Hi, A while ago I decided to try to make a contool with wish. The two files in this distribution are how I did it on a Sun running SunOs 4.1.3. I had to make a new wish :-( to do it. I hear that Tclx might have the necessary commands but I haven't explored it. Anyhow, the hack to wish is small and easy to install. What it allows you to do is open the console from a wish script and have a Tcl routine called everytime the console gets input. How to Install: Put this line close to the top of the main.c: #include Put this line in your main.c next to the other Tcl_CreateCommands Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "opencons", OpenConsole, (ClientData) w, (void (*)()) NULL); Then append the file main_append.c to your main.c and recompile. If everything works you should have the new wish command: opencons pty_file tty_file opencons will create a handler for input to the tty and perform the ioctl call to grab console input. When input is received Tcl will call the routine 'console' with the number of bytes that are available on the console. The file getcons is an example of a wish script that calls opencons. -steve osborn@ae.sps.mot.com