| Index Entry | Section |
Q | | |
| query-replace-history | 20.4 Minibuffer History |
| query-replace-map | 34.5 Search and Replace |
| querying the user | 20.6 Yes-or-No Queries |
| question mark in character constant | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| quietly-read-abbrev-file | 36.4 Saving Abbrevs in Files |
| quit-flag | 21.10 Quitting |
| quit-process | 37.8 Sending Signals to Processes |
| quitting | 21.10 Quitting |
| quitting from infinite loop | 18.1.2 Debugging Infinite Loops |
| quote | 9.3 Quoting |
| quote character | 35.6 Parsing Balanced Expressions |
| quoted character input | 21.7.4 Quoted Character Input |
| quoted-insert suppression | 22.9 Changing Key Bindings |
| quoting | 9.3 Quoting |
| quoting characters in printing | 19.5 Output Functions |
| quoting using apostrophe | 9.3 Quoting |
R | | |
| radix for reading an integer | 3.1 Integer Basics |
| raise-frame | 29.11 Raising and Lowering Frames |
| raising a frame | 29.11 Raising and Lowering Frames |
| random | 3.10 Random Numbers |
| random numbers | 3.10 Random Numbers |
| rassoc | 5.8 Association Lists |
| rassq | 5.8 Association Lists |
| raw prefix argument | 21.11 Prefix Command Arguments |
| raw prefix argument usage | 21.2.2 Code Characters for interactive |
| re-search-backward | 34.3 Regular Expression Searching |
| re-search-forward | 34.3 Regular Expression Searching |
| reactivating advice | 17.5 Activation of Advice |
| read | 19.3 Input Functions |
| read command name | 21.3 Interactive Call |
| read syntax | 2.1 Printed Representation and Read Syntax |
| read syntax for characters | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| read-buffer | 20.5.4 High-Level Completion Functions |
| read-buffer-function | 20.5.4 High-Level Completion Functions |
| read-char | 21.7.2 Reading One Event |
| read-char-exclusive | 21.7.2 Reading One Event |
| read-coding-system | 33.10.4 User-Chosen Coding Systems |
| read-command | 20.5.4 High-Level Completion Functions |
| read-event | 21.7.2 Reading One Event |
| read-expression-history | 20.4 Minibuffer History |
| read-file-name | 20.5.5 Reading File Names |
| read-from-minibuffer | 20.2 Reading Text Strings with the Minibuffer |
| read-from-string | 19.3 Input Functions |
| read-input-method-name | 33.11 Input Methods |
| read-kbd-macro | 24.4 Describing Characters for Help Messages |
| read-key-sequence | 21.7.1 Key Sequence Input |
| read-key-sequence-vector | 21.7.1 Key Sequence Input |
| read-minibuffer | 20.3 Reading Lisp Objects with the Minibuffer |
| read-no-blanks-input | 20.2 Reading Text Strings with the Minibuffer |
| read-non-nil-coding-system | 33.10.4 User-Chosen Coding Systems |
| read-only (text property) | 32.19.4 Properties with Special Meanings |
| read-only buffer | 27.7 Read-Only Buffers |
| read-only buffers in interactive | 21.2.1 Using interactive |
| read-only character | 32.19.4 Properties with Special Meanings |
| read-passwd | 20.8 Reading a Password |
| read-quoted-char | 21.7.4 Quoted Character Input |
| read-quoted-char quitting | 21.10 Quitting |
| read-string | 20.2 Reading Text Strings with the Minibuffer |
| read-variable | 20.5.4 High-Level Completion Functions |
| reading | 19.1 Introduction to Reading and Printing |
| reading a single event | 21.7.2 Reading One Event |
| reading interactive arguments | 21.2.2 Code Characters for interactive |
| reading symbols | 8.3 Creating and Interning Symbols |
| real-last-command | 21.4 Information from the Command Loop |
| rearrangement of lists | 5.6.3 Functions that Rearrange Lists |
| rebinding | 22.9 Changing Key Bindings |
| recent-auto-save-p | 26.2 Auto-Saving |
| recent-keys | 40.8.3 Recording Input |
| recenter | 28.11 Textual Scrolling |
| record command history | 21.3 Interactive Call |
| recursion | 10.4 Iteration |
| recursion-depth | 21.12 Recursive Editing |
| recursive command loop | 21.12 Recursive Editing |
| recursive editing level | 21.12 Recursive Editing |
| recursive evaluation | 9.1 Introduction to Evaluation |
