{jstools changes since 4.0/4.0 (See also lib/jdoc/jedit-changes.jrt) Changes from 3.0 to 4.0 are also documented, and Changes up through version 3.6/3.0 documented as well, albeit a little more haphazardly. After version 4.0/4.0 1995.11.22 · added M-/ Emacs bindings in jedit (specifically, jedit_bindings.tcl), documented · added C-x h binding (select all) in jtextemacs.tcl, documented (should duplicate for entries) 1995.11.23 · in my ~/.tk/textbindings.tcl, added reformatting code and Emacs fill­paragraph (to move to library) 1995.11.24 · started list support for jdoc mode (to become jhtml mode) · added configuration of list and
tags in jdoc · added support for (one level of) lists and horizontal rules in jtagconvert.tcl's HTML generation (still to do: TeX output) (should this and hypertext support move to a library?) 1995.11.26 · rolled in Josê Bandeira's Portuguese localisation files - found a bunch of strings that were missing from the en files (and thus from his translations of them) · started fixing typos and missing strings in en and pt files (fixed database files for jedit, jdoc, and jabbrevs, and usage in jstools for jfs.tcl and jprefpanel.tcl.) · fixed hard­coded strings in jabbrevs script 1995.11.27 · distinguish `Done' (now `Close') on jmore panel from `Done' on Global Preferences panel (and keys and Portuguese are different from `Done' in jedit) · cleaned up rest of jstools string database, looked at jpeople and jhotlist database · created new jhtml mode (almost identical to jdoc mode except for mode:jhtml:write) 1995.12.01 · changed documentation for jldb.tcl to reflect the fact that app need not be exactly an application name · changed jedit:apply_mode in jedit_modes.tcl to load in mode­specific string databases; created those databases for most modes · fixed bug where `Done' button on mode­specific jedit prefs panel was causing prefs to be re­read from disk, overriding prefs changed in panel 1995.12.03 · documented `Done' -> `Close' in jmore and jmore.tcl · improved HTML generation - now sometimes distinguishes

, and may generate fewer superfluous
's and

's · fixed bug where only first window opened in a mode would be initialised. (this bug was introduced in fixing the Mode­Specific Preferences `Done' button.) now the `Done' button doesn't cause prefs to be re­read from disk, but any other invocation of jedit:apply_mode does (kludge!) · bumped version number to 4.0/4.1 in jinit.tcl and documentation · fixed bug in heading menu commands in jdoc and jhtml modes · documented jhtml mode; updated jdoc mode documentation · re­generated HTML documentation Released (sort of) version 4.0/4.1, for benefit of people translating strings. 1995.12.31 · fixed jprefs.tcl documentation, which still talked about X resource files. 1996.01.06 · added logical HTML styles to jedit_cmds.tcl, jedit_tags.tcl, jedit_menus.tcl, and jtagconvert.html NOT YET DOCUMENTED · modified tagging of lists and anchors in jdoc-mode.tcl and jhtml-mode.tcl and cleaned them up a bit NOT YET DOCUMENTED 1996.01.19 · told jmore about .jhtml files 1996.01.25 · modified jtagconvert.tcl to generate HTML with titles, using (the first line of) the first level 0 heading 1996.02.11 · modified jtagconvert.tcl (and prologue.ps) to allow parameterisation of fonts and sizes (not yet for headings) in generated PostScript. There's not yet a UI for choosing them. 1996.04.19 · put new preference routines for dealing with preference modules and panels in jprefs.tcl and jprefpanel.tcl. Documented changes to jprefs.tcl. 1996.04.20 · changed names of some procedures in jprefpanel.tcl · documented (incompletely) addtions to jprefpanel.tcl. · added PostScript and screen font preferences to global preferences in jprefs.tcl · added j:tag:configure_fonts in jtexttags.tcl; modified jedit_tags.tcl and jmore.tcl to use it. 1996.04.27 · added j:pref:colour_ui (and j:pref:color_ui); incorporated into j:pref:create_panel 1996.05.01 · now recognises makefiles as code 1996.05.18 · created sh-mode · fixed word­deletion bugs in jentrykeys.tcl under Tk 4.X; may have introduced bugs under 3.6. 1996.05.19 · finished changing js@calumet.org to js@aq.org. · updated version number to 4.1/4.2. Released version 4.1/4.2. 