<-- Begin file 23 of 26: Letter W (Version 0.46) This file is part 23 of the GNU version of The Collaborative International Dictionary of English Also referred to as GCIDE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GCIDE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GCIDE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this copy of GCIDE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This dictionary was derived from the Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Version published 1913 by the C. & G. Merriam Co. Springfield, Mass. Under the direction of Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D. and from WordNet, a semantic network created by the Cognitive Science Department of Princeton University under the direction of Prof. George Miller and is being updated and supplemented by an open coalition of volunteer collaborators from around the world. This electronic dictionary is the starting point for an ongoing project to develop a modern on-line comprehensive encyclopedic dictionary, by the efforts of all individuals willing to help build a large and freely available knowledge base. Contributions of data, time, and effort are requested from any person willing to assist creation of a comprehensive and organized knowledge base for free access on the internet. Anyone willing to assist in any way in constructing such a knowledge base should contact: Patrick Cassidy pc@worldsoul.org 735 Belvidere Ave. Office: (908)668-5252 Plainfield, NJ 07062 (908) 561-3416 Last edit January 17, 2002. -->

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1913 Webster]

W (d, the twenty-third letter of the English alphabet, is usually a consonant, but sometimes it is a vowel, forming the second element of certain diphthongs, as in few, how. It takes its written form and its name from the repetition of a V, this being the original form of the Roman capital letter which we call U. Etymologically it is most related to v and u. See V, and U. Some of the uneducated classes in England, especially in London, confuse w and v, substituting the one for the other, as weal for veal, and veal for weal; wine for vine, and vine for wine, etc. See Guide to Pronunciation,
1913 Webster]

Waag (w, n. (Zo\'94l.) The grivet.
1913 Webster]

Waa*hoo" (w, n. (Bot.) The burning bush; -- said to be called after a quack medicine made from it.
1913 Webster]

Wab"ble (w, v. i. [Cf. Prov. G. wabbeln to wabble, and E. whap. Cf. Quaver.] To move staggeringly or unsteadily from one side to the other; to vacillate; to move the manner of a rotating disk when the axis of rotation is inclined to that of the disk; -- said of a turning or whirling body; as, a top wabbles; a buzz saw wabbles. <-- now replaced by wobble., same pronunciation -->
1913 Webster]

Wab"ble, n. A hobbling, unequal motion, as of a wheel unevenly hung; a staggering to and fro.
1913 Webster]

Wab"bly (?), a. Inclined to wabble; wabbling.
1913 Webster]

{ Wack"e (?), Wack"y (?), } n. [G. wacke, MHG. wacke a large stone, OHG. waggo a pebble.] (Geol.) A soft, earthy, dark-colored rock or clay derived from the alteration of basalt.
1913 Webster]

Wad (?), n. [See Woad.] Woad. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wad, n. [Probably of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. vadd wadding, Dan vat, D. & G. watte. Cf. Wadmol.]
1913 Webster]

1. A little mass, tuft, or bundle, as of hay or tow. Holland.
1913 Webster]

2. Specifically: A little mass of some soft or flexible material, such as hay, straw, tow, paper, or old rope yarn, used for retaining a charge of powder in a gun, or for keeping the powder and shot close; also, to diminish or avoid the effects of windage. Also, by extension, a dusk of felt, pasteboard, etc., serving a similar purpose.
1913 Webster]

3. A soft mass, especially of some loose, fibrous substance, used for various purposes, as for stopping an aperture, padding a garment, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wed hook, a rod with a screw or hook at the end, used for removing the wad from a gun.
1913 Webster]

Wad, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waded; p. pr. & vb. n. Wadding.]
1913 Webster]

1. To form into a mass, or wad, or into wadding; as, to wad tow or cotton.
1913 Webster]

2. To insert or crowd a wad into; as, to wad a gun; also, to stuff or line with some soft substance, or wadding, like cotton; as, to wad a cloak.
1913 Webster]

{ Wad, Wadd, } n. (Min.) (a) An earthy oxide of manganese, or mixture of different oxides and water, with some oxide of iron, and often silica, alumina, lime, or baryta; black ocher. There are several varieties. (b) Plumbago, or black lead.
1913 Webster]

Wad"die (?), n. & v. See Waddy.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wad"ding (?), n. [See Wad a little mass.]
1913 Webster]

1. A wad, or the materials for wads; any pliable substance of which wads may be made.
1913 Webster]

2. Any soft stuff of loose texture, used for stuffing or padding garments; esp., sheets of carded cotton prepared for the purpose.
1913 Webster]

Wad"dle (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waddled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waddling (?).] [Freq. of wade; cf. AS. w\'91dlian to beg, from wadan to go. See Wade.] To walk with short steps, swaying the body from one side to the other, like a duck or very fat person; to move clumsily and totteringly along; to toddle; to stumble; as, a child waddles when he begins to walk; a goose waddles. Shak.
1913 Webster]

She drawls her words, and waddles in her pace. Young.
1913 Webster]

Wad"dle, v. t. To trample or tread down, as high grass, by walking through it. [R.] Drayton.
1913 Webster]

Wad"dler (?), n. One who, or that which, waddles.
1913 Webster]

Wad"dling*ly, adv. In a waddling manner.
1913 Webster]

Wad"dy, n.; pl. Waddies (. [Written also waddie, whaddie.] [Native name. Thought by some to be a corrup. of E. wood.] [Australia] 1. An aboriginal war club.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A piece of wood; stick; peg; also, a walking stick.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wad"dy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waddied (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waddying.] To attack or beat with a waddy.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wad"dy*wood` (?), n. An Australian tree (Pittosporum bicolor); also, its wood, used in making waddies.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wade (?), n. Woad. [Obs.] Mortimer.
1913 Webster]

Wade (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waded; p. pr. & vb. n. Wading.] [OE. waden to wade, to go, AS. wadan; akin to OFries. wada, D. waden, OHG. watan, Icel. va, Sw. vada, Dan. vade, L. vadere to go, walk, vadum a ford. Cf. Evade, Invade, Pervade, Waddle.]
1913 Webster]

1. To go; to move forward. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

When might is joined unto cruelty,
1913 Webster]

Forbear, and wade no further in this speech. Old Play.
1913 Webster]

2. To walk in a substance that yields to the feet; to move, sinking at each step, as in water, mud, sand, etc.
1913 Webster]

So eagerly the fiend . . .
wades, or creeps, or flies.
1913 Webster]

3. Hence, to move with difficulty or labor; to proceed as, to wade through a dull book.
1913 Webster]

And wades through fumes, and gropes his way. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

The king's admirable conduct has waded through all these difficulties. Davenant.
1913 Webster]

Wade, v. t. To pass or cross by wading; as, he waded .
1913 Webster]

Wade (?), n. The act of wading. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wad"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, wades.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) Any long-legged bird that wades in the water in search of food, especially any species of limicoline or grallatorial birds; -- called also wading bird. See Illust. g, under Aves.
1913 Webster]

Wad"ing, a. & n. from Wade, v.
1913 Webster]

Wading bird. (Zo\'94l.) See Wader, 2.
1913 Webster]

Wad"mol (?), n. [Of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. va a woollen stuff, Dan vadmel. Cf. Wad a small mass, and Woodmeil.] A coarse, hairy, woolen cloth, formerly used for garments by the poor, and for various other purposes. [Spelled also wadmal, wadmeal, wadmoll, wadmel, etc.] Beck (Draper's Dict.). Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wad"set (?), n. [Scot. wad a pledge; akin to Sw. vad a wager. See Wed.] (Scots Law) A kind of pledge or mortgage. [Written also wadsett.]
1913 Webster]

Wad"set*ter (?), n. One who holds by a wadset.
1913 Webster]

Wad"y (?), n.; pl. Wadies (#). [Ar. w\'bed\'c6 a valley, a channel of a river, a river.] A ravine through which a brook flows; the channel of a water course, which is dry except in the rainy season.
1913 Webster]

Wae (?), n. A wave. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Waeg (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The kittiwake. [Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"fer (?), n. [OE. wafre, OF. waufre, qaufre, F. qaufre; of Teutonic origin; cf. LG. & D. wafel, G. waffel, Dan. vaffel, Sw. v\'86ffla; all akin to G. wabe a honeycomb, OHG. waba, being named from the resemblance to a honeycomb. G. wabe is probably akin to E. weave. See Weave, and cf. Waffle, Gauffer.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Cookery) A thin cake made of flour and other ingredients.
1913 Webster]

Wafers piping hot out of the gleed. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

The curious work in pastry, the fine cakes, wafers, and marchpanes. Holland.
1913 Webster]

A woman's oaths are wafers -- break with making B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

2. (Eccl.) A thin cake or piece of bread (commonly unleavened, circular, and stamped with a crucifix or with the sacred monogram) used in the Eucharist, as in the Roman Catholic Church.
1913 Webster]

3. An adhesive disk of dried paste, made of flour, gelatin, isinglass, or the like, and coloring matter, -- used in sealing letters and other documents.
1913 Webster]

4. Any thin but rigid plate of solid material, esp. of discoidal shape; -- a term used commonly to refer to the thin slices of silicon used as starting material for the manufacture of integrated circuits.

Wafer cake, a sweet, thin cake. Shak. -- Wafer irons, or Wafer tongs (Cookery), a pincher-shaped contrivance, having flat plates, or blades, between which wafers are baked. -- Wafer woman, a woman who sold wafer cakes; also, one employed in amorous intrigues. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Wa"fer, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wafered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wafering.] To seal or close with a wafer.
1913 Webster]

Wa"fer*er (?), n. A dealer in the cakes called wafers; a confectioner. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Waffle (?), n. [D. wafel. See Wafer.] 1. A thin cake baked and then rolled; a wafer.
1913 Webster]

2. A soft indented cake cooked in a waffle iron.
1913 Webster]

Waffle iron, an iron utensil or mold made in two parts shutting together, -- used for cooking waffles over a fire.
1913 Webster]

Waft (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wafted; p. pr. & vb. n. Wafting.] [Prob. originally imp. & p. p. of wave, v. t. See Wave to waver.] 1. To give notice to by waving something; to wave the hand to; to beckon. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

But soft: who wafts us yonder? Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To cause to move or go in a wavy manner, or by the impulse of waves, as of water or air; to bear along on a buoyant medium; as, a balloon was wafted over the channel.
1913 Webster]

A gentle wafting to immortal life. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Speed the soft intercourse from soul to soul,
waft a sigh from Indus to the pole.
1913 Webster]

3. To cause to float; to keep from sinking; to buoy. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.
1913 Webster]

waft was formerly somwafted.
1913 Webster]

Waft, v. i. To be moved, or to pass, on a buoyant medium; to float.
1913 Webster]

And now the shouts waft near the citadel. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Waft, n. 1. A wave or current of wind. \'bdEverywaft of the air.\'b8 Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

In this dire season, oft the whirlwind's wing
1913 Webster]

2. A signal made by waving something, as a flag, in the air.
1913 Webster]

3. An unpleasant flavor. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.) A knot, or stop, in the middle of a flag. [Written also wheft.]
1913 Webster]

waft in it, when hoisted at the staff, or half way to the gaff, means, a man overboard; at the peak, a desire to communicate; at the masthead, \'bdRecall boats.\'b8
1913 Webster]

Waft"age (?), n. Conveyance on a buoyant medium, as air or water. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Boats prepared for waftage to and fro. Drayton.
1913 Webster]

Waft"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, wafts.
1913 Webster]

O Charon,
wafter of the soul to bliss or bane.
Beau. & FL.
1913 Webster]

2. A boat for passage. Ainsworth.
1913 Webster]

Waf"ture (?), n. The act of waving; a wavelike motion; a waft. R. Browning.
1913 Webster]

An angry wafture of your hand. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wag (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wagged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wagging.] [OE. waggen; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. vagga to rock a cradle, vagga cradle, Icel. vagga, Dan. vugge; akin to AS. wagian to move, wag, wegan to bear, carry, G. & D. bewegen to move, and E. weigh. \'fb136. See Weigh.] To move one way and the other with quick turns; to shake to and fro; to move vibratingly; to cause to vibrate, as a part of the body; as, to wag the head.
1913 Webster]

No discerner durst wag his tongue in censure. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished, and wag his head. Jer. xviii. 16.
1913 Webster]

Wag expresses specifically the motion of the head and body used in buffoonery, mirth, derision, sport, and mockery.
1913 Webster]

Wag, v. i. 1. To move one way and the other; to be shaken to and fro; to vibrate.
1913 Webster]

The resty sieve wagged ne'er the more. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. To be in action or motion; to move; to get along; to progress; to stir. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

\'bdThus we may see,\'b8 quoth he, \'bdhow the world wags.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. To go; to depart; to pack oft. [R.]
1913 Webster]

I will provoke him to 't, or let him wag. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wag, n. [From Wag, v.]
1913 Webster]

1. The act of wagging; a shake; as, a wag of the head. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

2. [Perhaps shortened from wag-halter a rogue.] A man full of sport and humor; a ludicrous fellow; a humorist; a wit; a joker.
1913 Webster]

We wink at wags when they offend. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

A counselor never pleaded without a piece of pack thread in his hand, which he used to twist about a finger all the while he was speaking; the wags used to call it the thread of his discourse. Addison.
1913 Webster]

\'d8Wa*ga"ti (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A small East Indian wild cat (Felis wagati), regarded by some as a variety of the leopard cat.
1913 Webster]

Wage (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waging (?).] [OE. wagen, OF. wagier, gagier, to pledge, promise, F. gager to wager, lay, bet, fr. LL. wadium a pledge; of Teutonic origin; cf. Goth. wadi a pledge, gawadj\'d3n to pledge, akin to E. wed, G. wette a wager. See Wed, and cf. Gage.]
1913 Webster]

1. To pledge; to hazard on the event of a contest; to stake; to bet, to lay; to wager; as, to wage a dollar. Hakluyt.
1913 Webster]

My life I never but as a pawn
wage against thy enemies.
1913 Webster]

2. To expose one's self to, as a risk; to incur, as a danger; to venture; to hazard. \'bdToo weak to wage an instant trial with the king.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

To wake and wage a danger profitless. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. To engage in, as a contest, as if by previous gage or pledge; to carry on, as a war.
1913 Webster]

[He pondered] which of all his sons was fit
wage immortal war with wit.
1913 Webster]

The two are waging war, and the one triumphs by the destruction of the other. I. Taylor.
1913 Webster]

4. To adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; to hire out. [Obs.] \'bdThou . . . must wage thy works for wealth.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

5. To put upon wages; to hire; to employ; to pay wages to. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Abundance of treasure which he had in store, wherewith he might wage soldiers. Holinshed.
1913 Webster]

I would have them waged for their labor. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

6. (O. Eng. Law) To give security for the performance of. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

To wage battle (O. Eng. Law), to give gage, or security, for joining in the duellum, or combat. See Wager of battel, under Wager, n. Burrill. -- To wage one's law (Law), to give security to make one's law. See Wager of law, under Wager, n.
1913 Webster]

Wage, v. i. To bind one's self; to engage. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wage, n. [OF. wage, gage, guarantee, engagement. See Wage, v. t. ]
1913 Webster]

1. That which is staked or ventured; that for which one incurs risk or danger; prize; gage. [Obs.] \'bdThat warlike wage.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

2. That for which one labors; meed; reward; stipulated payment for service performed; hire; pay; compensation; -- at present generally used in the plural. See Wages. \'bdMy day's wage.\'b8 Sir W. Scott. \'bdAt least I earned my wage.\'b8 Thackeray. \'bdPay them a wage in advance.\'b8 J. Morley. \'bdThe wages of virtue.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

By Tom Thumb, a fairy page,
1913 Webster]

Our praises are our wages. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Existing legislation on the subject of wages. Encyc. Brit.
1913 Webster]

Wage is used adjectively and as the first part of compounds which are usually self-explaining; as, wage worker, or wage-worker; wage-earner, etc.
1913 Webster]

Board wages. See under 1st Board.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Hire; reward; stipend; salary; allowance; pay; compensation; remuneration; fruit.
1913 Webster]

Wag"el (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) See Waggel.
1913 Webster]

Wa"gen*boom` (?), n. [D., literally, wagon tree.] (Bot.) A south African proteaceous tree (Protea grandiflora); also, its tough wood, used for making wagon wheels.
1913 Webster]

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1913 Webster]

wa"ger (w, n. [OE. wager, wajour, OF. wagiere, or wageure, F. gageure. See Wage, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.
1913 Webster]

Besides these plates for horse races, the wagers may be as the persons please. Sir W. Temple.
1913 Webster]

If any atheist can stake his soul for a wager against such an inexhaustible disproportion, let him never hereafter accuse others of credulity. Bentley.
1913 Webster]

2. (Law) A contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event. Bouvier.
1913 Webster]

Chitty. Bouvier.
1913 Webster]

3. That on which bets are laid; the subject of a bet.
1913 Webster]

Wager of battel, or Wager of battle (O. Eng. Law), the giving of gage, or pledge, for trying a cause by single combat, formerly allowed in military, criminal, and civil causes. In writs of right, where the trial was by champions, the tenant produced his champion, who, by throwing down his glove as a gage, thus waged, or stipulated, battle with the champion of the demandant, who, by taking up the glove, accepted the challenge. The wager of battel, which has been long in disuse, was abolished in England in 1819, by a statute passed in consequence of a defendant's having waged his battle in a case which arose about that period. See Battel. -- Wager of law (Law), the giving of gage, or sureties, by a defendant in an action of debt, that at a certain day assigned he would take a law, or oath, in open court, that he did not owe the debt, and at the same time bring with him eleven neighbors (called compurgators), who should avow upon their oaths that they believed in their consciences that he spoke the truth. -- Wager policy. (Insurance Law) See under Policy. -- Wagering contract or gambling contract. A contract which is of the nature of wager. Contracts of this nature include various common forms of valid commercial contracts, as contracts of insurance, contracts dealing in futures, options, etc. Other wagering contracts and bets are now generally made illegal by statute against betting and gambling, and wagering has in many cases been made a criminal offence. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
1913 Webster]

wa"ger, v. t. [imp. & p. p. wagered (w; p. pr. & vb. n. wagering.] To hazard on the issue of a contest, or on some question that is to be decided, or on some eventuality; to lay; to stake; to bet.
1913 Webster]

And wagered with him
1913 Webster]

Wa"ger, v. i. To make a bet; to lay a wager.
1913 Webster]

'T was merry when
wagered on your angling.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ger*er (w, n. One who wagers, or lays a bet.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ger*ing, a. Hazarding; pertaining to the act of one who wagers.
1913 Webster]

Wagering policy. (Com.) See Wager policy, under Policy.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ges (w, n. plural in termination, but singular in signification. [Plural of wage; cf. F. gages, pl., wages, hire. See Wage, n.] 1. A compensation given to a hired person for services; price paid for labor; recompense; hire. See Wage, n., 2.
1913 Webster]

The wages of sin is death. Rom. vi. 23.
1913 Webster]

2. (Economics) The share of the annual product or national dividend which goes as a reward to labor, as distinct from the remuneration received by capital in its various forms. This economic or technical sense of the word wages is broader than the current sense, and includes not only amounts actually paid to laborers, but the remuneration obtained by those who sell the products of their own work, and the wages of superintendence or management, which are earned by skill in directing the work of others.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wages fund (Polit. Econ.), the aggregate capital existing at any time in any country, which theoretically is unconditionally destined to be paid out in wages. It was formerly held, by Mill and other political economists, that the average rate of wages in any country at any time depended upon the relation of the wages fund to the number of laborers. This theory has been greatly modified by the discovery of other conditions affecting wages, which it does not take into account. Encyc. Brit.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- See under Wage, n.
1913 Webster]

Wag"gel (w, n. (Zo\'94l.) The young of the great black-backed gull (Larus marinus), formerly considered a distinct species. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wag"ger*y (-g, n.; pl. Waggeries (#). [From Wag.] The manner or action of a wag; mischievous merriment; sportive trick or gayety; good-humored sarcasm; pleasantry; jocularity; as, the waggery of a schoolboy. Locke.
1913 Webster]

A drollery and lurking waggery of expression. W. Irving.
1913 Webster]

Wag"gie (-g, n. The pied wagtail. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wag"gish (-g, a. 1. Like a wag; mischievous in sport; roguish in merriment or good humor; frolicsome. \'bdA company of waggish boys.\'b8 L'Estrange.
1913 Webster]

2. Done, made, or laid in waggery or for sport; sportive; humorous; as, a waggish trick.
1913 Webster]

-- Wag"gish*ly, adv. -- Wag"gish*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Wag"gle (?), v. i. [Freq. of wag; cf. D. waggelen, G. wackeln.] To reel, sway, or move from side to side; to move with a wagging motion; to waddle.
1913 Webster]

Why do you go nodding and waggling so? L'Estrange.
1913 Webster]

Wag"gle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waggled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waggling (?).] To move frequently one way and the other; to wag; as, a bird waggles his tail.
1913 Webster]

Wag"gle (?), n. A waggling or wagging; specif. (Golf), the preliminary swinging of the club head back and forth over the ball in the line of the proposed stroke.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wag"-hal`ter (?), n. [Wag + halter.] One who moves or wears a halter; one likely to be hanged. [Colloq. & Obs.]
1913 Webster]

I can tell you, I am a mad wag-halter. Marston.
1913 Webster]

Wag*ne"ri*an (?), a. Of, pertaining to, or resembling the style of, Richard Wagner, the German musical composer.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wag"ner*ite (?), n. (Min.) A fluophosphate of magnesia, occurring in yellowish crystals, and also in massive forms.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on (?), n. [D. wagen. Wain.]
1913 Webster]

1. A wheeled carriage; a vehicle on four wheels, and usually drawn by horses; especially, one used for carrying freight or merchandise.
1913 Webster]

wagons are used for the conveyance of persons and light commodities.
1913 Webster]

2. A freight car on a railway. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

3. A chariot [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

4. (Astron.) The Dipper, or Charles's Wain.
1913 Webster]

waggon, waggonage, etc.), chiefly in England. The forms wagon, wagonage, etc., are, however, etymologically preferable, and in the United States are almost universally used.
1913 Webster]

Wagon boiler. See the Note under Boiler, 3. -- Wagon ceiling (Arch.), a semicircular, or wagon-headed, arch or ceiling; -- sometimes used also of a ceiling whose section is polygonal instead of semicircular. -- Wagon master, an officer or person in charge of one or more wagons, especially of those used for transporting freight, as the supplies of an army, and the like. -- Wagon shoe, a skid, or shoe, for retarding the motion of a wagon wheel; a drag. -- Wagon vault. (Arch.) See under 1st Vault.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wagoned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wagoning.] To transport in a wagon or wagons; as, goods are wagoned from city to city.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on, v. i. To wagon goods as a business; as, the man wagons between Philadelphia and its suburbs.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on*age (?), n. 1. Money paid for carriage or conveyance in wagon.
1913 Webster]

2. A collection of wagons; wagons, collectively.
1913 Webster]

Wagonage, provender, and a piece or two of cannon. Carlyle.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on*er (?), n. 1. One who conducts a wagon; one whose business it is to drive a wagon.
1913 Webster]

2. (Astron.) The constellation Charles's Wain, or Ursa Major. See Ursa major, under Ursa.
1913 Webster]

Wag`on*ette" (?), n. A kind of pleasure wagon, uncovered and with seats extended along the sides, designed to carry six or eight persons besides the driver.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on*ful (?), n.; pl. Wagonfuls (. As much as a wagon will hold; enough to fill a wagon; a wagonload.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on-head`ed (?), a. Having a top, or head, shaped like the top of a covered wagon, or resembling in section or outline an inverted U, thus as, a wagonheaded ceiling.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on*load` (?), n. Same as Wagonful.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on-roofed` (?), a. Having a roof, or top, shaped like an inverted U; wagon-headed.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on*ry (?), n. Conveyance by means of a wagon or wagons. [Obs.] Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wag"on*wright` (?), n. One who makes wagons.
1913 Webster]

Wag"tail` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of many species of Old World singing birds belonging to Motacilla and several allied genera of the family Motacillid\'91. They have the habit of constantly jerking their long tails up and down, whence the name.
1913 Webster]

Field wagtail, any one of several species of wagtails of the genus Budytes having the tail shorter, the legs longer, and the hind claw longer and straighter, than do the water wagtails. Most of the species are yellow beneath. Called also yellow wagtail. -- Garden wagtail, the Indian black-breasted wagtail (Nemoricola Indica). -- Pied wagtail, the common European water wagtail (Motacilla lugubris). It is variegated with black and white. The name is applied also to other allied species having similar colors. Called also pied dishwasher. -- Wagtail flycatcher, a true flycatcher (Sauloprocta motacilloides) common in Southern Australia, where it is very tame, and frequents stock yards and gardens and often builds its nest about houses; -- called also black fantail. -- Water wagtail. (a) Any one of several species of wagtails of the restricted genus Motacilla. They live chiefly on the shores of ponds and streams. (b) The American water thrush. See Water thrush. -- Wood wagtail, an Asiatic wagtail; (Calobates sulphurea) having a slender bill and short legs.
1913 Webster]

Wah (w, n. (Zo\'94l.) The panda.
1913 Webster]

Wa*ha"bee (?), n. [Ar. wah\'bebi.] A follower of Abdel Wahab (b. 1691; d. 1787), a reformer of Islam. His doctrines prevail particularly among the Bedouins, and the sect, though checked in its influence, extends to most parts of Arabia, and also into India. [Written also Wahaby.]
1913 Webster]

Wa*hoo" (?), n. Any of various American trees or shrubs; specif.: (a) A certain shrub (Evonymus atropurpureus) having purple capsules which in dehiscence expose the scarlet-ariled seeds; -- called also burning bush. (b) Cascara buckthorn. (c) Basswood.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa*hoo", n. A dark blue scombroid food fish (Acanthocibium solandri or Acanthocibium petus) of Florida and the West Indies.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Waid (?), a. [For weighed.] Oppressed with weight; crushed; weighed down. [Obs.] Tusser.
1913 Webster]

Waif (?), n. [OF. waif, gaif, as adj., lost, unclaimed, chose gaive a waif, LL. wayfium, res vaivae; of Scand. origin. See Waive.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Eng. Law.) Goods found of which the owner is not known; originally, such goods as a pursued thief threw away to prevent being apprehended, which belonged to the king unless the owner made pursuit of the felon, took him, and brought him to justice. Blackstone.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, anything found, or without an owner; that which comes along, as it were, by chance. \'bdRolling in his mind old waifs of rhyme.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

3. A wanderer; a castaway; a stray; a homeless child.
1913 Webster]

A waif
1913 Webster]

Waift (?), n. A waif. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wail (?), v. t. [Cf. Icel. val choice, velja to choose, akin to Goth. waljan, G. w\'84hlen.] To choose; to select. [Obs.] \'bdWailed wine and meats.\'b8 Henryson.
1913 Webster]

Wail, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wailed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wailing.] [OE. wailen, weilen, probably fr. Icel. v\'91la; cf. Icel. v\'91, vei, woe, and E. wayment, also OE. wai, wei, woe. Cf. Woe.] To lament; to bewail; to grieve over; as, to wail one's death. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wail, v. i. To express sorrow audibly; to make mournful outcry; to weep.
1913 Webster]

Therefore I will wail and howl. Micah i. 8.
1913 Webster]

Wail, n. Loud weeping; violent lamentation; wailing. \'bdThe wail of the forest.\'b8 Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Wail"er (?), n. One who wails or laments.
1913 Webster]

Wail"er*ess (?), n. A woman who wails. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wail"ful (?), a. Sorrowful; mournful. \'bd Like wailful widows.\'b8 Spenser. \'bdWailful sonnets.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wail"ing*ly, adv. In a wailing manner.
1913 Webster]

Wail"ment (?), n. Lamentation; loud weeping; wailing. [Obs.] Bp. Hacket.
1913 Webster]

Wai"ment (?). v. & n. See Wayment. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wain (?), n. [OE. wain, AS. w\'91gn; akin to D. & G. wagen, OHG. wagan, Icel. & Sw. vagn, Dan. vogn, and E. way. Way, Weigh, and cf. Wagon.]
1913 Webster]

1. A four-wheeled vehicle for the transportation of goods, produce, etc.; a wagon.
1913 Webster]

The wardens see nothing but a wain of hay. Jeffrey.
1913 Webster]

Driving in ponderous wains their household goods to the seashore. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. A chariot. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

The Wain. (Astron.) See Charles's Wain, in the Vocabulary. -- Wain rope, a cart rope. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wain"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being plowed or cultivated; arable; tillable. [Obs.] Cowell.
1913 Webster]

Wain"age (?; 48), n. [From Wain.] A finding of carriages, carts, etc., for the transportation of goods, produce, etc. Ainsworth.
1913 Webster]

Wain"age, n. (O. Eng. Law) See Gainage, a.
1913 Webster]

Wain"bote` (?), n. [Wain + bote.] (O. Eng. Law) See Cartbote. See also the Note under Bote.
1913 Webster]

Wain"scot (?), n. [OD. waeghe-schot, D. wagen-schot, a clapboard, fr. OD. waeg, weeg, a wall (akin to AS. wah; cf. Icel. veggr) + schot a covering of boards (akin to E. shot, shoot).]
1913 Webster]

1. Oaken timber or boarding. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

A wedge wainscot is fittest and most proper for cleaving of an oaken tree. Urquhart.
1913 Webster]

Inclosed in a chest of wainscot. J. Dart.
1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.) A wooden lining or boarding of the walls of apartments, usually made in panels.
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of European moths of the family Leucanid\'91.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Wain"scot, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wainscoted; p. pr. & vb. n. Wainscoting.] To line with boards or panelwork, or as if with panelwork; as, to wainscot a hall.
1913 Webster]

Music soundeth better in chambers wainscoted than hanged. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

The other is wainscoted with looking-glass. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Wain"scot*ing, n. 1. The act or occupation of covering or lining with boards in panel.
1913 Webster]

2. The material used to wainscot a house, or the wainscot as a whole; panelwork.
1913 Webster]

Wain"wright` (?), n. Same as Wagonwright.
1913 Webster]

Wair (?), n. (Carp.) A piece of plank two yard Bailey.
1913 Webster]

Waist (?), n. [OE. wast; originally, growth, akin to AS. weaxan to grow; cf. AS. w\'91stm growth. See Wax to grow.]
1913 Webster]

1. That part of the human body which is immediately below the ribs or thorax; the small part of the body between the thorax and hips. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

I am in the waist two yards about. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, the middle part of other bodies; especially (Naut.), that part of a vessel's deck, bulwarks, etc., which is between the quarter-deck and the forecastle; the middle part of the ship.
1913 Webster]

3. A garment, or part of a garment, which covers the body from the neck or shoulders to the waist line.
1913 Webster]

4. A girdle or belt for the waist. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Waist anchor. See Sheet anchor, 1, in the Vocabulary.
1913 Webster]

Waist"band (?), n. 1. The band which encompasses the waist; esp., one on the upper part of breeches, trousers, pantaloons, skirts, or the like.
1913 Webster]

2. A sash worn by women around the waist. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Waist"cloth (?), n. 1. A cloth or wrapper worn about the waist; by extension, such a garment worn about the hips and passing between the thighs.
1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) A covering of canvas or tarpaulin for the hammocks, stowed on the nettings, between the quarterdeck and the forecastle.
1913 Webster]

Waist"coat (?), n. (a) A short, sleeveless coat or garment for men, worn under the coat, extending no lower than the hips, and covering the waist; a vest. (b) A garment occasionally worn by women as a part of fashionable costume.
1913 Webster]

waistcoat was a part of female attire as well as male . . . It was only when the waistcoat was worn without a gown or upper dress that it was considered the mark of a mad or profligate woman. Nares.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- See Vest.
1913 Webster]

Waist`coat*eer" (?), n. One wearing a waistcoat; esp., a woman wearing one uncovered, or thought fit for such a habit; hence, a loose woman; strumpet. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Do you think you are here, sir,
waistcoateers, your base wenches?
Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Waist"coat*ing, n. A fabric designed for waistcoats; esp., one in which there is a pattern, differently colored yarns being used.
1913 Webster]

Waist"er (?), n. (Naut.) A seaman, usually a green hand or a broken-down man, stationed in the waist of a vessel of war. R. H. Dana, Jr.
1913 Webster]

Wait (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waited; p. pr. & vb. n. Waiting.] [OE. waiten, OF. waitier, gaitier, to watch, attend, F. guetter to watch, to wait for, fr. OHG. wahta a guard, watch, G. wacht, from OHG. wahh\'c7n to watch, be awake. \'fb134. See Wake, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. To watch; to observe; to take notice. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

\'bdBut [unless] ye wait well and be privy,
1913 Webster]

2. To stay or rest in expectation; to stop or remain stationary till the arrival of some person or event; to rest in patience; to stay; not to depart.
1913 Webster]

All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Job xiv. 14.
1913 Webster]

They also serve who only stand and wait. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Haste, my dear father; 't is no time to wait. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1623 -->
1913 Webster]

To wait on or To wait upon. (a) To attend, as a servant; to perform services for; as, to wait on a gentleman; to wait on the table. \'bdAuthority and reason on her wait.\'b8 Milton. \'bdI must wait on myself, must I?\'b8 Shak. (b) To attend; to go to see; to visit on business or for ceremony. (c) To follow, as a consequence; to await. \'bdThat ruin that waits on such a supine temper.\'b8 Dr. H. More. (d) To look watchfully at; to follow with the eye; to watch. [R.] \'bdIt is a point of cunning to wait upon him with whom you speak with your eye.\'b8 Bacon. (e) To attend to; to perform. \'bdAaron and his sons . . . shall wait on their priest's office.\'b8 Num. iii. 10. (f) (Falconry) To fly above its master, waiting till game is sprung; -- said of a hawk. Encyc. Brit.
1913 Webster]

Wait (?), v. t. 1. To stay for; to rest or remain stationary in expectation of; to await; as, to wait orders.
1913 Webster]

Awed with these words, in camps they still abide,
wait with longing looks their promised guide.
1913 Webster]

2. To attend as a consequence; to follow upon; to accompany; to await. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

3. To attend on; to accompany; especially, to attend with ceremony or respect. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

He chose a thousand horse, the flower of all
wait the funeral.
1913 Webster]

Remorse and heaviness of heart shall wait thee,
1913 Webster]

4. To cause to wait; to defer; to postpone; -- said of a meal; as, to wait dinner. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wait, n. [OF. waite, guaite, gaite, F. guet watch, watching, guard, from OHG. wahta. See Wait, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. The act of waiting; a delay; a halt.
1913 Webster]

There is a wait of three hours at the border Mexican town of El Paso. S. B. Griffin.
1913 Webster]

2. Ambush. \'bdAn enemy in wait.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

3. One who watches; a watchman. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

4. pl. Hautboys, or oboes, played by town musicians; not used in the singular. [Obs.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

5. pl. Musicians who sing or play at night or in the early morning, especially at Christmas time; serenaders; musical watchmen. [Written formerly wayghtes.]
1913 Webster]

Hark! are the waits abroad? Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

The sound of the waits, rude as may be their minstrelsy, breaks upon the mild watches of a winter night with the effect of perfect harmony. W. Irving.
1913 Webster]

To lay wait, to prepare an ambuscade. -- To lie in wait. See under 4th Lie.
1913 Webster]

Wait"-a-bit`, n. Any of several plants bearing thorns or stiff hooked appendages, which catch and tear the clothing, as: (a) The greenbrier. (b) Any of various species of hawthorn. (c) In South Africa, one of numerous acacias and mimosas. (d) The grapple plant. (e) The prickly ash.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wait"-a-while`, n. (a) One of the Australian wattle trees (Acacia colletioides), so called from the impenetrability of the thicket which it makes. (b) same as Wait-a-bit.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wait"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, waits; an attendant; a servant in attendance, esp. at table.
1913 Webster]

The waiters stand in ranks; the yeomen cry,
1913 Webster]

2. A vessel or tray on which something is carried, as dishes, etc.; a salver.
1913 Webster]

Coast waiter. See under Coast, n.
1913 Webster]

Wait"ing, a. & n. from Wait, v.
1913 Webster]

In waiting, in attendance; as, lords in waiting. [Eng.] -- Waiting gentlewoman, a woman who waits upon a person of rank. -- Waiting maid, Waiting woman, a maid or woman who waits upon another as a personal servant.
1913 Webster]

Wait"ing*ly, adv. By waiting.
1913 Webster]

Wait"ress (?), n. A female waiter or attendant; a waiting maid or waiting woman. <-- esp. one employed in a commercial dining establishment, who takes the customers' orders, brings the meals, and otherwise serves the customers who are seated at a table or counter. -->
1913 Webster]

Waive (?), n. [See Waive, v. t. ] 1. A waif; a castaway. [Obs.] Donne.
1913 Webster]

2. (O. Eng. Law) A woman put out of the protection of the law. See Waive, v. t., 3 (b), and the Note.
1913 Webster]

Waive, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waived (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waiving.] [OE. waiven, weiven, to set aside, remove, OF. weyver, quesver, to waive, of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. veifa to wave, to vibrate, akin to Skr. vip to tremble. Cf. Vibrate, Waif.] [Written also wave.]
1913 Webster]

1. To relinquish; to give up claim to; not to insist on or claim; to refuse; to forego.
1913 Webster]

He waiveth milk, and flesh, and all. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

We absolutely do renounce or waive our own opinions, absolutely yielding to the direction of others. Barrow.
1913 Webster]

2. To throw away; to cast off; to reject; to desert.
1913 Webster]

3. (Law) (a) To throw away; to relinquish voluntarily, as a right which one may enforce if he chooses. (b) (O. Eng. Law) To desert; to abandon. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

outlaw to a man. A woman could not be outlawed, in the proper sense of the word, because, according to Bracton, she was never in law, that is, in a frankpledge or decennary; but she might be waived, and held as abandoned. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Waive, v. i. To turn aside; to recede. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

To waive from the word of Solomon. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Waiv"er (?), n. (Law) The act of waiving, or not insisting on, some right, claim, or privilege.
1913 Webster]

Waiv"ure (?), n. See Waiver. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wai"wode (?), n. See Waywode.
1913 Webster]

\'d8Wai Wu Pu (?). [Chinese wai foreign + wu affairs + pu office.] The Department of Foreign Affairs in the Chinese government.

The Tsung-li Yamen, or Foreign Office, created by a decree of January 19, 1861, was in July, 1902, superseded by the formation of a new Foreign Office called the Wai Wu Pu, . . . with precedence before all other boards. J. Scott Keltie.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wake (?), n. [Originally, an open space of water sv\'94k a hole, opening in ice, Sw. vak, Dan. vaage, perhaps akin to E. humid.] The track left by a vessel in the water; by extension, any track; as, the wake of an army.
1913 Webster]

This effect followed immediately in the wake of his earliest exertions. De Quincey.
1913 Webster]

Several humbler persons . . . formed quite a procession in the dusty wake of his chariot wheels. Thackeray.
1913 Webster]

Wake, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waked (?) or Woke (p. pr. & vb. n. Waking.] [AS. wacan, wacian; akin to OFries. waka, OS. wak, D. waken, G. wachen, OHG. wahh, Icel. vaka, Sw. vaken, Dan. vaage, Goth. wakan, v. i., uswakjan, v. t., Skr. v\'bejay to rouse, to impel. Vigil, Wait, v. i., Watch, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. To be or to continue awake; to watch; not to sleep.
1913 Webster]

The father waketh for the daughter. Ecclus. xlii. 9.
1913 Webster]

Though wisdom wake, suspicion sleeps. Milton.
1913 Webster]

I can not think any time, waking or sleeping, without being sensible of it. Locke.
1913 Webster]

2. To sit up late festive purposes; to hold a night revel.
1913 Webster]

The king doth wake to-night, and takes his rouse,
1913 Webster]

3. To be excited or roused from sleep; to awake; to be awakened; to cease to sleep; -- often with up.
1913 Webster]

He infallibly woke up at the sound of the concluding doxology. G. Eliot.
1913 Webster]

4. To be exited or roused up; to be stirred up from a dormant, torpid, or inactive state; to be active.
1913 Webster]

Gentle airs due at their hour
1913 Webster]

Then wake, my soul, to high desires. Keble.
1913 Webster]

Wake (?), v. t. 1. To rouse from sleep; to awake.
1913 Webster]

The angel . . . came again and waked me. Zech. iv. 1.
1913 Webster]

2. To put in motion or action; to arouse; to excite. \'bdI shall waken all this company.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Lest fierce remembrance wake my sudden rage. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Even Richard's crusade woke little interest in his island realm. J. R. Green.
1913 Webster]

3. To bring to life again, as if from the sleep of death; to reanimate; to revive.
1913 Webster]

To second life
Waked in the renovation of the just.
1913 Webster]

4. To watch, or sit up with, at night, as a dead body.
1913 Webster]

Wake, n. 1. The act of waking, or being awaked; also, the state of being awake. [Obs. or Poetic]
1913 Webster]

Making such difference 'twixt wake and sleep. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Singing her flatteries to my morning wake. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. The state of forbearing sleep, especially for solemn or festive purposes; a vigil.
1913 Webster]

The warlike wakes continued all the night,
1913 Webster]

The wood nymphs, decked with daises trim,
wakes and pastimes keep.
1913 Webster]

3. Specifically: (a) (Ch. of Eng.) An annual parish festival formerly held in commemoration of the dedication of a church. Originally, prayers were said on the evening preceding, and hymns were sung during the night, in the church; subsequently, these vigils were discontinued, and the day itself, often with succeeding days, was occupied in rural pastimes and exercises, attended by eating and drinking, often to excess.
1913 Webster]

Great solemnities were made in all churches, and great fairs and wakes throughout all England. Ld. Berners.
1913 Webster]

And every village smokes at wakes with lusty cheer. Drayton.
1913 Webster]

(b) The sitting up of persons with a dead body, often attended with a degree of festivity, chiefly among the Irish. \'bdBlithe as shepherd at a wake.\'b8 Cowper.
1913 Webster]

Wake play, the ceremonies and pastimes connected with a wake. See Wake, n., 3 (b), above. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wake"ful (?), a. Not sleeping; indisposed to sleep; watchful; vigilant.
1913 Webster]

Dissembling sleep, but wakeful with the fright. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

-- Wake"ful*ly, adv. -- Wake"ful*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Wak"en (?), v. i. [imp. & p. pr. Wakened (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wakening.] [OE. waknen, AS. w\'91cnan; akin to Goth. gawaknan. See Wake, v. i.] To wake; to cease to sleep; to be awakened.
1913 Webster]

Early, Turnus wakening with the light. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Wak"en, v. t. 1. To excite or rouse from sleep; to wake; to awake; to awaken. \'bdGo, waken Eve.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. To excite; to rouse; to move to action; to awaken.
1913 Webster]

Then Homer's and Tyrt\'91us' martial muse
Wakened the world.
1913 Webster]

Venus now wakes, and wakens love. Milton.
1913 Webster]

They introduce
waken raptures high.
1913 Webster]

Wak"en*er (?), n. One who wakens.
1913 Webster]

Wak"en*ing, n. 1. The act of one who wakens; esp., the act of ceasing to sleep; an awakening.
1913 Webster]

2. (Scots Law) The revival of an action. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

They were too much ashamed to bring any wakening of the process against Janet. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wak"er (?), n. One who wakes.
1913 Webster]

Wake"-rob`in (?), n. (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Arum, especially, in England, the cuckoopint (Arum maculatum).
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Wake"time` (?), n. Time during which one is awake. [R.] Mrs. Browning.
1913 Webster]

Wakf (w, n. [Ar. waqf.] (Moham. Law) The granting or dedication of property in trust for a pious purpose, that is, to some object that tends to the good of mankind, as to support a mosque or caravansary, to provide for support of one's family, kin, or neighbors, to benefit some particular person or persons and afterward the poor, etc.; also, the trust so created, or the property in trust.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"kif (w, n. [Ar. w\'beqif.] (Moham. Law) The person creating a wakf.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wak"ing, n. 1. The act of waking, or the state or period of being awake.
1913 Webster]

2. A watch; a watching. [Obs.] \'bdBodily pain . . . standeth in prayer, in wakings, in fastings.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

In the fourth waking of the night. Wyclif (Matt. xiv. 25).
1913 Webster]

Wa"la*way (?), interj. See Welaway. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wald (?), n. [AS. weald. See Wold.] A forest; -- used as a termination of names. See Weald.
1913 Webster]

Wal*den"ses (?; 277), n. pl. [So called from Petrus Waldus, or Peter Waldo, a merchant of Lyons, who founded this sect about a. d. 1170.] (Eccl. Hist.) A sect of dissenters from the ecclesiastical system of the Roman Catholic Church, who in the 13th century were driven by persecution to the valleys of Piedmont, where the sect survives. They profess substantially Protestant principles.
1913 Webster]

Wal*den"sian (?), a. Of or pertaining to the Waldenses. -- n. One Holding the Waldensian doctrines.
1913 Webster]

Wald"grave (?), n. [See Wald, and Margrave.] In the old German empire, the head forest keeper.
1913 Webster]

\'d8Wald*hei"mi*a (?), n. [NL.] (Zo\'94l.) A genus of brachiopods of which many species are found in the fossil state. A few still exist in the deep sea.
1913 Webster]

Wale (?), n. [AS. walu a mark of stripes or blows, probably originally, a rod; akin to Icel. v\'94lr, Goth. walus a rod, staff. Goal, Weal a wale.]
1913 Webster]

1. A streak or mark made on the skin by a rod or whip; a stripe; a wheal. See Wheal. Holland.
Syn. -- welt; weal; wheal.
1913 Webster]

2. A ridge or streak rising above the surface, as of cloth; hence, the texture of cloth.
1913 Webster]

Thou 'rt rougher far,
wale, fuller of pride.
Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

3. (Carp.) A timber bolted to a row of piles to secure them together and in position. Knight.
1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.) (a) pl. Certain sets or strakes of the outside planking of a vessel; as, the main wales, or the strakes of planking under the port sills of the gun deck; channel wales, or those along the spar deck, etc. (b) A wale knot, or wall knot.
1913 Webster]

Wale knot. (Naut.) See Wall knot, under 1st Wall.
1913 Webster]

Wale, v. t. 1. To mark with wales, or stripes.
1913 Webster]

2. To choose; to select; specifically (Mining), to pick out the refuse of (coal) by hand, in order to clean it. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"er (?), n. [From Wales, i.e., New South Wales.] A horse imported from New South Wales; also, any Australian horse. [Colloq.] Kipling.

Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wal*hal"la (?), n. [Cf. G. walhalla, See Valhalla.] See Valhalla.
1913 Webster]

Wal"ing (?), n. (Naut.) Same as Wale, n., 4.
1913 Webster]

Walk (w, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Walked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Walking.] [OE. walken, probably from AS. wealcan to roll, turn, revolve, akin to D. walken to felt hats, to work a hat, G. walken to full, OHG. walchan to beat, to full, Icel. v\'belka to roll, to stamp, Sw. valka to full, to roll, Dan. valke to full; cf. Skr. valg to spring; but cf. also AS. weallian to roam, ramble, G. wallen.
1913 Webster]

1. To move along on foot; to advance by steps; to go on at a moderate pace; specifically, of two-legged creatures, to proceed at a slower or faster rate, but without running, or lifting one foot entirely before the other touches the ground.
1913 Webster]

At the end of twelve months, he walked in the palace of the kingdom of Babylon. Dan. iv. 29.
1913 Webster]

When Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. Matt. xiv. 29.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

2. To move or go on the feet for exercise or amusement; to take one's exercise; to ramble.
1913 Webster]

3. To be stirring; to be abroad; to go restlessly about; -- said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person; to go about as a somnambulist or a specter.
1913 Webster]

I have heard, but not believed, the spirits of the dead
walk again.
1913 Webster]

When was it she last walked? Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. To be in motion; to act; to move; to wag. [Obs.] \'bdHer tongue did walk in foul reproach.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Do you think I'd walk in any plot? B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

I heard a pen walking in the chimney behind the cloth. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

5. To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct one's self.
1913 Webster]

We walk perversely with God, and he will walk crookedly toward us. Jer. Taylor.
1913 Webster]

6. To move off; to depart. [Obs. or Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

He will make their cows and garrans to walk. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

To walk in, to go in; to enter, as into a house. -- To walk after the flesh (Script.), to indulge sensual appetites, and to live in sin. Rom. viii. 1. -- To walk after the Spirit (Script.), to be guided by the counsels and influences of the Spirit, and by the word of God. Rom. viii. 1. -- To walk by faith (Script.), to live in the firm belief of the gospel and its promises, and to rely on Christ for salvation. 2 Cor. v. 7. -- To walk in darkness (Script.), to live in ignorance, error, and sin. 1 John i. 6. -- To walk in the flesh (Script.), to live this natural life, which is subject to infirmities and calamities. 2 Cor. x. 3. -- To walk in the light (Script.), to live in the practice of religion, and to enjoy its consolations. 1 John i. 7. -- To walk over, in racing, to go over a course at a walk; -- said of a horse when there is no other entry; hence, colloquially, to gain an easy victory in any contest.<-- = to win in a walk. --> -- To walk through the fire (Script.), to be exercised with severe afflictions. Isa. xliii. 2. -- To walk with God (Script.), to live in obedience to his commands, and have communion with him.
1913 Webster]

Walk, v. t. 1. To pass through, over, or upon; to traverse; to perambulate; as, to walk the streets.
1913 Webster]

As we walk our earthly round. Keble.
1913 Webster]

2. To cause to walk; to lead, drive, or ride with a slow pace; as, to walk one's horses; to walk the dog. \'bd I will rather trust . . . a thief to walk my ambling gelding.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster +PJC]

3. [AS. wealcan to roll. See Walk to move on foot.] To subject, as cloth or yarn, to the fulling process; to full. [Obs. or Scot.]
1913 Webster]

4. (Sporting) To put or keep (a puppy) in a walk; to train (puppies) in a walk. [Cant]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

5. To move in a manner likened to walking. [Colloq.]

She walked a spinning wheel into the house, making it use first one and then the other of its own spindling legs to achieve progression rather than lifting it by main force. C. E. Craddock.

To walk one's chalks, to make off; take French leave. -- To walk the plank, to walk off the plank into the water and be drowned; -- an expression derived from the practice of pirates who extended a plank from the side of a ship, and compelled those whom they would drown to walk off into the water; figuratively, to vacate an office by compulsion. Bartlett.
1913 Webster]

Walk, n. 1. The act of walking, or moving on the feet with a slow pace; advance without running or leaping.
1913 Webster]

2. The act of walking for recreation or exercise; as, a morning walk; an evening walk.
1913 Webster]

3. Manner of walking; gait; step; as, we often know a person at a distance by his walk.
1913 Webster]

4. That in or through which one walks; place or distance walked over; a place for walking; a path or avenue prepared for foot passengers, or for taking air and exercise; way; road; hence, a place or region in which animals may graze; place of wandering; range; as, a sheep walk.
1913 Webster]

A woody mountain . . . with goodliest trees
walks and bowers.
1913 Webster]

He had walk for a hundred sheep. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

Amid the sound of steps that beat
walks like rain.
1913 Webster]

5. A frequented track; habitual place of action; sphere; as, the walk of the historian.
1913 Webster]

The mountains are his walks. Sandys.
1913 Webster]

He opened a boundless walk for his imagination. Pope.
1913 Webster]

6. Conduct; course of action; behavior.
1913 Webster]

7. The route or district regularly served by a vender; as, a milkman's walk. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

8. In coffee, coconut, and other plantations, the space between them.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

9. (Sporting) (a) A place for keeping and training puppies. (b) An inclosed area of some extent to which a gamecock is confined to prepare him for fighting.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

<-- p. 1624 -->
1913 Webster]

Walk"a*ble (?), a. Fit to be walked on; capable of being walked on or over. [R.] Swift.
1913 Webster]

Walk"er (?), n. 1. One who walks; a pedestrian.
1913 Webster]

2. That with which one walks; a foot. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Lame Mulciber, his walkers quite misgrown. Chapman.
1913 Webster]

3. (Law) A forest officer appointed to walk over a certain space for inspection; a forester.
1913 Webster]

4. [AS. wealcere. See Walk, v. t., 3.] A fuller of cloth. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

She cursed the weaver and the walker
Percy's Reliques.
1913 Webster]

5. (Zo\'94l.) Any ambulatorial orthopterous insect, as a stick insect.
1913 Webster]

6. (construction, tunneling) A shift superintendent or assistant superintendent who supervises several shifters(4} and their crews. Since these crews are usually separated by some distance, the walker is frequently seen walking between them. Also called walking boss.

Walk"ing, a. & n. from Walk, v.
1913 Webster]

Walking beam. See Beam, 10. -- Walking crane, a kind of traveling crane. See under Crane. -- Walking fern. (Bot.) See Walking leaf, below. -- Walking fish (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of Asiatic fishes of the genus Ophiocephalus, some of which, as Ophiocephalus marulius, become over four feet long. They have a special cavity over the gills lined with a membrane adapted to retain moisture to aid in respiration, and are thus able to travel considerable distances over the land at night, whence the name. They construct a curious nest for their young. Called also langya. -- Walking gentleman (Theater), an actor who usually fills subordinate parts which require a gentlemanly appearance but few words. [Cant] -- Walking lady (Theater), an actress who usually fills such parts as require only a ladylike appearance on the stage. [Cant] -- Walking leaf. (a) (Bot.) A little American fern (Camptosorus rhizophyllus); -- so called because the fronds taper into slender prolongations which often root at the apex, thus producing new plants. (b) (Zo\'94l.) A leaf insect. See under Leaf. -- Walking papers, or Walking ticket, an order to leave; dismissal, as from office; as, to get one's walking papers, i. e. to be dismissed or fired. [Colloq.] Bartlett. -- Walking stick. (a) A stick or staff carried in the hand for hand for support or amusement when walking; a cane. (b) (Zo\'94l.) A stick insect; -- called also walking straw. See Illust. of Stick insect, under Stick. -- Walking wheel (Mach.), a prime mover consisting of a wheel driven by the weight of men or animals walking either in it or on it; a treadwheel.
1913 Webster]

Walk"-mill` (?), n. [Walk to Walking Leaf, or full + mill.] A fulling mill. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

walk"-off` (?), a. (Baseball) Game-ending and game-winning; such as to end the game immediately, and allow the players to walk off the field; -- of hits, especially home runs, which occur in the last half of the ninth or a later inning, which put the home team ahead of the visiting team and thereby end the game immediatey. This occurs in baseball because, when the last half of the ninth inning arrives, if the home team (which bats last) is already ahead in the score the last half of that inning is not played, the winner of the game having already been decided. Likewise, as soon as the home team gets ahead in the score after the visiting team has batted in the ninth inning, the game is ended. [Baseball jargon]

Curtis's homer over the left-center-field fence beat the Braves and was the first walk-off homer by a Yankee in the World Series since Mickey Mantle slugged one against the St. Louis Cardinals in game 3 in 1964. Jack Curry (New York Times, Oct. 28, 1999 p. D4)

There are so many people in here who are happy for Chad. We know what he's been through. Those hits could make Chad Curtis's whole year. When you hit a walk-off homer in the World Series, that's something he's going to remember for a long time. Paul O'Neill (the Yankee outfielder, quoted by Jack Curry in the New York Times, Oct. 27, 1999 p. D4)

Walk"-o`ver (?), n. In racing, the going over a course by a horse which has no competitor for the prize.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence: (colloquially) A one-sided contest; an uncontested, or an easy, victory.
Syn. -- walk; cake-walk.
1913 Webster +PJC]

Wal"kyr, n. (Scand. Myth.) See Valkyria.
1913 Webster]

Wall (?), n. (Naut.) A kind of knot often used at the end of a rope; a wall knot; a wale.
1913 Webster]

Wall knot, a knot made by unlaying the strands of a rope, and making a bight with the first strand, then passing the second over the end of the first, and the third over the end of the second and through the bight of the first; a wale knot. Wall knots may be single or double, crowned or double-crowned.
1913 Webster]

Wall (?), n. [AS. weall, from L. vallum a wall, vallus a stake, pale, palisade; akin to Gr. Interval.]
1913 Webster]

1. A work or structure of stone, brick, or other materials, raised to some height, and intended for defense or security, solid and permanent inclosing fence, as around a field, a park, a town, etc., also, one of the upright inclosing parts of a building or a room.
1913 Webster]

The plaster of the wall of the King's palace. Dan. v. 5.
1913 Webster]

2. A defense; a rampart; a means of protection; in the plural, fortifications, in general; works for defense.
1913 Webster]

The waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. Ex. xiv. 22.
1913 Webster]

In such a night,
1913 Webster]

To rush undaunted to defend the walls. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

3. An inclosing part of a receptacle or vessel; as, the walls of a steam-engine cylinder.
1913 Webster]

4. (Mining) (a) The side of a level or drift. (b) The country rock bounding a vein laterally. Raymond.
1913 Webster]

Wall is often used adjectively, and also in the formation of compounds, usually of obvious signification; as in wall paper, or wall-paper; wall fruit, or wall-fruit; wallflower, etc.
1913 Webster]

Blank wall, Blind wall, etc. See under Blank, Blind, etc. -- To drive to the wall, to bring to extremities; to push to extremes; to get the advantage of, or mastery over. -- To go to the wall, to be hard pressed or driven; to be the weaker party; to be pushed to extremes. -- To take the wall. to take the inner side of a walk, that is, the side next the wall; hence, to take the precedence. \'bdI will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's.\'b8 Shak. -- Wall barley (Bot.), a kind of grass (Hordeum murinum) much resembling barley; squirrel grass. See under Squirrel. -- Wall box. (Mach.) See Wall frame, below. -- Wall creeper (Zo\'94l.), a small bright-colored bird (Tichodroma muraria) native of Asia and Southern Europe. It climbs about over old walls and cliffs in search of insects and spiders. Its body is ash-gray above, the wing coverts are carmine-red, the primary quills are mostly red at the base and black distally, some of them with white spots, and the tail is blackish. Called also spider catcher. -- Wall cress (Bot.), a name given to several low cruciferous herbs, especially to the mouse-ear cress. See under Mouse-ear. -- Wall frame (Mach.), a frame set in a wall to receive a pillow block or bearing for a shaft passing through the wall; -- called also wall box. -- Wall fruit, fruit borne by trees trained against a wall. -- Wall gecko (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of Old World geckos which live in or about buildings and run over the vertical surfaces of walls, to which they cling by means of suckers on the feet. -- Wall lizard (Zo\'94l.), a common European lizard (Lacerta muralis) which frequents houses, and lives in the chinks and crevices of walls; -- called also wall newt. -- Wall louse, a wood louse. -- Wall moss (Bot.), any species of moss growing on walls. -- Wall newt (Zo\'94l.), the wall lizard. Shak. -- Wall paper, paper for covering the walls of rooms; paper hangings. -- Wall pellitory (Bot.), a European plant (Parictaria officinalis) growing on old walls, and formerly esteemed medicinal. -- Wall pennywort (Bot.), a plant (Cotyledon Umbilicus) having rounded fleshy leaves. It is found on walls in Western Europe. -- Wall pepper (Bot.), a low mosslike plant (Sedum acre) with small fleshy leaves having a pungent taste and bearing yellow flowers. It is common on walls and rocks in Europe, and is sometimes seen in America. -- Wall pie (Bot.), a kind of fern; wall rue. -- Wall piece, a gun planted on a wall. H. L. Scott. -- Wall plate (Arch.), a piece of timber placed horizontally upon a wall, and supporting posts, joists, and the like. See Illust. of Roof. -- Wall rock, granular limestone used in building walls. [U. S.] Bartlett. -- Wall rue (Bot.), a species of small fern (Asplenium Ruta-muraria) growing on walls, rocks, and the like. -- Wall spring, a spring of water issuing from stratified rocks. -- Wall tent, a tent with upright cloth sides corresponding to the walls of a house. -- Wall wasp (Zo\'94l.), a common European solitary wasp (Odynerus parietus) which makes its nest in the crevices of walls.
1913 Webster]

Wall (, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Walled (; p. pr. & vb. n. Walling.] 1. To inclose with a wall, or as with a wall. \'bdSeven walled towns of strength.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

The king of Thebes, Amphion,
walled that city.
1913 Webster]

2. To defend by walls, or as if by walls; to fortify.
1913 Webster]

The terror of his name that walls us in. Denham.
1913 Webster]

3. To close or fill with a wall, as a doorway.
1913 Webster]

Wal"la*ba (?), n. (Bot.) A leguminous tree (Eperua falcata) of Demerara, with pinnate leaves and clusters of red flowers. The reddish brown wood is used for palings and shingles. J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants).
1913 Webster]

Wal"la*by (?), n.; pl. Wallabies (#). [From a native name.] (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of kangaroos belonging to the genus Halmaturus, native of Australia and Tasmania, especially the smaller species, as the brush kangaroo (Halmaturus Bennettii) and the pademelon (Halmaturus thetidis). The wallabies chiefly inhabit the wooded district and bushy plains. [Written also wallabee, and whallabee.]
1913 Webster]

Wal*la"chi*an (?), a. [Also Walachian, Wallach, Wallack, Vlach, etc.] Of or pertaining to Wallachia, a former principality, now part of the kingdom, of Roumania. -- n. An inhabitant of Wallachia; also, the language of the Wallachians; Roumanian.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wal"lack (?), a. & n. See Wallachian.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wal"lah (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A black variety of the jaguar; -- called also tapir tiger. [Written also walla.]
1913 Webster]

Wal`la*roo" (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of kangaroos of the genus Macropus, especially Macropus robustus, sometimes called the great wallaroo.
1913 Webster]

Wall"bird` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The spotted flycatcher. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wall"er (?), n. One who builds walls.
1913 Webster]

Wall"er, n. [G.] (Zo\'94l.) The wels.
1913 Webster]

Wal*le"ri*an de*gen`er*a"tion (?). (Med.) A form of degeneration occurring in nerve fibers as a result of their division; -- so called from Dr. Waller, who published an account of it in 1850.
1913 Webster]

Wal"let (?), n. [OE. walet, probably the same word as OE. watel a bag. See Wattle.] 1. A bag or sack for carrying about the person, as a bag for carrying the necessaries for a journey; a knapsack; a beggar's receptacle for charity; a peddler's pack.
1913 Webster]

[His hood] was trussed up in his walet. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. A pocketbook for keeping money about the person.
1913 Webster]

3. Anything protuberant and swagging. \'bdWallets of flesh.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wal`let*eer" (?), n. One who carries a wallet; a foot traveler; a tramping beggar. [Colloq.] Wright.
1913 Webster]

Wall"-eye` (?), n. [See Wall-eyed.]
1913 Webster]

1. An eye in which the iris is of a very light gray or whitish color; -- said usually of horses. Booth.
1913 Webster]

wall-eye to be \'bda disease in the crystalline humor of the eye; glaucoma.\'b8 But glaucoma is not a disease of the crystalline humor, nor is wall-eye a disease at all, but merely a natural blemish. Tully. In the north of England, as Brockett states, persons are said to be wall-eyed when the white of the eye is very large and distorted, or on one side.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) (a) An American fresh-water food fish (Stizostedion vitreum) having large and prominent eyes; -- called also glasseye, pike perch, yellow pike, and wall-eyed perch. (b) A California surf fish (Holconotus argenteus). (c) The alewife; -- called also wall-eyed herring.
1913 Webster]

Wall"-eyed` (?), a. [Icel. valdeyg, or vagleygr; fr. vagl a beam, a beam in the eye (akin to Sw. vagel a roost, a perch, a sty in the eye) + eygr having eyes (from auga eye). See Eye.] Having an eye of a very light gray or whitish color. Booth.
1913 Webster]

wall-eyed as a term of reproach (as \'bdwall-eyed rage,\'b8 a \'bdwall-eyed wretch\'b8), alludes probably to the idea of unnatural or distorted vision. See the Note under Wall-eye. It is an eye which is utterly and incurably perverted, an eye that knows no pity.
1913 Webster]

Wall"flow`er (?), n. 1. (Bot.) A perennial, cruciferous plant (Cheiranthus Cheiri), with sweet-scented flowers varying in color from yellow to orange and deep red. In Europe it very common on old walls.
1913 Webster]

Cheiranthus and of the related genus Erysimum, especially the American Western wallflower (Erysimum asperum), a biennial herb with orange-yellow flowers.
1913 Webster]

2. A lady at a ball, who, either from choice, or because not asked to dance, remains a spectator. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) In Australia, the desert poison bush (Gastrolobium grandiflorum); -- called also native wallflower.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wall"hick` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The lesser spotted woodpecker (Dryobates minor). [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wall"ing, n. 1. The act of making a wall or walls.
1913 Webster]

2. Walls, in general; material for walls.
1913 Webster]

Walling wax, a composition of wax and tallow used by etchers and engravers to make a bank, or wall, round the edge of a plate, so as to form a trough for holding the acid used in etching, and the like. Fairholt.
1913 Webster]

Wal*loons" (?), n. pl.; sing. Walloon (. [Cf. F. wallon.] A Romanic people inhabiting that part of Belgium which comprises the provinces of Hainaut, Namur, Li\'82ge, and Luxembourg, and about one third of Brabant; also, the language spoken by this people. Used also adjectively. [Written also Wallons.] \'bdA base Walloon . . . thrust Talbot with a spear.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Walloon guard, the bodyguard of the Spanish monarch; -- so called because formerly consisting of Walloons.
1913 Webster]

Wal"lop (?), v. i. [Cf. OFlem. walop a gallop; of uncertain origin. Cf. Gallop.] To move quickly, but with great effort; to gallop. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"lop, n. A quick, rolling movement; a gallop. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"lop, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Walloped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Walloping.] [Probably fr. AS. weallan to spring up, to boil or bubble. Well, n. & v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. To boil with a continued bubbling or heaving and rolling, with noise. [Prov. Eng.] Brockett.
1913 Webster]

2. To move in a rolling, cumbersome manner; to waddle. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

3. To be slatternly. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wal"lop, v. t. 1. To beat soundly; to flog; to whip. [Prov. Eng., Scot., & Colloq. U. S.]
1913 Webster]

2. To wrap up temporarily. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

3. To throw or tumble over. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"lop, n. 1. A thick piece of fat. Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

2. A blow. [Prov. Eng., Scot., & Colloq. U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"low (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wallowed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wallowing.] [OE. walwen, AS. wealwian; akin to Goth. walwjan (in comp.) to roll, L. volvere; cf. Skr. val to turn. \'fb147. Cf. Voluble Well, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To roll one's self about, as in mire; to tumble and roll about; to move lazily or heavily in any medium; to flounder; as, swine wallow in the mire.
1913 Webster]

I may wallow in the lily beds. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To live in filth or gross vice; to disport one's self in a beastly and unworthy manner.
1913 Webster]

God sees a man wallowing in his native impurity. South.
1913 Webster]

3. To wither; to fade. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"low, v. t. To roll; esp., to roll in anything defiling or unclean. \'bdWallow thyself in ashes.\'b8 Jer. vi. 26.
1913 Webster]

Wal"low, n. A kind of rolling walk.
1913 Webster]

One taught the toss, and one the new French wallow. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. Act of wallowing.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. A place to which an animal comes to wallow; also, the depression in the ground made by its wallowing; as, a buffalo wallow.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wal"low*er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, wallows.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mach.) A lantern wheel; a trundle.
1913 Webster]

Wal"low*ish, a. [Scot. wallow to fade or wither.] Flat; insipid. [Obs.] Overbury.
1913 Webster]

Wall"-plat` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The spotted flycatcher. It builds its nest on walls. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wall"-sid`ed (?), a. (Naut.) Having sides nearly perpendicular; -- said of certain vessels to distinguish them from those having flaring sides, or sides tumbling home (see under Tumble, v. i.).
1913 Webster]

Wall Street. A street towards the southern end of the borough of Manhattan, New York City, extending from Broadway to the East River; -- so called from the old wall which extended along it when the city belonged to the Dutch. It is the chief financial center of the United States, hence the name is often used for the money market and the financial interests of the country; -- in American financial publications, also referred to as the street.
Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Wall"wort` (?), n. (Bot.) The dwarf elder, or danewort (Sambucus Ebulus).
1913 Webster]

Walm (?), v. i. [AS. weallan; cf. w\'91lm, billow. \'fb147.] To roll; to spout; to boil up. [Obs.] Holland.
1913 Webster]

Wal"nut (?), n. [OE. walnot, AS. wealh-hnutu a Welsh or foreign nut, a walnut; wealh foreign, strange, n., a Welshman, Celt (akin to OHG. Walh, properly, a Celt, from the name of a Celtic tribe, in L. Volcae) + hnutu a nut; akin to D. walnoot, G. walnuss, Icel. valhnot, Sw. valn\'94t, Dan valn\'94d. See Nut, and cf. Welsh.] (Bot.) The fruit or nut of any tree of the genus Juglans; also, the tree, and its timber. The seven or eight known species are all natives of the north temperate zone.
1913 Webster]

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1913 Webster]

walnut is given to several species of hickory (Carya), and their fruit.
1913 Webster]

Ash-leaved walnut, a tree (Juglans fraxinifolia), native in Transcaucasia. -- Black walnut, a North American tree (Juglans nigra) valuable for its purplish brown wood, which is extensively used in cabinetwork and for gunstocks. The nuts are thick-shelled, and nearly globular. -- English walnut, or European walnut, a tree (Juglans regia), native of Asia from the Caucasus to Japan, valuable for its timber and for its excellent nuts, which are also called Madeira nuts. -- Walnut brown, a deep warm brown color, like that of the heartwood of the black walnut. -- Walnut oil, oil extracted from walnut meats. It is used in cooking, making soap, etc. -- White walnut, a North American tree (Juglans cinerea), bearing long, oval, thick-shelled, oily nuts, commonly called butternuts. See Butternut.
1913 Webster]

Wal"rus (?), n. [D. walrus; of Scand. origin; cf. Dan valros, Sw. vallross, Norw. hvalros; literally, whale horse; akin to Icel. hrosshvalr, AS. horshw\'91l. See Whale, and Horse.] (Zo\'94l.) A very large marine mammal (Trichecus rosmarus) of the Seal family, native of the Arctic Ocean. The male has long and powerful tusks descending from the upper jaw. It uses these in procuring food and in fighting. It is hunted for its oil, ivory, and skin. It feeds largely on mollusks. Called also morse.
1913 Webster]

