Last Change : 14 Nov 1997 Changes in 1.18.71 1) Fix typo in code for closing server connections. 2) Fix bug with /RAW and /QUOTE 3) Fixed a problem when netscapes had spaces in there names. (And generally improved some of the code in that area) Changes in 1.18.70 1) Fix bug in saving Server port numbers Changes in 1.18.69 1) Fix problem with /TOPIC command 2) Fix bug in config when reverting. 3) Change COPYRIGHT notice slightly Changes in 1.18.68 1) Add new configurables for colours: net setcolour red defines the colour used in buttons that indicate when they are set. net foreground xxxxx defines the colour used *in some places* for the foreground! It defaults to the foreground colour defined for zircon. Its use will become more ubiquitous as time goes on.... 2) Add new Channel option "mytag". This allow syou to configure the string that is put out before your messages to channels. The default for channels and messages is > and for Chats =. Currently the only interesting thing you can do with the prompt is to include the magic string %n in it and this will have your current nick substituted: Channel *default* -mytag "%n >" Setting the tag for the default channel (or Chat) will change it for all other channels. You can of course set it on a channel by channel basis as well. Changes in 1.18.67 1) Fix bug when switching user buttons on and off in Chats and Messages. 2) Add quitwait option for Netspaces. this allows you to set the time that zircon will wait for the ERROR reply sent back by a server when it sends a QUIT. The default value is 10 seconds. Changes in 1.18.66 1) Fix problem with timed window closure. 2) Fix for menu modes when chanop status changes. (This may not be a fix yet - I think the problme is fixed, but I am not certain...) 3) Handle ^Gov flag on JOIN when it is the current user doing the joining. Changes in 1.18.65 1) Fix the horrible balls I made of the operator/speaker flagging code.... 2) A gash file called &1 was being created when exec was used. This has been fixed, but there is a residual problem here which I am working on. Changes in 1.18.64 1) Various internal fiddling about 2) Fixed a problem when timed out DCC offers were accepted. 3) Changed the reference count handling in the DCC code. If this doesn't work, at least it should fail safe, i.e. there will be more refs than derefs. Changes in 1.18.63 1) Remove : in tag on server Notices. 2) Change QUIT handling so that it copes iwth bad coding in servers. I think it is ridiculous that clients hould have to code round lousy coding in the servers, but, hey, that's only my opinion. Changes in 1.18.62 1) Fix typo in a tracing message 2) Fix frame reference error introduced in .57 - showed up as buttons not greying out on splits. 3) Fix really stupid errors in configuration (trying to be too clever....) Changes in 1.18.61 1) Fixed inverted condition on timestamping unsolicited messages. 2) Make Channel config window smaller so that it fits on a 600 height screen. Changes in 1.18.60 1) Add support for client hosts with multiple addresses : net myaddr host1.domain or net myaddr will specify your outgoing host for socket connectiosn to servers. The option net myport 5555 allows you to set the port number for outgoing server calls as well. (This is here for completeness as it is probably not much use!!) 2) Fix nasty bug in configuration - options were not changing for each channel. Changes in 1.18.59 1) Once again fixing typos. Changes in 1.18.58 1) Fix typos in .57 (as usual!!) Changes in 1.56.57 1) Dont put out date when creating an unsolicited message window that has timestamps true. 2) Remove extra leading space being sent with /msg 3) Add (user@host) to signoff notification information when known. 4) Add new -alwayslog value to netspaces. This takes the same values as the -toInfo option and will always send the message to the Info window as well as displaying a window with the message. This also involved rewriting a lot of the information message code. 5) Added Kill and Close to the values allowable for toInfo (for kills and line closures) 6) Fixed a gridding problme with +a mode windows. This required a huge rewrite of the way windows are organised and revealed a nasty bug in tk which had to be worked round.... Changes in 1.18.56 1) Fix display problem when anonymous & channels stop being anonymous. (2.9 IRCnet only) 2) Fix nasty typo introduced in .55 Changes in 1.18.55 1) Nickname menus were broken by a change in tk8.0 menu interface. Also there appears to be a bug in tk8.0 menu.tcl's implementation of tk_popup. If you hit this let me know and I'll tell you how to fix it. 2) Catch an ordering problem when DCC related windows are deleted in an unusual order. 