TclProp, OAT, and TkOAT - General README RCS: $Id: README,v 1.1 1996/12/03 02:50:54 safonov Exp safonov $ What is it? Release 2.0p1 of TclProp, a formula manager and propagation engine for Tcl, plus extensions that allow traces and formulas to be defined on widget and other "object" attributes. Why are these extensions made public? - Because we believe that simple constraints, such as formulas provided by TclProp, make programming user interfaces in Tcl and Tk easier. - Becase extensible constraint toolkits, such as OAT/TclProp plans to become, make programming in general more powerful. Is there any documentation? - The README files for each component of the distribution. - blurb at What is included in the distribution? The distribution includes the following components: - TclProp 2.0, a script-only formula manager and propagation engine for Tcl. - OAT (stands for Object Attribute Traces), a Tcl extension for using traces with arbitrary objects, and not just with Tcl variables. - TkOAT, an extension to Tk that enables traces on Tk widget and canvas item attributes. This extension currently requires changes to the Tk core. - patch for tk4.1 required by TkOAT. File name is tk4-tkoat.patch. The distribution is packaged in 3 different forms, with TclProp included in each of the three. The differences are in how loadable extensions and changes to the Tk core are packaged: - TclProp-2.0p1.tar.gz : patches to Tk 4.1 core. 4.2 patches to come... - TclProp-2.0p1-src.tar.gz : same patches already applied to Tk 4.1 - TclProp-2.0p1-bin.tar.gz : pre-compiled wish4.1 binaries for Solaris, Linux, and Irix. More platforms to come... See file README-bin for more information on how to set up and run the precompiled wish binaries. Where is it? - TclProp-2.0p1*.tar.gz uploaded to -*.tar.gz How do I install it? See file INSTALL for more information. What is the status of TclProp, OAT etc? What are the future directions? - Quality: alpha. We expect to stabilize the code when Tk is made a dynamically loadable extension. - Future work: develop an extension similar to TkOAT that provides traces on [incr tcl] object attributes. Bug reports, flames, suggestions, etc: - send to me, Alex Safonov (