1913 Webster]
Knot, v. i.1.To form knots or joints, as in a cord, a plant, etc.; to become entangled. 1913 Webster]
Cut hay when it begins to knot.Mortimer. 1913 Webster]
2.To knit knots for fringe or trimming. 1913 Webster]
3.To copulate; -- said of toads. [R.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Knot"ber`ry(?), n.(Bot.)The cloudberry (Rudus Cham\'91morus); -- so called from its knotted stems. 1913 Webster]
Knot"grass`(?), n.(Bot.)(a)a common weed with jointed stems (Polygonum aviculare); knotweed.(b)The dog grass. See under Dog. 1913 Webster]
Polygonum aviculare was once supposed to have the effect of stopping the growth of an animal, and hence it was called, as by Shakespeare, \'bdhindering knotgrass.\'b8 1913 Webster]
We want a boy extremely for this function, knotgrass.Beau. & Fl. 1913 Webster]
Knot"less, a.Free from knots; without knots. \'bdSilver firs with knotless trunks.\'b8
Congreve. 1913 Webster]
Knot"ted(?), a.1.Full of knots; having knots; knurled; as, a knotted cord; the knotted oak.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
2.Interwoven; matted; entangled. 1913 Webster]
Make . . . thy knotted and combined locks to part.Shak. 1913 Webster]
3.Having intersecting lines or figures. 1913 Webster]
The west corner of thy curious knotted garden.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.(Geol.)Characterized by small, detached points, chiefly composed of mica, less decomposable than the mass of the rock, and forming knots in relief on the weathered surface; as, knotted rocks.Percival. 1913 Webster]
5.Entangled; puzzling; knotty. [R.] 1913 Webster]
They're catched in knotted lawlike nets.Hudibras. 1913 Webster]
Knot"ti*ness(?), n.[From Knotty.]1.The quality or state of being knotty or full of knots. 1913 Webster]
2.Difficulty of solution; intricacy; complication. \'bd Knottiness of his style.\'b8 Hare. 1913 Webster]
Knot"ty(?), a.[Compar.Knottier(?); superl.Knottiest.]1.Full of knots; knotted; having many knots; as, knotty timber; a knotty rope. 1913 Webster]
2.Hard; rugged; as, a knotty head. [R.] Rewe. 1913 Webster]
3.Difficult; intricate; perplexed. 1913 Webster]
A knotty point to which we now proceedPope. 1913 Webster]
Knot"wort`(n, n.(Bot.)A small, herbaceous, trailing plant, of the genus Illecebrum (Illecebrum verticillatum). 1913 Webster]
Knout(nout or n, n.[Russ. knut'; prob. of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. knut knot, knout, Icel. kn knot: cf. F. knout. See Knot.]A kind of whip for flogging criminals, formerly much used in Russia. The lash is a tapering bundle of leather thongs twisted with wire and hardened, so that it mangles the flesh. 1913 Webster]
Knout, v. t.To punish with the knout.Brougham. 1913 Webster]
Know(n, n.Knee. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Know(n, v. t.[imp.Knew(n; p. p.Known(n; p. pr. & vb. n.Knowing.][OE. knowen, knawen, AS. cn\'84wan; akin to OHG. chn\'84an (in comp.), Icel. kn\'84 to be able, Russ. znate to know, L. gnoscere, noscere, Gr. gighw`skein, Skr. jn; fr. the root of E. can, v. i., ken. Ken, Can to be able, and cf. Acquaint, Cognition, Gnome, Ignore, Noble, Note.]1.To perceive or apprehend clearly and certainly; to understand; to have full information of; as, to know one's duty. 1913 Webster]
O, that a man might know Shak. 1913 Webster]
There is a certainty in the proposition, and we know it.Dryden. 1913 Webster]
Know how sublime a thing it is Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
2.To be convinced of the truth of; to be fully assured of; as, to know things from information. 1913 Webster]
3.To be acquainted with; to be no stranger to; to be more or less familiar with the person, character, etc., of; to possess experience of; as, to know an author; to know the rules of an organization. 1913 Webster]
He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin.2 Cor. v. 21. 1913 Webster]
Not to know me argues yourselves unknown.Milton. 1913 Webster]
4.To recognize; to distinguish; to discern the character of; as, to know a person's face or figure. 1913 Webster]
Ye shall know them by their fruits.Matt. vil. 16. 1913 Webster]
And their eyes were opened, and they knew him.Luke xxiv. 31. 1913 Webster]
To know Shak. 1913 Webster]
At nearer view he thought he knew the dead.Flatman. 1913 Webster]
5.To have sexual intercourse with. 1913 Webster]
And Adam knew Eve his wife.Gen. iv. 1. 1913 Webster]
Know is often followed by an objective and an infinitive (with or without to) or a participle, a dependent sentence, etc. 1913 Webster]
And I knew that thou hearest me always.John xi. 42. 1913 Webster]
The monk he instantly knew to be the prior.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
In other hands I have known money do good.Dickens. 1913 Webster]
To know how, to understand the manner, way, or means; to have requisite information, intelligence, or sagacity. How is sometimes omitted. \'bd If we fear to die, or know not to be patient.\'b8 Jer. Taylor. 1913 Webster]
Know, v. i.1.To have knowledge; to have a clear and certain perception; to possess wisdom, instruction, or information; -- often with of. 1913 Webster]
Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.Is. i. 3. 1913 Webster]
If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.John vii. 17. 1913 Webster]
The peasant folklore of Europe still knows of willows that bleed and weep and speak when hewn.Tylor. 1913 Webster]
2.To be assured; to feel confident. 1913 Webster]
To know of, to ask, to inquire. [Obs.] \'bd Know of your youth, examine well your blood.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
Know"a*ble(?), a.That may be known; capable of being discovered, understood, or ascertained. 1913 Webster]