Trichecus obesus) is regarded by some as a distinct species, by others as a variety of the common walrus.
1913 Webster]

Wal"ter (?), v. i. [See Welter.] To roll or wallow; to welter. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wal"tron (?), n. A walrus. [Obs.] Woodward.
1913 Webster]

Wal"ty (?), a. [Cf. Walter to roll.] Liable to roll over; crank; as, a walty ship. [R.] Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Waltz (?), n. [G. walzer, from walzen to roll, revolve, dance, OHG. walzan to roll; akin to AS. wealtan. See Welter.] A dance performed by two persons in circular figures with a whirling motion; also, a piece of music composed in triple measure for this kind of dance.
1913 Webster]

Waltz, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waltzed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waltzing.] To dance a waltz.
1913 Webster]

Waltz"er (?), n. A person who waltzes.
1913 Webster]

Wal"we (?), v. To wallow. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ly (?), interj. [Cf. Welaway.] An exclamation of grief. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wam"ble (?), v. i. [Cf. Dan. vamle, and vammel squeamish, ready to vomit, Icel. v\'91ma to feel nausea, v\'91minn nauseous.] 1. To heave; to be disturbed by nausea; -- said of the stomach. L'Estrange.
1913 Webster]

2. To move irregularly to and fro; to roll.
1913 Webster]

Wam"ble, n. Disturbance of the stomach; a feeling of nausea. Holland.
1913 Webster]

Wam"ble-cropped` (?), a. Sick at the stomach; also, crestfallen; dejected. [Slang]
1913 Webster]

Wam"mel (?), v. i. To move irregularly or awkwardly; to wamble, or wabble. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wamp (?), n. [From the North American Indian name.] (Zo\'94l.) The common American eider.
1913 Webster]

Wam*pee" (?), n. (Bot.) (a) A tree (Cookia punctata) of the Orange family, growing in China and the East Indies; also, its fruit, which is about the size of a large grape, and has a hard rind and a peculiar flavor. (b) The pickerel weed. [Southern U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wam"pum (?), n. [North American Indian wampum, wompam, from the Mass. w\'a2mpi, Del. w\'bepe, white.] Beads made of shells, used by the North American Indians as money, and also wrought into belts, etc., as an ornament.
1913 Webster]

Round his waist his belt of wampum. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Girded with his wampum braid. Whittier.
1913 Webster]

wampum is properly applied only to the white; the dark purple ones are called suckanhock. See Seawan. \'bdIt [wampum] consisted of cylindrical pieces of the shells of testaceous fishes, a quarter of an inch long, and in diameter less than a pipestem, drilled . . . so as to be strung upon a thread. The beads of a white color, rated at half the value of the black or violet, passed each as the equivalent of a farthing in transactions between the natives and the planters.\'b8 Palfrey.
1913 Webster]

Wan (?), obs. imp. of Win. Won. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wan (, a. [AS. wann, wonn, wan, won, dark, lurid, livid, perhaps originally, worn out by toil, from winnan to labor, strive. See Win.] Having a pale or sickly hue; languid of look; pale; pallid. \'bdSad to view, his visage pale and wan.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

My color . . . [is] wan and of a leaden hue. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Why so pale and wan, fond lover? Suckling.
1913 Webster]

With the wan moon overhead. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Wan, n. The quality of being wan; wanness. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Tinged with wan from lack of sleep. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Wan (?), v. i. To grow wan; to become pale or sickly in looks. \'bdAll his visage wanned.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

And ever he mutter'd and madden'd, and ever wann'd with despair. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Wand (?), n. [Of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v\'94ndr, akin to Dan. vaand, Goth. wandus; perhaps originally, a pliant twig, and akin to E. wind to turn.] 1. A small stick; a rod; a verge.
1913 Webster]

With good smart blows of a wand on his back. Locke.
1913 Webster]

2. Specifically: (a) A staff of authority.
1913 Webster]

Though he had both spurs and wand, they seemed rather marks of sovereignty than instruments of punishment. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

(b) A rod used by conjurers, diviners, magicians, etc.
1913 Webster]

Picus bore a buckler in his hand;
1913 Webster]

Wand of peace (Scots Law), a wand, or staff, carried by the messenger of a court, which he breaks when deforced (that is, hindered from executing process), as a symbol of the deforcement, and protest for remedy of law. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Wan"der (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wandered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wandering.] [OE. wandren, wandrien, AS. wandrian; akin to G. wandern to wander; fr. AS. windan to turn. See Wind to turn.]
1913 Webster]

1. To ramble here and there without any certain course or with no definite object in view; to range about; to stroll; to rove; as, to wander over the fields.
1913 Webster]

They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins. Heb. xi. 37.
1913 Webster]

He wandereth abroad for bread. Job xv. 23.
1913 Webster]

2. To go away; to depart; to stray off; to deviate; to go astray; as, a writer wanders from his subject.
1913 Webster]

When God caused me to wander from my father's house. Gen. xx. 13.
1913 Webster]

O, let me not wander from thy commandments. Ps. cxix. 10.
1913 Webster]

3. To be delirious; not to be under the guidance of reason; to rave; as, the mind wanders.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- To roam; rove; range; stroll; gad; stray; straggly; err; swerve; deviate; depart.
1913 Webster]

Wan"der, v. t. To travel over without a certain course; to traverse; to stroll through. [R.] \'bd[Elijah] wandered this barren waste.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wan"der*er (?), n. One who wanders; a rambler; one who roves; hence, one who deviates from duty.
1913 Webster]

Wan"der*ing, a. & n. from Wander, v.
1913 Webster]

Wandering albatross (Zo\'94l.), the great white albatross. See Illust. of Albatross. -- Wandering cell (Physiol.), an animal cell which possesses the power of spontaneous movement, as one of the white corpuscles of the blood. -- Wandering Jew (Bot.), any one of several creeping species of Tradescantia, which have alternate, pointed leaves, and a soft, herbaceous stem which roots freely at the joints. They are commonly cultivated in hanging baskets, window boxes, etc. -- Wandering kidney (Med.), a morbid condition in which one kidney, or, rarely, both kidneys, can be moved in certain directions; -- called also floating kidney, movable kidney. -- Wandering liver (Med.), a morbid condition of the liver, similar to wandering kidney. -- Wandering mouse (Zo\'94l.), the whitefooted, or deer, mouse. See Illust. of Mouse. -- Wandering spider (Zo\'94l.), any one of a tribe of spiders that wander about in search of their prey.
1913 Webster]

Wan"der*ing*ly, adv. In a wandering manner.
1913 Webster]

Wan"der*ment (?), n. The act of wandering, or roaming. [Obs.] Bp. Hall.
1913 Webster]

Wan`der*oo" (?), n. [Cingalese wanderu a monkey.] (Zo\'94l.) A large monkey (Macacus silenus) native of Malabar. It is black, or nearly so, but has a long white or gray beard encircling the face. Called also maha, silenus, neelbhunder, lion-tailed baboon, and great wanderoo. [Written also ouanderoo.]
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Wand"y (?), a. Long and flexible, like a wand. [Prov. Eng.] Brockett.
1913 Webster]

Wane (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waning.] [OE. wanien, AS. wanian, wonian, from wan, won, deficient, wanting; akin to D. wan-, G. wahnsinn, insanity, OHG. wan, wana-, lacking, wan to lessen, Icel. vanr lacking, Goth. vans; cf. Gr. wanting, inferior. Want lack, and Wanton.]
1913 Webster]

1. To be diminished; to decrease; -- contrasted with wax, and especially applied to the illuminated part of the moon.
1913 Webster]

Like the moon, aye wax ye and wane.
Waning moons their settled periods keep.
1913 Webster]

2. To decline; to fail; to sink.
1913 Webster]

You saw but sorrow in its waning form. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Land and trade ever will wax and wane together. Sir J. Child.
1913 Webster]

Wane, v. t. To cause to decrease. [Obs.] B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

Wane, n. 1. The decrease of the illuminated part of the moon to the eye of a spectator.
1913 Webster]

2. Decline; failure; diminution; decrease; declension.
1913 Webster]

An age in which the church is in its wane. South.
1913 Webster]

Though the year be on the wane. Keble.
1913 Webster]

3. An inequality in a board. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

4. (Forestry) The natural curvature of a log or of the edge of a board sawed from a log.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wan"ey (?), n. A sharp or uneven edge on a board that is cut from a log not perfectly squared, or that is made in the process of squaring. See Wany, a.
1913 Webster]

Wang (?), n. [OE. wange, AS. wange, wonge, cheek, jaw; akin to D. wang, OS. & OHG. wanga, G. wange.]
1913 Webster]

1. The jaw, jawbone, or cheek bone. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

So work aye the wangs in his head. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. A slap; a blow. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wang tooth, a cheek tooth; a molar. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wang (?), n. See Whang. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wan"gan (?), n. [American Indian.] A boat for conveying provisions, tools, etc.; -- so called by Maine lumbermen. [Written also wangun.] Bartlett.
1913 Webster]

Wang"er (?), n. [AS. wangere. See 1st Wang.] A pillow for the cheek; a pillow. [Obs. & R.]
1913 Webster]

His bright helm was his wanger. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wang*hee" (?), n. [Chin. wang yellow + he a root.] (Bot.) The Chinese name of one or two species of bamboo, or jointed cane, of the genus Phyllostachys. The slender stems are much used for walking sticks. [Written also whanghee.]
1913 Webster]

Wang"o (?), n. A boomerang.
1913 Webster]

Wan"hope` (?), n. [AS. wan, won, deficient, wanting + hopa hope: cf. D. wanhoop. . See Wane, and Hope.] Want of hope; despair; also, faint or delusive hope; delusion. [Obs.] Piers Plowman. \'bdWanhope and distress.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wan"horn` (?), n. [Corruption fr. Siamese wanhom.] (Bot.) An East Indian plant (K\'91mpferia Galanga) of the Ginger family. See Galanga.
1913 Webster]

Wan"i*and (?), n. [See Wanion.] The wane of the moon. [Obs.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ing (?), n. The act or process of waning, or decreasing.
1913 Webster]

This earthly moon, the Church, hath fulls and wanings, and sometimes her eclipses. Bp. Hall.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ion (?), n. [Probably for OE. waniand waning, p. pr. of wanien; hence, used of the waning of the moon, supposed to be an unlucky time. See Wane.] A word of uncertain signification, used only in the phrase with a wanion, apparently equivalent to with a vengeance, with a plague, or with misfortune. [Obs.] B. Jonson. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

Wan"kle (?), a. [AS. wancol.] Not to be depended on; weak; unstable. [Prov. Eng.] Grose.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ly (?), adv. In a wan, or pale, manner.
1913 Webster]

Wanned (?), a. Made wan, or pale.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ness (?), n. The quality or state of being wan; a sallow, dead, pale color; paleness; pallor; as, the wanness of the cheeks after a fever.
1913 Webster]

Wan"nish, a. Somewhat wan; of a pale hue.
1913 Webster]

No sun, but a wannish glare,
1913 Webster]

Want (277), n. [Originally an adj., from Icel. vant, neuter of vanr lacking, deficient. Wane, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. The state of not having; the condition of being without anything; absence or scarcity of what is needed or desired; deficiency; lack; as, a want of power or knowledge for any purpose; want of food and clothing.
1913 Webster]

And me, his parent, would full soon devour
want of other prey.
1913 Webster]

From having wishes in consequence of our wants, we often feel wants in consequence of our wishes. Rambler.
1913 Webster]

Pride is as loud a beggar as want, and more saucy. Franklin.
1913 Webster]

2. Specifically, absence or lack of necessaries; destitution; poverty; penury; indigence; need.
1913 Webster]

Nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches, as to conceive how others can be in want. Swift.
1913 Webster]

3. That which is needed or desired; a thing of which the loss is felt; what is not possessed, and is necessary for use or pleasure.
1913 Webster]

Habitual superfluities become actual wants. Paley.
1913 Webster]

4. (Mining) A depression in coal strata, hollowed out before the subsequent deposition took place. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Indigence; deficiency; defect; destitution; lack; failure; dearth; scarceness.
1913 Webster]

Want, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Wanting.]
1913 Webster]

1. To be without; to be destitute of, or deficient in; not to have; to lack; as, to want knowledge; to want judgment; to want learning; to want food and clothing.
1913 Webster]

They that want honesty, want anything. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Nor think, though men were none,
want spectators, God want praise.
1913 Webster]

The unhappy never want enemies. Richardson.
1913 Webster]

2. To have occasion for, as useful, proper, or requisite; to require; to need; as, in winter we want a fire; in summer we want cooling breezes.
1913 Webster]

3. To feel need of; to wish or long for; to desire; to crave. \'bd What wants my son?\'b8 Addison.
1913 Webster]

I want to speak to you about something. A. Trollope.
1913 Webster]

Want, v. i. [Icel. vanta to be wanting. See Want to lack.]
1913 Webster]

1. To be absent; to be deficient or lacking; to fail; not to be sufficient; to fall or come short; to lack; -- often used impersonally with of; as, it wants ten minutes of four.
1913 Webster]

The disposition, the manners, and the thoughts are all before it; where any of those are wanting or imperfect, so much wants or is imperfect in the imitation of human life. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. To be in a state of destitution; to be needy; to lack.
1913 Webster]

You have a gift, sir (thank your education),
B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

For as in bodies, thus in souls, we find
wants in blood and spirits, swelled with wind.
1913 Webster]

Want was formerly used impersonally with an indirect object. \'bdHim wanted audience.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wa'n't (?). A colloquial contraction of was not.
1913 Webster]

Want"age (?), n. That which is wanting; deficiency.
1913 Webster]

Want"ing, a. Absent; lacking; missing; also, deficient; destitute; needy; as, one of the twelve is wanting; I shall not be wanting in exertion.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1626 -->
1913 Webster]

Want"less (?), a. Having no want; abundant; fruitful.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton (?), a. [OE. wantoun, contr. from wantowen; pref. wan- wanting (see Wane, v. i.), hence expressing negation + towen, p. p., AS. togen, p. p. of te\'a2n to draw, to educate, bring up; hence, properly, ill bred. See Tug, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. Untrained; undisciplined; unrestrained; hence, loose; free; luxuriant; roving; sportive. \'bdIn woods and wanton wilderness.\'b8 Spenser. \'bdA wild and wanton herd.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

A wanton and a merry [friar]. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

[She] her unadorned golden tresses wore
wanton ringlets waved.
1913 Webster]

How does your tongue grow wanton in her praise! Addison.
1913 Webster]

2. Wandering from moral rectitude; perverse; dissolute. \'bdMen grown wanton by prosperity.\'b8 Roscommon.
1913 Webster]

3. Specifically: Deviating from the rules of chastity; lewd; lustful; lascivious; libidinous; lecherous.
1913 Webster]

Not with wanton looking of folly. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

[Thou art] froward by nature, enemy to peace,
1913 Webster]

4. Reckless; heedless; as, wanton mischief.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton, n. 1. A roving, frolicsome thing; a trifler; -- used rarely as a term of endearment.
1913 Webster]

I am afeard you make a wanton of me. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Peace, my wantons; he will do
B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

2. One brought up without restraint; a pampered pet.
1913 Webster]

Anything, sir,
Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

3. A lewd person; a lascivious man or woman.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wantoned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wantoning.]
1913 Webster]

1. To rove and ramble without restraint, rule, or limit; to revel; to play loosely; to frolic.
1913 Webster]

Nature here wantoned as in her prime. Milton.
1913 Webster]

How merrily we would sally into the fields, and strip under the first warmth of the sun, and wanton like young dace in the streams! Lamb.
1913 Webster]

2. To sport in lewdness; to play the wanton; to play lasciviously.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton, v. t. To cause to become wanton; also, to waste in wantonness. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton*ize (?), v. i. To behave wantonly; to frolic; to wanton. [R.] Lamb.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton*ly, adv. 1. In a wanton manner; without regularity or restraint; loosely; sportively; gayly; playfully; recklessly; lasciviously.
1913 Webster]

2. Unintentionally; accidentally. [Obs.] J. Dee.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ton*ness, n. The quality or state of being wanton; negligence of restraint; sportiveness; recklessness; lasciviousness. Gower.
1913 Webster]

The tumults threatened to abuse all acts of grace, and turn them into wantonness. Eikon Basilike.
1913 Webster]

Young gentlemen would be as sad as night
1913 Webster]

Wan"trust` (?), n. [Pref. wan- as in wanton + trust.] Failing or diminishing trust; want of trust or confidence; distrust. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Want"wit` (?), n. One destitute of wit or sense; a blockhead; a fool. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wan"ty (?), n. [For womb tie, that is, bellyWomb, and Tie.] A surcingle, or strap of leather, used for binding a load upon the back of a beast; also, a leather tie; a short wagon rope. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wan"y (?), v. i. To wane. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wan"y, a. 1. Waning or diminished in some parts; not of uniform size throughout; -- said especially of sawed boards or timber when tapering or uneven, from being cut too near the outside of the log.
1913 Webster]

2. Spoiled by wet; -- said of timber. Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wanze, v. i. To wane; to wither. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wap (?), v. t. & i. [See Whap.] To beat; to whap. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] Sir T. Malory.
1913 Webster]

Wap, n. A blow or beating; a whap. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wap"a*cut (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The American hawk owl. See under Hawk.
1913 Webster]

Wap"a*too` (?), n. (Bot.) The edible tuber of a species of arrowhead (Sagittaria variabilis); -- so called by the Indians of Oregon. [Written also wappato.]
1913 Webster]

Waped (?), a. [Prov. E. wape pale, v., to stupefy, akin to wap to beat. Cf. Whap, and Wappened.] Cast down; crushed by misery; dejected. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wap"en*take (?; 277), n. [AS. w, w, from Icel. v\'bepnat\'bek, literally, a weapon taking or weapon touching, hence an expression of assent (\'bdsi displicuit sententia fremitu aspernantur; sin placuit frameas concutiunt.\'b8 Tacitus, \'bdGermania,\'b8 xi.). See Weapon, and Take. This name had its origin in a custom of touching lances or spears when the hundreder, or chief, entered on his office. \'bdCum quis accipiebat pr\'91fecturam wapentachii, die statuto in loco ubi consueverant congregari, omnes majores natu contra eum conveniebant, et descendente eo de equo suo, omnes assurgebant ei. Ipse vero, erecta lancea sua, ab omnibus secundum morem fW\'91pnu enim arma sonat; tac, tactus est -- hac de causa totus ille conventus dicitur Wapentac, eo quod per tactum armorum suorum ad invicem confL L. Edward Confessor, 33. D. Wilkins.] In some northern counties of England, a division, or district, answering to the hundred in other counties. Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Nottinghamshire are divided into wapentakes, instead of hundreds. [Written also wapentac.] Selden. Blackstone.
1913 Webster]

Wap"in*schaw (?), n. [Scot. See Weapon, and Show.] An exhibition of arms. according to the rank of the individual, by all persons bearing arms; -- formerly made at certain seasons in each district. [Scot.] Jamieson. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wap"i*ti (?), n. [Probably the Iroquois name. Bartlett.] (Zo\'94l.) The American elk (Cervus Canadensis). It is closely related to the European red deer, which it somewhat exceeds in size.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Wapp (?), n. [CF. Prov. E. wap to wrap up.] (Naut.) (a) A fair-leader. (b) A rope with wall knots in it with which the shrouds are set taut.
1913 Webster]

Wap"pa*to (?), n. (Bot.) See Wapatoo.
1913 Webster]

Wap"pened (?), a. [Cf. Waped, Wapper.] A word of doubtful meaning used once by Shakespeare.
1913 Webster]

This [gold] is it
1913 Webster]

That makes the wappen'd widow wed again.
1913 Webster]

It is conjectured by some that it is an error for wappered, meaning tremulous or exhausted.
1913 Webster]

Wap"per (?), v. t. & i. [freq. of wap, v.; cf. dial. G. wappern, wippern, to move up and down, to rock.] To cause to shake; to tremble; to move tremulously, as from weakness; to totter. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wap"per (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A gudgeon. [Prov. Eng.] <-- ## The Zool. mark was in square brackets, inconsistent with normal usage. -->
1913 Webster]

Wap"pet (?), n. A small yelping cur. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wap"ping (?), n. Yelping. [R.] Fuller.
1913 Webster]

War (?), a. Ware; aware. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

War (?), n. [OE. & AS. werre; akin to OHG. werra scandal, quarrel, sedition, werran to confound, mix, D. warren, G. wirren, verwirren, to embroil, confound, disturb, and perhaps to E. worse; cf. OF. werre war, F. querre, of Teutonic origin. Cf. Guerrilla, Warrior.]
1913 Webster]

1. A contest between nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defence, for revenging insults and redressing wrongs, for the extension of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, for obtaining and establishing the superiority and dominion of one over the other, or for any other purpose; armed conflict of sovereign powers; declared and open hostilities.
1913 Webster]

Men will ever distinguish war from mere bloodshed. F. W. Robertson.
1913 Webster]

war is the contest of nations or states, it always implies that such contest is authorized by the monarch or the sovereign power of the nation. A war begun by attacking another nation, is called an offensive war, and such attack is aggressive. War undertaken to repel invasion, or the attacks of an enemy, is called defensive.
1913 Webster]

2. (Law) A condition of belligerency to be maintained by physical force. In this sense, levying war against the sovereign authority is treason.
1913 Webster]

3. Instruments of war. [Poetic]
1913 Webster]

His complement of stores, and total war. Prior.
1913 Webster]

4. Forces; army. [Poetic]
1913 Webster]

On their embattled ranks the waves return,
1913 Webster]

5. The profession of arms; the art of war.
1913 Webster]

Thou art but a youth, and he is a man of war from his youth. 1 Sam. xvii. 33.
1913 Webster]

6. a state of opposition or contest; an act of opposition; an inimical contest, act, or action; enmity; hostility. \'bdRaised impious war in heaven.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart. Ps. lv. 21.
1913 Webster]

Civil war, a war between different sections or parties of the same country or nation. -- Holy war. See under Holy. -- Man of war. (Naut.) See in the Vocabulary. -- Public war, a war between independent sovereign states. -- War cry, a cry or signal used in war; as, the Indian war cry. -- War dance, a dance among savages preliminary to going to war. Among the North American Indians, it is begun by some distinguished chief, and whoever joins in it thereby enlists as one of the party engaged in a warlike excursion. Schoolcraft. -- War field, a field of war or battle. -- War horse, a horse used in war; the horse of a cavalry soldier; especially, a strong, powerful, spirited horse for military service; a charger. -- War paint, paint put on the face and other parts of the body by savages, as a token of going to war. \'bdWash the war paint from your faces.\'b8 Longfellow. -- War song, a song of or pertaining to war; especially, among the American Indians, a song at the war dance, full of incitements to military ardor. -- War whoop, a war cry, especially that uttered by the American Indians.
1913 Webster]

War, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Warred (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Warring.] 1. To make war; to invade or attack a state or nation with force of arms; to carry on hostilities; to be in a state by violence.
1913 Webster]

Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it. Isa. vii. 1.
1913 Webster]

Why should I war without the walls of Troy? Shak.
1913 Webster]

Our countrymen were warring on that day! Byron.
1913 Webster]

2. To contend; to strive violently; to fight. \'bdLusts which war against the soul.\'b8 1 Pet. ii. 11.
1913 Webster]

War (?), v. t. 1. To make war upon; to fight. [R.]
1913 Webster]

To war the Scot, and borders to defend. Daniel.
1913 Webster]

2. To carry on, as a contest; to wage. [R.]
1913 Webster]

That thou . . . mightest war a good warfare. Tim. i. 18.
1913 Webster]

War"-beat`en (?), a. Warworn.
1913 Webster]

War"ble (?), n. [Cf. Wormil.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Far.) (a) A small, hard tumor which is produced on the back of a horse by the heat or pressure of the saddle in traveling. (b) A small tumor produced by the larv\'91 of the gadfly in the backs of horses, cattle, etc. Called also warblet, warbeetle, warnles.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) See Wormil.
1913 Webster]

War"ble, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warbled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Warbling (?).] [OE. werbelen, OF. werbler; of Teutonic origin; cf. G. wirbeln to turn, to warble, D. wervelen, akin to E. whirl. See Whirl.]
1913 Webster]

1. To sing in a trilling, quavering, or vibratory manner; to modulate with turns or variations; to trill; as, certain birds are remarkable for warbling their songs.
1913 Webster]

2. To utter musically; to modulate; to carol.
1913 Webster]

If she be right invoked in warbled song. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Warbling sweet the nuptial lay. Trumbull.
1913 Webster]

3. To cause to quaver or vibrate. \'bdAnd touch the warbled string.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

War"ble, v. i. 1. To be quavered or modulated; to be uttered melodiously.
1913 Webster]

Such strains ne'er warble in the linnet's throat. Gay.
1913 Webster]

3. To sing in a trilling manner, or with many turns and variations. \'bdBirds on the branches warbling.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

3. To sing with sudden changes from chest to head tones; to yodel.
1913 Webster]

War"ble, n. A quavering modulation of the voice; a musical trill; a song.
1913 Webster]

And he, the wondrous child,
warble wild
1913 Webster]

War"bler (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; -- applied chiefly to birds.
1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo. Tickell.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World singing birds belonging to the family Sylviid\'91, many of which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under Sedge) are well-known species.
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily Mniotiltid\'91, or Sylvicolin\'91. They are allied to the Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly musical.
1913 Webster]

bush warblers, creeping warblers, fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers, wormeating warblers, etc.
1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zo\'94l.) any American warbler of the genus Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis). -- Creeping warbler (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of very small American warblers belonging to Parula, Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white creeper (Mniotilta varia). -- Fly-catching warbler (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler (Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler (Sylvania pusilla), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis), and the American redstart (see Redstart). -- Ground warbler (Zo\'94l.), any American warbler of the genus Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler (G. Philadelphia), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see Yellowthroat). -- Wood warbler (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous American warblers of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll (D. striata), the bay-breasted warbler (Dendroica castanea), the chestnut-sided warbler (Dendroica Pennsylvanica), the Cape May warbler (Dendroica tigrina), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also Magnolia warbler, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
1913 Webster]

War"bling*ly, adv. In a warbling manner.
1913 Webster]

War"burg's tinc"ture (?). (Pharm.) A preparation containing quinine and many other ingredients, often used in the treatment of malarial affections. It was invented by Dr. Warburg of London.
1913 Webster]

{ -ward (w, -wards (w }. [AS. -weard, -weardes; akin to OS. & OFries. -ward. OHG. -wert, G. -w\'84rts, Icel. -ver\'ebr, Goth. -va\'a1r\'eds, L. vertere to turn, versus toward, and E. worth to become. \'fb143. See Worth. v. i., and cf. Verse. Adverbs ending in -wards (AS. -weardes) and some other adverbs, such as besides, betimes, since (OE. sithens). etc., were originally genitive forms used adverbially.] Suffixes denoting course or direction to; motion or tendency toward; as in backward, or backwards; toward, or towards, etc.
1913 Webster]

Ward (?), n. [AS. weard, fem., guard, weard, masc., keeper, guard; akin to OS. ward a watcher, warden, G. wart, OHG. wart, Icel. v\'94r a warden, a watch, Goth. -wards in da\'a3rawards a doorkeeper, and E. wary; cf. OF. warde guard, from the German. See Ware, a., Wary, and cf. Guard, Wraith.] 1. The act of guarding; watch; guard; guardianship; specifically, a guarding during the day. See the Note under Watch, n., 1.
1913 Webster]

Still, when she slept, he kept both watch and ward. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

2. One who, or that which, guards; garrison; defender; protector; means of guarding; defense; protection.
1913 Webster]

For the best ward of mine honor. Shak.
1913 Webster]

The assieged castle's ward
1913 Webster]

For want of other ward,
1913 Webster]

3. The state of being under guard or guardianship; confinement under guard; the condition of a child under a guardian; custody.
1913 Webster]

And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard. Gen. xl. 3.
1913 Webster]

I must attend his majesty's command, to whom I am now in ward. Shak.
1913 Webster]

It is also inconvenient, in Ireland, that the wards and marriages of gentlemen's children should be in the disposal of any of those lords. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

4. A guarding or defensive motion or position, as in fencing; guard. \'bdThou knowest my old ward; here I lay, and thus I bore my point.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

5. One who, or that which, is guarded. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) A minor or person under the care of a guardian; as, a ward in chancery. \'bdYou know our father's ward, the fair Monimia.\'b8 Otway.
1913 Webster]

(b) A division of a county. [Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

(c) A division, district, or quarter of a town or city.
1913 Webster]

Throughout the trembling city placed a guard,
1913 Webster]

(d) A division of a forest. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

(e) A division of a hospital; as, a fever ward.
1913 Webster]

6. (a) A projecting ridge of metal in the interior of a lock, to prevent the use of any key which has not a corresponding notch for passing it. (b) A notch or slit in a key corresponding to a ridge in the lock which it fits; a ward notch. Knight.
1913 Webster]

The lock is made . . . more secure by attaching wards to the front, as well as to the back, plate of the lock, in which case the key must be furnished with corresponding notches. Tomlinson.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1627 -->
1913 Webster]

Ward penny (O. Eng. Law), money paid to the sheriff or castellan for watching and warding a castle. -- Ward staff, a constable's or watchman's staff. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Ward (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warded; p. pr. & vb. n. Warding.] [OE. wardien, AS. weardian to keep, protect; akin to OS. ward to watch, take care, OFries. wardia, OHG. wart, G. warten to wait, wait on, attend to, Icel. var to guarantee defend, Sw. v\'86rda to guard, to watch; cf. OF. warder, of German origin. See Ward, n., and cf. Award, Guard, Reward.]
1913 Webster]

1. To keep in safety; to watch; to guard; formerly, in a specific sense, to guard during the day time.
1913 Webster]

Whose gates he found fast shut, no living wight
ward the same.
1913 Webster]

2. To defend; to protect.
1913 Webster]

Tell him it was a hand that warded him
1913 Webster]

3. To defend by walls, fortifications, etc. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

4. To fend off; to repel; to turn aside, as anything mischievous that approaches; -- usually followed by off.
1913 Webster]

Now wards a felling blow, now strikes again. Daniel.
1913 Webster]

The pointed javelin warded off his rage. Addison.
1913 Webster]

It instructs the scholar in the various methods of warding off the force of objections. I. Watts.
1913 Webster]

Ward, v. i. 1. To be vigilant; to keep guard.
1913 Webster]

2. To act on the defensive with a weapon.
1913 Webster]

She redoubling her blows drove the stranger to no other shift than to ward and go back. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Ward"-corn` (?), n. [Ward + F. corne horn, L. cornu.] (O. Eng. Law) The duty of keeping watch and ward (see the Note under Watch, n., 1) with a horn to be blown upon any occasion of surprise. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Ward"corps` (?), n. [Wars + corps.] Guardian; one set to watch over another. [Obs.] \'bdThough thou preyedest Argus . . . to be my wardcorps.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Ward"en (?), n. [OE. wardein, OF. wardein, gardein, gardain, F. gardien. See Guardian, and Ward guard.]
1913 Webster]

1. A keeper; a guardian; a watchman.
1913 Webster]

He called to the warden on the . . . battlements. Sir. W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

2. An officer who keeps or guards; a keeper; as, the warden of a prison. <-- chief officer of a prison. -->
1913 Webster]

3. A head official; as, the warden of a college; specifically (Eccl.), a churchwarden.
1913 Webster]

4. [Properly, a keeping pear.] A large, hard pear, chiefly used for baking and roasting. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

I would have had him roasted like a warden. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Warden pie, a pie made of warden pears. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

{ Ward"en*ry (?), Ward"en*ship, } n. The office or jurisdiction of a warden.
1913 Webster]

Ward"er (?), n. 1. One who wards or keeps; a keeper; a guard. \'bdThe warders of the gate.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. A truncheon or staff carried by a king or a commander in chief, and used in signaling his will.
1913 Webster]

When, lo! the king suddenly changed his mind,
warder to arrest them there.
1913 Webster]

Wafting his warder thrice about his head,
1913 Webster]

Ward"i*an (?), a. Designating, or pertaining to, a kind of glass inclosure for keeping ferns, mosses, etc., or for transporting growing plants from a distance; as, a Wardian case of plants; -- so named from the inventor, Nathaniel B. Ward, an Englishman.
1913 Webster]

Ward"mote` (?), n. Anciently, a meeting of the inhabitants of a ward; also, a court formerly held in each ward of London for trying defaults in matters relating to the watch, police, and the like. Brande & C. \'bdWards and wardmotes.\'b8 Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

Ward"robe` (?), n. [OE. warderobe, OF. warderobe, F. garderobe; of German origin. See Ward, v. t., and Robe.]
1913 Webster]

1. A room or apartment where clothes are kept, or wearing apparel is stored; a portable closet for hanging up clothes.
1913 Webster]

2. Wearing apparel, in general; articles of dress or personal decoration.
1913 Webster]

Flowers that their gay wardrobe wear. Milton.
1913 Webster]

With a pair of saddlebags containing his wardrobe. T. Hughes.
1913 Webster]

3. A privy. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Ward"room` (?), n. 1. (Naut.) A room occupied as a messroom by the commissioned officers of a war vessel. See Gunroom. Totten.
1913 Webster]

2. A room used by the citizens of a city ward, for meetings, political caucuses, elections, etc. [U. S.]
1913 Webster]

-wards (?). See -ward.
1913 Webster]

Ward"ship (?), n. 1. The office of a ward or keeper; care and protection of a ward; guardianship; right of guardianship.
1913 Webster]

Wardship is incident to tenure in socage. Blackstone.
1913 Webster]

2. The state of begin under a guardian; pupilage.
1913 Webster]

It was the wisest act . . . in my wardship. B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

Wards"man (?), n.; pl. Wardsmen (. A man who keeps ward; a guard. [R.] Sydney Smith.
1913 Webster]

Ware (?), obs. imp. of Wear. Wore.
1913 Webster]

Ware, v. t. (Naut.) To wear, or veer. See Wear.
1913 Webster]

Ware, n. [AS. w\'ber.] (Bot.) Seaweed. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Ware goose (Zo\'94l.), the brant; -- so called because it feeds on ware, or seaweed. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Ware, n. [OE. ware, AS. waru; akin to D. waar, G. waare, Icel. & Sw. vara, Dan. vare; and probably to E. worth, a. See Worth, a.] Articles of merchandise; the sum of articles of a particular kind or class; style or class of manufactures; especially, in the plural, goods; commodities; merchandise. \'bdRetails his wares at wakes.\'b8 Shak. \'bdTo chaffer with them and eke to sell them their ware.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

It the people of the land bring ware or any victuals on the Sabbath day to sell, that we would not buy it of them on the Sabbath, or on the holy day. Neh. x. 31.
1913 Webster]

ware, glassware, tinware, etc.
1913 Webster]

Ware, a. [OE. war, AS. w\'91r. Wary.] A ware; taking notice; hence, wary; cautious; on one's guard. See Beware. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

She was ware and knew it bet [better] than he. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Of whom be thou ware also. 2. Tim. iv. 15.
1913 Webster]

He is ware enough; he is wily and circumspect for stirring up any sedition. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

The only good that grows of passed fear
ware of like again.
1913 Webster]

Ware, n. [AS. waru caution.] The state of being ware or aware; heed. [Obs.] Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

Ware, v. t. [As. warian.] To make ware; to warn; to take heed of; to beware of; to guard against. \'bdWare that I say.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

God . . . ware you for the sin of avarice. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Then ware a rising tempest on the main. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Ware"ful (?), a. Wary; watchful; cautious. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Ware"ful*ness, n. Wariness; cautiousness. [Obs.] \'bdFull of warefulness.\'b8 Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Wa*re"ga fly` (?). (Zo\'94l.) A Brazilian fly whose larv\'91 live in the skin of man and animals, producing painful sores.
1913 Webster]

Ware"house` (?), n.; pl. Warehouses (. A storehouse for wares, or goods. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Ware"house` (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warehoused (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Warehousing.]
1913 Webster]

1. To deposit or secure in a warehouse.
1913 Webster]

2. To place in the warehouse of the government or customhouse stores, to be kept until duties are paid.
1913 Webster]

Ware"house`man (?), n.; pl. Warehousemen (. 1. One who keeps a warehouse; the owner or keeper of a dock warehouse or wharf store.
1913 Webster]

2. One who keeps a wholesale shop or store for Manchester or woolen goods. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Warehouseman's itch (Med.), a form of eczema occurring on the back of the hands of warehousemen.
1913 Webster]

Ware"hous`ing (?), n. The act of placing goods in a warehouse, or in a customhouse store.
1913 Webster]

Warehousing system, an arrangement for lodging imported articles in the customhouse stores, without payment of duties until they are taken out for home consumption. If re\'89xported, they are not charged with a duty. See Bonded warehouse, under Bonded, a.
1913 Webster]

Ware"less (?), a. [See Ware, n.] Unwary; incautious; unheeding; careless; unaware. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

And wareless of the evil
1913 Webster]

Ware"ly, adv. Cautiously; warily. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

They bound him hand and foot with iron chains,
warely keep.
1913 Webster]

War"ence (?), n. [OF. warance. F. garance, LL. warentia, garantia.] (Bot.) Madder.
1913 Webster]

Ware"room` (?), n. A room in which goods are stored or exhibited for sale.
1913 Webster]

Wares (?), n. pl. See 4th Ware.
1913 Webster]

War"fare` (?), n. [War + OE. fare a journey, a passage, course, AS. faru. See Fare, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. Military service; military life; contest carried on by enemies; hostilities; war.
1913 Webster]

The Philistines gathered their armies together for warfare, to fight with Israel. I Sam. xxviii. 1.
1913 Webster]

This day from battle rest;
1913 Webster]

2. Contest; struggle.
1913 Webster]

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 2 Cor. x. 4.
1913 Webster]

War"fare`, v. i. To lead a military life; to carry on continual wars. Camden.
1913 Webster]

War"far`er (?), n. One engaged in warfare; a military man; a soldier; a warrior.
1913 Webster]

War"ha`ble (?), a. [War + hable.] Fit for war. [Obs.] \'bdWarhable youth.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

War`i*an"gle (?), n. [OE. wariangel, weryangle; cf. AS. wearg outlaw, criminal, OHG, warg, warch, Goth. wargs (in comp.), G. w\'81rgengel, i. e., destroying angel, destroyer, killer, and E. worry.] (Zo\'94l.) The red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio); -- called also w\'81rger, worrier, and throttler. [Written also warriangle, weirangle, etc.] [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ri*ly (?), adv. In a wary manner.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ri*ment (?), n. Wariness. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

War"ine (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A South American monkey, one of the sapajous.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ri*ness (?), n. The quality or state of being wary; care to foresee and guard against evil; cautiousness. \'bdAn almost reptile wariness.\'b8 G. W. Cable.
1913 Webster]

To determine what are little things in religion, great wariness is to be used. Sprat.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Caution; watchfulness; circumspection; foresight; care; vigilance; scrupulousness.
1913 Webster]

War"ish (?), v. t. [OF. warir to protect, heal, cure, F. gu\'82ri to cure; of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. werian, weren, to protect, to hinder. See Garret.] To protect from the effects of; hence, to cure; to heal. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

My brother shall be warished hastily. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Varro testifies that even at this day there be some who warish and cure the stinging of serpents with their spittle. Holland.
1913 Webster]

War"ish, v. i. To be cured; to recover. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Your daughter . . . shall warish and escape. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

War"i*son (?), n. [OF. warison safety, supplies, cure, F. gu\'82rison cure. See Warish, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. Preparation; protection; provision; supply. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

2. Reward; requital; guerdon. [Obs. or Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wit and wisdom is good warysoun. Proverbs of Hending.
1913 Webster]

Wark (?), n. [See Work.] Work; a building. [Obs. or Scot.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wark"loom (?), n. A tool; an implement. [Scot.]
1913 Webster]

War"like` (?), a. 1. Fit for war; disposed for war; as, a warlike state; a warlike disposition.
1913 Webster]

Old Siward, with ten thousand warlike men. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Belonging or relating to war; military; martial.
1913 Webster]

The great archangel from his warlike toil Surceased. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Martial; hostile; soldierly. See Martial.
1913 Webster]

War"like`ness, n. Quality of being warlike.
1913 Webster]

War"ling (?), n. One often quarreled with; -- darling. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Better be an old man's darling than a young man's warling. Camde
1913 Webster]

War"lock (?), n. [OE. warloghe a deceiver, a name or the Devil, AS. w a belier or breaker of his agreement, word, or pledge; w covenant, troth (akiverus true; see Very) + loga a liar (in comp.), le\'a2gan to lie. See 3d Lie.] A male witch; a wizard; a sprite; an imp. [Written also warluck.] Dryden.
1913 Webster]

It was Eyvind Kallda's crew
warlocks blue,
1913 Webster]

War"lock, a. Of or pertaining to a warlock or warlock; impish. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Thou shalt win the warlock fight. J. R. Drak
1913 Webster]

War"lock*ry (?), n. Impishness; magic.
1913 Webster]

War"ly (?), a. Warlike. Burns.
1913 Webster]

Warm (?), a. [Compar. Warmer; superl. Warmest.] [AS. wearm; akin to OS., OFries., D., & G. warm, Icel. varmr, Sw. & Dan. varm, Goth. warmjan to warm; probably akin to Lith. virti to cook, boil; or perhaps to Skr. gharma heat, OL. formus warm.
1913 Webster]

1. Having heat in a moderate degree; not cold as, warm milk. \'bdWhose blood is warm within.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Warm and still is the summer night. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. Having a sensation of heat, esp. of gentle heat; glowing.
1913 Webster]

3. Subject to heat; having prevalence of heat, or little or no cold weather; as, the warm climate of Egypt.
1913 Webster]

4. Fig.: Not cool, indifferent, lukewarm, or the like, in spirit or temper; zealous; ardent; fervent; excited; sprightly; irritable; excitable.
1913 Webster]

Mirth, and youth, and warm desire! Milton.
1913 Webster]

Each warm wish springs mutual from the heart. Pope.
1913 Webster]

They say he's warm man and does not care to be mad Addison.
1913 Webster]

I had been none of the warmest of partisans. Hawthor
1913 Webster]

5. Violent; vehement; furious; excited; passionate; as, a warm contest; a warm debate.
1913 Webster]

Welcome, daylight; we shall have warm work on't. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

6. Being well off as to property, or in good circumstances; forehanded; rich. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Warm householders, every one of them. W. Irving.
1913 Webster]

You shall have a draft upon him, payable at sight: and let me tell you he as warm a man as any within five miles round him. Goldsmith.
1913 Webster]

7. In children's games, being near the object sought for; hence, being close to the discovery of some person, thing, or fact concealed. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Here, indeed, young Mr. Dowse was getting \'bdwarm,\'b8 Black.
1913 Webster]

8. (Paint.) Having yellow or red for a basis, or in their composition; -- said of colors, and opposed to cold which is of blue and its compounds.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Ardent; zealous; fervent; glowing; enthusiastic; cordial; keen; violent; furious; hot.
1913 Webster]

Warm, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warmed (; p. pr. & vb. n. Warming.] [AS. wearmian. See Warm, a.]
1913 Webster]

1. To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; to render warm; to supply or furnish heat to; as, a stove warms an apartment.
1913 Webster]

Then shall it [an ash tree] be for a man to burn; for he will take thereof and warm himself. Isa. xliv 15
1913 Webster]

Enough to warm, but not enough to burn. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal; to enliven.
1913 Webster]

I formerly warmed my head with reading controversial writings. Pope.
1913 Webster]

Bright hopes, that erst bosom warmed. Keble.
1913 Webster]

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1913 Webster]

Warm (?), v. i. [AS. wearmian.]
1913 Webster]

1. To become warm, or moderately heated; as, the earth soon warms in a clear day summer.
1913 Webster]

There shall not be a coal to warm at. Isa. xlvii. 14.
1913 Webster]

2. To become ardent or animated; as, the speakewarms as he proceeds.
1913 Webster]

Warm, n. The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a warming; a heating. [Colloq.] Dickens.
1913 Webster]

Warm"-blood`ed (?), a. (Physiol.) Having warm blood; -- applied especially to those animals, as birds and mammals, which have warm blood, or, more properly, the power of maintaining a nearly uniform temperature whatever the temperature of the surrounding air. See Homoiothermal.
1913 Webster]

Warm"er (?), n. One who, or that which, warms.
1913 Webster]

Warm"ful (?), a. Abounding in capacity to warm; giving warmth; as, a warmful garment. [R.] Chapman.
1913 Webster]

Warm"-heart`ed (?), a. Having strong affection; cordial; sincere; hearty; sympathetic. -- Warm"-heart`ed*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Warm"ing, a. & n. from Warm, v.
1913 Webster]

Warming pan, a long-handled covered pan into which live coals are put, -- used for warming beds. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Warm"ly, adv. In a warm manner; ardently.
1913 Webster]

Warm"ness, n. Warmth. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

War"mon`ger (?), n. One who makes ar a trade or business; a mercenary. [R.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

War"mouth (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) An American freshwater bream, or sunfish (Ch\'91nobryttus gulosus); -- called also red-eyed bream.
1913 Webster]

Warmth (?), n. 1. The quality or state of being warm; gentle heat; as, the warmth of the sun; the warmth of the blood; vital warmth.
1913 Webster]

Here kindly warmth their mounting juice ferments. Addison.
1913 Webster]

2. A state of lively and excited interest; zeal; ardor; fervor; passion; enthusiasm; earnestness; as, the warmth of love or piety; he replied with much warmth. \'bdSpiritual warmth, and holy fires.\'b8 Jer. Taylor.
1913 Webster]

That warmth . . . which agrees with Christian zeal. Sprat.
1913 Webster]

3. (Paint.) The glowing effect which arises from the use of warm colors; hence, any similar appearance or effect in a painting, or work of color.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Zeal; ardor; fervor; fervency; heat; glow; earnestness; cordiality; animation; eagerness; excitement; vehemence.
1913 Webster]

Warmth"less, a. Being without warmth; not communicating warmth; cold. [R.] Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

Warn (w, v. t. [OE. wernen, AS. weornan, wyrnan. Cf. Warn to admonish.] To refuse. [Written also wern, worn.] [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Warn, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Warning.] [OE. warnen, warnien, AS. warnian, wearnian, to take heed, to warn; akin to AS. wearn denial, refusal, OS. warning, wernian, to refuse, OHG. warnen, G. warnen to warn, OFries. warna, werna, Icel. varna to refuse; and probably to E. wary.
1913 Webster]

1. To make ware or aware; to give previous information to; to give notice to; to notify; to admonish; hence, to notify or summon by authority; as, to warn a town meeting; to warn a tenant to quit a house. \'bdWarned of the ensuing fight.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Cornelius the centurion . . . was warned from God by an holy angel to send for thee. Acts x. 22.
1913 Webster]

Who is it that hath warned us to the walls? Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To give notice to, of approaching or probable danger or evil; to caution against anything that may prove injurious. \'bdJuturna warns the Daunian chief of Lausus' danger, urging swift relief.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

3. To ward off. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Warn"er (?), n. One who warns; an admonisher.
1913 Webster]

Warn"er, n. A warrener. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

Warn"ing, a. Giving previous notice; cautioning; admonishing; as, a warning voice.
1913 Webster]

That warning timepiece never ceased. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Warning piece, Warning wheel (Horol.), a piece or wheel which produces a sound shortly before the clock strikes.
1913 Webster]

Warn"ing, n. 1. Previous notice. \'bdAt a month's warning.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

A great journey to take upon so short a warning. L'Estrange.
1913 Webster]

2. Caution against danger, or against faults or evil practices which incur danger; admonition; monition.
1913 Webster]

Could warning make the world more just or wise. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Warn"ing*ly, adv. In a warning manner.
1913 Webster]

Warn"store (?), v. t. [Cf. OF. warnesture, garnesture, provisions, supplies, and E. garnish.] To furnish. [Obs.] \'bdTo warnstore your house.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Warp (w, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warped (w; p. pr. & vb. n. Warping.] [OE. warpen; fr. Icel. varpa to throw, cast, varp a casting, fr. verpa to throw; akin to Dan. varpe to warp a ship, Sw. varpa, AS. weorpan to cast, OS. werpan, OFries. werpa, D. & LG. werpen, G. werfen, Goth. wa\'a1rpan; cf. Skr. v to twist. Wrap.]
1913 Webster]

1. To throw; hence, to send forth, or throw out, as words; to utter. [Obs.] Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

2. To turn or twist out of shape; esp., to twist or bend out of a flat plane by contraction or otherwise.
1913 Webster]

The planks looked warped. Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

Walter warped his mouth at this
1913 Webster]

3. To turn aside from the true direction; to cause to bend or incline; to pervert.
1913 Webster]

This first avowed, nor folly warped my mind. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

I have no private considerations to warp me in this controversy. Addison.
1913 Webster]

We are divested of all those passions which cloud the intellects, and warp the understandings, of men. Southey.
1913 Webster]

4. To weave; to fabricate. [R. & Poetic.] Nares.
1913 Webster]

While doth he mischief warp. Sternhold.
1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) To tow or move, as a vessel, with a line, or warp, attached to a buoy, anchor, or other fixed object.
1913 Webster]

6. To cast prematurely, as young; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

7. (Agric.) To let the tide or other water in upon (lowlying land), for the purpose of fertilization, by a deposit of warp, or slimy substance. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

8. (Rope Making) To run off the reel into hauls to be tarred, as yarns.
1913 Webster]

9. (Weaving) To arrange (yarns) on a warp beam.
1913 Webster]

10. (A\'89ronautics) To twist the end surfaces of (an a\'89rocurve in an airfoil) in order to restore or maintain equilibrium.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Warped surface (Geom.), a surface generated by a straight line moving so that no two of its consecutive positions shall be in the same plane. Davies & Peck.
1913 Webster]

Warp (?), v. i. 1. To turn, twist, or be twisted out of shape; esp., to be twisted or bent out of a flat plane; as, a board warps in seasoning or shrinking.
1913 Webster]

One of you will prove a shrunk panel, and, like green timber, warp, warp. Shak.
1913 Webster]

They clamp one piece of wood to the end of another, to keep it from casting, or warping. Moxon.
1913 Webster]

2. to turn or incline from a straight, true, or proper course; to deviate; to swerve.
1913 Webster]

There is our commission,
1913 Webster]

3. To fly with a bending or waving motion; to turn and wave, like a flock of birds or insects.
1913 Webster]

A pitchy cloud
warping on the eastern wind.
1913 Webster]

4. To cast the young prematurely; to slink; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

5. (Weaving) To wind yarn off bobbins for forming the warp of a web; to wind a warp on a warp beam.
1913 Webster]

Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See Warp, v.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and crossed by the woof.
1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) A rope used in hauling or moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor, a post, or other fixed object; a towing line; a warping hawser.
1913 Webster]

3. (Agric.) A slimy substance deposited on land by tides, etc., by which a rich alluvial soil is formed. Lyell.
1913 Webster]

4. A premature casting of young; -- said of cattle, sheep, etc. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

5. Four; esp., four herrings; a cast. See Cast, n., 17. [Prov. Eng.] Wright.
1913 Webster]

6. [From Warp, v.] The state of being warped or twisted; as, the warp of a board.
1913 Webster]

Warp beam, the roller on which the warp is wound in a loom. -- Warp fabric, fabric produced by warp knitting. -- Warp frame, or Warp-net frame, a machine for making warp lace having a number of needles and employing a thread for each needle. -- Warp knitting, a kind of knitting in which a number of threads are interchained each with one or more contiguous threads on either side; -- also called warp weaving. -- Warp lace, or Warp net, lace having a warp crossed by weft threads.
1913 Webster]

Warp"age (?), n. The act of warping; also, a charge per ton made on shipping in some harbors.
1913 Webster]

War"path` (?), n. The route taken by a party of Indians going on a warlike expedition. Schoolcraft.
1913 Webster]

On the warpath, on a hostile expedition; hence, colloquially, about to attack a person or measure.
1913 Webster]

Warp"er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, warps or twists out of shape.
1913 Webster]

2. One who, or that which, forms yarn or thread into warps or webs for the loom.
1913 Webster]

Warp"ing, n. 1. The act or process of one who, or that which, warps.
1913 Webster]

2. The art or occupation of preparing warp or webs for the weaver. Craig.
1913 Webster]

Warping bank, a bank of earth raised round a field to retain water let in for the purpose of enriching land. Craig. -- Warping hook, a hook used by rope makers for hanging the yarn on, when warping it into hauls for tarring. -- Warping mill, a machine for warping yarn. -- Warping penny, money, varying according to the length of the thread, paid to the weaver by the spinner on laying the warp. [Prov. Eng.] Wright. -- Warping post, a strong post used in warping rope-yarn.
1913 Webster]

Warp knitting. A kind of knitting in which a number of threads are interchained each with one or more contiguous threads on either side.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

War"proof` (?), n. Valor tried by war.
1913 Webster]

Warp speed. [From science fiction tales of spaceship drives operating by warping the shape of space or of time.] literally, a speed faster than the speed of light; fig., an extremely high speed, usually the fastest possible; -- used only in the figurative sense except in fiction.

War"ra*gal (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The dingo.
1913 Webster]

War"ran*dice (?), n. [See Warrantise.] (Scots Law) The obligation by which a person, conveying a subject or a right, is bound to uphold that subject or right against every claim, challenge, or burden arising from circumstances prior to the conveyance; warranty. [Written also warrandise.] Craig.
1913 Webster]

War"rant (?), n. [OE. warant, OF. warant a warrant, a defender, protector, F. garant, originally a p. pr. pf German origin, fr. OHG. wer to grant, warrant, G. gew\'84hren; akin to OFries. wera. Cf. Guarantee.]
1913 Webster]

1. That which warrants or authorizes; a commission giving authority, or justifying the doing of anything; an act, instrument, or obligation, by which one person authorizes another to do something which he has not otherwise a right to do; an act or instrument investing one with a right or authority, and thus securing him from loss or damage; commission; authority. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) A writing which authorizes a person to receive money or other thing.
1913 Webster]

(b) (Law) A precept issued by a magistrate authorizing an officer to make an arrest, a seizure, or a search, or do other acts incident to the administration of justice.
1913 Webster]

(c) (Mil. & Nav.) An official certificate of appointment issued to an officer of lower rank than a commissioned officer. See Warrant officer, below.
1913 Webster]

2. That which vouches or insures for anything; guaranty; security.
1913 Webster]

I give thee warrant of thy place. Shak.
1913 Webster]

His worth is warrant for his welcome hither. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. That which attests or proves; a voucher.
1913 Webster]

4. Right; legality; allowance. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Bench warrant. (Law) See in the Vocabulary. -- Dock warrant (Com.), a customhouse license or authority. -- General warrant. (Law) See under General. -- Land warrant. See under Land. -- Search warrant. (Law) See under Search, n. -- Warrant of attorney (Law), written authority given by one person to another empowering him to transact business for him; specifically, written authority given by a client to his attorney to appear for him in court, and to suffer judgment to pass against him by confession in favor of some specified person. Bouvier. -- Warrant officer, a noncommissioned officer, as a sergeant, corporal, bandmaster, etc., in the army, or a quartermaster, gunner, boatswain, etc., in the navy. -- Warrant to sue and defend. (a) (O. Eng. Law) A special warrant from the crown, authorizing a party to appoint an attorney to sue or defend for him. (b) A special authority given by a party to his attorney to commence a suit, or to appear and defend a suit in his behalf. This warrant is now disused. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

War"rant (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Warranted; p. pr. & vb. n. Warranting.] [OE. waranten, OF. warantir, garantir, guarantir, garentir, garandir, F. garantir to warrant, fr. OF. warant, garant, guarant, a warrant, a protector, a defender, F. garant. Warrant, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To make secure; to give assurance against harm; to guarantee safety to; to give authority or power to do, or forbear to do, anything by which the person authorized is secured, or saved harmless, from any loss or damage by his action.
1913 Webster]

That show I first my body to warrant. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

I'll warrant him from drowning. Shak.
1913 Webster]

In a place
warranted than this, or less secure,
1913 Webster]

2. To support by authority or proof; to justify; to maintain; to sanction; as, reason warrants it.
1913 Webster]

True fortitude is seen in great exploits,
warrants, and that wisdom guides.
1913 Webster]

How little while it is since he went forth out of his study, -- chewing a Hebrew text of Scripture in his mouth, I warrant. Hawthorne.
1913 Webster]

3. To give a warrant or warranty to; to assure as if by giving a warrant to.
1913 Webster]

[My neck is] as smooth as silk, I warrant ye. L' Estrange.
1913 Webster]

4. (Law) (a) To secure to, as a grantee, an estate granted; to assure. (b) To secure to, as a purchaser of goods, the title to the same; to indemnify against loss. (c) To secure to, as a purchaser, the quality or quantity of the goods sold, as represented. See Warranty, n., 2. (d) To assure, as a thing sold, to the purchaser; that is, to engage that the thing is what it appears, or is represented, to be, which implies a covenant to make good any defect or loss incurred by it.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*a*ble (?), a. Authorized by commission, precept, or right; justifiable; defensible; as, the seizure of a thief is always warrantable by law and justice; falsehood is never warrantable.
1913 Webster]

His meals are coarse and short, his employment warrantable, his sleep certain and refreshing. South.
1913 Webster]

-- War"rant*a*ble*ness, n. -- War"rant*bly, adv.
1913 Webster]

War`ran*tee" (?), n. (Law) The person to whom a warrant or warranty is made.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*er (?), n. 1. One who warrants, gives authority, or legally empowers.
1913 Webster]

2. (Law) One who assures, or covenants to assure; one who contracts to secure another in a right, or to make good any defect of title or quality; one who gives a warranty; a guarantor; as, the warranter of a horse.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*ise (?), n. [OF. warentise, warandise, garantise. See Warrant, n.] Authority; security; warranty. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*ise, v. t. To warrant. [Obs.] Hakluyt.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*or (?), n. (Law) One who warrants.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*y (?), n.; pl. Warranties (#). [OF. warantie, F. garantie. See Warrant, n., and cf. Guaranty.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Anc. Law) A covenant real, whereby the grantor of an estate of freehold and his heirs were bound to warrant and defend the title, and, in case of eviction by title paramount, to yield other lands of equal value in recompense. This warranty has long singe become obsolete, and its place supplied by personal covenants for title. Among these is the covenant of warranty, which runs with the land, and is in the nature of a real covenant. Kent.
1913 Webster]

2. (Modern Law) An engagement or undertaking, express or implied, that a certain fact regarding the subject of a contract is, or shall be, as it is expressly or impliedly declared or promised to be. In sales of goods by persons in possession, there is an implied warranty of title, but, as to the quality of goods, the rule of every sale is, Caveat emptor. Chitty. Bouvier.
1913 Webster]

3. (Insurance Law) A stipulation or engagement by a party insured, that certain things, relating to the subject of insurance, or affecting the risk, exist, or shall exist, or have been done, or shall be done. These warranties, when express, should appear in the policy; but there are certain implied warranties. Bouvier.
1913 Webster]

4. Justificatory mandate or precept; authority; warrant. [R.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

If they disobey precept, that is no excuse to us, nor gives us any warranty . . . to disobey likewise. Kettlewe
1913 Webster]

5. Security; warrant; guaranty.
1913 Webster]

The stamp was a warranty of the public. Locke.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- See Guarantee.
1913 Webster]

War"rant*y, v. t. To warrant; to guarantee.
1913 Webster]

War"ray (?), v. t. [OF. werreier, werrier, guerroier, F. guerroyer, from OF. werre war, F. guerre; of German origin. See War.] To make war upon. [Obs.] Fairfax. \'bdWhen a man warrayeth truth.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Warre (?), a. [OE. werre; of Scand. origin. See Worse.] Worse. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

They say the world is much warre than it wont. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

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1913 Webster]

War"ren (w, n. [OF. waresne, warenne, garene, F. garenne, from OF. warer, garer, to beware, to take care; of Teutonic origin; cf. OHG. war (in comp.), OS. war to take care, to observe, akin to E. wary. Wary.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Eng Law) (a) A place privileged, by prescription or grant the king, for keeping certain animals (as hares, conies, partridges, pheasants, etc.) called beasts and fowls of warren. Burrill. (b) A privilege which one has in his lands, by royal grant or prescription, of hunting and taking wild beasts and birds of warren, to the exclusion of any other person not entering by his permission. Spelman.
1913 Webster]

They wend both warren and in waste. Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

warren is the next franchise in degree to the park; and a forest, which is the highest in dignity, comprehends a chase, a park, and a free warren.
1913 Webster]

2. A piece of ground for the breeding of rabbits.
1913 Webster]

3. A place for keeping flash, in a river.
1913 Webster]

War"ren*er (?), n. The keeper of a warren.
1913 Webster]

War`ri*an"gle (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) See Wariangle. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

War"rie (?), v. t. See Warye. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

War"rin (?), n. [From a native name.] (Zo\'94l.) An Australian lorikeet (Trichoglossus multicolor) remarkable for the variety and brilliancy of its colors; -- called also blue-bellied lorikeet, and blue-bellied parrot.
1913 Webster]

War"rior (?; 277), n. [OE. werreour, OF. werreour, guerreor, from guerre, werre, war. See War, and Warray.] A man engaged or experienced in war, or in the military life; a soldier; a champion.
1913 Webster]

Warriors old with ordered spear and shield. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Warrior ant (Zo\'94l.), a reddish ant (Formica sanguinea) native of Europe and America. It is one of the species which move in armies to capture and enslave other ants.
1913 Webster]

War"rior*ess, n. A female warrior. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

War" room`. 1. a room in a military headquarters to which the current status of military operations is reported from the field, and the situation is evaluated, as by use of maps showing the locations of all relevant military units, both friendly and hostile. The room may also be used to plan tactics or strategy.

2. A room at the center of operations of an organization, such as a large business enterprise, where the status of operations may be discussed, or plans made, and often containing special equipment, such as charts, maps, or computers, to assist such functions.

War story. A recounting of a memorable personal experience, especially one involving challenge, hardship, danger, or other interesting features.

War"ry (?), v. t. See Warye. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

War"saw (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The black grouper (Epinephelus nigritus) of the southern coasts of the United States. (b) The jewfish; -- called also guasa.
1913 Webster]

Wart (?), n. [OE. werte, AS. wearte; akin to D. wrat, G. warze, OHG. warza, Icel. varta, Sw. v\'86rta, Dan. vorte; perh. orig., a growth, and akin to E. wort; or cf. L. verruca wart.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Med.) A small, usually hard, tumor on the skin formed by enlargement of its vascular papill\'91, and thickening of the epidermis which covers them.
1913 Webster]

2. An excrescence or protuberance more or less resembling a true wart; specifically (Bot.), a glandular excrescence or hardened protuberance on plants.
1913 Webster]

Fig wart, Moist wart (Med.), a soft, bright red, pointed or tufted tumor found about the genitals, often massed into groups of large size. It is a variety of condyloma. Called also pointed wart, venereal wart. L. A. Duhring. -- Wart cress (Bot.), the swine's cress. See under Swine. -- Wart snake (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of East Indian colubrine snakes of the genus Acrochordus, having the body covered with wartlike tubercles or spinose scales, and lacking cephalic plates and ventral scutes. -- Wart spurge (Bot.), a kind of wartwort (Euphorbia Helioscopia).
1913 Webster]

Wart"ed, a. (Bot.) Having little knobs on the surface; verrucose; as, a warted capsule.
1913 Webster]

Wart" hog` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Either one of two species of large, savage African wild hogs of the genus Phacoch. These animals have a pair of large, rough, fleshy tubercles behind the tusks and second pair behind the eyes. The tusks are large and strong, and both pairs curve upward. The body is scantily covered with bristles, but there is long dorsal mane. The South African species (Phacoch) is the best known. Called also vlacke vark. The second species (Phacoch) is native of the coasts of the Red Sea.
1913 Webster]

Wart"less, a. Having no wart.
1913 Webster]

Wart"weed` (?), n. (Bot.) Same as Wartwort.
1913 Webster]

Wart"wort` (?), n. (Bot.) A name given to several plants because they were thought to be a cure for warts, as a kind of spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia), and the nipplewort (Lampsana communis).
1913 Webster]

Wart"y (?), a. 1. Having warts; full of warts; overgrow with warts; as, a warty leaf.
1913 Webster]

2. Of the nature of warts; as, a warty excrescence.
1913 Webster]

Warty egg (Zo\'94l.), a marine univalve shell (Ovulum verrucosum), having the surface covered with wartlike elevations.
1913 Webster]

Wart"y-back`, n. An American fresh-water mussel (Quadrula pustulosa). Its shell is used in making buttons.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

War"wick*ite (?), n. (Min.) A dark brown or black mineral, occurring in prismatic crystals imbedded in limestone near Warwick, New York. It consists of the borate and titanate of magnesia and iron.
1913 Webster]

War"worn` (?), a. Worn with military service; as, a warworn soldier; a warworn coat. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ry (?), a. [Compar. Warier (?); superl. Wariest.] [OE. war, AS. w\'91r; akin to Icel. v, Dan. & Sw. var, Goth. wars, G. gewahr aware, OHG. wara notice, attention, Gr. Aware, Garment, Garnish, Garrison, Panorama, Ward, v. t. Ware, a., Warren.]
1913 Webster]

1. Cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful. \'bdBear a wary eye.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

We should be wary, therefore, what persecution we raise against the living labors of public men. Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. Characterized by caution; guarded; careful.
1913 Webster]

It behoveth our words to be wary and few. Hooker.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Cautious; circumspect; watchful. See Cautious.
1913 Webster]

War"ye (?), v. t. [AS. wergian, wyrgean. Cf. Worry.] To curse; to curse; to execrate; to condemn; also, to vex. [Obs.] [Spelled also warrie, warry, and wary.] \'bdWhom I thus blame and warye.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Was (w. [AS. w\'91s, 2d pers. w, 3d pers. w\'91s, pl. w, with the inf. wesan to be; akin to D. wezen, imp. was, OHG. wesan, imp. was, G. wesen, n., a being, essence, war was, Icel. vera to be, imp. var, Goth. wisan to be, to dwell, to remain, imp. was, Skr. vas to remain, to dwell. Vernacular, Wassail, Were, v.] The first and third persons singular of the verb be, in the indicative mood, preterit (imperfect) tense; as, I was; he was.
1913 Webster]

Wase (w, n. [Cf. Sw. vase a sheaf.] A bundle of straw, or other material, to relieve the pressure of burdens carried upon the head. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wash (w, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Washed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Washing.] [OE. waschen, AS. wascan; akin to D. wasschen, G. waschen, OHG. wascan, Icel. & Sw. vaska, Dan. vaske, and perhaps to E. water. 1. To cleanse by ablution, or dipping or rubbing in water; to apply water or other liquid to for the purpose of cleansing; to scrub with water, etc., or as with water; as, to wash the hands or body; to wash garments; to wash sheep or wool; to wash the pavement or floor; to wash the bark of trees.
1913 Webster]

When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, . . . he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person. Matt. xxvii. 24.
1913 Webster]

2. To cover with water or any liquid; to wet; to fall on and moisten; hence, to overflow or dash against; as, waves wash the shore.
1913 Webster]

Fresh-blown roses washed with dew. Milton.
1913 Webster]

[The landscape] washed with a cold, gray mist. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

3. To waste or abrade by the force of water in motion; as, heavy rains wash a road or an embankment.<-- now, wash out. -->
1913 Webster]

4. To remove by washing to take away by, or as by, the action of water; to drag or draw off as by the tide; -- often with away, off, out, etc.; as, to wash dirt from the hands.
1913 Webster]

Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins. Acts xxii. 16.
1913 Webster]

The tide will wash you off. Shak.
1913 Webster]

5. To cover with a thin or watery coat of color; to tint lightly and thinly.
1913 Webster]

6. To overlay with a thin coat of metal; as, steel washed with silver.
1913 Webster]

7. To cause dephosphorisation of (molten pig iron) by adding substances containing iron oxide, and sometimes manganese oxide.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

8. To pass (a gas or gaseous mixture) through or over a liquid for the purpose of purifying it, esp. by removing soluble constituents.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

To wash gold, etc., to treat earth or gravel, or crushed ore, with water, in order to separate the gold or other metal, or metallic ore, through their higher density. -- To wash the hands of. See under Hand.
1913 Webster]

Wash, v. i. 1. To perform the act of ablution.
1913 Webster]

Wash in Jordan seven times. 2 Kings v. 10.
1913 Webster]

2. To clean anything by rubbing or dipping it in water; to perform the business of cleansing clothes, ore, etc., in water. \'bdShe can wash and scour.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. To bear without injury the operation of being washed; as, some calicoes do not wash. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

4. To be wasted or worn away by the action of water, as by a running or overflowing stream, or by the dashing of the sea; -- said of road, a beach, etc.
1913 Webster]

5. To use washes, as for the face or hair.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

6. To move with a lapping or swashing sound, or the like; to lap; splash; as, to hear the water washing.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

7. to be accepted as true or valid; to be proven true by subsequent evidence; -- usually used in the negative; as, his alibi won't wash. [informal]

Wash, n. 1. The act of washing; an ablution; a cleansing, wetting, or dashing with water; hence, a quantity, as of clothes, washed at once.
1913 Webster]

2. A piece of ground washed by the action of a sea or river, or sometimes covered and sometimes left dry; the shallowest part of a river, or arm of the sea; also, a bog; a marsh; a fen; as, the washes in Lincolnshire. \'bdThe Wash of Edmonton so gay.\'b8 Cowper.
1913 Webster]

These Lincoln washes have devoured them. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. Substances collected and deposited by the action of water; as, the wash of a sewer, of a river, etc.
1913 Webster]

The wash of pastures, fields, commons, and roads, where rain water hath a long time settled. Mortimer.
1913 Webster]

4. Waste liquid, the refuse of food, the collection from washed dishes, etc., from a kitchen, often used as food for pigs. Shak.
1913 Webster]

5. (Distilling) (a) The fermented wort before the spirit is extracted. (b) A mixture of dunder, molasses, water, and scummings, used in the West Indies for distillation. B. Edwards.
1913 Webster]

6. That with which anything is washed, or wetted, smeared, tinted, etc., upon the surface. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) A liquid cosmetic for the complexion.
1913 Webster]

(b) A liquid dentifrice.
1913 Webster]

(c) A liquid preparation for the hair; as, a hair wash.
1913 Webster]

(d) A medical preparation in a liquid form for external application; a lotion.
1913 Webster]

(e) (Painting) A thin coat of color, esp. water color.
1913 Webster]

(j) A thin coat of metal applied in a liquid form on any object, for beauty or preservation; -- called also washing.
1913 Webster +PJC]

7. (Naut.) (a) The blade of an oar, or the thin part which enters the water. (b) The backward current or disturbed water caused by the action of oars, or of a steamer's screw or paddles, etc.
1913 Webster]

8. The flow, swash, or breaking of a body of water, as a wave; also, the sound of it.
1913 Webster]

9. Ten strikes, or bushels, of oysters. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

10. [Western U. S.] (Geol.) (a) Gravel and other rock d\'82bris transported and deposited by running water; coarse alluvium. (b) An alluvial cone formed by a stream at the base of a mountain.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

11. The dry bed of an intermittent stream, sometimes at the bottom of a ca\'a4on; as, the Amargosa wash, Diamond wash; -- called also dry wash. [Western U. S.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

12. (Arch.) The upper surface of a member or material when given a slope to shed water. Hence, a structure or receptacle shaped so as to receive and carry off water, as a carriage wash in a stable.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

13. an action or situation in which the gains and losses are equal, or closely compensate each other.

