============================================================================= readme SVGA drivers for PLplot using the emx/gcc compiler 7-Jan-1995 ============================================================================= emx0.9a (gcc 2.6.3) svgakit/vesakit 1.7 (Johannes Martin) See "readme.emx" for information on obtaining the above. The final executables run in Dos or Dos mode of OS/2. Forget about trying to run in a Windows Dos box. To compile everything under Dos simply: dos> .\mkmf dos> .\link main stubs dos> cd tmp dos> make dos> make install To compile on an NFS mounted drive is only slightly more complicated: unix% ./mkmf unix% ./link main stubs NFS dos> cd tmp dos> make dos> make install the "NFS" *must* follow "main", since it renames the mixed-case headers plplotP.h plplotTK.h plplotX.h tclMatrix.h that would otherwise be re-mapped strangely on the NFS mount. Similarly, the directory "examples/C" should be renamed "examples/c". The install can provide the stubs for FORTRAN via "f2c", the fortran-to-C converter. Set the "enable_f77" variable to "yes" in ./mkmf.bat to install the f2c stubs. I have not personally tested this, but it is said to work with the djgpp/gcc port; you'll need the m4 preprocessor for the Fortran examples. The makefiles have been tested and work with dmake3.8 and GNU make. The only Unix-ish tool that is required by the makefile(s) is an `rm' that understands forward-slashes to remove the library target. The default installations are plplot library: c:/usr/local/plplot/lib demo programmes: c:/usr/local/plplot/demos These locations can be changed in the ./cf/init.in file. (Please note the Unix and Dos name types and change BOTH.) To compile the demos: dos> cd DEMOS_DIR/c dos> make cdemos dos> make bind The final step is to enable port and memory access for the VESA driver. If a demo executable core dumps when you use "-dev vga", it is probably because you forgot the final binding step. Other customizations: - pldevs.h Define the appropriate macro to enable the corresponding output driver. - plconfig.h Define (string) values for LIB_DIR, BIN_DIR, and TCL_DIR if you want plplot to look somewhere other than the hardwired or environmentally-set locations for the files it needs. These values (and/or the environment variables) should be in forward-slash UNIX style, but can include a drive specifier. eg, #define LIB_DIR "c:/usr/local/plplot/lib/" Thanks to Paul Kirschner (pek@utrc.utc.com) for the djgpp configuration which provided a basis for this one. ========================================================================== Notes on the driver: - Since I have only tested this on a DOS system, I used the _read_kbd() function which OS/2 users may want to avoid and the final bind options for executables may be adjusting. - The driver uses the "-geometry" command-line option to provide control over the video resolution (details in the driver code). ========================================================================== Mark Olesen Queen's University at Kingston olesen@weber.me.queensu.ca --------------------------------------------------------------------------