This HTTPD is written in Tcl and Tk. Written by Stephen Uhler and Brent Welch of Sun Microsystems Laboratory. Brent is now at Scriptics Corporation. See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. Version: 2.3.2 Last update: Fri Oct 15 10:29:20 PDT 1999 It requires Tcl7.5 and Tk4.1, or higher. It works with the latest 8.2 release. The following releases are recommended: Tcl 7.6p2, Tcl 8.0.5, Tcl 8.2.1 [The "opt" package in the main bin/httpd.tcl script is not supported in Tcl 7.5 or 7.6. It is only used for parsing the command line options - just remove that code from bin/httpd.tcl if necessary.] The Web server runs under either tclsh or wish. With wish you get a simple GUI that shows some counters. For a quick test that runs a server on port 8015, do UNIX: tclsh bin/httpd.tcl -debug Windows: Run wish or tclsh and source bin/httpd.tcl Macintosh: You'll need to edit httpd and tune the file names because I haven't gotten around to this yet. Then source the file from the source menu. Send me a copy of your tuned script, please. For a complete set of command line options, do httpd.tcl -help This lets you set basic parameters like port number and server name. Version 2.3 changes the way post data is handled. Version 2.1.6 introduces a configuration file, tclhttpd.rc You can edit this to tune the set of modules used by the server, or to hardwire the port, etc. If you have Scotty installed, then you can try out the SNMP demo. You'll need to arrange to have the Tnm*.so library on the auto_path for your shell. I have found that 2.1.5 works with 8.0a2, but not with 8.0b1 because Tcl_GetFile has gone. There is a mailing list for users of the Tcl web server. Send a message containing the word "subscribe" to or, if that is dead, send email to to find out the current location of the mailing list Send messages for the list to Bugs and comments to the mailing list, or to Put "httpd" in the subject of the mail so I can sort it automatically. The current URL for the distribution can be found in There is documentation at There is a netCVS repository on For details, please see