14. (Aeronautics) the disturbance of the air left behind in the wake of a moving airplane or one of its parts.

Wash ball, a ball of soap to be used in washing the hands or face. Swift. -- Wash barrel (Fisheries), a barrel nearly full of split mackerel, loosely put in, and afterward filled with salt water in order to soak the blood from the fish before salting. -- Wash bottle. (Chem.) (a) A bottle partially filled with some liquid through which gases are passed for the purpose of purifying them, especially by removing soluble constituents. (b) A washing bottle. See under Washing. -- Wash gilding. See Water gilding. -- Wash leather, split sheepskin dressed with oil, in imitation of chamois, or shammy, and used for dusting, cleaning glass or plate, etc.; also, alumed, or buff, leather for soldiers' belts.
1913 Webster]

Wash, a. 1. Washy; weak. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Their bodies of so weak and wash a temper. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

2. Capable of being washed without injury; washable; as, wash goods. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wash"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being washed without damage to fabric or color.
1913 Webster]

Wash"board` (?), n. 1. A fluted, or ribbed, board on which clothes are rubbed in washing them.
1913 Webster]

2. A board running round, and serving as a facing for, the walls of a room, next to the floor; a mopboard.
1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) A broad, thin plank, fixed along the gunwale of boat to keep the sea from breaking inboard; also, a plank on the sill of a lower deck port, for the same purpose; -- called also wasteboard. Mar. Dict.
1913 Webster]

Wash"bowl` (?), n. A basin, or bowl, to hold water for washing one's hands, face, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wash"dish` (?), n. 1. A washbowl.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Washerwoman, 2. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wash drawing. (Art) In water-color painting, work in, or a work done chiefly in, washes, as distinguished from that done in stipple, in body color, etc.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Washed (?), a. (Zo\'94l.) Appearing as if overlaid with a thin layer of different color; -- said of the colors of certain birds and insects.
1913 Webster]

Washed sale. Same as Wash sale.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wash"en (?), obs. p. p. of Wash. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wash"er (?), n. [AS. w\'91scere.] 1. One who, or that which, washes.
1913 Webster]

2. A ring of metal, leather, or other material, or a perforated plate, used for various purposes, as around a bolt or screw to form a seat for the head or nut, or around a wagon axle to prevent endwise motion of the hub of the wheel and relieve friction, or in a joint to form a packing, etc.
1913 Webster]

3. (Plumbing) A fitting, usually having a plug, applied to a cistern, tub, sink, or the like, and forming the outlet opening.
1913 Webster]

4. (Zo\'94l.) The common raccoon.
1913 Webster]

5. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Washerwoman, 2. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wash"er*man (?), n.; pl. Washermen (. A man who washes clothes, esp. for hire, or for others.
1913 Webster]

Wash"er*wom`an (?), n.; pl. Washerwomen (.
1913 Webster]

1. A woman who washes clothes, especially for hire, or for others.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The pied wagtail; -- so called in allusion to its beating the water with its tail while tripping along the leaves of water plants. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wash"house` (?), n. An outbuilding for washing, esp. one for washing clothes; a laundry.
1913 Webster]

Wash"i*ness (?), n. The quality or state of being washy, watery, or weak.
1913 Webster]

Wash"ing, n. 1. The act of one who washes; the act of cleansing with water; ablution.
1913 Webster]

2. The clothes washed, esp. at one time; a wash.
1913 Webster]

3. (Mining) Gold dust procured by washing; also, a place where this is done; a washery.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. A thin covering or coat; as, a washing of silver.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

5. (Stock Exchanges) The operation of simultaneously buying and selling the same stock for the purpose of manipulating the market. The transaction is fictitious, and is prohibited by stock-exchange rules.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

6. (Pottery) The covering of a piece with an infusible powder, which prevents it from sticking to its supports, while receiving the glaze.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Washing bear (Zo\'94l.), the raccoon. -- Washing bottle (Chem.), a bottle fitted with glass tubes passing through the cork, so that on blowing into one of the tubes a stream of water issuing from the other may be directed upon anything to be washed or rinsed, as a precipitate upon a filter, etc. -- Washing fluid, a liquid used as a cleanser, and consisting usually of alkaline salts resembling soaps in their action. -- Washing machine, a machine for washing; specifically, a machine for washing clothes. -- Washing soda. (Chem.) See Sodium carbonate, under Sodium. -- Washing stuff, any earthy deposit containing gold enough to pay for washing it; -- so called among gold miners.
1913 Webster]

Wash`ing*to"ni*an (?), a. 1. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, George Washington; as, a Washingtonian policy. Lowell.
1913 Webster]

2. Designating, or pertaining to, a temperance society and movement started in Baltimore in 1840 on the principle of total abstinence. -- n. A member of the Washingtonian Society.
1913 Webster]

Wash"oe proc`ess (?). [From the Washoe district, Nevada.] The process of treating silver ores by grinding in pans or tubs with the addition of mercury, and sometimes of chemicals such as blue vitriol and salt.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wash"-off` (?), a. (Calico Printing) Capable of being washed off; not permanent or durable; -- said of colors not fixed by steaming or otherwise.
1913 Webster]

Wash"out` (?), n. 1. The washing out or away of earth, etc., especially of a portion of the bed of a road or railroad by a fall of rain or a freshet; also, a place, especially in the bed of a road or railroad, where the earth has been washed away.
1913 Webster]

2. a complete failure; -- of an enterprise.

3. a person who has failed a course of study or training, leaving the program before its completion.

Wash out (?), v. i. & t. 1. to be removed by washing; -- of spots and stains, especially on clothing.

2. to be removed, broken, or destroyed by the action of flowing water; as, the bridge was washed out by the flood.

3. to fail in a course of study or training, especially to leave before completion of the course.

Wash"pot` (?), n. 1. A pot or vessel in which anything is washed.
1913 Webster]

2. (Tin-Plate Manuf.) A pot containing melted tin into which the plates are dipped to be coated.
1913 Webster]

Wash sale. (Stock Exchange) A sale made in washing. See Washing, n., 3, above.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wash"stand` (?), n. A piece of furniture holding the ewer or pitcher, basin, and other requisites for washing the person.
1913 Webster]

Wash stand. In a stable or garage, a place in the floor prepared so that carriages or automobiles may be washed there and the water run off. [Cant]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wash"tub` (?), n. A tub in which clothes are washed.
1913 Webster]

Wash"y (?), a. [From Wash.] 1. Watery; damp; soft. \'bdWashy ooze.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. Lacking substance or strength; weak; thin; dilute; feeble; as, washy tea; washy resolutions.
1913 Webster]

A polish . . . not over thin and washy. Sir H. Wotton.
1913 Webster]

3. Not firm or hardy; liable to sweat profusely with labor; as, a washy horse. [Local, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"site (?), n. [See Wasium.] (Min.) A variety of allanite from Sweden supposed to contain wasium.
1913 Webster]

Wa"si*um (?), n. [NL. So called from Wasa, or Vasa, the name of a former royal family of Sweden.] (Chem.) A rare element supposed by Bahr to have been extracted from wasite, but now identified with thorium.
1913 Webster]

Wasp (?), n. [OE. waspe, AS. w\'91ps, w\'91fs; akin to D. wesp, G. wespe, OHG. wafsa, wefsa, Lith. vapsa gadfly, Russ. osa wasp, L. vespa, and perhaps to E. weave.] (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of stinging hymenopterous insects, esp. any of the numerous species of the genus Vespa, which includes the true, or social, wasps, some of which are called yellow jackets.
1913 Webster]

Illust. in Appendix.
1913 Webster]

Digger wasp, any one of numerous species of solitary wasps that make their nests in burrows which they dig in the ground, as the sand wasps. See Sand wasp, under Sand. -- Mud wasp. See under Mud. -- Potter wasp. See under Potter. -- Wasp fly, a species of fly resembling a wasp, but without a sting.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1630 -->
1913 Webster]

Wasp"ish (?), a. 1. Resembling a wasp in form; having a slender waist, like a wasp.
1913 Webster]

2. Quick to resent a trifling affront; characterized by snappishness; irritable; irascible; petulant; snappish.
1913 Webster]

He was naturally a waspish and hot man. Bp. Hall.
1913 Webster]

Much do I suffer, much, to keep in peace
waspish, wrong-head, rhyming race.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Snappish; petulant; irritable; irascible; testy; peevish; captious.
1913 Webster]

-- Wasp"ish*ly, adv. -- Wasp"ish*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Was"sail (?), n. [AS. wes h\'bel (or an equivalent form in another dialect) be in health, which was the form of drinking a health. The form wes is imperative. See Was, and Whole.]
1913 Webster]

1. An ancient expression of good wishes on a festive occasion, especially in drinking to some one.
1913 Webster]

Geoffrey of Monmouth relates, on the authority of Walter Calenius, that this lady [Rowena], the daughter of Hengist, knelt down on the approach of the king, and, presenting him with a cup of wine, exclaimed, Lord king w\'91s heil, that is, literally, Health be to you. N. Drake.
1913 Webster]

2. An occasion on which such good wishes are expressed in drinking; a drinking bout; a carouse. \'bdIn merry wassail he . . . peals his loud song.\'b8 Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

The king doth wake to-night and takes his rouse,
1913 Webster]

The victors abandoned themselves to feasting and wassail. Prescott.
1913 Webster]

3. The liquor used for a wassail; esp., a beverage formerly much used in England at Christmas and other festivals, made of ale (or wine) flavored with spices, sugar, toast, roasted apples, etc.; -- called also lamb's wool.
1913 Webster]

A jolly wassail bowl,
wassail of good ale.
Old Song.
1913 Webster]

4. A festive or drinking song or glee. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Have you done your wassail! 'T is a handsome, drowsy ditty, I'll assure you. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Was"sail, a. Of or pertaining to wassail, or to a wassail; convivial; as, a wassail bowl. \'bdAwassail candle, my lord, all tallow.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wassail bowl, a bowl in which wassail was mixed, and placed upon the table. \'bdSpiced wassail bowl.\'b8 J. Fletcher. \'bdWhen the cloth was removed, the butler brought in a huge silver vessel . . . Its appearance was hailed with acclamation, being the wassail bowl so renowned in Christmas festivity.\'b8 W. Irving. -- Wassail cup, a cup from which wassail was drunk.
1913 Webster]

Was"sail, v. i. To hold a wassail; to carouse.
1913 Webster]

Spending all the day, and good part of the night, in dancing, caroling, and wassailing. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Was"sail*er (?), n. One who drinks wassail; one who engages in festivity, especially in drinking; a reveler.
1913 Webster]

The rudeness and swilled insolence
1913 Webster]

Wast (?). The second person singular of the verb be, in the indicative mood, imperfect tense; -- now used only in solemn or poetical style. See Was.
1913 Webster]

Wast"age (?), n. Loss by use, decay, evaporation, leakage, or the like; waste.
1913 Webster]

Waste (?), a. [OE. wast, OF. wast, from L. vastus, influenced by the kindred German word; cf. OHG. wuosti, G. w\'81st, OS. w, D. woest, AS. w. Cf. Vast.]
1913 Webster]

1. Desolate; devastated; stripped; bare; hence, dreary; dismal; gloomy; cheerless.
1913 Webster]

The dismal situation waste and wild. Milton.
1913 Webster]

His heart became appalled as he gazed forward into the waste darkness of futurity. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

2. Lying unused; unproductive; worthless; valueless; refuse; rejected; as, waste land; waste paper.
1913 Webster]

But his waste words returned to him in vain. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Not a waste or needless sound,
1913 Webster]

Ill day which made this beauty waste. Emerson.
1913 Webster]

3. Lost for want of occupiers or use; superfluous.
1913 Webster]

And strangled with her waste fertility. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Waste gate, a gate by which the superfluous water of a reservoir, or the like, is discharged. -- Waste paper. See under Paper. -- Waste pipe, a pipe for carrying off waste, or superfluous, water or other fluids. Specifically: (a) (Steam Boilers) An escape pipe. See under Escape. (b) (Plumbing) The outlet pipe at the bottom of a bowl, tub, sink, or the like. -- Waste steam. (a) Steam which escapes the air. (b) Exhaust steam. -- Waste trap, a trap for a waste pipe, as of a sink.
1913 Webster]

Waste, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wasted; p. pr. & vb. n. Wasting.] [OE. wasten, OF. waster, guaster, gaster, F. g\'83ter to spoil, L. vastare to devastate, to lay waste, fr. vastus waste, desert, uncultivated, ravaged, vast, but influenced by a kindred German word; cf. OHG. wuosten, G. w\'81sten, AS. w. See Waste, a.]
1913 Webster]

1. To bring to ruin; to devastate; to desolate; to destroy.
1913 Webster]

Thou barren ground, whom winter's wrath hath wasted,
1913 Webster]

The Tiber
wastes our fruitful grounds.
1913 Webster]

2. To wear away by degrees; to impair gradually; to diminish by constant loss; to use up; to consume; to spend; to wear out.
1913 Webster]

Until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness. Num. xiv. 33.
1913 Webster]

O, were I able
waste it all myself, and leave ye none!
1913 Webster]

Here condemned
waste eternal days in woe and pain.
1913 Webster]

Wasted by such a course of life, the infirmities of age daily grew on him. Robertson.
1913 Webster]

3. To spend unnecessarily or carelessly; to employ prodigally; to expend without valuable result; to apply to useless purposes; to lavish vainly; to squander; to cause to be lost; to destroy by scattering or injury.
1913 Webster]

The younger son gathered all together, and . . . wasted his substance with riotous living. Luke xv. 13.
1913 Webster]

Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
waste its sweetness on the desert air.
1913 Webster]

4. (Law) To damage, impair, or injure, as an estate, voluntarily, or by suffering the buildings, fences, etc., to go to decay.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- To squander; dissipate; lavish; desolate.
1913 Webster]

Waste (w, v. i. 1. To be diminished; to lose bulk, substance, strength, value, or the like, gradually; to be consumed; to dwindle; to grow less; -- commonly used with away.
1913 Webster +PJC]

The time wasteth night and day. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

The barrel of meal shall not waste. 1 Kings xvii. 14.
1913 Webster]

But man dieth, and wasteth away. Job xiv. 10.
1913 Webster]

2. (Sporting) To procure or sustain a reduction of flesh; -- said of a jockey in preparation for a race, etc.
1913 Webster]

Waste, n. [OE. waste; cf. the kindred AS. w, OHG. w, wuost\'c6, G. w\'81ste. See Waste, a. & v.]
1913 Webster]

1. The act of wasting, or the state of being wasted; a squandering; needless destruction; useless consumption or expenditure; devastation; loss without equivalent gain; gradual loss or decrease, by use, wear, or decay; as, a waste of property, time, labor, words, etc. \'bdWaste . . . of catel and of time.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

For all this waste of wealth loss of blood. Milton.
1913 Webster]

He will never . . . in the way of waste, attempt us again. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Little wastes in great establishments, constantly occurring, may defeat the energies of a mighty capital. L. Beecher.
1913 Webster]

2. That which is wasted or desolate; a devastated, uncultivated, or wild country; a deserted region; an unoccupied or unemployed space; a dreary void; a desert; a wilderness. \'bdThe wastes of Nature.\'b8 Emerson.
1913 Webster]

All the leafy nation sinks at last,
1913 Webster]

The gloomy waste of waters which bears his name is his tomb and his monument. Bancroft.
1913 Webster]

3. That which is of no value; worthless remnants; refuse. Specifically: Remnants of cops, or other refuse resulting from the working of cotton, wool, hemp, and the like, used for wiping machinery, absorbing oil in the axle boxes of railway cars, etc.
1913 Webster]

4. (Law) Spoil, destruction, or injury, done to houses, woods, fences, lands, etc., by a tenant for life or for years, to the prejudice of the heir, or of him in reversion or remainder.
1913 Webster]

voluntary, as by pulling down buildings; or permissive, as by suffering them to fall for want of necessary repairs. Whatever does a lasting damage to the freehold is a waste. Blackstone.
1913 Webster]

5. (Mining) Old or abandoned workings, whether left as vacant space or filled with refuse.
1913 Webster]

6. (Phys. Geog.) Material derived by mechanical and chemical erosion from the land, carried by streams to the sea.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Syn. -- Prodigality; diminution; loss; dissipation; destruction; devastation; havoc; desolation; ravage.
1913 Webster]

Waste"bas`ket (?), n. A basket used in offices, libraries, etc., as a receptacle for waste paper.
1913 Webster]

Waste"board` (?), n. (Naut.) See Washboard, 3.
1913 Webster]

Waste"book` (?), n. (Com.) A book in which rough entries of transactions are made, previous to their being carried into the journal.
1913 Webster]

Waste"ful (?), a. 1. Full of waste; destructive to property; ruinous; as, wasteful practices or negligence; wasteful expenses.
1913 Webster]

2. Expending, or tending to expend, property, or that which is valuable, in a needless or useless manner; lavish; prodigal; as, a wasteful person; a wasteful disposition.
1913 Webster]

3. Waste; desolate; unoccupied; untilled. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

In wilderness and wasteful desert strayed. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Lavish; profuse; prodigal; extravagant.
1913 Webster]

-- Waste"ful*ly, adv. -- Waste"ful*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Was"tel (?), n. [OF. wastel, gastel, F. g\'83teau, LL. wastellus, fr. MHG. wastel a kind of bread; cf. OHG. & AS. wist food.] A kind of white and fine bread or cake; -- called also wastel bread, and wastel cake. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Roasted flesh or milk and wasted bread. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

The simnel bread and wastel cakes, which were only used at the tables of the highest nobility. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Waste"ness (?), n. 1. The quality or state of being waste; a desolate state or condition; desolation.
1913 Webster]

A day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness. Zeph. i. 15.
1913 Webster]

2. That which is waste; a desert; a waste. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Through woods and wasteness wide him daily sought. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wast"er (?), n. [OE. wastour, OF. wasteor, gasteor. See Waste, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. One who, or that which, wastes; one who squanders; one who consumes or expends extravagantly; a spendthrift; a prodigal.
1913 Webster]

He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Prov. xviii. 9.
1913 Webster]

Sconces are great wasters of candles. Swift.
1913 Webster]

2. An imperfection in the wick of a candle, causing it to waste; -- called also a thief. Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

3. A kind of cudgel; also, a blunt-edged sword used as a foil.
1913 Webster]

Half a dozen of veneys at wasters with a good fellow for a broken head. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Being unable to wield the intellectual arms of reason, they are fain to betake them unto wasters. Sir T. Browne.
1913 Webster]

Waste"thrift` (?), n. A spendthrift. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Waste"weir` (?), n. An overfall, or weir, for the escape, or overflow, of superfluous water from a canal, reservoir, pond, or the like.
1913 Webster]

Wast"ing, a. Causing waste; also, undergoing waste; diminishing; as, a wasting disease; a wasting fortune. <-- wasting asset = 2nd sense. Should be separate senses. -->
1913 Webster]

Wasting palsy (Med.), progressive muscular atrophy. See under Progressive.
1913 Webster]

Wast"or, n. A waster; a thief. [Obs. or R.] [Written also wastour.] Chaucer. Southey.
1913 Webster]

Wast"o*rel (?), n. See Wastrel. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wast"rel (?), n. 1. Any waste thing or substance; as: (a) Waste land or common land. [Obs.] Carew. (b) A profligate. [Prov. Eng.] (c) A neglected child; a street Arab. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

2. Anything cast away as bad or useless, as imperfect bricks, china, etc. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Watch (w, n. [OE. wacche, AS. w\'91cce, fr. wacian to wake; akin to D. wacht, waak, G. wacht, wache. Wake, v. i. ]
1913 Webster]

1. The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly observant attention; close observation; guard; preservative or preventive vigilance; formerly, a watching or guarding by night.
1913 Webster]

Shepherds keeping watch by night. Milton.
1913 Webster]

All the long night their mournful watch they keep. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Watch was formerly distinguished from ward, the former signifying a watching or guarding by night, and the latter a watching, guarding, or protecting by day Hence, they were not unfrequently used together, especially in the phrase to keep watch and ward, to denote continuous and uninterrupted vigilance or protection, or both watching and guarding. This distinction is now rarely recognized, watch being used to signify a watching or guarding both by night and by day, and ward, which is now rarely used, having simply the meaning of guard, or protection, without reference to time.
1913 Webster]

Still, when she slept, he kept both watch and ward. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Ward, guard, or custodia, is chiefly applied to the daytime, in order to apprehend rioters, and robbers on the highway . . . Watch, is properly applicable to the night only, . . . and it begins when ward ends, and ends when that begins. Blackstone.
1913 Webster]

2. One who watches, or those who watch; a watchman, or a body of watchmen; a sentry; a guard.
1913 Webster]

Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch; go your way, make it as sure as ye can. Matt. xxvii. 65.
1913 Webster]

3. The post or office of a watchman; also, the place where a watchman is posted, or where a guard is kept.
1913 Webster]

He upbraids Iago, that he made him
1913 Webster]

4. The period of the night during which a person does duty as a sentinel, or guard; the time from the placing of a sentinel till his relief; hence, a division of the night.
1913 Webster]

I did stand my watch upon the hill. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Might we but hear . . .
watches to his feathery dames.
1913 Webster]

5. A small timepiece, or chronometer, to be carried about the person, the machinery of which is moved by a spring.<-- or electric or electronic mechanisms. -->
1913 Webster]

anchor watch, a lever watch, a chronometer watch, etc. (see the Note under Escapement, n., 3); also, by the kind of case, as a gold or silver watch, an open-faced watch, a hunting watch, or hunter, etc.
1913 Webster]

6. (Naut.) (a) An allotted portion of time, usually four hour for standing watch, or being on deck ready for duty. Cf. Dogwatch. (b) That part, usually one half, of the officers and crew, who together attend to the working of a vessel for an allotted time, usually four hours. The watches are designated as the port watch, and the starboard watch.
1913 Webster]

Anchor watch (Naut.), a detail of one or more men who keep watch on deck when a vessel is at anchor. -- To be on the watch, to be looking steadily for some event. -- Watch and ward (Law), the charge or care of certain officers to keep a watch by night and a guard by day in towns, cities, and other districts, for the preservation of the public peace. Wharton. Burrill. -- Watch and watch (Naut.), the regular alternation in being on watch and off watch of the two watches into which a ship's crew is commonly divided. -- Watch barrel, the brass box in a watch, containing the mainspring. -- Watch bell (Naut.), a bell struck when the half-hour glass is run out, or at the end of each half hour. Craig. -- Watch bill (Naut.), a list of the officers and crew of a ship as divided into watches, with their stations. Totten. -- Watch case, the case, or outside covering, of a watch; also, a case for holding a watch, or in which it is kept. -- Watch chain. Same as watch guard, below. -- Watch clock, a watchman's clock; see under Watchman. -- Watch fire, a fire lighted at night, as a signal, or for the use of a watch or guard. -- Watch glass. (a) A concavo-convex glass for covering the face, or dial, of a watch; -- also called watch crystal. (b) (Naut.) A half-hour glass used to measure the time of a watch on deck.<-- (c) (Chem.) A round concavo-convex glass of shallow depth used for certain manipulations of chemicals in a laboratory. --> -- Watch guard, a chain or cord by which a watch is attached to the person. -- Watch gun (Naut.), a gun sometimes fired on shipboard at 8 p. m., when the night watch begins. -- Watch light, a low-burning lamp used by watchers at night; formerly, a candle having a rush wick. -- Watch night, The last night of the year; -- so called by the Methodists, Moravians, and others, who observe it by holding religious meetings lasting until after midnight. -- Watch paper, an old-fashioned ornament for the inside of a watch case, made of paper cut in some fanciful design, as a vase with flowers, etc. -- Watch tackle (Naut.), a small, handy purchase, consisting of a tailed double block, and a single block with a hook.
1913 Webster]

Watch (?), v. i. [Cf. AS. w, wacian. Watch, n., Wake, v. i. ]
1913 Webster]

1. To be awake; to be or continue without sleep; to wake; to keep vigil.
1913 Webster]

I have two nights watched with you. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Couldest thou not watch one hour ? Mark xiv. 37.
1913 Webster]

2. To be attentive or vigilant; to give heed; to be on the lookout; to keep guard; to act as sentinel.
1913 Webster]

Take ye heed, watch and pray. Mark xiii. 33.
1913 Webster]

The Son gave signal high
1913 Webster]

3. To be expectant; to look with expectation; to wait; to seek opportunity.
1913 Webster]

My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning. Ps. cxxx. 6.
1913 Webster]

4. To remain awake with any one as nurse or attendant; to attend on the sick during the night; as, to watch with a man in a fever.
1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) To serve the purpose of a watchman by floating properly in its place; -- said of a buoy.
1913 Webster]

To watch over, to be cautiously observant of; to inspect, superintend, and guard.
1913 Webster]

Watch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Watched (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Watching.]
1913 Webster]

1. To give heed to; to observe the actions or motions of, for any purpose; to keep in view; not to lose from sight and observation; as, to watch the progress of a bill in the legislature.
1913 Webster]

Saul also sent messengers unto David's house to watch him, and to slay him. 1 Sam. xix. 11
1913 Webster]

I must cool a little, and watch my opportunity. Landor.
1913 Webster]

In lazy mood I watched the little circles die. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. To tend; to guard; to have in keeping.
1913 Webster]

And flaming ministers, to watch and tend
1913 Webster]

Paris watched the flocks in the groves of Ida. Broome.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1631 -->
1913 Webster]

Watch"dog` (w, n. A dog kept to watch and guard premises or property, and to give notice of the approach of intruders.
1913 Webster]

Watch"er (-, n. One who watches; one who sits up or continues; a diligent observer; specifically, one who attends upon the sick during the night.
1913 Webster]

Watch"es (-, n. pl. (Bot.) The leaves of Saracenia flava. See Trumpets.
1913 Webster]

Watchet (-, a. [Probably from F. vaciet bilberry, whortleberry; cf. L. vaccinium blueberry, whortleberry.] Pale or light blue. [Obs.] \'bdWatchet mantles.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Who stares in Germany at watchet eyes? Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Watch"ful (?), a. Full of watch; vigilant; attentive; careful to observe closely; observant; cautious; -- with of before the thing to be regulated or guarded; as, to be watchful of one's behavior; and with against before the thing to be avoided; as, to be watchful against the growth of vicious habits. \'bdMany a watchful night.\'b8 Shak. \'bdHappy watchful shepherds.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

'Twixt prayer and watchful love his heart dividing. Keble.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Vigilant; attentive; cautious; observant; circumspect; wakeful; heedful.
1913 Webster]

-- Watch"ful*ly, adv. -- Watch"ful*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Watch"house` (?), n.; pl. Watchhouses (. 1. A house in which a watch or guard is placed.
1913 Webster]

2. A place where persons under temporary arrest by the police of a city are kept; a police station; a lockup.
1913 Webster]

Watch"mak`er (?), n. One whose occupation is to make and repair watches.
1913 Webster]

Watch"man (?), n.; pl. Watchmen (.
1913 Webster]

1. One set to watch; a person who keeps guard; a guard; a sentinel.
1913 Webster]

2. Specifically, one who guards a building, or the streets of a city, by night.
1913 Webster]

Watchman beetle (Zo\'94l.), the European dor. -- Watchman's clock, a watchman's detector in which the apparatus for recording the times of visiting several stations is contained within a single clock. -- Watchman's detector, or Watchman's time detector, an apparatus for recording the time when a watchman visits a station on his rounds. -- Watchman's rattle, an instrument having at the end of a handle a revolving arm, which, by the action of a strong spring upon cogs, produces, when in motion, a loud, harsh, rattling sound.
1913 Webster]

Watch meeting. A religious meeting held in the closing hours of the year.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Watch"tow`er (?), n. A tower in which a sentinel is placed to watch for enemies, the approach of danger, or the like.
1913 Webster]

Watch"word` (?), n. 1. A word given to sentinels, and to such as have occasion to visit the guards, used as a signal by which a friend is known from an enemy, or a person who has a right to pass the watch from one who has not; a countersign; a password.
1913 Webster]

2. A sentiment or motto; esp., one used as a rallying cry or a signal for action.
1913 Webster]

Nor deal in watchwords overmuch. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter (w, n. [AS. w\'91ter; akin to OS. watar, OFries. wetir, weter, LG. & D. water, G. wasser, OHG. wazzar, Icel. vatn, Sw. vatten, Dan. vand, Goth. wat, O. Slav. & Russ. voda, Gr. 'y`dwr, Skr. udan water, ud to wet, and perhaps to L. unda wave. Dropsy, Hydra, Otter, Wet, Whisky.] 1. The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc. \'bdWe will drink water.\'b8 Shak. \'bdPowers of fire, air, water, and earth.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

H2O, and is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, transparent liquid, which is very slightly compressible. At its maximum density, 39Ice, Steam). It is the most important natural solvent, and is frequently impregnated with foreign matter which is mostly removed by distillation; hence, rain water is nearly pure. It is an important ingredient in the tissue of animals and plants, the human body containing about two thirds its weight of water.
1913 Webster]

2. A body of water, standing or flowing; a lake, river, or other collection of water.
1913 Webster]

Remembering he had passed over a small water a poor scholar when first coming to the university, he kneeled. Fuller.
1913 Webster]

3. Any liquid secretion, humor, or the like, resembling water; esp., the urine.
1913 Webster]

4. (Pharm.) A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance; as, ammonia water. U. S. Pharm.
1913 Webster]

5. The limpidity and luster of a precious stone, especially a diamond; as, a diamond of the first water, that is, perfectly pure and transparent. Hence, of the first water, that is, of the first excellence.
1913 Webster]

6. A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, etc. See Water, v. t., 3, Damask, v. t., and Damaskeen.
1913 Webster]

7. An addition to the shares representing the capital of a stock company so that the aggregate par value of the shares is increased while their value for investment is diminished, or \'bddiluted.\'b8 [Brokers' Cant]
1913 Webster]

Water is often used adjectively and in the formation of many self-explaining compounds; as, water drainage; water gauge, or water-gauge; waterfowl, water-fowl, or water fowl; water-beaten; water-borne, water-circled, water-girdled, water-rocked, etc.
1913 Webster]

Hard water. See under Hard. -- Inch of water, a unit of measure of quantity of water, being the quantity which will flow through an orifice one inch square, or a circular orifice one inch in diameter, in a vertical surface, under a stated constant head; also called miner's inch, and water inch. The shape of the orifice and the head vary in different localities. In the Western United States, for hydraulic mining, the standard aperture is square and the head from 4 to 9 inches above its center. In Europe, for experimental hydraulics, the orifice is usually round and the head from -- Mineral water, waters which are so impregnated with foreign ingredients, such as gaseous, sulphureous, and saline substances, as to give them medicinal properties, or a particular flavor or temperature. -- Soft water, water not impregnated with lime or mineral salts. -- To hold water. See under Hold, v. t. -- To keep one's head above water, to keep afloat; fig., to avoid failure or sinking in the struggles of life. [Colloq.] -- To make water. (a) To pass urine. Swift. (b) (Naut.) To admit water; to leak. -- Water of crystallization (Chem.), the water combined with many salts in their crystalline form. This water is loosely, but, nevertheless, chemically, combined, for it is held in fixed and definite amount for each substance containing it. Thus, while pure copper sulphate, CuSO4, is a white amorphous substance, blue vitriol, the crystallized form, CuSO4.5H2O, contains five molecules of water of crystallization. -- Water on the brain (Med.), hydrocephalus. -- Water on the chest (Med.), hydrothorax.
1913 Webster]

water occurs as the first element, will be found in alphabetical order in the Vocabulary.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Watered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Watering.] [AS. w\'91terian, gew\'91terian.]
1913 Webster]

1. To wet or supply with water; to moisten; to overflow with water; to irrigate; as, to water land; to water flowers.
1913 Webster]

With tears watering the ground. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Men whose lives gilded on like rivers that water the woodlands. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. To supply with water for drink; to cause or allow to drink; as, to water cattle and horses.
1913 Webster]

3. To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines; to diversify with wavelike lines; as, to water silk. Cf. Water, n., 6.
1913 Webster]

4. To add water to (anything), thereby extending the quantity or bulk while reducing the strength or quality; to extend; to dilute; to weaken.
1913 Webster]

To water stock, to increase the capital stock of a company by issuing new stock, thus diminishing the value of the individual shares. Cf. Water, n., 7. [Brokers' Cant]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter, v. i. 1. To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter; as, his eyes began to water.
1913 Webster]

If thine eyes can water for his death. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To get or take in water; as, the ship put into port to water.
1913 Webster]

The mouth waters, a phrase denoting that a person or animal has a longing desire for something, since the sight of food often causes one who is hungry to have an increased flow of saliva.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ad"der (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The water moccasin. (b) The common, harmless American water snake (Tropidonotus sipedon). See Illust. under Water Snake.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*age (?; 48), n. Money paid for transportation of goods, etc., by water. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ag"ri*mo*ny (?). (Bot.) A kind of bur marigold (Bidens tripartita) found in wet places in Europe.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter al"oe (?). (Bot.) See Water soldier.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter an"te*lope (?). See Water buck.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter a"rum (?). (Bot.) An aroid herb (Calla palustris) having a white spathe. It is an inhabitant of the north temperate zone.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter back` (?). See under 1st Back.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bail"iff (?). An officer of the customs, whose duty it is to search vessels. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bal"last (?). (Naut.) Water confined in specially constructed compartments in a vessel's hold, to serve as ballast.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ba*rom"e*ter (?). (Physics) A barometer in which the changes of atmospheric pressure are indicated by the motion of a column of water instead of mercury. It requires a column of water about thirty-three feet in height.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bath` (?). A device for regulating the temperature of anything subjected to heat, by surrounding the vessel containing it with another vessel containing water which can be kept at a desired temperature; also, a vessel designed for this purpose.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bat"ter*y (?). 1. (Elec.) A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) A battery nearly on a level with the water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bear` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any species of Tardigrada, 2. See Illust. of Tardigrada.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-bear`er (?), n. (Astron.) The constellation Aquarius.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bed` (?). A kind of mattress made of, or covered with, waterproof fabric and filled with water, thus providing uniform support to the body lying on it; -- also a bed constructed so as to contain such a mattress. It is used in hospitals for bedridden patients, as well as in some private homes.
1913 Webster +PJC]

Wa"ter beech` (?). (Bot.) The American hornbeam. See Hornbeam.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bee"tle (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of aquatic beetles belonging to Dytiscus and allied genera of the family Dytiscid\'91, and to various genera of the family Hydrophilid\'91. These beetles swim with great agility, the fringed hind legs acting together like oars.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bel"lows (?). Same as Tromp.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bird` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any aquatic bird; a water fowl.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter black"bird (?). (Zo\'94l.) The European water ousel, or dipper.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*board` (?), n. A board set up to windward in a boat, to keep out water. Ham. Nav. Encyc.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter boat`man (?). (Zo\'94l.) A boat bug.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*bok` (?), n. [D.] (Zo\'94l.) A water buck.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-bound` (?), a. Prevented by a flood from proceeding.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter brain` (?). A disease of sheep; gid.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter brash` (?). (Med.) See under Brash.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter breath"er (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any arthropod that breathes by means of gills.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bridge` (?). (Steam Boilers) See Water table.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter buck` (?). (Zo\'94l.) A large, heavy antelope (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) native of Central Africa. It frequents the banks of rivers and is a good swimmer. It has a white ring around the rump. Called also photomok, water antelope, and waterbok.
1913 Webster]

Kobus leche), which has similar habits.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter buf"fa*lo (?). (Zo\'94l.) The European buffalo.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter bug` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The Croton bug. (b) Any one of numerous species of large, rapacious, aquatic, hemipterous insects belonging to Belostoma, Benacus, Zaitha, and other genera of the family Belostomatid\'91. Their hind legs are long and fringed, and act like oars. Some of these insects are of great size, being among the largest existing Hemiptera. Many of them come out of the water and fly about at night.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter butt` (?). A large, open-headed cask, set up on end, to contain water. Dickens.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cal"trop (?). (Bot.) The water chestnut.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter can` (?). (Bot.) Any one of several species of Nuphar; the yellow frog lily; -- so called from the shape of the seed vessel. See Nuphar, and cf. Candock. Dr. Prior.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter can"ker (?). (Med.) See Canker, n., 1.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter car"riage (?). 1. Transportation or conveyance by water; means of transporting by water.
1913 Webster]

2. A vessel or boat. [Obs.] Arbuthnot.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cart` (?). A cart carrying water; esp., one carrying water for sale, or for sprinkling streets, gardens, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ca"vy (?). (Zo\'94l.) The capybara.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cel"er*y (?). (Bot.) A very acrid herb (Ranunculus sceleratus) growing in ditches and wet places; -- called also cursed crowfoot.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cell` (?). A cell containing water; specifically (Zo\'94l.), one of the cells or chambers in which water is stored up in the stomach of a camel.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ce*ment" (?). Hydraulic cement.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter chest"nut (?). (Bot.) The fruit of Trapa natans and Trapa bicornis, Old World water plants bearing edible nutlike fruits armed with several hard and sharp points; also, the plant itself; -- called also water caltrop.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter chev`ro*tain" (?). (Zo\'94l.) A large West African chevrotain (Hy\'91moschus aquaticus). It has a larger body and shorter legs than the other allied species. Called also water deerlet.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter chick"en (?). (Zo\'94l.) The common American gallinule.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter chick"weed` (?). (Bot.) A small annual plant (Montia fontana) growing in wet places in southern regions.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter chin"qua*pin (?). (Bot.) The American lotus, and its edible seeds, which somewhat resemble chinquapins. Cf. Yoncopin.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter clock` (?). An instrument or machine serving to measure time by the fall, or flow, of a certain quantity of water; a clepsydra.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-clos`et (?), n. A privy; especially, a privy furnished with a contrivance for introducing a stream of water to cleanse it.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cock` (?). (Zo\'94l.) A large gallinule (Gallicrex cristatus) native of Australia, India, and the East Indies. In the breeding season the male is black and has a fleshy red caruncle, or horn, on the top of its head. Called also kora.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter col`or (?). (Paint.) 1. A color ground with water and gum or other glutinous medium; a color the vehicle of which is water; -- so called in distinction from oil color.
1913 Webster]

Moist water colors are water colors kept in a semifluid or pasty state in little metal tubes or pans.
1913 Webster]

2. A picture painted with such colors.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-col`or*ist, n. One who paints in water colors.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*course` (?), n. (Shipbuilding) One of the holes in floor or other plates to permit water to flow through.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter course` (?). 1. A stream of water; a river or brook. Isa. xliv. 4.
1913 Webster]

2. A natural channel for water; also, a canal for the conveyance of water, especially in draining lands.
1913 Webster]

3. (Law) A running stream of water having a bed and banks; the easement one may have in the flowing of such a stream in its accustomed course. A water course may be sometimes dry. Angell. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter craft` (?). Any vessel or boat plying on water; vessels and boats, collectively.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter crake` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The dipper. (b) The spotted crake (Porzana maruetta). See Illust. of Crake. (c) The swamp hen, or crake, of Australia.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1632 -->
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter crane` (?). A goose-neck apparatus for supplying water from an elevated tank, as to the tender of a locomotive.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cress` (?). (Bot.) A perennial cruciferous herb (Nasturtium officinale) growing usually in clear running or spring water. The leaves are pungent, and used for salad and as an antiscorbutic.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter crow` (?). [So called in allusion to its dark plumage.] (Zo\'94l.) (a) The dipper. (b) The European coot.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter crow"foot` (?). (Bot.) An aquatic kind of buttercup (Ranunculus aquatilis), used as food for cattle in parts of England.
1913 Webster]

Great water crowfoot, an American water plant (Ranunculus multifidus), having deep yellow flowers.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter cure` (?). 1. (Med.) Hydropathy.
1913 Webster]

2. A hydropathic institution.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter deck` (?). A covering of painting canvas for the equipments of a dragoon's horse. Wilhelm.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter deer` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) A small Chinese deer (Hydropotes inermis). Both sexes are destitute of antlers, but the male has large, descending canine tusks. (b) The water chevrotain.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter deer"let (?). See Water chevrotain.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter dev"il (?). (Zo\'94l.) The rapacious larva of a large water beetle (Hydrophilus piceus), and of other similar species. See Illust. of Water beetle.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter dock` (?). (Bot.) A tall, coarse dock growing in wet places. The American water dock is Rumex orbiculatus, the European is Rumex Hydrolapathum.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter doc"tor (?). (Med.) (a) One who professes to be able to divine diseases by inspection of the urine. (b) A physician who treats diseases with water; an hydropathist.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter dog` (?). 1. (Zo\'94l.) A dog accustomed to the water, or trained to retrieve waterfowl. Retrievers, waters spaniels, and Newfoundland dogs are so trained.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The menobranchus.
1913 Webster]

3. A small floating cloud, supposed to indicate rain.
1913 Webster]

4. A sailor, esp. an old sailor; an old salt. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter drain` (?). A drain or channel for draining off water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter drain"age (?; 48). The draining off of water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter dress"ing (?). (Med.) The treatment of wounds or ulcers by the application of water; also, a dressing saturated with water only, for application to a wound or an ulcer.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter drop"wort` (?). (Bot.) A European poisonous umbelliferous plant (Enanthe fistulosa) with large hollow stems and finely divided leaves.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ea"gle (?). (Zo\'94l.) The osprey.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter el"der (?). (Bot.) The guelder-rose.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter el"e*phant (?). (Zo\'94l.) The hippopotamus. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter en"gine (?). An engine to raise water; or an engine moved by water; also, an engine or machine for extinguishing fires; a fire engine.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*er (?), n. One who, or that which, waters.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*fall` (?), n. 1. A fall, or perpendicular descent, of the water of a river or stream, or a descent nearly perpendicular; a cascade; a cataract.
1913 Webster]

2. (Hairdressing) An arrangement of a woman's back hair over a cushion or frame in some resemblance to a waterfall.<-- = a fall? -->
1913 Webster]

3. A certain kind of neck scarf. T. Hughes.
1913 Webster]

{ Wa"ter feath"er (?). Wa"ter feath"er-foil` (?). } (Bot.) The water violet (Hottonia palustris); also, the less showy American plant Hottonia inflata.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter flag` (?). (Bot.) A European species of Iris (Iris Pseudacorus) having bright yellow flowers.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter flan"nel (?). (Bot.) A floating mass formed in pools by the entangled filaments of a European fresh-water alga (Cladophora crispata).
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter flea` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of small aquatic Entomostraca belonging to the genera Cyclops, Daphnia, etc; -- so called because they swim with sudden leaps, or starts.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*flood` (?), n. [AS. w\'91terfl.] A flood of water; an inundation.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter floun"der (?). (Zo\'94l.) The windowpane (Pleuronectes maculatus). [Local, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*fowl` (?), n. Any bird that frequents the water, or lives about rivers, lakes, etc., or on or near the sea; an aquatic fowl; -- used also collectively.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Wa"ter fox` (?). (Zo\'94l.) The carp; -- so called on account of its cunning. Walton.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter frame` (?). A name given to the first power spinning machine, because driven by water power.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter fur"row (?). (Agric.) A deep furrow for conducting water from the ground, and keeping the surface soil dry.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-fur"row, v. t. To make water furrows in.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gage` (?). See Water gauge.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gall` (?). 1. A cavity made in the earth by a torrent of water; a washout.
1913 Webster]

2. A watery appearance in the sky, accompanying the rainbow; a secondary or broken rainbow.
1913 Webster]

These water galls, in her dim element,
1913 Webster]

False good news are [is] always produced by true good, like the water gall by the rainbow. Walpole.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gang` (?). (O. E. Law) A passage for water, such as was usually made in a sea wall, to drain water out of marshes. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gas` (?). (Chem.) See under Gas.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gate` (?). A gate, or valve, by which a flow of water is permitted, prevented, or regulated.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gauge` (?). [Written also water gage.]
1913 Webster]

1. A wall or bank to hold water back. Craig.
1913 Webster]

2. An instrument for measuring or ascertaining the depth or quantity of water, or for indicating the height of its surface, as in the boiler of a steam engine. See Gauge.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gav"el (?). (O. Eng. Law) A gavel or rent paid for a privilege, as of fishing, in some river or water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ger*man"der (?). (Bot.) A labiate plant (Teucrium Scordium) found in marshy places in Europe.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter gild"ing (?). The act, or the process, of gilding metallic surfaces by covering them with a thin coating of amalgam of gold, and then volatilizing the mercury by heat; -- called also wash gilding.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter glass` (?). 1. (Chem.) See Soluble glass, under Glass.
1913 Webster]

2. A clepsydra.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. An instrument consisting of an open box or tube with a glass bottom, used for examining objects in the water, as upon the sea bottom in shallow places.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. A water gauge for a steam boiler.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter god` (?). (Myth.) A fabulous deity supposed to dwell in, and preside over, some body of water.
1913 Webster]

Water grass. (a) A tall march perennial grass (Paspalum dilatatum) of the southern United States and the American tropics. (b) Manna grass. (c) The grass Chloris elegans. (d) [Dial. Eng.] (1) Velvet grass. (2) The water cress. (3) One of various horsetails.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter gru"el (?). A liquid food composed of water and a small portion of meal, or other farinaceous substance, boiled and seasoned.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ham"mer (?). (Physics) 1. A vessel partly filled with water, exhausted of air, and hermetically sealed. When reversed or shaken, the water being unimpeded by air, strikes the sides in solid mass with a sound like that of a hammer.
1913 Webster]

2. A concussion, or blow, made by water in striking, as against the sides of a pipe or vessel containing it.
1913 Webster]

3. A metal hammer used when heated, as by dipping in hot water, to blister the skin, as for counterritation.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter hare (?). (Zo\'94l.) A small American hare or rabbit (Lepus aquaticus) found on or near the southern coasts of the United States; -- called also water rabbit, and swamp hare.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter hem"lock (?). (Bot) (a) A poisonous umbelliferous plant (Cicuta virosa) of Europe; also, any one of several plants of that genus. (b) A poisonous plant () resembling the above.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter hemp` (?). (Bot.) See under Hemp.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter hen` (?). 1. (Zo\'94l.) Any gallinule.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The common American coot.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter hog` (?). (Zo\'94l.) The capybara.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter hore"hound` (?). (Bot.) Bugleweed.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*horse` (?), n. A pile of salted fish heaped up to drain.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter hy"a*cinth (?). (Bot.) Either of several tropical aquatic plants of the genus Eichhornia, related to the pickerel weed.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ice` (?). Water flavored, sweetened, and frozen, to be eaten as a confection.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*ie (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The pied wagtail; -- so called because it frequents ponds.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter inch` (?). Same as Inch of water, under Water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*i*ness (?), n. The quality or state of being watery; moisture; humidity.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*ing, a. & n. from Water, v.
1913 Webster]

Watering call (Mil.), a sound of trumpet or bugle summoning cavalry soldiers to assemble for the purpose of watering their horses. -- Watering cart, a sprinkling cart. See Water. -- Watering place. (a) A place where water may be obtained, as for a ship, for cattle, etc. (b) A place where there are springs of medicinal water, or a place by the sea, or by some large body of water, to which people resort for bathing, recreation, boating, etc. -- Watering pot. (a) A kind of bucket fitted with a rose, or perforated nozzle, -- used for watering flowers, paths, etc. (b) (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of marine bivalve shells of the genus Aspergillum, or Brechites. The valves are small, and consolidated with the capacious calcareous tube which incases the entire animal. The tube is closed at the anterior end by a convex disk perforated by numerous pores, or tubules, and resembling the rose of a watering pot. -- Watering trough, a trough from which cattle, horses, and other animals drink.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*ish, a. [AS. w\'91terisc.] 1. Resembling water; thin; watery.
1913 Webster]

Feed upon such nice and waterish diet. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Somewhat watery; moist; as, waterish land.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*ish*ness, n. The quality of being waterish.
1913 Webster]

<-- water jacket. A chamber surrounding a vessel or tube in which water may be circulated, thereby regulating the temperature or supply of heat to the vessel. Used in laboratory and manufacturing equipment.
1913 Webster]

water-jacketed. adj. Having a water jacket; -- as, a water-jacketed condenser. -->
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter joint` (?). (Arch.) A joint in a stone pavement where the stones are left slightly higher than elsewhere, the rest of the surface being sunken or dished. The raised surface is intended to prevent the settling of water in the joints.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter jun"ket (?). (Zo\'94l.) The common sandpiper.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-laid` (?), a. Having a left-hand twist; -- said of cordage; as, a water-laid, or left-hand, rope.
1913 Webster]

{ Wa`ter*land"er (?), Wa`ter*land"i*an (?) } n. (Eccl. Hist.) One of a body of Dutch Anabaptists who separated from the Mennonites in the sixteenth century; -- so called from a district in North Holland denominated Waterland.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter la"ver*ock (?). (Zo\'94l.) The common sandpiper.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*leaf` (?), n. (Bot.) Any plant of the American genus Hydrophyllum, herbs having white or pale blue bell-shaped flowers. Gray.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter leg` (?). (Steam Boilers) See Leg, 7.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter lem"on (?). (Bot.) The edible fruit of two species of passion flower (Passiflora laurifolia, and Passiflora maliformis); -- so called in the West Indies.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*less, a. Destitute of water; dry. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter let"tuce (?). (Bot.) A plant (Pistia stratiotes) which floats on tropical waters, and forms a rosette of spongy, wedge-shaped leaves. J. Smith (Dict. Econ. Plants).
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter lev"el (?). 1. The level formed by the surface of still water.
1913 Webster]

2. A kind of leveling instrument. See under Level, n.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter lil`y (?). (Bot.) A blossom or plant of any species of the genus Nymph\'91a, distinguished for its large floating leaves and beautiful flowers. See Nymph\'91a.
1913 Webster]

Nuphar, Euryale, Nelumbo, and Victoria. See Euryale, Lotus, and Victoria, 1.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter lime` (?). Hydraulic lime.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter line` (?). 1. (Shipbuilding) Any one of certain lines of a vessel, model, or plan, parallel with the surface of the water at various heights from the keel.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) Any one of several lines marked upon the outside of a vessel, corresponding with the surface of the water when she is afloat on an even keel. The lowest line indicates the vessel's proper submergence when not loaded, and is called the light water line; the highest, called the load water line, indicates her proper submergence when loaded.
1913 Webster]

Water-line model (Shipbuilding), a model of a vessel formed of boards which are shaped according to the water lines as shown in the plans and laid upon each other to form a solid model.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter liz"ard (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any aquatic lizard of the genus Varanus, as the monitor of the Nile. See Monitor, n., 3.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter lo"cust (?). (Bot.) A thorny leguminous tree (Gleditschia monosperma) which grows in the swamps of the Mississippi valley.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-logged (?), a. Filled or saturated with water so as to be heavy, unmanageable, or loglike; -- said of a vessel, when, by receiving a great quantity of water into her hold, she has become so heavy as not to be manageable by the helm.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*man, n.; pl. Watermen (.
1913 Webster]

1. A man who plies for hire on rivers, lakes, or canals, or in harbors, in distinction from a seaman who is engaged on the high seas; a man who manages fresh-water craft; a boatman; a ferryman.
1913 Webster]

2. An attendant on cab stands, etc., who supplies water to the horses. [Eng.] Dickens.
1913 Webster]

3. A water demon. Tylor.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*man*ship`, n. 1. The business or skill of a waterman.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. Art of, or skill in, rowing; oarsmanship; specif., skill in managing the blade in the water, as distinguished from managing arms, body, etc., in the stroke.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter*mark` (?), n. 1. A mark indicating the height to which water has risen, or at which it has stood; the usual limit of high or low water.
1913 Webster]

2. A letter, device, or the like, wrought into paper during the process of manufacture.
1913 Webster]

watermarks of an eccentric kind. Those of Caxton and other early printers were an oxhead and star, a collared dog's head, a crown, a shield, a jug, etc. A fool's cap and bells, employed as a watermark, gave the name to foolscap paper; a postman's horn, such as was formerly in use, gave the name to post paper.\'b8 Tomlinson.
1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) See Water line, 2. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mead"ow (?). (Agric.) A meadow, or piece of low, flat land, capable of being kept in a state of fertility by being overflowed with water from some adjoining river or stream.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter meas"ure (?). A measure formerly used for articles brought by water, as coals, oysters, etc. The water-measure bushel was three gallons larger than the Winchester bushel. Cowell.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter meas"ur*er (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of water; the skater. See Skater, n., 2.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*mel`on (?), n. (Bot.) The very large ovoid or roundish fruit of a cucurbitaceous plant (Citrullus vulgaris) of many varieties; also, the plant itself. The fruit sometimes weighs many pounds; its pulp is usually pink in color, and full of a sweet watery juice. It is a native of tropical Africa, but is now cultivated in many countries. See Illust. of Melon.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter me"ter (?). A contrivance for measuring a supply of water delivered or received for any purpose, as from a street main.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mil"foil (?). (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Myriophyllum, aquatic herbs with whorled leaves, the submersed ones pinnately parted into capillary divisions.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mill` (?). A mill whose machinery is moved by water; -- distinguished from a windmill, and a steam mill.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mint` (?). A kind of mint (Mentha aquatica) growing in wet places, and sometimes having a perfume resembling bergamot.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mite` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any of numerous species of aquatic mites belonging to Hydrachna and allied genera of the family Hydrachnid\'91, usually having the legs fringed and adapted for swimming. They are often red or red and black in color, and while young are parasites of fresh-water insects and mussels. Called also water tick, and water spider.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1633 -->
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter moc"ca*sin (?). (Zo\'94l.) A venomous North American snake (Ancistrodon piscivorus) allied to the rattlesnake but destitute of a rattle. It lives in or about pools and ponds, and feeds largely of fishes. Called also water snake, water adder, water viper.<-- called also cottonmouth, cottonmouth moccasin, and cottonmouth water moccasin. -->
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mole` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The shrew mole. See under Shrew. (b) The duck mole. See under Duck.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mon"i*tor (?). (Zo\'94l.) A very large lizard (Varanaus salvator) native of India. It frequents the borders of streams and swims actively. It becomes five or six feet long. Called also two-banded monitor, and kabaragoya. The name is also applied to other aquatic monitors.
1913 Webster]

Water monkey. A jar or bottle, as of porous earthenware, in which water is cooled by evaporation.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter mo"tor (?). 1. A water engine.
1913 Webster]

2. A water wheel; especially, a small water wheel driven by water from a street main.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mouse` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of mice belonging to the genus Hydromys, native of Australia and Tasmania. Their hind legs are strong and their toes partially webbed. They live on the borders of streams, and swim well. They are remarkable as being the only rodents found in Australia.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter mur"rain (?). A kind of murrain affecting cattle. Crabb.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter newt` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of aquatic salamanders; a triton.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter nymph` (?). 1. (Myth.) A goddess of any stream or other body of water, whether one of the Naiads, Nereids, or Oceanides.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A water lily (Nymph\'91a).
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter oat` (?). Indian rice. See under Rice.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter o*pos"sum (?). (Zo\'94l.) See Yapock, and the Note under Opossum.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter or"de*al (?). Same as Ordeal by water. See the Note under Ordeal, n., 1.
1913 Webster]

{ Wa"ter ou"sel (?), Wa"ter ou"zel }. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of small insessorial birds of the genus Cinclus (or Hydrobates), especially the European water ousel (Cinclus aquaticus), and the American water ousel (Cinclus Mexicanus). These birds live about the water, and are in the habit of walking on the bottom of streams beneath the water in search of food.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pars"nip (?). (Bot.) Any plant of the aquatic umbelliferous genus Sium, poisonous herbs with pinnate or dissected leaves and small white flowers.
1913 Webster]

Water parting. (Phys. Geog.) A summit from the opposite sides of which rain waters flow to different streams; a line separating the drainage districts of two streams or coasts; a divide; a watershed.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter par"tridge (?). (Zo\'94l.) The ruddy duck. [Local, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pen"ny*wort` (?). (Bot.) Marsh pennywort. See under Marsh.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pep"per (?). (Bot.) (a) Smartweed. (b) Waterwort.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pheas"ant (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The pintail. See Pintail, n., 1. (b) The goosander. (c) The hooded merganser.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pi"et (?). (Zo\'94l.) The water ousel.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pig` (?). 1. (Zo\'94l.) The capybara.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The gourami.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pil"lar (?). A waterspout. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pim"per*nel (?). (Bot.) A small white-flowered shrub; brookweed.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pipe (?). A pipe for conveying water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pitch"er (?). 1. A pitcher for water.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) One of a family of plants having pitcher-shaped leaves. The sidesaddle flower (Sarracenia purpurea) is the type.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter plant` (?). A plant that grows in water; an aquatic plant.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter plan"tain (?). (Bot.) A kind of plant with acrid leaves. See under 2d Plantain.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter plate` (?). A plate heated by hot water contained in a double bottom or jacket. Knight.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter po"a (?). (Bot.) Meadow reed grass. See under Reed.
1913 Webster]

Water pocket. A water hole in the bed of an intermittent stream, esp. the bowl at the foot of a cliff over which the stream leaps when in the flood stage. [Western U. S.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter poise` (?). A hydrometer.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pore` (?), 1. (Zo\'94l.) A pore by which the water tubes of various invertebrates open externally.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) One of certain minute pores in the leaves of some plants. They are without true guardian cells, but in other respects closely resemble ordinary stomata. Goodale.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*pot` (?), n. A vessel for holding or conveying water, or for sprinkling water on cloth, plants, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pow"er (?). 1. The power of water employed to move machinery, etc.
1913 Webster]

2. A fall of water which may be used to drive machinery; a site for a water mill; a water privilege.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter pox` (?). (Med.) A variety of chicken pox, or varicella. Dunglison.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter priv"i*lege (?). The advantage of using water as a mechanical power; also, the place where water is, or may be, so used. See under Privilege.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*proof` (?), a. Proof against penetration or permeation by water; impervious to water; as, a waterproof garment; a waterproof roof.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*proof`, n. 1. A substance or preparation for rendering cloth, leather, etc., impervious to water.
1913 Webster]

2. Cloth made waterproof, or any article made of such cloth, or of other waterproof material, as rubber; esp., an outer garment made of such material.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*proof` (?), v. t. To render impervious to water, as cloth, leather, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*proof`ing, n. 1. The act or process of making waterproof.
1913 Webster]

2. Same as Waterproof, n., 1.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter purs"lane (?). (Bot.) See under Purslane.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter qualm` (?). (Med.) See Water brash, under Brash.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rab"bit (?). (Zo\'94l.) See Water hare.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rad"ish (?). (Bot.) A coarse yellow-flowered plant (Nasturtium amphibium) related to the water cress and to the horse-radish.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rail` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of rails of the genus Rallus, as the common European species (Rallus aquaticus). See Illust. of Rail.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ram` (?). An hydraulic ram.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rat` (?). 1. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The water vole. See under Vole. (b) The muskrat. (c) The beaver rat. See under Beaver.
1913 Webster]

2. A thief on the water; a pirate.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rate` (?). A rate or tax for a supply of water.
1913 Webster]

{ Wa"ter rat"tle (?). Wa"ter rat"tler (?). } (Zo\'94l.) The diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus); -- so called from its preference for damp places near water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-ret` (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Water-retted; p. pr. & vb. n. Water-retting.] To ret, or rot, in water, as flax; to water-rot.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rice" (?). Indian rice. See under Rice.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter rock"et (?). 1. (Bot.) A cruciferous plant (Nasturtium sylvestre) with small yellow flowers.
1913 Webster]

2. A kind of firework to be discharged in the water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-rot` (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Water-rotted; p. pr. & vb. n. Water-rotting.] To rot by steeping in water; to water-ret; as, to water-rot hemp or flax.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter sail` (?). (Naut.) A small sail sometimes set under a studding sail or under a driver boom, and reaching nearly to the water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter sap"phire (?). [Equiv. to F. saphir d'eau.] (Min.) A deep blue variety of iolite, sometimes used as a gem; -- called also saphir d'eau.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*scape" (?), n. [Cf. Landscape.] A sea view; -- distinguished from landscape. [Jocose] <-- painting. --> Fairholt.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter scor"pi*on (?). (Zo\'94l.) See Nepa.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter screw` (?). A screw propeller.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*shed` (?), n. [Cf. G. wasserscheide; wasser water + scheide a place where two things separate, fr. scheiden to separate.]
1913 Webster]

1. The whole region or extent of country which contributes to the supply of a river or lake.
1913 Webster]

2. The line of division between two adjacent rivers or lakes with respect to the flow of water by natural channels into them; the natural boundary of a basin; -- called also divide and water parting.
1913 Webster +PJC]

3. a point in time marking an important transition between two situations, or phases of an activity; a turning point.

