NAME Catmandu::VIAF - Retrieve items from VIAF SYNOPSIS This module contains a store to lookup a viaf_id in VIAF <>, a fix to match a name to a mainHeadingEl and a fix to search for a name in VIAF. lookup_in_store(authortName, VIAF, lang:'nl-NL', fallback_lang:'en-US') viaf_match(authorName, -lang:'nl-NL', -fallback_lang:'en-US') viaf_search(authorName, -lang:'nl-NL', -fallback_lang:'en-US') DESCRIPTION Catmandu::Store::VIAF lookup_in_store( authorName, AAT, lang: 'nl-NL', fallback_lang: 'en-US' ) The lang parameter is optional and defaults to nl-NL. It sets the language of the returned prefLabel. If no prefLabel for the viaf_id in provided lang exists, the prefLabel for the fallback_lang is used. The store takes the dc:identifier of a Person from VIAF and returns the following data: { 'dcterms:identifier' => 'The identifier', 'guid' => 'The VIAF URL', 'schema:birthDate' => 'Birth date, if provided', 'schema:deathDate' => 'Death date, if provided', 'schema:description' => 'Description, if provided', 'skos:prefLabel' => 'prefLabel, in lang or fallback_lang' } Catmandu::Fix::viaf_match viaf_match( path, -lang: 'nl-NL', -fallback_lang: 'nl-NL' ) A fix that performs a match between a name and a mainHeadingEl of VIAF Person. Catmandu::Fix::viaf_search viaf_search( path, -lang: 'nl-NL', -fallback_lang: 'nl-NL' ) A fix that performs a search for a name in VIAF. AUTHOR Pieter De Praetere <pieter at > COPYRIGHT Copyright 2017- PACKED vzw LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Catmandu Catmandu::Store::VIAF Catmandu::Fix::viaf_search Catmandu::Fix::viaf_match