This is V1.0! This is a vanilla, uninspired address, telephone, etc manager. It's one claim to fame is it will generate 2-up or 4-up (single-sided) postscript which can be cut, punched and stuck in a real address-book. You can even ask it to draw the holes where you should punch. Address requires Tcl 7.4, Tk 4.0, AND perl. Sorry about mixing Tcl and Perl, but it was so much easier to do the PostScript formatting in Perl. Besides, doesn't everyone have Perl now? :-) At the moment, the formatting of the address is hard-coded. Here's a description: ,
I may attempt to make the format configurable, if there is any interest. Also, if there is interest, I might write an import routine to grab the data from a text file/database/etc. I may re-write the whole damn thing in perl/pTk. I may just be a rat dreaming all this. For those who are interested, for format of the page follows. The divider between the address and telephone columns is only to aid visualization, the program does not draw a line there. It does, however, draw a line between each entry. Naturally, in real life, the entries are arranged alphabetically. The Header is the first two letters of the first name on the page and the first two letters of the last name on the page. +---------------------------------------+ | (Af - Be) | header +---------------------------------------+ |Schmo, Joe |(666) 666-1666 | |666 Antichrist St. |777-7777 (fax) | "(fax)" is automatic |Devilton, XX 00666 | | | | | |---------------------------------------| |One, The Next |555-1212 | | | | |---------------------------------------| |Belmont Wheelworks |(617) 489-3577 | |---------------------------------------| |And, So On | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---------------------------------------+ To install: unpack the archive into somewhere universally accessable, e.g. '/usr/local/lib/address' (assuming it will be run on more than one machine) or '$HOME/Address/...' you get the idea. Edit the main script 'address' and change LIB_DIR to where you just put the stuff. You might want to put 'address' where you keep the rest of your executable scripts, like /usr/local/bin, or link (soft or hard) it to some directory in your $PATH, for example '/usr/local/bin' or '/usr/local/Scripts' or '$HOME/bin' or _something_. 'address' will create by default the address database under $HOME/.address_db. If you want to have it somewhere else, you can set the environment variable MUSIC_DB to the file, with full path. If you find any egregious errors, please let me know. Rob Urban (