Wa"ter shield` (?). (Bot.) An aquatic American plant (Brasenia peltata) having floating oval leaves, and the covered with a clear jelly.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*shoot` (?), n. 1. A sprig or shoot from the root or stock of a tree. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

2. (Arch.) That which serves to guard from falling water; a drip or dripstone.
1913 Webster]

3. A trough for discharging water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter shrew` (?). (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of shrews having fringed feet and capable of swimming actively. The two common European species (Crossopus fodiens, and Crossopus ciliatus) are the best known. The most common American water shrew, or marsh shrew (Neosorex palustris), is rarely seen, owing to its nocturnal habits.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter snail` (?). 1. (Zo\'94l.) Any aquatic pulmonate gastropod belonging to Planorbis, Limn\'91a, and allied genera; a pond snail.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mech.) The Archimedean screw. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter snake` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) A common North American colubrine snake (Tropidonotus sipedon) which lives chiefly in the water. (b) Any species of snakes of the family Homalopsid\'91, all of which are aquatic in their habits.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-soak` (?), v. t. To soak water; to fill the interstices of with water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter sol`dier (?). (Bot.) An aquatic European plant (Stratiotes aloides) with bayonet-shaped leaves.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter souch`y (?). (Cookery) A dish consisting of small fish stewed and served in a little water. [Written also water souchet.] See Zoutch.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter span"iel (?). A curly-haired breed of spaniels, naturally very fond of the water.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter spar"row (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The reed warbler. [Prov. Eng.] (b) The reed bunting. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter speed"well (?). (Bot.) A kind of speedwell (Veronica Anagallis) found in wet places in Europe and America.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter spi"der (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) An aquatic European spider (Argyoneta aquatica) which constructs its web beneath the surface of the water on water plants. It lives in a bell-shaped structure of silk, open beneath like a diving bell, and filled with air which the spider carries down in the form of small bubbles attached one at a time to the spinnerets and hind feet. Called also diving spider. (b) A water mite. (c) Any spider that habitually lives on or about the water, especially the large American species (Dolomedes lanceolatus) which runs rapidly on the surface of water; -- called also raft spider.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter spin`ner (?). (Zo\'94l.) The water spider.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*spout` (?), n. A remarkable meteorological phenomenon, of the nature of a tornado or whirlwind, usually observed over the sea, but sometimes over the land.
1913 Webster]

Sir J. Herschel.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter sprite` (?). A sprite, or spirit, imagined as inhabiting the water. J. R. Drake.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-stand`ing (?), a. Tear-filled. [R.] \'bdMany an orphan's water-standing eye.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter star" grass` (?). (Bot.) An aquatic plant (Schollera graminea) with grassy leaves, and yellow star-shaped blossoms.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter star"wort` (?). See under Starwort.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter sup*ply" (?). A supply of water; specifically, water collected, as in reservoirs, and conveyed, as by pipes, for use in a city, mill, or the like.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tab"by (?). A kind of waved or watered tabby. See Tabby, n., 1.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ta"ble (?). 1. (Arch.) A molding, or other projection, in the wall of a building, to throw off the water, -- generally used in the United States for the first table above the surface of the ground (see Table, n., 9), that is, for the table at the top of the foundation and the beginning of the upper wall.
1913 Webster]

2. (Hydraulic Engin.) The upper limit of the portion of the ground wholly saturated with water. The water table may be within a few inches of the surface or many feet below it.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter*tath` (?), n. [Water + tath, n.] A kind of coarse grass growing in wet grounds, and supposed to be injurious to sheep. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Water telescope. 1. (Optics) A telescope in which the medium between the objective and the eye piece is water instead of air, used in some experiments in aberration.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A telescope devised for looking into a body of water.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Water tender. (Nav.) In the United States navy, a first-class petty officer in charge in a fireroom. He \'bdtends\'b8 water to the boilers, sees that fires are properly cleaned and stoked, etc. There is also a rating of chief water tender, who is a chief petty officer.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter ther*mom"e*ter (?). (Physics) A thermometer filled with water instead of mercury, for ascertaining the precise temperature at which water attains its maximum density. This is about 39
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter thief` (?). A pirate. [R.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter thrush` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) A North American bird of the genus Seiurus, belonging to the Warbler family, especially the common species (Seiurus Noveboracensis). (b) The European water ousel. (b) The pied wagtail.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter thyme` (?). (Bot.) See Anacharis.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tick` (?). Same as Water mite.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter ti"ger (?). (Zo\'94l.) A diving, or water, beetle, especially the larva of a water beetle. See Illust. b of Water beetle.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-tight` (?), a. So tight as to retain, or not to admit, water; not leaky.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter torch` (?). (Bot.) The common cat-tail (Typha latifolia), the spike of which makes a good torch soaked in oil. Dr. Prior.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tow"er (?). 1. A large metal pipe made to be extended vertically by sections, and used for discharging water upon burning buildings.
1913 Webster]

2. A tower or standpipe used as a water storage reservoir, to deliver water at a required head of pressure, as to a fountain.
Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Wa"ter tree` (?). (Bot.) A climbing shrub (Tetracera alnifolia syn. Tetracera potatoria) of Western Africa, which pours out a watery sap from the freshly cut stems.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tre"foil` (?). (Bot.) The buck bean.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tube` (?). 1. (Zo\'94l.) One of a system of tubular excretory organs having external openings, found in many invertebrates. They are believed to be analogous in function to the kidneys of vertebrates. See Illust. under Trematodea, and Sporocyst.
1913 Webster]

2. Any tube for passing or holding water; specif., in some steam boilers, a tube in which water circulates and steam is generated.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wa"ter tu"pe*lo (?). (Bot.) A species of large tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) growing in swamps in the southern of the United States. See Ogeechee lime.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tur"key (?). (Zo\'94l.) The American snakebird. See Snakebird.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tu tu`y\'8are" (?). A tuy\'8are kept cool by water circulating within a casing. It is used for hot blast.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter tu twist` (?). Yarn made by the throstle, or water frame.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1634 -->
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter vine` (?). (Bot.) Any plant of the genus Phytocrene, climbing shrubs of Asia and Africa, the stems of which are singularly porous, and when cut stream with a limpid potable juice.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter vi"o*let (?). (Bot.) See under Violet.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter vi"per (?). (Zo\'94l.) See Water moccasin.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter vole` (?). (Zo\'94l.) See under Vole.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter wag"tail` (?). See under Wagtail.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*way` (?), n. (Naut.) Heavy plank or timber extending fore and aft the whole length of a vessel's deck at the line of junction with the sides, forming a channel to the scuppers, which are cut through it. In iron vessels the waterway is variously constructed.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter way`. Same as Water course.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*weed` (?), n. (Bot.) See Anacharis.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter wheel` (?). 1. Any wheel for propelling machinery or for other purposes, that is made to rotate by the direct action of water; -- called an overshot wheel when the water is applied at the top, an undershot wheel when at the bottom, a breast wheel when at an intermediate point; other forms are called reaction wheel, vortex wheel, turbine wheel, etc.
1913 Webster]

2. The paddle wheel of a steam vessel.
1913 Webster]

3. A wheel for raising water; a noria, or the like.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter wil`low (?). (Bot.) An American aquatic plant (Dianthera Americana) with long willowlike leaves, and spikes of small purplish flowers.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter wing` (?). (Arch.) One of two walls built on either side of the junction of a bridge with the bank of a river, to protect the abutment of the bridge and the bank from the action of the current.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter witch` (?). (Zo\'94l.) (a) The dabchick. (b) The stormy petrel. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter-withe` (?), n. (Bot.) A vinelike plant (Vitis Carib\'91a) growing in parched districts in the West Indies, and containing a great amount of sap which is sometimes used for quenching thirst.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*work` (?), n. 1. (Paint.) Painting executed in size or distemper, on canvas or walls, -- formerly, frequently taking the place of tapestry. Shak. Fairholt.
1913 Webster]

2. An hydraulic apparatus, or a system of works or fixtures, by which a supply of water is furnished for useful or ornamental purposes, including dams, sluices, pumps, aqueducts, distributing pipes, fountains, etc.; -- used chiefly in the plural.
1913 Webster]

<-- Water works. The plant and equipment used to purify water for drinking and other purposes, and to supply it to the mains of a town. -->
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*worn` (?), a. Worn, smoothed, or polished by the action of water; as, waterworn stones.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*wort` (?), n. (Bot.) Any plant of the natural order Elatine\'91, consisting of two genera (Elatine, and Bergia), mostly small annual herbs growing in the edges of ponds. Some have a peppery or acrid taste.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ter*y (?), a. [AS. w\'91terig.]
1913 Webster]

1. Of or pertaining to water; consisting of water. \'bdThe watery god.\'b8 Dryden. \'bdFish within their watery residence.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. Abounding with water; wet; hence, tearful.
1913 Webster]

3. Resembling water; thin or transparent, as a liquid; as, watery humors.
1913 Webster]

The oily and watery parts of the aliment. Arbuthnot.
1913 Webster]

4. Hence, abounding in thin, tasteless, or insipid fluid; tasteless; insipid; vapid; spiritless.
1913 Webster]

Watt (?), n. [From the distinguished mechanician and scientist, James Watt.] (Physics) A unit of power or activity equal to 107 C.G.S. units of power, or to work done at the rate of one joule a second. An English horse power is approximately equal to 746 watts.
1913 Webster]

Wat*teau" (?), a. (Art) Having the appearance of that which is seen in pictures by Antoine Watteau, a French painter of the eighteenth century; -- said esp. of women's garments; as, a Watteau bodice.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Watteau back. The back of a woman's gown in which one or more very broad folds are carried from the neck to the floor without being held in at the waist, while the front and sides of the gown are shaped to the person and have a belt or its equivalent.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Watt"me`ter (?), n. [Watt + meter.] (Physics) An instrument for measuring power in watts, -- much used in measuring the energy of an electric current.
1913 Webster]

Wat"tle (?), n. [AS. watel, watul, watol, hurdle, covering, wattle; cf. OE. watel a bag. Cf. Wallet.]
1913 Webster]

1. A twig or flexible rod; hence, a hurdle made of such rods.
1913 Webster]

And there he built with wattles from the marsh
1913 Webster]

2. A rod laid on a roof to support the thatch.
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A naked fleshy, and usually wrinkled and highly colored, process of the skin hanging from the chin or throat of a bird or reptile. (b) Barbel of a fish.
1913 Webster]

4. (a) The astringent bark of several Australian trees of the genus Acacia, used in tanning; -- called also wattle bark.
1913 Webster]

5. Material consisting of wattled twigs, withes, etc., used for walls, fences, and the like. \'bdThe pailsade of wattle.\'b8 Frances Macnab.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

6. (Bot.) In Australasia, any tree of the genus Acacia; -- so called from the wattles, or hurdles, which the early settlers made of the long, pliable branches or of the split stems of the slender species. The bark of such trees is also called wattle. See also Savanna wattle, under Savanna.
Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Wattle turkey. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Brush turkey.
1913 Webster]

Wat"tle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wattled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wattling (?).]
1913 Webster]

1. To bind with twigs.
1913 Webster]

2. To twist or interweave, one with another, as twigs; to form a network with; to plat; as, to wattle branches.
1913 Webster]

3. To form, by interweaving or platting twigs.
1913 Webster]

The folded flocks, penned in their wattled cotes. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wat"tle*bird` (?), n. 1. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of honey eaters belonging to Anthoch\'91ra and allied genera of the family Meliphagid\'91. These birds usually have a large and conspicuous wattle of naked skin hanging down below each ear. They are natives of Australia and adjacent islands.
1913 Webster]

Anthoch\'91ra carunculata) has the upper parts grayish brown, with a white stripe on each feather, and the wing and tail quills dark brown or blackish, tipped with withe. Its wattles, in life, are light blood-red. Called also wattled crow, wattled bee-eater, wattled honey eater. Another species (Anthoch\'91ra inauris) is streaked with black, gray, and white, and its long wattles are white, tipped with orange. The bush wattlebirds, belonging to the genus Anellobia, are closely related, but lack conspicuous wattles. The most common species (Anthoch\'91ra mellivora) is dark brown, finely streaked with white. Called also goruck creeper.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The Australian brush turkey.
1913 Webster]

Wat"tled (?), a. Furnished with wattles, or pendent fleshy processes at the chin or throat.
1913 Webster]

The wattled cocks strut to and fro. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Watt"less (?), a. (Elec.) Without any power (cf. Watt); -- said of an alternating current or component of current when it differs in phase by ninety degrees from the electromotive force which produces it, or of an electromotive force or component thereof when the current it produces differs from it in phase by 90 degrees.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wat"tling (?), n. The act or process of binding or platting with twigs; also, the network so formed.
1913 Webster]

Made with a wattling of canes or sticks. Dampier.
1913 Webster]

{ Waucht, Waught } (?), n. [Cf. Quaff.] A large draught of any liquid. [Scot.] Jamieson.
1913 Webster]

Waul (?), v. i. [Of imitative origin.] To cry as a cat; to squall; to wail. [Written also wawl.]
1913 Webster]

The helpless infant, coming wauling and crying into the world. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Waur (w, a. [See Worse.] Worse. [Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Murder and waur than murder. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wave (w, v. t. See Waive. Sir H. Wotton. Burke.
1913 Webster]

Wave, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waved (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waving.] [OE. waven, AS. wafian to waver, to hesitate, to wonder; akin to w\'91fre wavering, restless, MHG. wabern to be in motion, Icel. vafra to hover about; cf. Icel. v\'befa to vibrate. Cf. Waft, Waver.]
1913 Webster]

1. To play loosely; to move like a wave, one way and the other; to float; to flutter; to undulate.
1913 Webster]

His purple robes waved careless to the winds. Trumbull.
1913 Webster]

Where the flags of three nations has successively waved. Hawthorne.
1913 Webster]

2. To be moved to and fro as a signal. B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

3. To fluctuate; to waver; to be in an unsettled state; to vacillate. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

He waved indifferently 'twixt doing them neither good nor harm. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wave, v. t. 1. To move one way and the other; to brandish. \'bd[\'92neas] waved his fatal sword.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. To raise into inequalities of surface; to give an undulating form a surface to.
1913 Webster]

Horns whelked and waved like the enridged sea. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. To move like a wave, or by floating; to waft. [Obs.] Sir T. Browne.
1913 Webster]

4. To call attention to, or give a direction or command to, by a waving motion, as of the hand; to signify by waving; to beckon; to signal; to indicate.
1913 Webster]

Look, with what courteous action
waves you to a more removed ground.
1913 Webster]

She spoke, and bowing waved
1913 Webster]

Wave, n. [From Wave, v.; not the same word as OE. wawe, waghe, a wave, which is akin to E. wag to move. Wave, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. An advancing ridge or swell on the surface of a liquid, as of the sea, resulting from the oscillatory motion of the particles composing it when disturbed by any force their position of rest; an undulation.
1913 Webster]

The wave behind impels the wave before. Pope.
1913 Webster]

2. (Physics) A vibration propagated from particle to particle through a body or elastic medium, as in the transmission of sound; an assemblage of vibrating molecules in all phases of a vibration, with no phase repeated; a wave of vibration; an undulation. See Undulation.
1913 Webster]

3. Water; a body of water. [Poetic] \'bdDeep drank Lord Marmion of the wave.\'b8 Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Build a ship to save thee from the flood,
wave, bread, and wine.
1913 Webster]

4. Unevenness; inequality of surface. Sir I. Newton.
1913 Webster]

5. A waving or undulating motion; a signal made with the hand, a flag, etc.
1913 Webster]

6. The undulating line or streak of luster on cloth watered, or calendered, or on damask steel.
1913 Webster]

7. Something resembling or likened to a water wave, as in rising unusually high, in being of unusual extent, or in progressive motion; a swelling or excitement, as of feeling or energy; a tide; flood; period of intensity, usual activity, or the like; as, a wave of enthusiasm; waves of applause.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wave front (Physics), the surface of initial displacement of the particles in a medium, as a wave of vibration advances. -- Wave length (Physics), the space, reckoned in the direction of propagation, occupied by a complete wave or undulation, as of light, sound, etc.; the distance from a point or phase in a wave to the nearest point at which the same phase occurs. -- Wave line (Shipbuilding), a line of a vessel's hull, shaped in accordance with the wave-line system. -- Wave-line system, Wave-line theory (Shipbuilding), a system or theory of designing the lines of a vessel, which takes into consideration the length and shape of a wave which travels at a certain speed. -- Wave loaf, a loaf for a wave offering. Lev. viii. 27. -- Wave moth (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of small geometrid moths belonging to Acidalia and allied genera; -- so called from the wavelike color markings on the wings. -- Wave offering, an offering made in the Jewish services by waving the object, as a loaf of bread, toward the four cardinal points. Num. xviii. 11. -- Wave of vibration (Physics), a wave which consists in, or is occasioned by, the production and transmission of a vibratory state from particle to particle through a body. -- Wave surface. (a) (Physics) A surface of simultaneous and equal displacement of the particles composing a wave of vibration. (b) (Geom.) A mathematical surface of the fourth order which, upon certain hypotheses, is the locus of a wave surface of light in the interior of crystals. It is used in explaining the phenomena of double refraction. See under Refraction. -- Wave theory. (Physics) See Undulatory theory, under Undulatory.
1913 Webster]

Waved (?), a. 1. Exhibiting a wavelike form or outline; undulating; intended; wavy; as, waved edge.
1913 Webster]

2. Having a wavelike appearance; marked with wavelike lines of color; as, waved, or watered, silk.
1913 Webster]

3. (Her.) Having undulations like waves; -- said of one of the lines in heraldry which serve as outlines to the ordinaries, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wave"less (?), a. Free from waves; undisturbed; not agitated; as, the waveless sea.
1913 Webster]

Wave"let (?), n. A little wave; a ripple.
1913 Webster]

Wa"vel*lite (?), n. [After Dr. Wm. Wavel, the discoverer.] (Min.) A hydrous phosphate of alumina, occurring usually in hemispherical radiated forms varying in color from white to yellow, green, or black.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ver (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wavered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wavering.] [OE. waveren, from AS. w\'91fre wavering, restless. See Wave, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. To play or move to and fro; to move one way and the other; hence, to totter; to reel; to swing; to flutter.
1913 Webster]

With banners and pennons wavering with the wind. Ld. Berners.
1913 Webster]

Thou wouldst waver on one of these trees as a terror to all evil speakers against dignities. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

2. To be unsettled in opinion; to vacillate; to be undetermined; to fluctuate; as, to water in judgment.
1913 Webster]

Let us hold fast . . . without wavering. Heb. x. 23.
1913 Webster]

In feeble hearts, propense enough before
waver, or fall off and join with idols.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- To reel; totter; vacillate. See Fluctuate.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ver, n. [From Wave, or Waver, v.] A sapling left standing in a fallen wood. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ver*er (?), n. One who wavers; one who is unsettled in doctrine, faith, opinion, or the like. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ver*ing*ly, adv. In a wavering manner.
1913 Webster]

Wa"ver*ing*ness, n. The quality or state of wavering.
1913 Webster]

Wave"son (?), n. [From Wave; cf. Jetsam.] (O. Eng. Law) Goods which, after shipwreck, appear floating on the waves, or sea.
1913 Webster]

Wave"-worn` (?), a. Worn by the waves.
1913 Webster]

The shore that o'er his wave-worn basis bowed. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wa"vey (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The snow goose. [Canadian, & Local U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wav"i*ness (?), n. The quality or state of being wavy.
1913 Webster]

Wav"ure (?), n. See Waivure. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wav"y (?), a. 1. Rising or swelling in waves; full of waves. \'bdThe wavy seas.\'b8 Chapman.
1913 Webster]

2. Playing to and fro; undulating; as, wavy flames.
1913 Webster]

Let her glad valleys smile with wavy corn. Prior.
1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) Undulating on the border or surface; waved.
1913 Webster]

\'d8Wa*was"keesh (?), n. [From an Indian name.] (Zo\'94l.) The wapiti, or wapiti, or American elk.
1913 Webster]

Wawe (w, n. [See Woe.] Woe. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wawe (w, n. [OE. wawe, waghe; cf. Icel. v\'begr; akin to E. wag; not the same word as wave.] A wave. [Obs.] Chaucer. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wawl (w, v. i. See Waul. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wax (w, v. i. [imp. Waxed (?); p. p. Waxed, and Obs. or Poetic Waxen (; p. pr. & vb. n. Waxing.] [AS. weaxan; akin to OFries. waxa, D. wassen, OS. & OHG. wahsan, G. wachsen, Icel. vaxa, Sw. v\'84xa, Dan. voxe, Goth. wahsjan, Gr. waksh, uksh, to grow. Waist.]
1913 Webster]

1. To increase in size; to grow bigger; to become larger or fuller; -- opposed to wane.
1913 Webster]

The waxing and the waning of the moon. Hakewill.
1913 Webster]

Truth's treasures . . . never shall wax ne wane. P. Plowman.
1913 Webster]

2. To pass from one state to another; to become; to grow; as, to wax strong; to wax warmer or colder; to wax feeble; to wax old; to wax worse and worse.
1913 Webster]

Your clothes are not waxen old upon you. Deut. xxix. 5.
1913 Webster]

Where young Adonis oft reposes,
Waxing well of his deep wound.
1913 Webster]

Waxing kernels (Med.), small tumors formed by the enlargement of the lymphatic glands, especially in the groins of children; -- popularly so called, because supposed to be caused by growth of the body. Dunglison.
1913 Webster]

Wax, n. [AS. weax; akin to OFries. wax, D. was, G. wachs, OHG. wahs, Icel. & Sw. vax, Dan. vox, Lith. vaszkas, Russ. vosk'.]
1913 Webster]

1. A fatty, solid substance, produced by bees, and employed by them in the construction of their comb; -- usually called beeswax. It is first excreted, from a row of pouches along their sides, in the form of scales, which, being masticated and mixed with saliva, become whitened and tenacious. Its natural color is pale or dull yellow.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

2. Hence, any substance resembling beeswax in consistency or appearance. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) (Physiol.) Cerumen, or earwax. See Cerumen.
1913 Webster]

(b) A waxlike composition used for uniting surfaces, for excluding air, and for other purposes; as, sealing wax, grafting wax, etching wax, etc.
1913 Webster]

(c) A waxlike composition used by shoemakers for rubbing their thread.
1913 Webster]

(d) (Zo\'94l.) A substance similar to beeswax, secreted by several species of scale insects, as the Chinese wax. See Wax insect, below.
1913 Webster]

(e) (Bot.) A waxlike product secreted by certain plants. See Vegetable wax, under Vegetable.
1913 Webster]

(f) (Min.) A substance, somewhat resembling wax, found in connection with certain deposits of rock salt and coal; -- called also mineral wax, and ozocerite.
1913 Webster]

(g) Thick sirup made by boiling down the sap of the sugar maple, and then cooling. [Local U. S.]
1913 Webster]

(h) any of numerous substances or mixtures composed predominantly of the longer-chain saturated hydrocarbons such as the paraffins, which are solid at room teperature, or their alcohol, carboxylic acid, or ester derivatives.

Japanese wax, a waxlike substance made in Japan from the berries of certain species of Rhus, esp. Rhus succedanea. -- Mineral wax. (Min.) See Wax, 2 (f), above. -- Wax cloth. See Waxed cloth, under Waxed. -- Wax end. See Waxed end, under Waxed. -- Wax flower, a flower made of, or resembling, wax. -- Wax insect (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of scale insects belonging to the family Coccid\'91, which secrete from their bodies a waxlike substance, especially the Chinese wax insect (Coccus Sinensis) from which a large amount of the commercial Chinese wax is obtained. Called also pela. -- Wax light, a candle or taper of wax. -- Wax moth (Zo\'94l.), a pyralid moth (Galleria cereana) whose larv\'91 feed upon honeycomb, and construct silken galleries among the fragments. The moth has dusky gray wings streaked with brown near the outer edge. The larva is yellowish white with brownish dots. Called also bee moth. -- Wax myrtle. (Bot.) See Bayberry. -- Wax painting, a kind of painting practiced by the ancients, under the name of encaustic. The pigments were ground with wax, and diluted. After being applied, the wax was melted with hot irons and the color thus fixed. -- Wax palm. (Bot.) (a) A species of palm (Ceroxylon Andicola) native of the Andes, the stem of which is covered with a secretion, consisting of two thirds resin and one third wax, which, when melted with a third of fat, makes excellent candles. (b) A Brazilian tree (Copernicia cerifera) the young leaves of which are covered with a useful waxy secretion. -- Wax paper, paper prepared with a coating of white wax and other ingredients. -- Wax plant (Bot.), a name given to several plants, as: (a) The Indian pipe (see under Indian). (b) The Hoya carnosa, a climbing plant with polished, fleshy leaves. (c) Certain species of Begonia with similar foliage. -- Wax tree (Bot.) (a) A tree or shrub (Ligustrum lucidum) of China, on which certain insects make a thick deposit of a substance resembling white wax. (b) A kind of sumac (Rhus succedanea) of Japan, the berries of which yield a sort of wax. (c) A rubiaceous tree (El\'91agia utilis) of New Grenada, called by the inhabitants \'bdarbol del cera.\'b8 -- Wax yellow, a dull yellow, resembling the natural color of beeswax.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1635 -->
1913 Webster]

Wax (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waxed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waxing.] To smear or rub with wax; to treat with wax; as, to wax a thread or a table.
1913 Webster]

Waxed cloth, cloth covered with a coating of wax, used as a cover, of tables and for other purposes; -- called also wax cloth. -- Waxed end, a thread pointed with a bristle and covered with shoemaker's wax, used in sewing leather, as for boots, shoes, and the like; -- called also wax end. Brockett.
1913 Webster]

Wax"ber`ry (?), n. (Bot.) The wax-covered fruit of the wax myrtle, or bayberry. See Bayberry, and Candleberry tree.
1913 Webster]

Wax"bill` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of finchlike birds belonging to Estrelda and allied genera, native of Asia, Africa, and Australia. The bill is large, conical, and usually red in color, resembling sealing wax. Several of the species are often kept as cage birds.
1913 Webster]

Wax"bird` (?), (Zo\'94l.) The waxwing.
1913 Webster]

Wax"en (?), a. 1. Made of wax. \'bdThe female bee, that . . . builds her waxen cells.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. Covered with wax; waxed; as, a waxen tablet.
1913 Webster]

3. Resembling wax; waxy; hence, soft; yielding.
1913 Webster]

Men have marble, women waxen, minds. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Waxen chatterer (Zo\'94l.), the Bohemian chatterer.
1913 Webster]

Wax"i*ness (?), n. Quality or state of being waxy.
1913 Webster]

Wax"wing` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of small birds of the genus Ampelis, in which some of the secondary quills are usually tipped with small horny ornaments resembling red sealing wax. The Bohemian waxwing (see under Bohemian) and the cedar bird are examples. Called also waxbird.
1913 Webster]

Wax"work` (?), n. 1. Work made of wax; especially, a figure or figures formed or partly of wax, in imitation of real beings.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) An American climbing shrub (Celastrus scandens). It bears a profusion of yellow berrylike pods, which open in the autumn, and display the scarlet coverings of the seeds.
1913 Webster]

Wax"works` (?), n. pl. An exhibition of wax figures, or the place of exhibition; as, Madame Toussaud's Waxworks.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wax"work`er (?), n. 1. One who works in wax; one who makes waxwork.
1913 Webster]

2. A bee that makes or produces wax.
1913 Webster]

Wax"y (?), a. Resembling wax in appearance or consistency; viscid; adhesive; soft; hence, yielding; pliable; impressible. \'bdWaxy to persuasion.\'b8 Bp. Hall.
1913 Webster]

Waxy degeneration (Med.), amyloid degeneration. See under Amyloid. -- Waxy kidney, Waxy liver, etc. (Med.), a kidney or liver affected by waxy degeneration.
1913 Webster]

Way (?), adv. [Aphetic form of away.] Away. [Obs. or Archaic] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

To do way, to take away; to remove. [Obs.] \'bdDo way your hands.\'b8 Chaucer. -- To make way with, to make away with. See under Away. [Archaic]
1913 Webster]

Way, n. [OE. wey, way, AS. weg; akin to OS., D., OHG., & G. weg, Icel. vegr, Sw. v\'84g, Dan. vei, Goth. wigs, L. via, and AS. wegan to move, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. Convex, Inveigh, Vehicle, Vex, Via, Voyage, Wag, Wagon, Wee, Weigh.]
1913 Webster]

1. That by, upon, or along, which one passes or processes; opportunity or room to pass; place of passing; passage; road, street, track, or path of any kind; as, they built a way to the mine. \'bdTo find the way to heaven.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

I shall him seek by way and eke by street. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

The way seems difficult, and steep to scale. Milton.
1913 Webster]

The season and ways were very improper for his majesty's forces to march so great a distance. Evelyn.
1913 Webster]

2. Length of space; distance; interval; as, a great way; a long way.
1913 Webster]

And whenever the way seemed long,
1913 Webster]

3. A moving; passage; procession; journey.
1913 Webster]

I prythee, now, lead the way. Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. Course or direction of motion or process; tendency of action; advance.
1913 Webster]

If that way be your walk, you have not far. Milton.
1913 Webster]

And let eternal justice take the way. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

5. The means by which anything is reached, or anything is accomplished; scheme; device; plan.
1913 Webster]

My best way is to creep under his gaberdine. Shak.
1913 Webster]

By noble ways we conquest will prepare. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

What impious ways my wishes took! Prior.
1913 Webster]

6. Manner; method; mode; fashion; style; as, the way of expressing one's ideas.
1913 Webster]

7. Regular course; habitual method of life or action; plan of conduct; mode of dealing. \'bdHaving lost the way of nobleness.\'b8 Sir. P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Prov. iii. 17.
1913 Webster]

When men lived in a grander way. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

8. Sphere or scope of observation. Jer. Taylor.
1913 Webster]

The public ministers that fell in my way. Sir W. Temple.
1913 Webster]

9. Determined course; resolved mode of action or conduct; as, to have one's way.
1913 Webster]

10. (Naut.) (a) Progress; as, a ship has way. (b) pl. The timbers on which a ship is launched.
1913 Webster]

11. pl. (Mach.) The longitudinal guides, or guiding surfaces, on the bed of a planer, lathe, or the like, along which a table or carriage moves.
1913 Webster]

12. (Law) Right of way. See below.
1913 Webster]

By the way, in passing; apropos; aside; apart from, though connected with, the main object or subject of discourse. -- By way of, for the purpose of; as being; in character of. -- Covert way. (Fort.) See Covered way, under Covered. -- In the family way. See under Family. -- In the way, so as to meet, fall in with, obstruct, hinder, etc. -- In the way with, traveling or going with; meeting or being with; in the presence of. -- Milky way. (Astron.) See Galaxy, 1. -- No way, No ways. See Noway, Noways, in the Vocabulary. -- On the way, traveling or going; hence, in process; advancing toward completion; as, on the way to this country; on the way to success. -- Out of the way. See under Out. -- Right of way (Law), a right of private passage over another's ground. It may arise either by grant or prescription. It may be attached to a house, entry, gate, well, or city lot, as well as to a country farm. Kent. -- To be under way, or To have way (Naut.), to be in motion, as when a ship begins to move. -- To give way. See under Give. -- To go one's way, or To come one's way, to go or come; to depart or come along. Shak. -- To go one's way to proceed in a manner favorable to one; -- of events. -- To come one's way to come into one's possession (of objects) or to become available, as an opportunity; as, good things will come your way. -- To go the way of all the earth or to go the way of all flesh to die. -- To make one's way, to advance in life by one's personal efforts. -- To make way. See under Make, v. t. -- Ways and means. (a) Methods; resources; facilities. (b) (Legislation) Means for raising money; resources for revenue. -- Way leave, permission to cross, or a right of way across, land; also, rent paid for such right. [Eng] -- Way of the cross (Eccl.), the course taken in visiting in rotation the stations of the cross. See Station, n., 7 (c). -- Way of the rounds (Fort.), a space left for the passage of the rounds between a rampart and the wall of a fortified town. -- Way pane, a pane for cartage in irrigated land. See Pane, n., 4. [Prov. Eng.] -- Way passenger, a passenger taken up, or set down, at some intermediate place between the principal stations on a line of travel. -- Ways of God, his providential government, or his works. -- Way station, an intermediate station between principal stations on a line of travel, especially on a railroad. -- Way train, a train which stops at the intermediate, or way, stations; an accommodation train. -- Way warden, the surveyor of a road.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Street; highway; road. -- Way, Street, Highway, Road. Way is generic, denoting any line for passage or conveyance; a highway is literally one raised for the sake of dryness and convenience in traveling; a road is, strictly, a way for horses and carriages; a street is, etymologically, a paved way, as early made in towns and cities; and, hence, the word is distinctively applied to roads or highways in compact settlements.
1913 Webster]

All keep the broad highway, and take delight
1913 Webster]

There is but one road by which to climb up. Addison.
1913 Webster]

When night
streets, then wander forth the sons
1913 Webster]

Way (?), v. t. To go or travel to; to go in, as a way or path. [Obs.] \'bdIn land not wayed.\'b8 Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

Way, v. i. To move; to progress; to go. [R.]
1913 Webster]

On a time as they together wayed. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Way"bill` (?), n. A list of passengers in a public vehicle, or of the baggage or gods transported by a common carrier on a land route. When the goods are transported by water, the list is called a bill of lading.
1913 Webster]

Way"bread` (?), n. [AS. wegbr. See Way, and Broad.] (Bot.) The common dooryard plantain (Plantago major).
1913 Webster]

Way"bung` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) An Australian insessorial bird (Corcorax melanorhamphus) noted for the curious actions of the male during the breeding season. It is black with a white patch on each wing.
1913 Webster]

Wayed (?), a. Used to the way; broken. [R.]
1913 Webster]

A horse that is not well wayed; he starts at every bird that flies out the hedge. Selden.
1913 Webster]

Way"fare` (?), v. i. [Way + fare to go.] To journey; to travel; to go to and fro. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

A certain Laconian, as he wayfared, came unto a place where there dwelt an old friend of his. Holland.
1913 Webster]

Way"fare`, n. The act of journeying; travel; passage. [Obs.] Holland.
1913 Webster]

Way"far`er (?), n. One who travels; a traveler; a passenger.
1913 Webster]

Way"far`ing, a. Traveling; passing; being on a journey. \'bdA wayfaring man.\'b8 Judg. xix. 17.
1913 Webster]

Wayfaring tree (Bot.), a European shrub (Viburnum lantana) having large ovate leaves and dense cymes of small white flowers. -- American wayfaring tree (Bot.), the (Viburnum lantanoides).
1913 Webster]

Way"gate` (?), n. The tailrace of a mill. Knight.
1913 Webster]

Way"-go`ing (?), a. Going away; departing; of or pertaining to one who goes away.
1913 Webster]

Way-going crop (Law of Leases), a crop of grain to which tenants for years are sometimes entitled by custom; grain sown in the fall to be reaped at the next harvest; a crop which will not ripen until after the termination of the lease. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Way"-goose` (?), n. See Wayz-goose, n., 2. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wayk (?), a. Weak. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Way"lay` (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Waylaid (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Waylaying.] [Way + lay.] To lie in wait for; to meet or encounter in the way; especially, to watch for the passing of, with a view to seize, rob, or slay; to beset in ambush.
1913 Webster]

Falstaff, Bardolph, Peto, and Gadshill shall rob those men that we have already waylaid. Shak.
1913 Webster]

She often contrived to waylay him in his walks. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Way"lay`er (?), n. One who waylays another.
1913 Webster]

Way"less, a. Having no road or path; pathless.
1913 Webster]

Way"le*way (?), interj. See Welaway. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Way"mak`er (?), n. One who makes a way; a precursor. [R.] Bacon.
1913 Webster]

Way"mark` (?), n. A mark to guide in traveling.
1913 Webster]

Way"ment (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Waymented; p. pr. & vb. n. Waymenting.] [OE. waymenten, OF. waimenter, gaimenter, guaimenter, from wai, guai, woe! (of Teutonic origin; see Woe) and L. lamentari to lament. See Lament.] To lament; to grieve; to wail. [Written also waiment.] [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Thilke science . . . maketh a man to waymenten. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

For what boots it to weep and wayment,
1913 Webster]

Way"ment, n. Grief; lamentation; mourning. [Written also waiment.] [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

-ways (?). A suffix formed from way by the addition of the adverbial -s (see -wards). It is often used interchangeably with wise; as, endways or endwise; noways or nowise, etc.
1913 Webster]

Way" shaft` (?). 1. (Mach.) A rock shaft.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mining) An interior shaft, usually one connecting two levels. Raymond.
1913 Webster]

Way"side` (?), n. The side of the way; the edge or border of a road or path.
1913 Webster]

Way"side`, a. Of or pertaining to the wayside; as, wayside flowers. \'bdA wayside inn.\'b8 Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Way"ward (?), a. [OE. weiward, for aweiward, i. e., turned away. See Away, and -ward.] Taking one's own way; disobedient; froward; perverse; willful.
1913 Webster]

My wife is in a wayward mood. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wayward beauty doth not fancy move. Fairfax.
1913 Webster]

Wilt thou forgive the wayward thought? Keble.
1913 Webster]

-- Way"ward*ly, adv. -- Way"ward*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Way"-wise` (?), a. Skillful in finding the way; well acquainted with the way or route; wise from having traveled.
1913 Webster]

Way"wis`er (?), n. [Cf. G. wegweiser a waymark, a guide; weg way + weisen to show, direct.] An instrument for measuring the distance which one has traveled on the road; an odometer, pedometer, or perambulator.
1913 Webster]

The waywiser to a coach, exactly measuring the miles, and showing them by an index. Evelyn.
1913 Webster]

Way"wode (?), n. [Russ. voevoda, or Pol. woiewoda; properly, a leader of an army, a leader in war. Cf. Vaivode.] Originally, the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces. It was assumed for a time by the rulers of Moldavia and Wallachia, who were afterwards called hospodars, and has also been given to some inferior Turkish officers. [Written also vaivode, voivode, waiwode, and woiwode.]
1913 Webster]

Way"wode*ship, n. The office, province, or jurisdiction of a waywode.
1913 Webster]

Way"worn` (?), a. Wearied by traveling.
1913 Webster]

Wayz"-goose` (?), n. [Wase stubble + goose.]
1913 Webster]

1. A stubble goose. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

2. An annual feast of the persons employed in a printing office. [Written also way-goose.] [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

We (w, pron.; pl. of I. [Poss. Our (our) or Ours (ourz); obj. Us (. See I.] [As. w; akin to OS. w\'c6, OFries. & LG. wi, D. wij, G. wir, Icel. v, Sw. & Dan. vi, Goth. weis, Skr. vayam. The plural nominative case of the pronoun of the first person; the word with which a person in speaking or writing denotes a number or company of which he is one, as the subject of an action expressed by a verb.
1913 Webster]

We is frequently used to express men in general, including the speaker. We is also often used by individuals, as authors, editors, etc., in speaking of themselves, in order to avoid the appearance of egotism in the too frequent repetition of the pronoun I. The plural style is also in use among kings and other sovereigns, and is said to have been begun by King John of England. Before that time, monarchs used the singular number in their edicts. The German and the French sovereigns followed the example of King John in a. d. 1200.
1913 Webster]

Weak (w, a. [Compar. Weaker (w; superl. Weakest.] [OE. weik, Icel. veikr; akin to Sw. vek, Dan. veg soft, flexible, pliant, AS. w\'bec weak, soft, pliant, D. week, G. weich, OHG. weih; all from the verb seen in Icel. v\'c6kja to turn, veer, recede, AS. w\'c6can to yield, give way, G. weichen, OHG. w\'c6hhan, akin to Skr. vij, and probably to E. week, L. vicis a change, turn, Gr. e'i`kein to yield, give way. \'fb132. Cf. Week, Wink, v. i. Vicissitude.]
1913 Webster]

1. Wanting physical strength. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) Deficient in strength of body; feeble; infirm; sickly; debilitated; enfeebled; exhausted.
1913 Webster]

A poor, infirm, weak, and despised old man. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weak with hunger, mad with love. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

(b) Not able to sustain a great weight, pressure, or strain; as, a weak timber; a weak rope.
1913 Webster]

(c) Not firmly united or adhesive; easily broken or separated into pieces; not compact; as, a weak ship.
1913 Webster]

(d) Not stiff; pliant; frail; soft; as, the weak stalk of a plant.
1913 Webster]

(e) Not able to resist external force or onset; easily subdued or overcome; as, a weak barrier; as, a weak fortress.
1913 Webster]

(f) Lacking force of utterance or sound; not sonorous; low; small; feeble; faint.
1913 Webster]

A voice not soft, weak, piping, and womanish. Ascham.
1913 Webster]

(g) Not thoroughly or abundantly impregnated with the usual or required ingredients, or with stimulating and nourishing substances; of less than the usual strength; as, weak tea, broth, or liquor; a weak decoction or solution; a weak dose of medicine.
1913 Webster]

(h) Lacking ability for an appropriate function or office; as, weak eyes; a weak stomach; a weak magistrate; a weak regiment, or army.
1913 Webster]

2. Not possessing or manifesting intellectual, logical, moral, or political strength, vigor, etc. Specifically: -
1913 Webster]

(a) Feeble of mind; wanting discernment; lacking vigor; spiritless; as, a weak king or magistrate.
1913 Webster]

To think every thing disputable is a proof of a weak mind and captious temper. Beattie.
1913 Webster]

Origen was never weak enough to imagine that there were two Gods. Waterland.
1913 Webster]

(b) Resulting from, or indicating, lack of judgment, discernment, or firmness; unwise; hence, foolish.
1913 Webster]

If evil thence ensue,
weak indulgence will accuse.
1913 Webster]

(c) Not having full confidence or conviction; not decided or confirmed; vacillating; wavering.
1913 Webster]

Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. Rom. xiv. 1.
1913 Webster]

(d) Not able to withstand temptation, urgency, persuasion, etc.; easily impressed, moved, or overcome; accessible; vulnerable; as, weak resolutions; weak virtue.
1913 Webster]

Guard thy heart
weak side, where most our nature fails.
1913 Webster]

(e) Wanting in power to influence or bind; as, weak ties; a weak sense of honor of duty.
1913 Webster]

(f) Not having power to convince; not supported by force of reason or truth; unsustained; as, a weak argument or case. \'bdConvinced of his weak arguing.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

A case so weak . . . hath much persisted in. Hooker.
1913 Webster]

(g) Wanting in point or vigor of expression; as, a weak sentence; a weak style.
1913 Webster]

(h) Not prevalent or effective, or not felt to be prevalent; not potent; feeble. \'bdWeak prayers.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

(i) Lacking in elements of political strength; not wielding or having authority or energy; deficient in the resources that are essential to a ruler or nation; as, a weak monarch; a weak government or state.
1913 Webster]

I must make fair weather yet awhile,
weak, and I more strong.
1913 Webster]

(k) (Stock Exchange) Tending towards lower prices; as, a weak market.
1913 Webster]

3. (Gram.) (a) Pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its preterit (imperfect) and past participle by adding to the present the suffix -ed, -d, or the variant form -t; as in the verbs abash, abashed; abate, abated; deny, denied; feel, felt. See Strong, 19 (a). (b) Pertaining to, or designating, a noun in Anglo-Saxon, etc., the stem of which ends in -n. See Strong, 19 (b).
1913 Webster]

4. (Stock Exchange) Tending toward a lower price or lower prices; as, wheat is weak; a weak market.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

5. (Card Playing) Lacking in good cards; deficient as to number or strength; as, a hand weak in trumps.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

6. (Photog.) Lacking contrast; as, a weak negative.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weak is often used in the formation of self-explaining compounds; as, weak-eyed, weak-handed, weak-hearted, weak-minded, weak-spirited, and the like.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1636 -->
1913 Webster]

Weak conjugation (Gram.), the conjugation of weak verbs; -- called also new conjugation, or regular conjugation, and distinguished from the old conjugation, or irregular conjugation. -- Weak declension (Anglo-Saxon Gram.), the declension of weak nouns; also, one of the declensions of adjectives. -- Weak side, the side or aspect of a person's character or disposition by which he is most easily affected or influenced; weakness; infirmity. -- weak sore or weak ulcer (Med.), a sore covered with pale, flabby, sluggish granulations.
1913 Webster]

Weak (?), v. t. & i. [Cf. AS. w. w\'becian. See Weak, a.] To make or become weak; to weaken. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Never to seek weaking variety. Marston.
1913 Webster]

Weak"en (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weakened (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Weakening.]
1913 Webster]

1. To make weak; to lessen the strength of; to deprive of strength; to debilitate; to enfeeble; to enervate; as, to weaken the body or the mind; to weaken the hands of a magistrate; to weaken the force of an objection or an argument.
1913 Webster]

Their hands shall be weakened from the work, that it be not done. Neh. vi. 9.
1913 Webster]

2. To reduce in quality, strength, or spirit; as, to weaken tea; to weaken any solution or decoction.
1913 Webster]

Weak"en, v. i. To become weak or weaker; to lose strength, spirit, or determination; to become less positive or resolute; as, the patient weakened; the witness weakened on cross-examination. \'bdHis notion weakens, his discernings are lethargied.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weak"en*er (?), n. One who, or that which, weakens. \'bd[Fastings] weakeners of sin.\'b8 South.
1913 Webster]

Weak"fish` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any fish of the genus Cynoscion; a squeteague; -- so called from its tender mouth. See Squeteague.
1913 Webster]

Spotted weakfish (Zo\'94l.), the spotted squeteague.
1913 Webster]

Weak"-heart`ed (?), a. Having little courage; of feeble spirit; dispirited; faint-hearted. \'bdWeak-hearted enemies.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ish, a. Somewhat weak; rather weak.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ish*ness, n. Quality or state of being weakish.
1913 Webster]

Weak"-kneed` (?), a. Having weak knees; hence, easily yielding; wanting resolution. H. James.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ling (?), n. [Weak + -ling.] A weak or feeble creature. Shak. \'bdAll looking on him as a weakling, which would post to the grave.\'b8 Fuller.
1913 Webster]

We may not be weaklings because we have a strong enemy. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ling, a. Weak; feeble. Sir T. North.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ly, adv. In a weak manner; with little strength or vigor; feebly.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ly, a. [Compar. Weaklier (?); superl. Weakliest.] Not strong of constitution; infirm; feeble; as, a weakly woman; a man of a weakly constitution.
1913 Webster]

Weak"-mind`ed (?), a. Having a weak mind, either naturally or by reason of disease; feebleminded; foolish; idiotic. -- Weak"-mind`ed*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Weak"ness, n. 1. The quality or state of being weak; want of strength or firmness; lack of vigor; want of resolution or of moral strength; feebleness.
1913 Webster]

2. That which is a mark of lack of strength or resolution; a fault; a defect.
1913 Webster]

Many take pleasure in spreading abroad the weakness of an exalted character. Spectator.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Feebleness; debility; languor; imbecility; infirmness; infirmity; decrepitude; frailty; faintness.
1913 Webster]

Weal (?), n. The mark of a stripe. See Wale.
1913 Webster]

Weal, v. t. To mark with stripes. See Wale.
1913 Webster]

Weal, n. [OE. wele, AS. wela, weola, wealth, from wel well. See Well, adv., and cf. Wealth.]
1913 Webster]

1. A sound, healthy, or prosperous state of a person or thing; prosperity; happiness; welfare.
1913 Webster]

God . . . grant you wele and prosperity. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

As we love the weal of our souls and bodies. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

To him linked in weal or woe. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Never was there a time when it more concerned the public weal that the character of the Parliament should stand high. Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

2. The body politic; the state; common wealth. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

The special watchmen of our English weal. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weal, v. t. To promote the weal of; to cause to be prosperous. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Weal"-bal`anced (?), a. Balanced or considered with reference to public weal. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weald (?), n. [AS. See Wold.] A wood or forest; a wooded land or region; also, an open country; -- often used in place names.
1913 Webster]

Fled all night long by glimmering waste and weald,
1913 Webster]

Weald clay (Geol.), the uppermost member of the Wealden strata. See Wealden.
1913 Webster]

Weald"en (?; 277), a. [AS. weald, wald, a forest, a wood. So called because this formation occurs in the wealds, or woods, of Kent and Sussex. See Weald.] (Geol.) Of or pertaining to the lowest division of the Cretaceous formation in England and on the Continent, which overlies the O\'94litic series.
1913 Webster]

Weald"en, n. (Geol.) The Wealden group or strata.
1913 Webster]

Weald"ish, a. Of or pertaining to a weald, esp. to the weald in the county of Kent, England. [Obs.] Fuller.
1913 Webster]

Weal"ful (?), a. Weleful. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Weals"man (?), n.; pl. Wealsmen (#). [Weal + man.] A statesman; a politician. [R.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wealth (?), n. [OE. welthe, from wele; cf. D. weelde luxury. See Weal prosperity.]
1913 Webster]

1. Weal; welfare; prosperity; good. [Obs.] \'bdLet no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth.\'b8 1 Cor. x. 24.
1913 Webster]

2. Large possessions; a comparative abundance of things which are objects of human desire; esp., abundance of worldly estate; affluence; opulence; riches.
1913 Webster]

I have little wealth to lose. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Each day new wealth, without their care, provides. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Wealth comprises all articles of value and nothing else. F. A. Walker.
1913 Webster]

3. (Econ.) (a) In the private sense, all pooperty which has a money value. (b) In the public sense, all objects, esp. material objects, which have economic utility. (c) Specif. called personal wealth. Those energies, faculties, and habits directly contributing to make people industrially efficient.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Active wealth. See under Active.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Riches; affluence; opulence; abundance.
1913 Webster]

Wealth"ful (?), a. Full of wealth; wealthy; prosperous. [R.] Sir T. More. -- Wealth"ful*ly, adv. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wealth"i*ly (?), adv. In a wealthy manner; richly.
1913 Webster]

I come to wive it wealthily in Padua. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wealth"i*ness, n. The quality or state of being wealthy, or rich; richness; opulence.
1913 Webster]

Wealth"y (?), a. [Compar. Wealthier (?); superl. Wealthiest.]
1913 Webster]

1. Having wealth; having large possessions, or larger than most men, as lands, goods, money, or securities; opulent; affluent; rich.
1913 Webster]

A wealthy Hebrew of my tribe. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. Ps. lxvi. 12.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, ample; full; satisfactory; abundant. [R.]
1913 Webster]

The wealthy witness of my pen. B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

Wean (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weaned (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Weaning.] [OE. wenen, AS. wenian, wennan, to accustom; akin to D. wennen, G. gew\'94hnen, OHG. giwennan, Icel. venja, Sw. v\'84nja, Dan. v\'91nne, Icel. vanr accustomed, wont; cf. AS. \'bewenian to wean, G. entw\'94hnen. See Wont, a.]
1913 Webster]

1. To accustom and reconcile, as a child or other young animal, to a want or deprivation of mother's milk; to take from the breast or udder; to cause to cease to depend on the mother nourishment.
1913 Webster]

And the child grew, and was weaned; and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. Gen. xxi. 8.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, to detach or alienate the affections of, from any object of desire; to reconcile to the want or loss of anything. \'bdWean them from themselves.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

The troubles of age were intended . . . to wean us gradually from our fondness of life. Swift.
1913 Webster]

Wean, n. A weanling; a young child.
1913 Webster]

I, being but a yearling wean. Mrs. Browning.
1913 Webster]

Wean"ed*ness, n. Quality or state of being weaned.
1913 Webster]

Wean"el (?), n. A weanling. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wean"ling, a. & n. from Wean, v.
1913 Webster]

The weaning of the whelp is the great test of the skill of the kennel man. J. H. Walsh.
1913 Webster]

Weaning brash. (Med.) See under Brash.
1913 Webster]

Wean"ling (?), n. [Wean + -ling.] A child or animal newly weaned; a wean.
1913 Webster]

Wean"ling, a. Recently weaned. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Weap"on (w, n. [OE. wepen, AS. w; akin to OS. w, OFries. w, w, D. wapen, G. waffe, OHG. waffan, w\'befan, Icel. v\'bepn, Dan. vaaben, Sw. vapen, Goth. w, pl.; of uncertain origin. Cf. Wapentake.]
1913 Webster]

1. An instrument of offensive of defensive combat; something to fight with; anything used, or designed to be used, in destroying, defeating, or injuring an enemy, as a gun, a sword, etc.
1913 Webster]

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. 2 Cor. x. 4.
1913 Webster]

They, astonished, all resistance lost,
weapons dropped.
1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: The means or instrument with which one contends against another; as, argument was his only weapon. \'bdWoman's weapons, water drops.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) A thorn, prickle, or sting with which many plants are furnished.
1913 Webster]

Concealed weapons. See under Concealed. -- Weapon salve, a salve which was supposed to cure a wound by being applied to the weapon that made it. [Obs.] Boyle.
1913 Webster]

Weap"oned (?), a. Furnished with weapons, or arms; armed; equipped.
1913 Webster]

Weap"on*less (?), a. Having no weapon.
1913 Webster]

Weap"on*ry (?), n. Weapons, collectively; as, an array of weaponry. [Poetic]
1913 Webster]

Wear (w, n. Same as Weir.
1913 Webster]

Wear (w, v. t. [Cf. Veer.] (Naut.) To cause to go about, as a vessel, by putting the helm up, instead of alee as in tacking, so that the vessel's bow is turned away from, and her stern is presented to, the wind, and, as she turns still farther, her sails fill on the other side; to veer.
1913 Webster]

Wear, v. t. [imp. Wore (w; p. p. Worn (w; p. pr. & vb. n. Wearing. Before the 15th century wear was a weak verb, the imp. & p. p. being Weared.] [OE. weren, werien, AS. werian to carry, to wear, as arms or clothes; akin to OHG. werien, weren, to clothe, Goth. wasjan, L. vestis clothing, vestire to clothe, Gr. "enny`nai, Skr. vas. Cf. Vest.]
1913 Webster]

1. To carry or bear upon the person; to bear upon one's self, as an article of clothing, decoration, warfare, bondage, etc.; to have appendant to one's body; to have on; as, to wear a coat; to wear a shackle.
1913 Webster]

What compass will you wear your farthingale? Shak.
1913 Webster]

On her white breast a sparkling cross she wore,
1913 Webster]

2. To have or exhibit an appearance of, as an aspect or manner; to bear; as, she wears a smile on her countenance. \'bdHe wears the rose of youth upon him.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

His innocent gestures wear
1913 Webster]

3. To use up by carrying or having upon one's self; hence, to consume by use; to waste; to use up; as, to wear clothes rapidly.
1913 Webster]

4. To impair, waste, or diminish, by continual attrition, scraping, percussion, on the like; to consume gradually; to cause to lower or disappear; to spend.
1913 Webster]

That wicked wight his days doth wear. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

The waters wear the stones. Job xiv. 19.
1913 Webster]

5. To cause or make by friction or wasting; as, to wear a channel; to wear a hole.
1913 Webster]

6. To form or shape by, or as by, attrition.
1913 Webster]

Trials wear us into a liking of what, possibly, in the first essay, displeased us. Locke.
1913 Webster]

To wear away, to consume; to impair, diminish, or destroy, by gradual attrition or decay. -- To wear off, to diminish or remove by attrition or slow decay; as, to wear off the nap of cloth. -- To wear on or To wear upon, to wear. [Obs.] \'bd[I] weared upon my gay scarlet gites [gowns.]\'b8 Chaucer. -- To wear out. (a) To consume, or render useless, by attrition or decay; as, to wear out a coat or a book. (b) To consume tediously. \'bdTo wear out miserable days.\'b8 Milton. (c) To harass; to tire. \'bd[He] shall wear out the saints of the Most High.\'b8 Dan vii. 25. (d) To waste the strength of; as, an old man worn out in military service. -- To wear the breeches. See under Breeches. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wear, v. i. 1. To endure or suffer use; to last under employment; to bear the consequences of use, as waste, consumption, or attrition; as, a coat wears well or ill; -- hence, sometimes applied to character, qualifications, etc.; as, a man wears well as an acquaintance.
1913 Webster]

2. To be wasted, consumed, or diminished, by being used; to suffer injury, loss, or extinction by use or time; to decay, or be spent, gradually. \'bdThus wore out night.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Away, I say; time wears. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou and this people that is with thee. Ex. xviii. 18.
1913 Webster]

His stock of money began to wear very low. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

The family . . . wore out in the earlier part of the century. Beaconsfield.
1913 Webster]

To wear off, to pass away by degrees; as, the follies of youth wear off with age. -- To wear on, to pass on; as, time wears on. G. Eliot. -- To wear weary, to become weary, as by wear, long occupation, tedious employment, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wear, n. 1. The act of wearing, or the state of being worn; consumption by use; diminution by friction; as, the wear of a garment.
1913 Webster]

2. The thing worn; style of dress; the fashion.
1913 Webster]

Motley 's the only wear. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. The result of wearing or use; consumption, diminution, or impairment due to use, friction, or the like; as, the wear of this coat has been good.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wear and tear, the loss by wearing, as of machinery in use; the loss or injury to which anything is subjected by use, accident, etc.
1913 Webster]

Wear"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being worn; suitable to be worn.
1913 Webster]

Wear"er (?), n. 1. One who wears or carries as appendant to the body; as, the wearer of a cloak, a sword, a crown, a shackle, etc.
1913 Webster]

Cowls, hoods, and habits, with their wearers, tossed,
1913 Webster]

2. That which wastes or diminishes.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ri*a*ble (?), a. That may be wearied.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ri*ful (?), a. Abounding in qualities which cause weariness; wearisome. -- Wea"ri*ful*ly, adv.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ri*less, a. Incapable of being wearied.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ri*ly, adv. In a weary manner.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ri*ness, n. The quality or state of being weary or tried; lassitude; exhaustion of strength; fatigue.
1913 Webster]

With weariness and wine oppressed. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

A man would die, though he were neither valiant nor miserable, only upon a weariness to do the same thing so oft over and over. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1637 -->
1913 Webster]

Wear"ing (?), n. 1. The act of one who wears; the manner in which a thing wears; use; conduct; consumption.
1913 Webster]

Belike he meant to ward, and there to see his wearing. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

2. That which is worn; clothes; garments. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Give me my nightly wearing and adieu. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wear"ing (?), a. Pertaining to, or designed for, wear; as, wearing apparel.
1913 Webster]

Wear"ish (?), a. [Etymol. uncertain, but perhaps akin to weary.]
1913 Webster]

1. Weak; withered; shrunk. [Obs.] \'bdA wearish hand.\'b8 Ford.
1913 Webster]

A little, wearish old man, very melancholy by nature. Burton.
1913 Webster]

2. Insipid; tasteless; unsavory. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wearish as meat is that is not well tasted. Palsgrave.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ri*some (?), a. Causing weariness; tiresome; tedious; weariful; as, a wearisome march; a wearisome day's work; a wearisome book.
1913 Webster]

These high wild hills and rough uneven ways
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Irksome; tiresome; tedious; fatiguing; annoying; vexatious. See Irksome.
1913 Webster]

-- Wea"ri*some*ly, adv. -- Wea"ri*some*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ry (?), a. [Compar. Wearier (?); superl. Weariest.] [OE. weri, AS. w; akin to OS. w, OHG. wu; of uncertain origin; cf. AS. w to ramble.]
1913 Webster]

1. Having the strength exhausted by toil or exertion; worn out in respect to strength, endurance, etc.; tired; fatigued.
1913 Webster]

I care not for my spirits if my legs were not weary. Shak.
1913 Webster]

[I] am weary, thinking of your task. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. Causing weariness; tiresome. \'bdWeary way.\'b8 Spenser. \'bdThere passed a weary time.\'b8 Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

3. Having one's patience, relish, or contentment exhausted; tired; sick; -- with of before the cause; as, weary of marching, or of confinement; weary of study.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Fatigued; tiresome; irksome; wearisome.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ry, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wearied (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wearying.]
1913 Webster]

1. To reduce or exhaust the physical strength or endurance of; to tire; to fatigue; as, to weary one's self with labor or traveling.
1913 Webster]

So shall he waste his means, weary his soldiers. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To make weary of anything; to exhaust the patience of, as by continuance.
1913 Webster]

I stay too long by thee; I weary thee. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. To harass by anything irksome.
1913 Webster]

I would not cease
weary him with my assiduous cries.
1913 Webster]

To weary out, to subdue or exhaust by fatigue.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- To jade; tire; fatigue; fag. See Jade.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ry, v. i. To grow tired; to become exhausted or impatient; as, to weary of an undertaking.
1913 Webster]

Wea"sand (?), n. [OE. wesand, AS. w\'besend; akin to OFries. w\'besende, w\'besande; cf. OHG. weisunt.] The windpipe; -- called also, formerly, wesil. [Formerly, written also, wesand, and wezand.]
1913 Webster]

Cut his weasand with thy knife. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wea"sel (?), n. [OE. wesele, AS. wesle; akin to D. wezel, G. wiesel, OHG. wisala, Icel. hreyiv\'c6sla, Dan. v\'84sel, Sw. vessla; of uncertain origin; cf. Gr. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of various species of small carnivores belonging to the genus Putorius, as the ermine and ferret. They have a slender, elongated body, and are noted for the quickness of their movements and for their bloodthirsty habit in destroying poultry, rats, etc. The ermine and some other species are brown in summer, and turn white in winter; others are brown at all seasons.
1913 Webster]

Malacca weasel, the rasse. -- Weasel coot, a female or young male of the smew; -- so called from the resemblance of the head to that of a weasel. Called also weasel duck. -- Weasel lemur, a short-tailed lemur (Lepilemur mustelinus). It is reddish brown above, grayish brown below, with the throat white.
1913 Webster]

Wea"sel-faced` (?), a. Having a thin, sharp face, like a weasel.
1913 Webster]

Wea"ser (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The American merganser; -- called also weaser sheldrake. [Local, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wea"si*ness (?), n. Quality or state of being weasy; full feeding; sensual indulgence. [Obs.] Joye.
1913 Webster]

Wea"sy (?), a. [Cf. Weasand.] Given to sensual indulgence; gluttonous. [Obs.] Joye.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er (?), n. [OE. weder, AS. weder; akin to OS. wedar, OFries. weder, D. weder, we\'88r, G. wetter, OHG. wetar, Icel. ve, Dan. veir, Sw. v\'84der wind, air, weather, and perhaps to OSlav. vedro fair weather; or perhaps to Lith. vetra storm, Russ. vieter', vietr', wind, and E. wind. Cf. Wither.]
1913 Webster]

1. The state of the air or atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness, or any other meteorological phenomena; meteorological condition of the atmosphere; as, warm weather; cold weather; wet weather; dry weather, etc.
1913 Webster]

Not amiss to cool a man's stomach this hot weather. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Fair weather cometh out of the north. Job xxxvii. 22.
1913 Webster]

2. Vicissitude of season; meteorological change; alternation of the state of the air. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

3. Storm; tempest.
1913 Webster]

What gusts of weather from that gathering cloud
1913 Webster]

4. A light rain; a shower. [Obs.] Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

Stress of weather, violent winds; force of tempests. -- To make fair weather, to flatter; to give flattering representations. [R.] -- To make good weather, or To make bad weather (Naut.), to endure a gale well or ill; -- said of a vessel. Shak. -- Under the weather, ill; also, financially embarrassed. [Colloq. U. S.] Bartlett. -- Weather box. Same as Weather house, below. Thackeray. -- Weather breeder, a fine day which is supposed to presage foul weather. -- Weather bureau, a popular name for the signal service. See Signal service, under Signal, a. [U. S.] -- Weather cloth (Naut.), a long piece of canvas of tarpaulin used to preserve the hammocks from injury by the weather when stowed in the nettings. -- Weather door. (Mining) See Trapdoor, 2. -- Weather gall. Same as Water gall, 2. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell. -- Weather house, a mechanical contrivance in the form of a house, which indicates changes in atmospheric conditions by the appearance or retirement of toy images.
1913 Webster]

Peace to the artist whose ingenious thought
weather house, that useful toy!
1913 Webster]

-- Weather molding, or Weather moulding (Arch.), a canopy or cornice over a door or a window, to throw off the rain. -- Weather of a windmill sail, the obliquity of the sail, or the angle which it makes with its plane of revolution. -- Weather report, a daily report of meteorological observations, and of probable changes in the weather; esp., one published by government authority. -- Weather spy, a stargazer; one who foretells the weather. [R.] Donne. -- Weather strip (Arch.), a strip of wood, rubber, or other material, applied to an outer door or window so as to cover the joint made by it with the sill, casings, or threshold, in order to exclude rain, snow, cold air, etc.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weathered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Weathering.]
1913 Webster]

1. To expose to the air; to air; to season by exposure to air.
1913 Webster]

[An eagle] soaring through his wide empire of the air
weather his broad sails.
1913 Webster]

This gear lacks weathering. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, to sustain the trying effect of; to bear up against and overcome; to sustain; to endure; to resist; as, to weather the storm.
1913 Webster]

For I can weather the roughest gale. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

You will weather the difficulties yet. F. W. Robertson.
1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) To sail or pass to the windward of; as, to weather a cape; to weather another ship.
1913 Webster]

4. (Falconry) To place (a hawk) unhooded in the open air. Encyc. Brit.
1913 Webster]

To weather a point. (a) (Naut.) To pass a point of land, leaving it on the lee side. (b) Hence, to gain or accomplish anything against opposition. -- To weather out, to encounter successfully, though with difficulty; as, to weather out a storm.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er, v. i. To undergo or endure the action of the atmosphere; to suffer meteorological influences; sometimes, to wear away, or alter, under atmospheric influences; to suffer waste by weather.
1913 Webster]

The organisms . . . seem indestructible, while the hard matrix in which they are imbedded has weathered from around them. H. Miller.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er, a. (Naut.) Being toward the wind, or windward -- opposed to lee; as, weather bow, weather braces, weather gauge, weather lifts, weather quarter, weather shrouds, etc.
1913 Webster]

Weather gauge. (a) (Naut.) The position of a ship to the windward of another. (b) Fig.: A position of advantage or superiority; advantage in position.
1913 Webster]

To veer, and tack, and steer a cause
weather gauge of laws.
1913 Webster]

-- Weather helm (Naut.), a tendency on the part of a sailing vessel to come up into the wind, rendering it necessary to put the helm up, that is, toward the weather side. -- Weather shore (Naut.), the shore to the windward of a ship. Totten. -- Weather tide (Naut.), the tide which sets against the lee side of a ship, impelling her to the windward. Mar. Dict.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-beat`en (?), a. Beaten or harassed by the weather; worn by exposure to the weather, especially to severe weather. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-bit` (?), n. (Naut.) A turn of the cable about the end of the windlass, without the bits.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*bit`, v. t. (Naut.) To take another turn with, as a cable around a windlass. Totten.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-bit`ten (?), a. Eaten into, defaced, or worn, by exposure to the weather. Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*board` (?), n. 1. (Naut.) (a) That side of a vessel which is toward the wind; the windward side. (b) A piece of plank placed in a porthole, or other opening, to keep out water.
1913 Webster]

2. (a) (Arch.) A board extending from the ridge to the eaves along the slope of the gable, and forming a close junction between the shingling of a roof and the side of the building beneath. (b) A clapboard or feather-edged board used in weatherboarding.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-board`, v. t. (Arch.) To nail boards upon so as to lap one over another, in order to exclude rain, snow, etc. Gwilt.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*board`ing, n. (Arch.) (a) The covering or siding of a building, formed of boards lapping over one another, to exclude rain, snow, etc. (b) Boards adapted or intended for such use.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-bound` (?), a. Kept in port or at anchor by storms; delayed by bad weather; as, a weather-bound vessel.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*cock` (?), n. 1. A vane, or weather vane; -- so called because originally often in the figure of a cock, turning on the top of a spire with the wind, and showing its direction. \'bdAs a wedercok that turneth his face with every wind.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Noisy weathercocks rattled and sang of mutation. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, any thing or person that turns easily and frequently; one who veers with every change of current opinion; a fickle, inconstant person.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*cock`, v. t. To supply with a weathercock; to serve as a weathercock for.
1913 Webster]

Whose blazing wyvern weathercock the spire. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-driv`en (?), a. Driven by winds or storms; forced by stress of weather. Carew.
1913 Webster]

Weath"ered (?), a. 1. (Arch.) Made sloping, so as to throw off water; as, a weathered cornice or window sill.
1913 Webster]

2. (Geol.) Having the surface altered in color, texture, or composition, or the edges rounded off by exposure to the elements.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er-fend` (?), v. t. To defend from the weather; to shelter. Shak.
1913 Webster]

[We] barked the white spruce to weather-fend the roof. Emerson.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*glass` (?), n. An instrument to indicate the state of the atmosphere, especially changes of atmospheric pressure, and hence changes of weather, as a barometer or baroscope.
1913 Webster]

Poor man's weatherglass. (Bot.) See under Poor.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*ing, n. (Geol.) The action of the elements on a rock in altering its color, texture, or composition, or in rounding off its edges.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*li*ness (?), n. (Naut.) The quality of being weatherly.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*ly, a. (Naut.) Working, or able to sail, close to the wind; as, a weatherly ship. Cooper.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er map. A map or chart showing the principal meteorological elements at a given hour and over an extended region. Such maps usually show the height of the barometer, the temperature of the air, the relative humidity, the state of the weather, and the direction and velocity of the wind. Isobars and isotherms outline the general distribution of temperature and pressure, while shaded areas indicate the sections over which rain has just fallen. Other lines inclose areas where the temperature has fallen or risen markedly. In tabular form are shown changes of pressure and of temperature, maximum and minimum temperatures, and total rain for each weather station since the last issue, usually 12 hours.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weath"er*most` (?), a. (Naut.) Being farthest to the windward.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*proof` (?), a. Proof against rough weather.
1913 Webster]

Weather signal. Any signal giving information about the weather. The system used by the United States Weather Bureau includes temperature, cold or hot wave, rain or snow, wind direction, storm, and hurricane signals.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weather station. (Meteor.) A station for taking meteorological observations, making weather forecasts, or disseminating such information. Such stations are of the first order when they make observations of all the important elements either hourly or by self-registering instruments; of the second order when only important observations are taken; of the third order when simpler work is done, as to record rainfall and maximum and minimum temperatures.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weath"er*wise` (?), a. Skillful in forecasting the changes of the weather. Hakluyt.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*wis`er (?), n. [Cf. Waywiser.] Something that foreshows the weather. [Obs.] Derham.
1913 Webster]

Weath"er*worn` (?), a. Worn by the action of, or by exposure to, the weather.
1913 Webster]

Weave (w, v. t. [imp. Wove (w; p. p. Woven (w, Wove; p. pr. & vb. n. Weaving. The regular imp. & p. p. Weaved (w, is rarely used.] [OE. weven, AS. wefan; akin to D. weven, G. weben, OHG. weban, Icel. vefa, Sw. v\'84fva, Dan. v\'91ve, Gr. "yfai`nein, v., "y`fos web, Skr. spider, lit., wool weaver. Cf. Waper, Waffle, Web, Weevil, Weft, Woof.]
1913 Webster]

1. To unite, as threads of any kind, in such a manner as to form a texture; to entwine or interlace into a fabric; as, to weave wool, silk, etc.; hence, to unite by close connection or intermixture; to unite intimately.
1913 Webster]

This weaves itself, perforce, into my business. Shak.
1913 Webster]

That in their green shops weave the smooth-haired silk
1913 Webster]

And for these words, thus woven into song. Byron.
1913 Webster]

2. To form, as cloth, by interlacing threads; to compose, as a texture of any kind, by putting together textile materials; as, to weave broadcloth; to weave a carpet; hence, to form into a fabric; to compose; to fabricate; as, to weave the plot of a story.
1913 Webster]

When she weaved the sleided silk. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Her starry wreaths the virgin jasmin weaves. Ld. Lytton.
1913 Webster]

Weave, v. i. 1. To practice weaving; to work with a loom.
1913 Webster]

2. To become woven or interwoven.
1913 Webster]

Weave, n. A particular method or pattern of weaving; as, the cassimere weave.
1913 Webster]

Weav"er (?), n. 1. One who weaves, or whose occupation is to weave. \'bdWeavers of linen.\'b8 P. Plowman.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) A weaver bird.
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) An aquatic beetle of the genus Gyrinus. See Whirling.
1913 Webster]

Weaver bird (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of Asiatic, Fast Indian, and African birds belonging to Ploceus and allied genera of the family Ploceid\'91. Weaver birds resemble finches and sparrows in size, colors, and shape of the bill. They construct pensile nests composed of interlaced grass and other similar materials. In some of the species the nest is retort-shaped, with the opening at the bottom of the tube. -- Weavers' shuttle (Zo\'94l.), an East Indian marine univalve shell (Radius volva); -- so called from its shape. See Illust. of Shuttle shell, under Shuttle.
1913 Webster]

Weav"er*fish` (?), n. [See Weever.] (Zo\'94l.) See Weever.
1913 Webster]

Weav"ing, n. 1. The act of one who, or that which, weaves; the act or art of forming cloth in a loom by the union or intertexture of threads.
1913 Webster]

2. (Far.) An incessant motion of a horse's head, neck, and body, from side to side, fancied to resemble the motion of a hand weaver in throwing the shuttle. Youatt.
1913 Webster]

Wea"zand (?), n. See Weasand. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wea"zen (?), a. [See Wizen.] Thin; sharp; withered; wizened; as, a weazen face.
1913 Webster]

They were weazen and shriveled. Dickens.
1913 Webster]

Wea"zen*y (?), a. Somewhat weazen; shriveled. [Colloq.] \'bdWeazeny, baked pears.\'b8 Lowell.
1913 Webster]

Web (?), n. [OE. webbe, AS. webba. See Weave.] A weaver. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Web, n. [OE. web, AS. webb; akin to D. web, webbe, OHG. weppi, G. gewebe, Icel. vefr, Sw. v\'84f, Dan. v\'91v. See Weave.]
1913 Webster]

1. That which is woven; a texture; textile fabric; esp., something woven in a loom.
1913 Webster]

Penelope, for her Ulysses' sake,
web her wooers to deceive.
1913 Webster]

Not web might be woven, not a shuttle thrown, or penalty of exile. Bancroft.
1913 Webster]

2. A whole piece of linen cloth as woven.
1913 Webster]

3. The texture of very fine thread spun by a spider for catching insects at its prey; a cobweb. \'bdThe smallest spider's web.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. Fig.: Tissue; texture; complicated fabrication.
1913 Webster]

The somber spirit of our forefathers, who wove their web of life with hardly a . . . thread of rose-color or gold. Hawthorne.
1913 Webster]

Such has been the perplexing ingenuity of commentators that it is difficult to extricate the truth from the web of conjectures. W. Irving.
1913 Webster]

5. (Carriages) A band of webbing used to regulate the extension of the hood.
1913 Webster]

6. A thin metal sheet, plate, or strip, as of lead.
1913 Webster]

And Christians slain roll up in webs of lead. Fairfax.
1913 Webster]

Specifically: -
1913 Webster]

(a) The blade of a sword. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

The sword, whereof the web was steel,
1913 Webster]

(b) The blade of a saw.
1913 Webster]

(c) The thin, sharp part of a colter.
1913 Webster]

(d) The bit of a key.
1913 Webster]

7. (Mach. & Engin.) A plate or thin portion, continuous or perforated, connecting stiffening ribs or flanges, or other parts of an object. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) The thin vertical plate or portion connecting the upper and lower flanges of an lower flanges of an iron girder, rolled beam, or railroad rail.
1913 Webster]

(b) A disk or solid construction serving, instead of spokes, for connecting the rim and hub, in some kinds of car wheels, sheaves, etc.
1913 Webster]

(c) The arm of a crank between the shaft and the wrist.
1913 Webster]

(d) The part of a blackmith's anvil between the face and the foot.
1913 Webster]

8. (Med.) Pterygium; -- called also webeye. Shak.
1913 Webster]

9. (Anat.) The membrane which unites the fingers or toes, either at their bases, as in man, or for a greater part of their length, as in many water birds and amphibians.
1913 Webster]

10. (Zo\'94l.) The series of barbs implanted on each side of the shaft of a feather, whether stiff and united together by barbules, as in ordinary feathers, or soft and separate, as in downy feathers. See Feather.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1638 -->
1913 Webster]

Pin and web (Med.), two diseases of the eye, caligo and pterygium; -- sometimes wrongly explained as one disease. See Pin, n., 8, and Web, n., 8. \'bdHe never yet had pinne or webbe, his sight for to decay.\'b8 Gascoigne. -- Web member (Engin.), one of the braces in a web system. -- Web press, a printing press which takes paper from a roll instead of being fed with sheets. -- Web system (Engin.), the system of braces connecting the flanges of a lattice girder, post, or the like.
1913 Webster]

web (w, n. The world-wide web; -- usually referred to as the web.