3) Message button was not appearing on notifies when there wasa user@host specified for the user. 4) Move global ircIImode button to control panel. Changes in 1.18.54 1) Change startup handling *again* - it works for some systems and not for others.... (i.e. mine but not yours) Changes in 1.18.53 1) Fix bug in configuring Info 2) Fix startup display problem. Changes in 1.18.52 There is no 1.18.52 Changes in 1.18.51 1) Moral: Don't fix things late at night, over dialup from home.... Fixed the casue not the symptoms of the 1.18.49/50 problem. We try harder..... 2) Try to fix support for netspaces with . in their names. (Not fully tested yet though) Changes in 1.18.50 1) *SIGH* fix a problem with a speed up in initialisation... (Which I cant reproduce here for some reason) Changes in 1.18.49 1) There was no history in Chat there is. 2) Change handling of raw lines in info window so that lines starting with / are always taken as IRC II style commands (ugh) Changes in 1.18.48 1) Fix yet another horrible typo in the debugging version of the code..... Changes in 1.18.47 1) Fix another typo in the tracing code.... 2) Fix a bug in Channel configuration (couldn't get *new*!!!) Changes in 1.18.46 1) Make handling of a "cant happen" condition more robust. 2) Fix typo in the tracing version of the code. Changes in 1.18.45 1) Fix missing QUIT when no quit message given. 2) Trap and warn on DCC WBOARD calls. I might even support this if I can find out what the protocol is! 3) Bug fix in config when saving 4) SOUND seems to have been broken. Should be fixed now. (Sound doesn't work on my machine so I cant test it properly, but it executes a player program OK....) 5) Fixed scrolling bug!!! Changes in 1.18.44 1) Fix another DCC display problem Changes in 1.18.43 1) Add &SERVICES channel for IRCnet 2.9.3 servers. 2) Added Reason parameter to SQUIT command 3) Fixed display problems in DCC listing windows and other buglets that had crept in during the changes. 4) Fixes to / command stuff bugs introduced in the latest round of changes. 5) Fix to history bug Changes in 1.18.42 1) Fixed the stupid bug in deleteing Users when garbage collecting..... Changes in 1.18.41 1) You can configure the max number of beeps using net beeplimit 4 The default value is 4. 0 will allow all beeps through. 2) The maximum number of outstanding DCC requests can be configured. net dcclimit 10 The default value is 10, and 0 allows all DCC requests through. Any over the max will be silently ignored. 3) Redid the history mechanism. It is now separate from the scrolling buffer of the window. There are now two configurable options for channels etc. : -history 10 -scrollback 50 history controls the history of what you type, scrollback controls how much is displayed in the window. 4) Redid all the DCC listing windows and how you interact with them. (There are some minor display problems that I haven't fixed yet) Changes in 1.18.40 1) Fix ButtonMenu to handle -direction query from tk internals. 2) Anyone CTCPing you with a bell in the CTCP name gets ignored for CTCPs automatically. 3) Zircon will now only insert 3 bells into any chunk of text displayed in the buffer. Changes in 1.18.39 1) Handle rogue ACCEPT messages properly. 2) Various fixes to configuration Changes in 1.18.38 1) Fix horrible typo in start up..... Changes in 1.18.37 1) Give an error when an invalid/unsupported / command is used. Old behaviour was to send line to channel. 2) Add ircIImode toggle buttons. ircIImode is also on a per channel basis 3) Allow key and speaker flags to be moved around using the look command. 4) Added jump toggle button under scrollbar and removed the menu item. 5) Make the Chat creation code more robust - this *should* fix the problem of chats being associated with the wrong network (but I dont guarantee it as I cant reproduce the problem myself.) 6) You can dicker with the position of the jump toggle button and the put the scrollbar over on the left if you want. 7) Added the start of a readme for the look command. Changes in 1.18.36 1) Fix horrible bug in 1.18.35 which stopped it working..... 2) Started to add OSF1 and BSDI to the installer 3) Started to add permission changing to installer. Changes in 1.18.35 1) Fix title on incoming dcc request window to include net name. 2) (Hopefully) fix error on JOIN. I think this is an Undernet only problem and may only occur after Netsplits. WHo knows what the Undernet changes to the protocol are?? Changes in 1.18.34 1) Fix missing \ in Message.tcl 2) Catch package indexing errors in the installer Changes in 1.18.33 1) Fixed bad call to channel rejoin Changes in 1.18.32 1) Restricted Connection message was not being cleared. 2) Fixed bug in killing of DCC processes Changes in 1.18.31 1) Fix problem with PageUp and Down keys 2) Some fiddling with appearances. 3) Fiddle with Open button and its status - dont know if this has actually changed anything!! 