Thus mind and matter, as known or knowable, are only two different series of phenomena or qualities.Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
Know"a* ble*ness, n.The state or quality of being knowable.Locke. 1913 Webster]
Know"-all`(?), n.One who knows everything; hence, one who makes pretension to great knowledge; a wiseacre; a know-it-all; -- usually ironical. [Colloq. or R.] 1913 Webster]
Know"er(?), n.One who knows.Shak. 1913 Webster]
know"how`, know"-how`(nn.the knowledge and skill required to do something; practical knowledge for a specific task. Syn. -- knowhow. WordNet 1.5]
Know"ing, a.1.Skilful; well informed; intelligent; as, a knowing man; a knowing dog. 1913 Webster]
The knowing and intelligent part of the world.South. 1913 Webster]
2.Artful; cunning; as, a knowing rascal. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Know"ing, n.Knowledge; hence, experience. \'bd In my knowing.\'b8 Shak. 1913 Webster]
This sore night knowings.Shak. 1913 Webster]
Know"ing*ly, adv.1.With knowledge; in a knowing manner; intelligently; consciously; deliberately; as, he would not knowingly offend.Strype. 1913 Webster]
2.By experience. [Obs.] Shak. 1913 Webster]
Know"ing*ness, n.The state or quality of being knowing or intelligent; shrewdness; skillfulness. 1913 Webster]
Know"-it-all`(?), n.One who knows everything;hence,a person who makes pretension to great knowledge, especially one whose didactic conversational habit conspicuously reveals his belief that he has superior knowledge on many subjects; a wiseacre; a know-all; -- usually ironical. [Colloq. & pejorative] the use of this term implies that the speaker disapproves of this behavior, and may think that it is unjustified 1913 Webster +PJC]
Knowl"eche(?), n. & v. [Obs.] See Knowledge. 1913 Webster]
We consider and knowleche that we have offended.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Knowl"edge(?), n.[OE. knowlage, knowlege, knowleche, knawleche. The last part is the Icel. suffix -leikr, forming abstract nouns, orig. the same as Icel. leikr game, play, sport, akin to AS. l\'bec, Goth. laiks dance. See Know, and cf. Lake, v. i., Lark a frolic.] 1913 Webster]
1.The act or state of knowing; clear perception of fact, truth, or duty; certain apprehension; familiar cognizance; cognition. 1913 Webster]
Knowledge, which is the highest degree of the speculative faculties, consists in the perception of the truth of affirmative or negative propositions.Locke. 1913 Webster]
2.That which is or may be known; the object of an act of knowing; a cognition; -- chiefly used in the plural. 1913 Webster]
There is a great difference in the delivery of the mathematics, which are the most abstracted of knowledges.Bacon. 1913 Webster]
Knowledges is a term in frequent use by Bacon, and, though now obsolete, should be revived, as without it we are compelled to borrow \'bdcognitions\'b8 to express its import.Sir W. Hamilton. 1913 Webster]
To use a word of Bacon's, now unfortunately obsolete, we must determine the relative value of knowledges.H. Spencer. 1913 Webster]
3.That which is gained and preserved by knowing; instruction; acquaintance; enlightenment; learning; scholarship; erudition. 1913 Webster]
Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.1 Cor. viii. 1. 1913 Webster]
Ignorance is the curse of God; Knowledge, the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.Shak. 1913 Webster]
4.That familiarity which is gained by actual experience; practical skill; as, a knowledge of life. 1913 Webster]
Shipmen that had knowledge of the sea.1 Kings ix. 27. 1913 Webster]
5.Scope of information; cognizance; notice; as, it has not come to my knowledge. 1913 Webster]
Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldst take knowledge of me?Ruth ii. 10. 1913 Webster]
6.Sexual intercourse; -- usually preceded by carnal; same as carnal knowledge.
Syn. -- See Wisdom. 1913 Webster]
Knowl"edge, v. t.To acknowledge. [Obs.] \'bdSinners which knowledge their sins.\'b8 Tyndale. 1913 Webster]
knowledgeableadj.1.thoroughly acquainted with and skilled in something through study or experience; as, knowledgeable in classical languages. Opposite of unversed, unacquainted, and unfamiliar. Syn. -- versed. WordNet 1.5]
2.fully informed. WordNet 1.5]
3.highly educated; having information or understanding. Syn. -- enlightened, learned, lettered, literate, well-educated, well-read. WordNet 1.5]
-- knowledgeability, n. -- knowledgeably, adv. -- knowledgeableness, n. PJC]
knowledge engineeringn.The application of computerized data and text manipulation to manage and interpret large bodies of knowledge, or find useful information in large bodies of data. The study of methods for knowledge engineering is generally considered as a branch of artificial intelligence. PJC]
knowledge-intensivea.Requiring access to and manipulation of large quantities of knowledge; as, knowledge-intensive labor. PJC]
knowledge workern.A person whose occupation is predominantly concerned with generating or interpreting information, as contrasted with manual labor. PJC]
Known(?), p. p.of Know. 1913 Webster]
Know"-noth`ing(?), n.A member of a secret political organization in the United States, the chief objects of which were the proscription of foreigners by the repeal of the naturalization laws, and the exclusive choice of native Americans for office. 1913 Webster]
Know-nothings, because they replied \'bdI don't know,\'b8 to any questions asked them in reference to the party. 1913 Webster]
Know"-noth`ing*ism(?), n.The doctrines, principles, or practices, of the Know-nothings. 1913 Webster]
Knubs(?), n. pl.Waste silk formed in winding off the threads from a cocoon. 1913 Webster]
Knuc"kle(?), n.[OE. knokel, knokil, AS. cuncel; akin to D. knokkel, OFries. knokele, knokle, G. kn\'94chel, Sw. knoge, Dan. knokkel, G. knochen bone, and perh. to E. knock.]1.The joint of a finger, particularly when made prominent by the closing of the fingers.Davenant. 1913 Webster]
