CHANGE History of ASED Tcl/Tk IDE 03.01.00: NEW VERSION : 0.9.3 BUGFIXES: -file : ased.tcl -description: directory-names including spaces should now be handled correct -file : ased.tcl -description: redirection of puts to the console window while testing is now limited to stdout channel, so files will be handled correct. 21.12.99: BUGFIX: -file : manager.tcl -description: editor window shows now the current cursor position (insert) after a switch between different editor windows 20.12.99: ADD ON: -file : ased.tcl -description: under WinXX "puts" commands are now redirected to the console window, if an application is run from within ASED BUGFIX: -file : manager.tcl -description: update proc selection in procList when switching between different editorwindows 17.12.99: ADD ON: -file : ased.tcl, bindings.tcl, manager.tcl -description: added "goto line" option added "change tabs into spaces" option 13.12.99: mainly Bugfixes for use with Linux (Unix) BUGFIXES: -file : all -description: under Linux (Unix) ased didnīt start, cause some filenames started with capital letters. All filenames (and images directory name) now start with lower case. -file : ased.tcl -description: main window was limited in size. Solved! -file : manager.tcl -description: under Linux the selection in the Editor window was overridden by selection in procwindow. Solved: Added "-exportselection false" to procWindow 09.12.99: BUGFIXES: -file : ased.tcl -description: ProcList-History should work now correct changed proc checkProcs 07.12.99: NEW VERSION : 0.9.1 This is mainly due to that regexp bug under tcl/tk 8.1 and higher BUGFIXES: -file : bindings.tcl -description: clicking a proc in procList will now find the proc also if ASED runs with Tcl/Tk 8.1 or 8.2. (changed regexp in proc goto_mark in file bindings.tcl) -file : ased.tcl -description: delete proc entries in procList, when proc is overridden or deleted -file : ased.tcl -description: changed package require for BWidget to 1.2 (was 1.2.1) CHANGES: -file : repl.tcl -description: substitude of tk_messageBox with YNC_messageBox, so the Dialog (replace ? yes no cancel) will no longer hide the marked items while pop up in the middle of the editorwindow. ADDED: -file : ased.tcl -description: show/hide option for console and proc window