4) Fix typo in code for finger Changes in 1.18.30 1) Fixed an error in handling of DCC RESUME. 2) Fix problem in Log file handling. 3) Fixed a couple of gridding related things. 4) Fixed gridding bug when opeing draw window. Changes in 1.18.29 1) Add the -joinat command for channels so that you can schedule a join for a specific time. (The value is anything that the tcl/tk clock scan command can parse, the value is checked and you'll get an error if it appears to be in the past.) Changes in 1.18.28 1) Fixed lots of gridding errors introduced in the 27 sweep 2) Fixed error in RESUME code. 3) Gridded some things that hadn't been gridded... 4) Fixed a potential problem with auto-oping when the connection goes down. Changes in 1.18.27 1) Changed to using the grid manager everywhere. This will undoubtedly cause all kinds of problems.... 2) Changed the handling of auto opping which was going wrong in certain cases. Also fixed a typo which in some very unlikely cases would have caused data to be left around. 3) Fixed the looping problems - it was related to gridder/packer conflicts. 4) Removed the Help service option from the configuration window as I dont think there any IRC help systems out there anymore.... I will probably remove it from the whole system at th enext major release point. 5) Fixed two "sleepers" that nobody had hit but which I found when trying out the tclparse package 3) Fixed problem with WHO command. Changes in 1.18.26 1) Fix List command which was still broken... Changes in 1.18.25 1) Fix a missing parameter in error message handling - only affects people running tcl 7.5 .... 2) Fixed an ancient bug when users try to draw polygons with too few points. 3) Some minor changes in the installer to forstall possible future portability problems. Changes in 1.18.24 1) Fix List bug introduced in a recent release whilst making Lists safe for multiple netspaces.... 2) Added a couple of grouchy things to the FAQ 3) Fix bug in File dialog boxes introduced when changing to gridding. (Hey, it didnt work, but it looked much better!) Changes in 1.18.23 1) Fixed some bugs in saving preferences. Add some things that should have been saved. Changes in 1.18.22 1) Support automation of installZircon process (basically for Debian creators) 2) Fixed bug in Friends config 3) Changed oper messages a bit more. 4) Add the option -ban for channels. This consists of a list of pairs: {{regexp ban} {regexp1 ban1} ....} When someone joins a channel the nick!userhost prefix is compared against the regular expressions and if one matches the user is banned from the channel using the string the pattern in teh second element of each pair. The user is also kicked after the BAN has been sent. 5) Dialogs now pop up centred on the screen 6) Colouring of warnings, ctcp replies etc. now works (at least a little) 7) Fixed a history problem Changes in 1.18.21 1) Add new meta option that allows you to specify which of the Mod1-n keys works ad the Meta key inside zircon: net meta Mod3 You can also do this assignment on a permanent basis using the xmodmap command (q.v. (that's Latin for RTFM)) Changes in 1.18.20 1) Fix the typo in 1.18.19 *SIGH* Changes in 1.18.19 1) Fixed a typo 2) Fixed bug in ignore (clearing all the flags didn't work properly) 3) Changed some messages for operator password getting and made password entry secret. 4) Add new feature enabled by net cleargone 1 This will periodically test to see if the users who you have Message and Notice windows open to are still on IRC. If they are not, then they will be removed. 5) Recognise difference between local and global irc operators. Changes in 1.18.18 1) Fix auto-opping bug. 2) Added -closeleave option for Channels etc. When set this leaves the Channel (or Message) rather than just popping down the window. Changes in 1.18.17 1) Fixed bugs in new logging code 2) Some internal cleanups in tcl usage - probably added more bugs.... Changes in 1.18.16 1) Fix a bad call on Server :: make Changes in 1.18.15 1) Add the file that I missed out of 1.18.14..... 2) Fix bug in handling of Operator passwords. Changes in 1.18.14 1) Fixed a bug in notify introduced in 12a and a key clearing problem. 2) Added Alt-1 click to Leave buttons which will leave without asking for confirmation. 3) Items in toInfo and noconfirm fields are now always translated into upper case. (The README file was wrong - this has now been fixed as well) Changes in 1.18.12a 1) Change menu handling for Meta-tab. 2) Change Meta-tab to expand using only the channels list of users rather than all those known for the net. (The info window will search all the users zircon knows for the net) 3) Add new formatting charcters to log file names - %n expands to the network name and %c expands to the channel name (or nickname for messages). This allows automatic opening for logfiles for arbitrary channels. 