Web (w, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Webbed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Webbing.] To unite or surround with a web, or as if with a web; to envelop; to entangle.
1913 Webster]

Webbed (?), a. 1. Provided with a web.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) Having the toes united by a membrane, or web; as, the webbed feet of aquatic fowls.
1913 Webster]

Web"ber (?), n. One who forms webs; a weaver; a webster. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Web"bing (?), n. A woven band of cotton or flax, used for reins, girths, bed bottoms, etc.
1913 Webster]

Web"by (?), a. Of or pertaining to a web or webs; like a web; filled or covered with webs.
1913 Webster]

Bats on their webby wings in darkness move. Crabbe.
1913 Webster]

We"ber (?), n. [From the name of Professor Weber, a German electrician.] (Elec.) The standard unit of electrical quantity, and also of current. See Coulomb, and Amp. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Web"eye` (?), n. (Med.) See Web, n., 8.
1913 Webster]

Web"-fin`gered (?), a. Having the fingers united by a web for a considerable part of their length.
1913 Webster]

Web"foot` (?), n.; pl. Webfeet (.
1913 Webster]

1. A foot the toes of which are connected by a membrane.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) Any web-footed bird.
1913 Webster]

Web"-foot`ed, a. Having webbed feet; palmiped; as, a goose or a duck is a web-footed fowl.
1913 Webster]

Web"ster (?), n. [AS. webbestre. See Web, Weave, and -ster.] A weaver; originally, a female weaver. [Obs.] Brathwait.
1913 Webster]

Web"ster*ite (?), n. [So named after Webster, the geologist.] (Min.) A hydrous sulphate of alumina occurring in white reniform masses.
1913 Webster]

Web"-toed` (?), a. Having the toes united by a web for a considerable part of their length.
1913 Webster]

Web"worm` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of various species of moths whose gregarious larv\'91 eat the leaves of trees, and construct a large web to which they retreat when not feeding.
1913 Webster]

Bombycid\'91, as the fall webworm (Hyphantria textor), which feeds on various fruit and forest trees, and the common tent caterpillar, which feeds on various fruit trees (see Tent caterpillar, under Tent.) The grapevine webworm is the larva of a geometrid moth (see Vine inchworm, under Vine).
1913 Webster]

Wed (w, n. [AS. wedd; akin to OFries. wed, OD. wedde, OHG, wetti, G. wette a wager, Icel. ve a pledge, Sw. vad a wager, an appeal, Goth. wadi a pledge, Lith. vad to redeem (a pledge), LL. vadium, L. vas, vadis, bail, security, vadimonium security, and Gr. Athlete, Gage a pledge, Wage.] A pledge; a pawn. [Obs.] Gower. Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

Let him be ware, his neck lieth to wed [i. e., for a security]. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wed, v. t. [imp. Wedded; p. p. Wedded or Wed; p. pr. & vb. n. Wedding.] [OE. wedden, AS. weddian to covenant, promise, to wed, marry; akin to OFries. weddia to promise, D. wedden to wager, to bet, G. wetten, Icel. ve, Dan. vedde, Sw. v\'84dja to appeal, Goth. gawadj to betroth. See Wed, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To take for husband or for wife by a formal ceremony; to marry; to espouse.
1913 Webster]

With this ring I thee wed. Bk. of Com. Prayer.
1913 Webster]

I saw thee first, and wedded thee. Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. To join in marriage; to give in wedlock.
1913 Webster]

And Adam, wedded to another Eve,
1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: To unite as if by the affections or the bond of marriage; to attach firmly or indissolubly.
1913 Webster]

Thou art wedded to calamity. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Men are wedded to their lusts. Tillotson.
1913 Webster]

[Flowers] are wedded thus, like beauty to old age. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

4. To take to one's self and support; to espouse. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

They positively and concernedly wedded his cause. Clarendon.
1913 Webster]

Wed (?), v. i. To contact matrimony; to marry. \'bdWhen I shall wed.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wed"dahs (?), n. pl. (Ethnol.) See Veddahs.
1913 Webster]

Wed"ded (?), a. 1. Joined in wedlock; married.
1913 Webster]

Let wwedded dame. Pope.
1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to wedlock, or marriage. \'bdWedded love.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wed"der (?), n. See Wether. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wed"ding (?), n. [AS. wedding.] Nuptial ceremony; nuptial festivities; marriage; nuptials.
1913 Webster]

Simple and brief was the wedding, as that of Ruth and of Boaz. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

wooden wedding; the tenth, the tin wedding; the fifteenth, the crystal wedding; the twentieth, the china wedding; the twenty-fifth, the silver wedding; the fiftieth, the golden wedding; the sixtieth, the diamond wedding. These anniversaries are often celebrated by appropriate presents of wood, tin, china, silver, gold, etc., given by friends.
1913 Webster]

Wedding is often used adjectively; as, wedding cake, wedding cards, wedding clothes, wedding day, wedding feast, wedding guest, wedding ring, etc.
1913 Webster]

Let her beauty be her wedding dower. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wedding favor, a marriage favor. See under Marriage.
1913 Webster]

Wed"er (?), n. Weather. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wedge (w, n. [OE. wegge, AS. wecg; akin to D. wig, wigge, OHG. wecki, G. weck a (wedge-shaped) loaf, Icel. veggr, Dan. v\'91gge, Sw. vigg, and probably to Lith. vagis a peg. Cf. Wigg.]
1913 Webster]

1. A piece of metal, or other hard material, thick at one end, and tapering to a thin edge at the other, used in splitting wood, rocks, etc., in raising heavy bodies, and the like. It is one of the six elementary machines called the mechanical powers. See Illust. of Mechanical powers, under Mechanical.
1913 Webster]

2. (Geom.) A solid of five sides, having a rectangular base, two rectangular or trapezoidal sides meeting in an edge, and two triangular ends.
1913 Webster]

3. A mass of metal, especially when of a wedgelike form. \'bdWedges of gold.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. Anything in the form of a wedge, as a body of troops drawn up in such a form.
1913 Webster]

In warlike muster they appear,
wedges, and half-moons, and wings.
1913 Webster]

5. The person whose name stands lowest on the list of the classical tripos; -- so called after a person (Wedgewood) who occupied this position on the first list of 1828. [Cant, Cambridge Univ., Eng.] C. A. Bristed.
1913 Webster]

6. (Golf) A golf club having an iron head with the face nearly horizontal, used for lofting the golf ball at a high angle, as when hitting the ball out of a sand trap or the rough.

Fox wedge. (Mach. & Carpentry) See under Fox. -- Spherical wedge (Geom.), the portion of a sphere included between two planes which intersect in a diameter.
1913 Webster]

Wedge, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wedged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wedging.]
1913 Webster]

1. To cleave or separate with a wedge or wedges, or as with a wedge; to rive. \'bdMy heart, as wedged with a sigh, would rive in twain.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To force or drive as a wedge is driven.
1913 Webster]

Among the crowd in the abbey where a finger
wedged in more.
1913 Webster]

He 's just the sort of man to wedge himself into a snug berth. Mrs. J. H. Ewing.
1913 Webster]

3. To force by crowding and pushing as a wedge does; as, to wedge one's way. Milton.
1913 Webster]

4. To press closely; to fix, or make fast, in the manner of a wedge that is driven into something.
1913 Webster]

Wedged in the rocky shoals, and sticking fast. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

5. To fasten with a wedge, or with wedges; as, to wedge a scythe on the snath; to wedge a rail or a piece of timber in its place.
1913 Webster]

6. (Pottery) To cut, as clay, into wedgelike masses, and work by dashing together, in order to expel air bubbles, etc. Tomlinson.
1913 Webster]

Wedge"bill` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) An Australian crested insessorial bird (Sphenostoma cristatum) having a wedge-shaped bill. Its color is dull brown, like the earth of the plains where it lives.
1913 Webster]

Wedge"-formed` (?), a. Having the form of a wedge; cuneiform.
1913 Webster]

Wedge-formed characters, Wedge-shaped characters. See Arrow-headed characters, under Arrowheaded, and cf. cuneiform.
1913 Webster +PJC]

{ wedge gauge or wedge gage }. A wedge with a graduated edge, to measure the width of a space into which it is thrust.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wedge gear. A friction gear wheel with wedge-shaped circumferential grooves. -- Wedge gearing.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wedge"-shaped` (?), a. 1. Having the shape of a wedge; cuneiform.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Broad and truncate at the summit, and tapering down to the base; as, a wedge-shaped leaf.
1913 Webster]

Wedge"-shell` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of small marine bivalves belonging to Donax and allied genera in which the shell is wedge-shaped.
1913 Webster]

Wedge"-tailed" (?), a. (Zo\'94l.) Having a tail which has the middle pair of feathers longest, the rest successively and decidedly shorter, and all more or less attenuate; -- said of certain birds. See Illust. of Wood hoopoe, under Wood.
1913 Webster]

Wedge-tailed eagle, an Australian eagle (Aquila audax) which feeds on various small species of kangaroos, and on lambs; -- called also mountain eagle, bold eagle, and eagle hawk. -- Wedge-tailed gull, an arctic gull (Rhodostethia rosea) in which the plumage is tinged with rose; -- called also Ross's gull.
1913 Webster]

Wedge"wise` (?), adv. In the manner of a wedge.
1913 Webster]

Wedg"wood` ware` (?). [From the name of the inventor, Josiah Wedgwood, of England.] A kind of fine pottery, the most remarkable being what is called jasper, either white, or colored throughout the body, and capable of being molded into the most delicate forms, so that fine and minute bas-reliefs like cameos were made of it, fit even for being set as jewels.
1913 Webster]

Wedg"y (?), a. Like a wedge; wedge-shaped.
1913 Webster]

Wed"lock (?), n. [AS. wedl\'bec a pledge, be trothal; wedd a pledge + l\'bec a gift, an offering. See Wed, n., and cf. Lake, v. i., Knowledge.]
1913 Webster]

1. The ceremony, or the state, of marriage; matrimony. \'bdThat blissful yoke . . . that men clepeth [call] spousal, or wedlock.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

For what is wedlock forced but a hell,
1913 Webster]

2. A wife; a married woman. [Obs.] B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- See Marriage.
1913 Webster]

Wed"lock, v. t. To marry; to unite in marriage; to wed. [R.] \'bdMan thus wedlocked.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wednes"day (?; 48), n. [OE. wednesdai, wodnesdei, AS. W, i. e., Woden's day (a translation of L. dies Mercurii); fr. W the highest god of the Teutonic peoples, but identified with the Roman god Mercury; akin to OS. W, OHG. Wuotan, Icel. O, D. woensdag Wednesday, Icel. , Dan. & Sw. onsdag. See Day, and cf. Woden, Wood, a.] The fourth day of the week; the next day after Tuesday.
1913 Webster]

Ash Wednesday. See in the Vocabulary.
1913 Webster]

Wee (?), n. [OE. we a bit, in a little we, probably originally meaning, a little way, the word we for wei being later taken as synonymous with little. See Way.] A little; a bit, as of space, time, or distance. [Obs. or Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wee, a. Very small; little. [Colloq. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

A little wee face, with a little yellow beard. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weech"-elm` (?), n. (Bot.) The wych-elm. [Obs.] Bacon.
1913 Webster]

Weed (w, n. [OE. wede, AS. w, w; akin to OS. w\'bedi, giw\'bedi, OFries, w, w, OD. wade, OHG. w\'bet, Icel. v\'be, Zend vadh to clothe.]
1913 Webster]

1. A garment; clothing; especially, an upper or outer garment. \'bdLowly shepherd's weeds.\'b8 Spenser. \'bdWoman's weeds.\'b8 Shak. \'bdThis beggar woman's weed.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

He on his bed sat, the soft weeds he wore
1913 Webster]

2. An article of dress worn in token of grief; a mourning garment or badge; as, he wore a weed on his hat; especially, in the plural, mourning garb, as of a woman; as, a widow's weeds.
1913 Webster]

In a mourning weed, with ashes upon her head, and tears abundantly flowing. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Weed, n. A sudden illness or relapse, often attended with fever, which attacks women in childbed. [Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Weed, n. [OE. weed, weod, AS. we\'a2d, wi\'a2d, akin to OS. wiod, LG. woden the stalks and leaves of vegetables D. wieden to weed, OS. wiod.]
1913 Webster]

1. Underbrush; low shrubs. [Obs. or Archaic]
1913 Webster]

One rushing forth out of the thickest weed. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

A wild and wanton pard . . .
1913 Webster]

2. Any plant growing in cultivated ground to the injury of the crop or desired vegetation, or to the disfigurement of the place; an unsightly, useless, or injurious plant.
1913 Webster]

Too much manuring filled that field with weeds. Denham.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: Something unprofitable or troublesome; anything useless.
1913 Webster]

4. (Stock Breeding) An animal unfit to breed from.
1913 Webster]

5. Tobacco, or a cigar. [Slang]
1913 Webster]

Weed hook, a hook used for cutting away or extirpating weeds. Tusser.
1913 Webster]

Weed, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weeded; p. pr. & vb. n. Weeding.] [AS. we\'a2dian. See 3d Weed.]
1913 Webster]

1. To free from noxious plants; to clear of weeds; as, to weed corn or onions; to weed a garden.
1913 Webster]

2. To take away, as noxious plants; to remove, as something hurtful; to extirpate; -- commonly used with out; as, to weed out inefficiency from an enterprise. \'bdWeed up thyme.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wise fathers . . . weeding from their children ill things. Ascham.
1913 Webster]

Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

3. To free from anything hurtful or offensive.
1913 Webster]

He weeded the kingdom of such as were devoted to Elaiana. Howell.
1913 Webster]

4. (Stock Breeding) To reject as unfit for breeding purposes.
1913 Webster]

Weed"er (?), n. One who, or that which, weeds, or frees from anything noxious.
1913 Webster]

Weed"er*y (?), n. Weeds, collectively; also, a place full of weeds or for growing weeds. [R.] Dr. H. More.
1913 Webster]

Weed"ing, a. & n. from Weed, v.
1913 Webster]

Weeding chisel, a tool with a divided chisel-like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. -- Weeding forceps, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding. -- Weeding fork, a strong, three-pronged fork, used in clearing ground of weeds; -- called also weeding iron. -- Weeding hook. Same as Weed hook, under 3d Weed. -- Weeding iron. See Weeding fork, above. -- Weeding tongs. Same as Weeding forceps, above.
1913 Webster]

Weed"ing-rhim` (?), n. [Cf. Prov. E. rim to remove.] A kind of implement used for tearing up weeds esp. on summer fallows. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Weed"less, a. 1. Free from weeds or noxious matter.
1913 Webster]

2. Free from weeds; -- said of a kind of motor-boat propeller the blades of which curve backwardly, as respects the direction of rotation, so that they draw through the water, and so do not gather weeds with which they come in contact.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weed out, v. t. to selectively remove; same as weed{2}, v. t.; -- of things that are useless or harmful.

Weed"y (?), a. [Compar. Weedier (?); superl. Weediest.]
1913 Webster]

1. Of or pertaining to weeds; consisting of weeds. \'bdWeedy trophies.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Abounding with weeds; as, weedy grounds; a weedy garden; weedy corn.
1913 Webster]

See from the weedy earth a rivulet break. Bryant.
1913 Webster]

3. Scraggy; ill-shaped; ungainly; -- said of colts or horses, and also of persons. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Weed"y, a. Dressed in weeds, or mourning garments. [R. or Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

She was as weedy as in the early days of her mourning. Dickens.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1639 -->
1913 Webster]

Week (?), n. [OE. weke, wike, woke, wuke AS. weocu, wicu, wucu; akin to OS. wika, OFries. wike, D. week, G. woche, OHG. wohha, wehha, Icel. vika, Sw. vecka, Dan. uge, Goth. wik, probably originally meaning, a succession or change, and akin to G. wechsel change, L. vicis turn, alternation, and E. weak. Cf. Weak.] A period of seven days, usually that reckoned from one Sabbath or Sunday to the next.
1913 Webster]

I fast twice in the week. Luke xviii. 12.
1913 Webster]

Encyc. Brit.
1913 Webster]

Feast of Weeks. See Pentecost, 1. -- Prophetic week, a week of years, or seven years. Dan. ix. 24. -- Week day. See under Day.
1913 Webster]

Week"-end", n. The end of the week, usually comprising the period from Friday evening to Monday morning, observed commonly as a period of respite from work or school; as, to visit one for a week-end; also, a house party during a week-end. Contrasted to work days. Where work days continue throught Saturday morning, the weekend starts on Saturday at noon.
Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

Week"ly (?), a. 1. Of or pertaining to a week, or week days; as, weekly labor.
1913 Webster]

2. Coming, happening, or done once a week; hebdomadary; as, a weekly payment; a weekly gazette.
1913 Webster]

Week"ly, n.; pl. Weeklies (. A publication issued once in seven days, or appearing once a week.
1913 Webster]

Week"ly, adv. Once a week; by hebdomadal periods; as, each performs service weekly.
1913 Webster]

Week"wam (?), n. See Wigwam. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Weel (?), a. & adv. Well. [Obs. or Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Weel, n. [AS. w\'d6l. \'fb147.] A whirlpool. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

{ Weel (?), Weel"y (?), }[Prov. E. weel, weal, a wicker basket to catch eels; prob. akin to willow, and so called as made of willow twigs.] A kind of trap or snare for fish, made of twigs. [Obs.] Carew.
1913 Webster]

Ween (?), v. i. [OE. wenen, AS. w, fr. w hope, expectation, opinion; akin to D. waan, OFries. w, OS. & OHG. w\'ben, G. wahn delusion, Icel. v\'ben hope, expectation, Goth. w, and D. wanen to fancy, G. w\'84hnen, Icel. v\'bena to hope, Goth. w, and perhaps to E. winsome, wish.] To think; to imagine; to fancy. [Obs. or Poetic] Spenser. Milton.
1913 Webster]

I have lost more than thou wenest. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

For well I ween,
J. R. Drake.
1913 Webster]

Though never a dream the roses sent
ween they smelt as sweet.
Mrs. Browning.
1913 Webster]

Weep (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The lapwing; the wipe; -- so called from its cry.
1913 Webster]

Weep, obs. imp. of Weep, for wept. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Weep, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wept (w; p. pr. & vb. n. Weeping.] [OE. wepen, AS. w, from w lamentation; akin to OFries. w to lament, OS. w lamentation, OHG. wuof, Icel. a shouting, crying, OS. w to lament, OHG. wuoffan, wuoffen, Icel. , Goth. w.
1913 Webster]

1. Formerly, to express sorrow, grief, or anguish, by outcry, or by other manifest signs; in modern use, to show grief or other passions by shedding tears; to shed tears; to cry.
1913 Webster]

And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck. Acts xx. 37.
1913 Webster]

Phocion was rarely seen to weep or to laugh. Mitford.
1913 Webster]

And eyes that wake to weep. Mrs. Hemans.
1913 Webster]

And they wept together in silence. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. To lament; to complain. \'bdThey weep unto me, saying, Give us flesh, that we may eat.\'b8 Num. xi. 13.
1913 Webster]

3. To flow in drops; to run in drops.
1913 Webster]

The blood weeps from my heart. Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. To drop water, or the like; to drip; to be soaked.
1913 Webster]

5. To hang the branches, as if in sorrow; to be pendent; to droop; -- said of a plant or its branches.
1913 Webster]

Weep, v. t. 1. To lament; to bewail; to bemoan. \'bdI weep bitterly the dead.\'b8 A. S. Hardy.
1913 Webster]

We wandering go
weep each other's woe.
1913 Webster]

2. To shed, or pour forth, as tears; to shed drop by drop, as if tears; as, to weep tears of joy.
1913 Webster]

Tears, such as angels weep, burst forth. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Groves whose rich trees wept odorous gums and balm. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Weep"er (?), n. 1. One who weeps; esp., one who sheds tears.
1913 Webster]

2. A white band or border worn on the sleeve as a badge of mourning. Goldsmith.
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) The capuchin. See Capuchin, 3 (a).
1913 Webster]

Weep"ful (?), a. Full of weeping or lamentation; grieving. [Obs.] Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

Weep"ing, n. The act of one who weeps; lamentation with tears; shedding of tears.
1913 Webster]

Weep"ing, a. 1. Grieving; lamenting; shedding tears. \'bdWeeping eyes.\'b8 I. Watts.
1913 Webster]

2. Discharging water, or other liquid, in drops or very slowly; surcharged with water. \'bdWeeping grounds.\'b8 Mortimer.
1913 Webster]

3. Having slender, pendent branches; -- said of trees; as, weeping willow; a weeping ash.
1913 Webster]

4. Pertaining to lamentation, or those who weep.
1913 Webster]

Weeping cross, a cross erected on or by the highway, especially for the devotions of penitents; hence, to return by the weeping cross, to return from some undertaking in humiliation or penitence. -- Weeping rock, a porous rock from which water gradually issues. -- Weeping sinew, a ganglion. See Ganglion, n., 2. [Colloq.] -- Weeping spring, a spring that discharges water slowly.
1913 Webster]

<-- Illustr. of Weeping willow. -->

weeping beech n. a variety of European beech (Fagus pendula, Fagus sylvatica pendula) with pendulous limbs.
WordNet 1.5]

weeping love grass n. a perennial South African grass (Eragrostis curvula) having densly clumped flimsy stems; introduced into U.S. esp. for erosion control.
Syn. -- African love grass.
WordNet 1.5]

Weep"ing*ly (?), adv. In a weeping manner.
1913 Webster]

Weep"ing-ripe` (?), a. Ripe for weeping; ready to weep. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

weeping spruce n. a medium-sized spruce of California and Oregon (Picea breweriana) having pendulous branches.
Syn. -- Brewer's spruce.
WordNet 1.5]

Weep"ing tree. (a) Any tree having pendulous branches. (b) A tree from which honeydew or other liquid secretions of insects drip in considerable quantities, esp. one infested by the larv\'91 of any species of the genus Ptylus, allied to the cuckoo spits, which in tropical countries secrete large quantities of a watery fluid.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

weeping tree broom n. a small shrubby tree of New Zealand having weeping branches and racemes of white to violet flowers followed by woolly indehiscent 2-seeded pods.
a broom is any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers.
WordNet 1.5]

weeping widow n. same as crumblecap.
WordNet 1.5]

Weep"ing wil"low (Bot.) a tree (Salix babylonica) of the willow family with slender leaves, native to China, whose branches grow very long and slender, and hang down almost perpendicularly. It grows best where soil is moist, as by the banks of streams and is widely cultivated as an ornamental tree.
Syn. -- Babylonian weeping willow. [PJC]

Weer"ish (?), a. See Wearish. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wee"sel (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) See Weasel.
1913 Webster]

Weet (?), a. & n. Wet. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Weet, v. i. [imp. Wot (?).] [See Wit to know.] To know; to wit. [Obs.] Tyndale. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Weet"-bird` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The wryneck; -- so called from its cry. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Weet"ing*ly, adv. Knowingly. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Weet"less, a. Unknowing; also, unknown; unmeaning. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Weet"-weet` (?), n. [So called from its piping cry when disturbed.] (Zo\'94l.) (a) The common European sandpiper. (b) The chaffinch. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Weet"-weet` (?), n. [Native name in Victoria.] A throwing toy, or implement, of the Australian aborigines, consisting of a cigar-shaped stick fastened at one end to a flexible twig. It weighs in all about two ounces, and is about two feet long.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wee"ver (?), n. [Probably from F. vive, OF. vivre, a kind of fish, L. vipera viper. Cf. Viper.] (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of edible marine fishes belonging to the genus Trachinus, of the family Trachinid\'91. They have a broad spinose head, with the eyes looking upward. The long dorsal fin is supported by numerous strong, sharp spines which cause painful wounds.
1913 Webster]

<-- Illustr. of Great weever (Trachinus draco) -->
1913 Webster]

Trachinus draco), which becomes a foot long (called also gowdie, sea cat, stingbull, and weaverfish), and the lesser weever (Trachinus vipera), about half as large (called also otter pike, and stingfish).
1913 Webster]

Wee"vil (?), n. [OE. wivel, wevil, AS. wifel, wibil; akin to OD. wevel, OHG. wibil, wibel, G. wiebel, wibel, and probably to Lith. vabalas beetle, and E. weave. See Weave.] (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of snout beetles, or Rhynchophora, in which the head is elongated and usually curved downward. Many of the species are very injurious to cultivated plants. The larv\'91 of some of the species live in nuts, fruit, and grain by eating out the interior, as the plum weevil, or curculio, the nut weevils, and the grain weevil (see under Plum, Nut, and Grain). The larv\'91 of other species bore under the bark and into the pith of trees and various other plants, as the pine weevils (see under Pine). See also Pea weevil, Rice weevil, Seed weevil, under Pea, Rice, and Seed.
1913 Webster]

Wee"viled (?), a. Infested by weevils; as, weeviled grain. [Written also weevilled.]
1913 Webster]

Wee"vil*y (?), a. Having weevils; weeviled. [Written also weevilly.]
1913 Webster]

Wee"zel (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) See Weasel.
1913 Webster]

Weft (?), obs. imp. & p. p. of Wave.
1913 Webster]

Weft, n. [Cf. Waif.] A thing waved, waived, or cast away; a waif. [Obs.] \'bdA forlorn weft.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Weft, n. [AS. weft, wefta, fr. wefan, to weave. See Weave.]
1913 Webster]

1. The woof of cloth; the threads that cross the warp from selvage to selvage; the thread carried by the shuttle in weaving.
1913 Webster]

2. A web; a thing woven.
1913 Webster]

Weft"age (?), n. Texture. [Obs.] Grew.
1913 Webster]

We"go*tism (?), n. [From we, in imitation of egotism.] Excessive use of the pronoun we; -- called also weism. [Colloq. or Cant]
1913 Webster]

{ Wehr"geld` (?), Wehr"gelt` (?), } n. (O. Eng. Law) See Weregild.
1913 Webster]

Wehr"wolf` (?), n. See Werewolf.
1913 Webster]

{ Wei"gel*a (?), Wei*ge"li*a (?), } n. [NL. So named after C. E. Weigel, a German naturalist.] (Bot.) A hardy garden shrub (Diervilla Japonica) belonging to the Honeysuckle family, with white or red flowers. It was introduced from China.
1913 Webster]

Weigh (w, n. (Naut.) A corruption of Way, used only in the phrase under weigh.
1913 Webster]

An expedition was got under weigh from New York. Thackeray.
1913 Webster]

The Athenians . . . hurried on board and with considerable difficulty got under weigh. Jowett (Thucyd.).
1913 Webster]

Weigh, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weighed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Weighing.] [OE. weien, weyen, weghen, AS. wegan to bear, move; akin to D. wegen to weigh, G. w\'84gen, wiegen, to weigh, bewegen to move, OHG. wegan, Icel. vega to move, carry, lift, weigh, Sw. v\'84ga to weigh, Dan. veie, Goth. gawigan to shake, L. vehere to carry, Skr. vah. Way, and cf. Wey.]
1913 Webster]

1. To bear up; to raise; to lift into the air; to swing up; as, to weigh anchor. \'bdWeigh the vessel up.\'b8 Cowper.
1913 Webster]

2. To examine by the balance; to ascertain the weight of, that is, the force with which a thing tends to the center of the earth; to determine the heaviness, or quantity of matter of; as, to weigh sugar; to weigh gold.
1913 Webster]

Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. Dan. v. 27.
1913 Webster]

3. To be equivalent to in weight; to counterbalance; to have the heaviness of. \'bdA body weighing divers ounces.\'b8 Boyle.
1913 Webster]

4. To pay, allot, take, or give by weight.
1913 Webster]

They weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. Zech. xi. 12.
1913 Webster]

5. To examine or test as if by the balance; to ponder in the mind; to consider or examine for the purpose of forming an opinion or coming to a conclusion; to estimate deliberately and maturely; to balance.
1913 Webster]

A young man not weighed in state affairs. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

Had no better weighed
1913 Webster]

Regard not who it is which speaketh, but weigh only what is spoken. Hooker.
1913 Webster]

In nice balance, truth with gold she weighs. Pope.
1913 Webster]

Without sufficiently weighing his expressions. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

6. To consider as worthy of notice; to regard. [Obs. or Archaic] \'bdI weigh not you.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

All that she so dear did weigh. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

To weigh down. (a) To overbalance. (b) To oppress with weight; to overburden; to depress. \'bdTo weigh thy spirits down.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Weigh (?), v. i. 1. To have weight; to be heavy. \'bdThey only weigh the heavier.\'b8 Cowper.
1913 Webster]

2. To be considered as important; to have weight in the intellectual balance.
1913 Webster]

Your vows to her and me . . . will even weigh. Shak.
1913 Webster]

This objection ought to weigh with those whose reading is designed for much talk and little knowledge. Locke.
1913 Webster]

3. To bear heavily; to press hard.
1913 Webster]

Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff
weighs upon the heart.
1913 Webster]

4. To judge; to estimate. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Could not weigh of worthiness aright. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

To weigh down, to sink by its own weight.
1913 Webster]

Weigh, n. [See Wey.] A certain quantity estimated by weight; an English measure of weight. See Wey.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being weighed.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"age (?; 48), n. A duty or toil paid for weighing merchandise. Bouvier.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"beam` (?), n. A kind of large steelyard for weighing merchandise; -- also called weighmaster's beam.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"board` (?), n. (Mining) Clay intersecting a vein. Weale.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"bridge` (?), n. A weighing machine on which loaded carts may be weighed; platform scales.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"er (?), n. One who weighs; specifically, an officer whose duty it is to weigh commodities.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"-house` (?), n.; pl. Weigh-houses (. A building at or within which goods, and the like, are weighed.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"ing, a. & n. from Weigh, v.
1913 Webster]

Weighing cage, a cage in which small living animals may be conveniently weighed. -- Weighing house. See Weigh-house. -- Weighing machine, any large machine or apparatus for weighing; especially, platform scales arranged for weighing heavy bodies, as loaded wagons.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"lock` (?), n. A lock, as on a canal, in which boats are weighed and their tonnage is settled.
1913 Webster]

Weigh"mas`ter (?), n. One whose business it is to weigh ore, hay, merchandise, etc.; one licensed as a public weigher.
1913 Webster]

Weight (?), n. [OE. weght, wight, AS. gewiht; akin to D. gewigt, G. gewicht, Icel. v\'91tt, Sw. vigt, Dan. v\'91gt. See Weigh, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. The quality of being heavy; that property of bodies by which they tend toward the center of the earth; the effect of gravitative force, especially when expressed in certain units or standards, as pounds, grams, etc.
1913 Webster]

Weight differs from gravity in being the effect of gravity, or the downward pressure of a body under the influence of gravity; hence, it constitutes a measure of the force of gravity, and being the resultant of all the forces exerted by gravity upon the different particles of the body, it is proportional to the quantity of matter in the body.
1913 Webster]

2. The quantity of heaviness; comparative tendency to the center of the earth; the quantity of matter as estimated by the balance, or expressed numerically with reference to some standard unit; as, a mass of stone having the weight of five hundred pounds.
1913 Webster]

For sorrow, like a heavy-hanging bell,
weight goes.
1913 Webster]

3. Hence, pressure; burden; as, the weight of care or business. \'bdThe weight of this said time.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

For the public all this weight he bears. Milton.
1913 Webster]

[He] who singly bore the world's sad weight. Keble.
1913 Webster]

4. Importance; power; influence; efficacy; consequence; moment; impressiveness; as, a consideration of vast weight.
1913 Webster]

In such a point of weight, so near mine honor. Shak.
1913 Webster]

5. A scale, or graduated standard, of heaviness; a mode of estimating weight; as, avoirdupois weight; troy weight; apothecaries' weight.
1913 Webster]

6. A ponderous mass; something heavy; as, a clock weight; a paper weight.
1913 Webster]

A man leapeth better with weights in his hands. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

7. A definite mass of iron, lead, brass, or other metal, to be used for ascertaining the weight of other bodies; as, an ounce weight.
1913 Webster]

8. (Mech.) The resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to the power which moves it. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Atomic weight. (Chem.) See under Atomic, and cf. Element. -- Dead weight, Feather weight, Heavy weight, Light weight, etc. See under Dead, Feather, etc. -- Weight of observation (Astron. & Physics), a number expressing the most probable relative value of each observation in determining the result of a series of observations of the same kind.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Ponderousness; gravity; heaviness; pressure; burden; load; importance; power; influence; efficacy; consequence; moment; impressiveness.
1913 Webster]

Weight, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weighted; p. pr. & vb. n. Weighting.]
1913 Webster]

1. To load with a weight or weights; to load down; to make heavy; to attach weights to; as, to weight a horse or a jockey at a race; to weight a whip handle.
1913 Webster]

The arrows of satire, . . . weighted with sense. Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

2. (Astron. & Physics) To assign a weight to; to express by a number the probable accuracy of, as an observation. See Weight of observations, under Weight.
1913 Webster]

3. (Dyeing) To load (fabrics) as with barite, to increase the weight, etc.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. (Math.) to assign a numerical value expressing relative importance to (a measurement), to be multiplied by the value of the measurement in determining averages or other aggregate quantities; as, they weighted part one of the test twice as heavily as part 2.

<-- p. 1640 -->
1913 Webster]

Weight"i*ly (?), adv. In a weighty manner.
1913 Webster]

Weight"i*ness (?), n. The quality or state of being weighty; weight; force; importance; impressiveness.
1913 Webster]

Weight"less, a. Having no weight; imponderable; hence, light. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weight"y (?), a. [Compar. Weightier (?); superl. Weightiest.]
1913 Webster]

1. Having weight; heavy; ponderous; as, a weighty body.
1913 Webster]

2. Adapted to turn the balance in the mind, or to convince; important; forcible; serious; momentous. \'bdFor sundry weighty reasons.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Let me have your advice in a weighty affair. Swift.
1913 Webster]

3. Rigorous; severe; afflictive. [R.] \'bdAttend our weightier judgment.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Heavy; ponderous; burdensome; onerous; forcible; momentous; efficacious; impressive; cogent.
1913 Webster]

Weil's disease (?). (Med.) An acute infectious febrile disease, resembling typhoid fever, with muscular pains, disturbance of the digestive organs, jaundice, etc.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{ Weir (w, Wear,} n. [OE. wer, AS. wer; akin to G. wehr, AS. werian to defend, protect, hinder, G. wehren, Goth. warjan; and perhaps to E. wary; or cf. Skr. v to check, hinder. Garret.] 1. A dam in a river to stop and raise the water, for the purpose of conducting it to a mill, forming a fish pond, or the like.
1913 Webster]

2. A fence of stakes, brushwood, or the like, set in a stream, tideway, or inlet of the sea, for taking fish.
1913 Webster]

3. A long notch with a horizontal edge, as in the top of a vertical plate or plank, through which water flows, -- used in measuring the quantity of flowing water.
1913 Webster]

Weird (w, n. [OE. wirde, werde, AS. wyrd fate, fortune, one of the Fates, fr. weor to be, to become; akin to OS. wurd fate, OHG. wurt, Icel. ur. Worth to become.]
1913 Webster]

1. Fate; destiny; one of the Fates, or Norns; also, a prediction. [Obs. or Scot.]
1913 Webster]

2. A spell or charm. [Obs. or Scot.] Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Weird, a.
1913 Webster]

1. Of or pertaining to fate; concerned with destiny.
1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to witchcraft; caused by, or suggesting, magical influence; supernatural; unearthly; wild; as, a weird appearance, look, sound, etc.
1913 Webster]

Myself too had weird seizures. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Those sweet, low tones, that seemed like a weird incantation. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

Weird sisters, the Fates. [Scot.] G. Douglas.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

The weird sisters, hand in hand,
1913 Webster]

Weird, v. t. To foretell the fate of; to predict; to destine to. [Scot.] Jamieson.
1913 Webster]

Weird"ness, n. The quality or state of being weird.
1913 Webster]

We"ism (?), n. Same as Wegotism.
1913 Webster]

Weis"mann*ism (?), n. (Biol.) The theories and teachings in regard to heredity propounded by the German biologist August Weismann, esp. in regard to germ plasm as the basis of heredity and the impossibility of transmitting acquired characteristics; -- often called neo-Darwinism.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weiss beer (?). [G. weissbier white beer.] A light-colored highly effervescent beer made by the top-fermentation process.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weive (?), v. t. See Waive. [Obs.] Gower.
1913 Webster]

We"ka (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A New Zealand rail (Ocydromus australis) which has wings so short as to be incapable of flight.
1913 Webster]

We"kau (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A small New Zealand owl (Sceloglaux albifacies). It has short wings and long legs, and lives chiefly on the ground.
1913 Webster]

We*keen" (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The meadow pipit. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wel"a*way (?), interj. [OE. welaway, walaway, weilawey; wei wo! (Icel. vei) + la lo! (AS. l\'be) + wei wo!; cf. AS. w\'be l\'be w\'be. See Woe.] Alas! [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Then welaway, for she undone was clean. Wyatt.
1913 Webster]

Wel"-be*gone` (?), a. [OE. wel-begon. See Well, and Begone.] Surrounded with happiness or prosperity. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Fair and rich and young and wel-begone. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Welch (?), a. See Welsh. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Welch"er (?), n. See Welsher.
1913 Webster]

Welch"man (?), n. See Welshman. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wel"come (?), a. [OE. welcome, welcume, wilcume, AS. wilcuma a welcome guest, from wil-, as a prefix, akin to willa will + cuma a comer, fr. cuman to come; hence, properly, one who comes so as to please another's will; cf. Icel. velkominn welcome, G. willkommen. See Will, n., and Come.]
1913 Webster]

1. Received with gladness; admitted willingly to the house, entertainment, or company; as, a welcome visitor.
1913 Webster]

When the glad soul is made Heaven's welcome guest. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

2. Producing gladness; grateful; as, a welcome present; welcome news. \'bdO, welcome hour!\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

3. Free to have or enjoy gratuitously; as, you are welcome to the use of my library.
1913 Webster]

Welcome is used elliptically for you are welcome. \'bdWelcome, great monarch, to your own.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Welcome-to-our-house (Bot.), a kind of spurge (Euphorbia Cyparissias). Dr. Prior.
1913 Webster]

Wel"come, n.
1913 Webster]

1. Salutation to a newcomer. \'bdWelcome ever smiles.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Kind reception of a guest or newcomer; as, we entered the house and found a ready welcome.
1913 Webster]

His warmest welcome at an inn. Shenstone.
1913 Webster]

Truth finds an entrance and a welcome too. South.
1913 Webster]

To bid welcome, to receive with professions of kindness.
1913 Webster]

To thee and thy company I bid
1913 Webster]

Wel"come, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Welcomed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Welcoming.] [AS. wilcumian.] To salute with kindness, as a newcomer; to receive and entertain hospitably and cheerfully; as, to welcome a visitor; to welcome a new idea. \'bdI welcome you to land.\'b8 Addison.
1913 Webster]

Thus we salute thee with our early song,
welcome thee, and wish thee long.
1913 Webster]

Wel"come*ly, adv. In a welcome manner.
1913 Webster]

Wel"come*ness, n. The quality or state of being welcome; gratefulness; agreeableness; kind reception.
1913 Webster]

Wel"com*er (?), n. One who welcomes; one who salutes, or receives kindly, a newcomer. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Weld (w, v. t. To wield. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Weld (w, n. [OE. welde; akin to Scot. wald, Prov. G. waude, G. wau, Dan. & Sw. vau, D. wouw.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Bot.) An herb (Reseda luteola) related to mignonette, growing in Europe, and to some extent in America; dyer's broom; dyer's rocket; dyer's weed; wild woad. It is used by dyers to give a yellow color. [Written also woald, wold, and would.]
1913 Webster]

2. Coloring matter or dye extracted from this plant.
1913 Webster]

Weld, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Welded; p. pr. & vb. n. Welding.] [Probably originally the same word as well to spring up, to gush; perhaps from the Scand.; cf. Sw. v\'84lla to weld, uppv\'84lla to boil up, to spring up, Dan. v\'91lde to gush, G. wellen to weld. See Well to spring.]
1913 Webster]

1. To press or beat into intimate and permanent union, as two pieces of iron when heated almost to fusion.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: To unite closely or intimately.
1913 Webster]

Two women faster welded in one love. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Weld, n. The state of being welded; the joint made by welding.
1913 Webster]

Butt weld. See under Butt. -- Scarf weld, a joint made by overlapping, and welding together, the scarfed ends of two pieces.
1913 Webster]

Weld"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being welded.
1913 Webster]

Weld"er (?), n. One who welds, or unites pieces of iron, etc., by welding.
1913 Webster]

Weld"er, n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who welds, or wields. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

2. A manager; an actual occupant. [Ireland. Obs.] \'bdThe welder . . . who . . . lives miserably.\'b8 Swift.
1913 Webster]

Wel"don's proc"ess (?), (Chem.) A process for the recovery or regeneration of manganese dioxide in the manufacture of chlorine, by means of milk of lime and the oxygen of the air; -- so called after the inventor.
1913 Webster]

Weld steel. A compound of iron, such as puddled steel, made without complete fusion.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wele (?), n. [See Weal prosperity.] Prosperity; happiness; well-being; weal. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wele"ful (?), a. Producing prosperity or happiness; blessed. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

We"lew (?), v. t. To welk, or wither. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wel"fare` (?), n. [Well + fare to go, to proceed, to happen.] Well-doing or well-being in any respect; the enjoyment of health and the common blessings of life; exemption from any evil or calamity; prosperity; happiness.
1913 Webster]

How to study for the people's welfare. Shak.
1913 Webster]

In whose deep eyes
welfare of the times to come.
1913 Webster]

Wel"far`ing, a. Faring well; prosperous; thriving. [Obs.] \'bdA welfaring person.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Welk (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Welked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Welking.] [OE. welken; cf. D. & G. welken to wither, G. welk withered, OHG. welc moist. See Welkin, and cf. Wilt.] To wither; to fade; also, to decay; to decline; to wane. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

When ruddy Phwelk in west. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

The church, that before by insensible degrees welked and impaired, now with large steps went down hill decaying. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Welk, v. t.
1913 Webster]

1. To cause to wither; to wilt. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Mot thy welked neck be to-broke [broken]. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. To contract; to shorten. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Now sad winter welked hath the day. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

3. To soak; also, to beat severely. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Welk, n. A pustule. See 2d Whelk.
1913 Webster]

Welk, n. (Zo\'94l.) A whelk. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Welked (?), v. t. See Whelked.
1913 Webster]

Wel"kin (?), n. [OE. welken, welkene, welkne, wolcne, weolcne, AS. wolcen, pl. wolcnu, a cloud; akin to D. wolk, OFries. wolken, OS. wolkan, G. wolke, OHG. wolchan, and probably to G. welk withered, OHG. welc moist, Russ. & OSlav. vlaga moisture, Lith. vilgyti to moisten.] The visible regions of the air; the vault of heaven; the sky.
1913 Webster]

On the welkne shoon the sterres lyght. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

The fair welkin foully overcast. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

When storms the welkin rend. Wordsworth.
1913 Webster]

welkin eye,\'b8 with uncertain meaning.
1913 Webster]

Well (?), n. [OE. welle, AS. wella, wylla, from weallan to well up, surge, boil; akin to D. wel a spring or fountain. Well, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain.
1913 Webster]

Begin, then, sisters of the sacred well. Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. A pit or hole sunk into the earth to such a depth as to reach a supply of water, generally of a cylindrical form, and often walled with stone or bricks to prevent the earth from caving in.
1913 Webster]

The woman said unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. John iv. 11.
1913 Webster]

3. A shaft made in the earth to obtain oil or brine.
1913 Webster]

4. Fig.: A source of supply; fountain; wellspring. \'bdThis well of mercy.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Dan Chaucer, well of English undefiled. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

A well of serious thought and pure. Keble.
1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) (a) An inclosure in the middle of a vessel's hold, around the pumps, from the bottom to the lower deck, to preserve the pumps from damage and facilitate their inspection. (b) A compartment in the middle of the hold of a fishing vessel, made tight at the sides, but having holes perforated in the bottom to let in water for the preservation of fish alive while they are transported to market. (c) A vertical passage in the stern into which an auxiliary screw propeller may be drawn up out of water. (d) A depressed space in the after part of the deck; -- often called the cockpit.
1913 Webster]

6. (Mil.) A hole or excavation in the earth, in mining, from which run branches or galleries.
1913 Webster]

7. (Arch.) An opening through the floors of a building, as for a staircase or an elevator; a wellhole.
1913 Webster]

8. (Metal.) The lower part of a furnace, into which the metal falls.
1913 Webster]

Artesian well, Driven well. See under Artesian, and Driven. -- Pump well. (Naut.) See Well, 5 (a), above. -- Well boring, the art or process of boring an artesian well. -- Well drain. (a) A drain or vent for water, somewhat like a well or pit, serving to discharge the water of wet land. (b) A drain conducting to a well or pit. -- Well room. (a) A room where a well or spring is situated; especially, one built over a mineral spring. (b) (Naut.) A depression in the bottom of a boat, into which water may run, and whence it is thrown out with a scoop. -- Well sinker, one who sinks or digs wells. -- Well sinking, the art or process of sinking or digging wells. -- Well staircase (Arch.), a staircase having a wellhole (see Wellhole (b)), as distinguished from one which occupies the whole of the space left for it in the floor. -- Well sweep. Same as Sweep, n., 12. -- Well water, the water that flows into a well from subterraneous springs; the water drawn from a well.
1913 Webster]

Well (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Welled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Welling.] [OE. wellen, AS. wyllan, wellan, fr. weallan; akin to OFries. walla, OS. & OHG. wallan, G. wallen, Icel. vella, G. welle, wave, OHG. wella, walm, AS. wylm; cf. L. volvere to roll, Gr. Voluble, Wallop to boil, Wallow, Weld of metal.] To issue forth, as water from the earth; to flow; to spring. \'bd[Blood] welled from out the wound.\'b8 Dryden. \'bd[Yon spring] wells softly forth.\'b8 Bryant.
1913 Webster]

From his two springs in Gojam's sunny realm,
welling out, he through the lucid lake
1913 Webster]

Well, v. t. To pour forth, as from a well. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Well, adv. [Compar. and superl. wanting, the deficiency being supplied by better and best, from another root.] [OE. wel, AS. wel; akin to OS., OFries., & D. wel, G. wohl, OHG. wola, wela, Icel. & Dan. vel, Sw. v\'84l, Goth. wa\'a1la; originally meaning, according to one's will or wish. See Will, v. t., and cf. Wealth.]
1913 Webster]

1. In a good or proper manner; justly; rightly; not ill or wickedly.
1913 Webster]

If thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. Gen. iv. 7.
1913 Webster]

2. Suitably to one's condition, to the occasion, or to a proposed end or use; suitably; abundantly; fully; adequately; thoroughly.
1913 Webster]

Lot . . . beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere. Gen. xiii. 10.
1913 Webster]

WE are wellable to overcome it. Num. xiii. 30.
1913 Webster]

She looketh well to the ways of her household. Prov. xxxi. 27.
1913 Webster]

Servant of God, well done! well hast thou fought
1913 Webster]

3. Fully or about; -- used with numbers. [Obs.] \'bdWell a ten or twelve.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Well nine and twenty in a company. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

4. In such manner as is desirable; so as one could wish; satisfactorily; favorably; advantageously; conveniently. \'bdIt boded well to you.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

well contain.
1913 Webster]

All the world speaks well of you. Pope.
1913 Webster]

5. Considerably; not a little; far.
1913 Webster]

Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age. Gen. xviii. 11.
1913 Webster]

Well is sometimes used elliptically for it is well, as an expression of satisfaction with what has been said or done, and sometimes it expresses concession, or is merely expletive; as, well, the work is done; well, let us go; well, well, be it so.
1913 Webster]

Well, like above, ill, and so, is used before many participial adjectives in its usual adverbial senses, and subject to the same custom with regard to the use of the hyphen (see the Note under Ill, adv.); as, a well-affected supporter; he was well affected toward the project; a well-trained speaker; he was well trained in speaking; well-educated, or well educated; well-dressed, or well dressed; well-appearing; well-behaved; well-controlled; well-designed; well-directed; well-formed; well-meant; well-minded; well-ordered; well-performed; well-pleased; well-pleasing; well-seasoned; well-steered; well-tasted; well-told, etc. Such compound epithets usually have an obvious meaning, and since they may be formed at will, only a few of this class are given in the Vocabulary.
1913 Webster]

As well. See under As. -- As well as, and also; together with; not less than; one as much as the other; as, a sickness long, as well as severe; London is the largest city in England, as well as the capital. -- Well enough, well or good in a moderate degree; so as to give satisfaction, or so as to require no alteration. -- Well off, in good condition; especially, in good condition as to property or any advantages; thriving; prosperous. -- Well to do, well off; prosperous; -- used also adjectively. \'bdThe class well to do in the world.\'b8 J. H. Newman. -- Well to live, in easy circumstances; well off; well to do. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Well, a.
1913 Webster]

1. Good in condition or circumstances; desirable, either in a natural or moral sense; fortunate; convenient; advantageous; happy; as, it is well for the country that the crops did not fail; it is well that the mistake was discovered.
1913 Webster]

It was well with us in Egypt. Num. xi. 18.
1913 Webster]

2. Being in health; sound in body; not ailing, diseased, or sick; healthy; as, a well man; the patient is perfectly well. \'bdYour friends are well.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Is your father well, the old man of whom ye spake? Gen. xliii. 27.
1913 Webster]

3. Being in favor; favored; fortunate.
1913 Webster]

He followed the fortunes of that family, and was well with Henry the Fourth. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

4. (Marine Insurance) Safe; as, a chip warranted well at a certain day and place. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Well"a*day (?), interj. [Corrupted from wela way.] Alas! Welaway! Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wel"lat (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The king parrakeet See under King.
1913 Webster]

Well"-be`ing (?), n. The state or condition of being well; welfare; happiness; prosperity; as, virtue is essential to the well-being of men or of society.
1913 Webster]

Well"-born` (?), a. Born of a noble or respect able family; not of mean birth.
1913 Webster]

Well"-bred` (?), a. Having good breeding; refined in manners; polite; cultivated.
1913 Webster]

I am as well-bred as the earl's granddaughter. Thackera
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1641 -->
1913 Webster]

Well"do`er (?), n. One who does well; one who does good to another; a benefactor.
1913 Webster]

Well"do`ing, n. A doing well; right performance of duties. Also used adjectively.
1913 Webster]

Well"drain` (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Welldrained (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Well-draining.] To drain, as land; by means of wells, or pits, which receive the water, and from which it is discharged by machinery.
1913 Webster]

Well"fare` (?), n. See Welfare. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Well"-fa"vored (?), a. Handsome; wellformed; beautiful; pleasing to the eye.
1913 Webster]

Rachel was beautiful and well-favored. Gen. xxix. 17.
1913 Webster]

Well"head` (?), n. A source, spring, or fountain.
1913 Webster]

At the wellhead the purest streams arise. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Our public-school and university life is a great wellhead of new and irresponsible words. Earle.
1913 Webster]

Well"hole` (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. (Arch.) (a) The open space in a floor, to accommodate a staircase. (b) The open space left beyond the ends of the steps of a staircase.
1913 Webster]

2. A cavity which receives a counterbalancing weight in certain mechanical contrivances, and is adapted also for other purposes. W. M. Buchanan.
1913 Webster]

Well`-in*formed" (?), a. Correctly informed; provided with information; well furnished with authentic knowledge; intelligent.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ling*ton boot. [After the Duke of Wellington.] A riding boot for men, the front of which came above the knee; also, a similar shorter boot worn under the trousers.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wel`ling*to"ni*a (?), n. [NL. So named after the Duke of Wellington.] (Bot.) A name given to the \'bdbig trees\'b8 (Sequoia gigantea) of California, and still used in England. See Sequoia.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ling*tons (?), n. pl. [After the Duke of Wellington.] A kind of long boots for men.
1913 Webster]

Well`-in*ten"tioned (?), a. Having upright intentions or honorable purposes.
1913 Webster]

Dutchmen who had sold themselves to France, as the wellintentioned party. Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

Well"-known` (?), a. Fully known; generally known or acknowledged.
1913 Webster]

A church well known with a well-known rite. M. Arnold.
1913 Webster]

Well"-lik`ing (?), a. Being in good condition. [Obs. or Archaic]
1913 Webster]

They also shall bring forth more fruit in their age, and shall be fat and well-liking. Bk. of Com. Prayer (Ps. xcii.).
1913 Webster]

Well`-man"nered (?), a. Polite; well-bred; complaisant; courteous. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Well"-mean`er (?), n. One whose intention is good. \'bdWell-meaners think no harm.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Well"-mean`ing, a. Having a good intention.
1913 Webster]

Well`-na"tured (?), a. Good-natured; kind.
1913 Webster]

Well-natured, temperate, and wise. Denham.
1913 Webster]

Well"-nigh` (?), adv. Almost; nearly. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Well"-plight`ed (?), a. Being well folded. [Obs.] \'bdHer well-plighted frock.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Well"-read` (?), a. Of extensive reading; deeply versed; -- often followed by in.
1913 Webster]

Well"-seen` (?), a. Having seen much; hence, accomplished; experienced. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Well-seen in arms and proved in many a fight. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Well"-set` (?), a.
1913 Webster]

1. Properly or firmly set.
1913 Webster]

2. Well put together; having symmetry of parts.
1913 Webster]

Well"-sped` (?), a. Having good success.
1913 Webster]

Well"-spo`ken (?), a. [Well + speak.]
1913 Webster]

1. Speaking well; speaking with fitness or grace; speaking kindly. \'bdA knight well-spoken.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Spoken with propriety; as, well-spoken words.
1913 Webster]

Well"spring` (?), n. A fountain; a spring; a source of continual supply.
1913 Webster]

Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it; but the instruction of fools is folly. Prov. xvi. 22.
1913 Webster]

Well"-will`er (?), n. One who wishes well, or means kindly. [R.] \'bdA well-willer of yours.\'b8 Brydges.
1913 Webster]

Well"-wish` (?), n. A wish of happiness. \'bdA well-wish for his friends.\'b8 Addison.
1913 Webster]

Well"wish`er (?), n. One who wishes another well; one who is benevolently or friendlily inclined.
1913 Webster]

We'll (?). Contraction for we will or we shall. \'bdWe'll follow them.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wels (?), n. [G.] (Zo\'94l.) The sheatfish; -- called also waller.
1913 Webster]

Wels"bach (?), a. Of or pertaining to Auer von Welsbach or the incandescent gas burner invented by him. -- Welsbach burner, a burner in which the combustion of a mixture of air and gas or vapor is employed to heat to incandescence a mantle composed of thoria and ceria. The mantle is made by soaking a \'bdstocking\'b8 in a solution of nitrates of thorium and cerium (approx. 99:1), drying, and, for use, igniting to burn the thread and convert the nitrates into oxides, which remain as a fragile ash. The light far exceeds that obtained from the same amount of gas with the ordinary fishtail burner, but has a slight greenish hue.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Welsh (?), a. [AS. w\'91lisc, welisc, from wealh a stranger, foreigner, not of Saxon origin, a Welshman, a Celt, Gael; akin to OHG. walh, whence G. w\'84lsch or welsch, Celtic, Welsh, Italian, French, Foreign, strange, OHG. walhisc; from the name of a Celtic tribe. See Walnut.] Of or pertaining to Wales, or its inhabitants. [Sometimes written also Welch.]
1913 Webster]

Welsh flannel, a fine kind of flannel made from the fleece of the flocks of the Welsh mountains, and largely manufactured by hand. -- Welsh glaive, or Welsh hook, a weapon of war used in former times by the Welsh, commonly regarded as a kind of poleax. Fairholt. Craig. -- Welsh mortgage (O. Eng. Law), a species of mortgage, being a conveyance of an estate, redeemable at any time on payment of the principal, with an understanding that the profits in the mean time shall be received by the mortgagee without account, in satisfaction of interest. Burrill. -- Welsh mutton, a choice and delicate kind of mutton obtained from a breed of small sheep in Wales. -- Welsh onion (Bot.), a kind of onion (Allium fistulosum) having hollow inflated stalks and leaves, but scarcely any bulb, a native of Siberia. It is said to have been introduced from Germany, and is supposed to have derived its name from the German term w\'84lsch foreign. -- Welsh parsley, hemp, or halters made from hemp. [Obs. & Jocular] J. Fletcher. -- Welsh rabbit. See under Rabbit.
1913 Webster]

Welsh, n.
1913 Webster]

1. The language of Wales, or of the Welsh people.
1913 Webster]

2. pl. The natives or inhabitants of Wales.
1913 Webster]

Welsh call themselves Cymry, in the plural, and a Welshman Cymro, and their country Cymru, of which the adjective is Cymreig, and the name of their language Cymraeg. They are a branch of the Celtic family, and a relic of the earliest known population of England, driven into the mountains of Wales by the Anglo-Saxon invaders.
1913 Webster]

Welsh (?), v. t. & i. (a) To cheat by avoiding payment of bets; -- said esp. of an absconding bookmaker at a race track. [Slang] (b) To avoid dishonorably the fulfillment of a pecuniary obligation. [Slang]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Welsh"er (?), n. One who cheats at a horse race; one who bets, without a chance of being able to pay; one who receives money to back certain horses and absconds with it. [Written also welcher.] [Slang, Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Welsh"man (?), n.; pl. Welshmen (.
1913 Webster]

1. A native or inhabitant of Wales; one of the Welsh.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A squirrel fish. (b) The large-mouthed black bass. See Black bass. [Southern U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Welsh rarebit (?), n. same as Welsh rabbit.

Wel"some (?), a. Prosperous; well. [Obs.] Wyclif. -- Wel"some*ly, adv. Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

welt (w, n. [OE. welte, probably fr. W. gwald a hem, a welt, gwaldu to welt or to hem.]
1913 Webster]

1. That which, being sewed or otherwise fastened to an edge or border, serves to guard, strengthen, or adorn it; as: (a) A small cord covered with cloth and sewed on a seam or border to strengthen it; an edge of cloth folded on itself, usually over a cord, and sewed down. (b) A hem, border, or fringe. [Obs.] (c) In shoemaking, a narrow strip of leather around a shoe, between the upper leather and sole. (d) In steam boilers and sheet-iron work, a strip riveted upon the edges of plates that form a butt joint. (e) In carpentry, a strip of wood fastened over a flush seam or joint, or an angle, to strengthen it. (f) In machine-made stockings, a strip, or flap, of which the heel is formed.
1913 Webster]

2. (Her.) A narrow border, as of an ordinary, but not extending around the ends.
1913 Webster]

3. A raised ridge on the surface of the skin, produced by a blow, as from a stick or whip; a wale; a weal; as, to raise welts on the back with a whip.
Syn. -- wale; weal; wheal.

4. A blow that produces a welt{3}.

Welt joint, a joint, as of plates, made with a welt, instead of by overlapping the edges. See Weld, n., 1 (d).
1913 Webster]

Welt, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Welted; p. pr. & vb. n. Welting.] To furnish with a welt; to sew or fasten a welt on; as, to welt a boot or a shoe; to welt a sleeve.
1913 Webster]

Welt, v. t. To wilt. [R.]
1913 Webster]

\'d8Welt"an"schau`ung (?), n.; pl. Weltanschauungen (#). [G.] Lit., world view; a conception of the course of events in, and of the purpose of, the world as a whole, forming a philosophical view or apprehension of the universe; the general idea embodied in a cosmology.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Welte (?), obs. imp. of Weld, to wield. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ter (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Weltered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Weltering.] [Freq. of OE. walten to roll over, AS. wealtan; akin to LG. weltern, G. walzen to roll, to waltz, sich w\'84lzen to welter, OHG. walzan to roll, Icel. velta, Dan. v\'91lte, Sw. v\'84ltra, v\'84lta; cf. Goth. waltjan; probably akin to E. wallow, well, v. i. Well, v. i., and cf. Waltz.]
1913 Webster]

1. To roll, as the body of an animal; to tumble about, especially in anything foul or defiling; to wallow.
1913 Webster]

When we welter in pleasures and idleness, then we eat and drink with drunkards. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

These wizards welter in wealth's waves. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

He must not float upon his watery bier
welter to the parching wind,
1913 Webster]

The priests at the altar . . . weltering in their blood. Landor.
1913 Webster]

2. To rise and fall, as waves; to tumble over, as billows. \'bdThe weltering waves.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Waves that, hardly weltering, die away. Wordsworth.
1913 Webster]

Through this blindly weltering sea. Trench.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ter, v. t. [Cf. Wilt, v. i.] To wither; to wilt. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Weltered hearts and blighted . . . memories. I. Taylor.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ter, a. (Horse Racing) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the most heavily weighted race in a meeting; as, a welter race; the welter stakes.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ter, n.
1913 Webster]

1. That in which any person or thing welters, or wallows; filth; mire; slough.
1913 Webster]

The foul welter of our so-called religious or other controversies. Carlyle.
1913 Webster]

2. A rising or falling, as of waves; as, the welter of the billows; the welter of a tempest.
1913 Webster]

Wel"ter*weight` (?), n. 1. (Horse Racing) A weight of 28 pounds (one of 40 pounds is called a heavy welterweight) sometimes imposed in addition to weight for age, chiefly in steeplechases and hurdle races.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A boxer or wrestler whose weight is intermediate between that of a lightweight and that of a middleweight.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

\'d8Welt"schmertz` (v, n. [G., fr. welt world + schmertz pain. See World; Smart, v. i.] Sorrow or sadness over the present or future evils or woes of the world in general; sentimental pessimism.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

\'d8Wel*witsch"i*a (?), n. [NL. So named after the discoverer, Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch.] (Bot.) An African plant (Welwitschia mirabilis) belonging to the order Gnetace\'91. It consists of a short, woody, topshaped stem, and never more than two leaves, which are the cotyledons enormously developed, and at length split into diverging segments.<-- sic -->
1913 Webster]

Wem (?), n. [Cf. Womb.] The abdomen; the uterus; the womb. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wem, n. [AS. wam, wamm.] Spot; blemish; harm; hurt. [Obs.] Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

Withouten wem of you, through foul and fair. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wem, v. t. [AS. wemman.] To stain; to blemish; to harm; to corrupt. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wem"less, a. Having no wem, or blemish; spotless. [Obs.] \'bdVirgin wemless.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wen (w, n. [AS. wenn; akin to D. wen, LG. wenne.] (Med.) An indolent, encysted tumor of the skin; especially, a sebaceous cyst.
1913 Webster]

Wench (w, n. [OE. wenche, for older wenchel a child, originally, weak, tottering; cf. AS. wencle a maid, a daughter, wencel a pupil, orphan, wincel, winclu, children, offspring, wencel weak, wancol unstable, OHG. wanchol; perhaps akin to E. wink. See Wink.]
1913 Webster]

1. A young woman; a girl; a maiden. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Lord and lady, groom and wench. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

That they may send again
wench, and gifts to boot.
1913 Webster]

He was received by the daughter of the house, a pretty, buxom, blue-eyed little wench. W. Black.
1913 Webster]

2. A low, vicious young woman; a drab; a strumpet.
1913 Webster]

She shall be called his wench or his leman. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

It is not a digression to talk of bawds in a discourse upon wenches. Spectator.
1913 Webster]

3. A colored woman; a negress. [Archaic, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wench (w, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wenched (w; p. pr. & vb. n. Wenching.] To frequent the company of wenches, or women of ill fame.
1913 Webster]

Wench"er (w, n. One who wenches; a lewd man.
1913 Webster]

Wench"less, a. Being without a wench. Shak. \'bdMr. Clinton, wenchless of late, has sublimated with public apologies.\'b8
1913 Webster +PJC]

Wend (w, obs. p. p. of Wene. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wend, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wended, Obs. Went; p. pr. & vb. n. Wending.] [AS. wendan to turn, to go, caus. of windan to wind; akin to OS. wendian, OFries. wenda, D. wenden to turn, G. wenden, Icel. venda, Sw. v\'84nda, Dan. vende, Goth. wandjan. See Wind to turn, and cf. Went.]
1913 Webster]

1. To go; to pass; to betake one's self. \'bdTo Canterbury they wend.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

To Athens shall the lovers wend. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To turn round. [Obs.] Sir W. Raleigh.
1913 Webster]

Wend, v. t. To direct; to betake; -- used chiefly in the phrase to wend one's way. Also used reflexively. \'bdGreat voyages to wend.\'b8 Surrey.
1913 Webster]

Wend, n. (O. Eng. Law) A large extent of ground; a perambulation; a circuit. [Obs.] Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Wende (?), obs. imp. of Wene. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

{ Wend"ic (?), Wend"ish (?), } a. Of or pertaining the Wends, or their language.
1913 Webster]

Wend"ic (?), n. The language of the Wends.
1913 Webster]

Wends (?), n. pl.; sing. Wend. (Ethnol.) A Slavic tribe which once occupied the northern and eastern parts of Germany, of which a small remnant exists.
1913 Webster]

Wene (?), v. i. To ween. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

\'d8W\'88n"-li` (?), n. [Chin. w\'88n li.] The higher literary idiom of Chinese, that of the canonical books and of all composition pretending to literary standing. It employs a classical or academic diction, and a more condensed and sententious style than Mandarin, and differs also in the doubling and arrangement of words.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wen"lock group` (?), (Geol.) The middle subdivision of the Upper Silurian in Great Britain; -- so named from the typical locality in Shropshire.
1913 Webster]

Wen"nel (?), n. See Weanel. [Obs.] Tusser.
1913 Webster]

{ Wen"nish (?), Wen"ny (?) }, a. [From Wen.] Having the nature of a wen; resembling a wen; as, a wennish excrescence.
1913 Webster]

We*no"na (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A sand snake (Charina plumbea) of Western North America, of the family Erycid\'91.
1913 Webster]

Went (?), imp. & p. p. of Wend; -- now obsolete except as the imperfect of go, with which it has no etymological connection. See Go.
1913 Webster]

To the church both be they went. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Went, n. Course; way; path; journey; direction. [Obs.] \'bdAt a turning of a wente.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

But here my weary team, nigh overspent,
1913 Webster]

He knew the diverse went of mortal ways. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wen"tle*trap` (?), n. [D. wenteltrap a winding staircase; cf. G. wendeltreppe.] [Obs.] Any one of numerous species of elegant, usually white, marine shells of the genus Scalaria, especially Scalaria pretiosa, which was formerly highly valued; -- called also staircase shell. See Scalaria.
1913 Webster]

Wep (?), obs. imp. of Weep.
1913 Webster]

Wep"en (?), n. Weapon. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wept (?), imp. & p. p. of Weep.
1913 Webster]

Werche (?), v. t. & i. To work. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Were (?), v. t. & i. To wear. See 3d Wear. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Were, n. A weir. See Weir. [Obs.] Chaucer. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Were, v. t. [AS. werian.] To guard; to protect. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Were (w. [AS. w (thou) wast, w (we, you, they) were, w imp. subj. See Was.] The imperfect indicative plural, and imperfect subjunctive singular and plural, of the verb be. See Be.
1913 Webster]

Were (w, n. [AS. wer; akin to OS. & OHG. wer, Goth. wa\'a1r, L. vir, Skr. v\'c6ra. Cf. Weregild, and Werewolf.]
1913 Webster]

1. A man. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

2. A fine for slaying a man; the money value set upon a man's life; weregild. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Every man was valued at a certain sum, which was called his were. Bosworth.
1913 Webster]

Were"gild` (?), n. [AS. wergild; wer a man, value set on a man's life + gild payment of money; akin to G. wehrgeld. Were a man, and Geld, n.] (O. Eng. Law) The price of a man's head; a compensation paid of a man killed, partly to the king for the loss of a subject, partly to the lord of a vassal, and partly to the next of kin. It was paid by the murderer. [Written also weregeld, weregelt, etc.] Blackstone.
1913 Webster]

Were"wolf` (?), n.; pl. Werewolves (#). [AS. werwulf; wer a man + wulf a wolf; cf. G. w\'84rwolf, w\'84hrwolf, wehrwolf, a werewolf, MHG. werwolf. Were a man, and Wolf, and cf. Virile, World.] A person transformed into a wolf in form and appetite, either temporarily or permanently, whether by supernatural influences, by witchcraft, or voluntarily; a lycanthrope. Belief in werewolves, formerly general, is not now extinct.
1913 Webster]

The werwolf went about his prey. William of Palerne.
1913 Webster]

The brutes that wear our form and face,
werewolves of the human race.
1913 Webster]

{Werk (?), n., Werke }, v. See Work. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wern (?), v. t. [See 1st Warn.] To refuse. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

He is too great a niggard that will wern
1913 Webster]

Wer*ne"ri*an (?), a. Of or pertaining to A. G. Werner, The German mineralogist and geologist, who classified minerals according to their external characters, and advocated the theory that the strata of the earth's crust were formed by depositions from water; designating, or according to, Werner's system.
1913 Webster]

Wer"ner*ite (?), n. [See Wernerian.] (Min.) The common grayish or white variety of soapolite.
1913 Webster]

We*roo"le (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) An Australian lorikeet (Ptilosclera versicolor) noted for the variety of its colors; -- called also varied lorikeet.
1913 Webster]

Werre (?), n. War. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1642 -->
1913 Webster]

Wer"rey (w, v. t. To warray. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Werst (w, n. See Verst.
1913 Webster]

Wert (w, The second person singular, indicative and subjunctive moods, imperfect tense, of the verb be. It is formed from were, with the ending -t, after the analogy of wast. Now used only in solemn or poetic style.
1913 Webster]

Wert, n. A wart. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wer`y*an"gle (?), n. See Wariangle. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

We"sand (?), n. See Weasand. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wesh (?), obs. imp. of Wash. Washed. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

We"sil (?), n. See Weasand. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wes"ley*an (?), a. [See Wesleyanism.] Of or pertaining to Wesley or Wesleyanism.
1913 Webster]

Wes"ley*an, n. (Eccl.) One who adopts the principles of Wesleyanism; a Methodist.
1913 Webster]

Wes"ley*an*ism (?), n. (Eccl.) The system of doctrines and church polity inculcated by John Wesley (b. 1703; d. 1791), the founder of the religious sect called Methodist; Methodism. See Methodist, n., 2.
1913 Webster]

West (?), n. [AS. west, adv.; akin to D. west, G. west, westen, OHG. westan, Icel. vestr, Sw. vest, vester, vestan, Dan. vest, vesten, and perhaps to L. vesper evening, Gr. Vesper, Visigoth.]
1913 Webster]

1. The point in the heavens where the sun is seen to set at the equinox; or, the corresponding point on the earth; that one of the four cardinal points of the compass which is in a direction at right angles to that of north and south, and on the left hand of a person facing north; the point directly opposite to east.
1913 Webster]

And fresh from the west is the free wind's breath. Bryant.
1913 Webster]

2. A country, or region of country, which, with regard to some other country or region, is situated in the direction toward the west.
1913 Webster]

3. Specifically: (a) The Westen hemisphere, or the New World so called, it having been discovered by sailing westward from Europe; the Occident. (b) (U. S. Hist. & Geog.) Formerly, that part of the United States west of the Alleghany mountains; now, commonly, the whole region west of the Mississippi river; esp., that part which is north of the Indian Territory, New Mexico, etc. Usually with the definite article.
1913 Webster]

West by north, West by south, according to the notation of the mariner's compass, that point which lies 11 -- West northwest, West southwest, that point which lies 22Illust. of Compass.
1913 Webster]

West, a. 1. Lying toward the west; situated at the west, or in a western direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the west, or coming from the west; as, a west course is one toward the west; an east and west line; a west wind blows from the west.
1913 Webster]

This shall be your west border. Num. xxxiv. 6.
1913 Webster]

2. (Eccl.) Designating, or situated in, that part of a church which is opposite to, and farthest from, the east, or the part containing the chancel and choir.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

West end, the fashionable part of London, commencing from the east, at Charing Cross.
1913 Webster]

West, adv. [AS. west.] Westward.
1913 Webster]

West, v. i.
1913 Webster]

1. To pass to the west; to set, as the sun. [Obs.] \'bdThe hot sun gan to west.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. To turn or move toward the west; to veer from the north or south toward the west.
1913 Webster]

West"er*ing (?), a. Passing to the west.
1913 Webster]

Toward heaven's descent had sloped his westering wheel. Milton.
1913 Webster]

West"er*ly, a. Of or pertaining to the west; toward the west; coming from the west; western.
1913 Webster]

West"er*ly, adv. Toward the west; westward.
1913 Webster]

West"ern (?), a.
1913 Webster]

1. Of or pertaining to the west; situated in the west, or in the region nearly in the direction of west; being in that quarter where the sun sets; as, the western shore of France; the western ocean.
1913 Webster]

Far o'er the glowing western main. Keble.
1913 Webster]

2. Moving toward the west; as, a ship makes a western course; coming from the west; as, a western breeze.
1913 Webster]

Western Church. See Latin Church, under Latin. -- Western empire (Hist.), the western portion of the Roman empire, as divided, by the will of Theodosius the Great, between his sons Honorius and Arcadius, a. d. 395.
1913 Webster]

West"ern*er (?), n. A native or inhabitant of the west.
1913 Webster]

West"ern*most` (?), a. Situated the farthest towards the west; most western.
1913 Webster]

{ West` In"di*a (?), West` In"di*an (?).} Belonging or relating to the West Indies.
1913 Webster]

West India tea (Bot.), a shrubby plant (Capraria biflora) having oblanceolate toothed leaves which are sometimes used in the West Indies as a substitute for tea.
1913 Webster]

West` In"di*an. A native of, or a dweller in, the West Indies.
1913 Webster]

West"ing (?), n. (Naut. & Surv.) The distance, reckoned toward the west, between the two meridians passing through the extremities of a course, or portion of a ship's path; the departure of a course which lies to the west of north.
1913 Webster]

West"ling (?), n. A westerner. [R.]
1913 Webster]

West"min`ster As*sem"bly (?). See under Assembly.
1913 Webster]

West"most` (?), a. Lying farthest to the west; westernmost.
1913 Webster]

{ West"ward (?), West"wards (?), } adv. [AS. westweard. See West, and -ward. ] Toward the west; as, to ride or sail westward.
1913 Webster]

Westward the course of empire takes its way. Berkeley.
1913 Webster]

West"ward, a. Lying toward the west.
1913 Webster]

Yond same star that's westward from the pole. Shak.
1913 Webster]

West"ward, n. The western region or countries; the west.
1913 Webster]

West"ward*ly, adv. In a westward direction.
1913 Webster]

West"y (?), a. Dizzy; giddy. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wet (w, a. [Compar. Wetter (?); superl. Wettest.] [OE. wet, weet, AS. w; akin to OFries. w, Icel. v\'betr, Sw. v\'86t, Dan. vaad, and E. water. Water.]
1913 Webster]

1. Containing, or consisting of, water or other liquid; moist; soaked with a liquid; having water or other liquid upon the surface; as, wet land; a wet cloth; a wet table. \'bdWet cheeks.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Very damp; rainy; as, wet weather; a wet season. \'bdWet October's torrent flood.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

3. (Chem.) Employing, or done by means of, water or some other liquid; as, the wet extraction of copper, in distinction from dry extraction in which dry heat or fusion is employed.
1913 Webster]

4. Refreshed with liquor; drunk. [Slang] Prior.
1913 Webster]

Wet blanket, Wet dock, etc. See under Blanket, Dock, etc. -- Wet goods, intoxicating liquors. [Slang]
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Nasty; humid; damp; moist. See Nasty.
1913 Webster]

Wet (?), n. [AS. w. See Wet, a.]
1913 Webster]

1. Water or wetness; moisture or humidity in considerable degree.
1913 Webster]

Have here a cloth and wipe away the wet. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Now the sun, with more effectual beams,
1913 Webster]

2. Rainy weather; foggy or misty weather.
1913 Webster]

3. A dram; a drink. [Slang]
1913 Webster]

Wet, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wet (rarely Wetted); p. pr. & vb. n. Wetting.] [AS. w.] To fill or moisten with water or other liquid; to sprinkle; to cause to have water or other fluid adherent to the surface; to dip or soak in a liquid; as, to wet a sponge; to wet the hands; to wet cloth. \'bd[The scene] did draw tears from me and wetted my paper.\'b8 Burke.
1913 Webster]

Ye mists and exhalations, that now rise . . .
wet the thirsty earth with falling showers.
1913 Webster]

To wet one's whistle, to moisten one's throat; to drink a dram of liquor. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Let us drink the other cup to wet our whistles. Walton.
1913 Webster]

wet"back n. 1. A Mexican who enters the United States illegally, by wading across the Rio Grande; -- disparaging and offensive.

