NAME Catmandu - a data toolkit SYNOPSIS # From the command line # Convert data from one format to another $ catmandu convert JSON to CSV < data.json $ catmandu convert CSV to YAML < data.csv $ catmandu convert MARC to YAML < data.mrc # Fix data, add, delete, change fields $ catmandu convert JSON --fix 'move_field(title,my_title)' < data.json $ catmandu convert JSON --fix al_my_fixes.txt < data.json # Import data into a database # Requires: Catmandu::MongoDB and Catmandu::ElasticSearch $ catmandu import YAML to MongoDB --database_name bibliography < data.yml $ catmandu import CSV to ElasticSearch --index_name mystuff < data.csv # Export data from a database # Requires: Catmandu::MongoDB and Catmandu::ElasticSearch $ catmandu export MongoDB --database_name bibliography to YAML > data.yml $ catmandu export ElasticSearch --index_name mystuff to CSV > data.csv # From Perl use Catmandu; # If you have Catmandu::OAI and Catmandu::MongoDB installed my $importer = Catmandu->importer('OAI',url => '') my $store = Catmandu->store('MongoDB',database_name => 'test'); # Import all the OAI records into MongoDB $store->add_many($importer); # Export all the MongoDB records to YAML and apply some fixes # myfixes.txt: # upcase(title.*) # remove_field(_metadata) # join_field(creator,'; ') # join_field(subject,'-- ') my $fixer = Catmandu->fixer('myfixes.txt'); my $exporter = Catmandu->exporter('YAML'); $exporter->add_many( $fixer->fix($store) ); $exporter->commit; DESCRIPTION Catmandu provides a command line client and a Perl API to ease the export (E) transformation (T) and loading (L) of data into databases or data file, ETL in short. Most of the daily work processing structured data can be done on the command line executing the catmandu command. With our catmandu command ETL processing is available in a Perl context. Catmandu is different from other ETL tools by its focus on command line processing with much support for dataformats available in (academic) libraries: MARC, MODS, OAI and SRU. But, also generic formats such as JSON, YAML, CVS, Excel, XML, RDF, Atom are supported. Read : * Catmandu::Introduction for a primer on the command line capabilities of Catmandu. * Catmandu::Importer for the basics of importing * Catmandu::Fix for the basics of transformations * Catmandu::Exporter for the basics of exporting * Catmandu::Store for the basics of storing information * Or, visit our website at and our blog for many tutorials The documentation below describes the methods available when including Catmandu as part of a Perl script. For an overview of the command line tool itself read the documentation on catmandu. USE To include Catmandu in a Perl script it should be loaded with a use command: use Catmandu; By default no methods are imported into the Perl context. To import all or some Catmandu methods, provide them as a list to the use command: use Catmandu -all; use Catmandu qw(config store exporter); Catmandu can load configuration options for exports, importers, fixers via configuration files (see the CONFIG section below). When adding the --load option (optionally with a path) to the use command, these configuration files will be loaded at the start of your script. use Catmandu -load; use Catmandu --load => ['/my/config/directory']; # or use all the options use Catmandu -all -load => [qw(/config/path' '/another/config/path)]; CLASS METHODS log Return the current Log::Any::Adapter logger. use Catmandu; use Log::Any::Adapter; use Log::Log4perl; Log::Any::Adapter->set('Log4perl'); Log::Log4perl::init('./log4perl.conf'); my $logger = Catmandu->log; $logger->info("Starting main program"); with log4perl.conf like: # Send a copy of all logging messages to STDERR log4perl.rootLogger=DEBUG,STDERR # Logging specific for your main program log4perl.category.myprog=INFO,STDERR # Logging specific for on part of Catmandu log4perl.category.Catmandu::Fix=DEBUG,STDERR # Where to send the STDERR output log4perl.appender.STDERR=Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen log4perl.appender.STDERR.stderr=1 log4perl.appender.STDERR.utf8=1 log4perl.appender.STDERR.layout=PatternLayout log4perl.appender.STDERR.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%P] - %p %l time=%r : %m%n default_load_path('/default/path') Set the location of the default configuration file to a new path. load Load all the configuration options in the catmandu.yml configuration file. See CONFIG below for extended examples of configuration options. load('/path', '/another/path') Load all the configuration options stored at alternative paths. A load path ':up' will search upwards from your program for configuration. See CONFIG below for extended examples of configuration options. roots Returns an ARRAYREF of paths where configuration was found. Note that this list is empty before load. root Returns the first path where configuration was found. Note that this is undef before load. config Returns the current configuration as a HASHREF. default_store Return the name of the default store. store([NAME]) Return an instance of Catmandu::Store. The NAME is a name of a Catmandu::Store or the name of a store configured in a catmandu.yml configuration file. When no NAME is given, the 'default' store in the configuration file will be used. E.g. if the configuration file 'catmandu.yml' contains: store: default: package: ElasticSearch options: index_name: blog test: package: Mock then in your program: # This will