2.The kneejoint, or middle joint, of either leg of a quadruped, especially of a calf; -- formerly used of the kneejoint of a human being. 1913 Webster]
With weary knuckles on thy brim she kneeled sadly down.Golding. 1913 Webster]
3.The joint of a plant. [Obs.] Bacon. 1913 Webster]
4.(Mech.)The joining parts of a hinge through which the pin or rivet passes; a knuckle joint. 1913 Webster]
5.(Shipbuilding)A convex portion of a vessel's figure where a sudden change of shape occurs, as in a canal boat, where a nearly vertical side joins a nearly flat bottom. 1913 Webster]
6.A contrivance, usually of brass or iron, and furnished with points, worn to protect the hand, to add force to a blow, and to disfigure the person struck; -- called also knuckle duster, knuckles or brass knuckles. [Slang.] 1913 Webster]
Knuckle joint(Mach.), a hinge joint, in which a projection with an eye, on one piece, enters a jaw between two corresponding projections with eyes, on another piece, and is retained by a pin which passes through the eyes and forms the pivot. --
Knuckle of veal(Cookery), the lower part of a leg of veal, from the line of the body to the knuckle. 1913 Webster]
Knuc"kle, v. i.[imp. & p. p.Knuckled(?);; p. pr. & vb. n.Knuckling(?).]To yield; to submit; -- used with down, to, or under. 1913 Webster]
To knuckle to. (a)To submit to in a contest; to yield to. [Colloq.] See To knock under, under Knock, v. i.(b)To apply one's self vigorously or earnestly to; as, to knuckle to work. [Colloq.] 1913 Webster]
Knuc"kle, v. t.To beat with the knuckles; to pummel. [R.] Horace Smith. 1913 Webster]
knuc`kle un"der, v. i.To yield; to submit; -- usually used with to. PJC]
knuc"klesn. pl.a small metal weapon, worn over the knuckles on the back of the hand; called also brass knuckles and knuckle duster. Syn. -- brass knucks, knucks, brass knuckles, knuckle duster. WordNet 1.5]
Knurl(n, n.[See Knar, Gnar.]A contorted knot in wood; a crossgrained protuberance; a nodule; a boss or projection. 1913 Webster]
2.One who, or that which, is crossgrained. 1913 Webster]
Knurl(n, v. t.To provide with ridges, to assist the grasp, as in the edge of a flat knob, or coin; to mill. 1913 Webster]
Knurled(n, a.1.Full of knots; gnarled. 1913 Webster]
2.Milled, as the head of a screw, or the edge of a coin. 1913 Webster]
Knurl"y(n, [Compar.Knurlier(n; superl.Knurliest.][See Knur, and cf. Gnarly.]Full of knots; hard; tough; hence, capable of enduring or resisting much. 1913 Webster]
Knur"ry(?), a.Full of knots. [Obs.] Drayton. 1913 Webster]
KO, K.O., k.o.n.a knockout; a blow that renders the opponent unconscious; -- used especially in boxing. [acronym] Syn. -- knockout. WordNet 1.5]
KOv. t.[imp. & p. p.KO'd(?); p. pr. & vb. n.KO'ing.]To knock out; to deliver a blow that renders (the opponent) unconscious; -- used especially in boxing. [acronym] Syn. -- knockout. WordNet 1.5]
Ko*ai"ta(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)Same as Coaita. 1913 Webster]
Ko*a"la(?), n.A tailless furry marsupial (Phascolarctos cinereus), found in Australia. The female carries her young on the back of her neck. Called also Australian bear, koala bear, native bear, and native sloth. The koala lives almost all of its life in trees, moves sluggishly like a sloth, and eats eucalyptus leaves almost exclusively. 1913 Webster +PJC]
{ Kob(?), Ko"ba(?) }, n.(Zo\'94l.)Any one of several species of African antelopes of the genus Kobus, esp. the species Kobus sing-sing. 1913 Webster]
Ko"balt(?), n.See Cobalt. 1913 Webster]
Ko"bel*lite, n.[From Franz von Kobell, of Munich.](Min.)A blackish gray mineral, a sulphide of antimony, bismuth, and lead. 1913 Webster]
Ko"bold(?), n.[G., perh. orig., house god, hose protector. See Cobalt]A kind of domestic spirit in German mythology, corresponding to the Scottish brownie and the English Robin Goodfellow. 1913 Webster]
KO'dadj.[from KO, v. t.]rendered unconscious, usually by a blow. Syn. -- knocked out(predicate), kayoed, out(predicate), stunned. WordNet 1.5]
Ko"da*chrome`(k, n.[A trademark.]A brand of photographic transparency bearing a positive color image. PJC]
Kodagun.A Dravidian language. WordNet 1.5]
Ko"dak(k, n.[An invented name.]1.A kind of portable photographic camera, esp. adapted for snapshot work, in which a succession of negatives is made upon a continuous roll of sensitized film; -- originally a trademark name of the Eastman Kodak Company, but from early 1900's through the 1930's it was popularly applied to almost any hand camera. [Trademark] Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
2.A photograph taken with a kodak. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ko"dak, v. t. & i.[imp. & p. p.Kodaked(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kodaking.]To photograph with a kodak; hence, to describe or characterize briefly and vividly. [obsolescent] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kodiakprop. n.Same as Kodiak bear. PJC]
Kodiak bearn.A large brown bear (Ursus middendorffi syn. Ursus arctosmiddendorffi) of coastal Alaska and British Columbia related to the grizzly bear; called also Kodiak bear. Syn. -- Alaskan brown bear, Kodiak, Ursus middendorffi, Ursus arctosmiddendorffi. WordNet 1.5]
\'d8Ko"el(?), n.[Native name in India.](Zo\'94l.)Any one of several species of cuckoos of the genus Eudynamys, found in India, the East Indies, and Australia. They deposit their eggs in the nests of other birds. 1913 Webster]
Koellian.(Bot.)The genus comprising the American mountain mint, synonymous with Pycnanthemum. Syn. -- Pycnanthemum, genus Pycnanthemum, genus Koellia. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Koff(?), n.[D. kof.]A two-masted Dutch vessel.
