Mmucl 1.3.0 ----------- -Rewrote all of Mmucl and the examples to use features found in Tcl 8.2. Mmucl now requires Tcl 8.2 to run. -The input widget in the tk and xterm interfaces expands and shrinks as necessary to keep input in view. (Still some issues with text including newlines being pasted in.) -In format patterns ^ and $ match the beginning and end of a line respectively. Usage of %^ is deprecated. -Added priorities to actions as optional third argument. They are 0 by default and can be modified with "action priority". Higher priority number actions are guarenteed to be checked before lower priority actions. -Added config options action_by_line which changes action matching such that every action is checked against every line of text, not against every chunk of text. -Added command "mmucl" to query various info such as connect status and host. -The gui interfaces no longer use tkinfo for online help. I hacked a much slimmer and nicer verison together which is now included with the distribution. -Added plain vanilla terminal interface "text" as an alternative to "console". -The xterm interface no longer starts an xterm to use. It will use the terminal its started in. To start it in a new xterm do "xterm -e mmucl xterm". -Startup on various platforms unified with a tcl startup script. I event tested under windows. Vmware rocks. -Added GUI config system for Tk that lets you dynamically change widgets. No more Tk.conf. -Fixed a problem with the tk interface occasionally deleting output in text without ANSI codes.