use ElasticSearch my $store = Catmandu->store('ElasticSearch', index_name => 'blog'); # or because we have a 'default' set in the configuration file my $store = Catmandu->store('default'); # or because 'default' will be used when no name was provided my $store = Catmandu->store; # This will use Mock my $store = Catmandu->store('test'); Configuration settings can be overwritten by the store command: my $store2 = Catmandu->store('default', index_name => 'test2'); default_fixer Return the name of the default fixer. fixer(NAME) fixer(FIX,FIX) fixer([FIX]) Return an instance of Catmandu::Fix. NAME can be the name of a fixer section in a catmandu.yml file. Or, one or more Catmandu::Fix-es can be provided inline. E.g. if the configuration file 'catmandu.yml' contains: fixer: default: - do_this() - do_that() then in your program al these lines below will create the same fixer: my $fixer = Catmandu->fixer('do_this()', 'do_that()'); my $fixer = Catmandu->fixer(['do_this()', 'do_that()']); my $fixer = Catmandu->fixer('default'); my $fixer = Catmandu->fixer(); # The default name is 'default' FIX-es can be also written to a Fix script. E.g. if myfixes.txt contains: do_this() do_that() then the above code will even be equivalent to: my $fixer = Catmandu->fixer('myfixes.txt'); default_importer Return the name of the default importer. default_importer_package Return the name of the default importer package if no package name is given in the config or as a param. importer(NAME) Return an instance of Catmandu::Importer. The NAME is a name of a Catmandu::Importer or the name of a importer configured in a catmandu.yml configuration file. When no NAME is given, the 'default' importer in the configuration file will be used. E.g. if the configuration file 'catmandu.yml' contains: importer: default: package: OAI options: url: then in your program all these lines will be equivalent: my $importer = Catmandu->importer('OAI', url => ''); my $importer = Catmandu->importer('default'); my $importer = Catmandu->importer(); # The default name is 'default' Configuration settings can be overwritten by the importer command: my $importer2 = Catmandu->importer('default', url => ''); default_exporter Return the name of the default exporter. default_exporter_package Return the name of the default exporter package if no package name is given in the config or as a param. exporter([NAME]) Return an instance of Catmandu::Exporter with name NAME (or the default when no name is given). The NAME is set in the configuration file (see 'importer'). export($data,[NAME]) Export data using a default or named exporter or exporter instance. Catmandu->export({ foo=>'bar'}); my $importer = Catmandu::Importer::Mock->new; Catmandu->export($importer, 'YAML', file => '/my/file'); Catmandu->export($importer, 'my_exporter'); Catmandu->export($importer, 'my_exporter', exporter_option => '...' , ...); Catmantu->export($importer, Catmandu::Exporter::YAML->new); export_to_string Export data using a default or named exporter to a string. my $importer = Catmandu::Importer::Mock->new; my $yaml = Catmandu->export_to_string($importer, 'YAML'); # is the same as my $yaml = ""; Catmandu->export($importer, 'YAML', file => \$yaml); EXPORTS config Same as Catmandu->config. store Same as Catmandu->store. importer Same as Catmandu->importer. exporter Same as Catmandu->exporter. export Same as Catmandu->export. export_to_string Same as Catmandu->export_to_string. fixer Same as Catmandu->fixer. log Same as Catmandu->log. -all/:all Import everything. -load/:load use Catmandu -load; use Catmandu -load => []; # is the same as Catmandu->load; use Catmandu -load => ['/config/path']; # is the same as Catmandu->load('/config/path'); CONFIG Catmandu configuration options can be stored in files in the root directory of your programming project. The file can be YAML, JSON or Perl and is called catmandu.yml, catmandu.json or In this file you can set the default Catmandu stores and exporters to be used. Here is an example of a catmandu.yml file: store: default: package: ElasticSearch options: index_name: myrepository exporter: default: package: YAML Split config For large configs it's more convenient to split the config into several files. You can do so by having multiple config files starting with catmandu*. catmandu.general.yml catmandu.db.yml ... Split config files are processed and merged by Config::Onion. Deeply nested config structures Config files can indicate a path under which their keys will be nested. This makes your configuration more readable by keeping indentation to a minimum. A config file containing _prefix: foo: bar: baz: 1 will be loaded as foo: bar: baz: 1 See Config::Onion for more information on how this works. SEE ALSO documentation command line client catmandu core modules Catmandu::Importer Catmandu::Exporter, Catmandu::Store, Catmandu::Fix, Catmandu::Iterable extended features Catmandu::Validator AUTHOR Nicolas Steenlant, <nicolas.steenlant at> CONTRIBUTORS Magnus Enger, magnus at Nicolas Franck, nicolas.franck at Patrick Hochstenbach, patrick.hochstenbach at Vitali Peil, vitali.peil at Christian Pietsch, christian.pietsch at Dave Sherohman, dave.sherohman at Jakob Voss, nichtich at QUESTIONS, ISSUES & BUG REPORTS For any questions on the use of our modules please join our mailing list at: or send in your bug reports or feature requests to our issue tracker at: LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.