\'d8Koft`ga*ri"(?), a.[Hind. koft gar\'8b goldbeating. fr. Per. koft beating + gar\'8b trade.]Ornamental work produced by inlaying steel with gold, -- a variety of damascening much used in the arts of India. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kogiaprop. n.(Zo\'94l.)The genus comprising the pygmy sperm whales. Syn. -- genus Kogia. WordNet 1.5]
{ Koh`i*noor", Koh`*nur }(k, n.[Per. koh-i-n, lit., mountain of light.]A famous diamond, surrendered to the British crown on the annexation of the Punjab. According to Hindu legends, it was found in a Golconda mine, and has been the property of various Hindu and Persian rulers. 1913 Webster]
Kohl(?), n.[See Alcohol.]A mixture of soot and other ingredients, used by Egyptian and other Eastern women to darken the edges of the eyelids. 1913 Webster]
Kohl"-ra`bi(?), n.; pl.Kohl-rabies(#).[G. Cf. Cole, Rape the plant.](Bot.)A variety of cabbage, in which the edible part is a large, turnip-shaped swelling of the stem, above the surface of the ground. 1913 Webster]
Ko"klass(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)Any pheasant of the genus Pucrasia. The birds of this genus inhabit India and China, and are distinguished by having a long central and two lateral crests on the head. Called also pucras. 1913 Webster]
Ko*koon"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The gnu. 1913 Webster]
{ Ko"la(?), Kola nut }. Same as Cola, Cola nut. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ko*la"ri*an(?), n.(Ethnol.)An individual of one of the races of aboriginal inhabitants which survive in Hindustan. -- a.Of or pertaining to the Kolarians. 1913 Webster]
Ko*lin"sky(?), n.[Russ. kolinski of Kola, a district in northeasten Russia where the finest minks abound.]Among furriers, any of several Asiatic minks; esp., Putorius sibiricus, the yellowish brown pelt of which is valued, esp. for the tail, used for making artists' brushes. Trade names for the fur are red sable and Tatar sable. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
kol*khoz"n.[Russian, concatenated from kollektivnoye khozyaistvo, collective farm.]A collective farm owned by the communist state, in the former USSR. WordNet 1.5]
kol`khoz"nikn.a member of a kolkhoz. WordNet 1.5]
{ Ko*lusch"an, Ko*lush"an }(?), a.[From Russ. kalyushka piece of wood (worn in the nether lip).]Designating, or pertaining to, a linguistic stock of North American Indians comprising the Tlinkit tribes of the Alexander Archipelago of southeastern Alaska and adjacent coast lands. Their language bears some affinity to Mexican tongues. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kolkwitziaprop. n.A Chinese genus having only one species, the beauty bush. Syn. -- genus Kolkwitzia. WordNet 1.5]
Ko*me"nic(?), a.[Prob. G. mekonin (by transposition of letters) + -ic.](Chem.)Of or pertaining to, or designating, an acid derived from meconic acid.[Written also comenic.] 1913 Webster]
komondorn.A Hungarian breed of large powerful shaggy-coated white dog, used also as guard dog. WordNet 1.5]
Kom"tok(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)An African freshwater fish (Protopterus annectens), belonging to the Dipnoi. It can breathe air by means of its lungs, and when waters dry up, it encases itself in a nest of hard mud, where it remains till the rainy season. It is used as food. 1913 Webster]
Kon(?), v. t.To know. See Can, and Con. [Obs.] 1913 Webster]
Ye konnen thereon as much as any man.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
koninin.An erect deciduous shrub or tree (Fuchsia excorticata), native to New Zealand, growing up to 10 feet, with maroon-flushed flowers. Syn. -- tree fuchsia, native fuchsia, Fuchsia excorticata. WordNet 1.5]
Ko"nite(?), n.(Min.)See Conite. 1913 Webster]
Kon*seal"(?), n.[Prob. formed from conceal.](Med.)A form of capsule for inclosing a dose of medicine that is offensive, caustic, or the like. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Konze(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A large African antelope (Alcelaphus Lichtensteini), allied to the hartbeest, but having shorter and flatter horns, and lacking a black patch on the face. 1913 Webster]
Koo"doo(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A large South African antelope (Strepsiceros kudu). The males have graceful spiral horns, sometimes four feet long. The general color is reddish or grayish brown, with eight or nine white bands on each side, and a pale dorsal stripe. The old males become dark bluish gray, due to the skin showing through the hair. The females are hornless. Called also nellut.[Written also kudu.] 1913 Webster]
Koo"koom(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The oryx or gemsbok.[Written also kookaam.] 1913 Webster]
Koo`lo*kam"ba(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A west African anthropoid ape (Troglodytes koolokamba, or Troglodytes Aubryi), allied to the chimpanzee and gorilla, and, in some respects, intermediate between them. 1913 Webster]
Kool"slaa`(?), n.See Coleslaw. 1913 Webster]
Koord(?), n.See Kurd. 1913 Webster]
Koord"ish, n.See Kurdish. 1913 Webster]
Koo*ril"i*an(?), a & n.Same as Kurilian. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kop(?), n.[South Afr. D., fr. D. kop head, akin to G. kopf and prob. to E. cop top.]Hill; mountain. [South Africa] Webster 1913 Suppl.]
ko"peck(?), n.; pl. Eng. kopecks, Russ. kopeek.[Russ. kopeika.]A small Russian coin, continued as a unit of currency within the Soviet Union. One hundred kopecks make a ruble. The ruble was worth about sixty cents (U. S.) in 1910; in 1991 a two-kopeck coin could be used for a local telephone call at a pay telephone. After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1993, the exchange value of the ruble declined rapidly and by the end of 1994 the ruble was worth three hundredths of a cent, and by 1997 two hundredths of a cent. By 1993, the kopek had become of such small value that it was obsolete and no longer minted.[Written also kopek, copec, and copeck.]<-- ##?? After the revaluation of the Ruble in 1998, the kopeck was ?? --> 1913 Webster]
kop"je, kop"pie(kn.[South African D., dim. of kop. See Kop.]A hillock; a small kop, especially a small hill rising up from the African veld. [South Africa] Webster 1913 Suppl. + WordNet 1.5]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]
korn.A Hebrew unit of capacity. Syn. -- homer. WordNet 1.5]
Ko"ran(kor k, n.[Ar. qor\'ben; with the Ar. article, Alkoran, Alcoran; = Turk. Pers. qur, from Ar. quran, qoran, book, reading, from q, read. See Alcoran.]The Scriptures of the Muslims, containing the professed revelations to Mohammed; -- called also Alcoran.[Written also Kuran or Quran, Also rarely Coran and Core.]