2. Hence: An offensive term for a person of Mexican descent, usually intended and considered as an ethnic slur. [wns=1]
Syn. -- greaser, taco.
WordNet 1.5]

Wet"bird` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The chaffinch, whose cry is thought to foretell rain. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wet-bulb thermometer. (Physics) That one of the two similar thermometers of a psychrometer the bulb of which is moistened; also, the entire instrument.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Weth"er (?), n. [OE. wether, AS. we; akin to OS. wethar, withar, a ram, D. weder, G. widder, OHG. widar, Icel. ve, Sw. v\'84dur, Dan. v\'91dder, Goth. wi a lamb, L. vitulus calf, Skr. vatsa, L. vetus old, Gr. 'e`tos year; -- originally meaning, a yearling. Cf. Veal, Veteran.] A castrated ram.
1913 Webster]

Wet"ness (?), n. 1. The quality or state of being wet; moisture; humidity; as, the wetness of land; the wetness of a cloth.
1913 Webster]

2. A watery or moist state of the atmosphere; a state of being rainy, foggy, or misty; as, the wetness of weather or the season.
1913 Webster]

Wetness generally implies more water or liquid than is implied by humidness or moisture.
1913 Webster]

3. Sweat or sweating; -- a euphemism. [Colloq.]

Wet" nurse` (?). A nurse who suckles a child, especially the child of another woman. Cf. Dry nurse.
1913 Webster]

Wet plate. (Photog.) A plate the film of which retains its sensitiveness only while wet. The film used in such plates is of collodion impregnated with bromides and iodides. Before exposure the plate is immersed in a solution of silver nitrate, and immediately after exposure it is developed and fixed.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wet"-shod` (?), a. Having the feet, or the shoes on the feet, wet.
1913 Webster]

Wet"tish (?), a. Somewhat wet; moist; humid.
1913 Webster]

We"vil (?), n. See Weevil.
1913 Webster]

Wex (?), v. t. & i. To grow; to wax. [Obs.] Chaucer. \'bdEach wexing moon.\'b8 Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Wex, obs. imp. of Wex. Waxed. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wex, n. Wax. [Obs.] \'bdYelwe as wex.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wey (?), n. Way; road; path. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wey, v. t. & i. To weigh. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wey (?), n. [OE. weye, AS. w weight. Weight.] A certain measure of weight. [Eng.] \'bdA weye of Essex cheese.\'b8 Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

wey is 6 Simmonds.
1913 Webster]

Weyle (?), v. t. & i. To wail. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wey"le*way (?), interj. See Welaway. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Weyve (?), v. t. To waive. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

We"zand (?), n. See Weasand. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whaap (?), n. [So called from one of its notes.] (Zo\'94l.) (a) The European curlew; -- called also awp, whaup, great whaup, and stock whaup. (b) The whimbrel; -- called also May whaup, little whaup, and tang whaup. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

whachamacallit (?), n. Any object whose name is forgotten, or not known. [Also spelled whatchamacallit.]
Syn. -- thingumbob, doohickey, dingus, whatsis, what-do-you-call-it. [PJC]

Whack (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whacked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whacking.] [Cf. Thwack.] 1. To strike; to beat; to give a heavy or resounding blow to; to thrash; to make with whacks. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Rodsmen were whackingtheir way through willow brakes. G. W. Cable.
1913 Webster]

2. To divide into shares; as, to whack the spoils of a robbery; -- often with up. [Slang]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whack, v. i. To strike anything with a smart blow.
1913 Webster]

To whack away, to continue striking heavy blows; as, to whack away at a log. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Whack, n. 1. A smart resounding blow. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

2. A portion; share; allowance. [Slang]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. an attempt; as, to take a whack at it. [Colloq.]

-- Out of whack, out of order. [Slang]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whack"er (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who whacks. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

2. Anything very large; specif., a great lie; a whopper. [Colloq.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Whack"ing, a. Very large; whapping. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Whack" off, v. t. to sever with a blow; to cut off.

Whack" off, v. i. to masturbate. [Vulgar]

Wha*hoo" (?), n. (Bot.) An American tree, the winged elm. (Ulmus alata).
1913 Webster]

Whala (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whaled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whaling.] [Cf. Wale. ] To lash with stripes; to wale; to thrash; to drub. [Prov. Eng. & Colloq. U. S.] Halliwell. Bartlett.
1913 Webster]

Whale, n. [OE. whal, AS. hw\'91l; akin to D. walvisch, G. wal, walfisch, OHG. wal, Icel. hvalr, Dan. & Sw. hval, hvalfisk. Cf. Narwhal, Walrus.] (Zo\'94l.) Any aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, especially any one of the large species, some of which become nearly one hundred feet long. Whales are hunted chiefly for their oil and baleen, or whalebone. <-- since the 1920's and the replacement of whale oil by petroleum products and electricity, whales have been hunted primarily for their meat. Due to dramatic decreases in the whale population, the International Whaling Commission was formed to regulate the hunt, so as to avoid extinction of the endangered species. In the 1990's, only a few countries continued to hunt whales in significant numbers. -->
1913 Webster]

Odontocete), including those that have teeth, as the cachalot, or sperm whale (see Sperm whale); and the baleen, or whalebone, whales (Mysticete), comprising those that are destitute of teeth, but have plates of baleen hanging from the upper jaw, as the right whales. The most important species of whalebone whales are the bowhead, or Greenland, whale (see Illust. of Right whale), the Biscay whale, the Antarctic whale, the gray whale (see under Gray), the humpback, the finback, and the rorqual.
1913 Webster]

Whale bird. (Zo\'94l.) (a) Any one of several species of large Antarctic petrels which follow whaling vessels, to feed on the blubber and floating oil; especially, Prion turtur (called also blue petrel), and Pseudoprion desolatus. (b) The turnstone; -- so called because it lives on the carcasses of whales. [Canada] -- Whale fin (Com.), whalebone. Simmonds. -- Whale fishery, the fishing for, or occupation of taking, whales. -- Whale louse (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of degraded amphipod crustaceans belonging to the genus Cyamus, especially Cyamus ceti. They are parasitic on various cetaceans. -- Whale's bone, ivory. [Obs.] -- Whale shark. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The basking, or liver, shark. (b) A very large harmless shark (Rhinodon typicus) native of the Indian Ocean. It sometimes becomes sixty feet long. -- Whale shot, the name formerly given to spermaceti. -- Whale's tongue (Zo\'94l.), a balanoglossus.
1913 Webster]

Whale"back` (?), n. (Naut.) A form of vessel, often with steam power, having sharp ends and a very convex upper deck, much used on the Great Lakes, esp. for carrying grain.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whale"boat` (?), n. (Naut.) A long, narrow boat, sharp at both ends, used by whalemen.
1913 Webster]

Whale"bone` (?), n. A firm, elastic substance resembling horn, taken from the upper jaw of the right whale; baleen. It is used as a stiffening in stays, fans, screens, and for various other purposes. See Baleen.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Whale"man (?), n.; pl. Whalemen (. A man employed in the whale fishery.
1913 Webster]

Whal"er (?), n. A vessel or person employed in the whale fishery.
1913 Webster]

Whal"er, n. One who whales, or beats; a big, strong fellow; hence, anything of great or unusual size. [Colloq. U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Whal"ing, n. The hunting of whales.
1913 Webster]

Whal"ing, a. Pertaining to, or employed in, the pursuit of whales; as, a whaling voyage; a whaling vessel.
1913 Webster]

Whall (?), n. [See Wall-eye.] A light color of the iris in horses; wall-eye. [Written also whaul.]
1913 Webster]

Whall"y (?), a. Having the iris of light color; -- said of horses. \'bdWhally eyes.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Whame (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A breeze fly.
1913 Webster]

Wham"mel (?), v. t. [Cf. Whelm.] To turn over. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whan (?), adv. When. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Whang (?), n. [Cf. Thong.] A leather thong. [Prov. Eng. & Colloq. U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Whang, v. t. 1. To beat; thrash; bang; also, to throw, hurl, or fling about, violently. [Scot. & Dial. Eng.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. To slice, esp. in large pieces; to chop. [Scot.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whang, n. 1. A blow; whack. [Dial. or Colloq.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A large piece or slice; chunk. [Scot. & Dial. Eng.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. Formerly, a house-cleaning party. [Local, U. S.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whang"doo`dle (?), n. An imaginary creature, of undefined character. [Slang]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whang*hee" (?), n. (Bot.) See Wanghee.
1913 Webster]

{ Whap (?), Whop }, v. i. [Cf. OE. quappen to palpitate, E. quob, quaver, wabble, awhape, wap.] To throw one's self quickly, or by an abrupt motion; to turn suddenly; as, she whapped down on the floor; the fish whapped over. Bartlett.
1913 Webster]

whap went the cigar out of my mouth.
1913 Webster]

{ Whap, Whop }, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whapped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whapping.] To beat or strike.
1913 Webster]

{ Whap, Whop }, n. A blow, or quick, smart stroke.
1913 Webster]

{ Whap"per (?), Whop"per }, n. [See Whap.] Something uncommonly large of the kind; something astonishing; -- applied especially to a bold lie. Now (1998) usually spelled whopper. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster +PJC]

{ Whap"ping (?), Whop"ping }, a. Very large; monstrous; astonishing; as, a whapping story. [Colloq.] <-- now usu. whopping. -->
1913 Webster]

Wharf (?), n.; pl. Wharfs (#) or Wharves (#). [AS. hwerf, hwearf, a returning, a change, from hweorfan to turn, turn about, go about; akin to D. werf a wharf, G. werft, Sw. varf a shipbuilder's yard, Dan. verft wharf, dockyard, G. werben to enlist, to engage, woo, OHG. werban to turn about, go about, be active or occupied, Icel. hverfa to turn, Goth. hwa\'a1rban, hwarb\'d3n, to walk. Cf. Whirl.]
1913 Webster]

1. A structure or platform of timber, masonry, iron, earth, or other material, built on the shore of a harbor, river, canal, or the like, and usually extending from the shore to deep water, so that vessels may lie close alongside to receive and discharge cargo, passengers, etc.; a quay; a pier.
1913 Webster]

Commerce pushes its wharves into the sea. Bancroft.
1913 Webster]

Out upon the wharfs they came,
1913 Webster]

wharves in the United States, and wharfs in England; but many recent English writers use wharves.
1913 Webster]

2. [AS. hwearf.] The bank of a river, or the shore of the sea. [Obs.] \'bdThe fat weed that roots itself in ease on Lethe wharf.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wharf boat, a kind of boat moored at the bank of a river, and used for a wharf, in places where the height of the water is so variable that a fixed wharf would be useless. [U. S.] Bartlett. -- Wharf rat. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The common brown rat. (b) A neglected boy who lives around the wharfs. [Slang]
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1643 -->
1913 Webster]

Wharf (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wharfed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wharfing.]
1913 Webster]

1. To guard or secure by a firm wall of timber or stone constructed like a wharf; to furnish with a wharf or wharfs.
1913 Webster]

2. To place upon a wharf; to bring to a wharf.
1913 Webster]

Wharf"age (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. The fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods; pierage, collectively; quayage.
1913 Webster]

2. A wharf or wharfs, collectively; wharfing.
1913 Webster]

Wharf"ing, n.
1913 Webster]

1. Wharfs, collectively.
1913 Webster]

2. (Hydraul. Engin.) A mode of facing sea walls and embankments with planks driven as piles and secured by ties. Knight.
1913 Webster]

Wharf"in*ger (?), n. [For wharfager.] A man who owns, or has the care of, a wharf.
1913 Webster]

{ Wharl (?), Wharl"ing, } n. A guttural pronunciation of the letter r; a burr. See Burr, n., 6.
1913 Webster]

A strange, uncouth wharling in their speech. Fuller.
1913 Webster]

Wharp (?), n. A kind of fine sand from the banks of the Trent, used as a polishing powder. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

What (?), pron., a., & adv. [AS. hw\'91t, neuter of hw\'be who; akin to OS. hwat what, OFries. hwet, D. & LG. wat, G. was, OHG. waz, hwaz, Icel. hvat, Sw. & Dan. hvad, Goth. hwa. Who.]
1913 Webster]

1. As an interrogative pronoun, used in asking questions regarding either persons or things; as, what is this? what did you say? what poem is this? what child is lost?
1913 Webster]

What see'st thou in the ground? Shak.
1913 Webster]

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Ps. viii. 4.
1913 Webster]

What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! Matt. viii. 27.
1913 Webster]

what, when, where, which, who, why, etc., were interrogatives only, and it is often difficult to determine whether they are used as interrogatives or relatives.
1913 Webster]

What in this sense, when it refers to things, may be used either substantively or adjectively; when it refers to persons, it is used only adjectively with a noun expressed, who being the pronoun used substantively.
1913 Webster]

2. As an exclamatory word: -- (a) Used absolutely or independently; -- often with a question following. \'bdWhat welcome be thou.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Matt. xxvi. 40.
1913 Webster]

(b) Used adjectively, meaning how remarkable, or how great; as, what folly! what eloquence! what courage!
1913 Webster]

What a piece of work is man! Shak.
1913 Webster]

O what a riddle of absurdity! Young.
1913 Webster]

What in this use has a or an between itself and its noun if the qualitative or quantitative importance of the object is emphasized.
1913 Webster]

(c) Sometimes prefixed to adjectives in an adverbial sense, as nearly equivalent to how; as, what happy boys!
1913 Webster]

What partial judges are our love and hate! Dryden.
1913 Webster]

3. As a relative pronoun: --
1913 Webster]

(a) Used substantively with the antecedent suppressed, equivalent to that which, or those [persons] who, or those [things] which; -- called a compound relative.
1913 Webster]

With joy beyond what victory bestows. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

I'm thinking Captain Lawton will count the noses of what are left before they see their whaleboats. Cooper.
1913 Webster]

What followed was in perfect harmony with this beginning. Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

I know well . . . how little you will be disposed to criticise what comes to you from me. J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

(b) Used adjectively, equivalent to the . . . which; the sort or kind of . . . which; rarely, the . . . on, or at, which.
1913 Webster]

See what natures accompany what colors. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

To restrain what power either the devil or any earthly enemy hath to work us woe. Milton.
1913 Webster]

We know what master laid thy keel,
What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel.
1913 Webster]

(c) Used adverbially in a sense corresponding to the adjectival use; as, he picked what good fruit he saw.
1913 Webster]

4. Whatever; whatsoever; what thing soever; -- used indefinitely. \'bdWhat after so befall.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Whether it were the shortness of his foresight, the strength of his will, . . . or what it was. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

5. Used adverbially, in part; partly; somewhat; -- with a following preposition, especially, with, and commonly with repetition.
1913 Webster]

What for lust [pleasure] and what for lore. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Thus, what with the war, what with the sweat, what with the gallows, and what with poverty, I am custom shrunk. Shak.
1913 Webster]

The year before he had so used the matter that what by force, what by policy, he had taken from the Christians above thirty small castles. Knolles.
1913 Webster]

I tell you what, what anticipates the following statement, being elliptical for what I think, what it is, how it is, etc. \'bdI tell thee what, corporal Bardolph, I could tear her.\'b8 Shak. Here what relates to the last clause, \'bdI could tear her;\'b8 this is what I tell you.
1913 Webster]

What not is often used at the close of an enumeration of several particulars or articles, it being an abbreviated clause, the verb of which, being either the same as that of the principal clause or a general word, as be, say, mention, enumerate, etc., is omitted. \'bdMen hunt, hawk, and what not.\'b8 Becon. \'bdSome dead puppy, or log, orwhat not.\'b8 C. Kingsley. \'bdBattles, tournaments, hunts, and what not.\'b8 De Quincey. Hence, the words are often used in a general sense with the force of a substantive, equivalent to anything you please, a miscellany, a variety, etc. From this arises the name whatnot, applied to an \'82tag\'8are, as being a piece of furniture intended for receiving miscellaneous articles of use or ornament. <-- also called a whatnot shelf -->
1913 Webster]

But what is used for but that, usually after a negative, and excludes everything contrary to the assertion in the following sentence. \'bdHer needle is not so absolutely perfect in tent and cross stitch but what my superintendence is advisable.\'b8 Sir W. Scott. \'bdNever fear but what our kite shall fly as high.\'b8 Ld. Lytton.
1913 Webster]

What ho! an exclamation of calling. -- What if, what will it matter if; what will happen or be the result if. \'bdWhat if it be a poison?\'b8 Shak. -- What of this? that? it? etc., what follows from this, that, it, etc., often with the implication that it is of no consequence. \'bdAll this is so; but what of this, my lord?\'b8 Shak. \'bdThe night is spent, why, what of that?\'b8 Shak. -- What though, even granting that; allowing that; supposing it true that. \'bdWhat though the rose have prickles, yet't is plucked.\'b8 Shak. -- What time, or What time as, when. [Obs. or Archaic] \'bdWhat time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.\'b8 Ps. lvi. 3.
1913 Webster]

What time the morn mysterious visions brings. Pope.
1913 Webster]

What (?), n. Something; thing; stuff. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

And gave him for to feed,
what as serves the simple Spenser.
1913 Webster]

What, interrog. adv. Why? For what purpose? On what account? [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

What should I tell the answer of the knight. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

But what do I stand reckoning upon advantages and gains lost by the misrule and turbulency of the prelates? What do I pick up so thriftily their scatterings and diminishings of the meaner subject? Milton.
1913 Webster]

whatchamacallit (?), n. Any object whose name is forgotten, or not known. [Also spelled whachamacallit.]
Syn. -- thingumbob, doohickey, dingus, whatsis, what-do-you-call-it. [PJC]

What*e'er" (?), pron. A contraction of what-ever; -- used in poetry. \'bdWhate'er is in his way.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

What*ev"er (?), pron. Anything soever which; the thing or things of any kind; being this or that; of one nature or another; one thing or another; anything that may be; all that; the whole that; all particulars that; -- used both substantively and adjectively.
1913 Webster]

Whatever fortune stays from his word. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whatever Earth, all-bearing mother, yields. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Whatever be its intrinsic value. J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

Whatever often follows a noun, being used elliptically. \'bdThere being no room for any physical discovery whatever\'b8 [sc. it may be]. Whately.
1913 Webster]

What"not (?), n. [See the Note under What, pron., 5.] A kind of stand, or piece of furniture, having shelves for books, ornaments, etc.; an \'82tag\'8are.
1913 Webster]

What"so (?), indef. pron. Whatsoever; whosoever; whatever; anything that. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whatso he were, of high or low estate. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Whatso the heaven in his wide vault contains. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

What`so*e'er" (?), pron. A contraction of whatsoever; -- used in poetry. Shak.
1913 Webster]

What`so*ev"er (?), pron. & a. Whatever. \'bdIn whatsoever shape he lurk.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do. Gen. xxxi. 16.
1913 Webster]

What things soever ye desire.\'b8 Mark xi. 24.
1913 Webster]

Whaul (hw, n. Same as Whall.
1913 Webster]

Whaup (hw, n. (Zo\'94l.) See Whaap. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wheal (?), n. [OE. whele, AS. hwele putrefaction, hwelian to putrefy.] A pustule; a whelk. Wiseman.
1913 Webster]

Wheal, n. [Cf. Wale.]
1913 Webster]

1. A more or less elongated mark raised by a stroke; also, a similar mark made by any cause; a weal; a wale.
1913 Webster]

2. Specifically (Med.), a flat, burning or itching eminence on the skin, such as is produced by a mosquito bite, or in urticaria.
1913 Webster]

Wheal, n. [Cornish hwel.] (Mining) A mine.
1913 Webster]

Wheal"worm` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The harvest mite; -- so called from the wheals, caused by its bite.
1913 Webster]

Wheat (hw, n. [OE. whete, AS. hw; akin to OS. hw, D. weit, G. weizen, OHG. weizzi, Icel. hveiti, Sw. hvete, Dan. hvede, Goth. hwaiteis, and E. white. See White.] (Bot.) A cereal grass (Triticum vulgare) and its grain, which furnishes a white flour for bread, and, next to rice, is the grain most largely used by the human race.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Buck wheat. (Bot.) See Buckwheat. -- German wheat. (Bot.) See 2d Spelt. -- Guinea wheat (Bot.), a name for Indian corn. -- Indian wheat, or Tartary wheat (Bot.), a grain (Fagopyrum Tartaricum) much like buckwheat, but only half as large. -- Turkey wheat (Bot.), a name for Indian corn. -- Wheat aphid, or Wheat aphis (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of Aphis and allied genera, which suck the sap of growing wheat. -- Wheat beetle. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A small, slender, rusty brown beetle (Sylvanus Surinamensis) whose larv\'91 feed upon wheat, rice, and other grains. (b) A very small, reddish brown, oval beetle (Anobium paniceum) whose larv\'91 eat the interior of grains of wheat. -- Wheat duck (Zo\'94l.), the American widgeon. [Western U. S.] -- Wheat fly. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Wheat midge, below. -- Wheat grass (Bot.), a kind of grass (Agropyrum caninum) somewhat resembling wheat. It grows in the northern parts of Europe and America. -- Wheat jointworm. (Zo\'94l.) See Jointworm. -- Wheat louse (Zo\'94l.), any wheat aphid. -- Wheat maggot (Zo\'94l.), the larva of a wheat midge. -- Wheat midge. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A small two-winged fly (Diplosis tritici) which is very destructive to growing wheat, both in Europe and America. The female lays her eggs in the flowers of wheat, and the larv\'91 suck the juice of the young kernels and when full grown change to pup\'91 in the earth. (b) The Hessian fly. See under Hessian. -- Wheat moth (Zo\'94l.), any moth whose larv\'91 devour the grains of wheat, chiefly after it is harvested; a grain moth. See Angoumois Moth, also Grain moth, under Grain. -- Wheat thief (Bot.), gromwell; -- so called because it is a troublesome weed in wheat fields. See Gromwell. -- Wheat thrips (Zo\'94l.), a small brown thrips (Thrips cerealium) which is very injurious to the grains of growing wheat. -- Wheat weevil. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The grain weevil. (b) The rice weevil when found in wheat.
1913 Webster]

Wheat"bird` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A bird that feeds on wheat, especially the chaffinch.
1913 Webster]

Wheat"ear` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A small European singing bird (Saxicola ). The male is white beneath, bluish gray above, with black wings and a black stripe through each eye. The tail is black at the tip and in the middle, but white at the base and on each side. Called also checkbird, chickell, dykehopper, fallow chat, fallow finch, stonechat, and whitetail.
1913 Webster]

Wheat"en (?), a. [AS. hw\'91ten.] Made of wheat; as, wheaten bread. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

Wheat rust. A disease of wheat and other grasses caused by the rust fungus Puccinia graminis; also, the fungus itself.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wheat sawfly. (a) A small European sawfly (Cephus pygm\'91us) whose larva does great injury to wheat by boring in the stalks. (b) Any of several small American sawflies of the genus Dolerus, as Dolerus sericeus and Dolerus arvensis, whose larv\'91 injure the stems or heads of wheat. (c) Pachynematus extensicornis, whose larv\'91 feed chiefly on the blades of wheat; -- called also grass sawfly.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wheat"sel bird` (?). (Zo\'94l.) The male of the chaffinch. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wheat"stone's bridge` (?). (Elec.) See under Bridge.
1913 Webster]

Wheat"stone's rods. (Acoustics) Flexible rods the period of vibration of which in two planes at right angles are in some exact ratio to one another. When one end of such a rod is fixed, the free end describes in vibrating the corresponding Lissajous figure. So called because devised by Sir Charles Wheatstone.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wheat"worm` (?), n. A small nematode worm (Tylenchus tritici, formerly Anguillula tritici) which attacks wheat, advancing through the stem to the grains in the ear. In wheat affected with smut, each of the diseased grains may contain a large number of the minute young of the worm.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whed"er (?), pron. & conj. Whether. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whee"dle (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wheedled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wheedling (?).] [Cf. G. wedeln to wag with the tail, as a dog, wedel a fan, tail, brush, OHG. wadal; akin to G. wehen to blow, and E. wind, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To entice by soft words; to cajole; to flatter; to coax.
1913 Webster]

The unlucky art of wheedling fools. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

And wheedle a world that loves him not. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

2. To grain, or get away, by flattery.
1913 Webster]

A deed of settlement of the best part of her estate, which I wheedled out of her. Congreve.
1913 Webster]

Whee"dle, v. i. To flatter; to coax; to cajole.
1913 Webster]

Wheel (hw, n. [OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hwe\'a2l, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hv\'c7l, Gr. ky`klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hj\'d3l, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. \'fb218. Cf. Cycle, Cyclopedia.]
1913 Webster]

1. A circular frame turning about an axis; a rotating disk, whether solid, or a frame composed of an outer rim, spokes or radii, and a central hub or nave, in which is inserted the axle, -- used for supporting and conveying vehicles, in machinery, and for various purposes; as, the wheel of a wagon, of a locomotive, of a mill, of a watch, etc.
1913 Webster]

The gasping charioteer beneath the wheel
1913 Webster]

2. Any instrument having the form of, or chiefly consisting of, a wheel. Specifically: --
1913 Webster]

(a) A spinning wheel. See under Spinning.
1913 Webster]

(b) An instrument of torture formerly used.
1913 Webster]

His examination is like that which is made by the rack and wheel. Addison.
1913 Webster]

coups-de-grace -- blows of mercy. The criminal was then unbound, and laid on a small wheel, with his face upward, and his arms and legs doubled under him, there to expire, if he had survived the previous treatment. Brande.
1913 Webster]

(c) (Naut.) A circular frame having handles on the periphery, and an axle which is so connected with the tiller as to form a means of controlling the rudder for the purpose of steering.
1913 Webster]

(d) (Pottery) A potter's wheel. See under Potter.
1913 Webster]

Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. Jer. xviii. 3.
1913 Webster]

Turn, turn, my wheel! This earthen jar
1913 Webster]

(e) (Pyrotechny) A firework which, while burning, is caused to revolve on an axis by the reaction of the escaping gases.
1913 Webster]

(f) (Poetry) The burden or refrain of a song.
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

You must sing a-down a-down,
wheel becomes it!
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1644 -->
1913 Webster]

3. A bicycle or a tricycle; a velocipede.
1913 Webster]

4. A rolling or revolving body; anything of a circular form; a disk; an orb. Milton.
1913 Webster]

5. A turn revolution; rotation; compass.
1913 Webster]

According to the common vicissitude and wheel of things, the proud and the insolent, after long trampling upon others, come at length to be trampled upon themselves. South.
1913 Webster]

[He] throws his steep flight in many an a\'89ry wheel. Milton.
1913 Webster]

A wheel within a wheel, or Wheels within wheels, a complication of circumstances, motives, etc. -- Balance wheel. See in the Vocab. -- Bevel wheel, Brake wheel, Cam wheel, Fifth wheel, Overshot wheel, Spinning wheel, etc. See under Bevel, Brake, etc. -- Core wheel. (Mach.) (a) A mortise gear. (b) A wheel having a rim perforated to receive wooden cogs; the skeleton of a mortise gear. -- Measuring wheel, an odometer, or perambulator. -- Wheel and axle (Mech.), one of the elementary machines or mechanical powers, consisting of a wheel fixed to an axle, and used for raising great weights, by applying the power to the circumference of the wheel, and attaching the weight, by a rope or chain, to that of the axle. Called also axis in peritrochio, and perpetual lever, -- the principle of equilibrium involved being the same as in the lever, while its action is continuous. See Mechanical powers, under Mechanical. -- Wheel animal, or Wheel animalcule (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of rotifers having a ciliated disk at the anterior end. -- Wheel barometer. (Physics) See under Barometer. -- Wheel boat, a boat with wheels, to be used either on water or upon inclined planes or railways. -- Wheel bug (Zo\'94l.), a large North American hemipterous insect (Prionidus cristatus) which sucks the blood of other insects. So named from the curious shape of the prothorax. -- Wheel carriage, a carriage moving on wheels. -- Wheel chains, or Wheel ropes (Naut.), the chains or ropes connecting the wheel and rudder. -- Wheel cutter, a machine for shaping the cogs of gear wheels; a gear cutter. -- Wheel horse, one of the horses nearest to the wheels, as opposed to a leader, or forward horse; -- called also wheeler. -- Wheel lathe, a lathe for turning railway-car wheels. -- Wheel lock. (a) A letter lock. See under Letter. (b) A kind of gunlock in which sparks were struck from a flint, or piece of iron pyrites, by a revolving wheel. (c) A kind of brake a carriage. -- Wheel ore (Min.), a variety of bournonite so named from the shape of its twin crystals. See Bournonite. -- Wheel pit (Steam Engine), a pit in the ground, in which the lower part of the fly wheel runs. -- Wheel plow, or Wheel plough, a plow having one or two wheels attached, to render it more steady, and to regulate the depth of the furrow. -- Wheel press, a press by which railway-car wheels are forced on, or off, their axles. -- Wheel race, the place in which a water wheel is set. -- Wheel rope (Naut.), a tiller rope. See under Tiller. -- Wheel stitch (Needlework), a stitch resembling a spider's web, worked into the material, and not over an open space. Caulfeild & S. (Dict. of Needlework). -- Wheel tree (Bot.), a tree (Aspidosperma excelsum) of Guiana, which has a trunk so curiously fluted that a transverse section resembles the hub and spokes of a coarsely made wheel. See Paddlewood. -- Wheel urchin (Zo\'94l.), any sea urchin of the genus Rotula having a round, flat shell. -- Wheel window (Arch.), a circular window having radiating mullions arranged like the spokes of a wheel. Cf. Rose window, under Rose.
1913 Webster]

Wheel (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wheeled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wheeling.]
1913 Webster]

1. To convey on wheels, or in a wheeled vehicle; as, to wheel a load of hay or wood.
1913 Webster]

2. To put into a rotatory motion; to cause to turn or revolve; to cause to gyrate; to make or perform in a circle. \'bdThe beetle wheels her droning flight.\'b8 Gray.
1913 Webster]

Now heaven, in all her glory, shone, and rolled
wheeled their course.
1913 Webster]

Wheel, v. i.
1913 Webster]

1. To turn on an axis, or as on an axis; to revolve; to more about; to rotate; to gyrate.
1913 Webster]

The moon carried about the earth always shows the same
wheeling upon her own center.
1913 Webster]

2. To change direction, as if revolving upon an axis or pivot; to turn; as, the troops wheeled to the right.
1913 Webster]

Being able to advance no further, they are in a fair way to
wheel about to the other extreme.
1913 Webster]

3. To go round in a circuit; to fetch a compass.
1913 Webster]

Then wheeling down the steep of heaven he flies. Pope.
1913 Webster]

4. To roll forward.
1913 Webster]

Thunder mixed with hail,
wheel on the earth, devouring where it rolls.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"band` (?), n. The tire of a wheel.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"bar`row (?), n. A light vehicle for conveying small loads. It has two handles and one wheel, and is rolled by a single person.
1913 Webster]

Wheel base. The figure inclosed by lines through the points contact of the wheels of a vehicle, etc., with the surface or rails on which they run; more esp., the length of this figure between the points of contact of the two extreme wheels on either side.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wheel"bird` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The European goatsucker. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wheeled (?), a. Having wheels; -- used chiefly in composition; as, a four-wheeled carriage.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"er (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who wheels, or turns.
1913 Webster]

2. A maker of wheels; a wheelwright. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

3. A wheel horse. See under Wheel.
1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.) A steam vessel propelled by a paddle wheel or by paddle wheels; -- used chiefly in the terms side-wheeler and stern-wheeler.
1913 Webster]

5. A worker on sewed muslin. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

6. (Zo\'94l.) The European goatsucker. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wheel"house` (?), n. (Naut.) (a) A small house on or above a vessel's deck, containing the steering wheel. (b) A paddle box. See under Paddle.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"ing (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. The act of conveying anything, or traveling, on wheels, or in a wheeled vehicle.
1913 Webster]

2. The act or practice of using a cycle; cycling.
1913 Webster]

3. Condition of a road or roads, which admits of passing on wheels; as, it is good wheeling, or bad wheeling.
1913 Webster]

4. A turning, or circular movement.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"man (?), n.; pl. Wheelmen (. One who rides a bicycle or tricycle; a cycler, or cyclist.
1913 Webster]

Wheel of fortune. A gambling or lottery device consisting of a wheel which is spun horizontally, articles or sums to which certain marks on its circumference point when it stops being distributed according to varying rules.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wheel"-shaped` (?), a.
1913 Webster]

1. Shaped like a wheel.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Expanding into a flat, circular border at top, with scarcely any tube; as, a wheel-shaped corolla.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"swarf` (?), n. See Swarf.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"work` (?), n. (Mach.) A combination of wheels, and their connection, in a machine or mechanism.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"-worn` (?), a. Worn by the action of wheels; as, a wheel-worn road.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"wright` (?), n. A man whose occupation is to make or repair wheels and wheeled vehicles, as carts, wagons, and the like.
1913 Webster]

Wheel"y (?), a. Circular; suitable to rotation.
1913 Webster]

Wheen (?), n. [Cf. AS. hw, hw, a little, somewhat, hw little, few.] A quantity; a goodly number. [Scot.] \'bdA wheen other dogs.\'b8 Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wheeze (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Wheezed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wheezing.] [OE. whesen, AS. hw (cf. Icel. hv\'91sa to hiss, Sw. hv\'84sa, Dan. hv\'91se); akin to AS. hw a cough, D. hoest, G. husten, OHG. huosto, Icel. h, Lith. kosti to cough, Skr. k. Husky hoarse.] To breathe hard, and with an audible piping or whistling sound, as persons affected with asthma. \'bdWheezing lungs.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wheeze, n. 1. A piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration.
1913 Webster]

2. (Phon.) An ordinary whisper exaggerated so as to produce the hoarse sound known as the \'bdstage whisper.\'b8 It is a forcible whisper with some admixture of tone.
1913 Webster]

Wheez"y (?), a. Breathing with difficulty and with a wheeze; wheezing. Used also figuratively.
1913 Webster]

Wheft (?), n. 1. (Naut.) See Waft, n., 4.
1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) A kind of streamer or flag used either as a signal, or at the masthead for ornament or to indicate the direction of the wind to aid in steering.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whelk (hw, n. [OE. welk, wilk, AS. weoloc, weloc, wiloc. Cf. Whilk, and Wilk.] (Zo\'94l.) Any one numerous species of large marine gastropods belonging to Buccinum and allied genera; especially, Buccinum undatum, common on the coasts both of Europe and North America, and much used as food in Europe.
1913 Webster]

Whelk tingle, a dog whelk. See under Dog.
1913 Webster]

Whelk, n. [OE. whelke, dim. of whele. See Wheal a pustule.]
1913 Webster]

1. A papule; a pustule; acne. \'bdHis whelks white.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. A stripe or mark; a ridge; a wale.
1913 Webster]

Chin whelk (Med.), sycosis. -- Rosy whelk (Med.), grog blossom.
1913 Webster]

Whelked (?), a. Having whelks; whelky; as, whelked horns. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whelk"y (?), a.
1913 Webster]

1. Having whelks, ridges, or protuberances; hence, streaked; striated.
1913 Webster]

2. Shelly. \'bdWhelky pearls.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Whelm (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whelmed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whelming.] [OE. whelmen to turn over, akin to OE. whelven, AS. whelfan, hwylfan, in , , to overwhelm, cover over; akin to OS. bihwelbian, D. welven to arch, G. w\'94lben, OHG. welben, Icel. hvelfa to overturn; cf. Gr.
1913 Webster]

1. To cover with water or other fluid; to cover by immersion in something that envelops on all sides; to overwhelm; to ingulf.
1913 Webster]

She is my prize, or ocean whelm them all! Shak.
1913 Webster]

The whelming billow and the faithless oar. Gay.
1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: To cover completely, as if with water; to immerse; to overcome; as, to whelm one in sorrows. \'bdThe whelming weight of crime.\'b8 J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

3. To throw (something) over a thing so as to cover it. [Obs.] Mortimer.
1913 Webster]

Whelp (?), n. [AS. hwelp; akin to D. welp, G. & OHG. welf, Icel. hvelpr, Dan. hvalp, Sw. valp.]
1913 Webster]

1. One of the young of a dog or a beast of prey; a puppy; a cub; as, a lion's whelps. \'bdA bear robbed of her whelps.\'b8 2 Sam. xvii. 8.
1913 Webster]

2. A child; a youth; -- jocosely or in contempt.
1913 Webster]

That awkward whelp with his money bags would have made his entrance. Addison.
1913 Webster]

3. (Naut.) One of the longitudinal ribs or ridges on the barrel of a capstan or a windless; -- usually in the plural; as, the whelps of a windlass.
1913 Webster]

4. One of the teeth of a sprocket wheel.
1913 Webster]

Whelp, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whelped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whelping.] To bring forth young; -- said of the female of the dog and some beasts of prey.
1913 Webster]

Whelp, v. t. To bring forth, as cubs or young; to give birth to.
1913 Webster]

Unless she had whelped it herself, she could not have loved a thing better. B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

Did thy foul fancy whelp so black a scheme? Young.
1913 Webster]

When (?), adv. [OE. when, whan, whenne, whanne, AS. hw\'91nne, hwanne, hwonne; akin to OS. hwan, OD. wan, OHG. wanne, G. wann when, wenn if, when, Goth. hwan when, and to E. who. Who.]
1913 Webster]

1. At what time; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

When shall these things be? Matt. xxiv. 3.
1913 Webster]

What, pron., 1.
1913 Webster]

2. At what time; at, during, or after the time that; at or just after, the moment that; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

Kings may
when and how they list.
1913 Webster]

Book lore ne'er served, when trial came,
when faith was dead.
J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

3. While; whereas; although; -- used in the manner of a conjunction to introduce a dependent adverbial sentence or clause, having a causal, conditional, or adversative relation to the principal proposition; as, he chose to turn highwayman when he might have continued an honest man; he removed the tree when it was the best in the grounds.
1913 Webster]

4. Which time; then; -- used elliptically as a noun.
1913 Webster]

I was adopted heir by his consent;
when, his oath is broke.
1913 Webster]

When was formerly used as an exclamation of surprise or impatience, like what!
1913 Webster]

Come hither; mend my ruff:
when! thou art such a tedious lady!
J. Webster.
1913 Webster]

When as, When that, at the time that; when. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

When as sacred light began to dawn. Milton.
1913 Webster]

When that mine eye is famished for a look. Shak.
1913 Webster]

When"as` (?), conj. Whereas; while [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whenas, if they would inquire into themselves, they would find no such matter. Barrow.
1913 Webster]

Whence (?), adv. [OE. whennes, whens (with adverbial s, properly a genitive ending; -- see -wards), also whenne, whanene, AS. hwanan, hwanon, hwonan, hwanone; akin to D. when. See When, and cf. Hence, Thence.]
1913 Webster]

1. From what place; hence, from what or which source, origin, antecedent, premise, or the like; how; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Whence hath this man this wisdom? Matt. xiii. 54.
1913 Webster]

Whence and what art thou? Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. From what or which place, source, material, cause, etc.; the place, source, etc., from which; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

Grateful to acknowledge whence his good
1913 Webster]

whence, where, whither, whereabouts, etc., are occasionally used as pronouns by a harsh construction.
1913 Webster]

O, how unlike the place from whence they fell? Milton.
1913 Webster]

From whence, though a pleonasm, is fully authorized by the use of good writers.
1913 Webster]

From whence come wars and fightings among you? James iv. 1.
1913 Webster]

Of whence, also a pleonasm, has become obsolete.
1913 Webster]

Whence*ev"er (?), adv. & conj. Whencesoever. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Whence`forth" (?), adv. From, or forth from, what or which place; whence. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Whence`so*ev"er (?), adv. & conj. From what place soever; from what cause or source soever.
1913 Webster]

Any idea, whencesoever we have it. Locke.
1913 Webster]

When*e'er (?), adv. & conj. Whenever.
1913 Webster]

When*ev"er (?), adv. & conj. At whatever time. \'bdWhenever that shall be.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

When"nes (?), adv. Whence. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

When`so*ev"er (?), adv. & conj. At what time soever; at whatever time; whenever. Mark xiv. 7.
1913 Webster]

Wher (?), Where (, pron. & conj. [See Whether.] Whether. [Sometimes written whe'r.] [Obs.] Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

Men must enquire (this is mine assent),
Wher she be wise or sober or dronkelewe.
1913 Webster]

Where (?), adv. [OE. wher, whar, AS. hw; akin to D. waar, OS. hw, OHG. hw\'ber, w\'ber, w\'be, G. wo, Icel. and Sw. hvar, Dan. hvor, Goth. hwar, and E. who; cf. Skr. karhi when. Who, and cf. There.]
1913 Webster]

1. At or in what place; hence, in what situation, position, or circumstances; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

God called unto Adam, . . . Where art thou? Gen. iii. 9.
1913 Webster]

What, pron., 1.
1913 Webster]

2. At or in which place; at the place in which; hence, in the case or instance in which; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

She visited that place where first she was so happy. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Where I thought the remnant of mine age
1913 Webster]

Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly. Shak.
1913 Webster]

But where he rode one mile, the dwarf ran four. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

3. To what or which place; hence, to what goal, result, or issue; whither; -- used interrogatively and relatively; as, where are you going?
1913 Webster]

But where does this tend? Goldsmith.
1913 Webster]

Lodged in sunny cleft,
Where the gold breezes come not.
1913 Webster]

Where is often used pronominally with or without a preposition, in elliptical sentences for a place in which, the place in which, or what place.
1913 Webster]

The star . . . stood over where the young child was. Matt. ii. 9.
1913 Webster]

The Son of man hath not where to lay his head. Matt. viii. 20.
1913 Webster]

Within about twenty paces of where we were. Goldsmith.
1913 Webster]

Where did the minstrels come from? Dickens.
1913 Webster]

Where is much used in composition with preposition, and then is equivalent to a pronoun. Cf. Whereat, Whereby, Wherefore, Wherein, etc.
1913 Webster]

Where away (Naut.), in what direction; as, where away is the land?
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- See Whither.
1913 Webster]

Where, conj. Whereas.
1913 Webster]

And flight and die is death destroying death;
Where fearing dying pays death servile breath.
1913 Webster]

Where, n. Place; situation. [Obs. or Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Finding the nymph asleep in secret where. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

{ Where"a*bout` (?), Where"a*bouts` (?) }, adv.
1913 Webster]

1. About where; near what or which place; -- used interrogatively and relatively; as, whereabouts did you meet him?
1913 Webster]

whereabouts is the common form.
1913 Webster]

2. Concerning which; about which. \'bdThe object whereabout they are conversant.\'b8 Hooker.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1645 -->
1913 Webster]

{ Where"a*bout` (?), Where"a*bouts` (?), } n. The place where a person or thing is; as, they did not know his whereabouts. Shak.
1913 Webster]

A puzzling notice of thy whereabout. Wordsworth.
1913 Webster]

Where*as" (?), adv. At which place; where. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

At last they came whereas that lady bode. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Where*as", conj.
1913 Webster]

1. Considering that; it being the case that; since; -- used to introduce a preamble which is the basis of declarations, affirmations, commands, requests, or like, that follow.
1913 Webster]

2. When in fact; while on the contrary; the case being in truth that; although; -- implying opposition to something that precedes; or implying recognition of facts, sometimes followed by a different statement, and sometimes by inferences or something consequent.
1913 Webster]

Are not those found to be the greatest zealots who are most notoriously ignorant? whereas true zeal should always begin with true knowledge. Sprat.
1913 Webster]

Where*at" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. At which; upon which; whereupon; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

They vote; whereat his speech he thus renews. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Whereat he was no less angry and ashamed than desirous to obey Zelmane. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

2. At what; -- used interrogatively; as, whereat are you offended?
1913 Webster]

Where*by" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. By which; -- used relatively. \'bdYou take my life when you take the means whereby I life.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. By what; how; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Whereby shall I know this? Luke i. 18.
1913 Webster]

Wher*e'er" (?), adv. Wherever; -- a contracted and poetical form. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

Where"fore (?), adv. & conj. [Where + for.]
1913 Webster]

1. For which reason; so; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matt. vii. 20.
1913 Webster]

2. For what reason; why; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

But wherefore that I tell my tale. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wherefore didst thou doubt? Matt. xiv. 31.
1913 Webster]

Where"fore, n. the reason why. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Where*form" (?), adv. [Where + from.] From which; from which or what place. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Where*in" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. In which; in which place, thing, time, respect, or the like; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

Her clothes wherein she was clad. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

There are times wherein a man ought to be cautious as well as innocent. Swift.
1913 Webster]

2. In what; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him! Mal. ii. 17.
1913 Webster]

Where`in*to" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. Into which; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

Where is that palace whereinto foul things
1913 Webster]

The brook, whereinto he loved to look. Emerson.
1913 Webster]

2. Into what; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Where"ness (?), n. The quality or state of having a place; ubiety; situation; position. [R.]
1913 Webster]

A point hath no dimensions, but only a whereness, and is next to nothing. Grew.
1913 Webster]

Where*of" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. Of which; of whom; formerly, also, with which; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

I do not find the certain numbers whereof their armies did consist. Sir J. Davies.
1913 Webster]

Let it work like Borgias' wine,
Whereof his sire, the pope, was poisoned.
1913 Webster]

Edward's seven sons, whereof thyself art one. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Of what; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Whereof was the house built? Johnson.
1913 Webster]

Where*on" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. On which; -- used relatively; as, the earth whereon we live.
1913 Webster]

O fair foundation laid whereon to build. Milton.
1913 Webster]

2. On what; -- used interrogatively; as, whereon do we stand?
1913 Webster]

Where*out" (?), adv. Out of which. [R.]
1913 Webster]

The cleft whereout the lightning breaketh. Holland.
1913 Webster]

Where"so (?), adv. Wheresoever. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Where`so*e'er" (?), adv. Wheresoever. [Poetic] \'bdWheresoe'er they rove.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

Where`so*ev"er (?), adv. In what place soever; in whatever place; wherever.
1913 Webster]

Where*through" (?), adv. Through which. [R.] \'bdWherethrough that I may know.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Windows . . . wherethrough the sun
1913 Webster]

Where*to" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. To which; -- used relatively. \'bdWhereto we have already attained.\'b8 Phil. iii. 16.
1913 Webster]

Whereto all bonds do tie me day by day. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. To what; to what end; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Where`un*to" (?), adv. Same as Whereto.
1913 Webster]

Where`up*on" (?), adv. Upon which; in consequence of which; after which.
1913 Webster]

The townsmen mutinied and sent to Essex; whereupon he came thither. Clarendon.
1913 Webster]

Wher*ev"er (?), adv. At or in whatever place; wheresoever.
1913 Webster]

He can not but love virtue wherever it is. Atterbury.
1913 Webster]

Where*with" (?), adv.
1913 Webster]

1. With which; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

The love wherewith thou hast loved me. John xvii. 26.
1913 Webster]

2. With what; -- used interrogatively.
1913 Webster]

Wherewith shall I save Israel? Judg. vi. 15.
1913 Webster]

Where*with", n. The necessary means or instrument.
1913 Webster]

So shall I have wherewith to answer him. Ps. cxix. 42.
1913 Webster]

The wherewith to meet excessive loss by radiation. H. Spencer.
1913 Webster]

Where`with*al" (?), adv. & n. Wherewith. \'bdWherewithal shall we be clothed?\'b8 Matt. vi. 31.
1913 Webster]

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? Ps. cxix. 9.
1913 Webster]

[The builders of Babel], still with vain design,
wherewithal, would build.
1913 Webster]

Wher"ret (?), v. t. [From Whir.] [Also spelled whirret.] 1. To hurry; to trouble; to tease. [Obs.] Bickerstaff.
1913 Webster]

2. To box (one) on the ear; to strike or box (the ear); as, to wherret a child. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wher"ret, n. A box on the ear. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl. [Also spelled whirret.]
1913 Webster]

Wher"ry (?), n.; pl. Wherries (#). [Cf. Icel. hverfr shifty, crank, hverfa to turn, E. whirl, wharf.] (Naut.) (a) A passenger barge or lighter plying on rivers; also, a kind of light, half-decked vessel used in fishing. [Eng.] (b) A long, narrow, light boat, sharp at both ends, for fast rowing or sailing; esp., a racing boat rowed by one person with sculls.
1913 Webster]

Wher"ry, n. [Cf. W. chwerw bitter.] A liquor made from the pulp of crab apples after the verjuice is expressed; -- sometimes called crab wherry. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Wher"so (?), adv. Wheresoever. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Whet (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whetted; p. pr. & vb. n. Whetting.] [AS. hwettan; akin to D. wetten, G. wetzen, OHG. wezzen, Icel. hvetja, Sw. v\'84ttja, and AS. hw\'91t vigorous, brave, OS. hwat, OHG. waz, was, sharp, Icel. hvatr, bold, active, Sw. hvass sharp, Dan. hvas, Goth. hwassaba sharply, and probably to Skr. cud to impel, urge on.]
1913 Webster]

1. To rub or on with some substance, as a piece of stone, for the purpose of sharpening; to sharpen by attrition; as, to whet a knife.
1913 Webster]

The mower whets his scythe. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Here roams the wolf, the eagle whets his beak. Byron.
1913 Webster]

2. To make sharp, keen, or eager; to excite; to stimulate; as, to whet the appetite or the courage.
1913 Webster]

Since Cassius first did whet me against C\'91sar,
1913 Webster]

To whet on, To whet forward, to urge on or forward; to instigate. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whet, n.
1913 Webster]

1. The act of whetting.
1913 Webster]

2. That which whets or sharpens; esp., an appetizer. \'bdSips, drams, and whets.\'b8 Spectator.
1913 Webster]

Whet slate (Min.), a variety of slate used for sharpening cutting instruments; novaculite; -- called also whetstone slate, and oilstone.
1913 Webster]

Wheth"er (?), pron. [OE. whether, AS. hw\'91; akin to OS. hwe, OFries. hweder, OHG. hwedar, wedar, G. weder, conj., neither, Icel. hv\'berr whether, Goth. hwa, Lith. katras, L. uter, Gr. katara, from the interrogatively pronoun, in AS. hw\'be who. Who, and cf. Either, Neither, Or, conj.] Which (of two); which one (of two); -- used interrogatively and relatively. [Archaic]
1913 Webster]

Now choose yourself whether that you liketh. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

One day in doubt I cast for to compare
Whether in beauties' glory did exceed.
1913 Webster]

Whether of them twain did the will of his father? Matt. xxi. 31.
1913 Webster]

Wheth"er, conj. In case; if; -- used to introduce the first or two or more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple negative of the first it is sometimes only indicated by the particle not or no after the correlative, and sometimes it is omitted entirely as being distinctly implied in the whether of the first.
1913 Webster]

And now who knows
whether I am yours?
1913 Webster]

You have said; but whether wisely or no, let the forest judge. Shak.
1913 Webster]

For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. Rom. xiv. 8.
1913 Webster]

But whether thus these things, or whether not;
Whether the sun, predominant in heaven,
1913 Webster]

Whether or no, in either case; in any case; as, I will go whether or no. -- Whether that, whether. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wheth"er*ing, n. The retention of the afterbirth in cows. Gardner.
1913 Webster]

Whet"ile (?), n. [Cf. Whitile.] (Zo\'94l.) The green woodpecker, or yaffle. See Yaffle. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whet"stone` (?), n. [AS. hwetst\'ben.] A piece of stone, natural or artificial, used for whetting, or sharpening, edge tools.
1913 Webster]

The dullness of the fools is the whetstone of the wits. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Diligence is to the understanding as the whetstone to the razor. South.
1913 Webster]

whetstones are used dry, others are moistened with water, or lubricated with oil.
1913 Webster]

To give the whetstone, to give a premium for extravagance in falsehood. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whet"ter (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who, or that which, whets, sharpens, or stimulates.
1913 Webster]

2. A tippler; one who drinks whets. [Obs.] Steele.
1913 Webster]

Whet"tle*bones (?), n. pl. The vertebr\'91 of the back. [Prov. Eng.] Dunglison.
1913 Webster]

Whew (hw, n. & interj. A sound like a half-formed whistle, expressing astonishment, scorn, or dislike.
1913 Webster]

Whew duck, the European widgeon. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whew, v. i. To whistle with a shrill pipe, like a plover. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Whew"ell*ite (?), n. [So named after Prof. Whewell of Cambridge, England.] (Min.) Calcium oxalate, occurring in colorless or white monoclinic crystals.
1913 Webster]

Whew"er (?), n. [Cf. W. chwiwell a widgeon, chwiws widgeons, waterfowls; or cf. E. whew, v. i.] (Zo\'94l.) The European widgeon. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whey (?), n. [AS. hw\'91g; cf. D. wei, hui, Fries. weye, LG. wey, waje. ] The serum, or watery part, of milk, separated from the more thick or coagulable part, esp. in the process of making cheese. In this process, the thick part is called curd, and the thin part whey.
1913 Webster]

Whey cure. Treatment with whey as a drink and in baths.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whey"ey (?), a. Of the nature of, or containing, whey; resembling whey; wheyish. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

Whey"face` (?), n. One who is pale, as from fear.
1913 Webster]

Whey"-faced` (?), a. Having a pale or white face, as from fright. \'bdWhey-faced cavaliers.\'b8 Aytoun.
1913 Webster]

Whey"ish (?), a. Somewhat like whey; wheyey. J. Philips. -- Whey"ish*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Which (?), pron. [OE. which, whilk, AS. hwilc, hwylc, hwelc, from the root of hw\'be who + l\'c6c body; hence properly, of what sort or kind; akin to OS. hwilik which, OFries. hwelik, D. welk, G. welch, OHG. wel\'c6h, hwel\'c6h, Icel. hv\'c6l\'c6kr, Dan. & Sw. hvilken, Goth. hwileiks, hwleiks; cf. L. qualis. Who, and Like, a., and cf. Such.]
1913 Webster]

1. Of what sort or kind; what; what a; who. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

And which they weren and of what degree. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. A interrogative pronoun, used both substantively and adjectively, and in direct and indirect questions, to ask for, or refer to, an individual person or thing among several of a class; as, which man is it? which woman was it? which is the house? he asked which route he should take; which is best, to live or to die? See the Note under What, pron., 1.
1913 Webster]

Which of you convinceth me of sin? John viii. 46.
1913 Webster]

3. A relative pronoun, used esp. in referring to an antecedent noun or clause, but sometimes with reference to what is specified or implied in a sentence, or to a following noun or clause (generally involving a reference, however, to something which has preceded). It is used in all numbers and genders, and was formerly used of persons.
1913 Webster]

And when thou fail'st -- as God forbid the hour! --
which peril heaven forfend!
1913 Webster]

God . . . rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Gen. ii. 2.
1913 Webster]

Our Father, which art in heaven. Matt. vi. 9.
1913 Webster]

The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Cor. iii. 17.
1913 Webster]

4. A compound relative or indefinite pronoun, standing for any one which, whichever, that which, those which, the . . . which, and the like; as, take which you will.
1913 Webster]

The which was formerly often used for which. The expressions which that, which as, were also sometimes used by way of emphasis.
1913 Webster]

Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? James ii. 7.
1913 Webster]

Which, referring to a series of preceding sentences, or members of a sentence, may have all joined to it adjectively. \'bdAll which, as a method of a proclamation, is very convenient.\'b8 Carlyle.
1913 Webster]

{ Which*ev"er (?), Which`so*ev"er (?), } pron. & a. Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one (of two or more) which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.
1913 Webster]

Whid"ah bird` (?), (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of finchlike birds belonging to the genus Vidua, native of Asia and Africa. In the breeding season the male has very long, drooping tail feathers. Called also vida finch, whidah finch, whydah bird, whydah finch, widow bird, and widow finch.
1913 Webster]

Vidua paradisea, which is dark brownish above, pale buff beneath, with a reddish collar around the neck.
1913 Webster]

Whid"er (?), adv. Whither. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Whiff (?), n. [OE. weffe vapor, whiff, probably of imitative origin; cf. Dan. vift a puff, gust, W. chwiff a whiff, puff.]
1913 Webster]

1. A sudden expulsion of air from the mouth; a quick puff or slight gust, as of air or smoke.
1913 Webster]

But with the whiff and wind of his fell sword
1913 Webster]

The skipper, he blew a whiff from his pipe,
1913 Webster]

2. A glimpse; a hasty view. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) The marysole, or sail fluke.
1913 Webster]

Whiff, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whiffed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whiffing.]
1913 Webster]

1. To throw out in whiffs; to consume in whiffs; to puff.
1913 Webster]

2. To carry or convey by a whiff, or as by a whiff; to puff or blow away.
1913 Webster]

Old Empedocles, . . . who, when he leaped into Etna, having a dry, sear body, and light, the smoke took him, and whiffed him up into the moon. B. Jonson.
1913 Webster]

Whiff, v. i. To emit whiffs, as of smoke; to puff.
1913 Webster]

Whif"fet (?), n. A little whiff or puff.
1913 Webster]

Whiff"ing (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. The act of one who, or that which, whiffs.
1913 Webster]

2. A mode of fishing with a hand line for pollack, mackerel, and the like.
1913 Webster]

Whif"fle (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whiffled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whiffling (?).] [Freq. of whiff to puff, perhaps influenced by D. weifelen to waver.]
1913 Webster]

1. To waver, or shake, as if moved by gusts of wind; to shift, turn, or veer about. D
1913 Webster]

2. To change from one opinion or course to another; to use evasions; to prevaricate; to be fickle.<-- to waffle; vacillate, equivocate, flip-flop. -->
1913 Webster]

A person of whiffing and unsteady turn of mind can not keep close to a point of controversy. I. Watts.
1913 Webster]

Whif"fle, v. t.
1913 Webster]

1. To disperse with, or as with, a whiff, or puff; to scatter. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.
1913 Webster]

2. To wave or shake quickly; to cause to whiffle.
1913 Webster]

Whif"fle, n. A fife or small flute. [Obs.] Douce.
1913 Webster]

Whif"fler (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who whiffles, or frequently changes his opinion or course; one who uses shifts and evasions in argument; hence, a trifler.<-- a waffler? -->
1913 Webster]

Every whiffler in a laced coat who frequents the chocolate house shall talk of the constitution. Swift.
1913 Webster]

2. One who plays on a whiffle; a fifer or piper. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

3. An officer who went before procession to clear the way by blowing a horn, or otherwise; hence, any person who marched at the head of a procession; a harbinger.
1913 Webster]

Which like a mighty whiffler 'fore the king,
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1646 -->
1913 Webster]

Whifflers, or fifers, generally went first in a procession, from which circumstance the name was transferred to other persons who succeeded to that office, and at length was given to those who went forward merely to clear the way for the procession. . . . In the city of London, young freemen, who march at the head of their proper companies on the Lord Mayor's day, sometimes with flags, were called whifflers, or bachelor whifflers, not because they cleared the way, but because they went first, as whifflers did.\'b8 Nares.
1913 Webster]

4. (Zo\'94l) The golden-eye. [Local, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Whif"fle*tree` (?), n. Same as Whippletree.
1913 Webster]

Whig (?), n. [See Whey.] Acidulated whey, sometimes mixed with buttermilk and sweet herbs, used as a cooling beverage. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whig, n. [Said to be from whiggam, a term used in Scotland in driving horses, whiggamore one who drives horses (a term applied to some western Scotchmen), contracted to whig. In 1648, a party of these people marched to Edinburgh to oppose the king and the duke of Hamilton (the Whiggamore raid), and hence the name of Whig was given to the party opposed to the court. Cf. Scot. whig to go quickly.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Eng. Politics) One of a political party which grew up in England in the seventeenth century, in the reigns of Charles I. and II., when great contests existed respecting the royal prerogatives and the rights of the people. Those who supported the king in his high claims were called Tories, and the advocates of popular rights, of parliamentary power over the crown, and of toleration to Dissenters, were, after 1679, called Whigs. The terms Liberal and Radical have now generally superseded Whig in English politics. See the note under Tory.
1913 Webster]

2. (Amer. Hist.) (a) A friend and supporter of the American Revolution; -- opposed to Tory, and Royalist. (b) One of the political party in the United States from about 1829 to 1856, opposed in politics to the Democratic party.
1913 Webster]

Whig, a. Of or pertaining to the Whigs.
1913 Webster]

Whig"ga*more (?), n. [See Whig.] A Whig; -- a cant term applied in contempt to Scotch Presbyterians. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Whig"gar*chy (?), n. [Whig + -archy.] Government by Whigs. [Cont] Swift.
1913 Webster]

Whig"ger*y (?), n. The principles or practices of the Whigs; Whiggism.
1913 Webster]

Whig"gish (?), a. Of or pertaining to Whigs; partaking of, or characterized by, the principles of Whigs.
1913 Webster]

Whig"gish*ly, adv. In a Whiggish manner.
1913 Webster]

Whig"gism (?), n. The principles of the Whigs.
1913 Webster]

Whig"ling (?), n. A petty or inferior Whig; -- used in contempt. Spectator.
1913 Webster]

While (?), n. [AS. hw\'c6l; akin to OS. hw\'c6l, hw\'c6la, OFries. hw\'c6le, D. wigl, G. weile, OHG. w\'c6la, hw\'c6la, hw\'c6l, Icel. hv\'c6la a bed, hv\'c6ld rest, Sw. hvila, Dan. hvile, Goth. hweila a time, and probably to L. quietus quiet, and perhaps to Gr. Quiet, Whilom.] 1. Space of time, or continued duration, esp. when short; a time; as, one while we thought him innocent. \'bdAll this while.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

This mighty queen may no while endure. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

[Some guest that] hath outside his welcome while,
1913 Webster]

I will go forth and breathe the air a while. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. That which requires time; labor; pains. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Satan . . . cast him how he might quite her while. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

At whiles, at times; at intervals.
1913 Webster]

And so on us at whiles it falls, to claim
J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

-- The while, The whiles, in or during the time that; meantime; while. Tennyson. -- Within a while, in a short time; soon. -- Worth while, worth the time which it requires; worth the time and pains; hence, worth the expense; as, it is not always worth while for a man to prosecute for small debts.
1913 Webster]

While, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whiled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whiling.] To cause to pass away pleasantly or without irksomeness or disgust; to spend or pass; -- usually followed by away.
1913 Webster]

The lovely lady whiled the hours away. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

While, v. i. To loiter. [R.] Spectator.
1913 Webster]

While, conj. 1. During the time that; as long as; whilst; at the same time that; as, while I write, you sleep. \'bdWhile I have time and space.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Use your memory; you will sensibly experience a gradual improvement, while you take care not to overload it. I. Watts.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, under which circumstances; in which case; though; whereas.
1913 Webster]

While as, While that, during or at the time that. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

While, prep. Until; till. [Obs. or Prov. Eng. & Scot.]
1913 Webster]

I may be conveyed into your chamber;
while midnight.
Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Whil`ere" (?), adv. [While + ere] A little while ago; recently; just now; erewhile. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Helpeth me now as I did you whilere. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

He who, with all heaven's heraldry, whilere
1913 Webster]

Whiles (?), adv. [See While, n., and -wards.] 1. Meanwhile; meantime. [R.]
1913 Webster]

The good knight whiles humming to himself the lay of some majored troubadour. Sir. W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

2. sometimes; at times. [Scot.] Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

The whiles. See under While, n.
1913 Webster]

Whiles, conj. During the time that; while. [Archaic] Chaucer. Fuller.
1913 Webster]

Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him. Matt. v. 25.
1913 Webster]

Whilk (?), n. [See Whelk a mollusk.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Zo\'94l.) A kind of mollusk, a whelk. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The scoter. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whilk, pron. Which. [Obs. or Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Whilk is sometimes used in Chaucer to represent the Northern dialect.
1913 Webster]

Whi"lom (hw, adv. [AS. hw\'c6lum, properly, at times, dative pl. of hw\'c6l; akin to G. weiland formerly, OHG. hw\'c6l, See While, n.] Formerly; once; of old; erewhile; at times. [Obs. or Poetic] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Whilom, as olde stories tellen us,
1913 Webster]

Whilst (?), adv. [From Whiles; cf. Amongst.] While. [Archaic]
1913 Webster]

Whilst the emperor lay at Antioch. Gibbon.
1913 Webster]

The whilst, in the meantime; while. [Archaic.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whim (?), n. [Cf. Whimbrel.] (Zo\'94l.) The European widgeon. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whim, n. [Cf. Icel. hwima to wander with the eyes, vim giddiness, Norw. kvima to whisk or flutter about, to trifle, Dan. vimse to skip, whisk, jump from one thing to another, dial. Sw. hvimsa to be unsteady, dizzy, W. chwimio to move briskly.]
1913 Webster]

1. A sudden turn or start of the mind; a temporary eccentricity; a freak; a fancy; a capricious notion; a humor; a caprice.
1913 Webster]