1996.05.27 · added recognition of Perl, xbm, and xpm as code by jedit · added -show option to j:prompt (and jprompt), documented · made jdoc honour user's Web viewer preference · removed jpathlib.tcl (which was unused) · shortened name of jedit_fix_tkMenuButtonDown.tcl to jedit_fixMenuBind.tcl · redid joptionbutton.tcl to support -variable and -command, and cget and invoke methods; updated documentation · modified jfs.tcl to use new j:option features · modified (with considerable trouble - have to get indirect lists working) jprefpanel.tcl to use option button · added mkdir button in jfs.tcl, documented · created j:hide_pointer and j:show_pointer (in jtkutils.tcl, documented · set jbindtext.tcl and jbindentry.tcl up to hide pointer during typing 1996.06.01 · quick­and­dirty support for a second level of nested lists (mainly in jtagconvert.tcl) 1996.06.03 · added (ugly) support for a third level of nested lists in jhtml-mode.tcl (jtagconvert.tcl's support generalises to arbitrary depth) · added rudimentary support for in HTML generation based on colour tags on first character in file (jtagconvert.tcl) 1996.06.16 · created jtail (in w-in-p) based on code posted by Jan Wieck . Only works at end of a pipe. 1996.06.17 · added (clumsy) capability to insert literal HTML (jtagconvert.tcl, jhtml-mode.tcl) 1996.06.21 · added (temporarily) #000000 and #ffffff to Background and Foreground menus in jedit, because Netscape 1.1 chokes on named colours. 1996.07.10 · fixed HTML preamble:

-> , added DOCTYPE 1996.08.07 · added Clear button to j:prompt, documented. 1996.08.10 · continued update to jprefs.tcl; added j:pref:panel, j:pref:read_panel, and j:pref:write_panel, and renamed a couple of other procedures · modified jprefpanel.tcl to use arrays and files associated with panels (rather than modules). The Save button is now consistently useful. :-) · modified jpeople (in w-in-p) to use new mechanism for its preferences 1996.09.05 · updated version number in jinit.tcl · updated version number in documentation · fixed positioning of j:option popup · fixed a few bugs in sh mode · documented sh mode Released version 4.1/4.3 1996.09.12 · added separate font menu to jstools; this makes Alt­key shortcuts easier 1996.09.13 · changed j:text:insert_string to j:text:insert, documented · created new jtextcmds.tcl library, documented · created j:cmd:text_cut, j:cmd:text_copy, and j:cmd:text_paste, which do the right thing depending on whether the current widget has rich­text formatting or not · modified jedit_cmds.tcl to use above for Cut/Copy/Paste · deleted (now superfluous) Rich Cut/Copy/Paste commands in jedit · fixed bug where rich paste wouldn't replace selection if J_PREFS(typeover) · made new Cut/Copy/Paste use files under ~/.tk if possible, documented · added new functions for dealing with metainformation to jtexttags.tcl - j:tag:get_metainfo - j:tag:set_metainfo - j:tag:delete_metainfo · modified j:tag:archive_text_widget and j:tag:restore_text_widget to save and load metainfo · modified jtagconvert.tcl to use title and bgimage metainfo when generating HTML, if it exists 1996.09.14 · removed some superfluous commands from the HTML menu in jhtml-mode · added commands for setting body colour/image attributes to jhtml-mode (using new j:tag:set_metainfo) · made jhtml-mode set text attributes (foreground, background, link colour, etc.) based on metainfo · updated jtagconvert.tcl to use new text metainfo when generating tag 1996.09.15 · documented metainfo procedures in jtexttags.tcl · added j:text:get_text_with_tags to use text dump command to get list of text and tags · added j:text:tagged_insert as wrapper around Tk4 text insert command to insert text and tag it 1996.09.15 · updated jhtml-mode documentation · updated jtagconvert.tcl documentation · documented j:text:tagged_insert in jtext.tcl documentation · write j:tkversion (in jtkversion.tcl), documented · modified jtextcmds.tcl to use plain­text cut­and­paste under Tk 3 (otherwise it would fail because the Tk 3 text widget insert command can't handle tags). · added -default option to j:prompt_colour_rgb and j:prompt_colour_name, documented · made scales longer in j:prompt_colour_rgb to improve colour resolution · made Return in value field in j:prompt_colour_rgb do the right thing · added -default to j:tag:get_metainfo, documented · made jhtml-mode default to existing colours when specifying body attributes 1996.09.18 · considerable work on a `document properties' (i.e. metainfo) user interface; working, but not yet incorporated into library 1996.09.21 · cleaned up jentrykeys.tcl and jtextkeys.tcl a little bit (parallelism, mainly) · created j:mkdir in jtclutils.tcl, documented · created jhistory.tcl · updated