Since 0.51: ----------- * Added printer previewing for printing plugins - buggy * Made makefile edit the library path in tkchooser.tcl so that now only the wish paths must be edited by hand. The wish paths may be configured automatically in future versions. * Smb now uses 'hostname -s' if env(HOSTNAME) is not set * Removed overlooked widget in Smbshare plugin. * Extended refresh times even more since lookup is so annoyingly slow * Tweaked plugin directory reading so not *.tcl files are ignored. * Built first version of Enscript plugin Since 0.5: ---------- * Added error checking in get_glob function so it returns an empty string if the variable does not exist * Made plugins delete their widgets before creating them so if some get leftover and orphaned they won't conflict with the new ones the next time you select the plugin Since 0.32: ----------- * Added SMB browsing support (parsing smbclient is nasty) * Added SMB printing (with filters) support * Added SMB shared disk mounting * Tweaked main window widget traversal (tab) and bound return in the plugin listbox to the active plugin's double-click function * Fixed LaserWriter printfilter error since 0.2: ---------- * Added support for users' .tkchooser directory to be used for storing plugin states, users' own configiles, plugins, icons, etc. * Added support to appletalk print plugin for a print filter commandline located in $userconfdir/printfilter * Winpop SMB plugin now actually works, but without browsing. * Added support for configurable fixed and proportional fonts to the config file and plugin API * Added debug flag and function to API to cut out 90% of debugging output * Improved INSTALL documentation slightly, added a configuration section to the README, and fixed some speeeling problems in the API_Description. * More GUI structure in place for appleshare mounting plugin (no mounting yet) * Tweaked mainbrowser GUI updating so you actually get some GUI feedback even when protocols are hanging on startup (getzone with no zones does this) * fixed Makefile - forgot to put misc.tcl module in module list * put in untested tweak to use -ascii sorting if -dictionary is not available in older versions of tcl.