4) Fixed a couple of small bugs. Changes in 1.18.12 1) Fix bugs introduced in 1.18.11.... Changes in 1.18.11 1) When Meta-Tab picks up multiple hits, a menu pops up. You can pick the items using the mouse or using the function keys. 2) Add ISON on condition which fires when a user is detected as joining IRC. The matching condition ISOFF is there too. 3) Bugs in history handling fixed. (Specifically, actions work better, timestamps are removed and the Down key now works as well as Control-n. Changes in 1.18.10 1) Fix friends problem when -id is given. 2) Changed -id matching to regular expression rather than exact. 3) Added Meta-Tab to expand nicks. (Currently you get the first hit as I am only experimenting....) Changes in 1.18.9 1) Fix the bug introduced in 1.18.8 *sigh* 2) Fix bug with Kick ing users with weird nicks..... Chanegs in 1.18.8 1) Fix the problem introduced in 1.18.7 for people runnign with out netspaces..... Changes in 1.18.5 - 1.18.7 1) Various bug fixes 2) Support for plugin modules is now availabel but completely undocumented. There is an example plugin called MsgOps which sends a message to all the opreators on a channel. It is callable from the Channel menu in a channel window. Note that Dcc and Sed whilst living with the plugins are rather more integrated into the whole system than other plugins will be. 3) Some internal changes which should be invisible, but knowing my luck probably aren't.... Changes in 1.18.4 1) on conditions were all failing silently - they now work. 2) The handling of some new 2.9 server features was not complete 3) There was something amiss with colour handling - I think it is now fixed. Changes in 1.18.3 1) Fix a bug with 401 error returns from the server. Changes in 1.18.2 1) Fixed problem with some systems that did not recognise KP_ bindings. These may have been X11R5 or may not have had Keypads, I dont know which. 2) Added some code to do with setting Auto Accept directories, but you cant get at it yet.... Changes in 1.18.1 1) Bug fixes of course 2) Added support for Page up and Page down scrolling. 3) Added back in support for FINGER ctcp outgoing. Will only respond to incoming FINGER if fingerinfo is not empty. USERINFO will only reply if userinfo is not empty now. These commands are flood bate... Changes in 1.18 released version 1) Yet more little bug fixes. 2) Some extra material in the documentation (Hurray!!) I also delted a bunch of stuff that was wrong but haven't had a chance to write any more yet.... (Boo!!) 3) Time stamp formatting is now supported. (The support for time stamping may well change in the next version BTW) Changes in 1.18b41 1) Added README.prefs which describes all the configurable parameters for user configurable items 2) Added autogetdir so that automatic acceptance of DCC sends can have somewhere to put the file. This value can be a single directory, or else it can be a list of pairs: {{dir1 ptn1} {dir2 ptn2} {dir3}} dir1 will be selected if the incoming file name matches the regular expression ptn1, etc. If you do not give a pattern then it defaults to .* and will match any file. If no patterns match then you will be prompted for a directory. N.B. matching is case sensitive!! 3) Added a configuration option for the autoget list onto the Users->DCC menu on the control panel. Currently you cant configure autogetdir except by hand in your prefs files. Changes in 1.18b39 1) All Users menu items now remember the last user name you typed in. 2) CTCP replies are now handled differently for display purposes. 3) Auto-op expressions were being saved incorrectly. Currently there is some code that tries to get round this, but there are some cases where it goes wrong. If you have trouble with auto-ops get in touch. Changes in 1.18b36 1) Fix problems introduced in b35 :-) 2) Support stacked and embedded ctcps 3) Changes to saving of prefs files - should be smaller now. 4) Other stuff as well. Changes in 1.18b31 1) Palette redesigned - now has colour and formatting on it. Background colour setting is not yet supported. 2) Add Button 3 pulldown menu which is like the Palette 3) Added nosort flag to turn off sorting of names in channels. 4) Unaccepted DCCs (incoming and outgoing) are ditched after 5 minutes. Configurable in preferences using net dccTime Changes in 1.18b29 1) Lots of CTCPs removed - some are never used and others are flood bate. The whole area of CTCP is under discussion in a forum of client writers at the moment. Changes in 1.18b27 1) Added support for Unixware (not fully tested) 2) Add "Reconnected" message to open windows on reconnect 3) Fixed a nick in use problem I found. 