Koran is the sacred book of the Muslims (sometimes called Mohammedans by non-Muslims, a term considered offensive by some Muslims). It is the most important foundation on which Islam rests and it is held in the highest veneration by all Islamic sects. When being read it must be kept on a stand elevated above the floor. No one may read it or touch it without first making a legal ablution. It is written in the Arabic language, and its style is considered a model. The substance of the Koran is held to be uncreated and eternal. Mohammed was merely the person to whom the work was revealed. At first the Koran was not written, but entirely committed to memory. But when a great many of the best Koran reciters had been killed in battle, Omar suggested to Abu-Bekr (the successor of Mohammed) that it should be written down. Abu-Bekr accordingly commanded Zeid, an amanuensis of the prophet, to commit it to writing. This was the authorized text until 23 years after the death of the prophet. A number of variant readings had, however, crept into use. By order of the calif Osman in the year 30 of the Hejira, Zeid and three assistants made a careful revision which was adopted as the standard, and all the other copies were ordered to be burned. The Koran consists of 114 suras or divisions. These are not numbered, but each one has a separate name. They are not arranged in historical order. These suras purport to be the addresses delivered by Mohammed during his career at Mecca and Medina. As a general rule the shorter suras, which contain the theology of Islam, belong to the Meccan period; while the longer ones, relating to social duties and relationships, to Medina. The Koran is largely drawn from Jewish and Christian sources, the former prevailing. Moses and Jesus are reckoned among the prophets. The biblical narratives are interwoven with rabbinical legends. The customs of the Jews are made to conform to those of the Arabians. Islamic theology consists in the study of the Koran and its commentaries. A very fine collection of Korans, including one in Cufic (the old Arabic character), is to be found in the Khedival Library at Cairo, Egypt. Century Dict. 1906]
Koreaprop. n.An Asian peninsula off Manchuria. Syn. -- Korean Peninsula. WordNet 1.5]
Koreanprop. a.Of or pertaining to Korea; as, Korean handicrafts; the Korean war. WordNet 1.5]
Ko"rin(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The gazelle. 1913 Webster]
Korinthosprop. n.[Greek.]A city in Greece; the modern city is near the site of the ancient city that was 2nd only to Athens in size and power in ancient Greece. Syn. -- Corinth. WordNet 1.5]
\'d8Kor"ri*gum(?), n.[Native name.](Zo\'94l.)A West African antelope (Damalis Senegalensis), allied to the sassaby. It is reddish gray, with a black face, and a black stripe on the outside of the legs above the knees. 1913 Webster]
kosn.an Indian unit of length having different values in different localities. Syn. -- coss. WordNet 1.5]
Ko"sher(?), a.[heb. kosh\'89r fit, proper.]1.Ceremonially clean, according to Jewish law; -- applied to food, esp. to meat of animals slaughtered according to the requirements of Jewish law. Opposed to tref. For food to be officially kosher, it must be certified fit to eat by a Rabbi, according to Jewish ritual law; as, kosher food.Hence,designating a shop, store, house, etc., where such food is sold or used; as, a kosher restaurant. Syn. -- cosher, ritually fit, sanctioned. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.Proper; seemly; appropriate; legitimate; as, it's not kosher to do it that way. [colloq.] PJC]
3.Genuine. [colloq.] PJC]
Ko"sher, n.Kosher food; also, a kosher shop. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
2.the practise of adherence to the Jewish ritual law; used mostly in the phrase
keep kosher, v. i.. PJC]
keep kosherTo adhere to the rules for eating only kosher food and handling it properly. PJC]
Ko"sher, v. t.[imp. & p. p.Koshered(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Koshering.]To prepare in conformity with the requirements of the Jewish law, as meat. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kos"mos(?), n.See Cosmos.Gladstone. 1913 Webster]
Kosteletzyan.A small genus of herbs of the Southeastern U. S. and tropical America and Africa. Syn. -- genus Kosteletzya. WordNet 1.5]
Ko*tow"(?), n.[Chinese, knock head.]The prostration made by mandarins and others to their superiors, either as homage or worship, by knocking the forehead on the ground; a kowtow. There are degrees in the rite, the highest being expressed by three knockings. [China] [Also spelled kowtow.]S. W. Williams. 1913 Webster]
Ko*tow", v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kotowed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kotowing.]To perform the kotow. Now usually spelled kowtow.[Also spelled kowtow.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kou"lan(?), n.[Native name.](Zo\'94l.)A wild horse (Equus onagerorAsinus onager) inhabiting the plains of Central Asia; -- called also gour, khur, and onager.[Written also kulan.] 1913 Webster]
1913 Webster]
Kou"miss(?), n.[Russ. kumys; of Mongolian origin.]An intoxicating fermented or distilled liquor originally made by the Tartars of central Asia from mare's or camel's milk. It can be obtained from any kind of milk, and is now largely made in Europe.[Written also koumyss, kumiss, kumis, kumish, and kumys.] 1913 Webster]
Koumiss has from time immemorial served the Tartar instead of wine or spirits.J. H. Newman. 1913 Webster]
Kous"so(?), n.(Bot.)An Abyssinian rosaceous tree (Brayera anthelmintica), the flowers of which are used as a vermifuge.[Written also cusso and kosso.] 1913 Webster]
kowhain.A shrub or small tree (Sophora tetraptera) of New Zealand and Chile having pendulous racemes of tubular golden-yellow flowers; it yields a hard strong wood. Syn. --Sophora tetraptera. WordNet 1.5]
Kow*tow"(?), n.[Chinese, knock head.]The prostration made by mandarins and others to their superiors, either as homage or worship, by knocking the forehead on the ground; same as Kotow. There are degrees in the rite, the highest being expressed by three knockings. [China] [Also spelled kowtow.]S. W. Williams. 1913 Webster]
Kow*tow", v. i.[imp. & p. p.Kowtowed(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kowtowing.]To perform the kowtow. Same as Kotow 1913 Webster]
I have salaamed and kowtowed to him.H. James. 1913 Webster]