Let every man enjoy his whim. Churchill.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mining) A large capstan or vertical drum turned by horse power or steam power, for raising ore or water, etc., from mines, or for other purposes; -- called also whim gin, and whimsey.
1913 Webster]

Whim gin (Mining), a whim. See Whim, 2. -- Whim shaft (Mining), a shaft through which ore, water, etc., is raised from a mine by means of a whim.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Freak; caprice; whimsey; fancy. -- Whim, Freak, Caprice. Freak denotes an impulsive, inconsiderate change of mind, as by a child or a lunatic. Whim is a mental eccentricity due to peculiar processes or habits of thought. Caprice is closely allied in meaning to freak, but implies more definitely a quality of willfulness or wantonness.
1913 Webster]

Whim, v. i. To be subject to, or indulge in, whims; to be whimsical, giddy, or freakish. [R.] Congreve.
1913 Webster]

Whim"brel (?), n. [Cf. Whimper.] (Zo\'94l) Any one of several species of small curlews, especially the European species (Numenius ph\'91opus), called also Jack curlew, half curlew, stone curlew, and tang whaup. See Illustration in Appendix.
1913 Webster]

Hudsonian or, Eskimo, whimbreal, the Hudsonian curlew.
1913 Webster]

Whim"ling (?), n. [Whim + -ling.] One given to whims; hence, a weak, childish person; a child.
1913 Webster]

Go, whimling, and fetch two or three grating loaves. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Whim"my (?), a. Full of whims; whimsical.
1913 Webster]

The study of Rabbinical literature either finds a man whimmy or makes him so. Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

Whim"per (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whimpered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whimpering.] [Cf. Scot. whimmer, G. wimmern.] To cry with a low, whining, broken voice; to whine; to complain; as, a child whimpers.
1913 Webster]

Was there ever yet preacher but there were gainsayers that spurned, that winced, that whimpered against him? Latimer.
1913 Webster]

Whim"per, v. t. To utter in alow, whining tone.
1913 Webster]

Whim"per, n. A low, whining, broken cry; a low, whining sound, expressive of complaint or grief.
1913 Webster]

Whim"per*er (?), n. One who whimpers.
1913 Webster]

Whim"ple (?), v. t. See Wimple.
1913 Webster]

Whim"ple, v. i. [Cf. Whiffle.] To whiffle; to veer.
1913 Webster]

{ Whim"sey, Whimsy } (?), n.; pl. Whimseys (#) or Whimsies (#). [See Whim.]
1913 Webster]

1. A whim; a freak; a capricious notion, a fanciful or odd conceit. \'bdThe whimsies of poets and painters.\'b8 Ray.
1913 Webster]

Men's folly, whimsies, and inconstancy. Swift.
1913 Webster]

Mistaking the whimseys of a feverish brain for the calm revelation of truth. Bancroft.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mining) A whim.
1913 Webster]

Whim"sey, v. t. To fill with whimseys, or whims; to make fantastic; to craze. [R.]
1913 Webster]

To have a man's brain whimsied with his wealth. J. Fletcher.
1913 Webster]

Whim"si*cal (?), a. [From Whimsey.]
1913 Webster]

1. Full of, or characterized by, whims; actuated by a whim; having peculiar notions; queer; strange; freakish. \'bdA whimsical insult.\'b8 Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

My neighbors call me whimsical. Addison.
1913 Webster]

2. Odd or fantastic in appearance; quaintly devised; fantastic. \'bdA whimsical chair.\'b8 Evelyn.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Quaint; capricious; fanciful; fantastic.
1913 Webster]

Whim`si*cal"i*ty (?), n. The quality or state of being whimsical; whimsicalness.
1913 Webster]

Whim"si*cal*ly (?), adv. In a whimsical manner; freakishly.
1913 Webster]

Whim"si*cal*ness, n. The quality or state of being whimsical; freakishness; whimsical disposition.
1913 Webster]

Whim"sy (?), n. A whimsey.
1913 Webster]

Whim"wham (?), n. [Formed from whim by reduplication.]
1913 Webster]

1. A whimsical thing; an odd device; a trifle; a trinket; a gimcrack. [R.]
1913 Webster]

They'll pull ye all to pieces for your whimwhams. Bear. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

2. A whim, or whimsey; a freak.
1913 Webster]

Whin (?), n. [W. chwyn weeds, a single weed.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Bot.) (a) Gorse; furze. See Furze.
1913 Webster]

Through the whins, and by the cairn. Burns.
1913 Webster]

(b) Woad-waxed. Gray.
1913 Webster]

2. Same as Whinstone. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Moor whin or Petty whin (Bot.), a low prickly shrub (Genista Anglica) common in Western Europe. -- Whin bruiser, a machine for cutting and bruising whin, or furze, to feed cattle on. -- Whin Sparrow (Zo\'94l.), the hedge sparrow. [Prov. Eng.] -- Whin Thrush (Zo\'94l.), the redwing. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whin"ber*ry (?), n. (Bot.) The English bilberry; -- so called because it grows on moors among the whins, or furze. Dr. Prior.
1913 Webster]

Whin"chat` (?), n. [So called because it frequents whins.] (Zo\'94l.) A small warbler (Pratincola rubetra) common in Europe; -- called also whinchacker, whincheck, whin-clocharet.
1913 Webster]

Whine (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whined (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whining.] [OE. whinen, AS. hw\'c6nan to make a whistling, whizzing sound; akin to Icel. hv\'c6na, Sw. hvina, Dan. hvine, and probably to G. wiehern to neigh, OHG. wih, hweij; perhaps of imitative origin. Cf. Whinny, v. i.] To utter a plaintive cry, as some animals; to moan with a childish noise; to complain, or to tell of sorrow, distress, or the like, in a plaintive, nasal tone; hence, to complain or to beg in a mean, unmanly way; to moan basely. \'bdWhining plovers.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

The hounds were . . . staying their coming, but with a whining accent, craving liberty. Sir P. Sidney.
1913 Webster]

Dost thou come here to whine? Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whine, v. t. To utter or express plaintively, or in a mean, unmanly way; as, to whine out an excuse.
1913 Webster]

Whine, n. A plaintive tone; the nasal, childish tone of mean complaint; mean or affected complaint.
1913 Webster]

Whin"er (?), n. One who, or that which, whines.
1913 Webster]

Whinge (?), v. i. To whine. [Scot.] Burns.
1913 Webster]

Whing"er, n. [See Whinyard.] A kind of hanger or sword used as a knife at meals and as a weapon. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

The chief acknowledged that he had corrected her with his whinger. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Whin"ing*ly (?), adv. In a whining manner; in a tone of mean complaint.
1913 Webster]

Whin"ner (?), v. i. To whinny. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Whin"ny (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whinnied (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whinnying.] [From Whine] To utter the ordinary call or cry of a horse; to neigh.
1913 Webster]

Whin"ny, n.; pl. Whinnies (. The ordinary cry or call of a horse; a neigh. \'bdThe stately horse . . . stooped with a low whinny.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Whin"ny, a. Abounding in whin, gorse, or furze.
1913 Webster]

A fine, large, whinny, . . . unimproved common. Sterne.
1913 Webster]

Whin"ock (hw, n. [Cf. Scot. whin, quhene, a few, AS. hw, hw, a little, hw little, few. Cf. Wheen.] The small pig of a litter. [Local, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Whin"stone" (?), n. [Whin + stone; cf. Scot. quhynstane.] A provincial name given in England to basaltic rocks, and applied by miners to other kind of dark-colored unstratified rocks which resist the point of the pick. -- for example, to masses of chert. Whin-dikes, and whin-sills, are names sometimes given to veins or beds of basalt.
1913 Webster]

Whin"yard (?), n. [Cf. Prov. E. & Scot. whingar, whinger; perhaps from AS. winn contention, war + geard, gyrd, a staff, rod, yard; or cf. AS. hw\'c6nan to whistle, E. whine.] 1. A sword, or hanger. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

2. [From the shape of the bill.] (Zo\'94l) (a) The shoveler. [Prov. Eng.] (b) The poachard. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whip (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whipped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whipping.] [OE. whippen to overlay, as a cord, with other cords, probably akin to G. & D. wippen to shake, to move up and down, Sw. vippa, Dan. vippe to swing to and fro, to shake, to toss up, and L. vibrare to shake. Cf. Vibrate.]
1913 Webster]

1. To strike with a lash, a cord, a rod, or anything slender and lithe; to lash; to beat; as, to whip a horse, or a carpet.
1913 Webster]

2. To drive with lashes or strokes of a whip; to cause to rotate by lashing with a cord; as, to whip a top.
1913 Webster]

3. To punish with a whip, scourge, or rod; to flog; to beat; as, to whip a vagrant; to whip one with thirty nine lashes; to whip a perverse boy.
1913 Webster]

Who, for false quantities, was whipped at school. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

4. To apply that which hurts keenly to; to lash, as with sarcasm, abuse, or the like; to apply cutting language to.
1913 Webster]

They would whip me with their fine wits. Shak.
1913 Webster]

5. To thrash; to beat out, as grain, by striking; as, to whip wheat.
1913 Webster]

6. To beat (eggs, cream, or the like) into a froth, as with a whisk, fork, or the like.
1913 Webster]

7. To conquer; to defeat, as in a contest or game; to beat; to surpass. [Slang, U. S.]
1913 Webster]

8. To overlay (a cord, rope, or the like) with other cords going round and round it; to overcast, as the edge of a seam; to wrap; -- often with about, around, or over.
1913 Webster]

Its string is firmly whipped about with small gut. Moxon.
1913 Webster]

9. To sew lightly; specifically, to form (a fabric) into gathers by loosely overcasting the rolled edge and drawing up the thread; as, to whip a ruffle.
1913 Webster]

In half-whipped muslin needles useless lie. Gay.
1913 Webster]

10. To take or move by a sudden motion; to jerk; to snatch; -- with into, out, up, off, and the like.
1913 Webster]

She, in a hurry, whips up her darling under her arm. L'Estrange.
1913 Webster]

He whips out his pocketbook every moment, and writes descriptions of everything he sees. Walpole.
1913 Webster]

11. (Naut.) (a) To hoist or purchase by means of a whip. (b) To secure the end of (a rope, or the like) from untwisting by overcasting it with small stuff.
1913 Webster]

12. To fish (a body of water) with a rod and artificial fly, the motion being that employed in using a whip.
1913 Webster]

Whipping their rough surface for a trout. Emerson.
1913 Webster]

To whip in, to drive in, or keep from scattering, as hounds in a hurt; hence, to collect, or to keep together, as member of a party, or the like. -- To whip the cat. (a) To practice extreme parsimony. [Prov. Eng.] Forby. (b) To go from house to house working by the day, as itinerant tailors and carpenters do. [Prov. & U. S.]
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1647 -->
1913 Webster]

Whip (?), v. i. To move nimbly; to start or turn suddenly and do something; to whisk; as, he whipped around the corner.
1913 Webster]

With speed from thence he whipped. Sackville.
1913 Webster]

Two friends, traveling, met a bear upon the way; the one whips up a tree, and the other throws himself flat upon the ground. L'Estrange.
1913 Webster]

Whip, n. [OE. whippe. See Whip, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. An instrument or driving horses or other animals, or for correction, consisting usually of a lash attached to a handle, or of a handle and lash so combined as to form a flexible rod. \'bd[A] whip's lash.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

In his right hand he holds a whip, with which he is supposed to drive the horses of the sun. Addison.
1913 Webster]

2. A coachman; a driver of a carriage; as, a good whip. Beaconsfield.
1913 Webster]

3. (Mach.) (a) One of the arms or frames of a windmill, on which the sails are spread. (b) The length of the arm reckoned from the shaft.
1913 Webster]

4. (Naut.) (a) A small tackle with a single rope, used to hoist light bodies. (b) The long pennant. See Pennant (a)
1913 Webster]

5. A huntsman who whips in the hounds; whipper-in.
1913 Webster]

6. (Eng. Politics) (a) A person (as a member of Parliament) appointed to enforce party discipline, and secure the attendance of the members of a Parliament party at any important session, especially when their votes are needed. (b) A call made upon members of a Parliament party to be in their places at a given time, as when a vote is to be taken.
1913 Webster]

7. A whipping motion; a thrashing about; as, the whip of a tense rope or wire which has suddenly parted; also, the quality of being whiplike or flexible; flexibility; suppleness, as of the shaft of a golf club.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

8. (Mech.) Any of various pieces that operate with a quick vibratory motion, as a spring in certain electrical devices for making a circuit, or a rocking certain piano actions.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whip and spur, with the utmost haste. -- Whip crane, or Whip purchase, a simple form of crane having a small drum from which the load is suspended, turned by pulling on a rope wound around larger drum on the same axle. -- Whip gin. See Gin block, under 5th Gin. -- Whip grafting. See under Grafting. -- Whip hand, the hand with which the whip is used; hence, advantage; mastery; as, to have or get the whip hand of a person. Dryden. -- Whip ray (Zo\'94l.), the European eagle ray. See under Ray. -- Whip roll (Weaving), a roll or bar, behind the reeds in a loom, on which the warp threads rest. -- Whip scorpion (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of arachnids belonging to Thelyphonus and allied genera. They somewhat resemble true scorpions, but have a long, slender bristle, or lashlike organ, at the end of the body, instead of a sting. -- Whip snake (Zo\'94l.), any one of various species of slender snakes. Specifically: (a) A bright green South American tree snake (Philodryas viridissimus) having a long and slender body. It is not venomous. Called also emerald whip snake. (b) The coachwhip snake.
1913 Webster]

Whip"cord` (?), n. A kind of hard-twisted or braided cord, sometimes used for making whiplashes.
1913 Webster]

Whip"graft` (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whipgrafted; p. pr. & vb. n. Whipgrafting.] To graft by cutting the scion and stock in a certain manner. See Whip grafting, under Grafting.
1913 Webster]

Whip"lash` (?), n. 1. The lash of a whip, -- usually made of thongs of leather, or of cords, braided or twisted.
1913 Webster]

2. a sudden change of direction, resembling the motion of the tip of a whip when it is cracked.

3. a stinging psychological effect reminiscent of being stung by a whip.

4. a whiplash injury.

Whip"lash` in"ju*ry (?), n. an injury to the neck caused by the sudden motion of the head backward and forward, as occurs to the occupants of a vehicle hit from behind by another vehicle.

Whip`pa*ree" (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A large sting ray (Dasybatis Sayi, or Trygon Sayi) native of the Southern United States. It is destitute of large spines on the body and tail. (b) A large sting ray (Rhinoptera bonasus, or Rhinoptera quadriloba) of the Atlantic coast of the United States. Its snout appears to be four-lobed when viewed in front, whence it is also called cow-nosed ray.
1913 Webster]

Whip"per (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who whips; especially, an officer who inflicts the penalty of legal whipping.
1913 Webster]

2. One who raises coal or merchandise with a tackle from a chip's hold. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

3. (Spinning) A kind of simple willow.
1913 Webster]

Whip"per*in` (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. A huntsman who keeps the hounds from wandering, and whips them in, if necessary, to the of chase.
1913 Webster]

2. Hence, one who enforces the discipline of a party, and urges the attendance and support of the members on all necessary occasions.<-- = whip, 6 (a) -->
1913 Webster]

Whip"per*snap`per (?), n. A diminutive, insignificant, or presumptuous person. [Colloq.] \'bdLittle whippersnappers like you.\'b8 T. Hughes.
1913 Webster]

Whip"ping (?), a & n. from Whip, v.
1913 Webster]

Whipping post, a post to which offenders are tied, to be legally whipped.
1913 Webster]

Whip"ple*tree` (?), n. [See Whip, and cf. Whiffletree.]
1913 Webster]

1. The pivoted or swinging bar to which the traces, or tugs, of a harness are fastened, and by which a carriage, a plow, or other implement or vehicle, is drawn; a whiffletree; a swingletree; a singletree. See Singletree.
1913 Webster]

[People] cut their own whippletree in the woodlot. Emerson.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) The cornel tree. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Whip"-poor-will` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) An American bird (Antrostomus vociferus) allied to the nighthawk and goatsucker; -- so called in imitation of the peculiar notes which it utters in the evening. [Written also whippowil.]
1913 Webster]

Whip"saw` (?), n. 1. A saw for dividing timber lengthwise, usually set in a frame, and worked by two persons; also, a fret saw.
1913 Webster]

2. A kind of narrow ripsaw, tapering from butt to point, with hook teeth and averaging from 5 to 7
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whip"saw`, v. t. 1. To saw with the whipsaw.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. To defeat in, or cause to lose, two different bets at the same turn or in one play, as a player at faro who has made two bets at the same time, one that a card will lose and another that a different card will win; hence, to defeat in spite of every effort.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. to cause to suffer a setback or losses by subjecting to two forces at the same time or in rapid succession; as, consumers were whipsawed by both inflation and higher sales taxes.

4. (Finance) to cause to suffer a series of losses in trading when buying and selling at the wrong times in a rapidly fluctuating market; -- especially used when an attempt is made, by selling short, to recover losses from a long purchase in a declining market, and the short sale also results in a loss when the market subsequently rises. Used mostly in the passive; as, to be whipsawed by exaggerated responses to a changing outlook.

Whip"-shaped` (?), a. Shaped like the lash of a whip; long, slender, round, and tapering; as, a whip-shaped root or stem.
1913 Webster]

Whip"staff` (?), n. (Naut.) A bar attached to the tiller, for convenience in steering.
1913 Webster]

Whip"stalk` (?), n. A whipstock.
1913 Webster]

Whip"ster (?), n. [Whip + -ster.] A nimble little fellow; a whippersnapper.
1913 Webster]

Every puny whipster gets my sword. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whip"stick` (?), n. Whip handle; whipstock.
1913 Webster]

Whip"stitch` (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. A tailor; -- so called in contempt.
1913 Webster]

2. Anything hastily put or stitched together; hence, a hasty composition. [R.] Dryden.
1913 Webster]

3. (Agric.) The act or process of whipstitching.
1913 Webster]

4. A small bit; esp., a small interval of time; an instant; a minute. [Dial. or Colloq.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whip"stitch`, v. t. 1. (Agric.) To rafter; to plow in ridges, as land. [Eng.]
1913 Webster]

2. To sew by passing the thread over and over; to overcast; whip.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whip"stock` (?), n. The rod or handle to which the lash of a whip is fastened.
1913 Webster]

Whipt (?), imp. & p. p. of Whip. Whipped.
1913 Webster]

Whip"-tom`-kel"ly (?), n. [So called in imitation of its notes.] (Zo\'94l.) A vireo (Vireo altiloquus) native of the West Indies and Florida; -- called also black-whiskered vireo.
1913 Webster]

Whip"worm` (?), n. [So called from its shape.] (Zo\'94l.) A nematode worm (Trichocephalus dispar) often found parasitic in the human intestine. Its body is thickened posteriorly, but is very long and threadlike anteriorly.
1913 Webster]

Whir (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whirred (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whirring.] [Perhaps of imitative origin; cf. D. hvirre to whirl, and E. hurr, hurry, whirl. To whirl round, or revolve, with a whizzing noise; to fly or more quickly with a buzzing or whizzing sound; to whiz.
1913 Webster]

The partridge bursts away on whirring wings. Beattie.
1913 Webster]

Whir, v. t. [See Whir to whiz.] To hurry a long with a whizzing sound. [R.]
1913 Webster]

This world to me is like a lasting storm,
Whirring me from my friends.
1913 Webster]

Whir, n. A buzzing or whizzing sound produced by rapid or whirling motion; as, the whir of a partridge; the whir of a spinning wheel.
1913 Webster]

Whirl (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whirled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whirling.] [OE. whirlen, probably from the Scand.; cf. Icel. & Sw. hvirfla, Dan. hvirvle; akin to D. wervelen, G. wirbeln, freq. of the verb seen in Icel. hverfa to turn. Wharf, and cf. Warble, Whorl.]
1913 Webster]

1. To turn round rapidly; to cause to rotate with velocity; to make to revolve.
1913 Webster]

He whirls his sword around without delay. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. To remove or carry quickly with, or as with, a revolving motion; to snatch; to harry. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

See, see the chariot, and those rushing wheels,
whirled the prophet up at Chebar flood.
1913 Webster]

The passionate heart of the poet is whirl'd into folly. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Whirl, v. i.
1913 Webster]

1. To be turned round rapidly; to move round with velocity; to revolve or rotate with great speed; to gyrate. \'bdThe whirling year vainly my dizzy eyes pursue.\'b8 J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

The wooden engine flies and whirls about. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. To move hastily or swiftly.
1913 Webster]

But whirled away to shun his hateful sight. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Whirl, n. [Cf. Dan. hvirvel, Sw. hvirfvel, Icel. hvirfill the crown of the head, G. wirbel whirl, crown of the head, D. wervel. See Whirl, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. A turning with rapidity or velocity; rapid rotation or circumvolution; quick gyration; rapid or confusing motion; as, the whirl of a top; the whirl of a wheel. \'bdIn no breathless whirl.\'b8 J. H. Newman.
1913 Webster]

The rapid . . . whirl of things here below interrupt not the inviolable rest and calmness of the noble beings above. South.
1913 Webster]

2. Anything that moves with a whirling motion.
1913 Webster]

He saw Falmouth under gray, iron skies, and whirls of March dust. Carlyle.
1913 Webster]

3. A revolving hook used in twisting, as the hooked spindle of a rope machine, to which the threads to be twisted are attached.
1913 Webster]

4. (Bot. & Zo\'94l.) A whorl. See Whorl.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"a*bout` (?), n. Something that whirls or turns about in a rapid manner; a whirligig.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"bat` (?), n. Anything moved with a whirl, as preparatory for a blow, or to augment the force of it; -- applied by poets to the cestus of ancient boxers.
1913 Webster]

The whirlbat and the rapid race shall be
1913 Webster]

Whirl"-blast` (?), n. A whirling blast or wind.
1913 Webster]

A whirl-blast from behind the hill. Wordsworth.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"bone` (?), n. (Anat.) (a) The huckle bone. [Obs.] (b) The patella, or kneepan. [Obs.] Ainsworth.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"er (?), n. One who, or that which, whirls.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"i*cote (?), n. An open car or chariot. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Of old time coaches were not known in this island, but chariots, or whirlicotes. Stow.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"i*gig (?), n. [Whirl + gig.]
1913 Webster]

1. A child's toy, spun or whirled around like a wheel upon an axis, or like a top. Johnson.
1913 Webster]

2. Anything which whirls around, or in which persons or things are whirled about, as a frame with seats or wooden horses.
1913 Webster]

With a whirligig of jubilant mosquitoes spinning about each head. G. W. Cable.
1913 Webster]

3. A medi\'91val instrument for punishing petty offenders, being a kind of wooden cage turning on a pivot, in which the offender was whirled round with great velocity.
1913 Webster]

4. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of beetles belonging to Gyrinus and allied genera. The body is firm, oval or boatlike in form, and usually dark colored with a bronzelike luster. These beetles live mostly on the surface of water, and move about with great celerity in a gyrating, or circular, manner, but they are also able to dive and swim rapidly. The larva is aquatic. Called also weaver, whirlwig, and whirlwig beetle.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"ing (?), a. & n. from Whirl, v. t.
1913 Webster]

Whirling table. (a) (Physics) An apparatus provided with one or more revolving disks, with weights, pulleys, and other attachments, for illustrating the phenomena and laws of centrifugal force, and the like. (b) A potter's wheel.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"pit` (?), n. A whirlpool. [Obs.] \'bdRaging whirlpits.\'b8 Sandys.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"pool` (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. An eddy or vortex of water; a place in a body of water where the water moves round in a circle so as to produce a depression or cavity in the center, into which floating objects may be drawn; any body of water having a more or less circular motion caused by its flowing in an irregular channel, by the coming together of opposing currents, or the like.
1913 Webster]

2. A sea monster of the whale kind. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

The Indian Sea breedeth the most and the biggest fishes that are; among which the whales and whirlpools, called \'bdbal\'91n\'91,\'b8 take up in length as much as four . . . arpents of land. Holland.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"wig` (?), n. [Cf. Earwig.] (Zo\'94l.) A whirligig.
1913 Webster]

Whirl"wind` (?), n. [Cf. Icel. hvirfilvindr, Sw. hvirfvelvind, Dan. hvirvelvind, G. wirbelwind. See Whirl, and Wind, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. A violent windstorm of limited extent, as the tornado, characterized by an inward spiral motion of the air with an upward current in the center; a vortex of air. It usually has a rapid progressive motion.
1913 Webster]

The swift dark whirlwind that uproots the woods.
1913 Webster]

whirlwind to the larger rotary storm also, such as cyclones.
1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: A body of objects sweeping violently onward. \'bdThe whirlwind of hounds and hunters.\'b8 Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

Whir"ry (?), v. i. To whir. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whir"tle (?), n. (Mech.) A perforated steel die through which wires or tubes are drawn to form them.
1913 Webster]

Whisk (?), n. [See Whist, n.] A game at cards; whist. [Obs.] Taylor (1630).
1913 Webster]

Whisk, n. [Probably for wisk, and of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. visk a wisp; akin to Dan. visk, Sw. viska, D. wisch, OHG. wisc, G. wisch. See Wisp.]
1913 Webster]

1. The act of whisking; a rapid, sweeping motion, as of something light; a sudden motion or quick puff.
1913 Webster]

This first sad whisk
J. Fletcher.
1913 Webster]

2. A small bunch of grass, straw, twigs, hair, or the like, used for a brush; hence, a brush or small besom, as of broom corn.
1913 Webster]

3. A small culinary instrument made of wire, or the like, for whisking or beating eggs, cream, etc. Boyle.
1913 Webster]

4. A kind of cape, forming part of a woman's dress.
1913 Webster]

My wife in her new lace whisk. Pepys.
1913 Webster]

5. An impertinent fellow. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

6. A plane used by coopers for evening chines.
1913 Webster]

Whisk, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whisked (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whisking.] [Cf. Dan. viske, Sw. viska, G. wischen, D. wisschen. See Whisk, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To sweep, brush, or agitate, with a light, rapid motion; as, to whisk dust from a table; to whisk the white of eggs into a froth.
1913 Webster]

2. To move with a quick, sweeping motion.
1913 Webster]

He that walks in gray, whisking his riding rod. J. Fletcher.
1913 Webster]

I beg she would not impale worms, nor whisk carp out of one element into another. Walpole.
1913 Webster]

Whisk, v. i. To move nimbly at with velocity; to make a sudden agile movement.
1913 Webster]

Whisk"er (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who, or that which, whisks, or moves with a quick, sweeping motion.
1913 Webster]

2. Formerly, the hair of the upper lip; a mustache; -- usually in the plural.
1913 Webster]

Hoary whiskers and a forky beard. Pope.
1913 Webster]

3. pl. That part of the beard which grows upon the sides of the face, or upon the chin, or upon both; as, side whiskers; chin whiskers.
1913 Webster]

4. A hair of the beard.
1913 Webster]

5. One of the long, projecting hairs growing at the sides of the mouth of a cat, or other animal.
1913 Webster]

6. pl. (Naut.) Iron rods extending on either side of the bowsprit, to spread, or guy out, the stays, etc.
1913 Webster]

Whisk"ered (?), a.
1913 Webster]

1. Formed into whiskers; furnished with whiskers; having or wearing whiskers.
1913 Webster]

Our forefathers, a grave, whiskered race. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) Having elongated hairs, feathers, or bristles on the cheeks.
1913 Webster]

The whiskered vermin race. Grainger.
1913 Webster]

Whisk"er*less (?), a. Being without whiskers.
1913 Webster]

Whis"ket (?), n. [Cf. Wisket.]
1913 Webster]

1. A basket; esp., a straw provender basket. [Prov. Eng.] Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

2. (Mach.) A small lathe for turning wooden pins.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1648 -->
1913 Webster]

Whis"key (?), n. Same as Whisky, a liquor.
1913 Webster]

{ Whis"key, Whis"ky, } n.; pl. Whiskeys (#) or Whiskies. [See Whisk, v. t. & n.] A light carriage built for rapid motion; -- called also tim-whiskey.
1913 Webster]

{ Whiskey Ring, or Whisky Ring }. (U. S. Hist.) A conspiracy of distillers and government officials during the administration of President Grant to defraud the government of the excise taxes. The frauds were detected in 1875 through the efforts of the Secretary of the Treasury B. H. Bristow, and most of the offenders were convicted.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whisk"in (?), n. A shallow drinking bowl. [Prov. Eng.] Ray.
1913 Webster]

Whisk"ing, a.
1913 Webster]

1. Sweeping along lightly.
1913 Webster]

2. Large; great. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

{ Whis"ky, Whis"key } (?), n. [Ir. or Gael. uisge water (perhaps akin to E. wash, water) in uisgebeatha whiskey, properly, water of life. Cf. Usquebaugh.] An intoxicating liquor distilled from grain, potatoes, etc., especially in Scotland, Ireland, and the United States. In the United States, whisky is generally distilled from maize, rye, or wheat, but in Scotland and Ireland it is often made from malted barley.
1913 Webster]

Bourbon whisky, corn whisky made in Bourbon County, Kentucky. -- Crooked whisky. See under Crooked. -- Whisky Jack (Zo\'94l.), the Canada jay (Perisoreus Canadensis). It is noted for its fearless and familiar habits when it frequents the camps of lumbermen in the winter season. Its color is dull grayish blue, lighter beneath. Called also moose bird.
1913 Webster]

{ Whis"ky*fied, Whis"key*fied } (?), a. [Whisky + -fy.] Drunk with whisky; intoxicated. [Humorous] Thackeray.
1913 Webster]

Whisp (?), n. See Wisp.
1913 Webster]

Whisp, n. (Zo\'94l.) A flock of snipe.
1913 Webster]

Whis"per (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whispered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whispering.] [AS. hwisprian; akin to G. wispern, wispeln, OHG. hwispal, Icel. hv\'c6skra, Sw. hviska, Dan. hviske; of imitative origin. Cf. Whistle.]
1913 Webster]

1. To speak softly, or under the breath, so as to be heard only by one near at hand; to utter words without sonant breath; to talk without that vibration in the larynx which gives sonorous, or vocal, sound. See Whisper, n.
1913 Webster]

2. To make a low, sibilant sound or noise.
1913 Webster]

The hollow, whispering breeze. Thomson.
1913 Webster]

3. To speak with suspicion, or timorous caution; to converse in whispers, as in secret plotting.
1913 Webster]

All that hate me whisper together against me. Ps. xli. 7.
1913 Webster]

Whis"per, v. t.
1913 Webster]

1. To utter in a low and nonvocal tone; to say under the breath; hence, to mention privately and confidentially, or in a whisper.
1913 Webster]

They might buzz and whisper it one to another. Bentley.
1913 Webster]

2. To address in a whisper, or low voice. [Archaic]
1913 Webster]

And whisper one another in the ear. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Where gentlest breezes whisper souls distressed. Keble.
1913 Webster]

3. To prompt secretly or cautiously; to inform privately. [Obs.] \'bdHe came to whisper Wolsey.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whis"per, n.
1913 Webster]

1. A low, soft, sibilant voice or utterance, which can be heard only by those near at hand; voice or utterance that employs only breath sound without tone, friction against the edges of the vocal cords and arytenoid cartilages taking the place of the vibration of the cords that produces tone; sometimes, in a limited sense, the sound produced by such friction as distinguished from breath sound made by friction against parts of the mouth. See Voice, n., 2, and Guide to Pronunciation,
1913 Webster]

The inward voice or whisper can not give a tone. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

Soft whispers through the assembly went. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. A cautious or timorous speech. South.
1913 Webster]

3. Something communicated in secret or by whispering; a suggestion or insinuation.
1913 Webster]

4. A low, sibilant sound. \'bdThe whispers of the leaves.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Whis"per*er (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. One who whispers.
1913 Webster]

2. A tattler; one who tells secrets; a conveyer of intelligence secretly; hence; a backbiter; one who slanders secretly. Prov. xvi. 28.
1913 Webster]

Whis"per*ing, a. & n. from Whisper. v. t.
1913 Webster]

Whispering gallery, or Whispering dome, one of such a form that sounds produced in certain parts of it are concentrated by reflection from the walls to another part, so that whispers or feeble sounds are audible at a much greater distance than under ordinary circumstances. The dome of the U. S. capitol building is one example.
1913 Webster +PJC]

Whis"per*ing*ly, adv. In a whisper, or low voice; in a whispering manner; with whispers. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Whis"per*ous*ly (?), adv. Whisperingly. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Whist (?), interj. [Cf. G. st! pst! bst! Hist.] Be silent; be still; hush; silence.
1913 Webster]

Whist, n. [From Whist, interj.] A certain game at cards; -- so called because it requires silence and close attention. It is played by four persons (those who sit opposite each other being partners) with a complete pack of fifty-two cards. Each player has thirteen cards, and when these are played out, the hand is finished, and the cards are again shuffled and distributed.
1913 Webster]

long whist, now seldom played, ten points make the game; in short whist, now usually played in England, five points make the game. In American whist, so-called, honors are not counted, and seven points by tricks make the game.
1913 Webster]

-- Bridge whist. See Bridge, n., above. -- Duplicate whist, a form of whist in playing which the hands are preserved as dealt and played again by other players, as when each side holds in the second round the cards played by the opposing side in the first round. -- Solo whist. See Solo whist, above.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whist, v. t. [From Whist, interj.] To hush or silence. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Whist, v. i. To be or become silent or still; to be hushed or mute. [R.] Surrey.
1913 Webster]

Whist, a. [Properly p. p. of whist, v.] Not speaking; not making a noise; silent; mute; still; quiet. \'bdSo whist and dead a silence.\'b8 Sir J. Harrington.
1913 Webster]

The winds, with wonder whist,
1913 Webster]

1913 Webster]

Whis"tle (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whistled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whistling (?).] [AS. hwistlian; akin to Sw. hvissla, Dan. hvisle, Icel. hv\'c6sla to whisper, and E. whisper. Whisper.]
1913 Webster]

1. To make a kind of musical sound, or series of sounds, by forcing the breath through a small orifice formed by contracting the lips; also, to emit a similar sound, or series of notes, from the mouth or beak, as birds.
1913 Webster]

The weary plowman leaves the task of day,
whistles on the way.
1913 Webster]

2. To make a shrill sound with a wind or steam instrument, somewhat like that made with the lips; to blow a sharp, shrill tone.
1913 Webster]

3. To sound shrill, or like a pipe; to make a sharp, shrill sound; as, a bullet whistles through the air.
1913 Webster]

The wild winds whistle, and the billows roar. Pope.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tle, v. t.
1913 Webster]

1. To form, utter, or modulate by whistling; as, to whistle a tune or an air.
1913 Webster]

2. To send, signal, or call by a whistle.
1913 Webster]

He chanced to miss his dog; we stood still till he had whistled him up. Addison.
1913 Webster]

To whistle off. (a) To dismiss by a whistle; -- a term in hawking. \'bdAS a long-winged hawk when he is first whistled off the fist, mounts aloft.\'b8 Burton. (b) Hence, in general, to turn loose; to abandon; to dismiss.
1913 Webster]

I 'ld whistle her off, and let her down the wind
1913 Webster]

against the wind when sent in search of prey; with or down the wind, when turned loose, and abandoned.\'b8 Nares.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tle, n. [AS. hwistle a pipe, flute, whistle. See Whistle, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. A sharp, shrill, more or less musical sound, made by forcing the breath through a small orifice of the lips, or through or instrument which gives a similar sound; the sound used by a sportsman in calling his dogs; the shrill note of a bird; as, the sharp whistle of a boy, or of a boatswain's pipe; the blackbird's mellow whistle.
1913 Webster]

Might we but hear
whistle from the lodge.
1913 Webster]

The countryman could not forbear smiling, . . . and by that means lost his whistle. Spectator.
1913 Webster]

They fear his whistle, and forsake the seas. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. The shrill sound made by wind passing among trees or through crevices, or that made by bullet, or the like, passing rapidly through the air; the shrill noise (much used as a signal, etc.) made by steam or gas escaping through a small orifice, or impinging against the edge of a metallic bell or cup.
1913 Webster]

3. An instrument in which gas or steam forced into a cavity, or against a thin edge, produces a sound more or less like that made by one who whistles through the compressed lips; as, a child's whistle; a boatswain's whistle; a steam whistle (see Steam whistle, under Steam).
1913 Webster]

The bells she jingled, and the whistle blew. Pope.
1913 Webster]

4. The mouth and throat; -- so called as being the organs of whistling. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

So was her jolly whistle well ywet. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Let's drink the other cup to wet our whistles. Walton.
1913 Webster]

Whistle duck (Zo\'94l.), the American golden-eye.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tle*fish` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A gossat, or rockling; -- called also whistler, three-bearded rockling, sea loach, and sorghe.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tler (?), n. [AS. hwistlere.]
1913 Webster]

1. One who, or that which, whistles, or produces or a whistling sound.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The ring ousel. (b) The widgeon. [Prov. Eng.] (c) The golden-eye. (d) The golden plover and the gray plover.
1913 Webster]

3. (Zo\'94l.) The hoary, or northern, marmot (Arctomys pruinosus).
1913 Webster]

4. (Zo\'94l.) The whistlefish.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tle*wing` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The American golden-eye.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tle*wood` (?), n. (Bot.) The moosewood, or striped maple. See Maple.
1913 Webster]

Whis"tling (?), a. & n. from Whistle, v.
1913 Webster]

Whistling buoy. (Naut.) See under Buoy. -- Whistling coot (Zo\'94l.), the American black scoter. -- Whistling Dick. (Zo\'94l.) (a) An Australian shrike thrush (Colluricincla Selbii). (b) The song thrush. [Prov. Eng.] -- Whistling duck. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The golden-eye. (b) A tree duck. -- Whistling eagle (Zo\'94l.), a small Australian eagle (Haliastur sphenurus); -- called also whistling hawk, and little swamp eagle. -- Whistling plover. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The golden plover. (b) The black-bellied, or gray, plover. -- Whistling snipe (Zo\'94l.), the American woodcock. -- Whistling swan. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The European whooper swan; -- called also wild swan, and elk. (b) An American swan (Olor columbianus). See under Swan. -- Whistling teal (Zo\'94l.), a tree duck, as Dendrocygna awsuree of India. -- Whistling thrush. (Zo\'94l.) (a) Any one of several species of singing birds of the genus Myiophonus, native of Asia, Australia, and the East Indies. They are generally black, glossed with blue, and have a patch of bright blue on each shoulder. Their note is a loud and clear whistle. (b) The song thrush. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whis"tling*ly, adv. In a whistling manner; shrilly.
1913 Webster]

Whist"ly (?), adv. In a whist manner; silently. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whit (?), n. [OE. wight, wiht, AS. wiht a creature, a thing. See Wight, and cf. Aught, Naught.] The smallest part or particle imaginable; a bit; a jot; an iota; -- generally used in an adverbial phrase in a negative sentence. \'bdSamuel told him every whit.\'b8 1 Sam. iii. 18. \'bdEvery whit as great.\'b8 South.
1913 Webster]

So shall I no whit be behind in duty. Shak.
1913 Webster]

It does not me a whit displease. Cowley.
1913 Webster]

White (hw, a. [Compar. Whiter (hw; superl. Whitest.] [OE. whit, AS. hw; akin to OFries. and OS. hw\'c6t, D. wit, G. weiss, OHG. w\'c6z, hw\'c6z, Icel. hv\'c6tr, Sw. hvit, Dan. hvid, Goth. hweits, Lith. szveisti, to make bright, Russ. sviet' light, Skr. white, to be bright. Wheat, Whitsunday.]
1913 Webster]

1. Reflecting to the eye all the rays of the spectrum combined; not tinted with any of the proper colors or their mixtures; having the color of pure snow; snowy; -- the opposite of black or dark; as, white paper; a white skin. \'bdPearls white.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

White as the whitest lily on a stream. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. Destitute of color, as in the cheeks, or of the tinge of blood color; pale; pallid; as, white with fear.
1913 Webster]

Or whispering with white lips, \'bdThe foe!
1913 Webster]

3. Having the color of purity; free from spot or blemish, or from guilt or pollution; innocent; pure.
1913 Webster]

White as thy fame, and as thy honor clear. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

No whiter page than Addison's remains. Pope.
1913 Webster]

4. Gray, as from age; having silvery hair; hoary.
1913 Webster]

Your high engendered battles 'gainst a head
white as this.
1913 Webster]

5. Characterized by freedom from that which disturbs, and the like; fortunate; happy; favorable.
1913 Webster]

On the whole, however, the dominie reckoned this as one of the white days of his life. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

6. Regarded with especial favor; favorite; darling.
1913 Webster]

Come forth, my white spouse. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

I am his white boy, and will not be gullet. Ford.
1913 Webster]

White is used in many self-explaining compounds, as white-backed, white-bearded, white-footed.
1913 Webster]

White alder. (Bot.) See Sweet pepper bush, under Pepper. -- White ant (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of social pseudoneuropterous insects of the genus Termes. These insects are very abundant in tropical countries, and form large and complex communities consisting of numerous asexual workers of one or more kinds, of large-headed asexual individuals called soldiers, of one or more queens (or fertile females) often having the body enormously distended by the eggs, and, at certain seasons of numerous winged males, together with the larv\'91 and pup\'91 of each kind in various stages of development. Many of the species construct large and complicated nests, sometimes in the form of domelike structures rising several feet above the ground and connected with extensive subterranean galleries and chambers. In their social habits they closely resemble the true ants. They feed upon animal and vegetable substances of various kinds, including timber, and are often very destructive to buildings and furniture. -- White arsenic (Chem.), arsenious oxide, As2O3, a substance of a white color, and vitreous adamantine luster, having an astringent, sweetish taste. It is a deadly poison. -- White bass (Zo\'94l.), a fresh-water North American bass (Roccus chrysops) found in the Great Likes. -- White bear (Zo\'94l.), the polar bear. See under Polar. -- White blood cell. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte. -- White brand (Zo\'94l.), the snow goose. -- White brass, a white alloy of copper; white copper. -- White campion. (Bot.) (a) A kind of catchfly (Silene stellata) with white flowers. (b) A white-flowered Lychnis (Lychnis vespertina). -- White canon (R. C. Ch.), a Premonstratensian. -- White caps, the members of a secret organization in various of the United States, who attempt to drive away or reform obnoxious persons by lynch-law methods. They appear masked in white. Their actions resembled those of the Ku Klux Klan in some ways but they were not formally affiliated with the Klan, and their victims were often not black. -- White cedar (Bot.), an evergreen tree of North America (Thuja occidentalis), also the related Cupressus thyoides, or Cham\'91cyparis sph\'91roidea, a slender evergreen conifer which grows in the so-called cedar swamps of the Northern and Atlantic States. Both are much valued for their durable timber. In California the name is given to the Libocedrus decurrens, the timber of which is also useful, though often subject to dry rot. Goodale. The white cedar of Demerara, Guiana, etc., is a lofty tree (Icica altissima syn. Bursera altissima) whose fragrant wood is used for canoes and cabinetwork, as it is not attacked by insect. -- White cell. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte. -- White cell-blood (Med.), leucocyth\'91mia. -- White clover (Bot.), a species of small perennial clover bearing white flowers. It furnishes excellent food for cattle and horses, as well as for the honeybee. See also under Clover. -- White copper, a whitish alloy of copper. See German silver, under German. -- White copperas (Min.), a native hydrous sulphate of iron; coquimbite. -- White coral (Zo\'94l.), an ornamental branched coral (Amphihelia oculata) native of the Mediterranean. -- White corpuscle. (Physiol.) See Leucocyte. -- White cricket (Zo\'94l.), the tree cricket. -- White crop, a crop of grain which loses its green color, or becomes white, in ripening, as wheat, rye, barley, and oats, as distinguished from a green crop, or a root crop. -- White currant (Bot.), a variety of the common red currant, having white berries. -- White daisy (Bot.), the oxeye daisy. See under Daisy. -- White damp, a kind of poisonous gas encountered in coal mines. Raymond. -- White elephant (Zo\'94l.), (a) a whitish, or albino, variety of the Asiatic elephant. (b) see white elephant in the vocabulary. -- White elm (Bot.), a majestic tree of North America (Ulmus Americana), the timber of which is much used for hubs of wheels, and for other purposes. -- White ensign. See Saint George's ensign, under Saint. -- White feather, a mark or symbol of cowardice. See To show the white feather, under Feather, n. -- White fir (Bot.), a name given to several coniferous trees of the Pacific States, as Abies grandis, and Abies concolor. -- White flesher (Zo\'94l.), the ruffed grouse. See under Ruffed. [Canada] -- White frost. See Hoarfrost. -- White game (Zo\'94l.), the white ptarmigan. -- White garnet (Min.), leucite. -- White grass (Bot.), an American grass (Leersia Virginica) with greenish-white pale\'91. -- White grouse. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The white ptarmigan. (b) The prairie chicken. [Local, U. S.] -- White grub (Zo\'94l.), the larva of the June bug and other allied species. These grubs eat the roots of grasses and other plants, and often do much damage. -- White hake (Zo\'94l.), the squirrel hake. See under Squirrel. -- White hawk, or White kite (Zo\'94l.), the hen harrier. -- White heat, the temperature at which bodies become incandescent, and appear white from the bright light which they emit. -- White hellebore (Bot.), a plant of the genus Veratrum (Veratrum album) See Hellebore, 2. -- White herring, a fresh, or unsmoked, herring, as distinguished from a red, or cured, herring. [R.] Shak. -- White hoolet (Zo\'94l.), the barn owl. [Prov. Eng.] -- White horses (Naut.), white-topped waves; whitecaps. -- The White House. See under House. -- White ibis (Zo\'94l.), an American ibis (Guara alba) having the plumage pure white, except the tips of the wings, which are black. It inhabits tropical America and the Southern United States. Called also Spanish curlew. -- White iron. (a) Thin sheets of iron coated with tin; tinned iron. (b) A hard, silvery-white cast iron containing a large proportion of combined carbon. -- White iron pyrites (Min.), marcasite. -- White land, a tough clayey soil, of a whitish hue when dry, but blackish after rain. [Eng.] -- White lark (Zo\'94l.), the snow bunting. -- White lead. (a) A carbonate of lead much used in painting, and for other purposes; ceruse. (b) (Min.) Native lead carbonate; cerusite. -- White leather, buff leather; leather tanned with alum and salt. -- White leg (Med.), milk leg. See under Milk. -- White lettuce (Bot.), rattlesnake root. See under Rattlesnake. -- White lie. See under Lie. -- White light. (a) (Physics) Light having the different colors in the same proportion as in the light coming directly from the sun, without having been decomposed, as by passing through a prism. See the Note under Color, n., 1. (b) A kind of firework which gives a brilliant white illumination for signals, etc. -- White lime, a solution or preparation of lime for whitewashing; whitewash. -- White line (Print.), a void space of the breadth of a line, on a printed page; a blank line. -- White meat. (a) Any light-colored flesh, especially of poultry. (b) Food made from milk or eggs, as butter, cheese, etc.
1913 Webster]

Driving their cattle continually with them, and feeding only upon their milk and white meats. Spenser.
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-- White merganser (Zo\'94l.), the smew. -- White metal. (a) Any one of several white alloys, as pewter, britannia, etc. (b) (Metal.) A fine grade of copper sulphide obtained at a certain stage in copper smelting. -- White miller. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The common clothes moth. (b) A common American bombycid moth (Spilosoma Virginica) which is pure white with a few small black spots; -- called also ermine moth, and virgin moth. See Woolly bear, under Woolly. -- White money, silver money. -- White mouse (Zo\'94l.), the albino variety of the common mouse. -- White mullet (Zo\'94l.), a silvery mullet (Mugil curema) ranging from the coast of the United States to Brazil; -- called also blue-back mullet, and liza. -- White nun (Zo\'94l.), the smew; -- so called from the white crest and the band of black feathers on the back of its head, which give the appearance of a hood. -- White oak. (Bot.) See under Oak. -- White owl. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The snowy owl. (b) The barn owl. -- White partridge (Zo\'94l.), the white ptarmigan. -- White perch. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A North American fresh-water bass (Morone Americana) valued as a food fish. (b) The croaker, or fresh-water drum. (c) Any California surf fish. -- White pine. (Bot.) See the Note under Pine. -- White poplar (Bot.), a European tree (Populus alba) often cultivated as a shade tree in America; abele. -- White poppy (Bot.), the opium-yielding poppy. See Poppy. -- White powder, a kind of gunpowder formerly believed to exist, and to have the power of exploding without noise. [Obs.]
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A pistol charged with white powder. Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

-- White precipitate. (Old Chem.) See under Precipitate. -- White rabbit. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The American northern hare in its winter pelage. (b) An albino rabbit. -- White rent, (a) (Eng. Law) Formerly, rent payable in silver; -- opposed to black rent. See Blackmail, n., 3. (b) A rent, or duty, of eight pence, payable yearly by every tinner in Devon and Cornwall to the Duke of Cornwall, as lord of the soil. [Prov. Eng.] -- White rhinoceros. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The one-horned, or Indian, rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Indicus). See Rhinoceros. (b) The umhofo. -- White ribbon, the distinctive badge of certain organizations for the promotion of temperance or of moral purity; as, the White-ribbon Army. -- White rope (Naut.), untarred hemp rope. -- White rot. (Bot.) (a) Either of several plants, as marsh pennywort and butterwort, which were thought to produce the disease called rot in sheep. (b) A disease of grapes. See White rot, under Rot. -- White sage (Bot.), a white, woolly undershrub (Eurotia lanata) of Western North America; -- called also winter fat. -- White salmon (Zo\'94l.), the silver salmon. -- White salt, salt dried and calcined; decrepitated salt. -- White scale (Zo\'94l.), a scale insect (Aspidiotus Nerii) injurious to the orange tree. See Orange scale, under Orange. -- White shark (Zo\'94l.), a species of man-eating shark. See under Shark. -- White softening. (Med.) See Softening of the brain, under Softening. -- White spruce. (Bot.) See Spruce, n., 1. -- White squall (Naut.), a sudden gust of wind, or furious blow, which comes up without being marked in its approach otherwise than by whitecaps, or white, broken water, on the surface of the sea. -- White staff, the badge of the lord high treasurer of England. Macaulay. -- White stork (Zo\'94l.), the common European stork. -- White sturgeon. (Zo\'94l.) See Shovelnose (d). -- White sucker. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The common sucker. (b) The common red horse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum). -- White swelling (Med.), a chronic swelling of the knee, produced by a strumous inflammation of the synovial membranes of the kneejoint and of the cancellar texture of the end of the bone forming the kneejoint; -- applied also to a lingering chronic swelling of almost any kind. -- White tombac. See Tombac. -- White trout (Zo\'94l.), the white weakfish, or silver squeteague (Cynoscion nothus), of the Southern United States. -- White vitriol (Chem.), hydrous sulphate of zinc. See White vitriol, under Vitriol. -- White wagtail (Zo\'94l.), the common, or pied, wagtail. -- White wax, beeswax rendered white by bleaching. -- White whale (Zo\'94l.), the beluga. -- White widgeon (Zo\'94l.), the smew. -- White wine. any wine of a clear, transparent color, bordering on white, as Madeira, sherry, Lisbon, etc.; -- distinguished from wines of a deep red color, as port and Burgundy. \'bdWhite wine of Lepe.\'b8 Chaucer. -- White witch, a witch or wizard whose supernatural powers are supposed to be exercised for good and beneficent purposes. Addison. Cotton Mather. -- White wolf. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A light-colored wolf (Canis laniger) native of Thibet; -- called also chanco, golden wolf, and Thibetan wolf. (b) The albino variety of the gray wolf. -- White wren (Zo\'94l.), the willow warbler; -- so called from the color of the under parts.
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White (?), n.
1913 Webster]

1. The color of pure snow; one of the natural colors of bodies, yet not strictly a color, but a composition of all colors; the opposite of black; whiteness. See the Note under Color, n., 1.
1913 Webster]

Finely attired in a of white. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Something having the color of snow; something white, or nearly so; as, the white of the eye.
1913 Webster]

3. Specifically, the central part of the butt in archery, which was formerly painted white; the center of a mark at which a missile is shot.
1913 Webster]

'T was I won the wager, though you hit the white. Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. A person with a white skin; a member of the white, or Caucasian, races of men.
1913 Webster]

5. A white pigment; as, Venice white.
1913 Webster]

6. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of numerous species of butterflies belonging to Pieris, and allied genera in which the color is usually white. See Cabbage butterfly, under Cabbage.
1913 Webster]

Black and white. See under Black. -- Flake white, Paris white, etc. See under Flack, Paris, etc. -- White of a seed (Bot.), the albumen. See Albumen, 2. -- White of egg, the viscous pellucid fluid which surrounds the yolk in an egg, particularly in the egg of a fowl. In a hen's egg it is alkaline, and contains about 86 per cent of water and 14 per cent of solid matter, the greater portion of which is egg albumin. It likewise contains a small amount of globulin, and traces of fats and sugar, with some inorganic matter. Heated above 60 Parr. -- White of the eye (Anat.), the white part of the ball of the eye surrounding the transparent cornea.
1913 Webster]

White, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whited; p. pr. & vb. n. Whiting.] [AS. hw\'c6tan.] To make white; to whiten; to whitewash; to bleach.
1913 Webster]

Whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of . . . uncleanness. Matt. xxiii. 27.
1913 Webster]

So as no fuller on earth can white them. Mark. ix. 3.
1913 Webster]

White"back` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The canvasback.
1913 Webster]

White"bait` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The young of several species of herrings, especially of the common herring, esteemed a great delicacy by epicures in England. (b) A small translucent fish (Salanx Chinensis) abundant at certain seasons on the coasts of China and Japan, and used in the same manner as the European whitebait.
1913 Webster]

White"beam` (?), n. (Bot.) The common beam tree of England (Pyrus Aria); -- so called from the white, woolly under surface of the leaves.
1913 Webster]

White"beard` (?), n. An old man; a graybeard.
1913 Webster]

White"bel`ly (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The American widgeon, or baldpate. (b) The prairie chicken.
1913 Webster]

White"bill` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The American coot.
1913 Webster]

White"-blaze` (?), n. See White-face.
1913 Webster]

White"blow` (?), n. (Bot.) Same as Whitlow grass, under Whitlow.
1913 Webster]

White"boy` (?), n. 1. A favorite. [Obs.] See White, a., 6. \'bdOne of God's whiteboys.\'b8 Bunyan.
1913 Webster]

2. One of an association of poor Roman catholics which arose in Ireland about 1760, ostensibly to resist the collection of tithes, the members of which were so called from the white shirts they wore in their nocturnal raids.
1913 Webster]

White"boy`ism (?), n. The conduct or principle of the Whiteboys.
1913 Webster]

White"cap` (?), n. 1. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The European redstart; -- so called from its white forehead. (b) The whitethroat; -- so called from its gray head. (c) The European tree sparrow.
1913 Webster]

2. A wave whose crest breaks into white foam, as when the wind is freshening.
1913 Webster]

3. A member of a self-appointed vigilance committee attempting by lynch-law methods to drive away or coerce persons obnoxious to it. Some early ones wore white hoods or masks. [U. S.] -- White"cap`, v. -- White"cap`per (#), n.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"coat` (?), n. The skin of a newborn seal; also, the seal itself. [Sealers' Cant]
1913 Webster]

White"-ear` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The wheatear.
1913 Webster]

White elephant. Something requiring much care and expense to maintain and yielding little profit, and often difficult to sell; any burdensome possession. [Slang]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"-eye` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of small Old World singing of the genus Zosterops, as Zosterops palpebrosus of India, and Zosterops c of Australia. The eyes are encircled by a ring of white feathers, whence the name. Called also bush creeper, and white-eyed tit.
1913 Webster]

White"-face` (?), n. A white mark in the forehead of a horse, descending almost to the nose; -- called also white-blaze.
1913 Webster]

White"fish` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) Any one of several species of Coregonus, a genus of excellent food fishes allied to the salmons. They inhabit the lakes of the colder parts of North America, Asia, and Europe. The largest and most important American species (Coregonus clupeiformis) is abundant in the Great Lakes, and in other lakes farther north. Called also lake whitefish, and Oswego bass. (b) The menhaden. (c) The beluga, or white whale.
1913 Webster]

whitefish, as the silver salmon, the whiting (a), the yellowtail, and the young of the bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix).
1913 Webster]

White"flaw` (?), n. [See Whitlow.] (Med.) A whitlow. [Obs.] Holland.
1913 Webster]

White fly. Any one of numerous small injurious hemipterous insects of the genus Aleyrodes, allied to scale insects. They are usually covered with a white or gray powder.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"-foot` (?), n. (Far.) A white mark on the foot of a horse, between the fetlock and the coffin.
1913 Webster]

White" fri`ar (?). (Eccl.) A mendicant monk of the Carmelite order, so called from the white cloaks worn by the order. See Carmelite.
1913 Webster]

White`-front"ed (?), a. Having a white front; as, the white-fronted lemur.
1913 Webster]

White-fronted goose (Zo\'94l.), the white brant, or snow goose. See Snow goose, under Snow.
1913 Webster]

White"head` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The blue-winged snow goose. (b) The surf scoter.
1913 Webster]

{ White"head` tor*pe"do (?), or White"head` }, n. A form of self-propelling torpedo.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"-heart` (?), n. (Bot.) A somewhat heart-shaped cherry with a whitish skin.
1913 Webster]

white"horse. a whitecap{2} (the wave).
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White horse. A large mass of tough sinewy substance in the head of sperm whales, just above the upper jaw and extending in streaks into the junk above it. It resembles blubber, but contains no oil. Also, the part of the head in which it occurs.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"-hot` (?), a. White with heat; heated to whiteness, or incandescence.
1913 Webster]

White"-limed` (?), a. Whitewashed or plastered with lime. \'bdWhite-limed walls.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

White list. (a) A list of business concerns regarded as worthy of patronage by reason of compliance with certain conditions, as in regard to treatment of employees; as, the white list of the Consumers' League. [Cant] (b) (New York Stock Exchange) The official list of all transactions, published daily on white paper, divided into sales from 10 to 12, 12 to 2, and 2 to 3.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"-liv`ered (?), a. Having a pale look; feeble; hence, cowardly; pusillanimous; dastardly.
Syn. -- lily-livered. [1913 Webster]

They must not be milksops, nor white-livered knights. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

White"ly, a. Like, or coming near to, white. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

White mustard. A kind of mustard (Sinapis alba) with rough-hairy foliage, a long-beaked hispid pod, and pale seeds, which yield mustard and mustard oil. The plant is also grown for forage.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Whit"en (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whitened (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whitening.] [OE. whitenen; cf. Icel. hv\'c6tna.] To grow white; to turn or become white or whiter; as, the hair whitens with age; the sea whitens with foam; the trees in spring whiten with blossoms.
1913 Webster]

Whit"en, v. t. To make white; to bleach; to blanch; to whitewash; as, to whiten a wall; to whiten cloth.
1913 Webster]

The broad stream of the Foyle then whitened by vast flocks of wild swans. Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- See Blanch.
1913 Webster]

Whit"en*er (?), n. 1. One who, or that which, whitens; a bleaching agent; a bleach; a bleacher; a blancher; a whitewasher.
1913 Webster]

2. A chemical used as an adjunct to laundering white cloth, which makes white cloth appear whiter. A bluing agent.

White"ness (?), n. [AS. hw\'c6tness.] 1. The quality or state of being white; white color, or freedom from darkness or obscurity on the surface. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. Want of a sanguineous tinge; paleness; as from terror, grief, etc. \'bdThe whiteness in thy cheek.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. Freedom from stain or blemish; purity; cleanness.
1913 Webster]

He had kept
whiteness of his soul, and thus men o'er him wept.
1913 Webster]

4. Nakedness. [Obs.] Chapman.
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5. (Zo\'94l.) A flock of swans.
1913 Webster]

Whit"en*ing (?), n. 1. The act or process of making or becoming white.
1913 Webster]

2. That which is used to render white; whiting. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Whitening stone, a sharpening and polishing stone used by cutlers; also, a finishing grindstone of fine texture.
1913 Webster]

White person. A person of the Caucasian race (6 Fed. Rep. 256). In the time of slavery in the United States white person was generally construed as a person without admixture of colored blood. In various statutes and decisions in different States since 1865 white person is construed as in effect (as of 1913): one not having any negro blood (Ark., Okla.); one having less than one eighth of negro blood (Ala., Fla., Ga., Ind., Ky., Md., Minn., Miss., Mo., N.C., S.C., Tenn., Tex.); one having less than one fourth (Mich., Neb., Ore., Va.); one having less than one half (Ohio). Since the passage of civil rights legislation in the 1960's and 1970's, the term has little legal significance -- for some purposes, as in filling out questionnaires, a person's race is whatever the person claims it to be.
Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

White noise (?), n. a mixture or random noise sounds extending over the entire audible frequency spectrum with approximately equal intensity at all frequencies. It is used in certain experiments, as in psychology, to prevent subjects from hearing meaningful sounds.

White plague. Tuberculosis, esp. of the lungs.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"-pot` (?), n. A kind of food made of milk or cream, eggs, sugar, bread, etc., baked in a pot. King.
1913 Webster]

White"rump` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The American black-tailed godwit.
1913 Webster]

Whites (?), n. pl.
1913 Webster]

1. (Med.) Leucorrh
1913 Webster]

2. The finest flour made from white wheat.
1913 Webster]

3. Cloth or garments of a plain white color.
1913 Webster]

White"side` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The golden-eye.
1913 Webster]

White slave. A woman held in involuntary confinement for purposes of prostitution; loosely, any woman forced into unwilling prostitution.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White slaver. A person engaged in procuring or holding a woman or women for unwilling prostitution.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White slaving. The action of one who procures or holds a woman or women for unwilling prostitution.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

White"smith` (?), n. 1. One who works in tinned or galvanized iron, or white iron; a tinsmith.
1913 Webster]

2. A worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work, in distinction from one who forges it.
1913 Webster]

White"ster (?), n. [White + -ster.] A bleacher of linen; a whitener; a whitster. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

White"tail` (?), n. 1. (Zo\'94l.) The Virginia deer.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) The wheatear. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

White"thorn` (?), n. (Bot.) The hawthorn.
1913 Webster]

White"throat` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of Old World warblers, esp. the common European species (Sylvia cinerea), called also strawsmear, nettlebird, muff, and whitecap, the garden whitethroat, or golden warbler (Sylvia hortensis), and the lesser whitethroat (Sylvia curruca).
1913 Webster]

White-tie (?), a. requiring formal evening clothes, usually interpreted as a white bow tie and a tailcoat for men, and a formal evening dress for women; -- as, a white-tie reception at the embassy. Contrasting with black-tie and informal.

White"top` (?), n. (Bot.) Fiorin.
1913 Webster]

White"wall` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The spotted flycatcher; -- so called from the white color of the under parts. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

White"wash` (, n.
1913 Webster]

1. Any wash or liquid composition for whitening something, as a wash for making the skin fair. Addison.
1913 Webster]

2. A composition of line and water, or of whiting size, and water, or the like, used for whitening walls, ceilings, etc.; milk of lime.
1913 Webster]

3. a glossing over or cover up (of crimes or misfeasance).

White"wash`, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whitewashed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whitewashing.]
1913 Webster]

1. To apply a white liquid composition to; to whiten with whitewash.
1913 Webster]

2. To make white; to give a fair external appearance to; to clear from imputations or disgrace; hence, to clear (a bankrupt) from obligation to pay debts.
1913 Webster]

3. In various games, to defeat (an opponent) so that he fails to score, or to reach a certain point in the game; to skunk. [Colloq., U. S.]
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. to gloss over or cover up (crimes or misfeasance).

