Sql::Simple - yet another SQL abstraction layer

Version: 0.06


The Sql::Simple package is a fairly easy way to generate SQL
statements and execute them.  The structures can represent 
single statement execution, or mass execution of a single statement.

USING Sql::Simple

This is a simple utility module that rides on top of the DBI/DBD
architecture.  An instantiated database handle is expected as an
argument to any of the functions.  Here's an example

use strict;
use DBI;
use Sql::Simple;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:DBTYPE:INSTANCE', 'username', 'password');
Sql::Simple->insert($dbh, [ qw(column1 column2) ], 'randomtable' [ qw(value1 value2) ]);


As this is designed as a generic abstraction layer, anything you attempt to do in
this module that is not possible under the database you have chosen will continue to
not work.  (Subqueries on mysql 3.X for example)


This package is set up to configure and build like a typical perl extension.
To build:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make && make test

If Sql::Simple passes all tests, then:

  make install

You mae require super-user access to install.


Send all issues found to ryan[at]dietrich.net


Kevin Moffatt & Chuck McLean (putting up with me so I could write this [and a lot of good ideas])
Garth Webb (for giving me such excellent constructive criticism)
Paul Lindner (the drop of encouragement to release this)
Randy Ray (used his module as a template for building this thing..)