Krprop. n.(Chem.)The chemical symbol for the element krypyon, one of the six noble gasses. [abbrev.] Syn. -- krypton. WordNet 1.5]
Kra(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A long-tailed ape (Macacus cynomolgus) of India and Sumatra. It is reddish olive, spotted with black, and has a black tail. 1913 Webster]
Kraal(kror kr, n.[D., a village, inclosure, park, prob. fr. Pg. curral a cattle pen; the same word as Sp. corral. See Corral.]1.A collection of huts within a stockade; a village; sometimes, a single hut. [South Africa] 1913 Webster]
2.An inclosure into which are driven wild elephants which are to be tamed and educated. [Ceylon] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Krait(?), n.[Native name.](Zo\'94l.)A very venomous snake of India (Bungarus c\'d2ruleus), allied to the cobra. Its upper parts are bluish or brownish black, often with narrow white streaks; the belly is whitish. 1913 Webster]
Kra"ken(?), n.[Prob. from OSw. krake, or ODan. krage the trunk of a tree, the branches of which are not entirely cut off, to which it was likened by the Norwegian mariners.]A fabulous Scandinavian sea monster, often represented as resembling an island, but sometimes as resembling an immense octopus. 1913 Webster]
To believe all that has been said of the sea serpent or kraken, would be credulity; to reject the possibility of their existence, would be presumption.Goldsmith. 1913 Webster]
Like a kraken huge and black.Longfellow. 1913 Webster]
Kra*ko"wi*ak(?), n.(Mus.)A lively Polish dance. See Cracovienne. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kra*me"ri*a(?), prop. n.[NL. So called after the German botanists, J. G. H. Kramer & W. H. Kramer.](Bot.)A genus of spreading shrubs with many stems, from one species of which (Krameria triandra), found in Peru, rhatany root, used as a medicine, is obtained. 1913 Webster]
Kra*mer"ic(?), a.(Chem.)Pertaining to, or derived from, Krameria (rhatany); as, krameric acid, usually called ratanhia-tannic acid. 1913 Webster]
Krang(?), n.[Cf. D. kreng a carcass.]The carcass of a whale after the blubber has been removed.[Written also crang and kreng.] 1913 Webster]
Krang"ing hook`(?)n.(Whaling)A hook for holding the blubber while cutting it away.[Written also cranging hook.] 1913 Webster]
Krem"lin(?), n.[Russ. kremle.]1.The citadel of a town or city; especially, the citadel of Moscow, a large inclosure which contains imperial palaces, cathedrals, churches, an arsenal, etc. [Russia]
2.Hence:The government of Russia (or, 1920-1992, of the Soviet Union). [metonymical] PJC]
Krems(?), n.A variety of white lead. See Krems lead, under Lead, n. 1913 Webster]
Kreng(?), n.See Krang. 1913 Webster]
Kre"o*sote(?), n.See Creosote. 1913 Webster]
Kreut"zer(kroit"s, n.[G. kreuzer.]A small copper coin formerly used in South Germany; also, a small Austrian copper coin.[Written also kreuzer.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kriegs"spiel`(/), n.[G., fr. krieg war + spiel play.]A game of war, played for practice, on maps.Farrow. 1913 Webster]
Kris(?), n.A Malay dagger. See Creese. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Krish"na(kr, n.[Skr. k ' The black.'.](Hindu Myth.)The most popular of the Hindu divinities, usually held to be the eighth incarnation of the god Vishnu. 1913 Webster]
Krishna is a well-known Hindu deity. Originally the ethnic god of some powerful confederation of Rajput clans, by fusion with the Vishnu of the older theology Krishna becomes one of the chief divinities of Hinduism. He is indeed an avatar of Vishnu, or Vishnu himself. In his physical character mingle myths of fire, lightning, and storm, of heaven and the sun. In the epic he is a hero invincible in war and love, brave, but above all crafty. He was the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, and born at Mathura, on the Yamuna, between Delhi and Agra, among the Yadavas. Like that of many solar heroes, his birth was beset with peril. On the night when it took place, his parents had to remove him from the reach of his uncle, King Kansa, who sought his life because he had been warned by a voice from heaven that the eighth son of Devaki would kill him, and who had regularly made away with his nephews at their birth. Conveyed across the Yamuna, Krishna was brought up as their son by the shepherd Nanda and his wife Yashoda, together with his brother Balarama, 'Rama the strong,' who had been likewise saved from massacre. The two brothers grew up among the shepherds, slaying monsters and demons and sporting with the Gopis, the female cowherds of Vrindavana. Their birth and infancy, their juvenile exploits, and their erotic gambols with the Gopis became in time the essential portion of the legend of Krishna, and their scenes are today the most celebrated centers of his worship. When grown, the brothers put their uncle Kansa to death, and Krishna became king of the Yadavas. He cleared the land of monsters, warred against impious kings, and took part in the war of the sons of Pandu against those of Dhritarashtra, as described in the Mahabharata. He transferred his capital to Dvaraka ('the city of gates'), the gates of the West, since localized in Gujarat. There he and his race were overtaken by the final catastrophe. After seeing his brother slain, and the Yadavas kill each other to the last man, he himself perished, wounded in the heel, like Achilles, by the arrow of a hunter. The bible of the worshipers of Vishnu in his most popular manifestation, that of Krishna, consists of the Bhagavatapurana and the Bhagavadgita. See these words. Century Dict. 1906]
Hare KrishnasA popular name for the group International Society for Krishna Consciousness (abbreviated ISKCON), devotees of Krishna, founded in 1966 by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (born 1896, died 1977). They are called thus because of their frequent public chanting of the words \'bdHare Krishna\'b8. PJC]
<-- p. 820 -->
Kri"tarch*y(kr, n.[Gr. krith`s judge + 'archh` beginning, government.]The rule of the judges over Israel. 1913 Webster]
Samson, Jephthah, Gideon, and other heroes of the kritarchy.Southey. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Kro"ne(kr, n.[Dan.]A coin of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, of the value of about twenty-eight cents (in 1913). See Crown, n., 9. 1913 Webster]
Kroo"man(kr, n.; pl.Kroomen(kr.One of a negro tribe of Liberia and the adjacent coast, whose members are much employed on shipboard. 1913 Webster]
Krul"ler(kr, n.See Cruller.
