NAME Datahub::Factory - A conveyor belt which transforms data from an input format to an output format before pushing it to a Datahub instance. SYNOPSIS Datahub::Factory consists of two elements: a library (C<Datahub::FactoryC<) and a conversion script (C<dh-factory.plC<). DESCRIPTION Datahub::Factory is a conveyor belt which does two things: Data is converted from an input format to an output format leveraging Catmandu. The output is pushed to an instance of the Datahub. Internally, Datahub::Factory uses Catmandu modules. USAGE Invoke the perl script in bin. perl bin/ \ --importer=Adlib \ --fixes=/path/to/catmandufixfile.fix \ --oimport file_name=/path/to/importfile.xml \ --ostore datahub_url="" \ --ostore oauth_client_id=client_id \ --ostore oauth_client_secret=client_secret \ --ostore oauth_username=user \ --ostore oauth_password=password CLI Options --importer: select the importer to use. Supported importers are in liband are of the form $ You only have to provide $importer_name By default Adlibis the only supported importer. --fixes: location (path) of the file containing the fixes that have to be applied. --exporter: select the exporter to use. Uses the same format as --importer, but only supports Lido Optional, if it isn't set, the default internal store is used. If it is set, the store isn't used. --oimport: set --importeroptions like --oimport _option_=_value_ Options are specific to the importer used (see below). --ostore: set options for the default Datahub store. Uses the same syntax as --oimport. --oexport: set options for --exporterusing the same syntax as --oimport, but is only required if --exporteris used. Specific options Importer file_name: path of the XML dump that the --importerwill import from. Exporter file_name: path of the file the --exporterwill write to. Store datahub_url. URL of the datahub (e.g. _http://www.datahub.app_). oauth_client_id. OAuth2 client_id. oauth_client_secret. OAuth2 client_secret. oauth_username. OAuth2 username. oauth_password. OAuth2 password. AUTHOR Pieter De Praetere <> Matthias Vandermaesen <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 - PACKED vzw LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.