4) Button-2 click on Away button clears the away. Changes in b16-b20 1) Lots of bug fixes in new installation process 2) Bug fix for Mode/PopUp in Channel windows 3) Bug fix for tcl7.5 users in file selection boxes 4) Start of Colour protocol support. This supports the protocol as used by mIRC which is the one that I was asked to support. Changes in 1.18b15 1) Completely new installation system Changes in 1.18b10 1) Moved DCC and SED to plugin directory. Integrated DCC more into tcl 2) SED can now be done using a loadable C module. 3) Moved everything over to using the package system 4) Fixed the moderated channels bug and added an icon to show current state. Changes in 1.18b5 1) Add a startup screen and change control panel a bit. 2) Multi network support is now added. You need a directory called netspaces in your .zircon directory to start with. If you dont have this zircon should be much the same. 3) You can set the responses to USERINFO, VERSION and FINGER CTCPs, use: net userinfo {msg} net fingerinfo {msg} net versioninfo {msg} in your preferences or netspace files. 4) Redid the button images - now enabled by default 5) Added maxQueue option for network so that you can control the number of CTCP replies that get queued. Set it to {} for no max, >=0 t0 control the queue. 6) Allowed entries in netspaces directory to be directories themselves. If they are then zircon looks for a file called preferences inside that directory - this route allows me some future expansion for per network configuration. 7) Made configuration change detection work on a per network basis. 8) If you type Meta-/ or Meta-? in a channel you will get up a Search dialog that will let you search the channel text. 9) The blue up/down buttons change colour when the network is active. 10) Add the autoAway feature 11) Add NOTICE to toInfo feature 12) Added channel timestamping 13) Added netspace unloading 14) Added look and share facilities for window configuration. These are completely undocumented....and are really Release 2 features. 15) Added -noshare option so that you can mark channels as not sharing windows ever - useful for special messages. 16) Mouse down button 2 on a list window gives popup with full channel name in it. this sort of conflicts with the button 2 drag - I don't know if anyone actually uses that! 17) Processing of List speeded up by inclusion of dynmaically created item matching procedure. 18) Added SQUERY and SERVLIST for 2.9 servers and p,q and s stats options. Changes in 1.17 p4 1) DCC Fixes 2) DCC progress monitor changes 3) Support for DCC actions 4) Last directory used for Send, Get and Sound playing remembered 5) Last directory used for drawing saving and Channel logging remebered on a per channel basis. New channel options -logdir and -drawdir allow you to set where this points to in your preferences file. 6) Support incoming PART strings 7) Support for server passwords in configuration 8) Support for 2.9 features 9) Support for Undernet MAP, SIlence and LIST commands 10) Completely new debugging interface 11) Add automatic acceptance of DCC gets and chats 12) Added -D and -T flags to control debugging and tracing 13) Changes to preferences file format 14) Changes to look and handling of invisble/wallops/srvmsg flags 15) Added antiflood protection - "et zircon(antiflood) " in your preferences file causes ctcp replies to be queued and fired off at intervals of the time given. Setting the value to 0 turns off flood protection. 16) Handle 2.9 anonymous channels better 17) Handle moderated channels better 18) Adding support for tcl7.6 features. 19) A GAzillion changes... 20) Away interface redone. Changes in 1.17 p1 - p3 1) Bug fixes 2) Security fixes Changes in 1.17 1) Fix bug in startup code 2) Fix problem when fonts etc. are missing 3) Add Server/Trace window 4) Add Missing Stats option and parameter window 5) Fix some dialog box problems 6) Add dump function 7) Changes to DCC internal comms 8) Fix some File dialog errors 9) Fix Channel closetime configuration error 10) Button 2 used on the Quit button and on Leave buttons makes them popup a menu. Some features work now and some are reserved for use with ircd 2.9 features. 11) Start to fix various memory leakages 12) Add WHowas an fix WHOIS for ISON prompt boxes. 13) Fix whowas + count problem 14) Fix pasting into Info window entry line 15) Fix pasting into Chat window 16) New narrower name buttons 17) Catch flush errors on channel logging. 18) (some) \ in nick bugs fixed 19) Add -r flag. -r filename will cause the named file to be read instead of any other rc files. 20) Speed up processing of channel Lists. New variable zircon(tmp) contains the name of a directory suitable for temporary files. defaults to /tmp. 22) Start of major internal rearrangement - one further step towards V2..... 23) Added zircon(sepColor) flag to control color of the lines on the command window. 24) More [nick] bugs... 25) Tons and tons of internal changes 26) Added "set zircon(ping)