Eobj version 0.22 ================= Eobj is OO in Perl for the masses. It makes it possible to write complete OO scripts with plain Perl syntax (unlike classic OO-Perl). And like plain Perl, the syntax usually means what you think it means, as long as things are kept plain. The man page ("man Eobj") gives the basic information to get you going. Details and advanced issues are documented in eobj.pdf ("The Guide"). SYNOPSIS use Eobj; inherit('myclass','myclass.pl','root'); init; $object = myclass->new(name => 'MyObject'); $object->mymethod('hello'); $object->set('myscalar', 'The value'); $scalar = $object->get('myscalar'); $object->set('mylist', 'One', 'Two', 'Three'); @list = $object->get('mylist'); %hash = ('Foo' => 'Bar', 'Daa' => 'Doo'); $object->set('myhash', %hash); %the_hash = $object->get('myhash'); globalobj->objdump(); # Dump debug info INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES Eobj should run well on any standard distribution of Perl of version 5.004 or higher, on any platform. Please inform me otherwise. SEE ALSO The Perlilog project: http://www.opencores.org/perlilog/ COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Released under GPL. Please see license.txt for complete license. Copyright (C) 2003 Eli Billauer <elib@flextronics.co.il>