White"wash`er (?), n. One who whitewashes.
1913 Webster]

White"-wa`ter (?), n. (Far.) A dangerous disease of sheep.
1913 Webster]

White"weed` (?), n. (Bot.) A perennial composite herb (Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum) with conspicuous white rays and a yellow disk, a common weed in grass lands and pastures; -- called also oxeye daisy.
1913 Webster]

White"wing` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The chaffinch; -- so called from the white bands on the wing. (b) The velvet duck.
1913 Webster]

White"wood` (?), n. The soft and easily-worked wood of the tulip tree (Liriodendron). It is much used in cabinetwork, carriage building, etc.
1913 Webster]

whitewood in various countries, as the wood of Bignonia leucoxylon in the West Indies, of Pittosporum bicolor in Tasmania, etc.
1913 Webster]

Whitewood bark. See the Note under Canella.
1913 Webster]

White"wort` (?), n. (Bot.) (a) Wild camomile. (b) A kind of Solomon's seal (Polygonum officinale).
1913 Webster]

Whit"flaw` (?), n. [See Whitlow.] Whitlow. [Obs.] \'bdThe nails fallen off by whitflaws.\'b8 Herrick.
1913 Webster]

Whith"er (?), adv. [OE. whider. AS. hwider; akin to E. where, who; cf. Goth. hvadr\'c7 whither. See Who, and cf. Hither, Thither.]
1913 Webster]

1. To what place; -- used interrogatively; as, whither goest thou? \'bdWhider may I flee?\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Sir Valentine, whither away so fast? Shak.
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2. To what or which place; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

That no man should know . . . whither that he went. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

We came unto the land whither thou sentest us. Num. xiii. 27.
1913 Webster]

3. To what point, degree, end, conclusion, or design; whereunto; whereto; -- used in a sense not physical.
1913 Webster]

Nor have I . . . whither to appeal. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Any whither, to any place; anywhere. [Obs.] \'bdAny whither, in hope of life eternal.\'b8 Jer. Taylor. -- No whither, to no place; nowhere. [Obs.] 2 Kings v. 25.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Where. -- Whither, Where. Whither properly implies motion to place, and where rest in a place. Whither is now, however, to a great extent, obsolete, except in poetry, or in compositions of a grave and serious character and in language where precision is required. Where has taken its place, as in the question, \'bdWhere are you going?\'b8
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1650 -->
1913 Webster]

Whith`er*so*ev"er (?), adv. [Whither + soever.] To whatever place; to what place soever; wheresoever; as, I will go whithersoever you lead.
1913 Webster]

Whith"er*ward (?), adv. In what direction; toward what or which place. R. of Brunne.
1913 Webster]

Whitherward to turn for a good course of life was by no means too apparent. Carlyle.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ile (?), n. [Perhaps properly, the cutter (see Whittle, v.), or cf. whitewall, witwal.] (Zo\'94l.) The yaffle. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whit"ing (?), n. [From White.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A common European food fish (Melangus vulgaris) of the Codfish family; -- called also fittin. (b) A North American fish (Merlucius vulgaris) allied to the preceding; -- called also silver hake. (c) Any one of several species of North American marine sci\'91noid food fishes belonging to genus Menticirrhus, especially Menticirrhus Americanus, found from Maryland to Brazil, and Menticirrhus littoralis, common from Virginia to Texas; -- called also silver whiting, and surf whiting.
1913 Webster]

whiting, as the kingfish (a), the sailor's choice (b), the Pacific tomcod, and certain species of lake whitefishes.
1913 Webster]

2. Chalk prepared in an impalpable powder by pulverizing and repeated washing, used as a pigment, as an ingredient in putty, for cleaning silver, etc.
1913 Webster]

Whiting pollack. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Pollack. -- Whiting pout (Zo\'94l.), the bib, 2.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ing-mop` (?), n. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Zo\'94l.) A young whiting. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

2. A fair lass. \'bdThis pretty whiting-mop.\'b8 Massinger.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ish, a. [From White.]
1913 Webster]

1. Somewhat white; approaching white; white in a moderate degree.
1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Covered with an opaque white powder.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ish*ness, n. The quality or state of being whitish or somewhat white.
1913 Webster]

Whit"leath`er (?), n. [White + leather.]
1913 Webster]

1. Leather dressed or tawed with alum, salt, etc., remarkable for its pliability and toughness; white leather.
1913 Webster]

2. (Anat.) The paxwax. See Paxwax.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ling (?), n. [White + -ling.] (Zo\'94l.) A young full trout during its second season. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whit"low (?), n. [Prov. E. whickflaw, for quickflaw, i. e., a flaw or sore at the quick; cf. Icel. kvika the quick under the nail or under a horse's hoof. See Quick, a., and Flaw.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Med.) An inflammation of the fingers or toes, generally of the last phalanx, terminating usually in suppuration. The inflammation may occupy any seat between the skin and the bone, but is usually applied to a felon or inflammation of the periosteal structures of the bone.
1913 Webster]

2. (Far.) An inflammatory disease of the feet. It occurs round the hoof, where an acrid matter is collected.
1913 Webster]

Whitlow grass (Bot.), name given to several inconspicuous herbs, which were thought to be a cure for the whitlow, as Saxifraga tridactylites, Draba verna, and several species of Paronychia.
1913 Webster]

Whit"low-wort` (?), n. (Bot.) Same as Whitlow grass, under Whitlow.
1913 Webster]

Whit"mon`day (?), n. (Eccl.) The day following Whitsunday; -- called also Whitsun Monday.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ney*ite (?), n. [So called after J.D. Whitney, an American geologist.] (Min.) an arsenide of copper from Lake Superior.
1913 Webster]

Whit"son (?), a. See Whitsun. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whit"sour` (?), n. [White + sour.] (Bot.) A sort of apple.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ster (?), n. [Contracted fr. whitester.] A whitener; a bleacher; a whitester. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

The whitsters in Datchet mead. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whit"sun (?), a. Of, pertaining to, or observed at, Whitsuntide; as, Whitsun week; Whitsun Tuesday; Whitsun pastorals.
1913 Webster]

Whit"sun*day (?), n. [White + Sunday.] 1. (Eccl.) The seventh Sunday, and the fiftieth day, after Easter; a festival of the church in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost; Pentecost; -- so called, it is said, because, in the primitive church, those who had been newly baptized appeared at church between Easter and Pentecost in white garments.
1913 Webster]

2. (Scots Law) See the Note under Term, n., 12.
1913 Webster]

Whit"sun*tide` (?), n. [Whitsunday + tide.] The week commencing with Whitsunday, esp. the first three days -- Whitsunday, Whitsun Monday, and Whitsun Tuesday; the time of Pentecost. R. of Gloucester.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ten tree` (?). [Probably from white; cf. AS. hwitingtre\'a2w.] (Bot.) Either of two shrubs (Viburnum Lantana, and Viburnum Opulus), so called on account of their whitish branches.
1913 Webster]

Whit"ter*ick (?), n. The curlew. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Whit"tle (?), n. [AS. hw\'c6tel, from hwit white; akin to Icel. hv\'c6till a white bed cover. See White.] (a) A grayish, coarse double blanket worn by countrywomen, in the west of England, over the shoulders, like a cloak or shawl. C. Kingsley. (b) Same as Whittle shawl, below.
1913 Webster]

Whittle shawl, a kind of fine woolen shawl, originally and especially a white one.
1913 Webster]

Whit"tle (?), n. [OE. thwitel, fr. AS. pw\'c6tan to cut. Cf. Thwittle, Thwaite a piece of ground.] A knife; esp., a pocket, sheath, or clasp knife. \'bdA butcher's whittle.\'b8 Dryden. \'bdRude whittles.\'b8 Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

He wore a Sheffield whittle in his hose. Betterton.
1913 Webster]

Whit"tle, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Whittled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whittling (?).]
1913 Webster]

1. To pare or cut off the surface of with a small knife; to cut or shape, as a piece of wood held in the hand, with a clasp knife or pocketknife.
1913 Webster]

2. To edge; to sharpen; to render eager or excited; esp., to excite with liquor; to inebriate. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

\'bdIn vino veritas.\'b8 When men are well whittled, their tongues run at random. Withals.
1913 Webster]

Whit"tle, v. i. To cut or shape a piece of wood with am small knife; to cut up a piece of wood with a knife.
1913 Webster]

Dexterity with a pocketknife is a part of a Nantucket education; but I am inclined to think the propensity is national. Americans must and will whittle. Willis.
1913 Webster]

Whit"tlings (?), n. pl. Chips made by one who whittles; shavings cut from a stick with a knife.
1913 Webster]

Whit"tret (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A weasel. [Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Whit"tues`day (?), n. (Eccl.) The day following Whitmonday; -- called also Whitsun Tuesday.
1913 Webster]

Whit"wall` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Whetile.
1913 Webster]

Whit"worth ball` (?). (Gun.) A prejectile used in the Whitworth gun.
1913 Webster]

Whit"worth gun` (?). (Gun.) A form of rifled cannon and small arms invented by Sir Joseph Whitworth, of Manchester, England.
1913 Webster]

H. L. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Whit"y-brown` (?), a. Of a color between white and brown. Pegge.
1913 Webster]

Whiz (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whizzed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whizzing.] [Of imitative origin. Whistle, and Hiss.] To make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or whistling sound. [Written also whizz.]
1913 Webster]

It flew, and whizzing, cut the liquid way. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Whiz, n. A hissing and humming sound.
1913 Webster]

Like the whiz of my crossbow. Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

Whiz"zing*ly (?), adv. With a whizzing sound.
1913 Webster]

Who (?), pron. [Possess. whose (?); object. Whom (?).] [OE. who, wha, AS. hw\'be, interrogative pron., neut. hw\'91t; akin to OFries. hwa, neut. hwet, OS. hw, neut. hwat, D. wie, neut. wat, G. wer, neut. was, OHG. wer, hwer, neut. waz, hwaz, Icel. hvat, neut., Dan. hvo, neut. hvad, Sw. ho, hvem, neut. hvad, Goth. hwas, fem. hw, neut. hwa, Lith. kas, Ir. & Gael. co, W. pwy, L. quod, neuter of qui, Gr. po`teros whether, Skr. kas. How, Quantity, Quorum, Quote, Ubiquity, What, When, Where, Whether, Which, Whither, Whom, Why.]
1913 Webster]

1. Originally, an interrogative pronoun, later, a relative pronoun also; -- used always substantively, and either as singular or plural. See the Note under What, pron., 1. As interrogative pronouns, who and whom ask the question: What or which person or persons? Who and whom, as relative pronouns (in the sense of that), are properly used of persons (corresponding to which, as applied to things), but are sometimes, less properly and now rarely, used of animals, plants, etc. Who and whom, as compound relatives, are also used especially of persons, meaning the person that; the persons that; the one that; whosoever. \'bdLet who will be President.\'b8 Macaulay.
1913 Webster]

[He] should not tell whose children they were. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

There thou tell'st of kings, and who aspire;
Who fall, who rise, who triumph, who do moan.
1913 Webster]

Adders who with cloven tongues
1913 Webster]

Whom I could pity thus forlorn. Milton.
1913 Webster]

How hard is our fate, who serve in the state. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Who cheapens life, abates the fear of death. Young.
1913 Webster]

The brace of large greyhounds, who were the companions of his sports. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

2. One; any; one. [Obs., except in the archaic phrase, as who should say.]
1913 Webster]

As who should say, it were a very dangerous matter if a man in any point should be found wiser than his forefathers were. Robynson (More's Utopia).
1913 Webster]

Whoa (?), interj. Stop; stand; hold. See Ho, 2.
1913 Webster]

Who"bub (?), n. Hubbub. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Who*ev"er (?), pron. Whatever person; any person who; be or she who; any one who; as, he shall be punished, whoever he may be. \'bdWhoever envies or repines.\'b8 Milton. \'bdWhoever the king favors.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whole (?), a. [OE. hole, hol, hal, hool, AS. h\'bel well, sound, healthy; akin to OFries. & OS. h, D. heel, G. heil, Icel. heill, Sw. hel whole, Dan. heel, Goth. hails well, sound, OIr. c augury. Cf. Hale, Hail to greet, Heal to cure, Health, Holy.]
1913 Webster]

1. Containing the total amount, number, etc.; comprising all the parts; free from deficiency; all; total; entire; as, the whole earth; the whole solar system; the whole army; the whole nation. \'bdOn their whole host I flew unarmed.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

The whole race of mankind. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Complete; entire; not defective or imperfect; not broken or fractured; unimpaired; uninjured; integral; as, a whole orange; the egg is whole; the vessel is whole.
1913 Webster]

My life is yet whole in me. 2 Sam. i. 9.
1913 Webster]

3. Possessing, or being in a state of, heath and soundness; healthy; sound; well.
1913 Webster]

[She] findeth there her friends hole and sound. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

They that be whole need not a physician. Matt. ix. 12.
1913 Webster]

When Sir Lancelot's deadly hurt was whole. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Whole blood. (Law of Descent) See under Blood, n., 2. -- Whole note (Mus.), the note which represents a note of longest duration in common use; a semibreve. -- Whole number (Math.), a number which is not a fraction or mixed number; an integer. -- Whole snipe (Zo\'94l.), the common snipe, as distinguished from the smaller jacksnipe. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- All; total; complete; entire; integral; undivided; uninjured; unimpaired; unbroken; healthy. -- Whole, Total, Entire, Complete. When we use the word whole, we refer to a thing as made up of parts, none of which are wanting; as, a whole week; a whole year; the whole creation. When we use the word total, we have reference to all as taken together, and forming a single totality; as, the total amount; the total income. When we speak of a thing as entire, we have no reference to parts at all, but regard the thing as an integer, i. e., continuous or unbroken; as, an entire year; entire prosperity. When we speak of a thing as complete, there is reference to some progress which results in a filling out to some end or object, or a perfected state with no deficiency; as, complete success; a complete victory.
1913 Webster]

All the whole army stood agazed on him. Shak.
1913 Webster]

One entire and perfect chrysolite. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Lest total darkness should by night regain
1913 Webster]

So absolute she seems,
1913 Webster]

Whole (?), n. 1. The entire thing; the entire assemblage of parts; totality; all of a thing, without defect or exception; a thing complete in itself.
1913 Webster]

\'bdThis not the whole of life to live,
J. Montgomery.
1913 Webster]

2. A regular combination of parts; a system.
1913 Webster]

Parts answering parts shall slide into a whole. Pope.
1913 Webster]

Committee of the whole. See under Committee. -- Upon the whole, considering all things; taking everything into account; in view of all the circumstances or conditions.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Totality; total; amount; aggregate; gross.
1913 Webster]

Whole"-hoofed` (?), a. Having an undivided hoof, as the horse.
1913 Webster]

Whole"-length` (?), a. Representing the whole figure; -- said of a picture or statue. -- n. A portrait or statue representing the whole figure. <-- = full-length? -->
1913 Webster]

Whole"ness, n. The quality or state of being whole, entire, or sound; entireness; totality; completeness.
1913 Webster]

Whole"sale` (?), n. Sale of goods by the piece or large quantity, as distinguished from retail.
1913 Webster]

By wholesale, in the mass; in large quantities; without distinction or discrimination.
1913 Webster]

Some, from vanity or envy, despise a valuable book, and throw contempt upon it by wholesale. I. Watts.
1913 Webster]

Whole"sale`, a. 1. Pertaining to, or engaged in, trade by the piece or large quantity; selling to retailers or jobbers rather than to consumers; as, a wholesale merchant; the wholesale price.
1913 Webster]

2. Extensive and indiscriminate; as, wholesale slaughter. \'bdA time for wholesale trust.\'b8 Mrs. Humphry Ward.
1913 Webster]

Whole"some (?), a. [Compar. Wholesomer (?); superl. Wholesomest.] [Whole + some; cf. Icel. heilsamr, G. heilsam, D. heilzaam.]
1913 Webster]

1. Tending to promote health; favoring health; salubrious; salutary.
1913 Webster]

Wholesome thirst and appetite. Milton.
1913 Webster]

From which the industrious poor derive an agreeable and wholesome variety of food. A Smith.
1913 Webster]

2. Contributing to the health of the mind; favorable to morals, religion, or prosperity; conducive to good; salutary; sound; as, wholesome advice; wholesome doctrines; wholesome truths; wholesome laws.
1913 Webster]

A wholesome tongue is a tree of life. Prov. xv. 4.
1913 Webster]

I can not . . . make you a wholesome answer; my wit's diseased. Shak.
1913 Webster]

A wholesome suspicion began to be entertained. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

3. Sound; healthy. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

-- Whole"some*ly, adv. -- Whole"some*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Whole"-souled` (?), a. Thoroughly imbued with a right spirit; noble-minded; devoted.
1913 Webster]

Whol"ly (?), adv. 1. In a whole or complete manner; entirely; completely; perfectly.
1913 Webster]

Nor wholly overcome, nor wholly yield. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. To the exclusion of other things; totally; fully.
1913 Webster]

They employed themselves wholly in domestic life. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Whom (?), pron. [OE. wham, AS. dative hw\'bem, hw. See Who.] The objective case of who. See Who.
1913 Webster]

whom was also commonly used as a dative. Cf. Him.
1913 Webster]

And every grass that groweth upon root
whom it will do boot.
1913 Webster]

Whom`so*ev"er (?), pron. The objective of whosoever. See Whosoever.
1913 Webster]

The Most High ruleth in the kingdow of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. Dan. iv. 17.
1913 Webster]

Whoo"bub (?), n. Hubbub. [Obs.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whoop (, n. [See Hoopoe.] (Zo\'94l.) The hoopoe.
1913 Webster]

Whoop, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whooped (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whooping.] [OE. houpen. See Hoop, v. i.]
1913 Webster]

1. To utter a whoop, or loud cry, as eagerness, enthusiasm, or enjoyment; to cry out; to shout; to halloo; to utter a war whoop; to hoot, as an owl.
1913 Webster]

Each whooping with a merry shout. Wordsworth.
1913 Webster]

When naught was heard but now and then the howl
whooping of the owl.
W. Browne.
1913 Webster]

2. To cough or breathe with a sonorous inspiration, as in whooping cough.
1913 Webster]

Whoop, v. t. To insult with shouts; to chase with derision.
1913 Webster]

And suffered me by the voice of slaves to be
Whooped out of Rome.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1651 -->
1913 Webster]

Whoop (?), n. 1. A shout of pursuit or of war; a very of eagerness, enthusiasm, enjoyment, vengeance, terror, or the like; an halloo; a hoot, or cry, as of an owl.
1913 Webster]

A fox, crossing the road, drew off a considerable detachment, who clapped spurs to their horses, and pursued him with whoops and halloos. Addison.
1913 Webster]

The whoop of the crane. Longfellow.
1913 Webster]

2. A loud, shrill, prolonged sound or sonorous inspiration, as in whooping cough.
1913 Webster]

Whoop"er (?), n. One who, or that which, whooops.
1913 Webster]

Woopher swan. (Zo\'94l.) See the Note under Swan.
1913 Webster]

Whoop"ing, a. & n. from Whoop, v. t.
1913 Webster]

Whooping cough (Med.), a violent, convulsive cough, returning at longer or shorter intervals, and consisting of several expirations, followed by a sonorous inspiration, or whoop; chin cough; hooping cough. Dunglison. -- Whooping crane (Zo\'94l.), a North American crane (Crus Americana) noted for the loud, whooplike note which it utters.<-- The species was reduced by hunting to several dozen in the 1960's and the numbers have been slowly rising since. --> -- Whooping swan (Zo\'94l.), the whooper swan. See the Note under Swan.
1913 Webster]

Whoot (?), v. i. [See Hoot.] To hoot. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Whop (?), v. t. Same as Whap. Forby.
1913 Webster]

Whop, n. Same as Whap.
1913 Webster]

Whop"per (?), n. [Cf. Whapper.] 1. One who, or that which, whops.
1913 Webster]

2. something very large, especially a big lie. Same as Whapper, but the more common spelling.
1913 Webster]

Whore (h, n. [OE. hore, AS. h; akin to D. hoer, hoere, G. hure, OHG. huora, huorra, Icel. h, Dan. hore, Sw. hora, Goth. h an adulterer, AS. h adultery, OHG. huor, and probably to L. carus dear. Cf. Charity.] A woman who practices unlawful sexual commerce with men, especially one who prostitutes her body for hire; a prostitute; a harlot. Wyclif.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Harlot; courtesan; prostitute; strumpet.
1913 Webster]

Whore, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Whored (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Whoring.] [Cf. Icel. h. See Whore, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To have unlawful sexual intercourse; to practice lewdness.
1913 Webster]

2. (Script.) To worship false and impure gods.
1913 Webster]

Whore, v. t. To corrupt by lewd intercourse; to make a whore of; to debauch. [R.] Congreve.
1913 Webster]

Whore"dom (?), n. [OE. hordom; cf. Icel. h.]
1913 Webster]

1. The practice of unlawful intercourse with the other sex; fornication; lewdness.
1913 Webster]

2. (Script.) The sin of worshiping idols; idolatry.
1913 Webster]

O Ephraim, thou committest whoredom, and Israel is defiled; they will not . . . turn unto their God. Hos. v. 3, 4.
1913 Webster]

Whore"mas`ter (?), n. 1. A man who practices lewdness; a lecher; a whoremonger.
1913 Webster]

2. One keeps or procures whores for others; a pimp; a procurer.
1913 Webster]

Whore"mas`ter*ly, a. Having the character of a whoremaster; lecherous; libidinous.
1913 Webster]

Whore"mon`ger (?), n. A whoremaster; a lecher; a man who frequents the society of whores.
1913 Webster]

Whore"son (?), n. A bastard; colloquially, a low, scurvy fellow; -- used generally in contempt, or in coarse humor. Also used adjectively. [Archaic] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Whor"ish (?), a. Resembling a whore in character or conduct; addicted to unlawful pleasures; incontinent; lewd; unchaste.
1913 Webster]

-- Whor"ish*ly, adv. -- Whor"ish*ness, n.
1913 Webster]

Whorl (?), n. [OE. whorvil the whirl of a spindle; akin to AS. hweorfa the whirl of a spindle, hweorfan to turn; cf. OD. worvel the whirl of a spindle. See Whirl, n. & v.]
1913 Webster]

1. (Bot.) A circle of two or more leaves, flowers, or other organs, about the same part or joint of a stem.
1913 Webster]

2. (Zo\'94l.) A volution, or turn, of the spire of a univalve shell.
1913 Webster]

3. (Spinning) The fly of a spindle.
1913 Webster]

Whorled (?), a. Furnished with whorls; arranged in the form of a whorl or whorls; verticillate; as, whorled leaves.
1913 Webster]

Whorl"er (?), n. A potter's wheel.
1913 Webster]

Whort (?), n. [See Whortleberry.] (Bot.) The whortleberry, or bilberry. See Whortleberry (a).
1913 Webster]

Whor"tle (?), n. (Bot.) The whortleberry, or bilberry.
1913 Webster]

[He] looked ahead of him from behind a tump of whortles. R. D. Blackmore.
1913 Webster]

Whor"tle*ber`ry (?), n. [AS. wyrtil a small shrub (dim. of wyrt wort) + E. berry. See Wort, and cf. Huckleberry, Hurtleberry.] (Bot.) (a) In England, the fruit of Vaccinium Myrtillus; also, the plant itself. See Bilberry, 1. (b) The fruit of several shrubby plants of the genus Gaylussacia; also, any one of these plants. See Huckleberry.
1913 Webster]

Whose (h, pron. [OE. whos, whas, AS. hw\'91s, gen. of hw\'be. See Who.] The possessive case of who or which. See Who, and Which.
1913 Webster]

Whose daughter art thou? tell me, I pray thee. Gen. xxiv. 23.
1913 Webster]

The question whose solution I require. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Whose`so*ev"er (-s, pron. The possessive of whosoever. See Whosoever.
1913 Webster]

Who"so (?), pron. Whosoever. Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

Whoso shrinks or falters now, . . .
1913 Webster]

Who`so*ev"er (h, pron. Whatsoever person; any person whatever that; whoever.
1913 Webster]

Whosoever will, let him take . . . freely. Rev. xxii. 17.
1913 Webster]

Whot (?), a. Hot. [Obs.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Whur (?), v. i. [Probably of imitative origin. Cf. Hurr, Hurry, Whir.]
1913 Webster]

1. To make a rough, humming sound, like one who pronounces the letter r with too much force; to whir; to birr.
1913 Webster]

2. To snarl or growl, as a dog. Halliwell.
1913 Webster]

Whur (?), n. A humming or whirring sound, like that of a body moving through the air with velocity; a whir.
1913 Webster]

Whur"ry (?), v. t. [See Hurry.] To whisk along quickly; to hurry. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Whurrying the chariot with them to the shore. Vicars.
1913 Webster]

Whurt (?), n. (Bot.) See Whort.
1913 Webster]

Why (?), adv. [OE. whi, why, AS. hw\'c6, hw, instrumental case of hw\'be, hw\'91t; akin to Icel. hv\'c6 why, Dan. & Sw. hvi; cf. Goth. hw. Who.]
1913 Webster]

1. For what cause, reason, or purpose; on what account; wherefore; -- used interrogatively. See the Note under What, pron., 1.
1913 Webster]

Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezek. xxxiii. 11.
1913 Webster]

2. For which; on account of which; -- used relatively.
1913 Webster]

No ground of enmity between us known
Why he should mean me ill or seek to harm.
1913 Webster]

Turn the discourse; I have a reason why
1913 Webster]

3. The reason or cause for which; that on account of which; on what account; as, I know not why he left town so suddenly; -- used as a compound relative.
1913 Webster]

Why is sometimes used as an interjection or an expletive in expression of surprise or content at a turn of affairs; used also in calling. \'bdWhy, Jessica!\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

If her chill heart I can not move,
Why, I'll enjoy the very love.
1913 Webster]

Sometimes, also, it is used as a noun.
1913 Webster]

The how and the why and the where. Goldsmith.
1913 Webster]

For why, because; why. See Forwhy. [Obs. or Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Why, n. A young heifer. [Prov. Eng.] Grose.
1913 Webster]

{ Whyd"ah bird` (?), or Whyd"ah finch` (?) }. (Zo\'94l.) The whidah bird.
1913 Webster]

Why"-not` (?), n. A violent and peremptory procedure without any assigned reason; a sudden conclusive happening. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

When the church
why-not in the lurch.
1913 Webster]

This game . . . was like to have been lost with a why-not. Nug\'91 Antiq.
1913 Webster]

Wic"ca (w, prop. n. [OE. wicche wizard, AS. wicce, fem., wicca, masc.; see also witch and wicked.] 1. A religion derived from pre-Christian times, also called Witchcraft{4}, which practices a benevolent reverence for nature, and recognizes two deities, variously viewed as Mother & Father, Goddess & God, Female & Male, etc.; its practitioners are called Wiccans, Wiccas, or witches. Since there is no central authority to propagate dogma, the beliefs and practices of Wiccans vary significantly.

Encouraged by court rulings recognizing witchcraft as a legal religion, an increasing number of books related to the subject, and the continuing cultural concern for the environment, Wicca -- as contemporary witchcraft is often called -- has been growing in the United States and abroad. It is a major element in the expanding \'bdneo-pagan\'b8 movement whose members regard nature itself as charged with divinity. Gustav Niebuhr (N. Y. Times, Oct. 31, 1999, p. 1)

\'bdI don't worship Satan, who I don't think exists, but I do pray to the Goddess of Creation.\'b8 said Margot S. Adler, a New York correspondent for National Public Radio and a Wiccan practitioner. \'bdWicca is not anti-Christian or pro-Christian, it's pre-Christian.\'b8 Anthony Ramirez (N. Y. Times Aug. 22, 1999, p. wk 2)

Wicca is a ditheistic religion, also called Witchcraft, founded on the beliefs and doctrines of pre-Roman Celts, including the reverence for nature and the belief in a universal balance. Though frequently practiced in covens, solitary practitioners do exist. The modern form of the religion was popularized in 1954 by Gerald Gardener's Witchcraft Today. It is viewed as a form of neo-paganism.
Gerald Gardner founded Gardnerian Wicca sometime after his book, Witchcraft Today, was published in 1954. Raymond Buckland, in America, did much the same that Gardner did in Europe -- stood up to the misconceptions about Witchcraft.
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, by Scott Cunningham, Llewellyn Publications, 1988.
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, by Raymond Buckland, Llewellyn Publications, 1975.
Cody Scott

2. A practitioner of Wicca, also commonly called a Wiccan, Wicca, or witch .

For at least one person who has seen \'bdThe Blair Witch Project\'b8, the surprise hit movie of the summer did not so much terrify as infuriate. One long slur against witches, said Selena Fox, a witch, or Wicca, as male and female American witches prefer to call themselves. Anthony Ramirez (N. Y. Times, Aug. 22, 1999, p. wk 2)

Wic"can (w, prop. a. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of, Wicca or its adherents.

Wic"can (w, prop. n. An adherent or practitioner of Wicca.

wich (w, n. A variant of 1st wick.
1913 Webster]

Wich"i*tas (w, prop. n. pl.; sing. Wichita (w. (Ethnol.) A tribe of Indians native of the region between the Arkansas and Red rivers. They are related to the Pawnees. See Pawnees.
1913 Webster]

{wick (w, or Wich (w }, n. [AS. w\'c6c village, fr. L. vicus. In some names of places, perhaps fr. Icel. v\'c6k an inlet, creek, bay. See Vicinity, and cf. Villa.]
1913 Webster]

1. A street; a village; a castle; a dwelling; a place of work, or exercise of authority; -- now obsolete except in composition; as, bailiwick, Warwick, Greenwick. Stow.
1913 Webster]

2. (Curling) A narrow port or passage in the rink or course, flanked by the stones of previous players.
1913 Webster]

wick (w, n. [OE. wicke, weyke, weke, AS. weoca or wecca; cf. D. wiek a roll of lint, Prov. G. wicke, and wieche, OHG. wiohha, Sw. veke, Dan. v\'91ge; of uncertain origin.] A bundle of fibers, or a loosely twisted or braided cord, tape, or tube, usually made of soft spun cotton threads, which by capillary attraction draws up a steady supply of the oil in lamps, the melted tallow or wax in candles, or other material used for illumination, in small successive portions, to be burned.
1913 Webster]

But true it is, that when the oil is spent
wick is thrown away.
1913 Webster]

wick, v. i. (Curling) To strike a stone in an oblique direction. Jamieson.
1913 Webster]

wick"e (w, a. Wicked. [Obs.] Piers Plowman. \'bdWith full wikke intent.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wicked (w, a. Having a wick; -- used chiefly in composition; as, a two-wicked lamp.
1913 Webster]

Wick"ed (w, a. [OE. wicked, fr. wicke wicked; probably originally the same word as wicche wizard, witch. See Witch.]
1913 Webster]

1. Evil in principle or practice; deviating from morality; contrary to the moral or divine law; addicted to vice or sin; sinful; immoral; profligate; -- said of persons and things; as, a wicked king; a wicked woman; a wicked deed; wicked designs.
1913 Webster]

Hence, then, and evil go with thee along,
wicked crew!
1913 Webster]

Never, never, wicked man was wise. Pope.
1913 Webster]

2. Cursed; baneful; hurtful; bad; pernicious; dangerous. [Obs.] \'bdWicked dew.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

This were a wicked way, but whoso had a guide. P. Plowman.
1913 Webster]

3. Ludicrously or sportively mischievous; disposed to mischief; roguish. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Pen looked uncommonly wicked. Thackeray.
1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Iniquitous; sinful; criminal; guilty; immoral; unjust; unrighteous; unholy; irreligious; ungodly; profane; vicious; pernicious; atrocious; nefarious; heinous; flagrant; flagitious; abandoned. See Iniquitous.
1913 Webster]

Wick"ed*ly, adv. In a wicked manner; in a manner, or with motives and designs, contrary to the divine law or the law of morality; viciously; corruptly; immorally.
1913 Webster]

I have sinned, and I have done wickedly. 2 Sam. xxiv. 17.
1913 Webster]

Wick"ed*ness, n. 1. The quality or state of being wicked; departure from the rules of the divine or the moral law; evil disposition or practices; immorality; depravity; sinfulness.
1913 Webster]

God saw that the wickedness of man was great. Gen. vi. 5.
1913 Webster]

Their inward part is very wickedness. Ps. v. 9.
1913 Webster]

2. A wicked thing or act; crime; sin; iniquity.
1913 Webster]

I'll never care what wickedness I do,
1913 Webster]

Wick"en tree` (?). Same as Quicken tree.
1913 Webster]

Wick"er (?), n. [OE. wiker, wikir, osier, probably akin to AS. w\'c6can to give way. Cf. Weak.]
1913 Webster]

1. A small pliant twig or osier; a rod for making basketwork and the like; a withe.
1913 Webster]

2. Wickerwork; a piece of wickerwork, esp. a basket.
1913 Webster]

Then quick did dress
1913 Webster]

3. Same as 1st Wike. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wick"er (?), a. Made of, or covered with, twigs or osiers, or wickerwork.
1913 Webster]

Each one a little wicker basket had,
1913 Webster]

Wick"ered (?), a. Made of, secured by, or covered with, wickers or wickerwork.
1913 Webster]

Ships of light timber, wickered with osier between, and covered over with leather. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wick"er*work` (?), n. A texture of osiers, twigs, or rods; articles made of such a texture.
1913 Webster]

Wick"et (?), n. [OE. wiket, OF. wiket, guichet, F. quichet; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v a small creek, inlet, bay, vik a corner.]
1913 Webster]

1. A small gate or door, especially one forming part of, or placed near, a larger door or gate; a narrow opening or entrance cut in or beside a door or gate, or the door which is used to close such entrance or aperture. Piers Plowman. \'bdHeaven's wicket.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

And so went to the high street, . . . and came to the great tower, but the gate and wicket was fast closed. Ld. Berners.
1913 Webster]

The wicket, often opened, knew the key. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

2. A small gate by which the chamber of canal locks is emptied, or by which the amount of water passing to a water wheel is regulated.
1913 Webster]

3. (Cricket) (a) A small framework at which the ball is bowled. It consists of three rods, or stumps, set vertically in the ground, with one or two short rods, called bails, lying horizontally across the top. (b) The ground on which the wickets are set.
1913 Webster]

4. A place of shelter made of the boughs of trees, -- used by lumbermen, etc. [Local, U. S.] Bartlett.
1913 Webster]

5. (Mining) The space between the pillars, in postand-stall working. Raymond.
1913 Webster]

Wicket door, Wicket gate, a small door or gate; a wicket. See def. 1, above. Bunyan. -- Wicket keeper (Cricket), the player who stands behind the wicket to catch the balls and endeavor to put the batsman out.
1913 Webster]

Wick"ing, n. the material of which wicks are made; esp., a loosely braided or twisted cord or tape of cotton.
1913 Webster]

{ Wick"i*up Wick"y*up } (?), n. Vars of Wikiup.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{ Wic"lif*ite, Wick"liff*ite } (?), n. See Wyclifite.
1913 Webster]

Wic"o*py (?), n. (Bot.) See Leatherwood.
1913 Webster]

{ Wi*dal's" test, or Wi*dal" test or Wi*dal" reaction } (?). [After Fernand Widal (b. 1862), French physician.] (Med.) A test for typhoid fever based on the fact that blood serum of one affected, in a bouillon culture of typhoid bacilli, causes the bacilli to agglutinate and lose their motility.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wid"dy (?), n. [Cf. Withy.] A rope or halter made of flexible twigs, or withes, as of birch. [Scot.]
1913 Webster]

Wide (w, a. [Compar. Wider (-; superl. Widest.] [OE. wid, wyde, AS. w\'c6d; akin to OFries. & OS. w\'c6d, D. wijd, G. weit, OHG. w\'c6t, Icel. v\'c6\'ebr, Sw. & Dan. vid; of uncertain origin.] 1. Having considerable distance or extent between the sides; spacious across; much extended in a direction at right angles to that of length; not narrow; broad; as, wide cloth; a wide table; a wide highway; a wide bed; a wide hall or entry.
1913 Webster]

The chambers and the stables weren wyde. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wide is the gate . . . that leadeth to destruction. Matt. vii. 18.
1913 Webster]

2. Having a great extent every way; extended; spacious; broad; vast; extensive; as, a wide plain; the wide ocean; a wide difference. \'bdThis wyde world.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

For sceptered cynics earth were far too wide a den. Byron.
1913 Webster]

When the wide bloom, on earth that lies,
1913 Webster]

3. Of large scope; comprehensive; liberal; broad; as, wide views; a wide understanding.
1913 Webster]

Men of strongest head and widest culture. M. Arnold.
1913 Webster]

4. Of a certain measure between the sides; measuring in a direction at right angles to that of length; as, a table three feet wide.
1913 Webster]

5. Remote; distant; far.
1913 Webster]

The contrary being so wide from the truth of Scripture and the attributes of God. Hammond.
1913 Webster]

6. Far from truth, from propriety, from necessity, or the like. \'bdOur wide expositors.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

It is far wide that the people have such judgments. Latimer.
1913 Webster]

How wide is all this long pretense ! Herbert.
1913 Webster]

7. On one side or the other of the mark; too far side-wise from the mark, the wicket, the batsman, etc.
1913 Webster]

Surely he shoots wide on the bow hand. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

I was but two bows wide. Massinger.
1913 Webster]

8. (Phon.) Made, as a vowel, with a less tense, and more open and relaxed, condition of the mouth organs; -- opposed to primary as used by Mr. Bell, and to narrow as used by Mr. Sweet. The effect, as explained by Mr. Bell, is due to the relaxation or tension of the pharynx; as explained by Mr. Sweet and others, it is due to the action of the tongue. The wide of Guide to Pronunciation,
1913 Webster]

9. (Stock Exchanges) Having or showing a wide difference between the highest and lowest price, amount of supply, etc.; as, a wide opening; wide prices, where the prices bid and asked differ by several points.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wide is often prefixed to words, esp. to participles and participial adjectives, to form self-explaining compounds; as, wide-beaming, wide-branched, wide-chopped, wide-echoing, wide-extended, wide-mouthed, wide-spread, wide-spreading, and the like.
1913 Webster]

Far and wide. See under Far. -- Wide gauge. See the Note under Cauge, 6.
1913 Webster]

Wide, adv. [As. w.] 1. To a distance; far; widely; to a great distance or extent; as, his fame was spread wide.
1913 Webster]

[I] went wyde in this world, wonders to hear. Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

2. So as to leave or have a great space between the sides; so as to form a large opening. Shak.
1913 Webster]

3. So as to be or strike far from, or on one side of, an object or purpose; aside; astray.
1913 Webster]

Wide, n. 1. That which is wide; wide space; width; extent. \'bdThe waste wide of that abyss.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

2. That which goes wide, or to one side of the mark.
1913 Webster]

Wide"-an`gle, a. (Photog. & Optics) Having or covering an angle wider than the ordinary; -- applied to certain lenses of relatively short focus. Lenses for ordinary purposes have an angle of 50\'f8 or less. Wide-angle lenses may cover as much as 100\'f8 and are useful for photographing at short range, but the pictures appear distorted.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

<-- p. 1652 -->
1913 Webster]

Wide`-a*wake" (w, a. Fully awake; not drowsy or dull; hence, knowing; keen; alert. Dickens.
1913 Webster]

Wide`-a*wake", n. A broad-brimmed, low-crowned felt hat.
1913 Webster]

Wide"gap` (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The angler; -- called also widegab, and widegut.
1913 Webster]

Wide"ly, adv. 1. In a wide manner; to a wide degree or extent; far; extensively; as, the gospel was widely disseminated by the apostles.
1913 Webster]

2. Very much; to a great degree or extent; as, to differ widely in opinion.
1913 Webster]

Wid"en (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Widened (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Widening.] To make wide or wider; to extend in breadth; to increase the width of; as, to widen a field; to widen a breach; to widen a stocking.
1913 Webster]

Wid"en, v. i. To grow wide or wider; to enlarge; to spread; to extend.
1913 Webster]

Arches widen, and long aisles extend. Pope.
1913 Webster]

Wide"ness (?), n. 1. The quality or state of being wide; breadth; width; great extent from side to side; as, the wideness of a room. \'bdI landed in a small creek about the wideness of my canoe.\'b8 Swift.
1913 Webster]

2. Large extent in all directions; broadness; greatness; as, the wideness of the sea or ocean.
1913 Webster]

Wide"spread` (?), a. Spread to a great distance; widely extended; extending far and wide; as, widespread wings; a widespread movement.
1913 Webster]

Wide"where` (?), adv. [See Wide, and Where.] Widely; far and wide. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Widg"eon (?), n. [Probably from an old French form of F. vigeon, vingeon, gingeon; of uncertain origin; cf. L. vipio, -onis, a kind of small crane.] (Zo\'94l.) Any one of several species of fresh-water ducks, especially those belonging to the subgenus Mareca, of the genus Anas. The common European widgeon (Anas penelope) and the American widgeon (Anas Americana) are the most important species. The latter is called also baldhead, baldpate, baldface, baldcrown, smoking duck, wheat, duck, and whitebelly.
1913 Webster]

Bald-faced widgeon, or Green-headed widgeon, the American widgeon. -- Black widgeon, the European tufted duck. -- Gray widgeon. (a) The gadwall. (b) The pintail duck. -- Great headed widgeon, the poachard. -- Pied widgeon. (a) The poachard. (b) The goosander. -- Saw-billed widgeon, the merganser. -- Sea widgeon. See in the Vocabulary. -- Spear widgeon, the goosander. [Prov. Eng.] -- Spoonbilled widgeon, the shoveler. -- White widgeon, the smew. -- Wood widgeon, the wood duck.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ish (?), a. Moderately wide. Tyndall.
1913 Webster]

Wid"man*st\'84t`ten fig"ures (?). (Min.) Certain figures appearing on etched meteoric iron; -- so called after A. B. Widmanst\'84tten, of Vienna, who first described them in 1808. See the Note and Illust. under Meteorite.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow (w, n. [OE. widewe, widwe, AS. weoduwe, widuwe, wuduwe; akin to OFries. widwe, OS. widowa, D. weduwe, G. wittwe, witwe, OHG. wituwa, witawa, Goth. widuw, Russ. udova, OIr. fedb, W. gweddw, L. vidua, Skr. vidhav\'be; and probably to Skr. vidh to be empty, to lack; cf. Gr. "hi`qeos a bachelor. Vidual.] A woman who has lost her husband by death, and has not married again; one living bereaved of a husband. \'bdA poor widow.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. (Card Playing) In various games (such as \'bdhearts\'b8), any extra hand or part of a hand, as one dealt to the table. It may be taken by one of the players under certain circumstances.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Grass widow. See under Grass. -- Widow bewitched, a woman separated from her husband; a grass widow. [Colloq.] -- Widow-in-mourning (Zo\'94l.), the macavahu. -- Widow monkey (Zo\'94l.), a small South American monkey (Callithrix lugens); -- so called on account of its color, which is black except the dull whitish arms, neck, and face, and a ring of pure white around the face. -- Widow's chamber (Eng. Law), in London, the apparel and furniture of the bedchamber of the widow of a freeman, to which she was formerly entitled.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow, a. Widowed. \'bdA widow woman.\'b8 1 Kings xvii. 9. \'bdThis widow lady.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Widowed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Widowing.]
1913 Webster]

1. To reduce to the condition of a widow; to bereave of a husband; -- rarely used except in the past participle.
1913 Webster]

Though in thus city he
widowed and unchilded many a one,
1913 Webster]

2. To deprive of one who is loved; to strip of anything beloved or highly esteemed; to make desolate or bare; to bereave.
1913 Webster]

The widowed isle, in mourning,
1913 Webster]

Tress of their shriveled fruits
widowed, dreary storms o'er all prevail.
J. Philips.
1913 Webster]

Mourn, widowed queen; forgotten Sion, mourn. Heber.
1913 Webster]

3. To endow with a widow's right. [R.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. To become, or survive as, the widow of. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Let me be married to three kings in a forenoon, and widow
them all.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow bird` (?). (Zo\'94l.) See Whidan bird.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow*er (?), n. A man who has lost his wife by death, and has not married again. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow*er*hood (?), n. The state of being a widower.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow*hood (?), n. 1. The state of being a widow; the time during which a woman is widow; also, rarely, the state of being a widower.
1913 Webster]

Johnson clung to her memory during a widowhood of more than thirty years. Leslie Stephen.
1913 Webster]

2. Estate settled on a widow. [Obs.] \'bdI 'll assure her of her widowhood . . . in all my lands.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow-hunt`er (?), n. One who courts widows, seeking to marry one with a fortune. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow*ly, a. Becoming or like a widow.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow-mak`er (?), n. One who makes widows by destroying husbands. [R.] Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wid"ow-wail` (?), n. (Bot.) A low, narrowleaved evergreen shrub (Cneorum tricoccon) found in Southern Europe.
1913 Webster]

Width (?), n. [From Wide.] The quality of being wide; extent from side to side; breadth; wideness; as, the width of cloth; the width of a door.
1913 Webster]

Wid"u*al (?), a. Of or pertaining to a widow; vidual. [Obs.] Bale.
1913 Webster]

Wid"we (?), n. A widow. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wield (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wielded; p. pr. & vb. n. Wielding.] [OE. welden to govern, to have power over, to possess, AS. geweldan, gewyldan, from wealdan; akin to OS. waldan, OFries. walda, G. walten, OHG. waltan, Icel. valda, Sw. v\'86lla to occasion, to cause, Dan. volde, Goth. waldan to govern, rule, L. valere to be strong. Cf. Herald, Valiant.]
1913 Webster]

1. To govern; to rule; to keep, or have in charge; also, to possess. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

When a strong armed man keepeth his house, all things that he wieldeth ben in peace. Wyclif (Luke xi. 21).
1913 Webster]

Wile [ne will] ye wield gold neither silver ne money in your girdles. Wyclif (Matt. x. 9.)
1913 Webster]

2. To direct or regulate by influence or authority; to manage; to control; to sway.
1913 Webster]

The famous orators . . . whose resistless eloquence
Wielded at will that fierce democraty.
1913 Webster]

Her newborn power was wielded from the first by unprincipled and ambitions men. De Quincey.
1913 Webster]

3. To use with full command or power, as a thing not too heavy for the holder; to manage; to handle; hence, to use or employ; as, to wield a sword; to wield the scepter.
1913 Webster]

Base Hungarian wight! wilt thou the spigot wield! Shak.
1913 Webster]

Part wield their arms, part curb the foaming steed. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Nothing but the influence of a civilized power could induce a savage to wield a spade. S. S. Smith.
1913 Webster]

To wield the scepter, to govern with supreme command.
1913 Webster]

Wield"a*ble (?), a. Capable of being wielded.
1913 Webster]

Wield"ance (?), n. The act or power of wielding. [Obs.] \'bdOur weak wieldance.\'b8 Bp. Hall.
1913 Webster]

Wield"er (?), n. One who wields or employs; a manager; a controller.
1913 Webster]

A wielder of the great arm of the war. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wield"ing, n. Power; authority; rule. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

To have them in your might and in your wielding. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wield"less, a. Not to be wielded; unmanageable; unwieldy. [R.] \'bdWieldless might.\'b8 Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Wield"some (?), a. Admitting of being easily wielded or managed. [Obs.] Golding.
1913 Webster]

Wield"y (?), a. Capable of being wielded; manageable; wieldable; -- opposed to unwieldy. [R.] Johnson.
1913 Webster]

\'d8Wie"ner Schnit"zel (?). [G., Vienna cutlet.] A veal cutlet variously seasoned garnished, often with lemon, sardines, and capers.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wier (?), n. Same as Weir.
1913 Webster]

Wier`an"gle (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) Same as Wariangle. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wier"y (?), a. [Cf. Wearish.] Wet; moist; marshy. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wi"er*y (?), a. [From Wire; cf. Fiery.] Wiry. [Obs.] \'bdWiery gold.\'b8 Peacham.
1913 Webster]

Wife (?), n.; pl. Wives (#). [OE. wif, AS. wif; akin to OFries. & OS. wif, D. wijf, G. weib, OHG. w\'c6b, Icel. v\'c6f, Dan. viv; and perhaps to Skr. vip excited, agitated, inspired, vip to tremble, L. vibrare to vibrate, E. vibrate. Cf. Tacitus, [\'bd Germania\'b8 8]: Inesse quin etiam sanctum aliquid et providum putant, nec aut consilia earum aspernantur aut responsa neglegunt. Cf. Hussy a jade, Woman.]
1913 Webster]

1. A woman; an adult female; -- now used in literature only in certain compounds and phrases, as alewife, fishwife, goodwife, and the like. \'bd Both men and wives.\'b8 Piers Plowman.
1913 Webster]

On the green he saw sitting a wife. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock; a woman who has a husband; a married woman; -- correlative of husband. \'bd The husband of one wife.\'b8 1 Tin. iii. 2.
1913 Webster]

Let every one you . . . so love his wife even as himself, and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Eph. v. 33.
1913 Webster]

To give to wife, To take to wife, to give or take (a woman) in marriage. -- Wife's equity (Law), the equitable right or claim of a married woman to a reasonable and adequate provision, by way of settlement or otherwise, out of her choses in action, or out of any property of hers which is under the jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, for the support of herself and her children. Burrill.
1913 Webster]

Wife"hood (?), n. [AS. wifh\'bed.]
1913 Webster]

1. Womanhood. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. The state of being a wife; the character of a wife.
1913 Webster]

Wife"less, a. Without a wife; unmarried. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wife"like` (?), a. Of, pertaining to, or like, a wife or a woman. \'bd Wifelike government.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wife"ly, a. [AS. w\'c6flic.] Becoming or life; of or pertaining to a wife. \'bdWifely patience.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

With all the tenderness of wifely love. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

Wig (?), n. [Abbreviation from periwig.]
1913 Webster]

1. A covering for the head, consisting of hair interwoven or united by a kind of network, either in imitation of the natural growth, or in abundant and flowing curls, worn to supply a deficiency of natural hair, or for ornament, or according to traditional usage, as a part of an official or professional dress, the latter especially in England by judges and barristers.
1913 Webster]

2. An old seal; -- so called by fishermen.
1913 Webster]

Wig tree. (Bot.) See Smoke tree, under Smoke.
1913 Webster]

Wig (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wigged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wigging (?).] To censure or rebuke; to hold up to reprobation; to scold. [Slang]
1913 Webster]

Wig"an (?), n. A kind of canvaslike cotton fabric, used to stiffen and protect the lower part of trousers and of the skirts of women's dresses, etc.; -- so called from Wigan, the name of a town in Lancashire, England.
1913 Webster]

Wi"geon (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) A widgeon. [R.]
1913 Webster]

{ Wigg (?), Wig }, n. [Cf. D. wegge a sort of bread, G. weck, orig., a wedge-shaped loaf or cake. See Wedge.] A kind of raised seedcake. \'bdWiggs and ale.\'b8 Pepys.
1913 Webster]

Wigged (?), a. Having the head covered with a wig; wearing a wig.
1913 Webster]

Wig"ger*y (?), n. 1. A wig or wigs; false hair. [R.] A. Trollope.
1913 Webster]

2. Any cover or screen, as red-tapism. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Fire peels the wiggeries away from them [facts.] Carlyle.
1913 Webster]

Wig"gle (?), v. t. & i. [Cf. Wag, v. t., Waggle.] To move to and fro with a quick, jerking motion; to bend rapidly, or with a wavering motion, from side to side; to wag; to squirm; to wriggle; as, the dog wiggles his tail; the tadpole wiggles in the water. [Prov. Eng. & Colloq. U. S.]
1913 Webster]

Wig"gle, n. Act of wiggling; a wriggle. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wig"gler (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) The young, either larva or pupa, of the mosquito; -- called also wiggletail.
1913 Webster]

Wig"her (?), v. i. [Cf. G. wiehern, E. whine.] To neigh; to whinny. [Obs.] Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

Wight (?), n. Weight. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wight, n. [OE. wight, wiht, a wight, a whit, AS. wiht, wuht, a creature, a thing; skin to D. wicht a child, OS. & OHG. wiht a creature, thing, G. wicht a creature, Icel. v\'91tt a wight, v\'91tt a whit, Goth. wa\'a1hts, wa\'a1ht, thing; cf. Russ. veshche a thing. Whit.]
1913 Webster]

1. A whit; a bit; a jot. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

She was fallen asleep a little wight. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

2. A supernatural being. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

3. A human being; a person, either male or female; -- now used chiefly in irony or burlesque, or in humorous language. \'bdWorst of all wightes.\'b8 Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Every wight that hath discretion. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Oh, say me true if thou wert mortal wight. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Wight, a. [OE. wight, wiht, probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. v\'c6gr in fighting condition, neut. v\'c6gh war, akin to AS. w\'c6g See Vanquish.] Swift; nimble; agile; strong and active. [Obs. or Poetic]
1913 Webster]

'T is full wight, God wot, as is a roe. Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

He was so wimble and so wight. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

They were Night and Day, and Day and Night,
wight with steps forthright.
1913 Webster]

Wight"ly, adv. Swiftly; nimbly; quickly. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Wig"less (?), a. Having or wearing no wig.
1913 Webster]

Wig"wag` (?), v. i. [See Wag, v. t.] (Naut.) To signal by means of a flag waved from side to side according to a code adopted for the purpose. [Colloq.]
1913 Webster]

Wig"wag` (?), v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Wigwagged (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wigwagging (?).] To move to and fro, to wag.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wig"wag`, n. [See Wigwag, v. t. & i.] Act or art of wigwagging; a message wigwagged; -- chiefly attributive; as, the wigwag code. -- Wig"wag`er (#), n.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wig"wam (?), n. [From the Algonquin or Massachusetts Indian word w, \'bdhis house,\'b8 or \'bddwelling place;\'b8 with possessive and locative affixes, w, \'bdin his (or their) house,\'b8 contracted by the English to weekwam, and wigwam.] An Indian cabin or hut, usually of a conical form, and made of a framework of poles covered with hides, bark, or mats; -- called also tepee. [Sometimes written also weekwam.]
1913 Webster]

Very spacious was the wigwam,
1913 Webster]

wigwam, or Indian house, of a circular or oval shape, was made of bark or mats laid over a framework of branches of trees stuck in the ground in such a manner as to converge at the top, where was a central aperture for the escape of smoke from the fire beneath. The better sort had also a lining of mats. For entrance and egress, two low openings were left on opposite sides, one or the other of which was closed with bark or mats, according to the direction of the wind.\'b8 Palfrey.
1913 Webster]

Wike (?), n. A temporary mark or boundary, as a bough of a tree set up in marking out or dividing anything, as tithes, swaths to be mowed in common ground, etc.; -- called also wicker. [Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wike, n. [AS. wic. See Wick a village.] A home; a dwelling. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.]
1913 Webster]

Wik"i*up` (?), n. [Of North American Indian origin; cf. Dakota wakeya, wokeya.] The hut used by the nomadic Indian tribes of the arid regions of the west and southwest United States, typically elliptical in form, with a rough frame covered with reed mats or grass or brushwood.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wik"ke (?), a. Wicked. [Obs.] Chaucer.
1913 Webster]

Wild (?), a. [Compar. Wilder (?); superl. Wildest.] [OE. wilde, AS. wilde; akin to OFries. wilde, D. wild, OS. & OHG. wildi, G. wild, Sw. & Dan. vild, Icel. villr wild, bewildered, astray, Goth. wilpeis wild, and G. & OHG. wild game, deer; of uncertain origin.]
1913 Webster]

1. Living in a state of nature; inhabiting natural haunts, as the forest or open field; not familiar with, or not easily approached by, man; not tamed or domesticated; as, a wild boar; a wild ox; a wild cat.
1913 Webster]

Winter's not gone yet, if the wild geese fly that way. Shak.
1913 Webster]

2. Growing or produced without culture; growing or prepared without the aid and care of man; native; not cultivated; brought forth by unassisted nature or by animals not domesticated; as, wild parsnip, wild camomile, wild strawberry, wild honey.
1913 Webster]

The woods and desert caves,
wild thyme and gadding vine o'ergrown.
1913 Webster]

3. Desert; not inhabited or cultivated; as, wild land. \'bdTo trace the forests wild.\'b8 Shak.
1913 Webster]

4. Savage; uncivilized; not refined by culture; ferocious; rude; as, wild natives of Africa or America.
1913 Webster]

5. Not submitted to restraint, training, or regulation; turbulent; tempestuous; violent; ungoverned; licentious; inordinate; disorderly; irregular; fanciful; imaginary; visionary; crazy. \'bdValor grown wild by pride.\'b8 Prior. \'bdA wild, speculative project.\'b8 Swift.
1913 Webster]

What are these
wild in their attire ?
1913 Webster]

With mountains, as with weapons, armed; which makes
Wild work in heaven.
1913 Webster]

The wild winds howl. Addison.
1913 Webster]

Search then the ruling passion, there, alone
wild are constant, and the cunning known.
1913 Webster]

6. Exposed to the wind and sea; unsheltered; as, a wild roadstead.
1913 Webster]

7. Indicating strong emotion, intense excitement, or as, a wild look.
1913 Webster]

8. (Naut.) Hard to steer; -- said of a vessel.
1913 Webster]

wild to the names of other better known or cultivated plants to which they a bear a real or fancied resemblance; as, wild allspice, wild pink, etc. See the Phrases below.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1653 -->
1913 Webster]

To run wild, to go unrestrained or untamed; to live or untamed; to live or grow without culture or training. -- To sow one's wild oats. See under Oat.
1913 Webster]

Wild allspice. (Bot.), spicewood. -- Wild balsam apple (Bot.), an American climbing cucurbitaceous plant (Echinocystis lobata). -- Wild basil (Bot.), a fragrant labiate herb (Calamintha Clinopodium) common in Europe and America. -- Wild bean (Bot.), a name of several leguminous plants, mostly species of Phaseolus and Apios. -- Wild bee (Zo\'94l.), any one of numerous species of undomesticated social bees, especially the domestic bee when it has escaped from domestication and built its nest in a hollow tree or among rocks. -- Wild bergamot. (Bot.) See under Bergamot. -- Wild boar (Zo\'94l.), the European wild hog (Sus scrofa), from which the common domesticated swine is descended. -- Wild brier (Bot.), any uncultivated species of brier. See Brier. -- Wild bugloss (Bot.), an annual rough-leaved plant (Lycopsis arvensis) with small blue flowers. -- Wild camomile (Bot.), one or more plants of the composite genus Matricaria, much resembling camomile. -- Wild cat. (Zo\'94l.) (a) A European carnivore (Felis catus) somewhat resembling the domestic cat, but larger stronger, and having a short tail. It is destructive to the smaller domestic animals, such as lambs, kids, poultry, and the like. (b) The common American lynx, or bay lynx. (c) (Naut.) A wheel which can be adjusted so as to revolve either with, or on, the shaft of a capstan. Luce. -- Wild celery. (Bot.) See Tape grass, under Tape. -- Wild cherry. (Bot.) (a) Any uncultivated tree which bears cherries. The wild red cherry is Prunus Pennsylvanica. The wild black cherry is Prunus serotina, the wood of which is much used for cabinetwork, being of a light red color and a compact texture. (b) The fruit of various species of Prunus. -- Wild cinnamon. See the Note under Canella. -- Wild comfrey (Bot.), an American plant (Cynoglossum Virginicum) of the Borage family. It has large bristly leaves and small blue flowers. -- Wild cumin (Bot.), an annual umbelliferous plant (Lag) native in the countries about the Mediterranean. -- Wild drake (Zo\'94l.) the mallard. -- Wild elder (Bot.), an American plant (Aralia hispida) of the Ginseng family. -- Wild fowl (Zo\'94l.) any wild bird, especially any of those considered as game birds. -- Wild goose (Zo\'94l.), any one of several species of undomesticated geese, especially the Canada goose (Branta Canadensis), the European bean goose, and the graylag. See Graylag, and Bean goose, under Bean. -- Wild goose chase, the pursuit of something unattainable, or of something as unlikely to be caught as the wild goose. Shak. -- Wild honey, honey made by wild bees, and deposited in trees, rocks, the like. -- Wild hyacinth. (Bot.) See Hyacinth, 1 (b). -- Wild Irishman (Bot.), a thorny bush (Discaria Toumatou) of the Buckthorn family, found in New Zealand, where the natives use the spines in tattooing. -- Wild land. (a) Land not cultivated, or in a state that renders it unfit for cultivation. (b) Land which is not settled and cultivated. -- Wild licorice. (Bot.) See under Licorice. -- Wild mammee (Bot.), the oblong, yellowish, acid fruit of a tropical American tree (Rheedia lateriflora); -- so called in the West Indies. -- Wild marjoram (Bot.), a labiate plant (Origanum vulgare) much like the sweet marjoram, but less aromatic. -- Wild oat. (Bot.) (a) A tall, oatlike kind of soft grass (Arrhenatherum avenaceum). (b) See Wild oats, under Oat. -- Wild pieplant (Bot.), a species of dock (Rumex hymenosepalus) found from Texas to California. Its acid, juicy stems are used as a substitute for the garden rhubarb. -- Wild pigeon. (Zo\'94l.) (a) The rock dove. (b) The passenger pigeon. -- Wild pink (Bot.), an American plant (Silene Pennsylvanica) with pale, pinkish flowers; a kind of catchfly. -- Wild plantain (Bot.), an arborescent endogenous herb (Heliconia Bihai), much resembling the banana. Its leaves and leaf sheaths are much used in the West Indies as coverings for packages of merchandise. -- Wild plum. (Bot.) (a) Any kind of plum growing without cultivation. (b) The South African prune. See under Prune. -- Wild rice. (Bot.) See Indian rice, under Rice. -- Wild rosemary (Bot.), the evergreen shrub Andromeda polifolia. See Marsh rosemary, under Rosemary. -- Wild sage. (Bot.) See Sagebrush. -- Wild sarsaparilla (Bot.), a species of ginseng (Aralia nudicaulis) bearing a single long-stalked leaf. -- Wild sensitive plant (Bot.), either one of two annual leguminous herbs (Cassia Cham\'91crista, and Cassia nictitans), in both of which the leaflets close quickly when the plant is disturbed. -- Wild service.(Bot.) See Sorb. -- Wild Spaniard (Bot.), any one of several umbelliferous plants of the genus Aciphylla, natives of New Zealand. The leaves bear numerous bayonetlike spines, and the plants form an impenetrable thicket. -- Wild turkey. (Zo\'94l.) See 2d Turkey.
1913 Webster]

Wild (?), n. An uninhabited and uncultivated tract or region; a forest or desert; a wilderness; a waste; as, the wilds of America; the wilds of Africa.
1913 Webster]

then Libya first, of all her moisture drained,
wild of sand.
1913 Webster]

Wild, adv. Wildly; as, to talk wild. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Wild"-cat` (?), a. 1. Unsound; worthless; irresponsible; unsafe; -- said to have been originally applied to the notes of an insolvent bank in Michigan upon which there was the figure of a panther.
1913 Webster]

2. (Railroad) Running without control; running along the line without a train; as, a wild-cat locomotive.
1913 Webster]

<-- Wildcat well. A well, as an oil or gas well, drilled in an area not proven to be productive; often drilled by a small exploration company. -- Wildcat strike. A strike initiated by workers without authorization of a union, or in violation of the work contract currently in force. -->
1913 Webster]

Wilde"beest` (?), n. [D. wild wild + beeste beast.] (Zo\'94l.) The gnu.
1913 Webster]

Wild"ed (?), a. Become wild. [R.]
1913 Webster]

An old garden plant escaped and wilded. J. Earle.
1913 Webster]

Wil"der (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Wildered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Wildering.] [Akin to E. wild, Dan. forvilde to bewilder, Icel. villr bewildered, villa to bewilder; cf. AS. wildor a wild animal. See Wild, a., and cf. Wilderness.] To bewilder; to perplex.
1913 Webster]

Long lost and wildered in the maze of fate. Pope.
1913 Webster]

Again the wildered fancy dreams
1913 Webster]

Wild"er*ing (?), n. (Bot.) A plant growing in a state of nature; especially, one which has run wild, or escaped from cultivation.
1913 Webster]

Wil"der*ment (?), n. The state of being bewildered; confusion; bewilderment.
1913 Webster]

And snatched her breathless from beneath
wilderment of wreck and death.
1913 Webster]

Wil"der*ness (?), n. [OE. wildernesse, wilderne,probably from AS. wildor a wild beast; cf. D. wildernis wilderness. See Wilder, v. t.]
1913 Webster]

1. A tract of land, or a region, uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings, whether a forest or a wide, barren plain; a wild; a waste; a desert; a pathless waste of any kind.
1913 Webster]

The wat'ry wilderness yields no supply. Waller.
1913 Webster]

2. A disorderly or neglected place. Cowper.
1913 Webster]

3. Quality or state of being wild; wildness. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

These paths and bowers doubt not but our joint hands.
wilderness with ease.
1913 Webster]

Wild"fire (?), n. 1. A composition of inflammable materials, which, kindled, is very hard to quench; Greek fire.
1913 Webster]

Brimstone, pitch, wildfire . . . burn cruelly, and hard to quench. Bacon.
1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) (a) An old name for erysipelas. (b) A disease of sheep, attended with inflammation of the skin.
1913 Webster]

3. A sort of lightning unaccompanied by thunder. [R.]
1913 Webster]

Wild"grave` (?), n. [G. wildgraf or D. wildgraaf. See Wild, and cf. Margrave.] A waldgrave, or head forest keeper. See Waldgrave.
1913 Webster]

The wildgrave winds his bugle horn. Sir W. Scott.
1913 Webster]

Wild"ing, n. (Bot.) A wild or uncultivated plant; especially, a wild apple tree or crab apple; also, the fruit of such a plant. Spenser.
1913 Webster]

Ten ruddy wildings in the wood I found. Dryden.
1913 Webster]

The fruit of the tree . . . is small, of little juice, and bad quality. I presume it to be a wilding. Landor.
1913 Webster]

Wild"ing, a. Not tame, domesticated, or cultivated; wild. [Poetic] \'bdWilding flowers.\'b8 Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

The ground squirrel gayly chirps by his den,
wilding bee hums merrily by.
1913 Webster]

Wild"ish, a. Somewhat wild; rather wild. \'bdA wildish destiny.\'b8 Wordsworth.
1913 Webster]

Wild"ly, adv. In a wild manner; without cultivation; with disorder; rudely; distractedly; extravagantly.
1913 Webster]

Wild"ness, n. The quality or state of being wild; an uncultivated or untamed state; disposition to rove or go unrestrained; rudeness; savageness; irregularity; distraction.
1913 Webster]

Wild"wood (?), n. A wild or unfrequented wood. Also used adjectively; as, wildwood flowers; wildwood echoes. Burns.
1913 Webster]

Wile (?), n. [OE. wile, AS. w\'c6l; cf. Icel. v, v\'91l. Cf. Guile.] A trick or stratagem practiced for insnaring or deception; a sly, insidious; artifice; a beguilement; an allurement.
1913 Webster]

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph. vi. 11.
1913 Webster]

Not more almighty to resist our might,
1913 Webster]

Wile, v. t. 1. To practice artifice upon; to deceive; to beguile; to allure. [R.] Spenser.
1913 Webster]

2. To draw or turn away, as by diversion; to while or while away; to cause to pass pleasantly. Tennyson.
1913 Webster]

Wile"ful (?), a. Full of wiles; trickish; deceitful.
1913 Webster]

Wil"fley ta`ble (?). (Ore Dressing) An inclined percussion table, usually with longitudinal grooves in its surface, agitated by side blows at right angles to the flow of the pulp; -- so called after the inventor.
Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Wil"ful (?), a., Wil"ful*ly, adv., Wil"ful*ness, n. See Willful, Willfully, and Willfulness.
1913 Webster]

Wi"li*ness, n. The quality or state of being wily; craftiness; cunning; guile.
1913 Webster]

Wilk (?), n. (Zo\'94l.) See Whelk. [Obs.]
1913 Webster]

Will (?), n. [OE. wille, AS. willa; akin to OFries. willa, OS. willeo, willio, D. wil, G. wille, Icel. vili, Dan. villie, Sw. vilja, Goth wilja. See Will, v.]
1913 Webster]

1. The power of choosing; the faculty or endowment of the soul by which it is capable of choosing; the faculty or power of the mind by which we decide to do or not to do; the power or faculty of preferring or selecting one of two or more objects.
1913 Webster]

It is necessary to form a distinct notion of what is meant by the word \'bdvolition\'b8 in order to understand the import of the word will, for this last word expresses the power of mind of which \'bdvolition\'b8 is the act. Stewart.
1913 Webster]

Will is an ambiguous word, being sometimes put for the faculty of willing; sometimes for the act of that faculty, besides [having] other meanings. But \'bdvolition\'b8 always signifies the act of willing, and nothing else. Reid.
1913 Webster]

Appetite is the will's solicitor, and the will is appetite's controller; what we covet according to the one, by the other we often reject. Hooker.
1913 Webster]

The will is plainly that by which the mind chooses anything. J. Edwards.
1913 Webster]

2. The choice which is made; a determination or preference which results from the act or exercise of the power of choice; a volition.
1913 Webster]

The word \'bdwill,\'b8 however, is not always used in this its proper acceptation, but is frequently substituted for \'bdvolition\'b8, as when I say that my hand mover in obedience to my will. Stewart.
1913 Webster]

3. The choice or determination of one who has authority; a decree; a command; discretionary pleasure.
1913 Webster]

Thy will be done. Matt. vi. 10.
1913 Webster]

Our prayers should be according to the will of God. Law.
1913 Webster]

4. Strong wish or inclination; desire; purpose.
1913 Webster]

Inclination is another word with which will is frequently confounded. Thus, when the apothecary says, in Romeo and Juliet, --
1913 Webster]

My poverty, but not my will, consents; . . .

1913 Webster]

the word will is plainly used as, synonymous with inclination; not in the strict logical sense, as the immediate antecedent of action. It is with the same latitude that the word is used in common conversation, when we speak of doing a thing which duty prescribes, against one's own will; or when we speak of doing a thing willingly or unwillingly.\'b8 Stewart.
1913 Webster]

5. That which is strongly wished or desired.
1913 Webster]

What's your will, good friar? Shak.
1913 Webster]

The mariner hath his will. Coleridge.
1913 Webster]

6. Arbitrary disposal; power to control, dispose, or determine.
1913 Webster]

Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies. Ps. xxvii. 12.
1913 Webster]

7. (Law) The legal declaration of a person's mind as to the manner in which he would have his property or estate disposed of after his death; the written instrument, legally executed, by which a man makes disposition of his estate, to take effect after his death; testament; devise. See the Note under Testament, 1.
1913 Webster]

written or nuncupative, that is, oral. See Nuncupative will, under Nuncupative.
1913 Webster]

At will (Law), at pleasure. To hold an estate at the will of another, is to enjoy the possession at his pleasure, and be liable to be ousted at any time by the lessor or proprietor. An estate at will is at the will of both parties. -- Good will. See under Good. -- Ill will, enmity; unfriendliness; malevolence. -- To have one's will, to obtain what is desired; to do what one pleases. -- Will worship, worship according to the dictates of the will or fancy; formal worship. [Obs.] -- Will worshiper, one who offers will worship. [Obs.] Jer. Taylor. -- With a will, with willingness and zeal; with all one's heart or strength; earnestly; heartily.
1913 Webster]

Will (?), v. t. & auxiliary. [imp. Would (?). Indic. present, I will (Obs. I wol), thou wilt, he will (Obs. he wol); we, ye, they will.] [OE. willen, imp. wolde; akin to OS. willan, OFries. willa, D. willen, G. wollen, OHG. wollan, wellan, Icel. & Sw. vilja, Dan. ville, Goth. wiljan, OSlav. voliti, L. velle to wish, volo I wish; cf. Skr. v to choose, to prefer. Cf. Voluntary, Welcome, Well, adv.]
1913 Webster]

1. To wish; to desire; to incline to have.
1913 Webster]

A wife as of herself no thing ne sholde [should]
Wille in effect, but as her husband wolde [would].
1913 Webster]

Caleb said unto her, What will thou ? Judg. i. 14.
1913 Webster]

They would none of my counsel. Prov. i. 30.
1913 Webster]

2. As an auxiliary, will is used to denote futurity dependent on the verb. Thus, in first person, \'bdI will\'b8 denotes willingness, consent, promise; and when \'bdwill\'b8 is emphasized, it denotes determination or fixed purpose; as, I will go if you wish; I will go at all hazards. In the second and third persons, the idea of distinct volition, wish, or purpose is evanescent, and simple certainty is appropriately expressed; as, \'bdYou will go,\'b8 or \'bdHe will go,\'b8 describes a future event as a fact only. To emphasize will denotes (according to the tone or context) certain futurity or fixed determination.
1913 Webster]

Will, auxiliary, may be used elliptically for will go. \'bdI'll to her lodgings.\'b8 Marlowe.
1913 Webster]

shall (which see), the second and third persons may be virtually converted into the first, either by question or indirect statement, so as to receive the meaning which belongs to will in that person; thus, \'bdWill you go?\'b8 (answer, \'bdI will go\'b8) asks assent, requests, etc.; while \'bdWill he go?\'b8 simply inquires concerning futurity; thus, also,\'bdHe says or thinks he will go,\'b8 \'bdYou say or think you will go,\'b8 both signify willingness or consent.
1913 Webster]

Would, as the preterit of will, is chiefly employed in conditional, subjunctive, or optative senses; as, he would go if he could; he could go if he would; he said that he would go; I would fain go, but can not; I would that I were young again; and other like phrases. In the last use, the first personal pronoun is often omitted; as, would that he were here; would to Heaven that it were so; and, omitting the to in such an adjuration. \'bdWould God I had died for thee.\'b8 Would is used for both present and future time, in conditional propositions, and would have for past time; as, he would go now if he were ready; if it should rain, he would not go; he would have gone, had he been able. Would not, as also will not, signifies refusal. \'bdHe was angry, and would not go in.\'b8 Luke xv. 28. Would is never a past participle.
1913 Webster]

shall and will, should and would, are often misused, as in the following examples: --
1913 Webster]

I am able to devote as much time and attention to other subjects as I will [shall] be under the necessity of doing next winter. Chalmers.
1913 Webster]

A countryman, telling us what he had seen, remarked that if the conflagration went on, as it was doing, we would [should] have, as our next season's employment, the Old Town of Edinburgh to rebuild. H. Miller.
1913 Webster]

I feel assured that I will [shall] not have the misfortune to find conflicting views held by one so enlightened as your excellency. J. Y. Mason.
1913 Webster]

<-- p. 1654 -->
1913 Webster]

Will (?), v. i. To be willing; to be inclined or disposed; to be pleased; to wish; to desire.
1913 Webster]

And behold, there came a leper and worshiped him, saying, Lord if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus . . . touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. Matt. viii. 2, 3.
1913 Webster]

will, v. i., to choose, which, unlike this, is of the weak conjugation.
1913 Webster]

Will I, nill I, or Will ye, hill ye, or Will he, nill he, whether I, you, or he will it or not; hence, without choice; compulsorily; -- commonly abbreviated to willy nilly. \'bdIf I must take service willy nilly.\'b8 J. H. Newman. \'bdLand for all who would till it, and reading and writing will ye, nill ye.\'b8 Lowell.
1913 Webster]

Will, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Willed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Willing. Indic. present I will, thou willeth, he wills; we, ye, they will.] [Cf. AS. willian. See Will, n.]
1913 Webster]

1. To form a distinct volition of; to determine by an act of choice; to ordain; to decree. \'bdWhat she will to do or say.\'b8 Milton.
1913 Webster]

By all law and reason, that which the Parliament will not, is no more established in this kingdom. Milton.
1913 Webster]

Two things he [God] willeth, that we should be good, and that we should be happy. Barrow.
1913 Webster]

2. To enjoin or command, as that which is determined by an act of volition; to direct; to order. [Obs. or R.]
1913 Webster]

They willed me say so, madam. Shak.
1913 Webster]

Send for music,
will the cooks to use their best of cunning
Beau. & Fl.
1913 Webster]

As you go, will the lord mayor . . .
J. Webster.
1913 Webster]

3. To give or direct the disposal of by testament; to bequeath; to devise; as, to will one's estate to a child; also, to order or direct by testament; as, he willed that his nephew should have his watch.
1913 Webster]

Will, v. i. To exercise an act of volition; to choose; to decide; to determine; to decree.
1913 Webster]

At Winchester he lies, so himself willed. Robert of Brunne.
1913 Webster]

He that shall turn his thoughts inward upon what passes in his own mind when he wills. Locke.
1913 Webster]

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