{ Krumm"horn`, Krum"horn` }(kr, n.[G. krummhorn cornet; krumm crooked + horn horn.](Mus.)(a)A reed instrument of music of the cornet kind, now obsolete (see Cornet, 1, a.).(b)A reed stop in the organ; -- sometimes called cremona. 1913 Webster]
Krupp` gun"(krn.. A breech-loading steel cannon manufactured at the works of Friedrich Krupp, at Essen in Prussia. Guns of over eight-inch bore are made up of several concentric cylinders; those of a smaller size are forged solid. [obsolescent] Knight. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Krupp"ize(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kruppized(/); p. pr. & vb. n.Kruppizing.](Metal.)To treat by, or subject to, the Krupp process. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Krupp process(krn.(Iron Metal.)(a)A process practiced by Friedrich Krupp, Essen, Germany, for washing pig iron, differing from the Bell process in using manganese as well as iron oxide, and performed in a Pernot furnace. Called also the Bell-Krupp process.(b)A process for the manufacture of steel armor plates, invented or practiced by Krupp, the details of which are secret. It is understood to involve the addition of chromium as well as nickel to the metal, and to include a treatment like that of the Harvey process with unknown variations or additions. The product is mentioned by some authors, as improved Harvey, or Harvey-Krupp armor plate. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kryp"ton(kr, n.[NL., fr. Gr. krypto`n, neut. of krypto`s hidden.](Chem.)An inert gaseous element of the argon (noble gas) group, of atomic number 36, occurring in air to the extent of about one volume in a million. It was discovered by Ramsay and Travers in 1898. Boiling point, -152.3\'f8 C.; melting point, -156.6\'f8 C.; symbol, Kr; atomic weight, 83.8. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Ksar(z, n.See Czar.
{ Ksha"tri*ya(ksh, Ksha"tru*ya(?), }n.[Skr. kshatriya one belonging to the military caste.]The military caste, the second of the four great Hindu castes; also, a member of that caste. See Caste. [India] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ku"da(k, n.(Zo\'94l.)The East Indian tapir. See Tapir. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ku"dos(k, n.[NL., fr. Gr. ky^dos glory.]Glory; fame; renown; praise.W. H. Russel. 1913 Webster]
Ku"dos, v. t.To praise; to extol; to glorify. \'bdKudos'd egregiously.\'b8 [R.] Southey. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ku*kang"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)[Native name.]The slow lemur. See Lemur. 1913 Webster]
Ku`klux", Ku` Klux", Ku` Klux" Klan(?), n.The name adopted in the southern part of the United States by a secret political organization, active for several years after the close of the Civil War, and having for its aim the repression of the political power of the freed negroes; -- called also Kuklux Klan and the Klan. It exerienced a revival in the 1920's, in the north as well as the south, and persists as a weak organization into the 1990's. Its goals were primarily anti-negro and anti-Catholic, and its tactics included terrorist attacks on negroes for the purpose of intimidation with the goal of continuing segregation. The signature activity of the Klan was the burning of a cross, either at rallies of Klansmen, or on the property of African-Americans which they hoped to intimidate. 1913 Webster +PJC]
Ku"lan(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)See Koulan.
Kul*tur"kampf`(?), n.[G., fr. kultur, cultur, culture + kampf fight.](Ger. Hist.)Lit., culture war; -- a name, originating with Virchow (1821 - 1902), given to a struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and the German government, chiefly over the latter's efforts to control educational and ecclesiastical appointments in the interest of the political policy of centralization. The struggle began with the passage by the Prussian Diet in May, 1873, of the so-called
May laws, or
Falk laws, aiming at the regulation of the clergy. Opposition eventually compelled the government to change its policy, and from 1880 to 1887 laws virtually nullifying the May laws were enacted. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Kum"mel(?), n.[G. k\'81mmel cumin, caraway seed, L. cuminum. Cf. Cumin.]A Russian and German liqueur, consisting of a sweetened spirit flavored with caraway seeds. 1913 Webster]
kum"quat(?), n.[Chin. kin keu.](Bot.)any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella (formerly Citrus) of the rue family (Rutaceae) (especially Citrus Japonica) growing in China and Japan bearing small orange-colored edible fruits with thick sweet-flavored skin and sour pulp; also, any of the small acid, orange-colored citrus fruits of such plants, used mostly for preserves.[Also spelled cumquat.] 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
\'d8Kup"fer*nick"el(?), n.[G. See Copper, and Nickel.](Min.)Copper-nickel; niccolite. See Niccolite. 1913 Webster]
kurakkann.An East Indian cereal grass (Eleusine coracana) whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour, a staple in the Orient. Syn. -- finger millet, ragi, ragee, African millet, coracan, corakan, Eleusine coracana. WordNet 1.5]
kurchatoviumn.[From Igor Kurchatov, a Russian scientist who worked on the atomic bomb.]A transuranic element of atomic number 104, symbol Ku; also called rutherfordium, symbol Rf. It is produced in very small quantities by nuclear reactions. In November 1993 the nomenclature committe of the American Chemical Society approved the name rutherfordium for element 104. Russsian investigators who claim to have first discovered element 104, isotope 260 (half-life 0.3 seconds) in 1964 at Dubna proposed the name kurchatovium. However, investigators at Berkely in 1969 produced several isotopes of element 104 but were unable to produce isotope 260; they reported finding isotope 257, with a half-life of 4-5 seconds, isotope 259 with a half-life of 3-4 seconds, and isotope 258 with a shorter half-life. Syn. -- rutherfordium, Rf, Ku, unnilquadium, Unq, element 104, atomic number 104. WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
kurchee, kurchin.A tropical Asian tree (Holarrhena antidysenterica syn. Holarrhena pubescens) with hard white wood and bark formerly used as a remedy for dysentery and diarrhea. Syn. -- ivory tree, conessi, kurchee, Holarrhena pubescens, Holarrhena antidysenterica. WordNet 1.5]
Kurd(?), prop. n.A member of a people who inhabit a mountainous region of Western Asia, sometimes referred to as Kurdistan, spread over an area including adjoining parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Syria. The people of this region speak Kurdish and are mostly Moslem.[Written also Koord.] 1913 Webster +PJC]
Kurd"ish, prop. a.Of or pertaining to the Kurds, the Kurdish language, or Kurdistan.[Written also Koordish.] 1913 Webster]
Kurd"ish, prop. n.The language of the Kurds; it is related to Farsi, the modern Iranian language.[Written also Koordish.] 1913 Webster]
Ku*ril"i*an(?), a.Of or pertaining to the Kurile Islands, a chain of islands in the Pacific ocean, extending from the southern extremity of Kamchatka to Yesso. -- n.A native or an inhabitant of the Kurile Islands.[Written also Koorilian.] 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ku"ro-Siwo(?), n.[Jap. kuroshio; kuro black + shio tide.]See Japan Current, above. Webster 1913 Suppl.]