| recursive-edit | 21.12 Recursive Editing |
| redirect-frame-focus | 29.9 Input Focus |
| redisplay-dont-pause | 38.2 Forcing Redisplay |
| redisplay-end-trigger-functions | 28.18 Hooks for Window Scrolling and Changes |
| redo | 32.9 Undo |
| redraw-display | 38.1 Refreshing the Screen |
| redraw-frame | 38.1 Refreshing the Screen |
| references, following | D.1 Emacs Lisp Coding Conventions |
| regexp | 34.2 Regular Expressions |
| regexp alternative | Backslash Constructs in Regular Expressions |
| regexp grouping | Backslash Constructs in Regular Expressions |
| regexp searching | 34.3 Regular Expression Searching |
| regexp-history | 20.4 Minibuffer History |
| regexp-opt | 34.2.3 Regular Expression Functions |
| regexp-opt-depth | 34.2.3 Regular Expression Functions |
| regexp-quote | 34.2.3 Regular Expression Functions |
| regexps used standardly in editing | 34.8 Standard Regular Expressions Used in Editing |
| region (face name) | 38.11.1 Standard Faces |
| region argument | 21.2.2 Code Characters for interactive |
| region, the | 31.8 The Region |
| region-beginning | 31.8 The Region |
| region-end | 31.8 The Region |
| register-alist | 32.21 Registers |
| registers | 32.21 Registers |
| regular expression | 34.2 Regular Expressions |
| regular expression searching | 34.3 Regular Expression Searching |
| reindent-then-newline-and-indent | 32.17.2 Indentation Controlled by Major Mode |
| relative file name | 25.8.3 Absolute and Relative File Names |
| remainder | 3.6 Arithmetic Operations |
| remhash | 7.2 Hash Table Access |
| remove | 5.7 Using Lists as Sets |
| remove-from-invisibility-spec | 38.5 Invisible Text |
| remove-hook | 23.6 Hooks |
| remove-images | 38.13.8 Showing Images |
| remove-text-properties | 32.19.2 Changing Text Properties |
| remq | 5.5 Building Cons Cells and Lists |
| rename-auto-save-file | 26.2 Auto-Saving |
| rename-buffer | 27.3 Buffer Names |
| rename-file | 25.7 Changing File Names and Attributes |
| renaming files | 25.7 Changing File Names and Attributes |
| repeat events | 21.6.7 Repeat Events |
| repeated loading | 15.5 Repeated Loading |
| replace bindings | 22.9 Changing Key Bindings |
| replace characters | 32.20 Substituting for a Character Code |
| replace-buffer-in-windows | 28.7 Displaying Buffers in Windows |
| replace-match | 34.6.1 Replacing the Text that Matched |
| replacement | 34.5 Search and Replace |
| require | 15.6 Features |
| require-final-newline | 25.2 Saving Buffers |
| requiring features | 15.6 Features |
| reserved keys | D.1 Emacs Lisp Coding Conventions |
| resize frame | 29.3.4 Frame Size And Position |
| rest arguments | 12.2.3 Other Features of Argument Lists |
| restriction (in a buffer) | 30.4 Narrowing |
| resume (cf. no-redraw-on-reenter ) | 38.1 Refreshing the Screen |
| return | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| reverse | 5.5 Building Cons Cells and Lists |
| reversing a list | 5.6.3 Functions that Rearrange Lists |
| revert-buffer | 26.3 Reverting |
| revert-buffer-function | 26.3 Reverting |
| revert-buffer-insert-file-contents-function | 26.3 Reverting |
| revert-without-query | 26.3 Reverting |
| rgb value | 29.20 Text Terminal Colors |
| right-margin-width | 38.12.3 Displaying in the Margins |
| ring-bell-function | 38.18 Beeping |
| rm | 25.7 Changing File Names and Attributes |
| rosh hodesh | 39.9 Sexp Entries and the Fancy Diary Display |
| round | 3.5 Numeric Conversions |
| rounding in conversions | 3.5 Numeric Conversions |
| rounding without conversion | 3.7 Rounding Operations |
| rplaca | 5.6 Modifying Existing List Structure |
| rplacd | 5.6 Modifying Existing List Structure |
| run time stack | 18.1.8 Internals of the Debugger |
| run-at-time | 40.7 Timers for Delayed Execution |
| run-hook-with-args | 23.6 Hooks |
| run-hook-with-args-until-failure | 23.6 Hooks |
| run-hook-with-args-until-success | 23.6 Hooks |
| run-hooks | 23.6 Hooks |
| run-with-idle-timer | 40.7 Timers for Delayed Execution |