j:prompt, j:prompt_tcl, and j:prompt_unix (in jprompts.tcl) to use new history mechanism 1996.09.22 · added arrows to j:prompt panel when history is in use · updated jinstall to install lib/bitmaps directory (used by above) · documented jhistory.tcl library · documented history support in jprompts.tcl and jprompt · modified j:dialogue (in jtkutils.tcl) so it always deiconifies and focusses the panel (makes life slightly simpler in jprompts.tcl) 1996.10.05 · created j:tag:move in jtexttags.tcl to set typing tags based on tags around new insert postion; modified j:text:move to use it when the current text widget is rich Conceptual problem: the j:tag:move procedure has hard­coded information about properties of particular tags; there should be some way to provide an application­specific sanity­checking procedure instead · documented j:tag:move, but also should have user­level documentation for typing · modified `New List Item' command in jhtml mode so it creates an appropriate list item for the current list level (looking at the current tag list to determine the list level) · added support for horizontal rules to PostScript generation · added support for unordered lists to PostScript generation 1996.10.10 · bug fix in j:fs; clicking OK without typing anything in the entry would give `no such file or directory' when trying to cd to ``'' on systems where [file isdirectory {}] is true · implemented file history for j:fs (and added the option for directory history, but didn't implement it) 1996.10.12 · added history support to j:variable_entry · added history support to j:find 1996.10.12 · added Meta-r binding to find panel · added `Replace' command to jedit 1996.10.21 · removed dependency on auto_execok's return value from hostname­finding code in jtkutils.tcl (it broke under 4.2) 1996.10.23 · documented history support in jmetawidgets.tcl, jfindpanel.tcl, and the user­level Find panel documentation · changed default history size to 30 · documented jedit's new `Replace' command · completely localised jprefs.tcl and jprefpanel.tcl, fixing a couple of bugs along the way · changed Return entry binding (all sets of bindings) from self_insert to no_op Inadequate - default button still doesn't get invoked. I need a whole new mechanism for default and cancel buttons, and j:ekb:return and j:tkb:return procedures. 1996.10.25 · added -embedded, -command, -buttons flags to jedit:jedit PROBLEM - Meta-w to close window still works 1996.10.28 · updated version numbers in documentation and jinit.tcl · improved jinit.tcl documentation · updated jedit programming documentation to describe embedding improvements 1996.10.30 · fixed bug with saving preferences when $env(HOME)/.tk doesn't already exist Released version 4.1/4.4 } {{{display:background:red {11.81 11.101 15.99 15.124 16.0 17.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 166.25 166.81 187.0 189.0 191.0 192.0}} {display:foreground:gold {11.81 11.101 15.99 15.124 16.0 17.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 166.25 166.81 187.0 189.0 191.0 192.0}} {list:level:1 {8.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 17.0 18.0 22.0 23.0 26.0 27.0 30.0 31.0 38.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 48.0 49.0 50.0 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 56.0 57.0 61.0 62.0 63.0 64.0 65.0 66.0 68.0 69.0 71.0 75.0 86.0 87.0 88.0 89.0 91.0 92.0 93.0 94.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 100.0 101.0 102.0 105.0 106.0 111.0 115.0 116.0 117.0 130.0 131.0 135.0 136.0 139.0 140.0 150.0 151.0 152.0 153.0 157.0 158.0 163.0 164.0 170.0 171.0 173.0 174.0 176.0 177.0 179.0 180.0 181.0 182.0 189.0 190.0 192.0 193.0 196.0 197.0 198.0}} {sel {199.24 201.0}} {jdoc:xref:link {5.0 5.23 5.49 5.83}} {richtext:font:roman {2.0 3.10 3.36 6.0 6.21 7.0 7.10 8.8 8.11 8.30 8.35 8.51 8.69 9.8 9.13 9.38 9.52 10.0 10.10 11.8 11.30 12.0 12.10 13.27 13.31 13.48 13.53 14.34 14.38 14.47 14.51 15.65 15.80 17.0 17.10 18.112 18.114 19.46 19.48 19.53 19.55 20.26 20.31 20.33 20.37 20.43 20.51 20.66 20.73 20.78 20.85 20.90 20.104 21.30 21.38 22.0 22.10 23.38 23.43 23.144 23.149 24.21 24.28 24.56 24.63 24.68 24.76 25.14 25.19 25.46 25.50 25.67 25.83 26.0 26.10 27.28 27.36 27.62 27.65 28.10 28.26 28.30 28.45 29.49 29.54 30.0 30.10 31.34 31.39 31.44 31.53 32.57 32.61 32.67 32.70 32.107 32.111 32.118 32.121 33.253 33.269 34.38 34.47 35.40 35.44 35.49 35.54 36.13 36.18 36.33 36.37 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