\'d8Kur"saal`(?), n.[G.]A public hall or room, for the use of visitors at watering places and health resorts in Germany. 1913 Webster]
Ku`si*man"se(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A carnivorous animal (Crossarchus obscurus) of tropical Africa. It its allied to the civets. Called also kusimansel, and mangue. 1913 Webster]
Kus"si*er(?), n.(Mus.)A Turkish instrument of music, with a hollow body covered with skin, over which five strings are stretched.[Written also kussir.] 1913 Webster]
Ku*tauss"(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)The India civet (Viverra zibetha). 1913 Webster]
Kutch(?), n.(Goldbeating)The packet of vellum leaves in which the gold is first beaten into thin sheets. 1913 Webster]
Kutch, n.See Catechu. 1913 Webster]
Kwajaleinprop. n.A battle of World War II (January 1944); American forces landed and captured a Japanese airbase. WordNet 1.5]
Kwan yin, Kwan-yinprop. n.(Buddhism)A female Bodhisattva; often called Goddess of Mercy and considered an aspect of the Bodisattva Avalokitesvara; identified with Japanese Kwannon. Syn. -- Kuan Yin. WordNet 1.5]
Kwannonprop. n.Japanese counterpart of the Chinese Kuan Yin. WordNet 1.5]
kweekn.A trailing grass (Cynodon dactylon) native to Europe, now cosmopolitan in warm regions; used for lawns and pastures especially in the Southern U. S. and India. Called also Bahama grass and Bermuda grass. Syn. -- Bermuda grass, devil grass, Bahama grass, doob, scutch grass, star grass, Cynodon dactylon. WordNet 1.5]
kwelan.A kind of danceable music popular among black South Africans; it includes a whistle among its instruments. WordNet 1.5]
Ky(?), n. pl.Kine. [Scot.] See Kee, Kie, and Kine. 1913 Webster]
Ky"ack(k, n.1.A pack sack to be swung on either side of a packsaddle. [Western U. S.]
2.A kayak. PJC]
Ky"a*nite(?), n.See Cyanite. 1913 Webster]
Ky"an*ize(?), v. t.[imp. & p. p.Kyanized(?); p. pr. & vb. n.Kyanizing(?).][From Mr. Kyan, the inventor of the process.]To render (wood) proof against decay by saturating with a solution of corrosive sublimate in open tanks, or under pressure. 1913 Webster]
Ky"a*nol(?), n.[See Cyanite.](Chem.)(a)Aniline. [Obs.] (b)A base obtained from coal tar.Ure. 1913 Webster]
Ky*an"o*phyll(?), n.(Bot.)Same as Cyanophyll. 1913 Webster]
Kyar(?), n.Cocoanut fiber, or the cordage made from it. See Coir. 1913 Webster]
Kyaw(?), n.(Zo\'94l.)A daw. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
Kyd(?), p. p. of Kythe. 1913 Webster]
Kyd"de(/), imp. of Kythe, to show. [Obs.] Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
kydst to mean \'bdknowest.\'b8 1913 Webster]
Kyke(?), v. i.[See 1st Kike.]To look steadfastly; to gaze. [Obs.] [Written also kike, keke.] 1913 Webster]
This Nicholas sat ever gaping upright, kyked on the newe moon.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Ky"ley, ky"lie(k, n.1.an Australian boomerang, having one side flat and the other convex. Syn. -- kiley. 1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]
Ky"loes(?), n. pl.The cattle of the Hebrides, or of the Highlands. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
Ky"mo*graph(?), n.[Gr. / wave + -graph.](Physiol.)An instrument for measuring, and recording graphically, the pressure of the blood in any of the blood vessels of a living animal; -- called also kymographion. 1913 Webster]
Ky`mo*graph"ic(?), a.(Physiol.)Of or pertaining to a kymograph; as, a kymographic tracing. 1913 Webster]
Kym"ric(?), a & n.See Cymric, a. & n. 1913 Webster]
Ky`nu*ren"ic(?), a.[Gr. /, /, dog + / urine.](Physiol. Chem.)Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained from the urine of dogs. By decomposition the acid yields a nitrogenous base (called kynurin) and carbonic acid.[Written also cynurenic.] 1913 Webster]
1.(R. C. Ch.)Greek words, meaning \'bdLord, have mercy upon us,\'b8 used in the Mass, the breviary offices, the litany of the saints, etc.Addis & Arnold. 1913 Webster]
2.The name given to the response to the Commandments, in the service of the Church of England and of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 1913 Webster]
Kyr`i*elle(?), n.[Cf. F. kyrielle.]A litany beginning with the words, \'bdKyrie eleison.\'b8Shipley.
{ Kyr"i*o*lex`y(?), Kyr`i*ol"o*gy(?), }n.[Gr. /, /. See Curiologic.]The use of literal or simple expressions, as distinguished from the use of figurative or obscure ones.Krauth-Fleming. 1913 Webster]
Kyr`i*o*log"ic*al(?), a.[See Curiologic.]Serving to denote objects by conventional signs or alphabetical characters; as, the original Greek alphabet of sixteen letters was called kyriologic, because it represented the pure elementary sounds. See Curiologic.[Written also curiologic and kuriologic.] 1913 Webster]
{ Kythe, Kithe(k }, v. t.[imp.Kydde, Kidde(ke); p. p.Kythed(?), Kid; p. pr. & vb. n.Kything.][OE. kythen, kithen, cu, to make known, AS. c, fr. c known. Uncouth, Can to be able, and cf. Kith.]To make known; to manifest; to show; to declare. [Obs. or Scot.] 1913 Webster]
For gentle hearte kytheth gentilesse.Chaucer. 1913 Webster]
Kythe, v. t.To come into view; to appear. [Scot.] 1913 Webster]
It kythes bright . . . because all is dark around it.Sir W. Scott. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ky*tom"i*ton(k, n.[NL., from Gr. ky`tos a hollow vessel + mi`tos a thread.](Biol.)See Karyomiton. 1913 Webster]
\'d8Ky`to*plas"ma(k, n.[NL., fr. Gr. ky`tos a hollow vessel + pla`sma thing molded.](Biol.)See Karyoplasma. 1913 Webster]