Mmucl 1.0b2 -------------------- -Recoded the connect dialog box and forms package to look nicer. -Fixed up some the problems with getting a reasonable font in winmmucl and added an example of how to configure the fonts in the example mmuclrc. -Right click in any entry to insert the selection or, if nothing is selected, the clipboard. -Changed AddChar, LoadChar, and DeleteChar to charadd, charload, and chardelete respectivly and updated the html. -Misc. minor bug fixes. Mmucl 1.0b3 -------------------- -Fixed a problem where the record of a form could have a "" index in the array in which is it is stored. This caused problems if for example the pattern of an action was accidentaly defined as "". -Recoded all of the dialog boxes and added a dialog box for editing key bindings. -The help system is now a stand alone local html browser. -Code cleaned up and reorganized. mmuclrc is now mmucl.rc. Added an init file mmuclGui.conf to let the user adjust fonts etc to taste. -Fixed up the code in a number of examples in mmucl.rc. A number of examples also added. -Winmmucl's graphical interface improved a greatly. New look, more menu options, etc. -Updated the documentation. Mmucl 1.0b4 -------------------- -Gif's in the toolbar are now transparent, icon for sending files added. Started working on a mmucl icon. -Fixed up ansi color support in winmmucl. -Fixed problem with extra newlines displayed when playing some types of muds. -Added standard key binding for scrolling text and selecting menus(winmmucl). -Fixed up history scrolling. Now the current line of input is saved at the appropriate location in the history. -Added a very preliminary console version of mmucl, cmmucl. It needs stty to find the terminal size. I'm working on a readline interface. -Options menu added to xmmucl. Added reconnect, local echo, echo color, and keep line(like zmud) options menu in both xmmucl and winmmucl. -Added a slimmed down tcl tutorial written by John Osterhout. -mmuclGui.conf is now a resource file like .Xdefaults. The default mmuclGui.conf uses the new font format, {family size style}. Users with older version of Tk will have to change the fonts to the standard X format. The default mmuclGui.conf provides examples. -The back and forward buttons of the default html browser for the help system should work correctly now. -The character for substitution in the commands of an action is now the same as for an alias, "%". "%" can now be escaped with "\". For example alias a {alias b {echo \%1}} will set the b alias to echo %1. This makes aliases and actions setting up other aliases and actions less problematic.